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1.4k · Mar 2019
The fire was never lit
Poetic T Mar 2019
Where just *******
               on a fire
        isn't even  lit

Expecting to keep
                        us warm
           with smoke choking
                      our resolutions.
1.4k · Jul 2018
Bitten beyond our worth
Poetic T Jul 2018
Beneath the voidless
     Do the fearful linger
For they will devour the
Flesh that caresses beneath
                   The faceless warmth.

For underneath they will feed on
       The cloistered hunger that
Has collected deep within the veins
        Light made form upon reflection.

When is a lusting more than the phase
Of hope, where light is consumed
     Beyond ourselves.
  We are but vessels of fear lingering.

"There is a snake that's fangs drain
     The light, but we only notice the poison
                           when darkness caresses the
Fallen Lids off our sight
1.4k · Oct 2014
Tainted Breath
Poetic T Oct 2014
Arms stretched rapidly grabbing
Air too fill my airless
I grab for what was plenty
But know like everything
"Now brought"
Breath now painful
Fresh air brought
Never pure, additives added
So tastes just right,
A mixture of many
That with first breath
Of what everyone needs,
Like liquid you swallow it
"Filling lungs"
Like the golden nectar of breath
Every breath could be there last,
But what can be done when we need
Each breath to continue life,
Bodies litter the floors though's not afforded
The luxury of breathing,
Breath air polluted by generations past,
Now for every breath taken,
Will a new born breath or will like those
Others, exhale their last breath when
So needing that need for life and breath .
Poetic T Jul 2015
Normality cursed me upon open eyes,
I enjoyed the lucid madness, as what
Was seen in the maddening times that
Was better to the normality of  boring now.

I used to chase the florescent thoughts
That floated around, giggling at the touch
As it tickled senses in my deepest doors.
She danced with me in imaginary dance.

I was like a bunny jumping, swaying around
Giggling to ones self for invisible feet would
I be standing upon, never realizing I was tripping
Over my own size tens, what a humours trip.

Madness is an inviting friend, alone, but so many
Voices around madness has its purpose, as I have
Thoughts not my own, I laugh, at incoherent  moments
Are they mine, there's, or yours never alone.
1.4k · Dec 2014
Blade Of Essence
Poetic T Dec 2014
It would take time
"Upon a promise"
I would never let you pass
Meant nothing as we were
Connected, what I had to do
Took conviction,
To keeping you within the living
"Blade Of  Essence"
"Drink to your full"
Each one I shed a tear for
But love concurs all,
Many must negate there existence
For one to live,
"It took all life with but a ******"
Essence of life concentrated but a drop
"Each had felt bone cut In to flesh"
There features fluctuated, then dust
For with out
Remained,  a breath of wind
Pasted and features were lost
As into the abyss they disappeared,
I needed to fill all
There were five pins, each one held
The essence of many lives,
I had taken many,
But it did not only give life
"Restored youth"
I had been at this such a long time,
The scars upon flesh never heal
I grip hard as I cut,
Marks, are a story of my journey
I do this for
"She is my existence"
I have taken so many
So much essence
Now my journey nearly ended
So few left to fulfil existence,
I need her to
Conquers all, each fought valiantly
But the blade greeted each and all,
I have filled the pins, now is the time,
"Each given of essence"
"All bleed life"
"That which was before"
"Essence of life restore as was before"
I paused, I waited an eternality
Of moments,
Breath returned
Pulse returned
Angelic in her looks,
Her eyes opened after so many lifetimes
"She gazed upon me"
Saw scars upon flesh
I told her the moments of eternity
That love lives forever
And nothing in
Would separate two beats as one,
Lips were connected
So many lifetimes
Met in moments, love breathed anew
Then pain shuddered
"I felt weak"
"Whispers echoed upon fading life"
"Love can not be feed with taken life"
As lips caressed, life turned to dust
"Our embrace were moments"
Then I realised that love conquers all even death
"What had I done"
Taken so many,life for life isn't living
"We were but concentrated droplets"
Our moment now lost to the winds
"The blade of essence"
Drank its full, may we both find our love in the **afterlife..
Poetic T Apr 2016
It groans at the anticipation of what
is wanted in moments it is fulfilled in
yummy goodness that is plentiful but
It lingers on echoes that talked to its
yearning "FEED ME TILL FULL.

But a belly is a misunderstood thing
for not always is it hunger, but where
thirst creeps in. It talks in code that
need too be drunk upon, till dehydrated
fades away, that means real thirsty to all of us.

It talks so much like an echo of what
it had digested but now no longer full.
"My belly is singing a sad song,
It rumbles like a lion does roar.

I'm found through cupboards, standing
on the sideboard to see what delicacy's
can be ingested to make my belly proud.
but my belly makes a gurgle a little too loud.

My mummy pops a head a foot a hand
waving at me as my tummy rubbles on.
Then she listens to it playing its sad song,
A little tummy needs yummy to fill it up.

A filling sandwich, a drink of milk to get
my thirst filled up. Then my song sings no
more as a tummy now filled up. "Burp,
that was a thank you it liked it very much.
for my kids :)
1.4k · Oct 2015
Dreams Lied Dormant
Poetic T Oct 2015
On the plains of forgotten dreams a wondering
Night terror awoke, its sluggish motion once
Dormant but it had its banshee howls reverberated
upon the old stained thoughts that grew.

Always reaching for a purpose, but the wail shattered
Them into pools of liquid fantasy evaporating into
Nothing so long they had they grown now they were
But as forgotten as all in the land. dream now awoke.

Blinded by darkness it succumb to primal fears, ripping
Upon a daydream now scarred in thought. The forest
Of dreams growing to bear fruit in minds yet to see,
Now bleed tears liquid terror as it screamed.

A dream walker happened upon the ether that radiated
So, perpetual mist gathered around. It screamed and
To knees pushed upon, a dream catcher worn charred
By the breath of fear so strong. on feet once again stood.

Words whispered, as layers wisped in to the impressions
Changing essence like leaves falling. Like a melody they
Washed over, cleansing the fears that blanketed its un-awoken
Motions on the land. And still it became, its true form shaped.

A child yearning self, a fear gripped upon Its subconscious,
Needing to hear its mind, afflicted that which would not let
It awaken to the realms of reality. But trapped in darkness
Within ones self, and he raised his hands over and sang.

"Little one of light, grasping on night tainted touch,
"Free is your dream, no terrors touch on you tonight,
Slumber in peace, no other fear shall greet you this night,

Awake little one, and faded into realities grasp did this
Little one glide. The night terrors are dormant creatures
Who's howl signals fear in this realm. But I will be here
To guild those who scream into fear of the night.
1.4k · May 2020
Chair Bound In Survitude
Poetic T May 2020
The smell of sulphate,
            emanating from that
accursed thing, its aura glistened,
                  seemingly smouldering .

But when the  breath of life
                    died beneath sunset,
A Spector of ill conceived retention

Daybreak was mutilated upon the sight.
                                            established placidity..
1.4k · May 2015
[petals stretch anew] haiku
Poetic T May 2015
petals stretch anew
as robins bathe in blossom
seasons new beauty
Spring is here
1.4k · Sep 2014
Nightmare Dreams
Poetic T Sep 2014
I dreamt in black and white
The horrors of old
Haunting my every moment
8 foot tall
Hands bigger than my head
His footsteps
The earth trebles
Lunging forward
He grabs me
Would you like to join my
"Sewing group"
I scream in horror,
Hours past a blur
Cross stitch,
Arrowhead stitch,
They all must be learnt
He speaks
"Who do you think mends my stiches"
"When they come loose"
His logic, I haven't a witty comeback
He lets me walk off
As I walk in to the woods,
I come to a crossroads,
Left path
8 miles
Right Path
3 miles
Right path I think ill take
Alone I walk,
Hearing my beating heart
Then I hear a howl
I turn slowly, heart racing
I swallow it back down
A hairy beast
Wolf Man,
His teeth shine in the moon light
He growls,
I faint, when I  came around
He speaks perfect English
"Brush in your hand"
"I cant get the back "
Do you know how hard it is to make
This coat so shiny and clean
I hit knots unseen ,
Sink into the ground
I "Gulp"
So loud it echo's into the woods
Hours pass when will this horror end
Eat me now I think in my head
And then a shimmering coat is seen
"Thank you"
Many run when they see me
"You stayed"
An animal man in need of help,
He guilds me safely
Now out of the howling woods
I hear in the background
Teeth smiling
In to the woods he returns,
I walk on my way
Taking in the sights
Then as sign I see
I think what could go wrong
I see a white haired lady
Sitting in a rocking chair
Knife in hand
She laughs as she
And then I see a cake ,
Red juices pour out
As she licks the juices from the knife
I pail man speaks
"How do you do"
"I am Drac-Ula"
That Name rings a bell
"I get that all the time"
Would you like your bags
Taken to your
Drank blood red room
"Say what"
Its a themed hotel sir
Did you not read the sign
As I go in to the bar
What are the special's sir
****** Mary,
Devils Handshake
I'll have the
Handshake please
Sign here please
Ok I think
Wow that blew my soul away
With but one sip,
"Can I have another please"
Sorry sir bars closed,
"Only one soul per drink"
I go off to my bed, to rest my head
I awake with a startle
To see Drac-Ula
Floating in the air
I shake my head
Rub my sleepy eyes
Opened wide, was I still in a dream
"Hello sir"
A Bloodwiser  Night-cap
"Thanks I said"
What friendly people on this trip
As I drifted off to slumber
It felt like an eternal sleep
I awoke as my alarm went off
It said, was that all a dream??
My neck was really stiff,
Must have slept funny
I put on my trousers
Dam I haven't got time for this
Where's that sewing kit
10 minutes later
There that's done,
I hear the wife is  awake
I take up a coffee
"Morning dear"
You coldnt do me a favour
Help with my hair
So I
There you go my dear,
Open mouthed,
I put my finger underneath her chin,
You'll catch flies if you left it open an more,
I walk out the door
Off to work,
Ouch the suns really hurting my eyes,
That was one really strange dream I had...
Poetic T Nov 2016
How can I expand on my thoughts that pushed me
to the conclusion of what was proceeding was indeed
not out of desperation.
I was artistic in my endeavours, but with a little one these
concluded in less than affluent earnings. I could not feed us
with words or palettes that seeded blank canvasses alone.

I would borrow off friends but one can only ask out of
pride so many times. I want about to be looked upon
as an Oliver of adulthood, can I have some more mate.
Never would I stoop to that as I had a child of innocence
to bring up in the correct manners of the world...

But when the food banks rescinded my pleads for food,
not for me but a child that did nothing wrong.
A mind was set in motion an undertaking not to use violence
in a manner of vocabulary where none was to be used...
I sent my baby of to school her thoughts not of what I was
about to levitate myself too...

I approached its doors, I had wondered past different times
to see when streets and this monument to moneys endeavours
was least to show in the manner of silent desks and minds
wondering on there own. I entered in sullen thoughts that I
wasn't doing this for me, but us. I walked up as gasps of the few
were heard, I thought the attire appropriate for this moment.

I saw her eyes glance in direction as eyes orbited around the
room ours were synchronised. Her oceans were what my
thoughts were swimming in and as I washed up on her shores
I handed her the note. She blushed as smiling she opened it.
"This is a robbery I have a gun, my bullet is my words and I
am going to steal your thoughts away,

"Ok, lets recap for a moment I was an artist and I had fallen
for this woman in a hundred lifetimes that were condensed into
this one, she asked me to ask her to marry her in a  unique way.

"This was that offering in gesture and word,
But in my eagerness to be the artist, I had pondered on what
I'd just done. Seconds past and then alarms bled on my ears.

"What can I say I was daydreaming and the last a hundred
and forty  words that just played in my mind were just dreams,

"Back to reality,

I just realised that I was indeed staging a robbery, "CRAP, "Crap,
"Ruunnnnnn, I was within grasp of the door when I
heard her voice like an angel breathing on the air, "Stop him,
I turned winked, which I got a puzzled look and into the air
of freedom I stepped only to see those men in blue saw my
features and they ventured in my incarceration in haste.

I tried to run, but I was up against an invisible wall they were
gaining so I found the lock and ran though that door.
I locked it, lets see the boys and girls in blue get around this
so I ran with all the speed my legs could muster.
Looking behind I saw them just run straight through that
which took me at least a minute to get through...

Catching on my heels I was nearly at my end, I thought
only of my daughter I did this for her. Maybe not the
right way, but I couldn't let my light that shines so
bright be silenced by the hunger that no child should
suffer.. I cried as tears streamed through blurred vision
"I love you my baby, daddies so sorry,

As I thought those words, I stumbled through a door
not of my own making. What visited my sight in
silence but those of my kind artistic in virtue and like
penguins we fell over like dominos. Not a word but
silence and startled gazes. The police bust in to find
not one suspect but a room of 1000 mimes in silence.

It took time but I was set free as my thought of individuality
was repurposed with the thought of how close I was to
losing everything. On the news they said that a mime had
tried to rob the bank with no gun but a hand in the shape
of holding something that wasn't really there? one thing
caught my eye, the bank teller spoke a few words.

"Strangest thing ever, but I have to say he was cute,

"I was cute, hell ye, "what was that daddy? I smiled
and cuddled my girl as I was a free man and my artistic
heist wasn't a complete flop, as those that I had collided
with had handed me a card in silence. My first job,
a pay check I had food on the table and we smiled.
I never broke the law again my baby was my only thought.
1.4k · May 2014
Street Walker
Poetic T May 2014
She's open like a 9 till 5 store, night
shift worker short skirt cleavage
enhancing bra, making it look like
she has more than she has got. She
can offer you different services, its
just how much paper you have in
your wallet to what you get and see.

She smiles, does the deed she'll
swallow for extra, but she asks are
you clean? She smiles when finishes
licks the last bit off her mouth, she
gets out and again walks the street
to find the next drive by wallet, that
wants some late night fun.

She smiles when she sees you but
under that smile is disgust, a job not
wanted not wrote on her next CV. A
single mother with no job, a friend
looks after the baby, a job not wanted
she throws up after every meet.

The world is not what you think, some
do this 9 to 5 job not because they like
it, but to pay bills to put food on the
plate. Because no one is going to help,
the father ran out and left her with
the baby. She is strong for her little one
and does this so she can care for her
baby. hoping that one day she'll
not need to walk the streets.
People don't do thinks because they want to only because they have to..
1.4k · May 2014
Love Myself
Poetic T May 2014
Could I love you more than I
love my self, I have a glass ceiling
not to look at my lover, but to
look at my self when I pleasure
with hand I look up at my self.

Could you love me more than
I do my self, you have tried to
break the chain, saying I'm
self absorbed with my self, but
your just jealous because I look
better than you in body and face.

I am all alone, no friends to call
my own, I lost my woman through
her jealousy of me loving my self, I
look in the mirrors around the house
and I think am I vain, self absorbed,
then I kiss the mirror and think good
I'm beautiful I only need me as I love myself...
I knew some one like this, still makes me laugh how much they loved them selves
1.4k · Jun 2014
Pollen (Haiku)
Poetic T Jun 2014
Pollen is taken,
caressed gently by the wind,
Gentle seedling white.
1.4k · Nov 2014
Fading To Black
Poetic T Nov 2014
I turn each off looking behind
For with each light extinguished
The darkness spreads forth
Between the realms, one retreating
The other Greedily filling in,
I walk up the stairs, feeling its
I feel it upon my back
For the light in front Darkness climbing,
Feeling its essence ascending
As it grasps my shoulders, to take me back,
But with a each chiselling upon me
There is just a feeling of presence
Faster I walk,
But as I turn the last essence of white,
Darkness encircles me as I lay quietly
I lay motionless, my heartbeat is the
Only presence of sound, my eyes perceiving
All around, and the final darkness I see
Is when my eyes close, and I fully embrace
The darkness, and all was consumed by the **night.
1.4k · Aug 2014
Tears Of Life
Poetic T Aug 2014
I wept and tears fell on The mountains below,
I cried for what seemed an infinity
What once was barren rock
Over time with each tear that fell,
What was with out, now flowed
Tears became
That was once with out, flourished
From waters first life,
In the oceans, upon land
It grew,
Flew high,
Tears fell upon the land
Nourished life, watched evolve,
What was tears of sadness
Now tears of joy,
For tears had brought forth life
on this planet, we know call earth
1.4k · Apr 2016
Yearnings Beyond Touch
Poetic T Apr 2016
We don't need connection,as our feeling
are expelled in moments that both feel
without touch.

I sense the beating of her heart even though
she isn't within view. She is my cherished love
that keeps the light burning in my heart.
For my wife. even when were apart I feel her.
1.3k · May 2014
Ugly Duckling
Poetic T May 2014
She felt like the ugly duckling, with
her braces that interrupted her
crooked smile. That felt like the
day to remove them was to long
she hated her metal smile.

Her glasses that looked like they
were made to see things in outer
space, that made everything she
looked at look ten feet away.

Her dress sense was something
to be desired, she looked like her
mother had given her hand me
down clothes, they never matched
her size or colours that clashed
in so many ways.

Her spots looked like you would
find in a book of connect the dots,
and you would win a prize for
completing the picture, with marker
pen upon her face finishing on her nose.

But  in every story, youth gives away
to age.

Now grown up, the teeth straight
not a metal bit in sight, laser surgery
and now she sees what she likes.
Her clothes she now picks, her confidence
now shot up to the sky.

Her complexion that once looked the
surface of the moon, now smoothed out  
all acne a distant memory, she like to see
her self in the mirror not scared of what
she will see.

Now to finish off, she is now white on
her wedding day, with the man that saw
her inner beauty so many years ago.

As she is a swan in white, the ugly
duckling was never really there, but to her
now gone away.
1.3k · May 2014
Surviving an Unfair Past
Poetic T May 2014
We are all cloaked behind a screen,
never really letting others see what
is unseen, we are all tormented by
a past.

Never let it rule you as the day
has now past, we survived till the
next moment, the next minute,
now more time has past.

The past we can not change, but
the future is yours to grow to live,
never let that which can now be
never changed drag you to that
place, where bad memories lie.

They will only drag you to the
past, and you must live for tomorrow,
Never doubt your self as you
survived one day, two weeks,
your stronger than you know.

Keep looking forward, let the past
be what it is a memory in dust,
shine ever forward and live for
today as it will soon pass...
1.3k · Oct 2014
Angels Devil of Purity & Sin
Poetic T Oct 2014
The devils daughter she was
Birthed from sin
Opposites attracted
One night of
Burnt from her mothers womb
Cries that  awoke
She was a beauty unparalleled
Her eyes a contrast
Sclera's were as black as death
But pupil's & iris as
White as silk
She was no ones fool
Imbued with in her thoughts
Knowledge was her power
"Angel Winged"
"Devils Horns"
She bathed in holy water
She liked the feel of it upon her skin
"Burning with pleasure"
"Her horns burn bright"
She is akin to both the feelings of
For she was of
Though both sent lower minions
For the sacrilege birthed
An abomination of beauty and sin
But she was her own person
Not bowing to either above or below,
She was of two worlds,
While living in plain sight,
That girl with black fire in her eyes she is the
Angels  Devil of Purity & *Sin.
Poetic T Dec 2014
Two places as one,
Condensation mirrors both,
Heavens upon earth .
Mist on a cloudy day both white which is ground which is air
1.3k · Sep 2014
Piano Guys
Poetic T Sep 2014
Fingers glide,
My heart
Beats with each
Key that is met,
Such beauty from
Of the music
That radiates though
My fibre,
Pulling at my emotional
At this music of *heaven

Each moment
Is a place I'm taken elsewhere
Keys are but a means
To take me to that
Place where I wish to stay
For a while
Keys are the music
That unlocks my heart..
inspired by this
Poetic T Oct 2014
I was dust in the universe
You were the winds that
Silently moved through space,
You were felt as
Mixed, it took time
But you moved me,
When others just
Looked through me
As if I wasn't there.
Then we moved closer intimate
They mixed, other parts to make a whole
"Then we ignited"
We became more than
Two separate things,
We burn bright
Your winds envelope me
,Through the eternity of time
We will burn bright
We started as so little
But know we are a whole
And are love will be felt through the universe.
1.3k · Oct 2015
Rebirth Of The Fallen
Poetic T Oct 2015
Could he have envisioned that this
Would have ended this way, moments
Were dwindling to one last breath.

"Why are you doing this?

All was silent, they just watched in anticipation
As into air he stood, silently swinging , no words
Were spoken they just looked at each other.

"Help me, please,

A faint voice echoed in the trees, not yet dead
But slowly as if not tortured enough, now time
Was slowly killing him, hanging by a thread.
Weeks pasted and where his breath expelled,
Stillness graced his essence, decaying pieces fell.
Blighting life, puffing mushrooms spawned.

When all that was him decayed and that final
Thread broke, cascading did he fall and released
Upon the air, spores fell like pungent snow.
In twigged solitude a bird ingested that which
Bathed the expanse. Eyes were blue adjacent to
Feathers charcoal and then it sang a song.

Inside voices corroded and it was of two echoes,
It glided upon heavens wishes, landing on the
Ledge of one who watched his step into oblivion.
Knocking three times on the window, attention
Was grasped and he headed to see this curiosity
That sat unsettling glare piecing towards himself.

"Hello there black bird,
"Do you wish me Ill will perched upon here,

Tapping on the window sill, feathers fell with
Each impact on pealed paint. His eyes squinted in
Thought, that's Morse code you are knocking.
He threw open draws, its contents scattered in
Haste, an old envelope and pencil were his scribe.
"Ok little fella lets see what you want??

.-.R .E ...-V .E -.N --.G .E
.-.R .E ...-V .E -.N --.G .E
.-.R .E ...-V .E -.N --.G .E

And then the bird was vacant of life, its feathers
Like tar laced the window keeping it ajar.
"What the hell..,
Confusion spread on his face, and with that this
Bird, expelled on ripped flesh. Spores that soaked
Essence upon the unsuspecting surrounding.
Inhaled, choking as consumed from within.

"Knock, Knock, Knock,

I know your still in their, I'll let you see what
Greets those who stood on earth while I walked
On airless steps. Inside was a voice, pleading for
Freedom unsure of what was done. A noose was
Shown through eyes both seen. In that moment
A silent scream, and he smiled in glee, seeing within.

Breath was musky as growing inwards flesh was
Seeded and soon expelled would his soul again be.
Memories seen, thoughts listened upon to know
Where the next would be. A pick up truck was in the
Drive, red white and blue? he spoke to himself.
"Could you be anymore redneck,
Beer cans washed on the drive way, he shook his head.

I saw inwards but no reason for my moment, as not
Worth a thought to recollect. I remembered it all
The consequence of life still gnawing at the rope.
I recalled  the infinite time of my own death.
Not released feeling the essence of ones self decay,
My substance raging on soiled earth below.

Streets past and the house was stared upon, to
Knock the door, to see the others surprise on
My words spoken, I glanced him just returning
Home, paper bags of whatever. No importance,
I undid his seatbelt and upon the curb I lifted I
Heard his screams as through the mass we flew.

He greeted the windshield, majestic exit though
Shards, quiet not a sound. Where blood has seeped
So did the bloom of my gift, spores welcomed his
traumatized vision of a friends torn flesh. I saw not
Through closed eyes, but once again I was taken inside.

Words were spoken I recall, as he still held tight the
Noose I had put around his throat, now stained in the
Blood of two not only one.

"No, No, what have you done,
"It wasn't me it was theeeee...,

I cut him off their lies I saw from the inside, I was just
A pawn. a random moment of... memories entered as
If I was their  before it had begun.

"Come on you only life once?

"Are you serious what if were caught,

"If we bring anyone here who knows of this spot?
"Its a twenty minute walk, come on she said she'd help,

"She, I remembered now their were three. I was
In the bar, she brought me a drink or handed me a bottle?
Rage flared as I smashed his hand against brick wall.
How did I not see, that it was opened before, I was
A play thing which she took to them and my death.

I heard a voice in the back, his hand was broken, I
Let him taste the pain over and over again. I opened
To find her, a bullet wound to her leg? I paused his
Thoughts rewound this moment, and played it out,
She was going to **** me, him she'd had enough.

I spoke in his voice words grainy as spores bled
From his thoughts,

"Why did we **** him was it worth it?

"I was blinded by love,
"I thought you would love me more,

"You killed me out of love, he didn't die you know,

"What, what do you mean?

"We walked off, but he was breathing life till death,
"I wasted away, and we still breathed,

I recalled the moment I came to being not sight, not
Words just anger, then I was upon air I thought I was
On the voyage to a better place instead I find myself here.
Where did he drop it, I search under rubble and find it.
She crawling, screaming her life ending moments away.

I walk behind, straighten my sight and see one shell,
One decision her or him, I walk into the kitchen,
Scattering objects in frantic moments and their it is drain
cleaner, I open the fridge and drink the first few gulps.
It fizzes on contact, I swill it in with a cocktail stick and wait.

Its barely been a minute and I see her exiting the room,
In a calm voice I apologise and offer her the beverage,
To calm your nerves, to sullen the pain. I wait eagerly
For her to swallow it will only take one but she resists.
I take it from her smashing it on closed teeth. Drink your
Fill, as you poisoned me I complement upon you.

Confusion filled a scared face I felt remorse, pity, but
Then it faded as I recalled my fate, blood gurgled, as
She was eaten away. a single word, her last
But words mean little to one who used them, as before
I gave her my answer, silence. What was I to do, he
Was left, standing more or less. he screamed silence.

You, them took it all away shouting at him self in the
Mirror, I could see the fear etched in his features.
You killed me for nothing but boredom as if I were
Hunted for the ****. Well you know what they do
With injured animals don't you??

"Please don't **** me,

his voice grainy as it was with fear spoke out.

"I'll hand myself in show them where your remains are,

"I'm here,
"I will never let you know peace,

He went to talk again but I lodged it in, gagging as I
Pushed it further in, know how it is to die slowly.
As I pulled it out, on his throat I released my pain
And he felt what little time there was to hold on by
A thread. Breath drowned slowly in blood, his head
Tilted sideways his reflection gazed as lights went out.

I was expelled at that moment, unseeing, feeling nothing
But relief, as I was blown to the wind and into oblivion
I swept but I did not go alone. I am released of my burdens.

A bird land on a window sill, scratching words into painted
Wood, knocking gently on the window. A woman opens
It cautiously hold onto a little one, only to be greeted by
a small bird.

"Hello their little one,

The child smiles and the bird chirps a tune, a smile
Spreads on her face "I recognize that,  as the bird
Taps down scratching the last word


A tear rolls down her cheek, as the little bird
Flutters away the child speaks his first word

*Dada Dada,
1.3k · Oct 2015
The Hobo King
Poetic T Oct 2015
Hail the  hobo King sitting  on his throne of
A stripped ford, engine no longer their
Dismantled  of all that was worth a dime.

His subjects bring offerings of dinner trash
Food, fresh from the dumpster. Given to
Those of ill health and malnourished need.

He sits in clothes matted with his trails of
The moments his feet have hit the pavement.
Of life not as others had the chance to live.

He wandered the land every concrete jungle
Knew him as the hobo King, no crown gestured
His head, only the word, the word of mouth.

Settling disputes of those in homes of cardboard
Of wood and used plastic sheeting sheltering from
Those who would do harm and the relentless cold.

He wonders the streets, knows the secrets of each
City of the unseen spaces where those whom roam
Now lay. The vulnerable have a guardian a keeper.

Ignorance of those who do not see that which in
Doorways sleep, of huddled masses under bridges
Buildings to keep dry and an uneasy sleep.

He is the hobo king a crown of matted hair he
Wears, always does he have time for those
Less fortunate because he is one with the street.
1.3k · Dec 2014
Little Hoover & Five A Day
Poetic T Dec 2014
Little hoover* how you have grown
But  a lesson to be learned
Still needs to be told
Food is good in proportion
Is Sweet things aren't always good,
For to be healthy we must eat well
"We are what we eat"
To roll, to spin, having fun
Exercise is the key to healthy living
"Little one"
One day you will be realise
What words are spoke,
For not eating correctly
Bags will be clogged
Filters a mess
But eat good through all
Your changes be it
Knowing that you had eaten well
Treats can be had in proportion,
"Everyone deserves one or two or three"
But remember we are what we eat
"Little Hoover"
"You haven't hoovered your"
"Brown bread crusts"
Little one you wish to grow to be
Like your father,
"Eat healthy"
Choose wisely what you **** up.
little ones eat healthy
Poetic T Sep 2015
That little thing, carrying acorns hurriedly
Across from where the tree had fallen.
To many held ones always loose like
A bread crumb staying still till growth.

Time did move and seasons passed, it
Grew as night and day carried onwards
Never shifting only vertical towards the
Yearning the sky just out of touch.

Man tended the wood, where their were
many, only once stood tall. Fields ploughed,
Acorns fell birthed from above but always
Dug up, alone it stood in a field of corn.

Then a road passed through progress had
Taken this field and cut it in two but still it
Stood the test of time, a furry little one climbed
Holding onto to much as many did fall.

Silent night stars fell into the night sky and
In to the darkness did appear two beams of
Unnatural light as if pulled towards it two
Opposite forces  moving and still became one.

Lights flickered as rouge coated bark, under
This tree lifeless motion acorns feel like rain
Caught by flickering lights faded glow. It was
Torn, fallen it had stood tall for so long.

An acorn was dropped hurriedly so long
Ago in this spot. And it grew to meet this
Moment of cause and effect, destined to
Be met in a flickering lights end glow.
1.3k · Jun 2016
Hide & Seek To The Grave
Poetic T Jun 2016
We were frolicking through the streets, amusing ourselves
with what was noting less than bliss.

"Points mean prizes my friends,

"Knock the door go on,
"You do it man,

As they walk up to the door one is smiling the other of a
nervous disposition, "relax man,  they discuss the doorbell
or the policeman knock?
The knock is better louder of course attention grabbing
but then other neighbours will hear its echo and curiosity
will awaken them to phones and regrettably police.

The door bell is rang, but not a murmur so repeatedly
they tap it until luminosity awakens and words of
profanity dripped out like a leaky tap. "Dam,
Looking at each other, as hallway lights emerged and
footsteps danced down the stairs a melody of F's P's
and a kaleidoscope of others painted the air.

If I had a swear jar on this house I 'd be a rich man,
as he unlocks the many bolts. "Not a trusting man I see,
The door takes an age to open as we wait eagerly and
then he grinds it open slower than a snail in a race
with a bullet we start to get frustrated.

"Foot meet door, door meet foot,

As the door releases back and the chain is deprived of
its clasping the gentlemen is thrown back not with a
racket but more like slow motion. Then he hits the floor
Like china thrown from a fourth storey balcony.
Then there is silence, "Check his pulse man,
As one of them linger over him listening to what
ever sign of life is left and then like he was reanimated
from the dead he lunges forward and grabs a clump of
hair. One laughs while the other one screams in a girly
kind of shrike. Composing himself quickly, one swift
five knuckle plant and again the gentlemen is out cold.

"You scream like a girl man,
"Did you see that, it was like one of those zombie flicks,
"Ye right, your just a wetter ma man,

As they stood over the man, now joined by his hysterical wife.
Luckily they always carried a roll of duck tape, you never know
when this will come in handy. As the other wrapped it tightly
around her thin lined lips, and the storm became a drizzle of
crying murmurers. Looking at each other knowing that this only
works in the dark they thought of ways to awaken the sleeping

"I'll punch him, "Really that got us here in the first place,
Pondering on thoughts one skipped into the adjacent room,
"Dude what are you six,  A silence of embarrassment lingered
as into the kitchen he rummaged through the cupboards like a
homeless dog in the litter bin. Looking in the fridge he found
what was needed.
"What ya going to do rub it under his nose that kipper stinks,
"Some thing like that,

He unwraps it gagging at the odour that perforates the air,
"How can you eat this it smells like a prostitutes well used bits,
The woman smirks in a half terrorized quarter amused mumble.
As he nears his prey fish wrapped in a hand towel, whiffing it
below his nostrils. This isn't working the thought, "F#ck it,
Raising his arm up in the air he slaps the unconscious gent clear
in the chops. He stutters awake in confusion wandering what
was happening then in realization he speaks in ferocity.

"What the hell you doing my house, violating our residency,

"Now that's we like the feisty ones,

An edged smile greets the bound hostages, then the rules are
read out, "Are we listening, the untapped swear tin is about
to release a tirade of profanity on both so they bind his mouth
with what is needed (Shut Um Up Duck Tape) [tm] then silence
is blessed on there ears and they begin quickly to explain the
happenings they find themselves in.

"Why you slumbered we went through your thinks,
"Madam that was quiet a section we found in the bedroom,
"Sir are we on the limp list, there are tablets for that,

"Rules stick to them and maybe you'll survive,
"Not and a lot of bad things can happen,

1. Try to alert anyone they and you die.
2. If you try to escape we have family members addresses
we will hunt them and end them with no hesitation.
3. Have fun as your life depends on it, be imaginative.
4. We have rid the house of any and all knives and blades
5. creativity is the master of invention, you understand.

As the old guy rumbles on trying to speak, he un-tapes
his mouth and listens to his frustrated rabbling's.

"How we know you'll not just **** us,
"This isn't our first or 26th no 27th in fact rodeo.
"There were six of us unfortunately there have been
winners and losers on both sides,

"We are but three lonely shepherds now,
"Three I only see two?
"Our friend is outside guarding the entertainment value
of this diverting fun tonight,

And then without words he said two his playthings,
"You have to the count of 100 to hide to do what must be done
make your peace fight or die its your choice,

They untapped there mouths as to not be muffled of sound
easier to hear on the ear if there crying in fear, and with that
the gentleman gives a capture a five knuckle tap.

"Good shot, and good on you, now run dead man walking,

They both scarpered hand in hand, love will **** you the
other man thought as he watched them run like rabbits.
You wouldn't believe it but a hundred seconds takes
quite a long time in the aspect of what were doing.

They at first play games as stomping upon the laminated floor,
so many had ran when they had done this, Idiots. but these
two never flinched, hats off to there courage. Then tactic No2,
we know where you are, were going to come to play with your
insides with our loving blades they like to penetrate you deeply.

As wandering feet did walk on the cold floor they heard the
scurrying of ill footsteps, "we have a rat scampering beneath
our very feet,
Both with smiles lingered on the basement footsteps
and slowly descended as what was waiting clambered around in
aimless wondering. Both thought it was the lonely cowering wife.
Not as once thought as the swear box in the darkness gave birth
to profanities and in the midst of our arrival he was weeping like
a new born child. Our knifes were his voice as blood silenced it.

We wiped the memories of his last lingering moments from
the existence of his blade, this fool thought he had strength but
in the end it bled out faster than others before him.
But wait a moment what about the one that blubbered her
fear in a cascade of tears where was she hiding?
"I can smell your fear it sweetens the air,
Both separated to find and cull the last of this herd.

"Please don't hurt me,
"I'm all alone,

He snuck through the hall way hearing here speech in the
darkened bedroom. His knife drawn, to plunge into its
awaiting pray. heading towards the cupboard he thinks
the prey is getting easier these days. "Found you, as
he opens it wide to find a tape recording on repeated play
and a note saying heel *****.... A confused look on his face
till blood seeped silently down his face. In rage he swipes
missing her by millimetres, then she says one final word.
"These are $500 shoes, and gouges it deeply into his throat.

Screaming in gargled silence, his last sight was her giving him
the finger and her foot gently crushing his throat. She got her
manicured fingers and gently grabbed her neck, cracking the
stress out with each crunch.
"There were three little pigs now there are two...
"Oink, Oink, she giggled in nervous thought.

He stood on the stairs shouting in a lulled voice his partners
name, but with no echo of voices he knew that the game was a
foot and another of his clan had paid the ultimate price.
So the husband with all his voice was a lamb to the slaughter
but the wife, the quiet ones are always the ones to look out for.

He was more cautious now that only the two of them breathed,
they were both the prey but who would be the winner of this contest?
he looked upon the box emptied earlier in haste, the gun?
looking inside a note was penned in scribbled in quickened haste.
"If your reading this well done you found only one of my guns,

He jumped back in embarrassment, he looked around in case the
other was lingering in silence behind him. But no one was there
to his pride and ego he sighed out loud. now was the time to seek
the prize, the hunt was needed as in the next room he found the
still warm but deceased comrade with the heel still in his neck.
"That is so not your colour my man,
He thought there isn't many places to hide in this house, yes it
was larger than the pervious ones but that was half the fun or
was It half there down fall?

She crept within the walls this house was of the cotton days,
hiding those needing escape, through the mirror she saw him
wanting nothing more than to end his life.. but she had no
weapon, or was that a false thought as there were the old swords
Sitting ideal in the loft. They were still sharp as she had found out
not but a few months ago. Paper cut my ****... it needed six stitches
but that had now healed as she subconsciously ****** her finger.

He was getting agitated at the aspect that he maybe next,
but brushing aside that thought he went into the mode of hunter,
seeing if odours of perfume lingered in the air but noting greeted
senses except the smell of blood festering on the air.

"Come out and play I haven't got all night to linger in this place,

She could hear fear in his voice he tried to hide it beneath his manly
fasard that was crumbling like a weather worn cliff on the presapace
of collapse. She was a very varied woman that they didn't know,
fear had collapsed her in the first moments but now that had faded
like a sunset, she was a ventriloquist by trade in her youth quite the
entertainer. But she was retired and welcomed the rest, but no time
was there to catch a breath let alone to breathe.

He was starting to think, he should count his loses and leave.
then he heard voices but not from one spot but other places in
the house. Unbeknown to him there was an intercom system
and she was throwing her voices though out the house.
"Who is that , what do you want, How could there be more
than one? There was only two he thought, were  they wrong when
they entered this house? A lone wolf that needed the blood before
his blood was spilt.

She was happy that she took out one with her skills, now it was
the other two players turns she was going to quarter back slap the
hell out of this final invader of her sanity. But how could she play
him? Her husband was dead, she knew that for a fact they were bragging it through out there gloating verses. This was her moment
to show who the wolf was and that they were the sheep herded to
the optimistic place of the final ****, her or them.

She saw him silent and still, she had never seen him this weak, but
this was his chance to save her skin, she found fishing wire, and a
pardon the pun, a broom you know where that went to keep him
stable and up right. The intercom crackled she played his voice
over and over again she used to drive him crazy with he
impersonations of him, it always brought a laugh but the were silent now.

"Come on think I'm dead you cant **** anger you child of
pathetic consequence,

He feverishly thought of moments past was he dead?
they had gutted him like a fish, how could this be.
Phoning the cover outside he said this was his play and
if It ended he was exiting stage left. One final voice spoke
that he knew the rules if he was to exit then he was to end
his existence, there were rules for a reason.

She was had it planned the recorder the fish wire and that broom,
saying her apologies to her dearly departed but it wasn't anything
strange those toys upstairs weren't only hers you know.
Calling over the intercom, "Lets party you, swear box was
blessed with over a hundred coins the tirade of vocal words she
expelled on the air waves. He recognized that expel of vocabulary
as that person he ended not so few hours ago and confusion ignited
on his features to what the hell was going on in this place.

Stepping in palpitating haste he descended in slow motion, not
with the vigour of what was replayed earlier in the night.
"I killed you once old man I'll do it again,
But fear was expelled this time not courage of the **** like before,
He took played his fingers on the wall to find the switch.
No longer did it enlighten the surroundings, he was in darkness,
and then before him he stood, but he cant stand he had gutted him
and no one comes back from that.

"Who says I'm dead, your just a poor excuse for a mummies boy
go on cry ya little...,

Then in haste he lunged at the oldd man, not thinking straight.
fear and anger eclipsed ratinal thought as he sang his blade into
his skull. Cold eyes stared back, then he realized It was a trap,
He felt it but it was not as he thought he would have felt his
skin screamed out in tears of crimson. A sword was visual
through the front and back of his own self. He swore at her
knowing his time was moments away. she spoke from the dark,

"Its not this that's going to **** you, remember what you found
in the bedroom,

"Oh come on lady just plunge the blade in again I cant move,

But she didn't listen  as she bludgeoned his face with it, different features greeted with each impact till his features were just blooded and
he no longer moved anymore. Her face was a collage of blood from
those she had ended, holding her husband in her arms stroking his
remaining hair. Kissing him on the head she gently put him down.
Opening the porch door she spoke out, "I have ended this playtime
I am the queen of this house, the others are still, static you going to
end me now?

"Rules are rules I'm sorry but I must leave you now,
"Congratulations for winning your life,
"Sorry you lost whoever pasted in the game,
"Know if they had walked out they would have been dead,
"Rules are rules,

There was silence, then on the doorstep she rested her bloodied hands
on her knees and tears of fear, of courage poured out.
She was the winner of this even though she felt totally lost.
Sirens were heard in the distance and she just sat there still....
2684 words wholly poo... this is my longest most difficult write to date.. thanks to all who take the time to read it there maybe a few grammar mistakes but I`m so tired it took three days to write...
1.3k · Feb 2015
Sucker Vamp
Poetic T Feb 2015
She had talent, she had skills,
Always there a sucker for meat.
She would look on
In wild abandonment,
Every man thought he was
For as long as it did last, a woman
Of such beauty, not even money
Changed hands. She would hold it
Through cloth, up, down  up, down
Till she felt it mature in the palm
Of her cold hand,
Her mouth was cold as ice on meat so warm,
As lips cold on warmth made it last,
"I'll drink you down"
"I'll drink you till there's nothing left"
Smiles erupted
Moans of ecstasy
Grew in volume as moments past.
"I'm getting"
"I'm getting"
Pain seared though,
As grabbing hair in pain not pleasure now.
She looked up, saw the fear in his eyes,
"I told you I'd drink you"
"I'll **** you dry"
With that she bit in to the meat once more,
As life left this body,
She stood up,
"Was it good for you"
As she licked her lips,
How delightful these men
Are to let me eat upon their meat,
I'll drink everyone of them cold.
"She was a queen of suckers"
She knew where blood flowed fastest
When she was on her knees,
They would not resist just want more,
Feeble men, thinking with the wrong brain
But just more for me to **** off,
So many to eat, as she licks her fangs,
"I'm full tonight"
"Tomorrow though"
English breakfast
Left over nearly cold Chinese
Ill make that decision tomorrow,
I could be really greedy and eat **both....
She was the best sucker in the land..
Poetic T Oct 2014
If you go down to the
Woods today the bears
Will eat
They'll start at your foot
Slap you with a left
Knock you out with a right hook,
Then they'll snack  on you for
The cubs will eat your lunch from you insides.
Then slurp your intestines
As if they were spaghetti stung outside,
The flies will lay eggs
In your mouldy insides,
Then maggots will feast on your
Cold dead eyes,
They will feast on you carcass,
Will devour you
From what's left, that nature hasn't
Off, then you'll just be a
A boot on,
No flesh or insides
You'll be bleached by the
And buried in the long grass,
All for wanting to be with nature
**"Beware its dangerous out there"
Got asked to write about a bear, And yes slightly mental
1.3k · Mar 2015
Fallen Below The Light
Poetic T Mar 2015
The darkness it burnt upon my
Angel wings, they wilted, with
Each moment of this forsaken
Place, my soft skin did  haemorrhage
Tainted with each breath every
Movement that I crawled upon
This acidic land corroded my light .

My white turned yellow, changed
From pure to black, I was in agony
As that which was white should
Never be turned to that. I was
Winged, not able to give motion
To the air, I was a ground dweller
As if wings were a weight a persecution
To the time of air, now dragging like
A weight a conscience upon my back.

I must have walked upon this scared
Land, I must have moved these once
Pure now tainted as dragged like sin
Behind my back.

I was before I fell, I contemplated
That which I had been and that
Which this land whispered to me
Become. The light was dulled, smothered
Like a wet blanket over a fire, Suffocated
What burnt bright, now I was being
Extinguished my dulled light.

I remembered I fell and my skin smelt
Sulphuric with a hint of light, I knew
I had bleed hatred behind me, I knew
That I had been left, abandoned to this
Isolation. My wings had regained there
Imagery, they were like crows feathers
Pure, dark, black as night.

I despised  those above, their light, ignited
Hatred, deep within where something that
Beat but know was just black, I launched
Upon the breeze to take me vengeance
Upon that purity that  glided, flowed.

I am that which will take those of higher
morals and bring them to the place of
Solitude, of loneliness, they will remember
The pain of those they had been left in the
Darkness,  For light can only last so
Long before it becomes what was before.
#light #darkness #fallen #
1.3k · Jul 2016
mumbling innuendos
Poetic T Jul 2016
mumbling innuendos
whispers do turn to echoes

bucket love is deep
1.3k · Aug 2015
Slippery School Trails
Poetic T Aug 2015
He was never as good as the other children,
At school they made him think he was to slow
For their games of
As how hard is it to find a slug when
A slippery, slimy trails left behind him.
He was never that fast always taking
Time to get to those places that
Others would speedily get too.
But what was the fun of missing
Always rushed past, he would take a
Moment to speak to those taking time
Out of a gradual slow day, until someone not
The slimly little trail, as they disappeared
Down a soggy path, anger turned to laugher
As they had the time of their life.
And on that day a new venture was played
A slowly little fellow,
Would slowly edge his way up the hill.
Once he was there, once he chilled out, they
Down the ***** with glee, a little fellow
He didn't run, jump, skip, only slowly walked,
But no one minded. It wasn't the climb up,
The school walk wasn't as slow anymore,
It was the speed that everyone went the other way down.
1.3k · May 2015
Fight Of My Life
Poetic T May 2015
I am never alone, you may have
Tried to destroy me from the
Within, but I will fight you with
Strength, with breath of my own.

But I will have more strength
Than you know, for the strength
Of the many will help me along,
Friends, and family keeping me
Strong I will never be forgotten

This journey may be long, people
Will join me on my  journey, they
May walk a mile, then others will
Take the challenge up, I will never
Walk solely in this fight for my life.

For those fighting the C
Poetic T Feb 2016
The elusive necessity was plaguing his waking
Thoughts so long had it been numbed beyond
Reproach but like a scratch it had haemorrhaged
In his latent thoughts and then like a dove,
Bludgeoned, choked white turned crimson.

He had made them into fractured images, abstract
Monuments to his mind diluted thoughts of beauty.
But he needed to mould form once again. Those of
No addresses were his trail and error his fingers were
A master piece of arcane excellence, creation was to bleed.

He used a diamond headed drill thinnest you can get,
With that inclination he descended in to their thoughts
Targeting the synaptic transmission centres of where
Pain metaphorically existed. Like trimming roses he did
The same with the spine, peace of mind and body as one.

His perfection of his profession  had released his ominous
Side that  was now at play the ones that tendered his first
Tries were brain dead from the trial and error of his drill.
Then their was the unfortunate vein nicked her and there,
Some bled internal while others like waterfalls it descended.

No one ever discovered his human errors, all were ash
Cinders filled his  crematorium of hellish demise. For those
Now gone no pain just silence shards of bone all that's
Left is memories in wisps of fading smoke. That was the
Past now all that exists is his first of many creations.

The insertions were made bone muscles removed slowly
Like an artist his scalpel glides effortlessly it creates his
Vision of the beauty of the desires, depictions of what
He see's within them and creates it with flesh and bone.

"You are my creations of will and my perfections of canvass,
"I name you the Cheshire breed, look upon your grandeur,

They blink saying nothing but smile from ear to ear their lips
Gorged, plump, but all that whispers on their features are
Tears rolling down on their stapled smiles. He always liked
Pairs an image reflected in both their views of his twisted
Perfection and then released them on the watching world.

He felt like Noah leading them into salvation two by two, they
Were insignificant before but now they were a tapestry of flesh
Reinvented upon imagery of their own makings. Waiting for
His beauty to be eyed by the masses. As his new edition to this
Collection was now being created in the depths of his operations,
He stroked there hair never knowing what he had done to them.

Outrage monster they called him, he was an artist of unparalleled
Sophistication, in time they would admire his work. And so he
Readied the new forms, the radius also ulna and all ossa bones
Were removed. And so was birthed the clingers, huger's of
Self loathing. Neatly knitted they adhered to their ****** silhouette.

I release you beautiful creations of my inner most yearnings.
They couldn't scream a voice box severed, only tears descended
Upon themselves. Hooded they heard only a voice, it would
Linger for what life they deemed worthy to live. Screams were
Collected upon their sights at what was observed in dismay.
He expelled joy seeing his work displayed to  the masses via TV.

"My art of the flesh is descended to those lowly souls.
"All can now envisage my creative genius unbound,

"Now the final form can take place, the puppets will fall,

He had planned this endeavour for so long, no one was any the wiser
As he had planned this over years. So many had he seeded,
Only thought of missing time that they had for unknown reasons
Past out. But that was then and this is now, each was injected
With a cylinder only millimetres across but when a frequency
Released, then they would be like puppets without strings, they fall.

He would release his puppets upon the world, he released a
Message to the media that his puppets would fall down that
They would all lie in silence.  He told them of his art forms become
Flesh and this was verification of what he claimed. weeks had
Past and no words were heard, but then a video surfaced that
Would tell of his needing to create and that they would all fall.

"News at 6 the homicidal artist, has now released this video,

"Hello my puppets so many have a stringed along.
"Not knowing that you were mine all this time,

"I am an artist of the flesh, I must admit a spilt much,
"But they are but ash for artwork that fails isn't worth keeping,

"But to what is important my public, my new piece of creation,
"This has been a long time in the making patience is a virtue,

"Have you ever felt an itch, that cant be reasoned with,
"That itch is me beneath your skin, that's me,

"Now for the finally, this is going to be something people,

"I now cut the strings of life, you puppets of life no longer,


Then all went silent in the news room, and then where shock
Feel panic arose. He just stopped mid sentence, then news came
In that the video had a submerged signal buried within its layers.
So many fell, their strings were cut in moments. But that wasn't
The worse for months people just died they tried to delete it.
But once on the web its always their to be looked upon.

"Curiosity was a killer, I dare you to watch,

They tried in vain, but he was a shadow in a thought, an urban
Legend of reality. So many surgeons were questioned. But self
Taught was their theory, how many had he killed before perfecting
His master pieces of flesh. their were a few copy cats but his were
The real deal. Two are still alive today he didn't implant them
His creations had to live. the others deemed life unliveable, sorry.

His last words would hang around the country if not the world
For a long time to come, he has never or she has never be found.

*"We are a tapestry of creation, let life be your art. For we must
Bleed to feel alive for without doing this how do we know were
Even existing or for that matter alive,
my latest serial killer a slight epic but the words did bleed forth
1.3k · Jan 2015
Chocolate Companion
Poetic T Jan 2015
You fell in to my mouth like
Teardrops but sweeter,
Always there when I
Was your friendship, never
Letting me down always their
When I really needed pleasure.
You were a friend of many
Flavours, relief from the
You so melted away, never
Judging as I juggled nougat,
Caramel, and raisin covered
like a mixer of
Pleasure you melted my
Day away. Your the friend
Every person needs
  "A Chocolate companion"
Which lasts for five minutes may be ten
Depending on the need. But never worry
The chocolate smile will extend as
There are some chocolate secrets in the draw
That chocolate smeared smile will continue..
Mmm Chocolate
1.3k · Dec 2018
New Breath Speaks Truth
Poetic T Dec 2018
Cradle me in-between the
                         of your lies.

For when I breath a new...

I know that every word is spoken
               with fresh breath.

Not tainted by
                the past exhalations
of what were  
                      expelled from you..
1.3k · Jan 2015
Little Miss Fire Hazard
Poetic T Jan 2015
She was an excited little thing
Always running around you
couldn't miss her. She would
Sneeze and the fire brigade would
come and douse her out she
Was a little fire *******.

She was always full of flare
The ones she shot in to the air,
Children loved her displays,
As they would shoot upon the
Heavens and explode into a
Million stars for moments the
sky was alive with fire.

She lit the heaters of the towns
Folk, to keep them warm in winter.
But she was so alone the last of
The little missus, who's flame
Always burnt brighter.

"Little miss fire hazard" grew majestic
And loved by towns folk and those
Lucky enough too meet her, but she
Passed as all things do, but too this
Day a flame still burns bright never
Does it flicker, it burns bright forever
More as generation down the line, the
Towns folk remember and *miss her.
1.3k · Jan 2016
Eternities Paradox Glimpsed
Poetic T Jan 2016
Time aged in millenniums breath, eternities
Upon it did the juncture's of a breach offer
A glimpse in others minds of reality's thoughts.
Whirlpools of confused visons, then calm.

To walk on the moments of each surge that
Washed upon realties exhalation. I talked to
Younger versions and like a paradox, repeated
Reflections I saw ourselves in memory and word.

There is an etched pathway of conscious thought
With each decision does a new pool open its
Moment creating fresh essence now as the other
But diverged time is a ripple that always falls.
1.3k · Feb 2020
We Hooking Up Postcodes
Poetic T Feb 2020
We got your crew like you were an
easy catch, cos once we got our
hooks in your postcode we ain't
                                              letting go, fact.

We see the youngens, they little bait,
but once we hooked them,they'll be
piranha's in our tank, stripping the
dignity from out of your
                        voice in 20 seconds flat.  

We got your crew like you were an
easy catch, cos once we got our
hooks in your postcode we ain't
                                              letting go, fact.

We strung up your boys, gasping for air.
But once we got our hooks on you
                               were gutting you easy.
But not before we get what we need from
                                                     your pleads.

We got your crew like you were an
easy catch, cos once we got our
hooks in your postcode we ain't
                                              letting go, fact.

Look little fish you in a tank of sharks,
we grin our grills gravestones of  what you
                   see last before your dispatched.  
But don't you worry there are plenty to keep
you company down there, you ain't the first
                             and you ain't going to be the last.

We got your crew like you were an
easy catch, cos once we got our
hooks in your postcode we ain't
                                              letting go, fact.

We got nicknamed the fisherman, we sail into
your town catching what ever we want.
        We don't scrap the sea floor hoping
for a catch. We fish for the real deal.
  Disillusioned of the fish bowl they swimming in.

We got your crew like you were an
easy catch, cos once we got our
hooks in your postcode we ain't
                                              letting go, fact.

Making it even easier to catch, to turn them from
                neighbourhood trash to one of our sharks.
showing other that once we got you hooked,
the only way you leaving is dead floating at the
bottom of the tank.

                We coming to your postcode.

We got your crew like you were an
easy catch, cos once we got our
hooks in your postcode we ain't
                                              letting go, fact.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Do You Want To Get high
Poetic T Jul 2014
Do you want cook some crystal
Do you want high,
Ventilate the room,
Remember the pieces they found last time
I'll cook like mother used to make
Her recipe got half of the town hooked
Just on one take,
Do you want build a crystal  **** lab
We can do it in the
Doesn't matter as we'll  only be getting high
This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed
Ok its just me getting high..
Total **** take of some thing I saw on face book
1.3k · Mar 2014
Poetic T Mar 2014
Recycled thoughts that were
thought before, I have to think
a new but the same memory
comes back where is my
imagination, where is my free
Like a nightmare I cant think
things anew, just that same thing,
that same thought recycled in my
mind once more.
I need to feel things, to think of
things that havent happened.
Not to use these old thoughts, ideas
chaffed at the edges as used to much.
Cobwebs in my mind I need to wake
my mind, to make to see things anew.
1.3k · Apr 2017
Under A Flickering Light
Poetic T Apr 2017
Numb of surroundings
                         eyes watching afar.

Fifteen minutes, a lifetime of regrets..

Tears falling  inwards....
Ladies of the night some aren't what they seem....
1.3k · Jan 2017
Dont Quit Your Day Job
Poetic T Jan 2017
As I wiped the blade the congealing efforts of
what had perspired dripped in raindrops of lost essence,
I started to be nostalgic of when it all started and I smiled.
It isn't easy you know doing this hobby
                                        its a full time commitment,
I have responsibilities. And before you ask just because I live
in my moms basement it didn't have any implications to this
and what led to my endeavours of what I do now.

"You cant just go out stabbing people that bath salts territory
for goodness sakes,

Ok when did it start, around fifteen years ago give or take.
To think about it I was quite violated by the sight of blood,
I passed out at school when someone cut there finger. I know
from fainting to where I am today the paradox of it all.
So I was walking home and I thought stupidly to take a short
cut, I know that's just asking for a dilemma of consequences
but I was running late and thought overrode reason.

"Safer than sorry my mother would say,

I should really listen to words of wisdom than to just throw
them aside and regret them later. Well this time was a moment
of ignorance and I delved into my darker side and threw abandonment
to the winds of chance. I saw that idiot and knew without a thought
that his life needed to be forfeit in the eyes of the many.
In haste I went out and without planning I just used a unregistered firearm. These are so easy to find in ponds, lakes, rivers.You just have
to be stupid enough as I was to delve into them with a wet suit.

It was like swimming in the disgrace of humanity and I accidently
swallowed more of humanity than I wish to admit. As I reached
the shore of the golf course I had found a stupid amount of guns....
Do these pools ever get dredged?? how many angry golfers play
on this field?? but I just cleaned a few out not wiping away the prints,
silly little fools leaving there prints on the weapons.

I must admit the first five or six people that were my pleasure
of ending were just **** holes, total and utter ****-tards....
I know you just cant just going around killing totally
worthy munchkins. But it was my weaving of knowledge
into the formula of departing my subjects in a manner so that
a milk carton was the only focus they would get.
Never to show that they were an item of interest but a random appearance of some disillusioned person in a vendetta of misunderstood reasoning's.

But this lost its stimulation of enthralment  pretty quickly
due to the vacant space between us. It wasn't as if they knew
my face, it was just a finger pull and I ended them to hastily,
I even felt somewhat remorseful for them not knowing the
perpetrate of there demise. and a few ran still lingering to this
existence, do you realize the skill set to hit a moving target.
But none got to far, I didn't take it personally, it was a fight
or flight reaction.

But they were always vacant of life when I walked away
from the scene. I was always throwing these weapons
after a few uses, those that had used it before there prints
still viable. So those that had used it were to blame for
these indiscretions that I had partaken in. Karma was about
to visit upon those lost stories that drowned in that pond.

Learning was a curve that was thrown, and one that hit me
square between the eyes. I had slatted the impression that
I was in the right, and even though I wanted to seep the blade
into the flesh of my perspective victim. I had to watch
the implications of what I had preserved  in that moment.
There were struggles and definitions of what was acceptable.

I still had to hold a job, I worked in a hardware store,
"what are the chances, I know. But where you would think
someone that could easily end the breath of another would
stand out only the crazy ones. We the methodical ones were
patient,  too many and whispers starting and I needed silence this
had to be obeyed and enforced by myself. Urges had to vetted
another way and painting was my outlet for these compulsions.

Each one of us had as we called it our own unique ****** kits,
well what did you think we were going to call them hobby boxes.
Me I had a ways to disable my prey, a motion to move them concealed.
I had a people carrier,
                     "I know the humour didn't escape me either,
I had constructed a vessel to keep them static so not to move
and give the game away, kind of like a straight jacket restraint.
For the murmurs I had constructed a gold fish bowl of sorts,
constructed around the neck and then white noise is pumped
in  revoking the screams because of the frequencies of the
human voice.                
                            "science is so cool,

Do you realize it took five years of planning and a college
class in science to do many aspect of this hobby.
But where do I take them, to there own home, always
checking there schedules. Movement = time = opportunity.
And this is how I have worked all  this time, consistency is
what keeps the path clear for other endeavours.
The sense of smell in each home is unique, some people
though no respect of there surroundings and who may visit.

Do realize that some don't voice opinion as they know
if there in this predicament no words are going to change it.
Some struggle, but I learnt to use a paralyzing agent to render
them motionless. Sedated only tears fall from there suspended
features. I never clean up there mess, I'm not a house maid for
goodness sakes all must be as it was. But I clean up my killing
venture so there is no evidence of there parting here.

I have a little spot, we all have our own hiding places,
research is the key, and mine was a secluded place....
I cant explain where, as that would be telling and who
knows who's reading these passages. I must admit though
this is a full time obsession, "norms, that's you people.
Wouldn't realize the stresses that happen upon my psyche.

All I would say is
                 "Don't quite your day job
This isn't really a hobby for most, they don't have the
patience the needing of planning and the waiting of
who shall gift you their last moment then nothingness.
I am wired different to you people. My empathy for
your feelings is non-existent, we are a moment in time
and I plan to silence your hour glass, your grain is about
to fall into oblivions sights and it will swallow you whole.
1.3k · Apr 2015
Wobbly Wonders
Poetic T Apr 2015
Wobbly was wondering?
"What will we wager"
We will wrangle worms
"Winner wins whatever"
Which Worm?
We wondered, why wrangle
We walked,
We waited,
We watched
Which wacko would wager wrong,
Wobbly winked, wondering why,
Wanda waited wondering why?
Why wink,
Why worms,
Why, *why,
Would worms win wagers
Without watching weird worms
Wedding wishes
Which was wonderfully weird,  
What would Wanda want?
Wobbly wandered, waiting
Wonderfully wishing.
Wanda's wise words whispered, wobbly
*With wonderment,what was whispered?
Words with W`s :) harder than it looks :)
1.3k · Jan 2015
Horseman Of The Word
Poetic T Jan 2015
On a steed of armour we shall pound the ground
Dirt is thrown upon the
Sides of the path
Motion of ferocity
For I am a messenger of the crown
Neither man or beast shall still our  cause.
For we are the readers of words
The illiterate
Shall not stop this parchment of speech
This is our  moment to shine
To show the lords that words mean more than
Coins do not alter the course of one so true
"We will fall for this"
"We will die for this"
"We will never surrender"
This parchment, until we are cold upon the floor.
We will ride with honour, with valour,
We will not shed a tear for the fallen ones
As our moment counts on the moments of time
"For never to deliver"
"For never to read the words"
"For to fall before an enemy"
Is the worst fate that a rider faces.
The rider is of courage, for he will
Upon soiled ground in front of those worthy men.
Shall each word  spilt in blood be spoken out.
We are the Horseman of kings,we are the words spoken,
That could befall a kingdom, or rise it from the ashes once more.
Poetic T Aug 2016
As I wrote this footsteps upon the footsteps
fell, I ushered words to my little ones that
it was past the ruination of dreams if there
heads had not headed the times of slumber
as night is for sleep not running around.

But footsteps inevitably fell once again.
Anger feel upon a fathers brow as words now
ignored where sleeping head should have fell.
With tired eyes and the voice, you know the
one that tell those of younger age daddy means
business. And then there was silence once again.

But eyes whispered unto the realms of dream
to be once again woken by footsteps playing
upon the stairs waking others namely me from
my needed dreams. I glanced upon the stairs to see.

Without a murmur I glanced in rooms, and unattended
my first born where they were in slumber so silent I
could only just hear the faint whispers of breath as they
did sleep. then in darkness the footsteps louder than believed.

I awoke in the morning on the top of the stairs, a bruised
rendition of a child's footprint upon my skin bruised
and hollow. My daughter said in a mulled voice that
the child didn't like you watching it in darkness run.

I write this as a father who now has shivers as I write
this piece that the footsteps are within my room,
My wife sleeps my children do, but the footsteps don't
seem so innocent now, and I am not going to look behind me
1.3k · Dec 2015
Nights Frozen Sorrow
Poetic T Dec 2015
There tears coalesced and sorrow bent
Them unto the bed of leaves now fallen.
Like mourning moments frozen until the
Sun rose and the earth was watered on,
Slowly it stood tall again.

As time evaporated into dusk and
Mourning hew hung onto each emotion.
Again captured bending in captured
Breath, and once again it bent with the
Emotion frozen once again.
1.3k · Sep 2014
Trophy Gathering Dust
Poetic T Sep 2014
Am I just another
Gathering dust
On the mantle of his heart,
Every time he stares
I wonder? is there
Or does he just think of me
As he would prized things
A jewel
That hangs from his arm,
Would he for a moment
"See me"
To touch upon my heart
He would know
That I have
Even though,
We are intimate in the sheets
I feel no warmth from
His heart,
I am a love lost,
I am a trophy gathering dust,
On the mantle of his heart.
1.3k · Jun 2017
Last Words Entombed
Poetic T Jun 2017
Even in death,
          your last words
were cremated within you.

Like a whispers
                    in a jar
rotting in your lungs.

Words were maggots
             eating away within
                         yearning for release.
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