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The rides full of adrenaline
The crowd full of laughter
The air full of a variety of smells

A carnival
A place of fun and enrichment

The carny grounds
Someone ends up hurt
Dies on sight

A carnival
Now a place that is closed

An empty place
Full of empty rides
Silent laughter

A carnival
Only a place of dares and bad choices

More death arises
More lost souls wandering
The carny grounds beginning to fill again

A carnival
No longer a place of fun and enjoyment

Screams fill the air in the night
Rides never stop running
A haunting of what was once a beautiful place

A haunted carnival
A place where the spirits roam
Have you ever cried and couldn't stop?

Maybe your chest hurt and you couldn't understand why?

You try to talk, but no one to listen?

Crave not only a voice, but the warmth of someone who cared?

You are not alone, for I too, am with you.
I am standing at the front of the line
We all know that it's about that time
You can't say I never tried
And even now it's costing me my life
Will you remember me if I die?
I try so hard

I try and I try
So hard that some would cry
But I'm not that okay
It's just that cloudy day
Showing my life
Is ready to fade
To darkness and no longer gray

Feelings are gone
Numb from too much being over shone
No more please
There's too much going on
Anymore and my lifeline will be gone

I'm shattering
Broken pieces are falling
My soul see's the light, it's calling
The mirrors reflection wants my hand
To lead me from this land
What more could I want
Sweet bliss

An eternity of nothing
In a world just on the otherside

Are shadows in the light

Whispering screams into the upside down sky

Where fire is cold and water flies

A dream where life ends but you can never die
Skin split open
Blood spilling out
Tears pouring down
As you fall

Darkness enveloping you
No light seen
Scream out pleas
As you fall

Depression is evil
Feeling emptiness eternal
Motivation all gone
As you fall

Falling forever down
Never safely grounded
To be hurting
As you fall
The days grow shorter

The nights grow colder

The clouds grow dreary

As you sit amongst the graves

Sing to the sleeping
For amongst the dead you are weeping

A melody for the fallen
To their forgotten souls you are calling

A lullaby to the little one
Showing them one last rising sun

The days grow shorter

The nights grow colder

The clouds grow dreary

As you sit amongst the graves
A black cat stands staring
Eye's wide and glaring
The tip of its tail twitching
Before it pounces upon its toy

A haunting meow in the dark
Paw's clawing to leave its mark
Prowling around the ground like a shark
Before it runs around in circles

Batting a ball on string in combat
Atop of a tall tree it sat
It's teeth baring as sharp as a bat's
Before promptly losing balance and falling to the floor

A black cat in her home to stay
Is ALWAYS in the mood to play
An argument too far and it breaks a family.
Life becomes tense when a word or name is mentioned.
Walking on tip toes like a ballerina to avoid the wrong words.
A tearful picture is removed.
A lost thought becomes a regret.
A death of a loved one changes nothing.
The anger and hurt is scarred into the soul.
Nothing makes it better but everything makes it worse.
And me, I'm stuck in the middle.
You see that tear slide from her eye
Yet you do nothing
You walk away unsure of yourself
She falls to her knees and cries
You continue to walk away
Thinking only of yourself
It was your fault
Yet you deny it
Later you'll break up with her
And then complain about it
That she wasn't good enough
You could do better

You notice your grades slip
And you complain about it
But you don't study
You say school is stupid
It's a waste of time
Yet you take a test and get upset at the results
You get help for that job placement test
And yet you still say school is ****

You get the job that you wanted
But it doesn't play out like you dreamed
You complain about it
And let yourself feel sorry
Yet you don't try at it
You let it eat you alive
Still not trying and yet you think you deserve a raise
You think it will happen if you stay long enough

You let your body go
Eating, partying, playing games
And you complain about it
Yet you don't try to fix it
You don't feel like working out
Or running like you use to
You say you'll do it later
but never do
Life, you say, *****
But you never try to make it better
You say maybe later I'll take a stab at it

You get angry at everything
Your job
Your friends
Your games
Your life
Yet you don't do anything about it
You'll throw things, hit things, but worst of all

You'll complain
I couldn't speak
Say something!
Tell them what's wrong!

I couldn't move
Pick your feet up!
Don't make them carry you!

My body was trembling
It hurts!
Stop hurting!

In and out I went
Where am I?
Who is touching me?

I was paralyzed
although there was nothing wrong

My mind had become a jail

Life was turning me into a prisoner

And my body had given up
Conversion Disorder
To feel lost in time is like waking up to nothingness

Numbness and pain fighting for dominance

Being awake but wishing for sleep

Life and death merging into one

Finding yourself being ripped in half but a thread holding the pieces together

Not knowing how to continue and yet walking forwards anyways

Wanting to disappear and yet still existing
Once again the pain is back
In life's emotional crooked path
You follow it without a choice
Somehow stuck moving without a voice
A devil on one shoulder laughing in your face
As you trudge on wishing for a warm embrace
Something to keep your mind off your cruel fate
From the beginning not knowing what to look for
Till the end when your body is rotting at Earths core
As every new life is born
The demons begin to snicker with scorn
With new life comes more to mourn
Till death do we part
A new life will start
Over and over again
Filled with sorrows wrath
The eternal crooked path
The darkness reigns within,
The shadows burst forth,
Unseen with the naked eye,
Loneliness is bound to the soul,
Wishes for the light,
But can never have contact,
Blindness is inevitable,
For the light is so bright,
And the darkness is where you live,
For eternity searching for more,
Than the shadows that keep you company.
You cry out with your internal pain. Tears leak down your pale dark face, as you stare up at the stars winking down at you. Life is becoming too much, and Time is shortening. You turn hearing a silent call to you. He's there staring at you with empty eyes, opening his cloaked arms as you stand up. With a small, sad smile you look into his face, as you enter Death's warm embrace.
Don't ignore me
I'm standing right in front of you
My heart still beats
And yet you stare right through it
Like I'm not even there
I beg for your acknowledgment
Still you don't listen
I feel like I don't exist
Life becomes meaningless
And still
You ignore me
Frozen in fear
Nothing but a tear
A cry of pain
Going insane
Lighting a flame
Never the same
Flickering light
Losing the fight
You write a letter
That no one will see
A ****** of a knife
Ending your life
The shadows grow
Dark and sinister
An icy chill
The blood begins to flow

The cries of the broken
Torn and tormented
Their hearts hurting
The pain never to soften

They say time will heal
But these souls ache
With the pain of the world
They don't know, because they don't feel

You can never get loose
You can't breath
It's like you're suffocating
Like you're being hung by a noose

There is no light
Forever forgotten
They're drowning
Losing their eternal fight

No one will save them
To remain forever lost
No more will to live
Their life will slowly
Her name is Katherine
I call her Katie
She and she alone is my best friend
She listens to my problems
And helps distract me
From a life of pain and complications
Lately, she and she alone has been my rock
A long time ago
Had it not been for her
I would have gone into darkness and swallowed whole
Losing myself to the shock

I have a sister and brother
A middle child I am
Although there are three
My parents only acknowledged two

Now there is my sister
The youngest of the three
The baby and most loved
She likes to make mom cry
And claims she wants to die

The oldest is my brother
Kicked out long ago
He liked to do drugs
And hit me
He loved to fight with my father
And destroy the peace, Slaughter

My mother
Loves my sister
And claims my brother
Me however
Well I'm a disappointment
Never good enough
A lecture
Never a nice gesture

And last there's my father
Who picks on me
But that's ok because that's how he loves
But he's never home
Always at work
And sides with my mom
When he isn't making her yell at him
He hits really hard
And when he plays it's rough
I figure it's because he's trying to make us tough

That's my family
Not always nice
Many of the reasons I cut my skin with a knife
Because I can't help it, that this is my life.
Fly high,
Thats what I wished to do.
To be able to be untouched.
Untouched by all those that lie.

Fly high,
Run my hands through the clouds.
And see what the birds see.
Far up in the sky.

Fly high
So no one can find me.
And i'll be free from judgement.
I wont even say good bye.

Fly high,
Seems so close yet so far.
So many ways to do it.
I look myself in the eye.

Fly high,
Is easy enough.
I just need to let go.
Let go and die.
I can't remember
What I did today
Did I talk to you?
What did I say?

My mind is fragmented
anxiety high
I couldn't breath
I thought I was going to die

A foggy memory
Body in pain
Muscles tightening
A struggle in vain

My mind is fragmented
Not much to see
As I lay there shaking
Please, don't leave me

An empty mind
As the aftermath starts to unfold
Weak and shaking
My body not doing as it's told

My mind is fragmented
Medications high
Forget to take it once, oops
I hope one day, it won't be goodbye
This feeling is like a curse
As they drive away in a long black hearse
The dark and gloomy sky
Shudders then starts to cry
A father consoles a mother
While holding a child
The dead's brother
For a moment they stay
Unable to look away
I try to call out
But they don't seem to hear my shout
These feelings I feel
Fill me to the brim
A new light has been shed
It was me
I was the one dead
This is dedicated to my deceased baby brother Cody David.
So much lost
Nothing gained
Not worth the cost
Health no longer maintained

Another hospital visit
Another problem
Body shaking with another fit
It's not you it's them

They lie again and again
It's not this, there is no reason
No trust in men
My limbs are freezing

No job
Failing in school
No more energy to cry or sob
Now I feel just like a tool

I don't have a reason anymore
No goal to reach for
Depression hits me harder than ever before
There is no longer another opportunity door

Life swallowed me whole
Ruining my car
Losing my job
Health plummets

To be able to live is a hassel
Every breath a struggle
How long do I have to suffer
With these health problems
I see you
With your long hair
And beautiful eyes

I try to get your attention
But you don't see me
Too far gone within your mind

You look away
Daydreaming about nothing
Sinking into a sweet bliss

You walk away slowly
Avoiding collisions carefully
Still deep in your thoughts

To the stranger I've never met
I'll wave to you
To your back

To tell you goodbye
A tear

Nothing can be said to make it  better

A fear

What if she didn't wake up

A cut

Temporary numbness

Eyes closed shut

She doesn't care anymore

She bleeds

She feels pain but it's like a cure

It is this that she needs

Holds her to reality

And out of insanity

She doesn't know how long

But her only regret was being alone
There is sorrow deep inside of me
So deep inside
I can feel it but can not draw it out

I ache to shed a tear
But the ache is not enough
My eyes refuse to shed my hidden sorrow

There is no relief
My very soul is lost in the depth of it
My sorrow is corrupting me

How much longer must I suffer
Wishing for help in my darkness
I'm not sure how much time I have left
How far do you want me to go?
One foot in front of the other,
Trekking through the snow.

You ask me for one thing
And tell me it’s wrong
I had even gotten down and offered you a ring
I wish for a reason some days
And you laugh in my face
Toxic relationship, that’s it, let’s part ways

How far do you want me to go?
Another shiver to keep warm,
Trekking through the snow.

Another life disappeared,
A new one here,
The only emotion I felt was fear.
Learning to live,
When another one had died,
A soul had a spirit that’s essence it had to give

How far do you want me to go?
A breath so icy,
Trekking through the snow.

Please tell me,
I’m so cold,
How far must I go
To receive what I’ve waited for
A peace to surrender to
A blissful end
To the pain filled beginning

How far…How far must I go?
I am ashamed
Life will never be the same
Now that I cut
The heart will stay shut
How do you cry?
I can only try
Pain is only a distraction
And still is only a fraction
Of what i feel inside
It's like my heart lied
Nothing is ok
I can only live from night to day
How long can I last?
Because i'm fading fast
I can only hope
That i can learn to cope
But the pain is too much
It hurts with just a touch
Truth be told i'm scared
Telling you this has left me bared
But now it's too late
I guess it's up to fate
I'm begging my heart to stop
But it's brimmed with pain to the top
My worst fear is you
That you'll become like me too
Dedicated to the one who was raised like me...
I never know what to say
On the brink of forgetting
Losing what I know
Lost on a strange path
No longer able to fend for myself
Dreaming of nothing
Life losing its essence
Weakness overwhelmed
Mental stability slowly burning away
A light slowly dimming
No more happiness
Death looking more inviting
How long to live with nothing
Goals torn from my heart
Ripping a hole in my being
Tears of loss dripping from empty eyes
I can't do much before passing
This world is a bridge
Life and Death fight for their rights
To take over your fate
The urge to forget
Is so strong

The feelings of pain
Is too raw

I need a distraction
Life is hard

No more smiles today
I've run out

Please help me out
I can't function
Slip and fall
Upon the hidden ice
Hitting the cold earth
It feels like running into a wall

Shivering from the chill
The air freezing
Entombed by winter's hands
If you're not careful, will gladly ****

The snow isn't melting
As the temperature drops
Life is dying
As the cold shows us what the hearts reflecting

Not an animal in sight
The air is quiet
The peace is deadly
As though just to breathe is a fight

Tread carefully in a dead world
The ice is black
And the life is gone
Into winters arms

A beautiful lie, where the dead's souls are hurled
They look at me and smile
My lips respond without thought
But it does not reach my soul
My meaning is not clear
Why do I smile back?
I don't understand

A sunny day outside
People out and about
Running, walking, playing
Happy as can be
But I don't feel it
How can they be happy
Why can't I feel it too?
I don't understand

A wedding so beautiful and charming
Bride and her maids crying
I sit there bored waiting for it to be over
Everyone else is cheering for them
Ready to celebrate their new life together
How are they crying with happiness?
I don't understand

Why can't I be happy like that?
To not have to make an effort
To be able to feel emotions like them
I don't understand
I am in so much pain that I can hardly see
But I don't want your sympathy
A poster of an abused to be
Just sing me a lullaby song
To distract me from all the things gone wrong
I just wanna curl into a little ball
To make the wind not as sharp from the fall

I don't want your sympathy
The only times you would look at me
The only way I would cry in pain
Was from the looks of those of shame
But I don't want your sympathy
Take it away or don't look at me
You were so mean to me
But I forgave you

You were trying to be better
I was proud of you

You worked on your own company
I believed in you

You got a car you were excited about
I loved the smile on you

You got a new suit and wore it with pride
I thought it looked good on you

You were reconnecting with our family
I was happy for you

But then you were taken from me
And now I miss you
My brother had a tough life when young, it made him an angry person. Finally he was getting his life together and we were reconnecting as a family. He was killed only a few months after I had seen him last. I miss him so much.
I recognize nothing
For what is to be recognized
Even my heart is a stranger
Every beat stranger than the last
Time continues on
Hopefully the end is coming fast
The pain of life
Is everlasting
And although I can see
I see nothing
My soul is empty
Forgotten and lost
I keep walking
Not knowing the cost
Maybe one day
A light will show me the way
So I can forget this darkness
That is swallowing me whole
I wish I was numb
The pain is overwhelming
Like a knife is implanted within my chest
Not allowing me to breath
Depression is ruling
The heart is aching
The memories are dancing
I'm angry
Barely in control
Lost in my pain of the past
Urges are starting up
Making me itch
Please save me
Please **** me
Shoot me, stab me, drown me
The pain is flowing over
I'm losing control
The thoughts are coming more often
To die is to be relieved
That's what the thoughts are trying to get me to believe
No one understands
Why I wish to be numb
I wish upon a star
That maybe one day i'll go far
away from here
A star so bright
I don't need a flashlight
to see the signs in front of me
A ball of gas so potent
A letter of resignation sent
to lift me away from depression
I wish upon a star
So I can find happiness
Today is the day
That all the things that I fear
Will disappear
And I will be just a memory

Just a memory
I don't understand
Why don't you look at me
I am not invisible
I am here, I am here

And though I call you
I seem to just disappear
I want you
Why are you looking away
Please just tell me that everything's gonna be okay

I can't feel
I can't see
I can't do anything without a key
I want you
I want you

Today is the day
All my worries have slipped away
I can sleep well without the fear
And I will be a memory

Today is the day
That all my hopes will fade away
All will seem like just a dream
And I am just a memory
I am just a memory

I won't lie
I won't cry
I won't die and be alone
I want you
I want you

I can see you but you can't see me
I don't understand
Were did I go wrong
I can't be just a memory

I want you
I want you
Don't you see
That it's just me
Not a memory
I want you
I want you
I am not a memory
I can't be dead
I can't be dead

I am a memory
I am just imaginary
I am in your wounded eyes
I am the reason for your grieving tears

I am just a memory
I wrote this many years ago...It's not that good but I thought I'd share.

It may seem kind of repetitive but the repetition is more of thoughts rather than words...if that makes sense.....
No breathe
Can leave my body

No movement
My chest remains dormant

No life
Resides within me

No more
Pain I have to hide

No lies
Left residing upon my face

No mask
That once hid my tears

No heartbeat
No soul
No sorrow

Just bliss
Everything in life is unexpected even when planned.
Like gambling trying to gain what you lost.
Time ticks forwards even when you want to go back.
When you turn on a light another one flickers off.
A life is spared when another one dies.
When the Cheshire cat cries, and the white rabbit is on time,
Only then can you tell me that the trickster is telling no lies.
Life is swirling around me
A never ending errand run
Sometimes my eyes blur until I can't see
Awake and moving before the risen sun

Work and school take up time
Responsibilities soak up whats left
My debts soaking up my left over dime
Everything I own is something I regret

Over and over the same every day
Working long hours for a little pay
Long road ahead, not even half way
Been too long, with nothing to say
Life is pointless
Like an ever revolving top
It'll take it's spin before falling over still
It laughs in your face
Like a bad memory
That resounds in your nightmares
People make it worse
Even though they see your troubles
They make thing complicated by adding their drama
So why?
Why must we go on?
In this never-ending carousel?
Like a haunted carnival
Life is full of terror
And the rides will never end
Until you give in
And leave it forever
Life we say is just not fair
Not giving you the right words to share

Always lost but never forgotten is the saying
But it is your skin that they are flaying

No breaks for time unending
Death and Sorrow are the fates sending

Cry and wail for help of others
Just like children do with their mothers

Gods and demons laugh and play
Watching as we struggle night and day

Trees of life grow and smolder
As Death shows an embrace that only gets colder

Who will shoulder this burden to bare
When no person or thing seems to care
I'm lost, the road in front split in two
So little time, with so much to do
The woods around me, is so dark
Each thorn I touch, leaves its mark
I grow tired, with each step I take
"Next time", I think, "my mind will break"
Every day, strangely, I survive
Each accident and problem, leaving me alive
How much longer, will it take?
How many sacrifices, will I have to make?
Love lost
In more ways than one
And at what cost?
Heartbreak is inevitable

Death everlasting
Grief never forgotten
My heart strings casting
For a pain killer

Love lost
Always a fatal blow
And at what cost?
Warping your heart with scars

Trust broken
Paranoia becomes persistent
A sleeping beast awoken
When are you good enough

Love lost
Self hatred is prevalent
And at what cost?
Forever negative about life

Tears falling
Hating the reflection in the mirror
Sadness is calling
Dragging you farther into darkness
Death, Breakups, Struggles with Self-Esteem.
My life flashed before my eyes
That's when I knew it was full of lies.

So many people come and go
Pulling my heart strings to and fro.

People think of it as a game
To make my life so full of pain.

All the tears and blood I've let leek
All because I've been dubbed a freak.

Even the one that claimed he loved me left
Breaking what was left of the heart in my chest.

A mother who lectures me
When all I want is to be set free.

One day I almost died
No one but me sat down and cried.

It made me wonder if I should of let go
At that moment the depression decided to show.

I wish to be numb
But I know that feeling is never going to come.

Why can't people care
Life just isn't fair.

It was so painful, I wish I never had to see
My life, flash before me.
Respect is not something you give
Even when respect is all that I give

You don't believe in me that I can do it
But I want to show you that I can do it

And you tell me to get off my high horse
But you don't see that i'm going at it at full force

All I want is for you to see me
And all you want is to be better than me

Please see me for who I am
Please show me that you give a ****
I have a demon in my room
It's like I live in a tomb
Every time I go to bed,
I see spirits of the dead
People say I'm lying
Let's see you live there without crying
Things move on their own
I once saw a child's bone
Things like to disappear
I look over to see it leer
It likes to see your fear
So don't let it get near
It'll give you a nightmare
And laugh as you dream of a fright fair
As you scream out
It will leave you with doubt
Smiling as you bleed out
If you go to bed
It will get into your head
And if your able to dream
It will make reality not as it seem
Don't close your eyes
Your life will become a bunch of lies
And if you break down and cry
...Well don't do that, or you'll die
Nightmares can make life seem like nothing but a dream.
Forever to blacken your sight
Your mind blank
Tainted by demons

Unable to breath
Like a weight is on your chest
Crushing your ribs into your heart

Ice freezing your veins
Fear of what's to come
As the darkness crashes over you

Your hand extends
Looking for something
To pull you from the dark

As though a light may come
Illuminate the way
To a place that feels safe

That life is full of disappointment
To lift you up
Before exploding and making you fall farther than before

From the blood on the ground
Where life made you fall
And you struggle to breath

As you drown in your own pool of blood
My chest aches
A dull throb
My heart beating
Like a drum

My mind blank
Life shocked it
Into a silence
A loud quiet

I sit down
In a corner
In soft loneliness
Always forever alone

Sometimes I cry
Mostly I stay
In my misery
A personal hell

Hurt too much
Abandoned too often
Life mislead me
To this hell

People hurt me
Saying mean things
Now I think
Horrifying beautiful thoughts

It's their fault
For these ideas
Of lonely suicide
A quick relief

Round and Round
In my head
They happily dance
Because of them

One good slice
On the wrist
Blood flowing freely
My red savior

A pill bottle
Of sweet narcotics
Sleep is everlasting
It's beautiful freedom

Driving too fast
It's so dark
Just a swerve
A black heaven

Numbness overtakes me
Should I partake?
Am I brave?
Too much feeling

Life fades away
The soul cries
Alone in darkness
Realizing something awful

I gave up
Only to find
Pain is everlasting
I still hurt
Death was coming oh so near
And yet there still was no touch of fear
The snow was tinged all black
As my head hit the steering wheel with a crack
Not much is remembered from that night
When I tried to touch the stars with all my might
I barely made it out of alive...
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