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Aug 2024 · 883
Silence. The Seventh Gong
Alec Astaire Aug 2024
“Where is it I must go?”,
I ask my mirror’s reflection
Is there truly something missing,
Or do I miss imperfection?
I’ve yet to wander far enough
To dull my soul’s reverberations

My body, a holy temple fueled by resounding purpose


Do I truly know my calling,
Or is my longing just a comfort?
If I am grateful for my life,
Should I worry time is too short
To spend any of my days
Without some type of progress to report?

I worry I am drifting asleep. I need to wake up before it’s too late


What if I gave it up?
I fear it might end really bad
Would the universe reject me
And crumble everything I had,
Make sure that I was forced
To fulfill some sort of soul contract?

If I knew which one was my opponent, I could be prepared to fight


I wonder, will I ever make it?
Is there even an “it” to make?
If there is something I desire,
Then is it something I will create?
Do I focus on my blessings
Or on a treasure that might be fake?

I ask for a sign that I am doing the right thing

Let me know how you interpret the ending. I feel there are multiple interpretations
Alec Astaire Aug 2021
Yet another attempt to recreate our trio of faces
A red rippled reflection reminds me of the time:
Two hands up
My visage confronts me as
One bitter taste of giving up reaches my lips
So close yet again..
Just one face missing
It’s hard to move on with my story when I spend so much time re-reading our few pages
Alec Astaire Jun 2021
I wish that I could call you
Tonight at 4 A.M.
To pour out all the secret feelings
Hidden in my head
You need to know “I love you” is a
Phrase I’ve never said
And at 4 A.M. I gasp for breath
As those words fill my lungs instead

Maybe you believe
That I’m shallow with intentions
If I can clear the air,
I’ll have so much more to mention
At 4 A.M. I can’t admit
Our hearts have no connection
Though hot and cold,
When we’re alone, I often feel our tension

I really want to ask
If I should make a move
Because the way you talk to me
Just leaves me so confused
At 4 A.M. I beg the stars
And wish upon the moon
That I don’t ruin what we’ll have
From needing to know too soon

I wish that I could call you
But for now, I’ll hold my bluff
Cause even though it’s 4 A.M.
I know that you’ll pick up
This poem is about mixed signals and how they make you feel
Alec Astaire Feb 2021
I'm so sad. I'm so sorry.
This time unlike before.
I am absolutely certain I can't do this anymore.

I no longer wanna be happy.
There's no soul left in me to aspire.
If giving up is punishable, then throw me in the Fire.

I know Heaven's not for me,
And even if it is, I don't wanna go.
Please let me leave in peace..
That thing I've never known.
Alec Astaire Feb 2021
I can't forgive you
For making me give up hope
Thank you. I am free
Feb 2021 · 384
My Final Façade
Alec Astaire Feb 2021
I will live the rest of my life becoming the best me that I could possibly be.,
Proving every day that I could never be enough in the most glamorous way that I could ever know how to do it.
I will become a true mosaic of hopelessness.

Tell me that I matter so that it makes less sense.
Ingrain the knowledge of my true worth inside of me so that I cannot deny that my lack of love and life is outside of my control.
Inspire me to inspire you, to wring every last drop of my passions onto the fire of your fears.
Take the rest of the life that's left in me, and cherish me as the light you never knew you needed-
The light she never needed.

I will live out the rest of my days feeling loved by everyone
EXCEPT for the people who I love so much.

I will break the cycle.
They'll never see it coming.
Sep 2020 · 743
Love without Confidence
Alec Astaire Sep 2020
History repeats
I could never be worthy
..But for you, I’ll try
Trying to love someone when you don’t love yourself is so hard.. I just want to stop sabotaging myself..
Alec Astaire May 2020
To be mundane and in love is all I could ask for,
Simple minded in my pleasures instead of always striving to get more

To be content with my shortcomings as if they never even existed,
Dreaming towards such grounded goals, so attainable I could not miss it

My one true wish is for simpler bliss- a lower bar for jubilation
So that I might have an actual chance to experience self-actualization
Jul 2019 · 370
Yet Another Sad Poem
Alec Astaire Jul 2019
I should have learned by now that there aren’t any “signs”-
Any sort of supernatural clues that hint I should make
      someone mine
And I should have guarded myself the first night we met
We saw so many shooting stars I almost lost count of them

I quadrupled the amount of shooting stars I’ve ever seen
And we laid so peaceful next to each other while you lost your
      falling star virginity
Not a single time that night did I think to make a wish
Because feeling loved beside you brought back the feeling I have

But that feeling and I soon went our separate ways
As I slowly noticed you weren’t eager to hang out most days
That I was that call when you were drunk or lonely,
An afterthought, and I was supposed to respect that completely.

Shame on me, you said, for saying the same way you treat me is
      how I am going to treat you-
That we can continue to be “back pocket” friends, tried and true
I never wanted being true to who I am to interfere with what we
But I couldn’t stay quiet while inside I felt so sad

You made me feel stupid and clingy for asking for your time
I felt like I was the idiot for trying to make you mine-
To be more than that guy you sleep with when you want someone
      to hold you
If I wanted this all to be casual, I just would have told you

And now at times I wish I wouldn’t have told you
How begging for your time made me feel so ugly and blue
I wish I would have gritted my teeth and stayed quiet
So that maybe in your own time you would treat me with respect

And maybe that’s what I should have wished for upon those
      shooting stars
That God would’ve kept you and I together or that he would
      prepare our hearts
To understand each other and love each other and work through
      our problems-
Act like adults instead of fighting and crying when you made us
      be done

I know what I’ll wish on my next falling star
That you would miss me or call me- not change who you are-
But that you being you and me doing me would work out in the
That we could be together without either of us having to pretend

I hope that’s not too much to ask for- not suppressing my feelings
Or being able to speak my mind without having you hate me
Was it really necessary that you block me after you were offended
If you ever loved me the same, it never would have ended

But I refuse to compromise who I am or what I want
I’ll never accept less from a friend whether I love them or not
I guess what I learned is to never love someone until I really know
And that’s why I write yet another sad poem
Mar 2019 · 1.3k
Our Love Was Like Popcorn
Alec Astaire Mar 2019
Ready to explode
Wait a minute, don’t leave me
Things will get butter
Mar 2019 · 598
Dear Soulmate
Alec Astaire Mar 2019
Darling, where are you?
I have so much love to give
If I could find you.
Jan 2019 · 347
But Our Love Felt So Real
Alec Astaire Jan 2019
I never was yours
So love me how you used to
Hoaxing my daft soul.
She really did fool me.
Alec Astaire Nov 2018
I finally tracked him down: the person within me who could live without you
So I made him a cup of tea and he began to prattle
About the demonic conductor of my symphonic heartbeats,
And the chthonic tranquility you once deposited into my life stream.
He sniggered at how, even now, I still attempt to draw from that diluted reservoir
In an attempt to discover anything more glorious that a utopian delusion,
An unwarranted euphoria derived from what someone might call the “good times”-
If I gave you the benefit of the doubt and admitted there really was a time your love wasn’t fictitious.
But, I digress
Because I wish you the best
Even if the good times discarded are times I should regret
There was a time when you uncovered my covert capacity for unexpurgated bliss-
The likes of which I had dismissed
As myth or at the very least unrealistic to attain.
Even if all of the solace I find in our memories is disingenuous,
I still thank you for way you fooled me.
And that’s why I screamed at him.
After the nightcap, I chased him out of the house for even flirting with the idea of his own existence.
For I have not the fortitude to meet with him for more than just a few moments.
Right now, I choose to cherish our memories until I forget that I love you,
Until the day I’ll be ready to unite with my harbinger of recovery.
Nov 2018 · 373
I Wish I Could Feel Alive
Alec Astaire Nov 2018
God, why does nothing make me feel alive anymore-

I’ve nothing to wile me into contentment-
The way existence seemed so zoetic as I’ve chased after lovers through a garden of futility

I just wish I could trick myself into happiness.. even if it were temporary.. even if it would destroy me....

Because everyday I rediscover living is so dark and so cold and ever so lonely
Alec Astaire Sep 2018
Oh, long lost Melody,
Antagonize me with your cadence:
That song, dripping from the tip of my tongue
I know you- but not well enough to know how you went

How one moment we were finishing each other’s sentences
But then the very next- I never got the memo I guess-
We switched to syncopation as if I was just supposed to know
The things you loved about me would become my greatest downfall

How foolish was I to think a crescendo would lack a diminuendo
How much stupider was I to think I could still remain your friend though
For how could we have a song without our melody:
Those notes we no longer sing but still remain a part of me

As the itch I can’t scratch or the tip of my tongue-
The parts of me that realize there’s something that I must be missing..
formerly: Untitled 9-24-18
Alec Astaire Sep 2018
I can’t look into your eyes anymore
Because they don’t lie
the way that I could
When I realize I’m irrelevant
And how you are moving on I guess
I have to pretend that I’m over you too

But how could I just let this die
And leave you behind
When you’re all that I’ve ever wanted
This mystery
Of what we could be
Resonates with the parts of me that still dream

I won’t look into your eyes anymore
But oh how I covet your stare
That hellish gaze
Reminds me for days
Of how I was passionately nothing more than your fleeting memory

And I’d love to stop wishing every night
For my dichotomy of fantasies:
That love might give us another chance
Or that I could stop hearing the melody behind our memories

How can I just let this die
And leave you behind
When you harmonize with my very soul
Your every note
Are songs I wrote
Long before they had names or I even knew yours

I’ve never wanted to look into your eyes any more
Than when I think of the love we should’ve had
If I had set aside my pride,
Or if you had really tried
To breathe so my love didn’t smother you

Do you think that I could let this die
And leave you behind
If I channeled my heart into moving on
If I listened to your enemies
Maybe then a part of me
Wouldn’t forfeit the battle of forgetting your face

I know that I should really try
To say goodbye
To the ghost of the idea of who you are
But I think it’s my will
For her to haunt me still
So there’s a chance I might unite the ghost with your body

..So that one day you really could love me.
Apr 2018 · 398
Alec Astaire Apr 2018
And I’m still not sure how I would’ve better inveigled your affection:
If I would’ve been a little less like me
Or if I would’ve been a little more like him

And I’m certainly sure I could’ve come to a perfunctory conclusion by now if I were dealing with a dichotomy
But some things just aren’t that simple
And I guess if romance were rudimentary, I wouldn’t have spent my life whole life searching

And I sure would love to wonder why it’s inevitable that everyone who pronounces their attraction to me for my personality ends up leaving me in the dust for a cheap doppelgänger
But in order for me to wonder, I’d have to truly believe that my personality beckoned attraction..
Perhaps my insecurities have been the silent assailant of my dreams all along

I’m sure I could learn how to be strong and love myself
I’m sure that if I embraced rejection I could find someone who would give me a real chance
But I just don’t have that kind of strength in me today
And when every day is the same **** struggle, I really don’t know if I’ll ever truly have any “tomorrows”
Apr 2018 · 357
3:09 (A.M.)
Alec Astaire Apr 2018
It’s 3:09
And if everything was fine
Then I would be sound asleep by now wouldn’t I?

But just like my potential
I’ve ignored my sleep schedule
That I might collapse wide awake to ponder ”Why?”
Just wanted to write another before attempting sleep
Alec Astaire Apr 2018
I can only speculate it would be easier
If I never had embodied her personality
Cause in my attempt to appease her
I made her into a part of me

And maybe that was my first red flag:
That a mirror was my most alluring
If she was a spill then I was her rag
For I had no space within me for anything
        once she was soaked up

And I’m not saying I regret it
Allowing her laugh to ignite my soul
And though I’ve tried, I’ll never forget it
The best parts of her have made me whole

She made me courageous, flirtatious
She taught me the meaning of nobility
How to take every happy moment and
        own it
And how to truly appreciate my God-
        given abilities

Even though I made a handful of mistakes
Like that time I let my anger get the best of
She loved me through my darkest days
And she forever cooled my temper’s heat

But perhaps the hardest thing to wrap my
        mind around is how-
How am I supposed to ever love someone
When I can’t help but compare them to her
        even now
Don’t get me wrong I did this to myself

When I stole some parts of her
In order to create the best parts of me
How could anyone ever measure up
When I was literally made for her, you see

It’s harder than one might think
To ever imagine doing that again
Taking another’s personality
To create an even better me when-

She’s the greatest person I have ever met
        in my life
And after having spent 9 long years loving her
I really don’t understand how I can ever
        expect anyone else to simply be
           second best
When everyday the mirror reminds me of
        how I must live without her forever
Reflecting on my best friend who got married.
She definitely loved me, but never the way I loved her

Update: 9-22-2020
The original line is "And after having spent 7 long years loving her",
but I update the number every year it stays true
Apr 2018 · 313
Unitled (3-14-14)
Alec Astaire Apr 2018
There's times I think of her and want to burst into tears
Waist deep in nostalgia where I recollect the years
And strain myself to think upon just how far I've come
But the closer I get to her, the more she seem to drive me away.

Just when I think I'm able to see into her very soul
And find a meeting ground for her destiny and mine
Life becomes an intersection where there she dare decide:
Walls up, shut out, can't let anyone inside.

This recurring question keeps festering on my mind:
Who am I to her that she may cast me aside,
Throw me into the dust, and move on with her life
Without even hurting a little inside?

Everytime I gaze into her eyes,
A piece of me crumbles before her feet
And with her smile she stomps out the sparks of anything that had potential.

Every moment that passes by
I fear I lose more than just a best friend,
But parts of myself are locked into a box
And burried deep beneath the ocean of her eyes.

Where does one find rest when every hope has been slain,
Your body emptied of all its contents
Leaving nothing but tears and pain?

Do I raise a dagger with the intent to try and cut away
The parts of me that cannot live without my friend today?
Or tie a noose so I may hang to dry
The tears that soak my wrinkled shirt
Could I beckon death with an open hand to come and halt this hurt.

Or do I stay and watch from afar
As agony posses this cadaver,
Brings him back to life and forces him to trod bruised up this mountain we call life?
Just some old memories
Mar 2018 · 932
Rose Colored Glasses
Alec Astaire Mar 2018
Are you proud of me darling
That I didn’t give into the flesh
Even with those pills popped
Her pants dropped
I still had the fortitude to deny her requests

And in that moment I was so high
Off of prescriptions I was too drunk to pronounce
I think they were hydro- wait
hold on a secontt
No, I can stand just give me a-
I’m not even that draank calm down

Even with the room spinning
My consciousness fading
My heart closed my eyes and turned me around

Sweetheart are you proud..
That the list of my goals and ambitions
Is stained by your lipstick
To be honest, all of my dreams are too hard to see through these rose colored glasses
But they’re my greatest asset
And if I ever removed them...
Even just to catch up on some sleep
I might give up.
I might give up on you
and my family and friends
and life
and my cat- I know I don’t have one yet
but these rose colored dreams... so delightful-
Alright, I’ll remove them for a verse

Kiddo, am I proud?
Absolutely not.
I am not noble in turning away those who show interest in me because..
Because you aren’t even mine
And I’m stuck in this delusion that everything will be fine
If I give it my all and move to LA
Chase after rose colored dreams until they lose their color someday.
And maybe
No- I know that I could waste the entirety of my existence chasing after your perfection
You’d think by now I would have learned my lesson.

But if you really do admire me like you say
And if distance is the only thing prying our hearts away
Then I’ll throw away this life-
I’ll turn down tempting lasses
And I’ll chase after you with my rose colored glasses
formerly: Untitled (3-22-18)
Mar 2018 · 504
An Explanation
Alec Astaire Mar 2018
Listen, I’m so sorry for it all:
The distance or the bailouts with only a last minute call
To be honest you’re lucky if I even text you back
It’s not that I don’t love you guys the reason is that-

In the eyes of all of ya’ll, I’m the life of the party
But I lament: my well of life is almost empty
And you have every right to call me selfish
that I should keep it all to myself
But how could I ever have enough to share when my well’s almost out

I’m not that man worth admiring anymore
That guy to chug a Monster and break dance on the floor
Not because i knew how to dance at all
But because I lived to find you rolling beside me on the floor
laughing so hard we all cried

I know you miss that guy:
The guy who could make anyone into a friend in the blink of an eye,
The guy who’d spend an entire day preparing a single joke so he could make your day
The guy who didn’t care what anyone thought of him
The guy who always had an idea to make today a day worth remembering

You guys, I miss him too-
And that’s why I keep my distance from you
I can’t go anywhere without feeling hollow and blue
I could never bring life to the party

Nowadays I just chase a drink or two
Attempting to escape the existential dread that’s bound to pursue
As I waste away in my corner glowering
at the room
Daydreaming of how I once danced
like that too

I quest every day after that amazing guy I once knew
The doctor’s say I have depression 
and anxiety..
But unless you’ve experienced living every day trapped within a shell of a person with expectations you could never 
live up to,
Here’s your explanation:
I have amnesia.. and I don’t remember
who I am

And if you could maybe try being there for me instead of watching me wish every moment towards impending oblivion.. then maybe...
just maybe
we can both find who we’re looking for
Mar 2018 · 816
A Poem for My Birthday
Alec Astaire Mar 2018
Another candle on the cake
Another wasted year where nothing has changed
Ya know, when I was younger I thought by this point
I’d have my whole life arranged

“How’s the birthday boy” they ask
They’re not too wrong, you see
If I’m 22 two years old
Then how come I’m only half the man I used to be?

You asked me how I am?
Well, what am I supposed to say?
“Can you supply me with a basic, depthless response?”
I think that’s what you meant to say

Because if I told you how today makes me feel
You’d wonder why I’d have the gaul to ruin Your day
You’re here to celebrate
Whereas I’m here to entertain you until you go away

But Grandma, if you really want in
On today’s daily dose of looming existential dread
Let me blow out the candles first,
And then I’ll let you inside my head

They say when you blow out the candles you’re supposed to make a
And every year- for as long as I can remember
I’ve had but one wish
That always goes unanswered

I wish that someone could love me
And fix me
Put on a suit of armor to help me fight my
Depression and anxiety

I wish for a companion
Who would never rest until I loved myself as much as they love me
Someone who’d never give up on me
For absolutely no reason or rhyme

I’m so sick and tired
Of being so eager for these wishes
Knowing that there’s no magic
But yet, hopelessly begging there’s power in this tradition

But this year, Mary
I didn’t wish for any of that
Because I’m tired of hoping and wishing.
I just wish for it all to be over
Poem could be better, but it’s really all I wanted to say
Alec Astaire Mar 2018
Specter of my past
Graveyard’s gate of my desires
Haunt me forever
Mar 2018 · 396
How Could I Ever Be Enough?
Alec Astaire Mar 2018
What do I show you?
That I can sing and write?
That I can play guitar or cook a mean filet mingon?
Hell, if I could single handedly save the
world from it’s inevitable demise
I’d still do so without any passion..

What can I bring to the table
When you’re the only thing that  I
can imagine attributing any worth to?

When you are the air I breathe
Why I’m caught up in this mess
When you’re the echoes of my every desire
How could I ever bring enough to
your table?

Could someone please tell me:
When you’re standing in the presence
Of everything you’ve ever wanted
How could you ever be worthy of its
formerly: Untitled
Mar 2018 · 465
Maybe I Don’t Love You
Alec Astaire Mar 2018
Okay, I’ll admit it-
Maybe I don’t love you
Because when I saw how his gaucheness made you chortle-
How his mundanity carved your dimples,
I could feel every winged insect inside of me shrivel up and plunge into my deepest cavity.

I know love isn’t self seeking-
But is it so wrong to feel cheated when I once owned the patent to your smile?
Feb 2018 · 4.1k
I’m Tired
Alec Astaire Feb 2018
I’m tired of lying that things will work out
I’m tired of telling myself that “Today will
         be the day”
I’m tired of drifting through this world
         feeling so alone
I’m tired of pretending I’m completely OK

I’m tired of learning how to be strong
I’m tired of striving to be something
         I’m not
I’m tired of putting my faith in the things
I’m tired of hoping ‘cause hope’s all I got

I’m tired of slowly forgetting all of the
          good times
I’m tired of wondering if my chance at
          love is gone
I’m tired of waiting for someone to
          save me
I’m tired of singing, for I sing for no one

I’m tired of wishing she could love me
           the same
I’m tired of feeling as though I’ve
           forgotten how to feel
I’m tired of “best friends” that never get
           to know me
I’m tired of thinking any chance of my
           happiness is unreal

I’m tired of this world where both the
           light and the darkness reject me
I’m tired of realizing that my best is
           never good enough
I’m tired of being defined by factors
           that I’ve never controlled
I’m tired of making excuses for why all
            I do is ruin stuff

I guess what I’m trying to say is this:

I’m tired of being tired
And I’m tired of waking up
Feb 2018 · 323
Alec Astaire Feb 2018
Isn’t it comforting to think that we are all connected by these same stars?
Though some of us may be may be separated-
      by distance
      by heartbreak
      by death..
when we look up into the night sky, we all see those same divine stars
                      that same glowing moon
         That same lurking darkness that has NEVER been able to withhold from us the purity of the heavenly bodies which it contains

Think about the people we once were
The brilliance of these stars reaches even across time itself in order to craft a bridge connecting who we were with who we are and who we ever will be
so that- as long as we remain underneath these timeless stars, we are united by the efforts of 10,000 selves
United by all sixty-seven times our hearts      
                        are shattered
             by every passion or desire we         
                       will ever discover
United by every existential silence that
         reveals the world to us in a new light

Perhaps the night sky is truly the greatest
         Present that time has given us
In this world where every moment has no    
         other destiny but to be swept away
          by the tide of time,
The night sky remains the one constant we may study in order to connect with the entire genealogy of human kind

While I lay underneath these stars,
     though I may be lonely
I find comfort in the fact that I may never
      truly be alone
Scattered thoughts on a September night
Feb 2018 · 434
My Pain Has a Name
Alec Astaire Feb 2018
Is this normal-
How I feel
When I’m thinking of you and your pictures with him on Facebook?
Is it nomal-
How it fills me with rage when he gives you that little look
I don’t think his heart drops the same way when
He looks in your eyes-
Butterflies can’t compare the way I feel

I promise my darling
That it hurts
When he’s holding your hand and his smile carves your dimples
Yeah, it hurts
That you can’t love me the same
Why can’t it be that simple?
You own a piece of my soul so I
Could never be whole
We all have a pain,
Mine has a name because it’s you

And I can’t stand to be that man
You only call when you’re lonely that
He don’t have the time to spend on you-
Or almost anyone..
And I don’t think my heart could be more numb than when I’m with you babe
We all have a pain-
Mine’s got a name.

Ain’t it crazy
How I’m still
Hung over in love that we coul’ve had but missed it?
Yes, it’s true
I’m fighting a battle you’ve never known existed
You’ve got your problems you deal with
And I do too
We all have a pain-
Mine has a name because it’s you

I wonder if there’s still a chance
For future mutual romance
Maybe time could be the key-
Or pull the rug so then you’d fall for me
And I wish that my three words
Could charm your lips to return the phrase
“I love you the same”..
But that’s just not our fate

I know it’s true
It’s only you-
The one who’d tear my heart in two
Once piece that longs to be happy
And one that morns eternally
Altogether I know I’m better off forgetting my worst mistake
My number one pain
Has got a name

My pain has a name
And it’s insane
That it’s you
If only I had the strength left in me to finish making this into a song
Feb 2018 · 412
Text Message Break-Up
Alec Astaire Feb 2018
And for the night,
I smiled as I sipped the drips
from my sorrows' tourniquet.
But, if only it were easier in the morn
To wrestle with the darkness-
Or perhaps the light..
At least my darkness isn’t conveniently pocket-sized
Feb 2018 · 364
California Drowning
Alec Astaire Feb 2018
And maybe her eyes really did capture the serenity of the Santa Monica shoreline

But when her Amber caught my Hazel, I drowned in the idea of someone who’d love to get lost in my eyes..
when all I’ve lusted is to shut them forever

It was her warmth and light that allowed me to reminisce of the life outside of my homely darkness

So I guess, if chasing after this California Sunrise becomes the death of me,
I hope to God I drowned

— The End —