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Cedric Jun 2019
Happiest Birthday.
You introduced me to this.
I’m kind of sorry,
I had missed last year’s greetings.
So enjoy your day my friend.
Happy Birthday Erin. Sorry I missed last year’s greetings. I was going through a rough depressive episode. To be frank, I was introduced to this site through you so I’m thankful for that. Enjoy your day.
Cedric Feb 2017
Jaded from your viciously captivating smiles,
Ubiquitous yet blurred and vague,
Stinging pain from this weird emotion,
Thank you for the greeting,
It made me happy just by seeing blue and white,
Naivete has taken over me, flustered red.
It's my birthday. I'm usually blue but... I guess my heart's beating again. I'm exhausted from it though. Thank you, words can't express my gratitude.
Cedric Feb 2020
Oh sweet days of youth,
I yearn for you still.
My childhood memories,
They weren't very real.

As a young adult,
I am still a child.
Immature as can be,
I stride with no care.

No, I am not mature.
I just thought differently.
I can be called weird,
Starting from twenty.
Happy birthday to me, I am now twenty. Yearning for youth and filled with envy, I start to say goodbye to my own alibi. My mind is a conundrum under the guise of my birth name.
Cedric Dec 2018
Neighbors' talking,
As if it's the end of the world.
Trying to make sense,
Of all of these words.

Two different people,
Who walk past each other.
Two strangers,
With a past together.

Some nights are filled,
Some days are empty.
Two seats never apart,
That ages day in day out.

Words at three o'clock,
Flying past the moon,
Crashing into your mind,
And into my own heart.

Eyes looking at us,
Two who've become one.
Seats apart closing in.
Melding into nothingness.

The eyes blinded by darkness,
Of nothingness and emptiness.
In the moonlight shrouded black.
We talked and got deaf.
getting lost in the nights talking about various things with someone who's there for you only for them to disappear the next day. it's eerie ain't it? the disappearance of a spark, of a flame.
Cedric Aug 2022
the sun shines, the moon hides
seasons ebb and flow
rain drops, evaporates, snows
what once summer is now winter
the heat has turned to droplets

the heart is a fickle thing
it knows when to shine
but let it be cloudy, please
id rather lay in bed again
with a warm cozy blanket
let it be cold again to feel

my own warmth
random words thought up, indescribable emotions reconnected after a long time; sometimes it only takes a day to see how a year has flown by
Cedric Oct 2018
To write wasn’t a passion of mine,
When I learned of life?
My brain suddenly sparked a fire.

You see,
We’re always plunged right into the sea!
I can’t help but swim frantically.

I’m not a swimmer though,
So I kept on sinking.
Towards the abyss.

In a dark place,
I found something darker.
The ink of my pen.

Seeing as my darkness doesn’t compare,
I saw my own darkness as light.
Now I write when it’s night.

I couldn’t make any rhymes,
Just incoherent thoughts.
I wasn’t creative enough.

I couldn’t draw any art,
I couldn’t compose any songs.
All I can do was speak.

I can just speak without a voice.
This pen of mine speaks.

I’m an open book,
Talk to me and I talk back.
My doubt riddle words.

In my darkest days,
Where my voice doesn’t echo back,
I have my pen.

Light isn’t a reflection of others.
It’s a spark within your headspace.
When everything else disappears.
I’m in a dark place, and whenver I’m down here, I write whatever I can. Raw thoughts, incoherent, abstract, random, gibberish, trash. I writ when I’m down, it’s an outlet to plunge myself deeper so I could die and respawn. My creativity doesn’t exist; only destruction on paper.
Cedric May 2017
I flee in fear as the enemy grows near,
I stumbled as a bullet passes my ear.
I stand, I turn running away with a tear,
I fall down as if I was hit with a spear.

I took on this war a long time ago,
With myself I had hoped that I could grow.
I lay down beginning to rot away,
The hours passed as I begin to fade.

I wake up and I see these wounds of mine,
Glowing as if I was filled with such life.
Slowly my wounds begin to heal and fade,
And such I begin to fight another day.

Never did I knew that that day drew near,
As I remember those days fleeing in fear.
Now I stand and fight my demonic night,
And I shall die with my tears shining bright.

I lay in this self-made grave from a self-made war,
Yet again my heart glows as if being revived.
I faced myself and gave myself a scar.
Yet it was healed by an angel from afar.
Inspiration from a post I saw about the phenomenon of the "Angel's Glow" during the American Civil War. I have applied it to my battle with myself.
Cedric Oct 2017
In front of a silky white chair,
An aura of complete despair,
We try to contrast and compare,
This monochromatic nightmare.

I stand before this noose I dare,
To loop my neck and mark a tear,
On my skin that is not so fair,
A bright red strip exposed and bare.

I try to jump without a care,
The chair and rope comes in a pair,
Yet I loosened it with a swear,
I need to live... a life unfair.
A textula type of poem in English rather than Filipino.
Cedric Jan 2017
Questions and doubts dance about,
In my mind, my soul, my heart.
Here I am confused you see,
Here I am tangled and unfree.

Chained around my head are fears,
My heart's fierce as I long to disappear.
I exist as a breath of air,
As I wallow in tears of despair.

I'm crying with no seen tears,
Like the clouds they disappear.
Clouds so bitter, of hate, of dread,
Here my heart is rotten and dead.

Vague clouds and feet so firm,
My vision is blurry while I squirm.
Like a worm that meets with salt,
Is my love with denying fault.

Here's my poem of disease so eerie,
My love for you who's made me clearly.
Clearly crazy, damaged, deranged,
Here I profess my heart's bitter rage.

Deny, deny, I will deny,
My heart's love I hope I die.
My submission poem.
Cedric Jul 2021
Memories gone past
Lighting up my heart and soul
Until it burns out
Cedric Dec 2018
dying is a meme
it's really ironic
it just wont die
a screwdriver?
its not effective
not sharp enough
i stopped though
but my thoughts
filled with memes
just never stop
i tried taking my life before with a screwdriver and yeah its stupid but hey everyone's got their own screws loose
Cedric May 2019
Oh how respected!
How brave your soul is.
How marvelous you’ve been,
To me who’s despair ridden.

You of nobility or so it seems.
Of an esteemed Catholic family,
But alas you’re no queen!
Of procrastination maybe.

You whose ire knows no bounds.
Of your shrapnel-made tongue!
Remember those times, love?
Of how you hated social media!

Your hatred and trust issues,
How valuable they are to you.
Hatred of guidance counselors,
Led to hatred of God himself!

Oh how brave of you to oppose!
How mighty you are in your stand!
I don’t mean to judge, love.
You’re free to believe, or not.

You’ve become a pitiable ghost!
I suppose, maybe it’s just me…
You disappeared, love.
Where have you been?

From admiration and care,
To admonishment and hate!
You who left me in August!
Are striped of that description!

These aren’t anger filled lines.
It’s of disappointment, love.
We’re both cowards, right?
But why leave me alone!

I’ve been there for you in May!
Remember the ninth of eighteenth?
With you eating frozen watermelons,
While it rained ever so gently?

You cried and cried,
Shouting “I’m okay.”
I lied and lied.
Saying “No, you’re not.”

Why’d you become my August ghost?
Did you regret crying that night?
Why’d you leave me all alone?
It’s better if I just died…

Because I was just a friend.
Not even worth your words.
Because you left me hanging.
On the twenty-second of August.
Another poem about her. I’m tired.
Cedric Aug 2019
My ****** unrequited love will come to an end!
Through a year of heartache and seething bitterness;
Wallowing in my despair of falling in love.
The truth is a cruel unforgiving mistress.
Feigning ignorance ended in damning remorse!
Sundered hearts and sundered souls are love’s currency,
So may it be paid in full; may we meet again.
A seven-line poem that corresponds to a week (MTWTFSS) with twelve syllables per line which represents a year (twelve months). I want to move on but my hesitations are still here.
Cedric Aug 2018
Oh how time flies by,
My country has two seasons.
Where the sky cries woes,
And when the sun hates people.

We've encountered floods,
Drowning in tears and in mud.
I've encountered hate,
Burning like a hot skillet.

Yet there were days warm,
As if my tears have dried up.
Days comfy yet cold.
Lying in my bed content.

Radical changes!
From two states of emotions.
Warm love and cold hate,
Fluctuating with the seasons!

I'm walking two steps,
Taking three backwards.
I want to confess.
With nothing coming after.
No pain and regrets,
Just my empty words.
As I pour my cup,
Of cold coffee as it rains.

I said it last June,
That I promise I'll confess.
It's been just two months,
Yet my heart's racing faster.

It flickers like the seasons,
Burning and freezing!
I'm confused and dead anxious,
As I try resuming.
I heat up my cold coffee,
To tackle a my day anew.
You see, I have been feeling attracted to my best friend. Although, I have doubts if she even sees me as a best friend...
Something about her keeps me calm and relaxed around her. She helped me through a depressed phase too. I saw her cry and she saw me hopeless beyond help. We shared a whole year of being close. I desperately helped her when she's in trouble too. At first I thought nothing of my feelings since I blamed it on proximity. Now that I'm almost out of vacation, I pondered to myself: she never left my thoughts. I promised my friends and myself that I would confess within a year if my feelings persist. There's 10 months to go...
Cedric Jan 2017
Morbid curiosity, flesh and bone.
Bittersweet attraction that we condone.
As we watch in horror and excitement,
The tragedy of love, twisted and bent.
Hopelessly hopeful, a despairing moan.

Misery, tragedy and broken hearts,
Exhilaratingly phenomenal!
Of bleeding, smiling, and laughing from darts,
Pierced hearts, frantically hysterical.

Oh so bittersweet, this reality!
Chasing cars and pushing up the daisies.
It's human nature of intensity,
To admire delicate, sweet butterflies.
That's a sign of death's possibility.
A sonnet of our self-detrimental human nature.
Cedric Jan 2017
As I start my day waking up from bed,
I would start my daily routine of dread.
"I woke up yet again,
From my slumber of ten."
My ten hours of sleep from waking up dead.
A limerick of living in a causal loop - never noticing it in the first place.
Cedric Jan 2020
My vision isn’t perfect,
But I at least saw you.
The lefty vaguely sees,
My righty is flawed too.

One sees near, one far.
Yet they saw you, dear.
I look for rhymes, deep.
I listen for words, hear.

Its all an allegory, honey.
Or whatever that means.
I thank the past, my love.
Now the future is here?

Its all unrequited though!
And I have no intentions!
I love and love and love-
But they’re just my heart?

We see with eyes, sweetie.
We do feel what we touch.
Our senses have brought,
Things that are… naught.

This poem goes everywhere!
Talks about this and that…
But that is what you get,
When you have blurry eyes.
A random assortments of words. It’s the new year; a new decade it seems? So it’s a play on clear vision, twenty-twenty. Sadly I have blurry eyes but fortunately not extremely blurry. As a matter of fact, it is still pretty decent. I dedicate this poem to my unrequited love - a love I still hold.
Cedric Mar 2017
It's summer I know,
Yet my soul is frozen cold,
Oh how juxtaposed.
Yet I've found some burning coals,
In an abandoned coal mine.
Cedric Sep 2017
Everyday happenings,
Saddened mishaps,
Emotional misgivings,
Intellectual fallacies,
Sensory malfunction,
These we all have in common.
Mistakes were made,
Because we're all cliché.
I'm getting stale and my stagnancy is eating away at me, rotting my core.
Cedric Sep 2019
I cry blood-soaked tears,
My soul writhes in agony,
As my arms touch you.
I am merely a human,
A spectrum of emotion.

To whom shall I owe-
My own rationality?
My experience?
To feel and even not feel,
I own my conscience, my name.
A two-fold tanka (5-7-5-7-7) that showcases “cor et anima” or the heart and soul. Touches upon the subject of emotion, rationality, and conscience.
Cedric Jan 2017
As I tread this path with prickles & thorns,
With fluttering butterflies in my gut,
With blurry visions of vague horizons,
Failed to notice, I was stuck in a rut.

I reached a small pond that mirrored my face,
I see roses, patches of red petals.
I was enamored with it as I trace,
The roses that formed a maze to my pulse.

It was blood, I was dying painlessly.
These thorns were shrapnel from a hand grenade,
The feeling of butterflies was numbness,
My blurred vision was from a ruptured vein,
I fell flat, dying, laying on the grass,
Please, my love, end me with a coup de grâce.
A sonnet of the final moments of dying painlessly, or slowly realizing reality.
Cedric Feb 2020
— ah, you love the trickling rain...
Beside you, an umbrella’s reign.
It shields you from the pain;
God knows you’ve feigned-
Again, a beautiful smile shown,
Ignoring your shattered bones,
Leaping and dancing in the rain.
You are your father’s joy, I am smitten and alone in my love. May my feelings reach you; may my undying love hold steadfast. Maybe someday I can dance in the rain with you.
Cedric Apr 2019
To be left empty,
With shards of what used to be.
To be abandoned,
By a ghost of your own dreams.
It leaves you longing in pain.
Cedric Dec 2017
It‘s not what we ought,
Never was it sought,
To bring out a thought,
That you would get caught,
By the hands that fought,
In the night and fog,
On sunny days - drought.
Then you get knocked out,
Coffee in the mouth,
Then a single froth,

It’s caffeine.

An overdose.

You’re dead.
a poem I made on Twitter, might as well share it here as well.
Cedric Sep 2018
Have you ever felt grey?
As if you’re in the middle.
I just want to kneel and pray.
My mind emits white noise.
I go out on a bright sunny day.
Yet my eyes see nothing.

Confusion and chaos sets in.
I stand my ground as it shakes.
My brain shuts down as I grin.
As if a demon took over me.
My mind makes noises; it’s sin.
I write aimlessly with imagery.

See that dark sky?
No it’s not dark.
I didn’t even open my eyes.
It’s all in the mind.
When emotions run wild.
There are no more rhymes.
Only static and failing images.
That could come to mind.
I don’t know.
Cedric Jan 2017
Unscrupulous, surreptitious, and without a doubt, unnerving! This innate dissonance, have you ever encountered such a vile thing? Like a rainforest of such beauty and tranquility only to be interrupted by the bombs of war! Thundering amongst the hail of bullets are massive planes accompanied by perilous sounds from tanks and  agonizing death screams! The disgusting noise pollution of such dissonance within this imagery is just too much to bear!

You see, this world is filled with contrasts. Black and white, night and day. There's never a boring moment once you've become insane yet there's nothing to do when you're sane! It's highly implied that life is incomplete without death. Like the fingerprints on our fingers, life is diverse and unique, yet in this instance, everything's a mess!

The ears can see and the eyes would hear, and I'm driven insane by this sight! The heart can think and the mind can feel, and I would bitterly claim that I do not think to feel these types of things. These bombshells called emotions has destroyed my tranquil mind space. It has been filled with the shrapnel of you, setting me ablaze and injuring my inner confines like say, my gut, for I feel butterflies in my stomach. I feel as if I'll be plucking up daisies from that grassland I've once sat on. You've ruined my orchestra with dissonant notes.

I couldn't ask for more.
You revel in the ever-changing.
In my dissonance,
I'll then hand you this note:

*"I thank thee for the chaos one hath brought upon me; I crumble down as I am rebuilt. Like the earth born from planetary collisions, we've collided. I hope to be amongst the stars, like the earth, filled with life."
A messy concoction of my thoughts written in prose. Is this even poetry? I wouldn't even know. Cheers.
Cedric Dec 2018
A heart cold as ice,
Melts when treated nice.
A few drops of ******,
Put on your lip balm,
Risk and roll the dice!
Let’s not care about your vice!
A few **** of nicotine,
Needles filled with morphine,
Drink your codeine,
Destroy your veins with ******.
Maybe twice,
Maybe thrice.
Forget all your worries,
Burn your autum leaves,
Forget how to live,
Like breath’s stolen by thieves.
A poem about drugs. I’m just an 18 year old boy that hasn’t tasted drugs, or even alcohol and tobacco. It’s just a product of my endless self-control I guess. Except for caffeine, I’m addicted to that.
Cedric Feb 2023
I used to wander feeling blue,
Underneath the sky's hue.
As I walk the sky falls true,
I'm at sea limbless and fugue.

Suddenly it all turns green-
An old mango tree I've seen.
A sense of tranquility so serene,
A stark contrast from the marine.

I must have flown from an inlet,
From drowning I must've willed it,
Surviving alone on this islet,
I wear a regal cloak of violet.

I dream of a house colored red,
Ghosts appear, I hide under my bed.
To retreat into my scarlet shed,
This travesty is all in my head.

Sometimes I miss my grandmother,
Younger days with fried chicken supper,
Some mismatched candles I offer,
She would like a splash of color.

All these colors come to fruition,
Whirlpools of colorful emotion,
It all spirals down to destruction,
As I drown ghosts of hallucination.
A poem made for my sister for her case study presentation. She's currently a nursing student intern and she rotated into the psychiatry ward and interviewed a recovering schizophrenic. This is based on that patient's favorite colors and the results of drawing therapy visualized into poetry.
Cedric Jun 2019
sometimes i fear,
the time that is near,
in which i hear,
a mysterious seer,
become sincere,
and i see nadir.

im so sorry dear,
i have to shift gear,
for i saw a deer,
i saw it disappear.

i tried to peer,
but my eyes sear,
it caused a stir,
i shed a tear.

the chaos is clear…
a short poem i wrote on twitter about hesitation and inaction, being held back by your past; your regrets and fears
Cedric Nov 2019
Autumn leaves fall down,
I lay on a bed of withered leaves.
Beside me are tulips,
All in a colorful yellow.
Gaze at a blue rose,
Imaginary and unique,
Longing for peace - love.

Garnering my strength,
I toil to sow my own seeds.
I sink on my bed,
Losing all my colorful fervor.
Becoming one with the Earth I loved,
Attuning  my soul to the flowers.
An acrostic of yellow tulips and blue roses; of death of love
Cedric May 2017
Excruciating pain echoes through,
Regurgitating and vomiting,
Incapacitated and agonizing,
Numbed with my heart askew.

Losing blood and getting pale,
You've seen such a gruesome sight.
Losing consciousness so frail,
Ending my suffering as I fall.

Rhymes and rhythms of sadness,
Ominous thoughts in my throat,
My voice cracks with ****** redness,
Apathy sets in... or so I thought.
An acrostic for someone whom I wish to love... but I've vomited every piece of my heart and now I'm empty. I want to love her so bad yet why can't I feel...
Cedric Jan 2017
An addiction to the color named red,
An affinity to feelings of dread,
Like waterfalls and raindrops, I feel drenched,
Clothed in a gown of crimson red is death.

Hemophilia causes excessive blood loss,
Just by being touched, you bloom like a rose!
Like roses with thorns that bleeds it's color.
To me who's bleeding out, "You're just a pose!"
I scream out with anguish, a quiet pause.
I lay in a pool of ****** dolor...

To me, you're lips are just like spikes and thorns,
With flowery words born from blooming roses,
As if an explosion of gray matter,
Were your poems that made me bleed all-out.
A sonnet of bleeding for various reasons. Dedicated to "someone", I poured out what circles around me, as if my own blood.
Cedric Mar 2017
Sloth* hath taken me
Envy seeps within my soul
Yet I keep *righteous
oh please forgive my sins, as I falter in despair and wallow in my sorrows, let me see the light I was once basked in.
Cedric Jan 2017
They say that poems should include seasons,
Pictures, feelings, sensations; 'imagery'.
Whether it be a concoction, something,
Everything, anything, even nothing.
Whether it be things, memories, persons.

Meticulous pixels make up pictures,
Like when I fell, I had many sutures.
So accurate, captured and so painful.
Imagery of warmth, my heart beats blood red.

I've admired you for some time, oh my.
Your imagery of such indistinct hues!
Like abstact art, leaving me asking: 'Why?'
Gawking, in awe, you're igniting the fuse!
An imagery: 'Burning love in ashes.'
A sonnet of images captured by the vaguest camera: the Heart.
Cedric Apr 2018
Telling myself lies,
With my smile as a disguise,
Through tears in my eyes,
I hope that it would suffice,
Until my heart turns to ice.


Completely honest,
I deceive my empty heart,
That it is now filled.


White lies fall like snow,
In this tundra of a home.
Snow now piles on high.
I tell myself I’m just fine,
Ignoring planks in my eye.


I’ve been honest right?
About my lies and deceit.
Putrid honesty.
Tanka, haiku, freestyle, and lies
Cedric Dec 2017
Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝

Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝

Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝

Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝

Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝

Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝

Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝Į̨̇̐̉̃̆̓̚͏̣̤̰͍̪̮͓̗̳͚͎̝̞̘̻̪ ̸̬̞̬̭̓ͣ͂ͫ̅͆̊̈́̾̃ͨ̍͢Ğͬ̔ͤͪͩ̄̄͋̅ͥ̇̎͢͝҉͓̻̝̖̥̥́͜Į̛̟̲̳͇̖̯̳̰̮̗̱̟̒͛̎̅̄͌͊ͅ­V̶̵̴̮̘̳͎̗̘͚̱̬̪͚̼̙̭̎ͨ̿̐̐́͛͘͜E̸͕̬͖͙͖͔͙̞̥̲̪ͩ̽̃̈́̎ͭ͝ͅ ̡͍̬̘̝̭͉̫̣̲̱̥̙̭̣͉̣̠ͨ͒̿̍̀ͧ͂̍ͦ͢ͅȖ̴̳̭̬̗̮̦͖̻̼̝̠͗̆ͪ̐͐ͤͯ̕͞P̶̸̗̟͚̹͍̼̫̙̍͐̃­̌͒̓̔ͧ̏̌̄͊ͯ̏͑̕͟͝

I give up my sanity
exams are hard, mental instability is ecstasy
Cedric Aug 2017
Fires and forests and bright eyes of tigers,
Snow and cities and dull eyes of strangers.
Of the mind and of the soul is my own,
Of the lips and of the eyes is your throne.
Despair and depression of my own mind,
Hopeful and joyful are your god-like smiles.
Nights so cold filled with god-awful nightmares,
Days so hot filled with your devilish heat,
A whole days' worth of **** figures of speech!
You have introduced me to poetry,
I fell and I got shot and I just died.
A poem of falling in love, falling out of love, falling in despair, falling out of hope and antagonizing my everyday. But one thing remains, you introduced me to poetry, dear, and that is irreplaceable. I might have stopped loving you, but I am in love. With poetry, that is.
Cedric Feb 2019
‪I see people struggling with what they learned.‬
‪I’ve yet to learn anything.‬
‪My mind just feels empty and blank.‬
‪There’s nothing in it but abstract forms that ellicit vague and varied emotional responses.‬
‪Suddenly, without warning, “it” attacks.‬
‪But my apathy would invalidate “it”.‬
‪But “it” stays there.
Waiting until I feel again.
Until “it” re-triggers my emptiness and apathy.
Waiting to be filled only to be spilt and reduced to nothing.
An absence, a darkness, an abyss of unfeeling.
A deprivation of senses as if something has died.
“It” just does what “it” is intended.
At first, apathy dismisses “it”.
But soon, I regain my consciousness.
And “it” subdues my consciousness into apathy.
“It” is an endless cycle.
There’s no other word for “it”.
It is just “it”; an entity that lacks words to express, a phenomenon.
An anomaly within me.
I’m tired. Academically drained, lacking passion and dreams. Lacking aspirations, goals, ambitions and motivation. Lacking a future outlook. Trapped in a cycle of an empty mind and a broken body. I don’t feel anything but heaviness. Maybe this is depression? Lapses in memory? Random aches? Hypochondria? “It” swallows me whole.
Cedric Jan 2017
Perspectives subjective to only me,
Like leaves of a tree unique to it's branch.
Like a raindrop from a specific cloud,
Even grains in the soil, unique snow flakes,
And even the cells within your body!

It's not hers, it's mine... it's not hers it's mine!
This heart, this soul, these feelings, it's not hers.
The pain, sorrow and misery, I whine!
Wallowing in hopeful despair, it blurs.

It's all so simple in truth as you see,
It falls on me, cold like an avalanche.
Like something heavy has fallen, a crowd.
Like a car crashing due to worn-out breaks.
This unrequited love for somebody.
A sonnet of keeping to yourself...
Cedric Aug 2019
Motivations burn,
Searing into my ****** mind!
Yet the flame dies down…
Disappearing like a ghost,
Leaving me an empty husk.
A tanka of a flame burning out…
Cedric Jun 2017
The rain starts to fall,
On this hot yet humid day.
Like tears of pure joy.
Live and dance on rainy days,
Happiest birthday to you.
Happy birthday Erin. Hope you like this poem.
Cedric Jan 2017
There's beauty in uncertainties,
Without an explanation from any antiquities,
As I cross this river bank,
Without a boat I just sank,
Drowning in a sea of fallacies.

As I struggle and asphyxiate,
In this sea of multiple colors,
I gently resurfaced with a breath of air,
Only to succumb to my own dolor,
Lacking in strength to alleviate.

I open my eyes after the anguish,
Deny as I may, I'll only fall!
From this building up high, I call!
Come what may I'll face it here!
In my dreams of endless skyscrapers.

I write such nonsensical gibberish,
Expressing my vague thoughts in a poem.
The way I write is thuggish and sluggish,
Wishing what may ever be solemn,
In my ever so changing peculiarities.
A poem of uncertainty, just because.
Cedric May 2019
I have come of age to vote,
Yet missed the day to register.
I have come of age to be wise,
Yet missed the day to remember.

I love my country dearly,
I live in it and am bound to it!
Yet a finger I couldn’t raise,
To those who deserve disgrace!

If not for my wicked heart,
Struck by apathy and antipathy,
I would have remembered,
The cries of my own country.

I lament the fact that I’m AWOL,
During the day of difference.
What can I do to redeem myself?
If my heart knows not itself?

My heart and head stand neutral!
With right or wrong just equal!
And there is no greater evil than me,
Who watches hearts bleed out.

There is no greater evil than I,
That see blue, red, yellow, and white,
Become pure in their sad colors.
A non-voter who laments to himself!

Become pure blue due to suffocation.
Become pure red due to old wounds.
Become pure yellow due to disease.
Become pure white as death visits.

Oh, dear Philippines my motherland.
I see, speak, and do evil on your body.
I ask the Lord for forgiveness and grace,
As the church rot from inside the gates.

My love for you is conditional!
I was born in your womb, motherland!
I serve you as I live on shame!
Yet my heart is grasped by ignorance!

Let my coming of age speak,
Let youth cry out in agony.
As I wait for my next chance,
To rid myself of this apathy.
I missed my chance to register and vote. I know not of the political affairs of my country and I am ignorant of politics as I hate it and want no part of it. Voting seems like an adult thing to do, and I am just nineteen. But as a citizen I must do my part and redeem my ignorance.
Cedric Feb 2020
Every day has been decided,
We live out our lives deluded.
We just get devastated;
Tired and exhausted,
We lay in bed.

Waking up with dread,
The smell of lead;
Would not come through,
If you're dead.
Russian roulette
Cedric Nov 2019
Every night I wake
To the lonely drops of water
Waiting for it to fill
Until its enough to drown

I hop into the bathtub
Hoping to wash away my sins
Trying to drown my fears

The warm water comforts
Yet it leaks leaving me cold
It reminds me of my love
A time my heart was full

Broken hearts are like leaking pipes
With the water being sincere words
Each time you speak the heart empties
Until the words drown you out again

I tell of this love and shout of its joy
Yet the one-sided feelings overflow
Until the pipes burst forth
Gushing water onto the floor

Now every night it trickles
Never empty but never full
The sound of water drops
Remind me of broken hearts
broken hearts spill empty words
Cedric Jul 2017
Subjectivity of the eyes,
Transverse the sea,
To see the world's vice,
Drowning in a sea of lies,
We dream of locks and keys.

Keep to yourself and lie -
- down on roses of red and white,
With scents and fragrance,
So alluring, sweet, and suffocating.
Of roses so white become red,
From wounds of the past -
Cedric May 2017
Unfathomable flickering,
Shakes my fears away.
Like lights of today's dawn,
From tiny fireflies they shine.

On and off, on and off,
Like flashing headlights.
It breaks, it shatters.
Just like the moonlight.

Upon me whose eyes are dead,
With pain-seething dread.
The light shines upon me,
Whose will to live fluttered away.
On... Off... On... Off... Ever-changing, miserable.
Cedric Aug 2017
I tried to read and understand,
Concepts and rules, plain and bland.
I laughed and fell out of my chair,
Delirious and in despair!
Simple insanity is grand...
A limerick depicting overloaded minds and laughing at it.
Cedric Apr 2018
I fear the unreasonable indeterminate,
Anxiety that gushes over like a fountain.
My body is trapped in lethargy,
Naught an ounce of motivation to move.

I begin to step and prove,
That my anxiety has turned me petty.
My thoughts trap me in my pain,
I begin to question my fate:

Why do I fear the unknown?
Why can't I escape?
Why haven't I grown?
Why is there a hole; a gape?

I enter into another phase called apathy.
It turns into blatant antipathy.
It exhausts my soul until I become empty.
I get filled again due to hypocrisy and piety.

I wake up; wanting to go to bed.
I can't sleep; my anxieties cover my head.
I get frustrated and I ache.
I give into despair and break.
I get fixed; inescapable, I said.


...I can't escape
Cedric Jan 2017
Lost in a cold night,
I have lost my mind, it hurts.
I wake up confused.
I've lost something I can't remember
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