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2.2k · Nov 2024
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
You read my poetry,
then turned away,  
as if the words
had nothing to say.  
Each line was a pulse,
it was a part of me,  
yet you drift on past,
too blind to see  
that my verses ache,
hoping to be heard,  
yet silence lingers,
louder than each word.  
The ink may fade,
but my feelings remain,  
as I laid my heart bare,
was it all in vain?

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Mar 15
not every poem
needs to bloom
with romance
to make a heart grow
full and wise;
There is poetry
found in survival,
in unhappy endings
and goodbyes.
Not every poem
must woo the reader,
or make their yearning soar,
some poems taste
like bitter coffee grounds
and nothing much like love.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Jan 4
Some doors are meant to stay unopened,
Some questions left silent in the air,
Some chapters end without conclusion,
Some paths often lead to nowhere.

Not every story needs an ending,
Not every wound needs words to heal,
Not every heart requires mending,
Not every truth needs a big reveal.

There's wisdom in quietly leaving,
There’s grace in letting mysteries be,
There’s peace in simply believing
That what must flow will find the sea.

So loosen your grip on expectations,
Release the need to understand,
Accept the silent explanations,
Because it is not a part of your plan.

©️Lizzie Bevis
1.5k · Mar 13
Am I Sleeping?
Lizzie Bevis Mar 13
Between steady breaths,
I float away in peaceful sleep
although, I am not quite here
and I am not quite gone.
My slumber becomes a nightly rehearsal
for when the final curtain falls
only without strings attached,
as I flirt with oblivion
and keep my options open.

Each night I ghost the otherworld,
leaving my body wrapped in a duvet
as I run away with my dreams
and return before dawn breaks.
I have become death's friend
as I surrender to the darkness
without agreeing to forever,
as I experience my temporary death
with daily resurrection rights.

We share in the nothingness,
as my consciousness is on pause.
Tonight I'll die again,
and tomorrow I'll return.
It is the perfect arrangement
with death who waits patiently, understanding that I'm not quite ready
for anything so permanent yet.

©️Lizzie Bevis
1.1k · Dec 2024
Underestimating Kindness
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
They mistake my softness for weakness,  
Like petals scattered in storms of hurt;  
Not seeing how deep my roots extend  
Through layers of wisdom and lessons learned.  

Each kind word I choose to speak  
Is backed by mountains moved in silence;  
Each tender touch I dare to give  
Springs from battles fought with resilience.  

I've learned that armour weighs down the spirit,
Thorns can wound the hand holding the stem;
While my quiet strength flows like morning light,  
Warming others without consuming them.  

So let them wonder at my gentleness,  
Let them question my peaceful stance;  
Because I have found that mighty rivers  
Flow with grace and not arrogance.  

In a world of sharpened daggers,  
I choose to be the sheltering tree,  
Not because I cannot withstand the storm,  
But because I’ve learned to just simply be.  

My strength lies in understanding  
That my heart does not need to prove,
The power that sustains its caring beat  
And the quiet force that dares to love.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
1.0k · Jan 30
Snowdrops on the Green
Lizzie Bevis Jan 30
Up through the ground,
kissed by the frost,
a tender bloom seeks
a light long lost,
with some gentle force
and quiet power,
hope emerges on the green
as a snowdrop flower.

But, if such a small
and fragile thing
can pierce the frost
to greet early spring,
then why can't we,
like a snowdrop stay,
to wake and rise
on a cold January day?

Our strength must lay
dormant within,
beneath the cold joints
that make us wince,
so, we must try to learn
to trust and be seen,
like the gentle snowdrops
growing on the green.

©️Lizzie Bevis
It is a sunny but cold day today, it is all to easy to want to stay in bed.
I must get up, like these snowdrops.
They are so pretty too.
941 · Feb 4
Are We There Yet?
Lizzie Bevis Feb 4
Mile after mile,
the roads unwind,
and I'm squashed in the back,
in between my siblings' behinds,
while Dad croons to oldies,
off-key and loud,
Mum traces the map,
with her head bowed.

I count the trees,
it is a quiet game,
while my brother sleeps,
my sister is tamed.
A petrol station stop
breaks the drive,
the numbers roll up,
as Dad's wallet
barely survives.

Dad fills the tank,
and Mum's stern glance falls
on the mounting cost
that widen her eyeballs.
Dad settles up
and quickly returns
with snacks that are shared,
with momentary peace,
which is soon impaired.

"Stop touching me!"
my sister cries,
as my brother grins
with mischievous eyes
and I, caught in the middle
attempt to mediate,
"Look, a cow!"
in a desperate escape.

Soon after trying
to tame the urge,
our bladders expand
fit to burst,
as bathroom plea's cry out
with a desperate will
our three voices rising
loud and shrill.

The Ross-on-Wye's sign
comes into view,
as my fingers twist
through my hair now askew.
We turn onto Junction 24,
and I look around everywhere,
my excitement building
beyond compare.

Aunty Bee's wedding day
waits ahead,
and I shamelessly have crumbs
all over my dress.
This is quickly followed
by Mum's horrified look,
as Dad pulls the car aside,
as we tumble out of the back
with smiles big and wide.

Mum brushes crumbs
from our smart attire,
and tames my hair
with her maternal fire.
My brother and Dad
turn as their eyes meet
and with perfect timing,
he asks "Are we there yet?"

Dad rolls his eyes and sighs
"Just 30 more minutes son."
I think our Dad will be glad
when this journey is done.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I was thinking back to the day my Aunty Bee got married, I was 11 years old and the journey from Lincoln to Ross-on-Wye was so long.
I'm amazed that my parents didn't leave us behind!
914 · Dec 2024
If I Could Paint Winter
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
In silent woods where whispers freeze,  
The breath of night kisses the breeze.  
Trees stand like sentries cloaked in white,  
Their branches bowing, in graceful plight.  

The breath of winter, crisp and clear,  
Wraps all in silence, drawing near.
A silver quilt covers sleeping ground,  
As snowflakes drift and twirl around.  

Beneath the moon's observant gaze,  
Winter shrouds time in a sparkling haze.  
The world sleeps under frosted dreams,  
Where moonlight weaves its silver beams.  

As frost paints scenes upon the night.
Where stars like diamonds shimmer bright.
Nature's art hangs in crystal chains,
A masterpiece in all that remains.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Jan 3
Moonbeams dance from up high,
While stars their secrets keep,
And the heavens slumber in a velvet sky
As gentle dreams run deep.

Please close your eyes and drift away
On wings of peaceful rest,
Until the morning light breaks soft and new
And wakes you at your best.

©️Lizzie Bevis
696 · Dec 2024
'Twas the Night of Disaster
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
The stockings were hung,
but they fell off the wall,
The tree was so crooked,
it threatened to fall.
The cookies for Santa
got burnt to a crisp,
and Grandpa was snoring
with quite a loud lisp.

The cat ate the tinsel
and their whiskers did glow,
while reindeer-shaped lights
blinked sporadic and slow.
The wrapping paper ran out
halfway through,
so presents got covered
in the old Daily News.

But Christmas still came
with its usual cheer,
despite all the chaos
and Dad's missing beard.
For love and good spirits
cannot be undone,
by festive mishaps
and misguided fun.

©️Lizzie Bevis
644 · Nov 2024
The Burden of Empathy
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In this world, I find myself alone,
surrounded by a chaos of troubles,
including my own
and you expect me to stand strong
as everything crumbles,
because you want me to help you atone?

I am a dancing light through the darkness
for many, it seems, through their stress.
My heart grows weary,
yet I remain humble,
as you plead for me to protect.

Through all of your worries and woes,
I stand with you, and I oppose;
But when all is resolved,
I'm left to struggle
as life deals me blow after blow.

Why is life so ominously wicked
to those who are giving and committed? Through it all,
my priorities are juggled
and from my time you greatly benefit.

But these questions keep manifesting
in my mind:
Why do I care so much,
and why am I so kind?
Why must I carry everyone's burdens
when they do not feel inclined?

©️Lizzie Bevis
634 · Oct 2024
White Noise
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Through soft static,
the silence hums,  
as a steady tide,
where chaos succumbs  
and white noise swaddles us
in its soothing embrace
drowning out the clamour,
creating tranquil space,
tuning into the comforting drone,
as peaceful slumber finally comes.

©️Lizzie Bevis
613 · Nov 2024
To All The Poets
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
I watch you write,  
your pen flowing like a river,  
each word a current
that pulls me under.  
I am ensnared in your story,  
captivated and lost
in the beautiful, broken
and hurting depths of you.

©️Lizzie Bevis
What can I say, you all inspired me!
I love reading your pieces, watching your creativity bloom onto this page.
Thank you for being you. 🙂
612 · Dec 2024
Small Victories Matter
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Not all victories wear medals of gold,
Some hide in moments,
overlooked and untold.
They were found in a deep sigh,
In a smile and through tears,
when days were long,
when you wished for hope
and a will to be strong.

With each sunrise met
when rest felt incomplete,
and with each foul day weathered,
with heavy feet.
These too are triumphs,
written into each trial,
between survival and each mile.

When you carried on when it felt too much,
found peace in chaos, with a patient touch.
Building castles from the ruins of your plans,
and held faith like water
cupped in trembling hands.

Count the small victories, every single one,
each battle fought and silently won.
For perseverance begins with each try,
and strength lives within
the desire to thrive.

This year that's passing,
Has been harsh and kind,
And left its markings on your mind.
Yet here you stand, still breathing deeply,
With hope your heart has learned to keep.
In a quiet victory, that is yours to hold
Worth more than any medal of gold.

©️Lizzie Bevis
For me, personally 2024 has been shocking, it certainly hasn't been without its challenges, but I am here and I am hoping that 2025 will be much better.
602 · Dec 2024
Romantising Life
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Between the worlds
of dreams and reality,
lives the truth we
sometimes fail to see.

Beauty dwells
in both these parts
in dreamy hopes
and candid hearts.

©️Lizzie Bevis
576 · Nov 2024
The Moon & Stars - A Haiku
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
The silver moon waltzed
Through scattered stars like diamonds
dancing through the night.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Traditional Japanese haiku style
following the 5-7-5 rule.
529 · Nov 2024
Pessimistically Optimistic
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In sunshine's glow,
we wear a smile,  
yet deep inside,
we feel the trial.
The weight of hope
can feel so grand,  
but woes can linger,
close at hand.
With every cheer,
loiters niggling doubt,  
can happiness withstand
what life is about?
To be the light,
yet fear the strain,  
When the bright facade
can crack and fray.
Beneath the mask,
a heart may strain,  
for constant joy  
can feel like pain.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Feb 2
I lie in bed, awake and watching  
the dark night sky stretched wide,  
as stars like diamonds catch my eye.  
The hours pass in a gentle drift  
until dawn begins its colourful shift,  
as sunlight breaches the eastern rim,
it's fiery orange rays reach out and skim
and the warmth bleeds out across the dark,  
as I watch the sunrise paint its arc.  
Then the morning mist creeps in all grey,  
and clouds roll in on winds of change,
cooling the sky and dulling the blaze,  
as daylight arrives in a steely blue haze.

©️Lizzie Bevis
It is somewhat sad to see the sunrise cool with a dismal grey-looking sky.
It was a beautiful sunrise though.
505 · Nov 2024
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Fine china is pressed to my lips.
offering a moment of sweet bliss,
as soothing warmth envelopes me
and my troubles start to fade.

Slowly sipping my cup of tea,
I find all is as it should be,
and clarity slowly emerges
putting my mind at ease.

I enjoy this relaxing remedy,
in this comforting serenity,
with a smile and a sigh
I find Positivi-tea.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I feel English people may relate to this! 🙂🫖
502 · Dec 2024
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Wisdom spills like morning light
From youthful lips untouched by spite,
Pure and simple, crystal clear,
With virtue adults long to hear.

Why is the sky grey and blue?
Why is there a shadow over the moon?
Questions that we've long forgotten,
Wrapped in wonder, freshly gotten.

They see the world with untrained eyes,
No filters yet to cloud their skies,
No prejudice to dim their sight,
Just raw perception and pure delight.

In their logic, direct and true,
Lives the insight we once knew,
Before the world grew complicated,
Before our minds were educated.

So when curious children do speak,
Their random thoughts, pure and unique,
For in their words, both odd and sage,
Lies innocence that vanishes as we age.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Jan 9
Sitting here in this cheerful café,
I watch the steam rise from my cup,
and I stir some sugar into my tea
as shared laughter drifts upwards.

A delicious lemon drizzle cake
sits in the centre of the table,
much like a sweet, sticky offering
to the joys of friendship, good company
and fond memories.

We sit here chatting away
as if no time has passed between us,
the conversation flows like honey,
as stories and smiles spill across the table
along with stray cake crumbs.

Time seems irrelevant
as tea leaves unfurl,
seeping in the teapot
as our hearts open just as gently.

Our voices blend like the perfect brew
strong and sweet,
warm and familiar
filling emptiness with belonging.

The afternoon daylight streams
through the large windows,
warming our eyes and faces
in this moment we created.

Perfect in its simplicity,
rich as lemon drizzle cake
and as enduring as friendship.

©️Lizzie Bevis
A cup of tea and a slice of lemon drizzle cake with friends always makes everything seem so much better.
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
As December's stars fade into the night,
The old year slips away, worn but wise,
Taking with it lessons held tight,
Each triumph, tear, and life's surprise.

We bid farewell with knowing grace
To the months that shaped us, day by day,
Taking strength from every trace
Of wisdom earned along the way.

Though defeats linger, we release
The weight of what we cannot change,
And turn, with hope's sweet increase,
Toward the New Year and a bright new age.

©️Lizzie Bevis
A New Year brings fresh hope.
May you all have a wonderful new year.
489 · Dec 2024
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Over aeons, new galaxies bloom,
Spiralling splendours from a cosmic boom.
As time and space constantly entwine,
When the divine spans until the end of time.

Nebulae clouds form bodies anew,
From cosmic matter, in forces imbued.
As timeless planets in their orbits glide,
around a blazing star, their radiant guide.

Starlight shimmers in our sky
Crystalline flares from distant sunshine,
An ancient light on a celestial quest
Through the ever-expanding void of space.

©️Lizzie Bevis
479 · Dec 2024
Goodbye - A Haiku
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Someone cherished close,  
Makes parting weigh so heavy
My heart aches, Goodbye.

©️Lizzie Bevis
471 · Jan 10
For The Love of Dogs
Lizzie Bevis Jan 10
Their hearts beat with ours,
keeping time with wagging tails,
never asking for anything more
than care and love,
then return it tenfold
with a gentle warmth
to mend our broken days.
Dogs teach us to live life fully,
they make our days so much better
just by being our spirited
and faithful friends,
which breaks us so deeply
at the very end.

©️Lizzie Bevis
For my lovely neighbours Chris and Carol.
Their beautiful 14 year old Golden Retriever Jess is sadly deteriorating and the vet is visiting them tomorrow to send Jess over the rainbow bridge.

The hardest part is always saying goodbye.
You were always a good girl Jess and you'll be missed so much. 😢🐕🪽🌈
456 · Nov 2024
Suffering in Kindness
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
I cradle your worries,
your burdens I share,  
yet I carry my own,
a weight hard to bear.
Each word that I offer,
a balm for your pain,  
while I swallow my tears
like a soft summer rain.

With every embrace,
I hide what I feel,  
for the hardest of battles
I fight to conceal.
So if you could see me,
just for a while,  
you’d find in my sorrow
the strength in my smile.

©️Lizzie Bevis
445 · Nov 2024
Mysterious Encounter
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
A phantom cast where living once dwelled,  
a figure moves under a tight-lipped spell,  
with eyes like stars,
yet veiled in the night,  
an enigma wrapped in soft twilight.  
They whisper in riddles
and breathe in your dreams,  
replaying a moment cracked at the seams,  
each smile is a puzzle,
each laugh a clue,  
leaving a labyrinth of thoughts
to mull over and review.  
As I wonder,
What lies hidden in their empty gaze
and what stories linger in their ethereal haze?  
It is a mystery unsolved,
a moment truly bizarre,  
as they offer a brief glimpse of what they are.

©️Lizzie Bevis
439 · Nov 2024
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Watching gondolas glide
on murky mirrors
as I wander alone,
over bridges arched high,  
immersing myself in the culture
of this jewel of a lagoon.
I'm passing over canals,
watching couples hand in hand,
in love as red as the bricks.

But, why is Venice split in two
when it is the city of love?

The Grand Canal must agree,
as she too wonders through
the sun drenched afternoon;
Until dusk welcomes
masked figures in gold leaf,
dancing past in capes
like thieves stealing hearts
in the magic of the Venetian night.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Another of many poems written on my travels, I wrote this one when I was 18 years old, I believe I was sitting in St Marks Square drinking a cup of coffee at the time.

Random fact: The Grand Canal is shaped like a question mark…I loved how I incorporated this into the poem too.

Venice is truly breathtaking.
438 · Dec 2024
Nature’s Sweet Reprieve
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
There is a peaceful stability
found within this lake's
deep and pure tranquillity.
Where beauty mirrors truth
in waters calm and still.

All who gaze upon this peace
feel their troubles fade,
as beauty's soft reflection
creates a perfect recollection
of nature's gentle grace.

Like a songbird's melody,
wild, soft yet free,
life's burdens are lulled to sleep,
and my heart takes wing
in joyful flight with yours.

I rest, knowing
that we are blessed
with nature's sweet reprieve,
and our bond destined
to weather all of this together.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Jan 11
I can't believe that you have gone.

This isn't real, it’s a ruse, it's a trick,  
your absence lingers like dawn's mist,  
but with the sunrise it will surely lift.
My phone will ring, the door is unlocked,  
and I’ll keep your dinner warm
as I wait for you to come home.

Why the hell did you have to die?!  
My fists press hard against the wall,  
and I clench my teeth until my jaw hurts,
as tears roll down cheeks flushed with anger.
I curse God, time, space, fate,  
and everything that took you away.

I was never much of a haggler,
but, I’ll trade all of my tomorrows for yesterday,
and I’ll find a way to save you
and cherish every moment with you.
Please, rewind the clock, I pray;
Even if it is just for one more day.

Gloominess penetrates my worn-out bones,
as lead weights burden my heavy steps.  
My breath feels too heavy to carry,  
and these memories are too painful to hold.
I sink, I drown, I gasp for air,
and I fade into the depths of despair.

But, after a while, life is not so hard,
I watch the sunrise, as a new dawn begins,  
and your memory no longer hurts to recall,
instead, it warms my heart like a gentle hug.  
I smile because you lived and you were loved;
And somehow, I can accept that this is
more than enough.

Please, now go and rest in peace.

©️Lizzie Bevis
The five basic stages of Grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
410 · Oct 2024
Dandelion seeds
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Like a cluster of dandelion seeds
in time we will grow
yet, eventually, with a gentle puff and blow
we will sail along the breeze
by the long grassy meadows,
over babbling brooks or flowing streams
gleefully dancing with tall leafy trees.

Spinning and gliding
the adventure,
the brief rapture...
as I land amongst the dust
separated and alone.
I am destined to nurture all I have left
as we drift apart
into scattered and distant memories.

©️Lizzie Bevis
398 · Nov 2024
It Started With Hello
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
It started with Hello,
and a fleeting connection
as smiles were exchanged,
along with quiet affection.

It is always the little things
a laugh, a touch, a glance,  
as a shared thrill ignites  
this sweet, subtle dance.

There is no grand confession,  
just a gentle sigh,  
a swoon of devotion
as our hearts comply.

©️Lizzie Bevis
396 · Nov 2024
Corporate Wasteland
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Is life worth living
When all you do is give,
Pouring out your soul
Into an unrelenting hole?

Each sacrifice exacts its toll,
Consuming any self-control,
They take without any remorse,
Draining your spirit's inner source.

In corporate rooms of cold design,
Where profit trumps the human line,
You stand amongst the beaten downs,
With silent ones who wear their frowns.

Your body bends, your mind breaks,
Yet blame becomes the final stake.
Pointing fingers, casting shame
As struggles grow and you're to blame.

So tell me now, amid this strife:
Are you truly blessed in this life?
Or just a cog within the wheel,
Where giving is the only deal?

©️Lizzie Bevis
I'm seeing more and more people struggling with work related stress these days.
The world seems to have gone mad?!
395 · Nov 2024
Lay Me Down
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
When shadows lengthen on the wall,
and twilight whispers nature's call,
I feel the weight of years ago,
like autumn leaves of crimson gold,
readying for their final fall.

The clock ticks slower than before,
as memories seep through every door,
of lives I've touched and those I've known,
of seeds of love that I have sown,
now maturing on a faraway shore.

My breath grows soft like the morning mist,
as death releases what I've kissed.
The sun, the rain, the gentle breeze,
my weariness is carried through the trees,
all fading into peace as I cease to exist.

So lay me down in earth's embrace,
where time dissolves my body's trace.
The stars will watch me in peaceful sleep,
as roots and soil their vigil keep,
until I become one with this sacred space.

©️Lizzie Bevis
395 · Jan 3
Lizzie Bevis Jan 3
Strong as steel, I stand alone,
I built my tower, I claimed my throne.
I am independent, fierce and free,
Complete within my own soul's sea.

Yet sweetness lies in a gentle space,
Nestled in someone's warm embrace.
Who wipes the tears I thought I could hide,
And listens to the storms inside.

This is not from need, but choice divine,
As our two paths chose to intertwine.
In strength we meet and in peace we stay,
Sharing our burdens throughout our days.

Although I am whole when on my own,
I find comfort when I'm not alone.
In having one who chooses to be
Both shelter and wonderful company.

©️Lizzie Bevis
389 · Nov 2024
A Cat in Paris
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Beneath the Eiffel's iron lace,
A tabby cat prowls with feline grace,
Past Arc de Triomphe, she sets her pace,
On moonlit nights down the Champs Élysées.

Prowling around cafés and bustling streets, She slips into wine-soaked conversations, Witnessing love's soft declarations,
While dodging bikes and hurried feet.

Her whiskers twitch at fresh baguettes,
As dawn breaks on the Seine's calm flow, Lounging, watching artists come and go,
From her sun-kissed, with a view parapet.

Notre Dame's gargoyles watch her pass,
Through shadows of restored spires,
In all its reverent wonder, to be admired
As pigeons scatter on morning mass.

Up to Montmartre's charm and winding ways,
She naps peacefully on warm window sills,
As church bells toll from sacred hills,
Lost in the wonders of her Parisian days.

©️Lizzie Bevis
385 · Jan 8
Another Dismal Day
Lizzie Bevis Jan 8
Grey clouds burst from leaden skies,
While puddles mirror my heavy eyes,
The thrumming droplets on window panes
Echo the throbbing of my aches and pains.

Lifeless streets shine, although grim and wet,
While every puddle swells with regret,
As wind blows through the scraggy bare trees,
Howling and wailing into the breeze.

I stand in shop doorways to keep dry
As rain continues to fall from the sky,
Like tears that stain the sullen ground,
And my hope dissipates without a sound.

I look around and I know
That it will be another dismal day.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I'm very English…I complain about the weather, just poetically!
370 · Nov 2024
I Notice Everything
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
I notice  
when people treat me differently,  
the subtle shifts in their smiles,  
and a coldness beneath their words.  

I notice  
when they weave their lies,  
assuming I’m too gullible to see  
the threads of truth unravelling.  

I notice  
when I’m left out of the plan,  
a ghost in conversations,  
I become an option, not a choice.  

I notice  
the awkwardness in their glances,  
the way kindness wears a mask,  
hiding intentions behind pleasantries.  

I notice  
when I’m a pawn in their game,  
used for someone else’s gain,  
my worth measured by their needs.  

I notice
so don’t mistake my silence for naivety.  
I’m sharper than you think.  
I’m not blind; I notice everything.

©️Lizzie Bevis
The amount of people I have walked away from, this poem is for you.
People, your self worth is more important than their gain.
Do not let yourself become manipulated or used because you are kind or have something that they want.
370 · Dec 2024
The Overthinker
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
My mind dissects each word you speak,
Like puzzle pieces, I must decrypt.
Each detail stowed and analysed,
Each contradiction memorised.
Your lies will always be uncovered,
As habits form, truth is discovered.
I'll turn your tales all day and night,
Until the pieces fit just right.
So spare yourself, I implore,
I will solve your messy jigsaw.

©️Lizzie Bevis
369 · Jan 16
Burn me Down
Lizzie Bevis Jan 16
When my imagination ignites a wildfire,
you commit my words to the pyre,
but, with every smouldering ember
my vision grows;
Breaking the boundaries
that you imposed,
and within the remnants of my creation,
I openly disregard your blatant damnation.

©️Lizzie Bevis
367 · Nov 2024
The Argentine Tango
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
With every step,  
hold me close,  
as desire lights
our intense fire.
My beating heart  
will seek and find,  
your leading soul,  
body and mind.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
367 · Nov 2024
Dementias Curse
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In the mind, where memories fade,  
A once-bright mind is sadly betrayed.  
A friendly face, but whose is unclear,  
As echoes of love dissolve into fear.  

Time, a thief, with a fragile hand,  
Steals pieces of life, like grains of sand.  
Familiar paths turn into foreign trails,  
Lost in a maze where confusion prevails.  

Each brief moment, an unfamiliar song,  
Ties us to those we once held, now gone.  
Though the curse may linger, love remains,  
In the hearts of those who bear the chains.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I can imagine that quite a few of us can relate to the misery that dementia brings, watching their loved ones regress through their memories, slowly forgetting their friends and family, eventually taking away their ability to function independently.

I feel for all those that have had to go through this awful disease.
357 · Dec 2024
The One…
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
You had that certain glow
When our eyes first met
Like stars that had learned to shine,
And within your adoring gaze
I found all I had sought
Sparkling like depths of gold.
Time slowed down just for us
As if fate had whispered
Because it wanted us to.
But, now I watch from afar
As emptiness clouds my heart,
Knowing that someone else will bathe
In what I once called my light.

©️Lizzie Bevis
348 · Nov 2024
I Am the Dragon
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Rage burns deep within my core,
scales of fury line my chest.
Through gritted teeth,
and baited breaths;
My flames now roar
and my heartbeat pounds
beneath my breast.

My wings spread wide
with vengeful might,
as dark thoughts consume me
like smoking hot coals,
and through angry skies,
I take my flight
‘till wrath releases my soul.

©️Lizzie Bevis
336 · Oct 2024
4 Haiku’s - The seasons
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Fragrant breeze whispers,
Blossoms bloom in vibrant hues,
Nature's symphony.

          Golden sun shines bright,
          Warm rays caress sun-kissed skin,
          Summer's vibrant dance.

               Leaves ablaze with gold,
               Crisp air whispers change is near,
               Autumn's dormant song.

Snowflakes drift and fall,
Icy winds howl through bare trees,
Winter's stark beauty.

©️Lizzie Bevis
333 · Dec 2024
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Home isn't always brick and mortar,
It's the way your eyes crinkle when you smile,
The familiar rhythm of your steady breathing,
And the space between your fingers
where I slide mine.

I see us,
Dancing in kitchens we are yet to build,
Smiling at happy moments still to come,
As our story engraves deeper
Into our laughter lines.

Fifty short years from now,
Is already written in the lines of our palms,
We will be thinning out silver-haired,
Still laughing and growing old,
Sitting by the fire in our armchairs
Side by side.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In this space, there is a tranquil peace,
Between land and sky where the sunset creeps,
I wander through the fading light
When the day surrenders unto the night.

The darkness dances with starlight beams,
Like waltzing fragments of my dreams,
While the constellations slowly turn,
And the faraway sun continues to burn.

Here in this realm of in-between,
Where nothing is the way it seems.
This reoccurring beauty often dwells
Under the earth's rotational spell.

For in this space of endless flight,
Where sunlight duels with the starry night,
When sunrise greets day with warming bliss
As the dark and light share one long kiss.

©️Lizzie Bevis
328 · Dec 2024
Physical Attraction
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
The bonding forge of palm on palm
Breaks my shield, dissolves my calm;
Your hands trace earthquakes down my spine,
Awakening every nerve of mine.

You ignite my skin with a lightning flash,
Electric tremors pulse and pass,
Each fingertip becomes a molten brand
That sears desire across my land.

When lips meet, our worlds collapse
Passion fractures these synaptic maps;
Your embrace, a crushing tidal force,
Leaves my gravity without a course.

Magnetic fever pulls us close,
As currents crush and silence prose.
Each brush of skin sends shockwaves deep,
Where primal energy coils and leaps.

Heated fusion erodes the mantle,
Boundaries burn and souls entangle,
Your touch conquers my universe
Intent with the need to be immersed.

©️Lizzie Bevis
328 · Nov 2024
Grief’s Disguise
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
Grief came uninvited  
through my open doorway,
fear and rage ignited  
they made plans to stay,
and I was dazed by the
lack of foresight.

Then sadness came bounding
in loud and bellowing.
It consumed every opening,  
chaos was ensuing,
then it left without a trace
of what it was doing.

When the storm had ended  
someone held me,
they were kind,
gently she attended  
and peace filled my mind,
as love comprehended
the hurt it left behind.

For in grief's disguise,  
love had always been  
opening my eyes.
To what grief could mean:  
That love never dies.

©️Lizzie Bevis
There is no grief without love.
323 · Dec 2024
To Be, or Not To Be?
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Their eyes ignite
With every word,
Each gesture met,
Each story heard.
They lean in close,
They catch each breath,
Captivated between
Each life and death.

Like sunflowers tracking
The morning light,
They watch and follow,
The characters plight.
No greater gift
Could the heavens send
Than souls who yearn
To comprehend.

©️Lizzie Bevis
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