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Jun 2018 · 213
Everything’s Okay.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
Older friends came back into my life again,
I felt honoured to have people forgive me for my mistakes,
happiness flying higher than paper planes.

I hope one day to sit nearby a lake,
to consider it a home to scents of mystery,
remembering the past watching as my heart breaks.

Learning lessons from our history,
to keep me re-evaluating each night,
got to keep balance as this road is slippery.

The future seems so bright,
yet we hold our fate close to our heart,
praying for more than just the light.

I display my soul in art,
hoping I’ve done my part.
Even in life when I lost most of my friends or failed at things, I learned to get up again, which might not be a lot to some, but to me, it was incredible. Many people have always told me that you have to fail multiple times to get a success; I couldn’t agree more.

My friends mean the world to me.  People might not really realise, but for me to call you a friend is a very big compliment on my behalf because I love my friends like family.

I love doing art, I will always do artwork, no matter what, I’ve been drawing since I was a child and I’ve continued drawing as an adult.

Many people really don’t know what other people are a 100% going through, sometimes we can’t always compherend what they are going through either. I’m not saying my life was severely hard, I still have a family who love me, friends who love me and an audience who anticipate my proper return. I am loved. I just believe everyone’s struggles are very different to one another’s.
For this poem, I tried my best to attempt creating a terza rima. It was quite interesting and most likely one of the easier forms to learn to write in my personal opinion.
Jun 2018 · 320
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
I'm concealed right now,
as my hair is ******* tight.
I saw her letter,
it crept a smile in my life,
sincerely long hair and bun.
Me and the long hair female (my cousin), do speak, but we had a disagreement. I wasn’t happy when we last properly spoke and then education came swarming into my life – distracting me pretty badly.

Soon enough my Father’s birthday came around and to our surprise we heard in the card to us, she was pregnant.

I spent many of my years protecting my cousin, I cared dearly for her and I even made my first picture motion video about her being a remake of the popular UGLY pmv video itself on YouTube due to her not feeling confident in herself.

She’s actually a year younger than me, so this is a big situation in highlight, I can’t help but feel conflicted from knowing there are many stresses she will have to undergo as a young mother, but I know even aside our disagreement, I love my cousin and I’m always there for her and I want to see her become the best mother she can to her child.
During this time, myself, I would’ve imagined things differently, I was expecting to get married and be with my partner happily, but as shown in prior poems it didn’t always work out for me – so I do hope it works out the best for her.  

This was another Tanka inspired poem.
Jun 2018 · 640
Microphone Off...
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
peaceful, dull,
yawning, cuddling, lying down,
Take a breath, look them in the eye,
ending, remembering, smiling,
bitter, sweet,
A matching poem to Microphone On... I decided to follow the same themes, but reminding how sometimes good things come to an end. This was to represent how I took a huge YouTube break in making content for my education.

Sometimes, being someone ‘big’ is everyone’s dreams, but sometimes being ‘big’ isn’t always the most important thing in life itself – or at least, in my personal opinion.

I’m personally someone who wants to love life the best they can, show people we are more than just ‘people’ and we can do so much more for our future as the human race.

However, being in the spotlight 24/7 is tiring, sometimes, people want a break, or a moment to reflect and see what they are showing off to the world. Do you like it?

Sometimes moments away in the shade are a lot more enjoyable than moments with thousands of people.
Jun 2018 · 388
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
Just like Lucifer you fell down,
painting horns attached to your crown,
breaking my heart in a small town,
before heading to the showdown.

Your wings have never looked so sharp,
I tip-toe away from the scarp,
Frantically looking around,
before heading to the showdown.

I was good and I gave my best,
you kept staring, hurting my chest ,
my new friend's homes in a ghost town,
before heading to the showdown.

I dropped my weapons at the fight,
Can't we finally make this right?
the devil comes with a count down,
before heading to the showdown.
Sometimes you can watch the destruction of good people. It’s not always fun.  Sometimes when we learn bad things about someone we love we become disgusted, emotional and over-the-top.

I think that we all make mistakes. I think people should be forgiving, but I do know, there is a fine line of ‘mistakes’ and ‘forgiveness’ when you know that person won’t listen to you.
It’s tragic because sometimes you just have to wait for them to realise on their own accord or you watch as others pick at that until they’re completely mentally destroyed because they refuse to acknowledge their faults and get help.

I always offer the best I can and sometimes that’s not enough. I can’t do anything about that.

I wanted to follow the themes of a devil for this poem as I felt it fitting almost with Christianity and the bible overall with the story of Lucifer. He was the best, did the best he could and then just one day turned on everyone and fell out of the sky. It was almost terrifyingly accurate to many people in life – one moment they are someone adored, the next moment you find out they’ve been doing a lot of horrid things behind closed doors.

I decided to pick “before heading to the showdown” as a repetitive line in this poem as I felt that when you are someone who has done wrong, you panic and anticipate for the moment someone discovers what you did, sometimes people get that feeling simply from how anxious they are and overall, sometimes, good people get it when realising they have to confront the truth before them. A showdown is an overall metaphor for the ‘big callout’, the revealing of what that person has done and their fight for their life.

A lot of people admittedly forget when someone does something illegal, they will always have a defendant of some kind to defend what they did, no matter how bad. Making it an even showdown.

Sometimes people also attempt to ‘callout’ while being in the wrong, having the whole thing twist around and focused on them instead.

For this poem, I tried to write using Kyrielle, it was definitely interesting, a little difficult admittedly, but it was quite easy to get used to as you go along.
Jun 2018 · 385
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
abnormal in thought, perfect in action
    2. people both love me and hate me
    3. I come in all shapes and sizes
    4. I’m kind of like one, but not the other
    5. Sometimes you try to see me.

Do you know what I am?
When finishing my art course, I saw some options, stay in my home town with my family and either work or take a new course or move away to pursue something else.

I realistically didn’t want to go to a big university. I feel I need someone’s guidance a little more when learning and in a room with over 500 different students all trying to do the same, it becomes difficult. So I stayed and was offered to join a Digital Film Production course. I loved the idea! I love art, music, I genuinely adored animation too, so I thought why not dust off film and give it a shot?

I didn’t actually initately like film when I considered enrolling, which leads to people to most likely scream ‘Why did you take this risk then?’, because I wanted to. I wanted to learn about it, even if I originally didn’t care. I wanted to learn something different.

When arriving at my course, I made friends with some unique characters. Some different to many others I’ve ever met before. It was a relief.

People often try too hard to either be different or fit in. It’s really not worth the time. It’s best to be who you want to be in reality and for me, it was tough to get a grip of that initately until I met these people.

They showed me that what we like, shapes us. We become what we adore, hate, fear etc. We’re all pretty unique, but in being unique itself, makes us the same. So when we define what is ‘different’ to what is ‘normal’, what do we say?

The only time someone seems different to you is because of the following:
    • They are mentally different
    • They are physically different
    • They liked things you originally would have liked, not liked or don’t know of.
...and a lot more at that!

It’s a really complicated topic to think about.
I think in reality, it’s just better to not lie about what makes you unique. Find things you like yourself, express how much you like those things or want to do those things! Imitating isn’t always bad, since imitation is what teaches us a lot of things in life but never feel afraid to add your own extra spice of individuality to what you do.

So this poem I was looking into the idea of following the structure of a Riddle, I didn’t originally intend for the numbered parts of the poem, but I thought the list structure added to it.
Jun 2018 · 536
Dazed Light.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
Oh! Happy, Confident, It’s finally all done!
My happy moments of truth felt brighter than 30 suns,
I finally got through it even if it hurt a tonne,
annoying all my new friends with overrated puns.

Fans from left to right are finally meeting me there,
I speak words of wisdom and hope that they learn,
they comfort me from all the stories I share,
who knew it would all change you see? When I begin to turn.

Fair skin walks towards me with smiles of pure glee,
I know there’s something here, I see it in his eyes,
he looks up to say, he’s always wanted to see me,
I hold a moment in time, I can see him rise to the highs!

Shades of red covered us both,
it became a blanket of pure hope,
I then vowed to take an oath to see your growth,
to see you excel beyond this *****.

He reminded me of when I was just a dreamer back then,
When I always wondered when...

He sprung up happy, I could tell,
the spark in him never shone so well.
When I was talking to many people starting out YouTube, they would sometimes ask me about it:
    • How can I do this?
    • Is there a secret?
    • Do you know how I can get a following?

In honesty, people just want to see nice, genuine caring people.
Of course you can make views easily by being a **** to everyone because drama sells, but in the end of the day, it was genuine people, being themselves.

One in particular stood out to me when I was young when he started out, was this guy who was really shy at first, but he was an absolute sweetheart, heart of gold and a mind filled with ideas and ambition. I always wanted the best for him and sadly I cut off with them.

Many years later I did see them have their own uprising of following and it made me happy. I was quite glad to know that I could inspire someone to be themselves and go out there to show off who they really are.

I was inspired by irregular ode mixed in with some free versing for this. I wanted to create almost a structure of hope, a feeling of importance and happiness.

Odes are something I do need to practice, but I do think I did a rather good job.
Jun 2018 · 222
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
have to
get up and
shut up, and work
on my paperwork, they aren't here, it's fine
I'll get through this night, some friends they stay but
not all walk out
with a sigh
just get
I had just lost someone I considered a ‘love of my life’, I lost some friends, others started genuinely picking on me. I was livid. I know it wasn’t the friend I had the conflict with in particular, but I envied someone I knew for the worst thing ever.

Not having emotion.

I wanted to limit myself, I wanted to stop feeling because I felt maybe my feelings were the reason why everything tore itself apart (when in reality, it was faults on both sides, including mine).  I discovered a new love, work. I actually adore work to this day, but I know sometimes I do have to restrict myself otherwise it becomes an unhealthy amount.

During this time, my channel started becoming viral (or more or less, it was very active) and in reality it was a lot to handle at a younger age; It’s why whenever I see younger youtubers leave, I can understand why they do.  

One thing that bothered me for years to come was the fact someone a long time ago stated I was always playing ‘Victim’ when in reality that individual barely acknowledged me as a person. So, I actually thought I was in the wrong and tried to stop feeling, everything. It nearly worked.

The saddening thing is how much people can impact insecure individual’s lives. I was severely insecure at this point of time and saying these things left me to believe I was always the problem, even when I wasn’t. So when I started limiting my emotions, it became almost easier to ‘Get over it’.

But I missed it all! I missed being happy at something I liked! Hating something I hated! I loved those emotions, but at one point it genuinely felt impossible to feel most of those emotions. Depression didn’t help either, as much as I hate to say that.
Jun 2018 · 210
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
lipstick can leave stains,
rooted deep within my soul.
Ocean eyes ran dry,
as the air around us all,
Our love has become detached.
When you play the game, it’s hard to get out of the game. Time passed and this perfect love at first sight began becoming faded. In truth, I was very concealed with how I felt, he wasn’t aware of how little he gave in contrast.

One person I really adored I ended up using pretty badly and shared a romantic love for them when hopes of my relationship had died, but I didn’t feel right. Essentially, I was so torn up and emotionally confused that it was selfish of me to consider dating as a whole at this time.

I took a break.

I did want it to work with my prior partner, but I lied to people, hurt people and in the end, I felt ashamed and embarassed of what I had done to everyone involved. Mixing shame and confusion is a bad time for anyone. It’s definitely not something fun to encounter.

I luckily still have my friend with me to this day and I treasure them as a friend. I do feel lucky to have my friends from many years prior come back into my life, but sometimes, you aren’t always ‘lucky’. So treasure those around you. Don’t do what I did, it was very narcissistic. I showed so little empathy and in the end that’s what left me alone.

Since then, this event taught me to treat people with respect, to not assume people’s lives are always ‘filled with sunshine’. I learnt to care for others as well as myself.

This poem is a Tanka poem, they are a little like haikus but they have a lot more syllables. I will admit, when researching I did notice sometimes Tankas show themes of nature alongside passion, so I wanted to really tackle a mixture of both.

Tankas weren’t easy to try first-time, I did enjoy some of the metaphors I used regarding the start of the poem. Definitely something I need to practice.

I did, reference an album I like a lot on purpose, I referenced Ocean Eyes which is an Owl City album I really adore.
Jun 2018 · 176
My Friends.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018



Irreplacable throughout time,
My Friends.
My friends was an interesting write admittedly. If there is something I love the most in life it is my friends. I treasure them so dearly.

When I came across Kennings poetry, I had never attempted it before and it was so fun to just give it a try, I tried my best to revolve the words chosen around my friends and their interests.

‘Day-appetizers’ was the most fun admittedly, I liked the concept it gave; if you had no idea what to do with your day (metaphor for dinner), you could have an appetizer and see where it leads. In other words, I would hang out with my friends and my days would unfold and I never regret a single day with them all.

I am friends with many artists, music-makers and in general, I love being around people of creative tastes. However, I’d have to admit, life would be boring if we only were around those of our interests. I do love the positive vibes this poem radiates, it feels very accurate to how much I adore my friends.
Jun 2018 · 237
Everybody Loves You.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
Oh Lou,
You raise words we fear to say,
with tender and gentle vocals,
how do you hold such grace with words?
The taste of the bitterness they spread,
coat it in sugar and feed it us again,
with your lipstick coated smile.
Lou, kind hearted, elgant Lou,
the things I would sacrifice for you,
dignity and face,
I’ll offer them blind.
Dear angelic Lou of skies,
nothing wrong could come from your lips,
if accused the accusation, words shall die,
For your life is more important than mine.
I have never wrote an ode to myself, it was almost awkward to create. Admittedly, this was an attitude some people have given me in the past. Don’t get me wrong, I love my fans to this day, but there are some people you meet who think you have to be a 100% right all the time in order to be their friend, one mark of darkness and you are a bad, bad person with no aim of redemption. Which is tragic.

I am someone for forgiveness, I think we should always forgive people even if they’ve hurt us very badly, so we, ourselves can heal; by forgive, I do not mean befriend them, I simply mean, acknowledge they did something bad and aim to work out what is best for the situation.

The bitter and sugar refers to how I’ve encountered some horrible people and how I always try my hardest even with the worse of people, to find the best in them, sometimes you can get somewhere and the path to emotional healing can begin for them, other cases, you can get some stubborn individuals who refuse to acknowlege they are in any kind of wrong at all. So I suppose, this poem is majorly about ego and how sometimes it can be destructive to cut yourself short or praise yourself too highly, too things I have majorly suffered with throughout my life.

I did alter the last line when re-reading it, from mentioning my name again to “Your life is more important than mine”, solely because I feel sometimes when people share a reputation of any kind and a nice following, they sometimes belittle themselves over the success of the other.

I am always saddened when people compare themselves to those of higher popularity, but I think it’s very common for those with insecurities to do so, I just hope one day they can love themselves just as much as they love these people they look up to.
Jun 2018 · 568
Microphone On...
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
gentle, honest
drawing, talking, trying
This is what you can do, this is what you can’t
stealing, screaming, threatening
dangerous, loud
When I started ranting, it was originally on PrincessElizabeth013 a young female sonic artist who stole art, threatened people and did quite a few terrible things. She was very short tempered.

For some reason, I felt a way to build myself back up was to do a rant, but not just that, I saw her acting the way that the woman in  Headlines! Was acting and I had to say something. Little did I know that would change so many lives forever.

I know the ranting community has been around for years, it’s been here and not had the best reputation, but as a young kid with a need to complain, I felt it was a perfect way to make content, and soon enough many more started joining in.

Except, I regret doing it.
Some people are worth a public callout, if they bring danger to those around them but I couldn’t help but feel I ruined PrincessElizabeth013’s life when I made those videos and many others after that. I had managed to accidentally create the same toxicity I wanted to fight against. I was just too naive to see and it seemed I just wanted to bully people for the sake of bullying them. I was obsessed with making her life a hell, it was just disgusting, the worst part? I would receive an applaud for what I did. I was praised.  I shouldn’t of been praised and now I try my best in hopefully giving her a better life by being her genuine friend.

It doesn’t change the past, but I feel better knowing I can help her when I can.

When young, kids make mistakes, PrincessElizabeth013 grew up with many people attempting to harass her, bait her, treat her badly and soon enough it fossilised into her being too anxious to show any kind of emotions. Don’t get me wrong, she has her flaws.  I just felt bad for putting them on display.

Overall, it was just my introduction to the ranting community and becoming a YouTuber. I tried to show this in a Diamante form, which was quite hard considering I was not talking about objects and more or less talking about speech.
Jun 2018 · 214
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
dead reputation,
thanks to torn up flowerbed.
the roses are dead.
When I was younger, before doing artwork on my current account, I was very well known for very repetitive, badly crafted artwork which I did not really put that much effort into. I don’t always like to say it was bad because I do know people did like the art I made, but trust me when I say in the technical aspects, it was bad.

My artwork would often associate with roses and soon enough I was outcasted because I did not agree with somebody else. Soon enough, people noticed I wasn’t around very much. So then went forward, my attempt to befriend that person and hopefully have a truce.

Soon enough a fan of my artwork came to me, named Elizabeth. She stated she wasn’t happy with the way I was defending the girl I had originally disliked for being rude. I ignored her because I heard it was the best course of action. I was wrong.

I was then proceeded to be ‘ranted on’ or in other words be placed on public display for the rude behaviour I had shown, I came to realise I was not acting right. I was in fact, not being fair to everyone by biastly following this mean individual. I decided to cut ties with her and apologise to Elizabeth, in which I met my secondary friend, Heather.

We came together and talked and soon enough, we all began becoming friends. It is a true blessing to know, we are still friends to this day. I think they knew when they spoke to me, I wasn’t a bad person, I was just making a mistake blindlessly following a mean-hearted individual. I apologised to those I did wrong during the situation.

I was confused because some people were saying to ignore this group, to not talk to Elizabeth but in reality, I came to realise, that ignoring the issue made it worse. If you have a problem with someone it’s always best to battle that issue head-on.

The mean-spirited girl however, still to this day does not like me, even after multiple attempts to be-friend her and fix our bond. She now sees me as a two-faced backstabber, despite being openly honest to her about my feelings. However, sometimes, you just can’t please everyone.

This was the first time, I realised honesty was much more important than I had initally thought in my younger teen years.

This poem is structured in a Senryu form, it was interesting to write, definitely a bit of a puzzle to make, but I do believe it makes you think about what words are most important in a poem to prioritise.
Jun 2018 · 296
Shades of Blue.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
He laughed in front of us both, it was heavenly,
for us three friends having days filled with fun.
His personality shared a feeling of complexity,
It was the first time cupid had won.

Emerald eyes scan his screen,
as we talk more anticipatingly.
I had hoped my confession would not intervene,
for his love was with another strangling me intimidatingly.

For she hoped the best but love always finds it’s way,
they had split apart, I feel I was partly to blame.
But our love felt almost like broadway,
leading to a well known nickname.

We held each other close, we were finally together,
Blue t-shirts mixed with the smell of leather.
I fell in love. It was definitely love, how did I know? Everything he said I remembered, with a memory as bad as can be, everything we did together just felt in perfect harmony. We would laugh, play games and it felt really nice, to have someone to talk to through it all.

We told one another all our secrets. But, when I did fall in love, I decided not to act on that love as he was dating someone else. I genuinely never thought they’d break up, I really didn’t want them to because they seemed so happy, I even did my best to help the girlfriend when I could when she herself, wasn’t feeling too good.

Soon enough, she and him split up, but it was clear I was in love with him. I accidentally told him. You know when people fakingly say “Oh oops! I didn’t mean to send that!” I told him that what happened years later, but in reality, no. It didn’t happen like that.

I had accidentally told him I liked him because our third friend was aiming his hardest to split them both up so he could get with his girlfriend, which was admittedly disgusting in my opinion. You shouldn’t attempt to split up a couple for the benefit of your own ego; I don’t get people who do that.

If you really love someone, you’d always want the best for them.

He discovered I liked him as I was sending evidence of the plan our third friend had placed because I had jokingly stated “Haha! I’ll take _____ then!” and... well yeah. He was just honestly flattered.

Soon enough, I came to realisation that many years after my love for the colour blue most likely originated from meeting him and many others. Hence the title.

This was an attempt of a Shakespearen Sonnet layout, however I do think I could’ve done a lot better with this one as a first attempt admittedly.
Jun 2018 · 370
Long and Ponytail.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
We had moments of sunshine that fuelled our laughs,
that stay there stuck in photographs.
A short hairstyle fit for a queen,
who’ll be dancing perfectly to eighteen.
It’s you and me now, long hair girl,
our emotions are slowly becoming unfurled.

We know she had perfect reasons to leave,
We know we were almost too naive.

Small ginger curls won’t run outside anymore,
no more trips with our friend to the store.
It’s concrete, the damage he has done to us both,
destroying  the bond we shared by oath.
We loved each other,
there’s no need to suffer.

We know she had perfect reasons to leave,
We know we were almost too naive.
Who would know, we’d reach this age without one another?
Who would know, we’d have a war to uncover?
We were weak, but that’s not our faults dear,
we were just young and filled with cheer.
But we’ll keep strong, he may have lied,
but I will always keep you by my side.

We know she had perfect reasons to leave,
We know we were almost too naive.
It was a few years after, we were in our mid years as teenagers, they were both 14? I was roughily around that age myself. Me and Rosie’s friend had came out to some personal stuff and the long story short, she had to leave, taking her two sisters with her.

It destroyed me for a long time, not having her or her sisters around. They were a huge part of our life. Admittedly, the said friend, had a lot of people not a 100% happy with her or for her, but when she told me what had happened, I understood completely, almost too well for our age.

I haven’t actually spoke or seen her sisters since and it’s heartbreaking. She, herself, I haven’t spoken to much, and I fear sometimes I might be a trigger for her emotional feelings. Knowing that, can be really saddening.

It’s just a shame that one person’s bad actions, could split up a group of happy young kids, who just wanted to be there for one another and love one another.  It was overall, just a tragedy how we stopped speaking properly. I hope one day I can speak to her again in honesty, I do miss her greatly, but sadly life has not given me that opportunity yet, maybe I just got to keep knocking on more doors.

I am happy that her coming out about her personal struggles did encourage other people I knew to come out about their struggles as well – including myself. I am grateful for her impact.

This poem’s form is mostly in similarity to a Lyric poem; These types of poems are extremely personal and in honesty it was a first-hand try of this poem type and I do think I got the feeling behind the poem correctly.
Jun 2018 · 320
Lover To Another.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
One look, they’re a lover by the shine in their eye,
that glistening light gives me a dopamine high.
It takes a moment, an analytic check,
otherwise leave their heart in a wreck.
You will have to stand still while you hear the cry,
but he’ll forget about it later with his hand on your thigh,
you feel the panic rush over you as you say goodbye.
A stranger beside you gives your lips a peck,
One look, they’re a lover.
As bricks keep coming in, you look like a bad guy,
rinsing your hair darkened by the black dye.
He throws you gifts with his paycheck,
you know deep down - bad check,
One look, they’re a lover.
One thing I won’t deny about my younger years, I was a bit of a player when I finally got the ball rolling. I wasn’t ‘extremely attractive’, but I was charismatic, which lead people into my life quite easier. People loved me, it was weird, but it wasn’t due to fame, it was due to not really knowing how to convey love itself.

Let’s be real, how many of us as kids went: ‘I want a girlfriend who I will love!’? To then realise, wait, no you don’t, you didn’t think of the ‘long-run’ you thought of the ‘now’ and how much fun you could get out of that thrill of being with someone.

Despite the ‘thrill’ a lot of times when people began to get a lot more ‘personal’ I would not pursue, I would often back down or not let it escalate that far. I was terrified of being in that situation and sometimes, still am to this day.

When you can play hearts, people come to think of you as the ‘bad boy’, sort of stereotype; People see you as a heartbreaker and in a way, they wouldn’t be wrong. I’ve definitely broke plenty of hearts in the past, but I think there were times it reversed back on me and backfired badly. A lot of the time being a ‘player’ consists of who can leave who first hanging more than ‘let’s genuinely make this work’.

There are times being a player you would even advance onto Strangers romantically rather easily.

The black hair dye is to reference how entering my earlier teens I was very much into the 2000s ‘emo’ trend of dying your hair black, saying you are ‘edgy’ and all this and that and sometimes it’s just funny to look back on. I definitely was an emotional kid and I just often didn’t know how to express it and I think I saw the emo subculture as a way to express my inner feelings.

So many guys bought me gifts, it was actually insane. I mostly would receive games if anything, but you’d be shocked how much someone would do for you if you have them wrapped around your finger. Admittedly, today, I probably wouldn’t do that, I just think it was a bit cruel how I used to almost play these people’s feelings and they would give me everything they had and it just wasn’t ‘enough’ because they never had a chance to begin with. They were definitely deep in the friendzone.

Now I’m more independent when it comes to relationships with people, I try my best to give as much to them as they give me or more, solely because I don’t want someone to feel like I am using them just for money, because in the end money isn’t love, it never is and never was.

The beautiful part about the ending is when you show affection and interest in someone who doesn’t reflect those interests, it captures a player’s attention like ‘I could easily get everyone else, why is this different?’ and it links into Shades of Blue a bit, which will be later on in the book.

This poem’s form follows the structure of a Rondeau which is a rather short poem, but it definitely was fun to write, it was interesting to see what I could do with the limitation of words but I think also including those words into things that reflect on my past was the biggest challenge.
Jun 2018 · 334
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
People aren’t fun, but paper is
I enjoy the feeling of writing on it
I learn to draw, day by day
People aren’t fun, but paper is
So I bring more paper by midday
I enjoy the feeling of writing on it
One thing my family and many others hated about me when I was younger was not that I loved art and wanted to draw, but more or less how unorganised I was; I would throw paper on the floor, practically grab any paper I could find and claim it as my own and it got to a point my family hid paper from me, but it was hilarious because I would always find it.

When you start off with your talents as a child, it’s quite beautiful how they can comfort you. I was very sheltered, not one for talking but I loved drawing for myself and others who would ask. Art always gave me a sense of comfort, it almost felt like days I wouldn’t have anyone around me, I would not be bothered because... I had art.

I also mentioned I loved writing on it, when young I was often given assignments from the school to write in a theme or re-write previous literature, it was insane the types of things I could do as a child regarding stories. I suppose I always had a love for writing, I just never really realised it was there, I just did it.
This poem’s form was Triolet, this quite similar to Limerick that I used in Music Notes for its repetition, but I do think the simplicity of it, does still add to that childish nature I had as a kid.
Jun 2018 · 188
Music Notes.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
Our world was filled with music
The way the beat would play on my heart strings
Characters of fiction were a comfort to the song
Memories interwined with my thoughts

The way the beat would play on my heart strings
Heroes of many cultures sang us many melodies
Memories interwined with my thoughts
My family joins together in one perfect harmony

Heroes of many cultures sang us many melodies
The instruments they play, the words the say
My family joins together in one perfect harmony
I want to write my own one

The instruments they play, the words the say
Characters of fiction were a comfort to the song
I want to write my own one
Our world was filled with music
My family and I are huge fans of music, my Dad is into a lot of Rock, original RnB, my Mother into a lot of Pop, my oldest brother, David would share an interest for electronic, techno, trap based music, Bryan shared a love for American Rock music in particular, Joe is into a lot of celtic, calm music and then of course, Me, I was just into a bit of everything, and admittedly when younger, a lot of Country music like my Grandfather.

Music is such a beautiful part of life, I could never have imagined a life without music. I don’t think I can even get through a day without wanting to listen to at least one song. As we’ve got older, my eldest brother moved to America, while my other older brother, Bryan is here in the UK.

Bryan has a huge interest for guitars like our father and I really do hope the best for him in pursuing a potential music career. I know deep down he can definitely do some incredible things and I love how my family was just brought up on loving music.

I used to write a lot of songs as a kid, before I got into a lot of poetry writing, I would write songs based on how I felt, concepts I found interesting and genuinely to this day have a low-key singer-wannabe.

I did perform vocally live before, sadly I never really had the confidence to pick up an instrument other than the recorder and some piano, I hope I can one day revisit music instruments though, I do love the idea of making music, I just have no idea where I would start with that.

When writing this poem, I decided to use Pantoum form, I thought it was quite intriguing to have a poem form like this where there is a lot of repetition, I personally think it adds a lot of appeal to the poem as well as creativity.

When you hear music and choruses, you often get a lot of lyrics stuck in your head and while going through life, it’s very clear to see, a lot of people have that and there is no surprise I was one of those people who would hum to a song and suddenly blurt out a chorus. Having that sense of repetition within the words, felt like I was acknowledging music choruses.
Jun 2018 · 334
Daisy Chains.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
hear birds
while I sit
in the sunlight
making daisy chains,
until I am tired.
t took me ages to learn to make daisy chains, but when I did, it was when I had became rather uncomfortable with socialising with other children since Mr.Man . In a way, it’s beautiful how I could find love in the simplistic of things, like textures on a wall, leaves, daisies and I even used to love sitting under a big  tree solely because these squishy berries would fall (I didn’t eat them! Don’t worry!).

I used to sit down in the corner of a field most days of my childhood away from the other children, I didn’t speak much and I would often diverse my attention into ‘preparing a decorated fence’, by decorated fence, I mean, I used to pick berries, leaves and such and place them on this fence boarding  the school and believe I was decorating it for someone, I had no idea who for, but it was fun.

I was aiming to try a simple Teractys for the first time in this poem, it was so sweet, I absolutely loved writing it, it felt very right with the bright sunshine outside of my window. The feeling of innocence really streamed through this one and I honestly loved it.
Jun 2018 · 1.4k
Mr. Man.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
It was dark,
I thought it was brighter back then.
Little did I know the mark,
of innocence he scribbled over in pen,
The sight of Mr. Man returns again.

The television light hit my face,
I had hoped it’d be the end,
but then my heart began to race,
with the thought of wounds I had to mend,
The sight of Mr. Man returns again.

Keep your lips shut, you can’t tell them,
What would they say? If they had known?
The first time I meet the feeling of being numb,
Isn’t this human? Isn’t it okay, don’t groan.
The sight of Mr. Man returns again.

The colours feel so drained,
What did he take away?
My mind is feeling strained,
Why do I feel like a prey?
The sight of Mr. Man returns again.
When I was young, I was very slow as described from my tutors. I didn’t pick up on things as fast as other kids and sometimes I felt bad about that, but I learned to just accept that sometimes, I take a bit of time.

But, there was one thing I wish I did understand before I was 6 years old. When I was 6 I was taken advantage of, not majorly, but I was still taken advantage of, when I thought it would end, I sadly stumbled into another situation where another completely different individual did the same. I found it tough to talk about to my close family, because I shut them off quickly after that.

It took me 10 years to talk about what had happened to me with them and others. I was afraid, sheltered and admittedly began outcasting myself because I was manipulated to believe it was something ‘normal’ when it wasn’t.

When I had finally confessed to my family, my Mother stood at my side through it all and I was grateful to have a woman like her in my life.

I am quite open with what had happened to me solely due to all the years I was not ‘open’. So I promised myself I would work on getting better and to this day, I’ve been getting better. If anything, saying it, does get it off your chest and I think telling someone was mostly the best part for me in the recovery process.

I learned about other’s situations inside and outside of my family and I’ve come to learn and love each and everyone of them for their stories, bravey and honestly, it just melts my heart how we can just see strangers on the street walking past us with happy expressions and we would not know they’ve been through hell.

The reason for the name ‘Mr. Man’ is because it did genuinely take me years to adapt into allowing males to actually go near me, be alone with me and sometimes even just touch me due to the situations I had been through. The name is simply a nod to how most of my harrassers were male and when a genuinely sweet man comes along wanting the best for me, it becomes a pain to have to explain to them why I might not be a 100% comfortable with being alone with them.

This has, however, improved, I now can be alone with certain male individuals and feel safe, this is most likely the biggest step in my recovery since telling someone. I am very happy to have all my friends who support me along the way.

I think the thing that hurts is how I have friends who are male, who do want the best for me and sometimes when getting to know me, they misinterpretate my discomfort as something of their wrongdoing when in reality it never was their fault; It was just a few bad people in the pool of good and they sadly reached to me first.

So this poem does have a quite ‘Deer in the Headlights’ vibe towards it for how some people when they are in vulnerable positions just simply freeze or are lost in confusion to know what is really happening.

I also try to tell my story as much as I can regarding my childhood, because I hope it inspires other young people to tell others their stories of child related issues with either mental health or people being creeps on them. People don’t realise at times how damaging it really can be on someone’s life – but it’s never too late to change those negative feelings, I know so many people who have changed their lives for the better, even after bad people stumble into them.

Never cut yourself short, you are always deserving of any kind of love.

This was inspired by Ballade forms of poetry. It was interesting to try something like this with a distorting feeling towards it, so I do think I worked my way a little outside of the structure for the last paragraph as I felt it was suitable.
Jun 2018 · 449
Short, Long and Ponytail.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
There are three girls walking there,
all with different shades of hair.
One cut short, another long,
my ponytail in the sun.
When I was young, I used to love having my hair in a ponytail; and it hasn’t changed until this day! When growing up, I would often be in the sun, having fun in the garden of my Grandmother’s with my cousin Rosie and our friend who I shall keep unnammed, who we stated was a cousin as well, just because she felt like family.

We were very innocent, wonderful and happy as could be! After all, we were kids, yet it always melted my heart how even though we were as different as can be, we all still loved each other.

We loved pretending, imagining, singing, dancing and often even hurting each other on purpose by placing a seesaw on the top of a hill and waiting for the first one of us to fall off of it! It was hilarious how foolish we were, devious at best.

We were just a bunch of fun-loving kids and I wanted to show our simplistic nature through being inspired by Limerick poetry. It seemed fun, silly and definitely a delight to try!
Jun 2018 · 224
Pray For Her
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
The rush began, they kicked him out last night,
the man can’t wait, his heart is pounding.
It’s finally happening, the day is clearer,
the man is becoming a father.

The radio chants a name in delight,
the man hears it, but is still in fright.
He rushes past the crowded place,
yearning to find his loved one’s face.

She’s exhausted,
her breathing worked up,
but she couldn’t be happier when she arrived.
The day was stressful, but she was pleased to see,
her young daughter finally.

Only one eye showed, open and clear,
but soon enough the doctors came near.
“There’s a problem miss, please take care--”,
her innocent look became a glare,
sobs are streaming,
“Please tell me she’s there!”.

The room is silent and the doctor is baffled in stare,
“Miss, your child, she’s perfectly fine, it’s you we fear.”
She felt peace in her mind.

To think she laid down the first night as my mother,
blessed to hear that I would live another.
We were happy and filled with glee,
we live to this day happily.
As obvious as it can be, ‘Pray for Her Girl’ is about my birth. My Father was told to leave at night, while my Mother was in labour. The next day came and they both saw little me!

I wanted to include this into the poem as it felt sentimental and sweet. I see the poem as a basic introduction to my life and the poems up ahead.

The radio is an important factor as my parents named one of my middle names after a song my Father had heard on the radio.

My Mother apparently was so worried about me being potentially hurt at my birth, she didn’t realise when the doctors had came in to discuss my birth, it wasn’t me who was in need of help, it was her.
I thought that it really showed how much my Mother loved me before I was born, anticipating me to come into the world. I know deep down, she always wanted a little girl, so I guess I was what she wanted at the time.
I did try to base this poem on a rather Epic form solely because I loved the storyline layout, it almost has a rather fairytale opening to the poetry book as a whole, I don’t think I’ve ever given Epic an attempt before, but I do think first time, I could do better, but it definitely came out sounding rather loving, which I think I still personally count as a win.
May 2018 · 170
May-time Smiles
Louisa Coller May 2018
The most beautiful trait anyone can have is being happy.
When you don't feel happiness, it feels desaturated.
When you smile, the world brightens up.
May 2018 · 188
Louisa Coller May 2018
A symphony made for those of wealth,
Left me anxious, aggravated and apart.
When they asked why, we sang.

Left me anxious, aggravated and apart.
Dreams follow us all with ambitions.
When they asked why, we sang.
I wish I could erase the world in between.

For you to be with me.
May 2018 · 240
My Dearest Aunt
Louisa Coller May 2018
My dearest aunt,

I shall greatly miss you in physical form,
but I know you'll always be here in my family and I's hearts.

Susan is a beautiful woman, through looks and personality.
When I was young until this day, I could always rely on her.

I still fondly remember the days we would bake, joke and eventually drag my Mother into baking at night.

My aunt will always be in our family's hearts.
This is more or less, a written piece, for my aunt who passed away a few weeks ago, yesterday (17th of May) was her funeral. I was absolutely devastated, but I had the opportunity to stand up and talk about her.

When I did, I started crying and admittedly, my entire family felt the emotion in my voice.
May 2018 · 297
The Rant
Louisa Coller May 2018
"I don't like it, do it again!",
she spouts and hurls out to her men.

"It's different, abnormal, strange you see!",
that's what he shouted at me.

Why must someone be in such need to yell?
Well can't you tell?

They complain and complain until they finally zip up,
come on now! Don't be such tough luck!
It's different! It's strange? Something new you scream!

I have a little word for you,
called 'individuality'.
Why when a group of people share one singular opinion, they refuse to acknowledge another, even when they disagree?
May 2018 · 792
They Don't Know Me.
Louisa Coller May 2018
When a story starts from the very beginning,
is it really the very beginning?

When Cinderella started her tale so cold,
it only told what we wanted to be told.
Not the years of anguish, pain and utter destruction,
those were irrelevant to our audience?

For I feel dazed, not replying at all,
the sense of edge filling up my soul.
I almost cackle at the phrase,
it's not really something I'd want to say.

You leave me a message with ambition and delight,
but I don't reply on this night,
or week, month, year to come.

It's not you,
you just don't know me at all.

When you sent that message of hope and glee,
I was stuck in my daze of emotionless fields.
But I promise you now, please listen to me clear,
one day I'm finally going to get out of here.

It's not your fault, my lips are sealed,
you just didn't know what happened to me.
May 2018 · 228
This Is Why I Need You.
Louisa Coller May 2018
I am terrified to the belief of silence, the thought of social suicide,
glances towards you and back, leave streaks of warmth and shivers of fright.

The bronze medal eye shine fill my hope day by day while the petals fall forward,
my heart swoons over the award of life, praying each day to last longer in sight.

You hid carefully behind shades of roses, but the petals kept falling,
my eyes of green seep emotions untold to fuel a gaze of glazed truth burning me.

Smiling towards me with your daily mood of cheer, while my heart aches a little,
for I share an admiration stronger than cheer, I know for a fact, this love holds me hostage.

So I walk calmly forward into this forest blindfolded, holding a string to unknown,
while many follow me carelessly wondering on and on,
I feel my heart drip away from the heat towards the cold.

They see the raindrops as moments of hidden daylight, yet I run into the puddled fantasy,
I wonder if you notice the rain feels warmer this time around, as you smile gratefully.

Shades of purple fall on us both, but the petals are all gone,
This is the truth coated in shades of blue,
as I serenade to you, taking my mask off for a final time.
Named after the song 'This Is Why I Need You' a song, I desire, treasure and hits close to home for me.
Apr 2018 · 150
Please Get Better.
Louisa Coller Apr 2018
A world of colour, before my eyes,
then it flashes and melts in sight.
The colours of beauty seep into colourless nights,
my soul seems in need of repair.
Recently dealing with the loss of a relative.
Mar 2018 · 301
Louisa Coller Mar 2018
A plastered note covers my eyes,
a girl is there with a gentle smile.

Today my wounds were on display,
everyone saw my wounded face.

But I felt a pat instead of a hit,
my heart is filled with sprinkles of gleam.

For now I'm a face, a heart to love.

I'm not a number anymore.
Mar 2018 · 425
A Proposal [Poets Wanted]
Louisa Coller Mar 2018
From a poet to another, here is my proposal.
Both a poem, yet offering, and I'm not joking!
Imagine your words written on screen,
well let me tell you my friends, it's not a dream.

I am offering you a 'Little Letter', to share your talent far and wide,
for today I'm starting a brand new project for all of mankind.
We write a poem for someone we knew, or something we hold dear.

Then montage flashes, an actor still, saying your words with passion.
For I ask you, hand in hand,
would you like to be a part of this?


If you have read this far, congratulations!
I just wanted to say, as someone who loves poetry and starting to get into the love of filmmaking. I want to combine our two interests. I am creating a visual, slam poetry montage short film series called 'Little Letters', this series is about poems dear to you, about someone you knew or know and of course topics or objects you treasure dearly.

If you want to take part, feel free to email me at:

If not email, feel free to send me a facebook inbox:

I can't wait to start working with you amazingly talented people.
I am accepting poets to come and help write the series (you will be credited), as well as any potential actors (West Midlands location).
Mar 2018 · 296
Poke at it.
Louisa Coller Mar 2018
Caitlyn picked up a stick,
what can she poke with it?
Up an down the streets she'd go,
wondering what she can poke.

The grizzly bear slept tight,
next to the bunny in the sunlight.

Caitlyn poked the bunny's home,
but the grizzly bear is finally awoke.
Mar 2018 · 935
Louisa Coller Mar 2018
Trembling, wondering, knit together tight.
A blanket of stars, swept upon the shoreline.
You count each dreamer with a smile on their face.
How can the world say their struggles are fake?
Mar 2018 · 176
Louisa Coller Mar 2018
Droplets of petals all around,
silence for a moment before the sound.

The birds chirp louder than me because the time is alive,
a gift for we.

But, dare play a chord chalked in black,
there could be a potential we'll never come back.
This was inspired by Coco.
Mar 2018 · 276
Louisa Coller Mar 2018
Stares are made towards fame,
but how many hearts are crushed?

Singly taken one by one,
until I am one of them.
I started my own little poetry book where I try to write a poem everyday or at least try to on most days. This is the second one I wrote.
Feb 2018 · 120
Louisa Coller Feb 2018
It's so easy to move your legs to the sounds of environment,
but for some, the movements are harder everyday.

Some dreams are left unspoken, others remain thoughts,
I want my dreams spoken, but written down, of course.

I wish for long-lasting, moments of forever,
yet we are fast-paced in every moment.

Eyes, brains, dreams and desires,
lips, sugar and overall delight.
Feb 2018 · 214
Louisa Coller Feb 2018
Red silk strips surround her eyes,
her mouth begins to tell more lies.

Blinded by love, ambition and lust,
the feminine figure is gullible to trust.

Horned figures lay in the dark,
they obtain your touch, but destroy your heart.

Blue concrete breaks and shout,
throwing tantrums all about.

Rainbows falling showing to care,
lie behind walls, just beginning to stare.

The full moon soars through the sky,
thinking they understand the world we pass by.

But you don't know, what you never even
tried to know.
You don't know what you
lied about knowing.
Don't try to act
like you know my wounds
when you held the knife
from the start.
Feb 2018 · 200
Louisa Coller Feb 2018
The storytelling poetic, symbolic and exotic,
the heartbeats of many ambitions follow.

The story touched hearts, brought people to dance,
a sunlit harmony of bodies.

The pain and the grieve written through their teeth,
laid there in public display.

For many dance to the romantic trance,
her pain and memories will stay.
This is actually a poem inspired by how much I currently am in love with the film 'La la land' and how many people most likely think I love it only for the romantic tropes, but in realistic viewpoints, I actually admire their characters individually much more.

Mia shows a lot of emotions in the regards to how I feel when I lose someone in my life and in a way I wanted to subtly replicate that emotion I feel in contrast to the romantic trope-following emotion of the masses. Sometimes, people genuinely like something more than what people would expect for.
Feb 2018 · 280
Louisa Coller Feb 2018
Many people may be shocked when I say this,
but I spent my life in a bathroom.

I remember day one, they told me,
"Don't be insecure, get up and go".
I took a breath and asked politely;
"Please may I go?" as I skipped on my way.

But one day it didn't go my way,
in fact, it was a mess in more than one way.
I smiled politely as she shut me up tightly, so I sat there silently.
And away I went anyway, but with embarrassment all over me.

Whispers and ambitions as my small self-awaited, the birthday queen yet trapped the whole day, I stumbled and fell and stood in the stall, refusing to show my face, as the giddy giggles, the notes, and the scribbles were passed for two whole days.

Then the parties, the drunken states, the boy's lips, the lights and daze, the moment of freedom, yet trapped all the same.
I'd make my way to that very same place, standing and staring anticipating and glaring before violently sprinting away.

Then the moment that smashes you open, the moments that remind you of your emotionless moments, the one day you chose not to stay in the way was the one day death takes your place, he struts and glares down the way to enter a bathroom in joy.

But here I stare and wonder at what would happen if I came too.

But now I access a simple bathroom, anytime, any day any moment, but because of that day the one that I missed, she remains a memory and not a face.

It might sound weird, but I spent my life in a bathroom,
admiring the textures, the floors, the technical.
But if there was one thing I'd do,
trade every day for the one I wasn't.
Feb 2018 · 203
Louisa Coller Feb 2018
They tell me to stop being so
yet when I think about being
it makes me even more
so how come I can be
but I can't be
why is it acceptable to
but not to
why do we have to stay
when there are moments we're
and it's not realistically
to feel
to feel

They tell me to stop being so
while they themselves are
but little do they know that I find
in my
Feb 2018 · 458
A Child's Mind
Louisa Coller Feb 2018
Ambitious but ridiculous,
are the first words to think of,
heartfelt ridicule emerges in.

A phrase, a saying from the ones they admire,
A fight or a lie left clouding up their innocent mind.

"I need to protect" is the instinct as they hold on tighter,
but how can a child protect something that wasn't even dying?

Innocence is replaced with fragments of imagination,
but bliss can never be replicated after concealed and pain felt fates.

Lessons and quotations,
stick inside their brain,
moments of dedication, are in droplets of rain.

Find your dreams, write them down inseams,
yet if you miss one thread of the stitching you can't simply,
're-sew' everything there, it has to stay the same,
creating this imperfect game which tortures their brain.

An adult's mind adapts to suffering, pain, and gore.
A child's mind reacts and begs to see no more.
Aug 2017 · 189
Louisa Coller Aug 2017
Red streak within a void of complete despair,
my green eyes analyse almost everybody there.
I gaze upon a potential addiction while removing myself,
from the previous horrors I encountered with those eyes.

When I begin to speak words, I hope they help someone sorrowful,
when I myself was alone, I felt nothing but a void in my soul.
I rely heavily on the embrace of someone else,
which means I myself, am not someone to be admired for strength,
For I too obtain disgusting weaknesses encountered by humans morally.

When I look to myself through the words of anger, I come to realisation that every word I speak is spoken in exaggeration of a woman with issues.
Yet most of the time I can't even tell if I am a woman, girl or a male even at that,
But in a society where it doesn't matter, it almost makes me feel like I don't matter anyway.
A foolish thought to have when people see you raising out of a crowd, I'd agree,
however wherever you are in life, happiness is often defined by your feeling or brain.
My brain has decided years ago it mechanically would follow a path I didn't hope for,
yet here we are today and sometimes I wonder how I got this far.

When the people around me question or interrogate my feelings,
I suppose my emotions should feel a sense of relief yet critical thinking refuses to acknowledge this.
You can plaster me with your white lies of emotional affection,
however there is only so much white lies can do to heal a person.

It isn't about me in the end,
I live to remember those before me and those yet to come.
However, life to me is like a passive movie screen,
we watch, we distract and entertain and what happens at the end?
Who actually stays to watch the credits? Who stays... longer?

I almost envy those who are gifted with excessive amounts of time on the earth,
yet they deserve every element of happiness given with that extended time as those who live on,
are the ones who suffer the miserable of lives.
Jun 2017 · 350
Louisa Coller Jun 2017
When the morning winds press on my cheeks I feel content but not full.
When I decide on something more my self-doubt alongside darkness overtakes my mind in a crippling spiral removing my motivation and adoration infinitely.

Yet whenever I encounter something fresh as well as pure to the eye it grasps my eyes for its beauty, for our standards bring us reputations but a lack of satisfactory.

When I notice the love within the air my heart beats in suffering and knowledge that I myself will not be sharing that moment as my spouse is away from my side yet it comes to my realisation that I give them higher hopes than myself which is what love is, isn't it?

I return to the mindset of an endless pain yet now I must admit to myself, will pain bring me any pleasure or just a lifetime of anguish?

For I stand alone but I stand with a smile, pride ruling over my side but a sin that is not sinful but simply delightful.
Dec 2016 · 231
Louisa Coller Dec 2016
Embarrassed by surrounding,
it's simple as can be.
Happiness just simply isn't meant for me.
While you all cheer in absolute delight,
I'll try to force through another night.
Dec 2016 · 485
Evil Genius
Louisa Coller Dec 2016
It's safe to say this world is selfish, so selfish it's almost suffocating,
you could hold your palms out and their eyes shall scatter, whether only
five or five million miles away. This world is so selfish it dare not let you
breathe in peace it would prefer your pants before you pass out but even then
this world is selfish in regards of your eyes they haunt you awake and they haunt
you at night. This world is so suffocating it's almost distorting to the eyes, the way they
hold you by the fingers inside, ripping apart every sacred element of your heart. They'll find
a way to destroy your soul, cookie cutter you into another pointless hobby another pointless day.
This world is interesting, my intellect is breeding begging for more, but the more we explore
the more desperate we become and morals begin to beat our faces in one by one, it *****
because we know this world is selfish. We want to have friends, we want to be friendly.
Popularity and sexuality, it all becomes a torn piece of paper an explosive to the brain.
Take your pictures, pucker your lips as your best friend ***** the man of your
distant pathetic and utter desires, it's almost as if you built this façade but
you can hold your mask up and pretend to be human after all! Isn't that what we always do?
Ha Ha! Laughter it fills up your soul before you remember there was nothing to hold,
how can you live, you ask me this question, but how do you live in this illusion!
Pathetically! How do I live? How do you? I analyse your movements, you
can't even move? Are you the rabbit or Alice? Oblivious or knowing?
Are you sick? Are you well? In this world how can we tell...
We live in a selfish world after all, how can we tell?
Those remembered are those most hated.
This isn't a world, where I want to be.
I would say I'd rather live in my...
distorted and lucid emotional-
You know his face, touch it...
After all...

It'll be the last thing I feel before I tell this world to **** it.
Dec 2016 · 568
Louisa Coller Dec 2016
Scrunched up lines,
blurred faces,
captured lives and distorted paces.
Ruptured skulls and ripped up dreams.
Coated in paint, stings are ease.
Aug 2016 · 354
Louisa Coller Aug 2016
The mindset of a summer kiss left upon the memories of you,
suffocate me individually in the consciousness every second.
You and I were a terrible mix, we thought we were perfect.
You and I were terrible at maintaining, and I was constantly fearful.

When lit eyes locked mine into an abyss-like stare,
I presumed the moment would go on.
When your hand left mine in a hopeful glare,
It began to feel like the last one.

Corruption, manipulation, ruptures and screams came,
but everyone presumed it was just me.
But now I look back upon that angel,
she was warning me.

My lips sealed tightly with another man thinking I was right,
little did I know this man was only in love with me for the night.
When he grabbed me close, I felt relieved,
as if love had came back to life.
While he sobbed sweet tears,
thinking on why I left him that night.

It came clear to me that I didn't grasp love,
if anything I shattered it to pieces.
Presuming love was a sweetest of cupcake,
without added ingredients.

But after years of silence, isolation and thought it occurred to me,
ever since that night his mind laid on me like a burden for a time.
Temptations to move on, girls laying upon me, seducing me simply,
everything you wanted, sugar and warmed hearts, which I denied.

For after all this time we came back eye to eye,
to find out when we left we hurt each other a little more inside.
Secrets we stay, hopefully not remain as we spend the nights,
for you see,
You and I were a perfect mix, when we thought all was lost.
You and I were a perfect mix, my illness lied to us.
Feb 2016 · 8.1k
"Tall Girls Are Beautiful"
Louisa Coller Feb 2016
Tall girls are beautiful, I see the poster say,
looking down to myself I feel my feelings turn grey.
Tall girls are perfect, I feel my soul pour out into my mind,
as I awake to see I am the same height as days before this one.
Tall girls are fair, loving as well as a lot more cute,
much more appealing for him, a fair or perfect height for a kiss.

But short girls can never reach their favourite snacks,
we have to pull up a chair and climb the sides of our kitchens.
Short girls have to tippy toe,
just to kiss him on the lips in the right way he wants.
Short girls can't look down on those who they love, only up,
which leads us to remind ourselves we always remain “small”.

Tall girls can stroll by and scare a small girl like me,
because we fear you might just realize, that tall girl is who we want to be.
You might hang up your coat and walk out on me...

Still I try my hardest to be proud of myself,
for short girls are beautiful inside and out.
Height should not determine emotional connection,
so please, like all those years don't judge me just as badly as I did.

For you see, Tall girls are beautiful.
But short girls, are just as beautiful too.
Jan 2016 · 214
Louisa Coller Jan 2016
We depend on you.
We glaze our eyes to you only,
when will you move your lips once again?

We depend on you.
We don't know how long we'll be waiting,
but please remember our heartbeats wishing for you.
Nov 2015 · 359
Louisa Coller Nov 2015
Late but better than ever a young girl's eyes opened,
Opening to a world of inspiration, interpretation and love.
Unique to the eye at first sight I investigate my surroundings,
I wonder even to this day what my first thought must have been.
Simple but sweet a baby can be to everyone around,
all surrounded the Father's first and only daughter.
Nov 2015 · 588
Louisa Coller Nov 2015
Ever since I was young, I looked down upon myself as someone weak forever,
when I looked upwards I couldn't breathe but I wanted to, I really wanted to.
When I see my soul freeing itself from my own hurtful feelings corrupted by me,
I begin to notice me as something I don't want to be at all.
I am a tortured soul inside a body I don't want to own,
I feel so fragile yet I want to be strong, I wanted to be strong.

Don't go away, please listen to my tale, everybody isn't listening any more.
I walk this broken road, trying to hold onto myself.
I look straight with a high head pretending I know what's best, but real truth is I am too upset.
I can tell you what to do but it doesn't stop me becoming a hypocrite too.
I walk this cold blizzard clutching to myself when no one sees the storm.
I see the bubble drops of water seeping down my body,
feel my physical structure, after all that's the only thing anyone cares about.
I could have the kindest heart, never want to break you, never want to hurt you,
but I have noticed that nobody cares about your emotions, but their own.
I think that our species will deprive because of mankind no longer holding hands in battle,
we only care about the individual spirit in our heads.
But again, I can't lie when I say I'm rather selfish myself, but I try not to be.
There are moments I feel out of my head when I say that we can do more than anyone else can.
But I feel my used body become a vessel for a slowly breaking soul, I don't want to hoard myself inside. I swear I'm a good soul.

The day sin took over my little mind was the day I felt free inside,
when I saw how much power someone could have over others I abused it badly.
But I saw someone raise from the ashes, she wasn't a soul but a tale of past ones,
I saw her fire sweep in forward in front of me releasing my past mistakes.
I know how much someone can feel pain, because I've felt it myself.
I dread to think about the worsened physical pain of the body,
but one can complain about the physical pain but the mental pain stays beside you.
I don't care for what body I own but for the soul that is inside of it.
I don't want it, I don't need it, I don't want to remember pain any more,
I don't want it, I don't need it, I want to forget the painful emotions.
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