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21.0k · Apr 2019
Just be
Riz Mack Apr 2019
Be like the rain
unafraid to fall

Be like the sun
shining light upon all

Be like the wind
helping others take flight

Be the brave new dawn
after the dark stormy night
Be all you can be
See all you can see
D all you can D ;)
3.1k · Jan 2020
silent senses
Riz Mack Jan 2020
the taste of love
a bruise on your tongue
fading fast
made not to last

the sound of hearts
as they crash and burn
fall so quickly
ticking sickly

a look so silky
it can't be returned
a touch of sin
lost to the wind

etched into skin
a blank page, unturned
inked on a whim
just as sure to be burned
sure as the sky looks blue
1.3k · Sep 2021
Riz Mack Sep 2021
a silver lining
only shines after the rain
the clouds are a gift
no title is vital
1.2k · Jan 2019
Self Portrait
Riz Mack Jan 2019
a poet who can't write
a dog that won't bite
a hill that can't climb
a clock with no time

an ist with no ism
undead but not risen
an endless schism
of self sedition and indecision

a two headed coin
a completely missed point
a light in the void
a limbless joint

Bo-Peep with no sheep
the shallowest deep
an unsailed sea
of dreamless sleep
while morrissey despairs in the background
1.2k · Jun 2023
Riz Mack Jun 2023
Celestial ocean

Arms outstretched

We sail beneath the light

Calamitous wave

Rising in the dark

To subjugate the night

Watch the stars fall

A drop of wishful

Our faithful will provide

Warm premonitions

In pale embracement

As fostered fates collide
1.1k · Apr 2019
Cute Aggression
Riz Mack Apr 2019
I want to smother you
with my pillow hands
suffocate your skin

Scoop out your eyes
so you see no evil
blind you from all sin

I'll wrap you in chains
secured to my heart
control your brain
take away your dark

Twist your words
around my tongue
scratch them back
in your back

I could cut you up
so you fit in my pocket
bleed your soul
into a precious locket

Smash your skull
to ease your mind
clawing my way
to your insides
cute aggression is that thing where you squeeze a kitten so hard its eyes pop a little because it's just so magnificent
yeah, that thing
925 · May 2019
Riz Mack May 2019
all get
a little bit
there's no need to hide
Let your tears make a river
one to wash away your pride
Things will feel much bigger
when you keep them inside
Let it all out, you'll see
the true size
Cry me a river
914 · May 2019
Riz Mack May 2019
I just went to bed
left you on Read
I did it on purpose to mess with your head

Laid in gossamer sheets
tinged sickly red
with the blood of words
that went unsaid
hard to deny
who made the bed
who caught whom
in whose spinnerets

Distraught with rotting thoughts
locked in my own stocks
stalking twisted halls
the clocks have all stopped

Stuck in my head
kicking myself
with broken knees
and buckled legs
struggling to free myself
from myself

Entombed by one I never could deceive
darkness abounding when all that I need
is to catch the right light
and stop trying to fight
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
The prompt was to use Walter Scott's "..tangled web.." line in a poem, this was what came out.
888 · Feb 2019
Riz Mack Feb 2019
I know what you like
I see in your eyes
They glow with your light
Come play with me
Feel the heat rise
Bleeding inside
The beast comes alive
Come play with me
You know what it's like
You know it won't
Make it right
I can shut out your light
Come play with me
Continuously channeling Chino

In physics, there are four conventionally accepted fundamental forces or interactions that form the basis of all known interactions in nature.
Some physicists speculate that a form of dark energy called quintessence could be a fifth force.

Clearly, they're way off as it's obviously lust
878 · Jul 2019
pantomath mime
Riz Mack Jul 2019
the one who thinks he always knows best
tightly wrapped in his safety vest
of surety, ignorance and pompous prattle
never aware he lost the battle

never a care for a fact or a lesson
he's content with merely guessing
before he even knows the question
he's already got suspections

yeah, suspections
it IS a word
why would I look it up?
I already heard

and I said it
so that makes it a - what?

No, I don't "always know best"
fine, then
why don't you finish the rest?
note to self
748 · Mar 2019
Riz Mack Mar 2019
blood drips
from your lips
to my fingers
my hands
stealing kisses
leave stains on your cheek
I see you, you swear
in the way your gaze lingers
as your tongue
Erato is one of the Nine Muses but I'm pretty sure I met one of her descendants
728 · Apr 2019
Riz Mack Apr 2019
long has the sun loved
asking nothing in return
but for you to live
praise the sun
717 · Dec 2023
Riz Mack Dec 2023
am fae a toon that's done so bad
they gave it twa D's

whar the future greets
o' barren streets
on starless nights
an' the same ald wind

a suppose
ah wi kin dae is sing

an' sing wi dae
but no in tune
for ev'ry uphill
there's anither twa doon

an' some *****
howlin' awa' at the moon

it's quite the place meh toon
am gona quit the place quite soon
as I finish writin' this doon

an' tak' a last wee look
at the failin' toon
that helped write this book
take that, spellcheck
709 · Mar 2019
Riz Mack Mar 2019
The shadow is cast
At the whim of the light
Ravaged by the same
Shattered by night

The shadow is patient
Waiting in place
Its presence unknown
Before light gives it shape

The shadow is power
To be tamed and feared
Wherever light is
The shadow is near

This shadow is yours
Pause and take heed
Embrace and observe
But don't let it lead
My shadow
Shedding skin
I've been picking
Scabs again
705 · May 2019
Riz Mack May 2019
Give me that frown
I hate your fake smile
lay down your crown
my Queen of denial

It's the end of your reign
spare no gory detail
you know I like the rain
soak me through in your hail

Give me the ugly truth
don't you dare even try
to fix your pretty mouth
with pretty little lies

When you play a game of deceit
The only outcome is defeat
are lies ever pretty?
661 · Mar 2019
Riz Mack Mar 2019
You asked me why I must speak in tongues
I answered only with a smile
Devils know no other way

Malcontent that you are
you asked me again
so I replied

"The devil
Is a nonet a real thing?
I guess it's kind of like a haiku
I enjoyed it anyway
645 · Apr 29
sharing vowels
Riz Mack Apr 29
you are the vowels
that used to dance round these walls
the towels we shared
the midnight calls that lasted hours
the silence we found
the voice in the shower I can't quite
make out

you're the sandalwood mist
perfuming the air
at the tip of my tongue
the ghost of a prayer
from long ago
pervading my skin
resurrected in debonair sin

you're the long dark hair
on the nightclub dance floor
the black underwear
on the king size headboard
the trips to Venus
through sunset plains
brighter than ever
in the rear view pane
640 · Mar 2019
Riz Mack Mar 2019
This smoke in my throat
The fire in my teeth
The wires of my bones
Slowly tugging at me

Withered webs of my eyes
Covet all that I see
The light from your skin
Meets the fall in my knees

The warmth of my breath
A glass guarantee
Tattered wind of my faith
Cast off with the sea
636 · May 2019
Riz Mack May 2019
My emotions rule my mind
my brain lives between my legs
Blind devotion is my sight
if you'll stay with me in bed

My arms are winter's embrace
I always have them wrapped
The chills keep you in grace
while my fingers keep you rapt

My mouth, a serpent den
sparking silver charm galore
My tongue twists round itself
tied in efforts to adore

My worship signals ships of war
through seas of violent storms
A fairweather fleet, full and by
with you as the port of call

A simple harmonic motion
with the force to drown an ocean

One simple price to pay
to be the captain for a day
or is that disgrace?
608 · Apr 2019
Riz Mack Apr 2019
I had to hear the sound of the zip on that dress
I asked her back to mine for cold coffee and cigarettes
She said she doesn't smoke but she'd have one to impress
and she isn't one for coffee
So sorry, I digress

Before she sat down all these lines coalesced
with secrets and lies, I try to confess
she catalysed a crystal convalescence
her garnet eyes sparking wildfires in my chest
my lungs are so tight they could rival her dress
Stung in the heart for kicking the nest
took a shot in the dark
Again, I digress

A small crowded room - as small rooms tend to be
but for everyone there, she was all I could see
the picture of perfection, framed perfectly
in a dress designed to buckle my knees
Crowded c'rod'd quickly becomes we
and I was trying to get her on my settee
Is it a metaphor if I meant it literally?
Excuse me, once more it seems
I digress

I just had to get her out of that dress
mess up her make up
make her hair a mess
kiss her when she wakes up
and watch her get dressed
to undress her again
exalted by the scent
bask in the sound
of the zip on that dress
while I sip on cold coffee
and smoke cigarettes
The story isn't in order so it's automatically better, right?
Like pulp fiction
607 · Jan 2021
Riz Mack Jan 2021
A man tired from the waking day
hangs his keys on the beaded hook,
lets the hat off his grateful head.
He places himself in front of the table
where he laid down his papers,
his skins and his skin.
He put on the table, the day's characters,
mulled them over in the electronic hum of Aleph and coffee flavoured eyes,
rolled them up tight with tomorrow's fears
and set them alight.
He put there a glass ashtray to catch the embers of regret.
He put on the table his dear friend, Old Man Wibble,
the bedlamite seer,
drunken oracle,
"liquid Jesus, straight from the bottle"
and longed for a glass to raise.
He put there the smoke from his exasperated lungs
and the wistful music of his tired throat,
he put there every last syllable and every letter left lingering on a lost lovers lips.
He put hope on the table,
for the weight might crush him as he sat
but not the table,
solid under this load,
to bear weight is what a table must do
and tomorrow will always bring another pile.

an exercise in growing a poem
593 · Apr 2019
Blue it
Riz Mack Apr 2019
We're never truly lost
and this won't last forever
it just takes a little time
to put things back together
in the wind of chaaaaange
591 · Apr 2021
Things I learned for myself
Riz Mack Apr 2021
How to dress well (and that I'd rather dress comfortably.)
How to hide the laces in my shoes.
That it's apparently "learnt".
How to walk with a limp,
when to walk away.

How to look mean while avoiding eye contact.
Where to find the best coffee.
How to write a bad sonnet.
How to kiss the right way.
Where to find the wrong girls.

How to sing sad songs.
How to roll a decent joint.
How easily a wasted day
can become a wasted life.
How to hold my liquor,
when to hold my tongue,
not to hold my breath.

When enough is enough.
When enough is too much.
When to hold the door open.
How to set a deadline with no intention of adhering to it.
How to feel alone in a packed out club (and where to find the smoking bit).

That time heals nothing
but memories fade.
How long a piece of string is.
That no matter how bad a day you're having, tomorrow can always be worse.

Tomorrow can always be better.
How to keep going
574 · Aug 2021
Riz Mack Aug 2021
I overfill the kettle
scoop the overpriced instant
into an oversized mug
clinking the teaspoon around
no sugar
it's not really my thing.
I light up half a joint
waiting for the coffee to cool
and think about what's to come
what's today
I'll likely see her there
I'll likely sit down next to her
making small talk, a likely excuse
to study the lines of her face
she'll tell me about the fields she's rambled
about the mountains she's climbed
I'll tell her how I do still write
she'll say, "it was good to see you".
and I'll tell her the same
before we part ways
no sugar for me
it's not really my thing.
533 · Jul 2019
Riz Mack Jul 2019
People write such lyrics for me
Of my light, my face, my tranquil sea
I wonder, do they really see?

Fifty fifty this life I lead
The light I share is lent to me

My dark side hides but not from me
Left to the light
My lunar sea
It's 50 if you include the title
522 · Nov 2020
Not a fan
Riz Mack Nov 2020
Such pretentious pretense presumes a plethora of personal pejoratives,
please pay the predicament proper attention previous to persevering with proposed promises of placation.
***** purloined your parlance?
516 · Mar 2019
Tickly state of mind
Riz Mack Mar 2019
You said you aren't tickly
It's all inside the mind
I took it as a challenge
But my heart quickly declined

You took my hand
And sapped my nerve
All at the same time
Invoking me
Imploring me
Our fingers intertwined

You've got me hook and sinker
But it's such a fragile line
Feel it snap
When I'm with you
I get a tickly state of mind
It's a line AND a line
512 · Apr 2019
Locked Keys
Riz Mack Apr 2019
U and I
always together
The Y before U
Obliterated forever
by the
after I found U
Treat your keyboards well, each one is special
509 · Jan 2019
Merlin's Beard
Riz Mack Jan 2019
Leading your life half-lived just to stay out the rain
Leading the knife across your skin to keep from going insane
Feeling like you don't even know the rules to the game
You need the shame, heartache and pain just to play
It seems simple to make it all go away
But simple and easy are not the same thing
Calamitous, miserable, heartbreaking, tragic
This life feels like the opposite of magic
507 · Oct 2023
Riz Mack Oct 2023
people drawing on pictures they've seen
choosing a side like football teams
the weirdest thing, to me
it seems we all believe our screens
when did that happen
497 · Sep 2019
None left feet
Riz Mack Sep 2019
475 · Nov 2023
Riz Mack Nov 2023
cinnamon kisses
the curls in her hair
my wishes
in the way she stares
choking on bliss
like perfumed air
whatever this is
I haven't a care
poison for the remedy
473 · Mar 2019
Never to Return
Riz Mack Mar 2019
You are lost
It's my own fault
The sleight of my hand
Tipped you over the edge
Your destiny unfulfilled
Oblivion calling to you
Surely this way you will never burn
472 · Apr 2021
Secret Places
Riz Mack Apr 2021
take me to your hidden stream,
your shortcut through the trees
to the place where
a bird might flutter and land on your hand,
chirping in some ultra violet scene
about dreams and schemes.
take me to your street,
through concrete plans, past unwashed windows,
to the house that was never a home,
to the garden where innocence danced
and the bedroom it still haunts.
take me
to your favourite coffee place,
the one where the coffee isn't quite as good
but they have the long wooden stirrers
and you refuse to use the plastic kind
because you can't help trying to save the world,
take me with a look, take me
for a fool
take me with your fingertips,
your collarbones, your well-versed lips
and whisper to me
of secret things.
468 · Jun 2019
Disguised Fulfilment
Riz Mack Jun 2019
Today I awoke
awash in tears
having ended my life
inside my own dream
but the sorrow I felt was for you,
not for me.
What the **** does that mean?
461 · Mar 2019
Riz Mack Mar 2019
Waning moon rises
from it's long silvery dip
setting night ablaze
456 · Jan 2021
Some People
Riz Mack Jan 2021
There are those who understand how it is
to see their mother beaten (down and up)
to see their young brother cheating
to spend the winter weeks with no heating
to be resourceful enough to put MacGyver to shame
to be racked with guilt but none of the blame
to jump any time the doorbell rings
to wonder about looping round with the swings
to undertake the first mission to Mars
to spend far too much time in cars
to listen to the music of Gary Numan
to put up with the voice of Gary Numan
to be unable to recognise the difference between bare truths and pretty little fictions
to look in the mirror and see only problems
to cut their flesh up into silicone quadrants
to be free (like William Wallace)
to look at a beer and see a three day ******
to give in to fear
to be a pretender
to be half way through a sentence and forget what it was you were saying
to pray to anything that might answer
to feel helpless
to feel hopeless
to be lost

and those who don't.
I'm not mad on the title and would like to think of a new one
446 · Mar 2019
Riz Mack Mar 2019
I can see
in the way
that you move

and so pure

that for me
you will be
big trouble

I can feel
when you move
in that way

the demon
take over

he sways me
towards you

For the way
that you move
so freely

I can't help
but to stare
you seen it

and I knew
how you moved
was for me
I did do
a tricube
of tricubes

3x3x3 = 27
2+7 = 9
3+3+3 = 9
9/9 = 1
(no, it's maths)
443 · Jan 2019
Def Heart
Riz Mack Jan 2019
Delicate hearts, diabolical minds
We may be alive in marvelous times
But at times all I find is a rising divide
An inability to stop choosing sides

On one side a heart - is the other a mind?
Diabolical or otherwise I'm trying to find
Some reason for the feelings we're all leaving behind
Enthusiasm for a heart combined with a mind

Appear a certain way
Appearance always fades
I'm waiting for the day
That we can unveil

Our hearts from our minds

Life in marvelous times
another song line prompt
436 · Jun 2019
Stark, Lost Lovers
Riz Mack Jun 2019
like two banks of the same river
sharing a stream
but never meeting

like two heads on the same pillow
sharing a dream
but always sleeping

like two heads of the same coin
when one shows face
the other will hide

like two beats of the same drum
one heart out of place
one hardened inside

like thoughts on the tip of the tongue
a predictable sentence
never put in to words

like lines on a ******* tightrope
this addictive tension
will never get cut

a spark in the darkness
forming filaments of fire
a centennial light of
ever burning desire
420 · Mar 2019
Riz Mack Mar 2019
A lesson hard learned
Is not too soon forgotten
Do you think of me?
418 · Mar 2019
Mad about/you
Riz Mack Mar 2019
Ah, you must be Alice, call me old hatter
My ears have been ablaze with implicated chatter
I just can't seem to ration out my rationale in a rational manner
And secondly I've lost all the firsts that I had gathered

There's the door
Please do come in
I won't let you
leave again
this door won't shut
the way winds through my head
I'm growing so tired.
we are not going to bed

Ah goodnight, Alice, you're back
I left you a note and it came out so flat
I put the wrong end in front
so only you may see
I tried to be blunt but it just isn't me
Alice comes from the ancient greek for truth, 'alethéia'
I can't actually read ancient greek
402 · Apr 28
Riz Mack Apr 28
I sleep with the window open
so in the night
hope might float in
394 · Sep 2019
Riz Mack Sep 2019
you skipped across my heart like the perfect skimming stone

breathing art into my veins and ripples bleeding through my bones

left me feeling
well done
389 · Jul 2019
Riz Mack Jul 2019
I've lost all my form
thundering darkness rolls in
moving me to sin

I am dark once more
does the night dream of the day?
it sure feels that way

and the stars have gone
I watched them all wander on
leaving me to black
haiku isn't supposed to rhyme but oh well
387 · Apr 21
then the sun
Riz Mack Apr 21
I wanted to tell you, that it's been nice

                                    I think we're all going to die


                That's true

                                    I made it up

Nothing happens

                                 afraid of underwhelming
a blackout piece after Anais Vionet
385 · Apr 2020
Riz Mack Apr 2020
A view obscured in clarity
Overlooked in surety
Determined by a nation
inspired by Mrs Timetable's gem, "Crystal clear"
384 · Feb 2019
Riz Mack Feb 2019
Opposites attract
Day and night, shadow and light
We are all these things
Another actual haiku
379 · Sep 2019
Riz Mack Sep 2019
Cover my face
to converse with the heavens
a fall from such grace
should deserve some attention
some way to replace
broken light I was given
as the words taking shape
paint dishonourable mention
hard taught ways
the fall is the lesson
just another case of
divine intervention
a pool of disgrace
it's my purest reflection
a shower of silence
is all I was left with

Cover my face
this rain's getting heavy
as the rising tide
slowly breaches the levee
I'm caught in a place
where the ground is unsteady
so out of place
a landfill teddy
I lost all my faith
round nineteen or twenty
well, what I had left
it was far from plenty
god never showed face
sent angels to end me
if he wants me erased
he could have just sent me

Cover my face
the angels have left me
gone are the days
of feeling bereft
see, all that remains
are shadows that tempt me
one of these days
the dark will come get me
why should I stay
for one who rejects me
fills me half way
just to leave me half empty
questions the stray
he'd know if he met me
he led me this way
down paths tread with fell feet

Cover my face
rip it up gently
every night when I prayed
he would listen intently
as I counted the ways
the good lord detests me
it was on those days
he saw fit to bless me
the one and only
who didn't forget me
showed many faces
but not one upset me
showed me the steps
gave me identity
dance the devil's way
cause we're the same entity

Uncover my face
to write on the wall
brush off the last trace
of dust from the fall
when push comes to shove
he's inside us all
and that one up above
just won't do at all
he handed me this pen
at the edge of a blade
gave me first cause
to put words on the page
the tempest calls
to lift me away
a siren's song
I'm going all the way
wait for it
379 · Mar 2019
Big City Livin'
Riz Mack Mar 2019
I'm much too busy
with my own little dittys
to check on the pretty
wee lights of the city
Like the sims but you don't go outside
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