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Aug 2015 · 3.3k
**squaring the circle**
kris evans Aug 2015
thoughts fall
with structure and symmetry....
as if whole your life*
have been drawn using a compass
words break in acute angles....
retracing it back to me
everywhere i turn,
i end up nearing the vertex
failing infinite times by
squaring the circles...
still i cant stop my clumsy thoughts...
ellipsing my mind....
finding order in the chaos 
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
little things
kris evans Aug 2015
little things
consumes nearly the whole of our soul....
storms...blizzards....draughting one's hopes...
in the midst of all the chaos
little things survive...
their essence resonating our minds ...
reminding us of His presence...
the storms will pass....
the giants may fall....
but wading through them all...
little elements of joy linger.
Jul 2015 · 2.7k
Oh Captain!
kris evans Jul 2015
It seems only yesterday ...
he came by
and spoke to a crowd of curious children....
who have come from all over the country
to see and hear their mentor...
among the thousands assembled there was I
with a book and a pen ...
ready to imbibe ideas and vision from my mentor..
our dear president...
my nation's MISSILE MAN...
the same hero who
stepped out of the premises of the Rashtrapati Bhavan
and stepped into our MINDS....
with DREAMS.....
He taught us that HAVING A SMALL DREAM IS A CRIME...
The possibilities of YOUTH ....
How to transform
a developing nation like ours
How to wipe out the stigma of corruption
All i can say now
at this point when the whole nation
is mourning the loss of our beloved teacher......
is a promise
to take the torch of IGNITED MINDS....
and light every single mind ,
ever single family,
every single street,
every single village,
every single town
and bring out the true potentials
Let me pledge that
my actions will be a part
of making that vision come true.....
Teacher, dear president, dear sir,dear captain adieu....
Return If Possible
Return If Possible......dear left us with dreams.....
bless us to have the power to make it come true for you
May 2015 · 967
keeping out
kris evans May 2015
keeping love away due to the pain you've felt in the past is no solution to your problems........not everyone can handle loneliness......
May 2015 · 844
laws of love
kris evans May 2015
love is an untamed force......
when we try to control it .....
it destroys us....
when we try to imprison it it enslaves it......
when we love someone with the expectation of being loved in return its  wasted .....
May 2015 · 994
on rent
kris evans May 2015
dont lodge your love in your heart.......lend it.....
your heart has space for some one else too.......
May 2015 · 2.0k
good night
kris evans May 2015
The    time   has    come..
To   say    Good    Night..
God     keep   you   safe..
In     the     moonlight...

Think     of    me..
In    your    dreams..
Remembering     that..
We    are    a   team...

Farewell     for   now..
We'll    talk    soon...
Enjoy    your    time..
In    the   light   of   the   moon..

May 2015 · 3.0k
falling in love
kris evans May 2015
waiting for it to come....
the second spring.......
when every leaf is a flower....
falling in bliss....
fluttering in the cool lavender breeze.....
making me to fall like them .....
in love.....again and again.....
May 2015 · 2.7k
life`s platter
kris evans May 2015
LIFE is a bunch of berries......
some sweet...some sour.....
some  crushed....some pitted....
some pearly black.....
lets gather them up......
for life looks great when served together.....
life offers variety
May 2015 · 5.0k
kris evans May 2015
some PEOPLE come into our LIVES
and leave quickly...
but some others stay
and leave FOOTPRINTs...
in our HEARTS
and we are
May 2015 · 683
death an old friend....
kris evans May 2015
a certainity we cant change....
not concerning  myself
with this bitter truth...
let me wish .....
to create....
something worth IT....
NOT ONLY for myself....
but for those breathing alongside me.....
which will STAY.....
May 2015 · 740
kris evans May 2015
LOVE is an angel....
who lift us to our feet...
when our wings have trouble
remembering how to fly...
simply love
May 2015 · 2.2k
10w.....reaching out
kris evans May 2015
when  arms fails to reach
hug them with your prayers.
reaching out to our loved ones through our prayers
May 2015 · 572
through my eyes....
kris evans May 2015
if i could give you something in life...
i would give you the ability to feel you ....
with my heart....
then only you would see....
how beautiful you are....
love is felt when you look from the eyes of a lover
May 2015 · 5.9k
kris evans May 2015
in you is a princess....
waiting to be crowned....
in you is wood nymph.....
waiting to sprout....
in you is a mermaid....
waiting to dive....
in you is a lover......
waiting for me....
there is a lot more inside YOU AND ME
May 2015 · 2.2k
kris evans May 2015
nothing ever so lovely....
caught my attention so far,
though smeared and melancholy,
its splendor spoilt in mar,

yet they recite in wean,
the lyrical memoir
of the eyes hazel green,
brimming with desire....
May 2015 · 4.5k
silent prayer
kris evans May 2015
let me wish upon a star,
not to light up the entire universe,
just to cause a shimmer,
in someones pitch black life,
just to add a glow,
in a few tiny dreamy eyes,
just to give some warmth,
to any cold hapless soul,
just to cast a ray of hope,
to the seafaring men out there,
just to lighten an unexplored path,
to those in search of adventure,
just to reflect the hidden evils,
to those repenting souls,
just to brighten a few more lives,
before melting away to nothingness.......
May 2015 · 1.1k
wishes come true
kris evans May 2015
To grow up;always my dream
a childhood desire;tinted with innocence
to stay up all night; i always coveted
a kiddish fancy; garnished with folly
to speak out unhindered; i always relish
fancies of a growth spur; gathered in rebellion
to travel alone; my craziest fantasy
an immature wish; studded with adventure
years rolled by; and my wishes all fulfilled....

now that i stand at life's brim;
i miss being a kid.
eyeing my kitchen sink; reminding my ordeal till midnight
i wish i could sleep at 7.
gulping the lies and falling in remorse;
i wish some one spoke for me.
being ****** in to this black hole
i wish some one would pull me out of blues.
why did every single one of my wish came true?
if not:
it would not have been so worse;
to grow up and realize;
that life cannot rewind and pause;
that you cant sit back and replay it
that life is just a kite
you keep holding on the string
and life it sways by the wind
pull it hard - and the string snaps
you keep holding on the string
while gravity engulf its mane
tracing it back to earth
tattered and torn to pieces.
but gone are the childhood fancy to solve the jigsaw
and hence i abandoned the task
cursing an unseen fairy godmother....
for making my wishes come true.....
live life as if its your first and the offers second chances rarely....even if it does....the second one would not be the same ......YOLO
Jun 2014 · 4.5k
kris evans Jun 2014
Poles apart attract each other......
Just like you and me.......
May 2014 · 800
hovering dreams...
kris evans May 2014
see the sky .....
cladding my dreams...
see the night...
hovering my thoughts....
see the stars...
smoothing my mane....
see the breeze...
shuffling my curls....
see the clouds....
tickling my feet....
see myself.....
gliding through them all...
May 2014 · 987
kris evans May 2014
blow out your yesterdays....
they want to leave..and nest among the clouds
dive into your today.....
ripple in your tomorrow.....
they beckons thee.....
let the dormant seeds sprout....
let your today bloom.....
May 2014 · 2.0k
remained unnoticed.....
kris evans May 2014
it always remain unnoticed -
my tears
the day i first walked
past the gates of my school
holding my mother's hands
a little drop...
from nowhere
swept past my eyes
and dripped from my lashes
but it was June....
and suddenly a gush of water
pouring from heavens
swept my tears
along with the downpour
the saline drop from my eyes
merged with the rain
and my tears remain unnoticed.......

the day my friends
teased me of my greasy hair
again a drop dripped to my cheeks
but my mates playfully
threw water on me
and the drops of sorrow
was washed away......

the day i hurt my knees
and blood came oozing through the cut
unknowingly the tears reappeared.
but the strong blowing wind
soon dried them up
and once again they remained unnoticed......

even at night
when nightmares make me sweat
tears flood my eyes
but the pillows soak them up
and yet again they remain unnoticed.....

the day of our farewell,
when i stood behind the mike
tears from nowhere
formed in my eyes
but it remained unnoticed
yet again by the lights of camera flashes......

even now when i sob
over the lines of this poem
and a fountain of tears
flow from my eyes
it remain unnoticed
coz i've locked myself up
and there is nobody to watch these tears
except my shadow......

people call me brave
'cause i never cry.....
'cause they've never seen tears in my eyes.....
they call me brave
'cause my tears remain unnoticed.....
May 2014 · 1.7k
my existence.....
kris evans May 2014
...............................................  on the.................................................
            ­                            moth eaten pages,  
                                                   i pen
                                            the discovery,
                                                i dread
                                             my existence
                                             in this world.
                                in the abode of black men,
                               among the filth of mankind,
                        scattered in those dimly lighten ghettos
                            relaying an unforgivable legacy
                                                i stood
                                   as a moss covered relic
                              silhouetted against the light
                                             a moppet,
                                born in this tabooed world
                                    a scar upon my kins
                                who likely preferred a boy
      ­                           standing alone in the moor
                                          beheld a future
                                        turned into debris
                                                like flies ,
                                  swarming around a glare
                                  many a cold hapless eyes ,
                                                   i met
                                        hovering over me
                                      eyeing me - a hellion
                                 and soon they drew my fate
                                                every door
                                         shut upon my face
                                                forcing me
                                        to creep in to corners
                                                  and live
                                          under the shadows
                                   to defy them proved grim
                                        only to be hugged
                                    often by heartless whips
                                 or burnt by cigarette thuds
                                          thus like a ****
                                      amid st the bean stalk
                                          they uprooted me
                                             from their lives
                                      and thawed my efforts
                                           to seek the world  
                                           after all who am i
                                                     a girl
                                                  yes a girl
                                                   a taboo....
                                               or a disgrace?
                                                 i was killed
                     my mothers womb
                                            my blood spilled
                                            before i was born
                                            before i could see
                                         before i could breath
                                             they choked me
                                                   to death
                                                   from life
                                                       me ....
though female infant mortality rates have gone down in the past couple of years there a still thousands of babies who are killed before birth.......
May 2014 · 663
night vigil
kris evans May 2014
grabbing my teddy .....
and munching my cookie...
i curled myself up
on my favorite spot beside the window sill....
to ogle my eyes and look at the prickles of light
...crystals hanging by some invisible thread...
watching the gay lights of some faraway city.....
and dreaming of the fairies and pixies.....
forgetting this cruel world.....
i looked at my playmate....
.ready to hear a new bedtime story.......
May 2014 · 3.1k
kris evans May 2014
autumn is not all about fallen leaves.......
its about leaves clad in satin red.........
its about logs  wearing mushroom hats......
its about a caterpillar flying as a butterfly......
just as love is not about losing your self .......
its about gaining someone who found you..........
May 2014 · 14.1k
kris evans May 2014
cusp a dandelion in your hands.....
close your eyes.....
and blow the spores away.....
make a wish....
and believe it will come true  one day......
coz when you look at me you can either see hundreds of spores .....
May 2014 · 8.3k
forget me nots
kris evans May 2014
i've planted forget me not 's
by the fence in hope that when you leave .... remember the phrase
we always used to say to each other.....
."FORGET ME NOT"..........
May 2014 · 3.0k
cherry tree
kris evans May 2014
the flower that blooms in adversity
is the most rare and beautiful one......
like these cherry blossoms......
it reminds us how to not lose our hopes....
.no matter how long the winter stays.....
a spring is sure to follow......
.and how we are blessed of being alive under a cherry tree....
.leisurely taking in its beauty  .....
.sure i want to be laid
under a cherry tree
when i leave my mortal robes in this world...
...such is its beauty........
May 2014 · 1.2k
kris evans May 2014
life is a wagon not a station.......
you stop in the middle but always keep on moving.......
adapting new people......and new customs........
look around a bit.....and enjoy your journey......when you claim your claim your ticket to your new journey.....
May 2014 · 1.1k
kris evans May 2014
a child  is an uncut diamond......
they have neither past nor future.....
they flutter in the present.....
with an encumbered soul of childhood innocence.......
tincturing every thing around them with brightest hues ......
kris evans May 2014
walking under the cherry tree...
and thinking about the time that i have....
counting all the little stones.....
thinking they might turn sapphire gold....
walking along the pavements ....
worn out by many playful feet.....
holding on to my yesterday.....
when we used to be just kids
May 2014 · 961
lessons from a butterfly
kris evans May 2014
let go of the past....
   trust the future....
embrace change....
         come out of the cocoon....
unfurl your wings....
               dare to get off the ground...
ride the breezes....
                     *savor the flowers...  
                         *put on your brightest colors...
                             *let your beauty show.... 
May 2014 · 660
what i wish....
kris evans May 2014
i wish the time
had stood still
concealing the crime
committed by man's will

i wish the wind
had ceased to blow
over the corpse in mind
through which my childhood memories flow

'cross the winding lane
i looked to see my childhood days
but all seemed in vain
as my life began to race

the time swept
the delights of my childhood
the barns, fields, and the tears i wept
far away from where i stood

i wish to relive
those happiest days
once again 'fore i leave
my body caught in earthly maize

i wish to see
the world through that curious eyes
and to count the waves of the sea
which i now declare unwise

i wish to feel the earth
with my playful hands
which searched for treasures to unearth
in the pockets of hanging pants

i wish to sense
the same smile, as it spread
when someone handed me a pence
to buy a kite and thread

i wish the mist
had not blinded my vision
to follow my long quest
to that herculean mission

i wish i could still
cuddle in my mothers lap
with all the time to ****
feeling the air as she gasp

i wish my dreams would spark
out of the laden sack
and so i keep looking in the dark
hoping to find my childhood back.....
i miss being a kid......everyone does...
May 2014 · 792
a dedicated dad
kris evans May 2014
burning hot like a candle's wick
now is he the one who make you sick?
is it the same old man you once
admired more than your loved ones?

who has changed; you or him!
to make you feel so dim?
have you ever thought how you'll feel
when the time'll come for you to kneel,

before your own lads,
when they toss their loving dad?
do hesitate before you start to gasp...
about the so called generation gap

have you ever happened to think
even for a lapse of a wink,
for whom the wick is burning?
isn't it you ; who is gaining,

the light of his great sacrifice?
pouring straight from his orifice
is the glorious part
most of us fail to byheart
the verses of an open book;which had
the love of a dedicated dad.....
dad we are never born apart.....i love you..
May 2014 · 983
maa (mother)
kris evans May 2014
before the break of dawn
even in cold and misty morn
a soul roams throughout my house
even when the sun is not yet up

the soothing smell of agarbatties
shoots up in the air
the sound of morning prayers
is heard in this hour

her sweet and melodious voice
will be carried to my ears
as  i crouch myself
under the warmth of my cot

next she wakes me up
with her gentle tap
and draws the drapes
across the window sill

even when i pace up and down
to get ready to board my bus
she always keeps calm and steady
like the pendulum in my study

she always has a feeling
when i am concealing something
then she rubs and scrubs the secrets
until the answer clicks

the day will come to an end
as the sun sinks below the horizon
even we stops to grow, as years pass
but a mother....have anyone seen her halt?

even though she stays calm
her heart pounding hard, no one heard
since the day i was in her womb....
to this very minute of the day

if a fairy grant me a wish
the only thing i would ask
to repay the love and care i owe
to that sacred soul....
to maa....with love......may you always reside within me.....
May 2014 · 8.5k
kris evans May 2014
time and tide waits for none
nor does the soldier of the battle won
swift as the light that pass
the mist crept  the landmass

thunder and lightning left out
when the major called out
ahoy! all brave men
the sons of the Ganges terrain

reach out to the far north
where the enemy slept forth
show no mercy for you'l receive none
feel no pain and march as one

here's the ensign to raise up aloft
think of the weary deeds that you've got
let the din of cannon shred
the rhythm to carry you in right tread

never panic when the men grew wear
wave the standard to shook the fear
never misjudge the foe as weak
but remember your oath to our peak

never fall when ponderous struck
never halt when stark strike
fight till your warmth is turned icy
then the hawkish eyes will see

the unbeaten soul stamped on Indian lads
the mortal's robes you 've clad
holds the blessings of thousand
which will retain your soul and

spirit even when the tricolor is laid
on the honored graves made
hold tightly like limpet
till success is met

march brave Indians with gusto
and show them you are a maestro
draw your sword across
to pierce the devil's heart across
i grew up hearing the war stories of my granddad......he used to amaze me with the brave and adventurous stories of his military life....and i simply would picture him in my imagination....fighting like a hero.for he was my hero....always...
May 2014 · 1.8k
kris evans May 2014
to the lush old fields,
i walk back,
filled with young yields.
from where i shall take back
the never ending memories
of my childhood days, i thought
i used to sit by the window sill
all alone and still
to watch the autumn sunshine
that peeps into the pane
the big old oak
and the greedy rook
the cherry blossoms on that lonely lane
the blushing lilies and white poppies
that bloom around the shire
i came from a racing world
where love vanished and is filled with dare
where the sea churns blood
and from where humanity fled
we took everything from her lap
and left it bare of warmth and sprout
none have time now
to look back at the fallen oak
nor the rook on the shabby scarecrow
who guards the barren fields
so scarce the cherry blossoms bloom
as the world began to race
trials narrowed to that little falls
where the running streams
told their weary tales
walls began to build up
huge and strong
nor a drop now came
through that restricted site
climbing further
to the peek up north
my ears caught a dirge
which the nightingale sang
to the dying earth
coz now we have opened the pandora's box
and infected the earth
i wonder where the squirrels went
'fore it was their place
now we encroached it
and to rebuild the woods
of fawn , the trespassers forgot
now all that is left of the brook
is a concrete wall
nailed to it a new plastic board
with bold letters printed
this is a true incident
i grew up in a little village south of india.....there were lush fields and beautiful streams...but when i returned after many years i found my dear old place rotten like **** was hard for me to believe that human encroachment can lead to this much destruction......
May 2014 · 404
you are not alone
kris evans May 2014
Never hide your LOVE in your eyes.........
coz it over flows every time you blink......
Never hide your sorrows in your SMILE......
coz it easily spreads......
Never hide your pain in your HEART.....
coz every time it pumps spills.....
Never hide your solitude in your SOUL......
May 2014 · 792
kris evans May 2014
LOVE was just a word  to me
until you came and gave it meaning.......
i was just FLESH & BLOOD...
.until you came and made me alive.......
my heart was empty.......
.until you started to live in it......
my mind was covered with cobwebs.....
until you came and dusted it up.....
my visions were all a blur.....
  until u its crystal clear.......
May 2014 · 1.5k
i am in debt
kris evans May 2014
you know me better than me,
but i gave you nothing
for knowing me better...

you can tell when i am sad....
even before i know it myself,
still i seize to believe you all the time...

you reads my thoughts
hidden from rest of the world,
i dont know how you do it friend.....

you seems to know what i choose..
be it right or wrong,
you always stands by me...

you kno when my spirits are low...
and boost me up till
they are high again...

you seems to save every nice things...
in the hope i would love them
oh friend you trapped me in your debt

it seems i owe you a big deal.....
to return the care and dare...
you showed when you stood up for me...

the love and friendship...
compassion and patience...
its hard to repay i guess...

im leaving behind a great debt...
it would take a life time to repay...
i know you want nothing in return....
but still can i offer to carry you in my heart......

— The End —