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578 · Mar 2015
Question (10W)
Amy H Mar 2015
To indite or
to indite;
there's really
no question.
a lesser known word
565 · Jul 2015
Amy H Jul 2015
If you stray from where you should've,
no bed when comes the night,
don't suspect your compass wasn't right.
If the needle showed a way
and you followed it to erring
the misfortune of wayfaring;
It may not be the instrument in hand.
The heart is at fault here.
You chose the wrong North, it's clear.
Lost because you followed the wrong target.
555 · Apr 2015
Amy H Apr 2015
You're the one
who knows me through and through
and not at all.
The wind and fire
of all you never hear me say
could sweep me away.
Come in from edge!
The safest spot
is in the eye with me.
Don't be afraid.
The peace is worth it.
Love storm peace eye
554 · Aug 2016
anchored away
Amy H Aug 2016
time and distance
too little and too far;
my love has sailed
an anchor never hoisted
and sails with no wind
while I wait on the rocks

salt is cruel
swept in my wounds
where sun burns it in
like crust…

why wait?

the tide is rolling
but you my love are working
to remain
time is on your side
not mine.
I left the rocks so it is time to share this one.
550 · Mar 2015
My Forever
Amy H Mar 2015
My Dear Man,
my soul mate,
the one who raises my heart rate;

When I find You
and you are mine,
we'll show the word fantastic times.

When we depart
as all men doth,
Heaven shall have to take us both.

For me no world
could heaven be
if you do not remain with me.

And in my heart,
my soul, no joy,
without you my forever boy.
I must seem lost to love!
543 · May 2015
the strip
Amy H May 2015
when it's all lights
to catch the eyes
but ways to drain my soul;
it isn't worth the gamble
any more.
without tenderness
you let me
give and give
without a take.
now the chips are down;
and I stranded,
on an empty, dewy street
with faded lights
and hungered heart
wishing I had never banked
on Vegas.
the deal was always
for the house.
Vegas isn't the place to find love, and neither is he.
535 · Nov 2018
for you
Amy H Nov 2018
I’m a love kitten
I feel a little smitten
I think I’ve been bitten
by you

the way I stare
across the air
with eyes so fair
at you

it fills my mind
you’re one of a kind
I’m in a bind
with you

I can’t keep back
this love attack
I need some slack
from you

forgive my daze
this lovely haze
my soul’s ablaze
for you

I anticipate
this will be great
but I can wait
on you
you have me up at night
528 · Mar 2015
Fortune of Friends
Amy H Mar 2015
fortune made us friends,
gave us common minds to share
speaking true you tell me often
what I need to hear.
let's accept what is,
and relish time it has,
view what new perspectives it may show.
truest friendship
rarely found;
when to it
we can let ourselves be known.
509 · Jul 2015
Amy H Jul 2015
the smell was thick with sadness
and the sound was full of dung
the corridor of cages
filled with hopeful, empty eyes.
my dog was in there somewhere
waiting to go home,
I just had to find him
and know he was the one.

I almost couldn't make it out

he came inside the house
and on a blanket lied
not knowing this was permanent
not feeling he was home
not trusting he would be embraced
and never left outside.

he didn't have a name
that he could recognize

the vet declared neglect
but our hearts already knew
the only color in his eyes
was what he never knew

some medicine, a bath and food
began to lift his spirit
but lots of love and gentle hands
gave him ear to hear it;
the love that he could have,
the home where he can live,
and kindness that doesn't leave.
he now belongs.

and so do we.
Adopting a dog from the shelter is an experience to soften any heart.
505 · Apr 2016
Amy H Apr 2016
entirely possible,
very probable,
highly likely,
that you are
it's an explanation
that you're impossible.
it has to be the reason;
the exercise was futile,
trying to keep my grip
and ride.
thrown off,
again my possee
gives a hand
for dusty pants
and ****** knees,
while you
keep up the dance
of the bucking bull.
No embarrassment
you tossed me off
so quick;
just that I kept choosing
to try and tame a *****.
A little grit from a little way back.
490 · Mar 2015
some do
Amy H Mar 2015
or do you?
you can feel it
when it fills you
and then it spills you
on a page
like life over-run
with nowhere to go
and then it's done.
look down and see
words arranged like
turmoil, a mess.
do I dare pass it on
or even read it?
some do.
they're poets.
Why not, right?
483 · Mar 2015
Silence the Wisher
Amy H Mar 2015
Silence the wisher;
it would be true magic
if only I could
when World doesn't bring me
what I think it should
and time doesn't heal
the wounds beneath
the smile I wear
or the song I steal
when it just ain't perfect
and there's stuff to fix
and my wicked little Wisher
is in the mix
and my in the moment
can't stay the tide
of the emotion rising
from memories I hide

Silence the Wisher
and set me free
so the way I appear
is the way I BE.
A poem about looking for balance
477 · Apr 2018
my island
Amy H Apr 2018
I’ve been
by a smile,
a touch,
a laugh;
an interlude
that lifts my mood.
And after a while
I’m aware
of the sea,
the sun
warm on me,
the waves
breaking hard
round my tiny isle
in the midst
of life.
My boat may rock
in the ocean sway
and the salt
can sting my skin;
but an island-
my secret rest-
waits in my dreams
just close enough
to see
when I close my eyes.
A little journey
I someday make
when bid back
by a smile
I desire.
Sweet distraction.
475 · Jul 2016
out on the limb
Amy H Jul 2016
this limb I’m on
may snap
and from here the ground looks mean.
I didn’t climb here
by myself you know.
but I’m anxious to come down.
if I jump will you duck
or catch me when I fall?
your arms decide my fate.
so how will this go?
my heart has gone ahead.
will you please catch the rest?
these limbs don't bend
to comfort me
but yours could.
the one in power always stands on the ground
466 · Oct 2017
Amy H Oct 2017
beauty from openness,
vulnerable and soft
finds a way to surface
only after pride is lost.
but pride is hard to break
behind a stony wall
to keep the ego safe,
my heart from shrinking, small.
much as heart desires
to flaunt about the sleeve
fear can keep it hidden
if I think you will leave.
what is the precious stone
that weighs me down this way?
pulling in my chest,
not diamond, but jade.
pride is a game
one can play alone.
release takes two
but cuts to the *bone.
Pondering.  Be brave.
458 · Mar 2015
A Moment
Amy H Mar 2015
a moment in the future
bids us come.
it can't come back to us
so we must run;
hasten our steps
along the winding path
that straightens as
it leads to us at last.

a moment in the future
bids us strive
for in it is
the start of both our lives;
when you and I are
only just a part
as oneness binds us
body, mind, and heart.

a moment in the future
bids us share
what can't be kept
from One with whom you care;
when evening talk turns
minutes into hours
and time and love and words
are only Ours.

a moment in the future
bids us walk
while hand in hand
Our strength will be my rock;
an anchor to my mind
and to my heart,
Our love will always
have the greatest part.

a moment in the future waits for *Us
A very old moment indeed, and yet still not arrived.
454 · Jul 2015
Dreaming on a time
Amy H Jul 2015
Man of dreams
it often seems
we ride the silken thread
of words that seep
the passion deep
of soul where they are bred.
In my mind
the heart I find
to buy the message whole
and see it done
the battle won
because of the soul.
It was, once.  Things change.
441 · Oct 2015
Amy H Oct 2015
What's that whisper?
You didn't hear it?
No, only me.
It's just my soul
in the dark.

Who's behind?
You don't feel that?
No, only me.
Just the ghost
of my shadow.

But wait...
If it speaks
and it walks,
should I be following
ignorance ahead
or the knowing soul behind?
A brief musing about not losing yourself.
435 · Apr 2018
Ever Rest
Amy H Apr 2018

with mischievous smile
and painted skin,
if ever man should fly
it would be him.
the world a ground
for wanderlust
(no place could
keep him in)

has bid goodbye
while up he climbs
on quest
to clear his mind.
Africa, Andromeda
mountain peak to star;
no limits of time
or place too far.
‘ere he leaves
this Earth, before we all,
one rock
will surely call.
atop its peak
he’ll stop to rest
Everest, Sam,
ever rest.
For a departed mountain man, my friend.
433 · Mar 2015
Words in the Wind
Amy H Mar 2015
writing is a movement
by which my thoughts
are savored;

like the silence of wind
until it rustles the leaves

the words I write
still move me
after the wind has stopped
I have often said the thoughts and experiences I write about can't be taken away form me with time.
431 · Jul 2018
you play our song...
Amy H Jul 2018
...I'll write it.
Baby with those blues,
you sing a tune
and smile at me
like miles away we’re going
but not together.
Not for now.
You sail your way
I go mine
“Into the Mystic”
like Morrison.
For your voice and your guitar
I would write another tune,
another lyric sunrise
with you and I held closely
feeling whispers
holding hands
reveling in what we made together.
Ah yes, this serenade I keep.
Your Little gypsy,
My Sailor man,
I’ll build you a port.
I’ll shine my light
and camp a while
if when the fog horn blows
and calls you home
you’ll sail my way.
You play our song,
I'll write it.
For memories, made and imagined, I give you this.
428 · Apr 2016
notes of honey
Amy H Apr 2016
a song growing thin,
a stream of honey nearly gone;
I wait
as the last note forms.
forever it falls
and silence
finds me full
and hungry.
so I dip my finger again
twisting, turning
the golden promise
of another lyric sunrise,
a day in fields of green
where bees and birds and I
roam free.
if silence is the night
between my heart and a song
I pray it hasten.
I wrote this some time ago and never shared it.  I couldn't quite be sure I like it as it was.  Tonight I'm taking it out on a limb.  I was trying to describe the moment after a beloved bit of music concludes, like the silent space in an old record.
427 · Apr 2016
Amy H Apr 2016
someone who resembles you
but not you.
what the hell?
a stormy heart
a quiet smile
eyes a piercing blue.
I know that I’ll be into him
because I’m into you.
some would say I’m broken.
I know I'm soul stained.
a lonely truth I’m living
that it’s not me,
it’s you.
Who hasn't been here?
408 · Mar 2015
Until You Know
Amy H Mar 2015
The evening is still,
no breeze;
the tress tell me nothing but "Wait."

How long will it be
until I can say
exactly what I want,
and be heard
without a word?

But a walk my way
and time to play
will tell me time has won

For faith and trust
took over
and anything lost
is nothing anymore.

And if no Us,
it is I
I have found.
And that's enough for both,
I know.

I know.
How many of us write to someone who never sees it?
407 · Mar 2015
Your heart ripped out?
Amy H Mar 2015
ripped out
ripped out?
no, crushed
stomped on, left in place
still beating but out of time with life
fighting against the weight left behind
when they’d had enough and trashed the rest and you’re buried in the pile
waiting for another need to surface.
there’s no jump start,
no rhythm boost to make you beat in time again
with life that spills on along
poured from heaven on the happy ones
the fortunate ones
the companions.
time heals all wounds
and wounds all heels.
no vengeance in that
when knowing it uncovers a bruise, forgotten, a last piece un-plumped,
Love fill it for me.
396 · Oct 2017
the world's a poem
Amy H Oct 2017
I'm in your head with what I've read.
Sorry?  You say I'm not?
If we don't want the attention,
then why write this rot?

The poet is a complex breed;
they "spill it" for the page
but deny the closest knowing,
hiding source of love or rage.

Poetry, a selfish sport
we tease the world with rhymes
then troll the lines of someone else
as if we're owed the cries.

Not for public viewing
except what we control;
we measure just the prettiest
and the rest we hold.

Who really knows a writer
except themselves?
Our deepest, truest secrets
we hold upon our shelves.

By this the world's a poem
we wind together deep;
we ought to open up our hearts
let all the feeling seep.
Just rambling.
395 · Mar 2015
Amy H Mar 2015
simple music, simple people
simple food, simple fun.
simple life, simple love,
to my heart you're the one

where is the moment's bidding?
the days spent on the run;
when you and I bridge nightfall
with the golden rays of Sun?

to live in notes and laughter
the wounds of past undone;
this is the breath of living
and I have just begun.
Thinking of a special person...
394 · Sep 2017
Amy H Sep 2017
An hour planned
an evening stolen;
time fleeing on it’s wings
dropping silver feathers round our feet.
I found one by morning light
lifting it to see it right.
It was your voice, your laugh
your whisper against my cheek.
These like prizes for taking heart,
leaping one more time,
I found treasure.
Rewards for faith to seek.
Expect the unexpected, but to have it, you have to take a chance.
372 · Jan 2019
life is poetry...
Amy H Jan 2019
life is poetry my dear,
while minutes and moments turn to years
and all the laughter, all the tears
teach us to release our fears;
to live like kings surviving jeers.
so raise your glass and let’s make cheers
for love keeps living, far or near;
a story for the poet’s ear.
I’m glad you’re in my story, Dear.
savor every moment, be happy for what is
365 · Oct 2017
Old Friend New
Amy H Oct 2017
I smile for a while
observing this new style
of speaking with someone
I recall.
The rocks and hills,
contests of wills
have given way to
waves across a sea.
An ocean of time
forgiving sublime;
you’re you
and I get to be me.
So now my friend,
my brother,
the face I wear is true;
just because I’m me
and you are you.
A nice change
364 · Jul 2015
Amy H Jul 2015
I was composing
and lost my composure
when my composition
lost its position
as Hello said goodbye.
Late last night
my poetic plight
must not have been right.
So to answer myself
the measure of love
is put back on the shelf
for now.
I did, I lost a whole poem to a "bad gateway" glitch.  So... If it got lost in translation it wasn't meant to be answered.
355 · Sep 2017
Amy H Sep 2017
For a time tossed
Over rocks and in the under-tow,
Released from the fight I
Tame my spirit;
Reclaiming my composure to
Embrace lessons learned
Since time began to
Stir my soul.
This is what happens when you wake from a dream to life that has become far too simple, again.
337 · Oct 2017
lost line
Amy H Oct 2017
I had a line but she left
when my pen insulted paper.
The alabaster canvas
wanting nothing of my stains,
sent the line away by screaming.
I lost her
in my pain.

The line flew to the wood
like a fairy sparkling green
and now is lost to wonder
dropping silver magic
round the blooms
on the leaves;
her hiding trick.

If you wander in the wood
keep an eye for me.
When you catch her
please be true.
The line I lost to wonder
belongs to me,
not you!
Last night I lost a line on my way to dreaming.  Who brought her back to me?
323 · Mar 2019
your string
Amy H Mar 2019
I’m cutting your string.
The ball can roll
like columbus round the world
looking for the edge.
And I’ll be left
with the short piece
ready to drop it in the trash
while you tangle with your mess.
Sticky fingers,
trapped in knots
wondering how I got away
without a catch.
That’s what happens
when you play with girls
who run with scissors.
I’m sharp as steel
and just as strong.
Be careful
it might be
your fingers bleeding.
It's good to be strong.
297 · Jan 2018
the dancing man
Amy H Jan 2018
he saw me on a list of gals
and wondering if we might be pals
hit me up for sudden fun.
to his surprise I said I would
and drove to town to make good
on my word I like to dance.
we had a pair of moscow mules
and breaking with the first date rules
he kissed me on the floor.
and here we were with swaying hips
dancing close and pressing lips,
whispering and laughing as we go.
who’s to say what time will tell
if we play our cards quite well
we might do this a lot.
spontaneous fun has turned to more
296 · Oct 2017
fallen under blue
Amy H Oct 2017
Spring has gone to Summer
and Summer falls with me
into the leaves that die
separated from their tree.
the sap has gotten thick
and the flowers nodding off
the birds have disappeared
and grass has gotten rough.
the thing that never changes
the sky that stays so blue
covers me with sunshine babe
like happy thoughts of you.
I see it from a bed of leaves
through branches sleeping now
my dreams away like birds
my body on the ground.
the thing that ever changes
the clouds that cover blue
a feeling bittersweet my love
like all my thoughts of you.
Nothing special. Just an image of a girl day dreaming up at the sky.
296 · Oct 2017
picture wish
Amy H Oct 2017
If I could be a photo
I'd be hers;
with sand-kissed cheek
and golden curls dancing with her eyes.
Her gaze is cast
into the sun,
or something far beyond;
in the shadow of a hand
raised to brow
because her hat was left behind at breakfast.

Beside her a shoulder
strong and warm
adoring each caress
of golden tresses.
He smiles on her profile.
The curve of her cheek
to her squinting eye
show where he
made her laugh
so many times.

There, in warmth of sunset
meet my lover
with the breeze,
a poem in a picture;
just the ocean, him, and me.
I had the first stanza of this in draft, forgotten these 7 months.  Finding it this morning was serendipity maybe, but today the longing inspiration is full.
273 · Oct 2017
Amy H Oct 2017
If I was compelling
I would know.
A counterfeit is spotted
by symbols
that fail to show;
signs of value
either there or not.
My throat is full
my eyes are hot.
If I was compelling
it would be telling.
Some things are just universal. It’s not that hard.
272 · Apr 2018
Amy H Apr 2018
I am having problems, punctuated!
by punctuation...
What beguiles me most- you ?
Is that in my (mind) is an idea
so screamingly!!! fantastic that
I should be !¡YELLING!¡
but unless the world can C me—-
and they DON'T—-
then it is up to the limits
of punctuation...
(Insert "Punctuation for Dummies")
and the abbr skill
of 1 feeble and weary writer
to pick from the limits
of her keyboard;
stifling the ~~flow~~ of thought
along the way;
to finally impart such an originally
insignificant thought.
just having fun.
266 · May 2019
the Sun that sets
Amy H May 2019
Nothing is fixed;
like stars that
drift the sky by night
as Earth journeys round
in spite of Orion’s might.
The Sun that sets
ne’er regrets a day
on which it shone;
but all that’s grown is grateful
for the heat and it’s rest.
While Earth and heaven shift
the flowers die,
and stars implode.
I shan’t look back with tears
at love I had
and left in change of years.
All the light that shines
from years away
can sometimes find me, still.
Life and love keep going.
251 · Mar 2018
lover's rent
Amy H Mar 2018
the lover’s rent
is paid in pain;
the memories you’ve made,
are hiding in the dark of mind
waiting for the night.
and when you hit the pillow
with no one lying there,
these visions seep
from misty shadows
to taunt you
as you drift to sleep.
a gasp,
you grab your chest
as if to hold your heart
to rest,
and from this place of madness
find the past is still the best.
the love you lived in
kicked you out;
a homeless, hapless mess
you wander through the visions
from this open wilderness.
it’s cold
it’s isolation
no fire to warm your face
for love has left you out again
you must find new space.
find it deep within.
face the memories
make your peace.
the pain is there to taunt you
until your rent is paid.
The price always has to be paid, and usually after the goods are gone.
248 · Jan 2019
Amy H Jan 2019
how does a woman tell
about awakening?
the burning in her breast
the fire that lights
the embers long smouldering
‘neath years of stress
and fight
and proving;
when finally she esteems herself
and sees the lines and curves
for wisdom
and birth.

knowing her power, real
allowing her to feel
that freedom waits
where shame has fade away.
she knows the joy
of being
this woman-

having this form,
the center of creation
in her body and her soul
to share or keep-
is like a dance.

dance alone she may
or with you

you’ll know her
by the passion of her touch
her laugh
her joy
her zeal for life
when two become one
if first
she knows herself
and so do you
The only way to pure love is through the self. A woman who sees her value is a treasure to those who know her.
241 · Apr 2018
Amy H Apr 2018
a million little things
make me smile;
like star light that glitters
in my eyes
when it touches me again.
memories and stars,
the brilliance
of left-over light.
Stars like memories, ya I write for fun.
237 · Oct 2017
Amy H Oct 2017
The artist’s heart hears music
In the silent things
Like flowers of Spring
And clouded sky
The growth of a tree
As time goes by
They need their muse
Like the artist craves
Their inspiration
A symbiotic relation
Where spirit meets the world
And lovely tender things
Are mystically unfurled
To reason and conscience
Not forgotten
But captured
In a song to sing
A painting to savor
A verse to remember
That make the beauties of the world
Last that much longer
It just happened when I went to one of my happy places.
231 · Jul 2019
au jus
Amy H Jul 2019
it’s roast on the roll
and no au jus.
I haven’t had my
dip in you.

the daily grind
that fills my cup,
isn’t quite
the pick me up.

every tedious
task or chore
passes on
with nothing more.

you didn’t leave
and nor did I,
but something’s gone-
I can’t deny.

there is no draw
without a laugh;
the fun has left
the other half.

it fizzled like
an opened pop;
without some Sun
the flower flops.

it’s kinda sad
but what to do?
my roast was meant
to have au jus.
when it hasn't been the same
213 · Nov 2017
Amy H Nov 2017
I hope
therefore I try
I lose
and so I cry.
I dance
to make me high.
I fall
And then I sigh.
I love,
so I will fly.
I live
then I can die.
211 · Apr 2020
not alone
Amy H Apr 2020
looking past mundane and bore
the isolation such a chore
remember what we do it for~
to not repeat a sickly lore.
the pestilence in days of yore
spared neither emperor or *****.

though we now find common fight
absent kin is not quite right
or lover in the dead of night
too far to hold my body tight.
I ask with no one in my sight
when parts this darkness for the light?

I miss the skin and velvet touch
and loving in our dreamy hutch
but we all know this feeling-such-
to bear it with a hopeful hunch
to greet with kiss and ardent clutch
when time has healed the world that much.

so care for neighbor with a prayer
sing a song and bless the air~
‘tis not so much we can not bear.
observe the quiet for it’s rare.
and finding outside beauty fair
feel happy you’ve the time to spare.

until it comes I inward gaze
and see my soul is still ablaze
with hope for man and better days
amidst this heavily pressing haze.
we shall emerge with better ways
of sharing in the heaven’s rays.
We are in this together, apart.
208 · Apr 2018
Amy H Apr 2018
intensity is measured in
a  m p s
m i  a  p
a  n  s  i
z  d  i  r
i       o  i
n      n  t
g      a
Power me up baby
198 · Jun 2020
the band man and me
Amy H Jun 2020
sing me a tune, Band Man
rock me to weep.
take me to heaven
on a song I can keep

my heart has a melody
you seem to find it.
the rhythm surrounds me
and in my soul binds it

rolling and swaying
we feel the same groove;
laughter in unison
as one body move

no time to be weary
on memory wings;
when this bird comes flying
we leave all the things

behind us is worry,
lose anger and fear;
we have only music,
a few happy tears

ride into the moonlight
on serenade of peace;
its waves will hold and thrill us~
may magic never cease.
This is when I know I am still me, finding a write in all the fray.
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