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15.5k · Apr 2015
md-writer Apr 2015
“Whispering together before a storm,
The leaves take counsel;
And some fly down.”
~ Faelda, from Whispers of Nature
5.4k · Jun 2015
md-writer Jun 2015
i think
beyond all lies
and twists of personal interpretation
there is a final sunset

but the only problem is
i think the road to it
is like the rainbow bridge

you can only walk on it if you're a god

but somehow
a vine seems to grow in me
that will clamber the long divide
of space
and let me glimpse
that sunset

if i remember right
the vine is called connection
to a vital nerve in Christ
and by the life inside
it lays a road of many colors
so i can walk the bridge of colors
and see the colors
that the sun makes
just before the end

but it's not sad at all because
i think the end is like an upside-down horizon
and when the sun goes down
at last
it's rising for the last time
and this time,
it's the Son
And there shall be no sun anymore, for I will be the light of that place forever.
5.3k · Apr 2015
cotton candy
md-writer Apr 2015
it's all a buzz inside me
cotton fluffed between my ears
and ceaseless crickets droning,

like a tuning fork that never ends
but always holds the pitch
of time and undivided space.

an empty shell peering out at life
stuffed with eternal noises
of neurons crackling.

where's the fun in cotton candy
when it's stuffed inside my head?
I think I'm describing mental fatigue, but whatever it is, that's what I'm feeling right now. -_-
3.3k · May 2015
md-writer May 2015
I saw two lines running beside each other
on a converging course.
To avoid conjoining before the proper time had come,
I sought to make them parallel;
but now it feels like they are moving
in opposite directions and

I don't know what to do.
Can you help me?
3.0k · Jul 2015
when galaxies surround
md-writer Jul 2015
when galaxies surround
and gravity's unbound

and I'm floating in the midst
holding tightly to your wrist

and there is wonder in my eyes
because your face has told no lies

I hold you close so I can feel
if your heartbeat's even real

and press my lips against your cheek
because my heart is growing weak

against the love-tide rising
your presence prizing

above all else
3.0k · May 2015
chicken soup
md-writer May 2015
there is no true end to anything
for every moment
is the beginning
of something new

after the egg,
a chicken
after the chicken,
chicken soup

and after the soup comes something new.
just a small thought

in a big world
but i think we should think it more often
2.6k · Apr 2019
md-writer Apr 2019
We're dancing on a
knife's edge,
you and I.
You know it - I can see
the sparkle in your eye.

But do we care? I suppose
there's somewhere deep
down in
where mind sits at its desk
and all the glaring danger signs
flash red.
But on the surface, there's a
bit of gold in knowing
where we stand
for now,
and being free to dance the line
with comfort in your friendship yet
all the same.

We know where we stand:
it's not together,
so we're free to tap the
dance floor lightly
smile into the night,
because our words are sparring
in -
well, let's say they
might have crossed the line.

But just our words.
We two?
We're standing side by side
(this side of the line)
and laughing at them,
pointing out the silliness
yet somehow still content
to stay and watch them
for lingered moments that speak
more deeply
than the words themselves could ever do.
2.6k · Apr 2015
When hot meets cold...
md-writer Apr 2015
“When hot meets cold and does not melt it,
When flint meets flesh and does not cut it,
When heart meets heart and does not change,
Then you shall know.”
~ Xaldin, from Witch-Wrimes
2.3k · Apr 2015
fly away
md-writer Apr 2015
ima bend the bars
and watch you fly away
cuz the dreams we made
they aint real anyway

so leave me behind
as my broken wings fade
find the freedom
that i know you crave

dont let me watch you fly away
dont let me keep you here to stay
dont let me bend the bars to keep you in

cuz im gonna let you go
i'm gonna let you go
Sometimes the best thing we can do for someone is to let go...
2.2k · Feb 2018
md-writer Feb 2018
Weary voices screaming soft and slow
A whine

How am I to understand

Gulls and shrieking colonies
Have never opened up to me
I can't divide the hurtle of millions
Into the movement of one head here
A feather there
And mouths agape for more

Cram a colony inside my head
Bursting with busy, covered in crap

Do you wonder now
Why I cry myself to sleep
Why I dread the light of morning
Why I stare into the deep.

I can't escape it. A million miles of progress twisted into half a cup of brain.
And not in order, either.

All's a mess within.

So how am I to understand
How am I to live
Vaguely, I suppose.
1.7k · Apr 2015
tie me tighter
md-writer Apr 2015
tie those knots around me tighter
don't ever let me out again
i'll cut your heart to ribbons when you're
lookin in the mirror

don't you ever give me wiggle-room
a place to fly free again
cuz there's nothin you
can ever gain from me

don't look me in the  face
it will knife you again
just tie the knots tighter
push my black hood back on

i'm a dangerous animal
don't let me go free
keep your eyes safe and look away
you'll be the next in line

staring up at me
how is this
so tie those knots around me tighter
don't let me ever out again
i'll cut your heart to ribbons when you're
lookin in the mirror
I'm tired of this part of me that does things that makes my heart bleed when I look at myself....
1.6k · May 2019
to my parents
md-writer May 2019
I have no doubt
           that I have seen
                                what it means to love.

all my life it has surrounded me,
the aura and the action
             both entwined as one
                                                         activity -
both the savor and the sacrifice
of love.

Mother, father,                                    
hear a son rejoicing in the magic
                   of your love
for me, for all the children                
(and their offspring, too)
but more - much more than that,
the love you celebrate today
                             as man and wife united
in the pattern of Christ's love.

Today is a day of memories,
memories that only two
can share,
memories that span for longer
than the days I've walked
                  this earth;

memories of love's first gentle stirring,
in the blush of tender youth,
when sweethearts stood with beating
                     hearts, and eyes spoke more than

memories of longing to break down the miles
to close the distance, holding close,
                                      let come whatever will...

memories of certainty, of love's sweet, calm assurance
in the moment that you knew
                   without a shadow's doubt
                                  "I will always love you"

memories of rings and things, of wedding
                      of whirlwind moments bringing every
                               detail into orbit;

memories of love itself, the tender,
                  sweet communion
       blessed by God above and fruitful
         beyond what man can tell;

memories of love maturing, growing
as you grew,
memories of memories, of standing
strong and true...

these memories are yours alone,
             the precious bond you share,
                        the sacrifice of willingness,
                                 to live for more than you.

Mother, father,                                              
hear a son rejoicing in the magic
                       of your love
in the strong and steady sacrifice
you've lived out day by day;
one for the other, the other for the one,
and both in heart united
as you seek and serve
the One.

Today you remember the past,
                       rejoice in the present,
                          and hope for the future;

and I, from the outside looking in, on lives
so, so well-lived...                    
                            ...I weep the joyous tears of one who
                                                sees the Savior
                 in your love.
on their 38th wedding anniversary
1.4k · Apr 2019
midwinter of the soul
md-writer Apr 2019
In the midwinter of the soul,
all is cold and fruit is
nowhere to be found.
Leaves and blossoms that once
sat spinning light and health
have fallen off and lie there,
broken down below.

The forest floor beneath me,
one time,
was carpeted with remnants
of my last sweet spring
of growth.
Abandoned, all but lost,
and listening,
to a moaning in the wind.

But trees don't die in winter;
nor did I.

Spring crept in slowly, bit by bit,
an undiscovered quickness in the
heart, and hints of breath
so far away, so deep within, that
stirrings heard were no more spent
than darkness closed back in.

But still that gentle pressing in the
heartwood of my soul,
kept on, and stronger day by day
until, with terrifying clarity
the parts of me that died
were seeking fully to control
each waking thought.

In the midwinter of the soul,
the heart is cold, and fruits
that once were juicy lie there
rotting on the ground.
And all seems lost within.

But 'tis not so for me, I know,
for Spring has come again
once more, the sap runs true,
runs through each drooping limb.

Lift up your heads, you forests of
the Lord, bowed down,
cold within.
Let light shine forth within you,
let the woodland fairies swim
through waterfalls of blossoms as they
slip from limb to limb,
delighting in the tearing of the
chaining wounds within.

"Bleed once more," He told me,
"let the terror of your sin,
destroy the cold unfeeling
that has wormed at you - and then

at last,
the living, green delight
will sparkle like the stars of
every clear and silent night."

Bear fruit in keeping with the
cleansing of your soul, for
every tree drinks deeply
of the river's rushing flow;
take confidence, a promised voice to hear:

"Well grown, my tree. My good and
faithful bough."
And in the brightness of His
majesty, I will forever
April 2
1.4k · Jul 2016
i am woman i am slave
md-writer Jul 2016
every breath a torch of flame as i look up and see the blue above i want to fly away but no he says and holds my wrist behind me crying blurs the sky i cannot see his hand is sliding slowly slowly down i want to fly i want to fly i want to fly just let me go i cannot speak the ties of painlovefear are tighter on my lips just let me go i want to die there is no place to go to hide to flee inside me nightmares circle vultures breeding vultures breeding vultures breeding vultures and i just want to go just let me go i cannot speak

rising pain and fear i shake he stands there looking and my throat constricts no hands just eyes that's all it takes i want to go i cannot speak don't touch me

shiver quiver fear is king i lose myself the darkness hides it all i look around at nothing so i stay huddled in the corner of my mind i want to go just let me go i want to fly just let me fly

there is no place to go he stands there his hands are sliding sliding down i want to go don't touch me let me go why can't i speak i'm screaming why can't i hear myself i'm dying why won't my blood flow i'm frozen burning dying alive inside myself his hands are warm as hell

too scared to know too crushed to flee i want to fly just let me go don't touch me another face is there smiling kindly just a devil of a different breed i cannot tell he takes me in please please don't let him near i never will you're safe with me i'm just a devil of a different breed so let me in i'll take you dear and make you feel and shape you straight and keep you safe and tell you lies as i hold you tight and touch you touch you don't break free

dead i'm dead i'm dying just let me go God  i cannot anymore no feeling left i can't i can't it's woven into me to fear to lose to break i do not know the devil was so close behind me a shackle on my mind i fear i lose i weep no soaring no blue sky i cannot see the sunset and i know that feeling he is there again a standing shadow at the end of my bed kneeling over looking down i cannot feel i am not here i leave i flee i run i cannot move and smiling looking down at me against the red light i am now in hell i think i will not cannot go i scream i live i die i am not here i am not here just let me go don't touch me touch me i will **** your heart i am not human anymore you killed me let me go i will fly sometime just let me show you and the knife is twisted and i die for real he laughs i hear it as i fade no fear i'm done i'm gone i cannot say goodbye he took me stole me i will never see the light of day

i am woman
i am slave
For all my wounded sisters who cannot speak this horror aloud; may this be your voice.
1.4k · Mar 2021
Cookie Jar
md-writer Mar 2021
Up on Grandma's kitchen shelf,
a temptation crocked and lidded
her cookie jar, it beckons me,
well-worn, once-cracked, now-mended -
not with mud new-daubed,
but gold
in every crack

it gleams;

but that is not the treasure
that has seized my heart.

Nay. The treasure is inside.

One time only did I reach within,
one time many-scolded.

"Not for you," she muttered,
gummy, toothless, ancient hag;
"Not for you," she growled.

"Not for any fingers seeking just to
fill their ******* mouths."

And I wondered as she said it,
as I've wondered always since,
at the force and heart within her words,
for the cookie jar was spent.

Empty. Not a crumb inside
- I felt it all around -
empty, all the cookies gone,
to places I had never trod
- in waking hours at least.

Empty - not a crumb inside, but...
...something brushed by me.
Warm and soft and...
like an angel's kiss, or wing;
the golden glitter of a teardrop as it
hangs in sunlit dream.

That - that feeling
is what brushed against me
(wrist-deep and guilty) in my
Grandma's cookie jar.

She bound the jar with leather
and shelved it up much higher,
and scolded me from morning until night.
But heart aflame and
eye caught in wonder,
the magic had bound me up

I dared not take it down again,
I dared not wrest it's slumber
with another groping, clumsy
but my eye and heart were on it
and as years passed,
hunger grew.


When Grandma died - a miracle,
considering her spells -
at last I dared to keep the jar,
up on my own cook-shelf.
And slowly I unbound it,
leather strap by leather strap,
as the days turned into winter
and the star-symphony danced.

Three years it took to free that
(her spells had hardened
by some brew brought on by
and when it sat untarnished, free,
once more the gold
did glew.

Humble earthen vessel, uplifted
by destruction
and the searing introduction of a molten,
fiery grace:
a simple cookie jar it was,
(this I knew)
and empty as a floor too-swept and clean.

Yet still I longed to feel the
brush of life once more,
glimmering like a secret in
the depth of that fair jar.

So I dipped one little finger in,
crossed the plane marked by it's mouth,
and waited for the magic of
the past.

It came near by gradual nibbles, a skitter-fly
to be acknowledged, so it seemed;
but gradually one finger became two,
two three,
and three a hand.

Skitter-fly no longer, the golden pulse
it surged,
stronger by a hundred-fold
than ever I felt before;
and coiled betwixt my fingers
like a honey-snake
and warm.

I knew it then, the cookie jar,
and the cookie jar knew me.

Desire birthed and twirling,
fostered long, but now set free.

I sighed and let the crocken lid
fall back down in its place,
plunged once more the jar in black, and
emptied now for me, it sat
up on my cook-*** stack,
and winked no more
- no more for me.

After that I set a rule up,
for small-kin in my home,
that the cookie jar was sacred,
as it was in Grandma's time.
And any hand that snatched from it,
would turn-about be smacked.


And then I sat and waited
for a grubby little hand,
to reach down into empty space
and spark again
the gloam.
1.3k · Aug 2015
angel demon
md-writer Aug 2015
they shine
like angels
fallen from above
to tempt the eyes
of frail men

broken trail of wingless years
eyes betray a lonely heart
and hope to make it full at last

they long
like sirens
calling from afar
to turn a foot
by fatal lyre

faithless fickle hearts of men
leave voids unfilled by unshed tears
and ache to wipe the fears away

they lay
like harlots
waxed and oiled
primped and preened
to light the hearts
of fallen men
tempted, turned,
take them away

to darkness

fill the longing, close the void
break the long and hard divide
but moments pass
the deed is done
and into stupor
all undone
the cracked and broken

so we sit
like demons
teeth spread wide

with a halo on the jaws of hell
I hope this doesn't come across as a mysogynist poem, because it's not. In many ways, we can all be angel-demons to each other, whether a man or a woman. But the heart of this poem is to expose the angel-demon of lust and ****** fantasy by tracing the path of temptation.
1.2k · Apr 2016
love you to pieces
md-writer Apr 2016
I’ll love you to pieces just so I can put you together and watch you fly.
md-writer Apr 2015
But the way you look at me
Tells me there are tears behind your smile
And a graveside in your mind
Where you sit and wonder
Why he had to leave.

I know I'm not him
But if I can I want to be the
New face of that old love.

The tree that grows up
From the dust of his ashes
To fill the dark void that was
Left by his passing.

Next phase in the old story
Where death begins birth
And new life is a graveyard not yet dug.
1.0k · Nov 2018
Hell is With Us
md-writer Nov 2018
Hell is with us. In our hearts and in our hands.

I don’t know what is in my head, but there are pictures whirling, images dragged up from far away, from places I have never been, and darkness that presses in hungrily to consume the soul of all humanity.
In me there is a foothold. God! In even me a grasping hand able to wield the knife and divide my soul from itself and laugh. To dance around the fire wherein the bones of my victims burn. God, the horror! Flitting shadows, creeping faces, a shuddering crawl because I cannot run.
But of course, if my legs are cut how could I run. There is no hope, but blood and death and horror and laughing faces asking for new dissections.
My body a cocoon of fire around my heart, pulsing out in the open, literally. My chest is torn open, carefully peeled back and my body a spectacle. There is no redemption in this grotesquery. This madness filled with the devils of hell themselves. They gloat over me, reeling drunk upon my destruction and the utter shriveling of the souls who dance around me. I am fighting my own demons not to burst into a million tiny seconds of my life, like shards of glass shatter under too much pressure, a flitting signal in the night like a light snuffed out by wolves. Slavering jowls, moist breath pressed unwilling against cold flesh, and a knife’s blade sliding, gliding through the pathways of my life’s story. Veins emptied of their proper element. Pried open.
"Lay them bear!
Let us see the very soul of you - the inside of those veins. Let us dare to go where no man has ever gone before. To do what no man has ever dared to do. To brave the depths of hell for the satisfaction of knowing that at last we have done something new, something that no one will ever have the bravery, the courage, and dastardly faith to do in a hundred years."
No god was there in that room, only the screaming devils of hell in all the world about us, laughing, laughing at the misery we make for ourselves, the utter torment into which we flee to tear our own souls apart beyond the light of day. There is nothing that we can do to stop them. They are all around us in the night, and in the shadows they are lurking, creeping, whispering. Let them come into your soul, they only want to play a little, gleefully singing the songs of the ******. They are not the ones you have to fear. It is the old devils, the ones who are still insatiably hungry, that you have to worry about. They say they're just here to have fun. But, oh you poor deluded soul, don't you know the fun they call is ******? The messengers they are is death’s own hand, the scythe-wielding master of the times of tombs and all things. By the way, its midnight. Don’t you see the clock? You hear the ticking. They are coming closer, ever closer. Don’t deny it. You know that they are here, it’s true, it’s true. You felt their breath late at night breathing down the back of your neck’s soul.

Hell is with us. In our hearts and in our hands.
974 · Apr 2016
md-writer Apr 2016
Fire and fear and falling shadows,
a promise broken and shattered dreams -
the tides break in with rolling billows
and my heart of sand is tossed ashore...

But I will stand once more,
For she is my anchor in the storm.

Kiss my brow and soothe my worries,
take my hand and cast your spell.
Let the demons you have driven from me
cast themselves back into hell;

for you are my anchor in the storm.

When the darkness grows within
you shine your light into my soul:
where the laughing failure whispers
and the future looks so dull.
When I cannot see the morning
and it seems I've lost the fight,
your hand is on my shoulder,
speaking wisdom in the night.

No words can sketch the likeness
and no picture show the form,
but if there's one thing I can say,
You're the anchor in my storm.
To my love. You know who you are.
955 · Jun 2015
it is just before the end
md-writer Jun 2015
now final loss
is speaking close
i don't know how
but here it is
and fallen clouds
that cannot float
lie scattered on the ground

i look up at the
brazen curve

the ancient cage
of stifled gleams
beats into me

and just before the end
it's all a dream
i cannot seem to

the fire of my heart is hot
but coldness sits inside
and rots
the heartache

why the places that i see?
what is here for me?

beyond the ashen hill
i cannot find
the final resting place
i've left behind

before the void comes can you tell
which way the wind blows

or is it just
a silent stillness
on the land
of iron hills and fallen clouds
and solid sky above?

tell me the answers
that i seek to know

perhaps i'll see
the secrets of
my mystery

or else i'll find in something stolen
answers for a broken mind
to feast on
in the day

at night they ****

but trust me, i don't want to die
the broken mind asks, why this pain and suffering? what is the answer? is it pointless in the end? is it just a barren plain of broken dreams? if it doesn't find the answer the broken mind steals the borrowed hopes of lethal dreams
Christ is the answer to the brazen cage. He is coming again.
949 · May 2015
md-writer May 2015
Before I go
There are cookies in the jar
A note on the mirror
A shopping-list on the counter
with a bunch of apples
for the horses.
And I love you forever.
And then he breathed his last.
895 · Jul 2018
md-writer Jul 2018
My heart is such a stupid thing,
I cannot tell a lie
But deep inside the stinking walls
There's plenty rotting piles.
Don't destroy the only thing you've ever loved
I laugh. I cry. I do it anyway;
It's all a play
a farce, a dutiful desire to feel
Some pain of some kind somewhere

where no one can ever see the tears that fall and puddle in the deep spots of my insides where there is hardly any light and I only know they're there because the water weighs me down...

and every time I look at her I smile
every time I look at her I die
and every time I dream of her, she's right there by my side
So I can't tell the difference anymore;
nightmare, daydream, its all the same to me

flip hair, crimp hair, I'm on my way to hell.
let the fires fade away, tell the doorman he can
I want to tell the story to a face that doesn't know

Strangers give me freedom because there is no consequence. But those who love me stick like glue
So I can't tell them truly. What I am
Is a secret fit for none but me and h̶e̶r̶ .
md-writer Apr 2015
“The lines of flowing water clashed,
But they had not hardened yet.
The rosebuds that are cut,
May, watered, open still.”
~ Evalinder, from Rosebuds
798 · Apr 2015
Little Old Lady
md-writer Apr 2015
I was walking through the street

With a hollow in my heart,

Aching for the faces I

Will never see again,

When I looked into the chapel

Standing squat on Broad and 4th,

And saw what makes me wonder,

Why we ever venture forth.

A little old lady, a little old lady,

By the open coffin’s side

Staring at the empty face to whom

She is the bride.

An isolated moment where no love

Can ever hide,

A foretaste of the end to which we

Ever closer tide.

A little old lady by the open coffin’s side;

A foretaste of the end to which we

Ever closer tide.

Left behind with broken faces

Staring down into the grave,

It makes me wonder if we’ll always be death’s

Lifelong slave.
I wrote this poem thinking of my widowed grandmother.
773 · Mar 2016
I, P0p$tar
md-writer Mar 2016
I’m sick of it,
The blasted hordes like dried-out gourds
Screaming, cawing for more water.
Feed the flesh, delight the eyes
Give us our shining fantasy. With flippancy
Strip down past all the layers of
My skill my voice my person,
And then take me, break me, make me
Into someone I am not.
Into something that is not.

Pull the paints out.
Imperfections had their day
Today we’re going all the way.
Make or break you,
Take and shape you:
Tonight you’ll be the idol of the world.

Set the lights, hold your poise.
There’s a goddess on the stage tonight.
Not a person. Not a voice.
It’s the *** doll’s dance tonight.

But we’ll call it art.

I’m sick of it,
The cursed curve,
Numbers up, so clothes come down; and to think I started out
So innocent.
But the eye of the tiger is broken,
The clearness of crystal is crushed -

and those shards just make the perfect dress!

Crystalize, sterilize,
Put me on a different plane.
Separate, distillate,
Don’t let them see your pain.
“If you have to show you’re broken,
It’s gotta be so you can gain.”
Strip away. Everything.
Don’t show them who you really are.
We need an image for the covers
Not a person. Not a windowpane
Into your soul.

So break free, defying,
You’re like a god.
No more trying. True flying
Means no more rules for me.
Don’t let them try to
Defy you:

You are now allowed to breathe free.

But only if you push the line. Flaunt your paints and shine your sparkles, leave behind your decency. You stand before a watching globe It is your job to entertain. So really, you are not your own.

The masses are the masters, though they pay.

So no, there’s no way out for you. There’s only forward
Which is downward. And no chance
To just be you. Because
Your freedom isn’t free.

They just can’t take a faulty human. It would be a let-down,
A break-down.
So let us shove you in a box.
Tell you how you have to be.
If you’re gonna keep your money
And your parody of free.
Then take the stage
Play the part.
There’s no more music
No more art.
Just a mad house, a cat house
Diced up platters serving meat.
Kiss my chains, take my gains,
For all my pains
I still ain’t free.

But still. We’ll call it art.
Can we all just take a moment to hate on the modern music industry (fed and created by the general consensus of consumption) and the abuse it puts (especially female) artists through?
750 · Jun 2015
i think this means i'm mad
md-writer Jun 2015
because the darkness grew
I lied and said you would help me be strong
but the fires in my eyes came down to roost
and now I can't help but sift through your ashes
to find your bones

is there any way to undo
the knots I tied around you
before I lit those flaming words within your soul?

is there escape from the walls I build
to keep me in?
because I don't mean to build them around you too
but somehow I do
and then we're stuck together

and more ashes litter the floor


can I not do this anymore?
or is there something inside me that
claws its way through my eyeballs
to find your soul and **** it bare
and leave it to dry in the night?

is it me?

I wish i knew if I did this to you,
or if it is the night
inside me
flirting with the day to find
a little spark of
demented happiness
in the screams of your eyes
when you look at me for

who I really am.

you know what? I wish I knew who I was
because lost inside the beating of my heart
I think I see a spot of color
but then it's gone and
I don't know anymore

I don't think I ever did.

Because there's so much more
to being me
than burning you.

I just want to find out what that is
because this demon isn't gonna stop
and I kinda wish it would
because I think my soul

is dying

or maybe life is death drawn out in tiny ebbing circles
like a tiny ebbing tide
and the ashes that I make of you
are the tears of last year's bride
condensed and broken into

I don't think so....
744 · Jun 2015
md-writer Jun 2015
Soulless shadow
sleeping in my arms.
When I look at you
you are no more.

What broke the glass
through which I saw
your soul?

Before the morning dawns
will this dream fade?
Lost like another
Fleeting escapade?

I thought time would

                                          stand still

I shouldn't try thinking.

    I though we could


lights started blinking.

I thought the puppets that
we played with

Could still be real.

But beyond the rim of the edge of the world
Time is no more.
And there the dreams are real.

Can we go there,
In another time?

I don't know how to get there,
But with you
                                        would try.
Heartbreak with a touch of smile at the end.
733 · Jun 2019
i met God
md-writer Jun 2019
i met God in the forest today,
climbing a tree
(i, not He)
clambering up a fallen trunk,
propped by a young and
supple birch
- it's not the most divine
of sanctuaries
founded and built
up by men;
but it was enough for me

i stood up, balanced
twenty feet over
soggy earth and leaves
and breathed in the fragrance
of divinity

i met God in the forest today,
climbing a tree
(He, with me)

and i'm still happy, for
He has stayed.
728 · Nov 2018
md-writer Nov 2018
all my sorrows washed away
all my darkness turned to day
every sin and failing weak
every evil word I speak -
He has turned them all to dust
no more dirt and no more rust

blood now boils within my veins
life now covers o'er my stains
God who is the perfect ruler
has stooped to daily be my tutor

What grace! What love! What everlasting light!
What awe! What life! What
ever-growing sight!
726 · Jun 2019
md-writer Jun 2019
i like making homes of
places i have never been
and likely never will again

you must sit still, after you've
found your momentary home
and look around as if this is all
you've ever known;
all the reasons you love
other places
now originate with
this one, in the moment
where you are
right now;
at least, that's what you
have to tell yourself
to make it feel like home

i've made homes of fallen logs,
(a new one every time)
and i've made homes of houses
where my friends have called me
and i've made homes of tables
that we sat around
all night,
and i've made homes of faces,
kisses, hands that hold mine
and i've made homes of bedrooms
where i lay alone at night,
and restless roll through
hours of the

and i've made homes of feelings
- when God comes close to me -
when all the joys and sorrows of
this world have all bled through,
and i see the other side
of the page,
where the light shines

i've made homes of many things,
i do it easily,
but the one things that i
haven't done,
is make a home of me.
713 · Jun 2015
md-writer Jun 2015
i watch you fade
into the night
of formless shadows
shapeless sins

they swirl around you
before the strike
of deathly terrors
shrieking fiends

breathe it in
you say
to hold the
powers of darkness
at bay

let them in
and they will play
a little pain
like dancing splashes
of pouring rain
so quickly gone

keep them out
and they will rend
the very fibers of your soul
and when your blood
upon the thirsty ground
they will stoop to smell
your fear

so breath it in
the darkling mist
come let them play
within the midst
of all your halfway
and thoughts of bliss


but in the end
the deepest pit
by spoonfuls dug
tick by tock
a dragon's bane
may prove

if the gifting shadows
you will see
in the looking-glass
not your own
but the mirror of a madman
driven by
precious fear
to sell the soul
of all that he holds dear
drugs, alcohol, escapism - it's all a lie
710 · Sep 2019
md-writer Sep 2019
Her face surprises me,
half the time.
The surprise is what it does to me
in just a casual encounter -
all outside of my control,
and all inside that deepest
part of me.
It's like a breath of fresh air, or a
splash of cold water on the face,
first thing in the
A bracing dose of reality that
leaves me gasping like a fish
out of water.

They say she's supposed to take your breath
I didn't know it was literal,

until today.
604 · Feb 2018
md-writer Feb 2018
Needles seeking north with
cursed magnets in the way.
Some call it stupid;
But I say brave

And wish that I was one.

The driver stops
To watch me leave his whirring chair.
I nod and say goodbye.

Sparkles fill the air
Where fly the remnants of my broken dreams,
Shattered by the hardness of my cold and quaking heart.

And then he drives away.

I'm faltering
Just on the edge
Leaning out above the flow
Of time and space and whispers in the dark.
Happy is the man whose heart is one
Whose heart is won.

And I?

I'll be okay.
In time.
The driver will come back to me
and find a wholly different flower
In the pocket of my coat.
He'll smile when he sees me
Like he always does.

Feathers aren't weightless,
but they sure help you fly.
Heartache, too, gives wings to
your sigh.

Someday, I'll build a new boat.
Someday, I'll try.
Someday, I'll laugh and it won't be a lie

But now? Who am I kidding, really.
604 · Apr 2015
The Poet
md-writer Apr 2015
The careless page on lamp-stand resting,

With pure white the glow reflecting,

Catches the sore wand’ring stranger’s eye,

And keeps it there without a sigh.

He reads thereon a poet’s verses,

Sore reflecting many hearses,

That should have rightly never rolléd,

Bearing corpses cowl- and hooded.

“Oh, the manner that he writes in!”

Thus the words that cross his cracking lips,

While tears run down to fill the rips.

Then eye, though dimmed, still struggling onward,

Next reads words that turn him upward,

Looking to the bright heav’nly places,

Where God with parted soul paces,

And—leaning down through clouds—soft touches,

Man’s heart so now again he blushes.

“What a manner that he writes in!”

“What god-like genius inspires him so,

Such lofty heights to rise unto?

Do Muses bright surround him—ringéd

In fair halo slight and gilded?

Or warrior-like hews he his figures,

Out of flesh and blood by measures,

‘Til the beauty shining forth o’erwhelms,

All other mortal verséd poems?”

“Which the manner that he writes in?”

Weary much from traveling afar,

The stranger sleeps him under star,

And as he dreams he sees the poet

—Yet in thought he does not know it--

Who sitting desk-bound looks about him,

Searching for poetic fountain;

And ne’er receiv’d he supernal

But from this life poetry made:

That broad noble brow in thought contracts:

The genius broods; his mind he wracks.

Then eye with pure, clear light shines—spilling

Evanescent* light, so thrilling,

And lip with rev’rent murm’ring carries

Sweet words to ear and gentle lays,

While pen—by trembling fingers wielded--

Marks the page to make sure-founded;

This, the manner that he writes in.
This poem is a refutation of Kharturi supernaturalists who believed that the Attar aided those who devoted themselves to the arts.
596 · Apr 2015
We are not ours...
md-writer Apr 2015
We are not ours, and we will have to let us go.

Watch her closely as she holds you,

Let her feed and watch you grow,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let her go.

See him smiling as he swings you,

Hold him tight and cuddle close,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let him go.

Kiss their wrinkles as they hug you,

Take their arms and be their cane,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Hold her hand and let her take you,

To the land of sunset skies,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let her go.

Tell them truly that you love them,

Let them know that you are there,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Kiss her sweet and let her kiss you,

In the altar’s shadow bright,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let her go.

Love them dearly while you hold them,

Tie their hearts like one with yours,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

See them smiling as you swing them,

Hold them tight and cuddle close,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Kiss their wrinkles as you hug them,

Take their hearts and hold them tight,

But forget not at their end,


You will have to let them go.

Watch them hold hands as they tell you,

Of the land of sunset skies,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

See them stand and pledge before you,

In the altar’s shadow kiss,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Hug the children that they bring you,

Let them kiss your wrinkled face,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Tell them all how much you love them,

Hold their gaze and squeeze their hands,

For now that you are at the end,

You will have to let them go.

Hold her tight and let her kiss you,

Though your eyes are dim and sore,

For now that you are at the end,

You have to let her go.

Tell this always as you teach them,

That this life is not all ours,

For in the end, remember,

We will have to let us go.
589 · Sep 2015
grave clothes
md-writer Sep 2015
cold mist
dark wind
and stench like death's own
firstborn son

i am a shadow
laid to rest
life's long struggle
under stone
and seal of spice

****** heat
pulsing light
voice beyond the dark
and stony veil


forth you dead.
come forth

flinty foot
faulty step
to haste, obey the call
and rise
from chained slumber

filtered light
through crossing thread
woven cloth
to wrap the dead

unbind him
set him free


and halted there
in frozen time
his hand
has pulled away
a strip
or two
and sight from blindness
has restored

but still
the itch and irk
of grave clothes
not unbound

i feel it all around

a finger moved
an opened eye
the breath of life
and hope to die

to wake again

broken free
of death's cocoon

before the end is the middle, and there am i, frozen in time, waiting for the consummation
586 · Jun 2015
md-writer Jun 2015
half-form words....

sentences brok
en in two

thoughts never brought to

    wishes stuck
the  inside   confines
     of my head

dreams of golden castles and...
...ever after:

lose the shackles
of this life
find the whole
among the many
broken parts

no thread completes
the picture

by itself

lines brokenly straight, if all alone -

there is purpose
in the broken and the
shattered dream

each fragment fused
defines the fullness
of the frame

and beauty from the watered ash
will rise


together broken
together whole
I find it so amazing how Jesus takes us, broken and fallen apart, and puts us in Himself and thus in His body, the church. And in Him, we become whole. In union with the other broken members, we can together become something beautiful and whole. And to think that this is what God will do with the whole world in the end! Take all the broken parts and fuse them together to make a beautiful and amazing whole. I can't wait to see it.
540 · Jul 2015
md-writer Jul 2015
i wouldn't know what it's like
to feel the world
staring down my back
trying to find the soul
in all i do

nor do i want to feel
in me
those heartless eyes
look through your actions
like a sneaking spy
with files in the night

tell me when i'm losing you
to pictures in my mind
framing you inside the frail confines
of a dime

to cheapen souls costs money
the worth of knowing facts
cannot repay

its you i'm waiting for
not figures.
you i want to hold
not files
in a file-drawer
with keys to keep the door
we are more than the sum of our parts
536 · Aug 2018
md-writer Aug 2018
memories, like ashes flung
across the web of time -
are half-burnt logs where dreams still

and I bid them all goodbye

no one knows the sorrows,
nor the joys of light unseen,
when stirring through the ashes
of yesterday's dreams

farther than an ocean spread
the eagle eye has seen,
but never can the keenest
pierce that gray and ashy sheen

the past is gone - a mirror
of our present selves, I think -
the things we see there
gratify the darlings and the beasts
memory, like ashes flung
across the net of time -
are proof that life one time
was lived:
that fevered dream of mine

now dead                      

below the surface,
where the dust is soft and blows
in the gentle gentle breeze;
below the hardened crust of teardrops
raining down down
through the trees:

there the shifting ashes lie;
the happiness of dreams,
the lifting light of love's delight,
the lightning at the seams

and there I roam,
a lost forlorn,
a citizen of dreams
that long ago have burnt to ash
and scattered all my things
memory, like ashes flung,
across this web of mine,
with shadows in the corner comes
and wakes the dragon Time

each forward step                          
              a drop of fuel
                 each hour
a log of pine

and always always flickering
that fire we all call mine

till memories, like ashes flung,
across the wrinkled line,
fill up the span my steps have spun
and dry the noonday sun


and I stirred the fire to flame again
and thought of her no more
cold ashes are sad; but none would be a tragedy
519 · Feb 2018
Dusk Eterna
md-writer Feb 2018
Eternal circle, fatal rhyme
Golden new and golden old
With blue skies in-between
Or storms

Hearts a-flower
Search for love's long twining song
Hoping past the sight-edge
For a blue sky up above.

Rising into darkness
And turning night to day
Rushing sunrise rushes

Sheer delight of transformation
Flying headlong to its death

Such beauty all in vain
And yet

Sunset skies from far away
Most beautiful of all
Fading day
Yielding light
Soft within the brilliance of age.

Better far the end than not at all.
Love's lispings, too.
512 · Apr 2019
heaven's enemy
md-writer Apr 2019
every moment I sit
on the edge
twiddling my thumbs
right next to insanity

tender lies, spoken
in whisper,
root themselves within
and spread moments of weakness
all dolled up as

I know the thrill
of falling


into the heart of
headfirst, the warm
and gentle darkness
keeping my eyes in place,
fixed upon it:

my broken and perverted

many hands stretched out to wound him,
reaching for the God of Souls.

so mine reach out to claim her,
for the sweet ungodly savor of my
and the beggarly delighting
of her tender gaze on me.

perverse pageantry,
the ritual of very God above
imitated in the wasting
of this ******'s

stretched out for all to see,
just like he.
pierced through and bleeding
from head, heart, hands, and feet -
so she is pierced
for me.

not to save, but to delight.

bringing low

blasphemy, you say?
of the deepest and the darkest
conceived in hell, the devil's spawn of this idea
swam upward to life through
layers of molten lies.

they burn, unceasing.

If you could tear one part of you and cast it far away, what ***** would you...

...fool! think not
escape to find without a light
trust not
the fickle heart to leave any part of you to lie severed
in the cold for long.
you'd search for it, and find in reunion cause
for celebration of the
darkest kind.

lay flat instead
upon the sun-pocked surface of this lightless planet
that you call a soul.
lay bare your helplessness
to the falling stars
and take the fatal blow that falls down
from on high.

no life without death,
no freedom without a brand
new set of chains.
do you actually believe it possible to change,
without such bitter pangs?

undo your only hold on life
and in the process gain
a claim to thrones eternal
and the everlasting

shadows of the devil's crucifix are haunting me.
desire, love, and beauty lick their lips
and wait for me.
but shifting like the broken
veil within, the pageantry I see
mist falls away; reality breaks free.

the shattered, broken
body of a god,
hangs limply on a tree.
lightning flashes, and a flood of unrefracted clarity
destroys the feathered patchwork
of my soul.

held aloft before him,
I scream.
forced to watch the devil's prodding,
dancing in their glee

I can never, never be free.
compelled by love more fierce than fire,
inflamed with all the agony of
purifying blood,
I lay a hand upon him,
and I weep like God above.

all this for me;                    
         all this,
                                            for heaven's enemy.
April 9
481 · Apr 2019
perfect stranger
md-writer Apr 2019
Just look at us
we're perfect strangers,
human and alone
self-containing centers
of our sorrows, joys, and pains.

I walk beside you
humming like a radio wave,
but you are tuned just
differently enough
that all you hear is static.

Just look at me!
A perfect stranger.
Human, meet my gaze,
and tell me that
the magic we are feeling
is contained
in you and me.

How could it be?

Just look at you,
you perfect stranger.
What lies hidden
in those eyes?
What beauty can be
gleaned without
a distillating

Just look.
We're perfect strangers,
all of us; and yet
a current runs between,
and all it takes to show it
is a moment to be seen.

Shared for a moment,
before we pass on.

Treading our own paths;
and humming
a universal theme.
April 3
470 · Sep 2019
Monument to the Forgotten
md-writer Sep 2019
One day, in my travels, I found a monument to the forgotten.

I found footprints there, and though they fit my feet, I had no memory of being there before.

One side of the monument was blank, full of words that could not be read.

One side was burnt, and ashes twisted in the mourning breeze.

One side was covered with a sheet.

One side towered high, yet was gone before I fully looked away.

And all around, footprints.

All of them mine.
467 · Apr 2016
md-writer Apr 2016
I live on the inside, mostly.
Not on the outside.
I'm learning, more and more.
But yeah.

I am a galaxy of stars,
a universe of stories.
Sitting on the pinnacle of a rocky black spire.
Cross-legged, calm
in the whirlwind of ideas that I think all to myself.

Lines extend out through empty space,
like neurons in infinity -
thought connecting thought with thought
to build a web of life and consciousness,
a twinkling framework for my soul.

I reach to feel the soul of passing threads,
and craft the sparks into some airy nebulae.

Combine, twine. Jump that far synaptic gap.
Connect and catch the pulsing breath:
Idea with idea join.

And from the gauzy mother-thought
I watch the new idea spring,
dancing with that new-found heart-throb dance
and glistening still with birth's fresh fluid
aloft like stars.
The threads, they grow.
To find the greater context.
To live.
To know.

But then eyes fly open.
Space contracts,
Flipping, spinning,
Twisting back into my head.

That place
Is beautiful, I think.
All I see there is my own.
Storms may rage but none can steal the threads that hold the cradle of my soul.
For my mind is a place
that no one else has ever been.
Where no one else will ever be.
Sometimes, darling,
I wish that I could take you there...
Unfortunately, the only thing that really gets through the blood-brain barrier is alcohol,
not human souls.

So for now, we'll have to do with words.
My mind is the place that I spin the cocoon of my soul. It is there that idea with idea melds to form an even stronger thread. And no one sees it but me.
447 · Aug 2019
Come, David; sing to me
md-writer Aug 2019
Whisper, shiver,
Quake with fright,
A devil's voice is heard tonight.

Shifting dreams of
Fill the leader of
this nation.

"Come and make
These voices leave,
All this wicked
Whirlwind relieve -

Your music has a
Soothing power,
O'er this demon's
Constant glower

So come and sing,
You shepherd warrior;

Come and frighten
My destroyer."
King Saul calls for David
441 · Aug 2015
md-writer Aug 2015
don't hate on me

i have a confession to make

i've never been depressed
or stuck down in the dumps

and i kinda feel ashamed about it,
like i need to keep it quiet.

i've never thought of suicide
or using those X-acto knives

but i kinda wish i had so
i could say
i know what it's like

but to be honest
i just can't.

and that bothers me.

because then i want to think
that somehow i'm superior

that i should be the one to help
because i am so obviously


to those who hurt and struggle
with the pains and fears i don't

please help me to remember,
that my strength is hardly tested
if i haven't walked through nights
when i'm pushing past
fears more dark than when
i just turn off the lights.

help me to remember,
that i still freak out and
lose my mind when everything
comes crashing in

at once

help me to remember
that the reason i am here
the way i am
is not because of what i do
but what he did to die for me.

so there you have it.
maybe this makes me a monster with no heart but i really hope i'm not.
430 · Apr 2019
md-writer Apr 2019
Colors cascaded around
her smile, laughing like the
first blooms of spring bearing up
under the last ***** blush
of winter's kiss.

I laughed with the colors. Red and
orange and the softest sunset pink - blue
like diamonds from the sky, and green
as thick and billowed as the freshest
prairie wave.

She danced in my heart like a
fairy more happy and pure than
childhood itself.
No sorrow overwhelmed that vision,
though it tainted the edges on every side.
The more I looked the more I could
see their angry boiling, creeping
like the wrinkled edge of a wildfire
dying to infect and purge the light.
But she shone.
Framed by that dark storm
on every side, and scarfed
with a cascade of colors more
brilliant than I knew how to

The wheels of her chair spun,
the trembling of her hands flung
a million stars aloft at every quiver.
In the wrinkles of her face
I saw the individual moments of a hundred years
and a tear fell off her chin
as she looked at me and whispered,
"Look within."

"I am," I said,
and cried myself, the thin
and watery tears of age, long toil,
and unrelenting joy.
Her time had come and
mine had not and yet the
silence of our breathing was
enough to still this final
terrible, beautiful, terrifying storm.

I took her hand and squeezed it
gently, laid it down
on her lap and
whispered in her ear that
hung down low with time,
"Look down on me, when you
are gone.
I follow close behind."
April 1
417 · Apr 2019
md-writer Apr 2019
i didn't mean to find a flower
on my journey through the forest
but there it was
to bloom in a
crevice of the rock
to my own dear flower; i'm so glad i found you
410 · Apr 2015
md-writer Apr 2015
lights go out at night
and nobody cries
but this time the light bulb
brings tears to my eyes

it's just the beginning of a
long lonely life
just the black end
of a brilliant light
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