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251 · Sep 2019
With Your Eyes Closed
Colm Sep 2019
Feel the shade refresh your mind
The sunlight as it seeks your eyes

This is when you do your best writing
When you're most awake and alive

There is nothing wrong, nothing else
There's not an instant left for thought


There is only that which is less of you
There is only quiet in the stillness calm

Now reach out and pull towards you
The burning truth which has always been

Shining like a Silmaril
Endless, an eternal bright

Though you can only feel the light
With your eyes closed. Hear. This is a mediation of sorts for myself and others.

I was I was better at this. Writing like I speak instead of like I think.
Colm Dec 2018
There are thing you must do
And you'll always know, exactly why

And on the other side
Of the same wall

There will be residual things
Ever new to you

And the reasons for which
You will probably guess at

Though you may never know
Must you learn to abide?
250 · Feb 2021
Jinn (A Haiku)
Colm Feb 2021
There is nothing there
Something always within me
Burning myself thin
250 · Jan 2020
Taco Dreams
Colm Jan 2020
Really good ideas
Are like dreams asleep

Take melatonin
Eat a pickle
Try as you may
To recreate
And force them into wakeful being

But you cannot
Not matter what you do or do not eat
As they will only visit
When your conscious mind is at ease

Unaware of hunger or self indulged feast

Or you could try tacos
Tacos always give me dreams
Tacos for dayzzz
249 · Sep 2019
Hitting It Out
Colm Sep 2019
Square me up with a new a vengeance
  Strike thunder of a different kind
    Pray not to see my gleaming face when you're ahead
      But hear me first
        Boom loud with anticipation
          When you're behind
I've seen thunder strike from the ground up. And it's ****** amazing!
Colm Apr 2019
The most distant hope
Of mine
Is you
And that
When she turns around
No one is someone I’ve yet to know
Who is looking for me
As I am looking at you
Feeling very clever just now. Take that Estlin and **** it!
249 · Jan 2019
Building A Realization
Colm Jan 2019
First word a dart
Second and third Lego parts
Pieced together until the bridge is built
Until the nothingness is captured in the still
And held there in midair
As you jump the mid embrace of somber quill
And I
The hand to hold it still
Building A Realization
249 · Nov 2018
Puzzle And Piece
Colm Nov 2018
Puzzle me
Piece me
Try and place me
As you may
In a more human light
A more natural way

But you cannot
Just as I cannot

Tip over a pawn
Without gravitas
Without leverage
Without a certain sway  
Puzzle over as you must
To piece another way
Puzzle And Piece
249 · May 2017
Middle Ground
Colm May 2017
I refuse to not try
Let alone die
For the life I could potentially lead
Therefore you see
That I must try
And thay there is no in between
There is nothing in between. You either love or hate.
249 · Apr 2018
Write Without Boundaries
Colm Apr 2018
Break the line
As the back of a mountain
To discover new ridges, peaks and valleys
Twist the water, break the fountain
And flow instead in unpredictable ways
That is what Mr. Estlin would say
Write Without Boundaries - EEC
249 · Jul 2017
He Is There
Colm Jul 2017
I stroll among the tiny torches
The little flares of yellow light
With the red lights gleaming overhead

Would you climb over me into this good night?

Into the stars amidst the starlight
My feet attached to these sturdy knees
Atop the earth

And I, regretting not that I am alive
But that I cannot reach beyond the sky
With these warming fingers

For though I am a similar light
Within this world
My life is as short and sweet
As the dew which seeps through this good night

How I feel no fear initially
No need to run nor attempt to hide
From the dimly lit trees beneath the moon

For the torches in the summertime
Have always guided this heart of mine
Into the arms of the beloved

The one who is without fault
And who is all of the dawn

For he is everything devoid of fear
He is the opposite
Like the true perception behind time
In the night. He is still there. As am I.
249 · Oct 2019
Heads Nodding On A Plane
Colm Oct 2019
A waivering head
With memories coursing though every finger
A grip on sleep once lost
Is held directly in hand
Though it cannot hold a candle to the perfect dark
But to pay the waking watchman's toll
Over and over again
Is no good for a weary traveler stead
Instead it's said, once lost in dreams
Such a peaceful hopeful magnificence
May be never found again
Let alone remembered upon awaking
It's hard to sleep in such a manner. Slightly torturous in truth.
249 · Jul 2019
Beautiful Rememberence
Colm Jul 2019
Trapped is not a possible feeling
When you're found in the sound
Of the rain falling out
Of the sky amidst the summers cry

When you're full and brimming as the dawn
With contemplative thought
And your stomach is quenched
Your mind alive with the memory of trees unbent

Quiet as the flooding stream
Noisy as the Red Winged Blackbird
As it pecks and cackles at the Sparrows hence
Until no more can be seen

Such impossible feelings and thoughts as these
Are but a mist in the morning
Are no more disturbing
Than the raindrops rippling on a pond serene
It's been awhile... (:
Colm Nov 2019
Sometimes it’s alright to let nice people be nice
To leave your preconceived notions by the side of the road
To let your pride slowly die
In a shallow grave alone

Sometimes it’s alright
To not voice your most negative feeling heard
Or to be so insufferable
And upset at the world
Just as in time you may find
That unassuming and kind
Is even easier still
When you do not your worst

Have you tried?
Are you aware?
Or have you already made up your mind?
To be this same old insufferable version of worst
From the way you shut down kindness, to way you twist every thoughtful gesture into venom. You are the worst. You behave the worst. And you have my sympathy.

I wish you well and far away from here.

Good luck.
246 · May 2018
Everything Bread By The Sea
Colm May 2018
Take me back,
Wash away my worries
And drown me in memories
Of everything bread by the sea.
At the warf in Cape May. Get a loaf of everything bread. And make some memories for me. (:
246 · Mar 2018
Regarding Mental Anguish
Colm Mar 2018
You know half of the worries
More than that…
ALL of the worries inside your head
Are entirely your own
And therefor are in need of one thing
OWNERSHIP if you please
For it would please you more than such constant worry
To be free of such things
Deal with it, dear friend.
246 · Oct 2018
Envisioning Contentment
Colm Oct 2018
I dare not breathe
I dare not hope
I dare not try and be
Any less content with this now
To be any less jumping up and down
Would not be true to me
Envisioning Contentment
245 · Nov 2021
Tousled Hair
Colm Nov 2021
Radiance is not
Merely the sand or sea breeze
But you there at ease
K8 Haikus
245 · Jan 2020
Autumn Shoreline
Colm Jan 2020
My heart sinks slowly
  In sand and saltwater

Not washed away
  But picked at slowly
    By this watery grave

And with every crashing moment hence
  I feel the immense pull of the earth

Reaching down I feel
  The fall of memories
    Rushing over me in waves
Autumn Shoreline
244 · Nov 2018
Cold With Cold
Colm Nov 2018
A slight draw
With jawbones peaked

Another day revealed

Revealed to be cold
And cold with cold
On this mountaintop

Yet no wind remains
To appeal to me

I will not yield
Cold With Cold
244 · May 2018
Friday Nights
Colm May 2018
Drink love with me
In wine with me
Unwind with me
As we dance around my living room
Where the only the only two people who matter
Can see
For those internal.
Colm Jan 2020
Look up like new day
Even in darkness before
Just as a promise
Holds no heat without fervence
So soon your sun warmth is born
Truth is, that the dawns first light will never let you down. Even if you cannot see it, due to the looming clouds, it is always there just waiting to warm your bones.

Sunday Seven (or S7) is a series of tanka verses (57577) which I completed one cloudy Sunday afternoon. With topics ranging from the faithfulness of dawn to the depths if the ocean home, I hope you enjoy reading them and can appreciate the height and depth of this variety.
244 · Jul 2017
Colm Jul 2017
My eyes are weary
My mind is wide
And open to you

Would you take my head within your hands?
And set me back?
Pulling the pain from behind my eyes?

Would you be the pressure
My temples need most desperately
For a moment's peace?

Because no one else has struck a chord
As equally
As caring as me
Good night again
243 · Mar 2019
Sand And Sea
Colm Mar 2019
Building sand castles which you will never see
Until reclaimed by the waves
Though under your feet I'll never be
Just as all of the sea shells have long since flown
To be remembered by only their empty crustaceans
So also will every memory be
Forever rolling over itself
Crashing down all around anothers name
And this change of tide is alright with me
Very much so
Very much where the sand meets the sea
Build up your life and wait for the waves... Trust me... They'll come. (;
243 · May 2019
Self Argument
Colm May 2019
All descriptors
And ideas of self
Fade like the days spent walking
Down the path of possibly

And time
Time lasts just as surely
As it waits for no man named me

Hence why
Is the question which I ask myself
Must I try and be
When I've already become
Self Argument
243 · Feb 2019
What And If
Colm Feb 2019
Choose WHAT the you of yous thinks you wants
Though you will not want it all the time
On the contrary
The goal will be not to be set free from yourself
But to not question the IF within your mind
What and if
242 · Feb 2019
Everything Or None At All
Colm Feb 2019
Give me the ocean
Or not a single drop

Give me time
Or not even a moment to stop

Give me every glimmering evening star
Or none at all

Give me fire from my finger tips
Or no more sparks left to fall

Give me everything or none at all
Give me all of you before I fall
Everything or none at all
242 · Jun 2019
Open, Close
Colm Jun 2019
Lingering at a window
Keeps the world at bay
No more
Than a miniature globe on a downward *****
Close the window
Slip away
Open, Close
242 · Jun 2017
Loves First Sight
Colm Jun 2017
Let not the stubbornness stored away within your heart,
Deny your head the happiness,
And the ease of truth within the mind.
Which is found only when two similarities collide.

Because the inverse breaks the mirror indefinitely, without reflection.
But the same eyes resonate,
And reverberate both the feelings and the sight therein.

Enjoy the memory of the crossroads where love first met it's counterpart.
Oh, how I pray that you can let yourself live to see such a sight.
Colm Aug 2019
Tell me softly not to breathe
And it will be so
Long before I could stop creating this
The world in which I would like to be seen

And if you tell me something similar to this
"Write something for me"
Then all inspiration from me will flow
Away and from my pen it will flee
Lol at self
241 · Jun 2017
Behind The Eyes
Colm Jun 2017
A man can only write as much as what he holds behind his eyes
And if you were the last sight to see
I can guarantee that you needn't be surprised
If he runs away from such of sight, occasionally

Because the expression is either all about you or nothing at all
There is no in between such things
No inner lining between the eye and the mind
Of what a man has always seen, in you

There is just the wall in front of him
The key to turn, and the inanimate door to find
Don't take it personally
But a man can only write as much of what he holds behind his eyes
Sometimes the silence I sit myself down a necessary silence. Time to reflect and prepare for the future. Other times its because I'm thinking too much and simply need to stop. Such thoughts are corrupting. They seep into my tongue and spoil the expression. Twisting the verse to fit the topic which is most prominently on my mind.

So you were for some time. As I was silent. #needed
240 · May 2018
Natural, Beautiful
Colm May 2018
Beauty be it in the eye.

The same eye makes me wonder.

Both if and how your hair falls like this ... Most naturally.

And naturally so... If you even try?
240 · Mar 2018
Never Ending Rain
Colm Mar 2018
With a rain like this
That would never stop
I'd wish it not over
Again and again
That way I wouldn't have to face the sunshine
Let alone call it mine
When this need for a new life of mine
Must begin
Never end...
240 · Jan 2020
Ease Up, Unpleasant Self
Colm Jan 2020
Tired and cold
Self-doubting self
In search of mind away
From noon else
Like someone who you care about
Treat well yourself
And in your own way
Ease Up, Unpleasant Self
239 · Feb 2019
A Train Named Tomorrow
Colm Feb 2019
Tomorrow is coming, like a train of iron on a track of steel and nothing can stop it.  Nothing that is or ever will be derailed. Tomorrow is coming between friction and steel.
A Train Named Tomorrow
238 · Sep 2019
As Worlds Crave Worlds
Colm Sep 2019
Because you are
         A whole universe is
         I am addicted to you
Because I am
So addictive it can be.

To lose yourself in another person and their lack of answers.

237 · Nov 2018
The Old Man
Colm Nov 2018
Someday I'll be an old man
Just a note in my granddaughters calendar
It'll read
"Visit him"
The old man
237 · Jun 2016
True To You
Colm Jun 2016
Looking for validation and affirmation in the entirely wrong places, will always leave you feeling unsuccessful and totally decimated.

Crushed and devalued by the plans you didn't make, as your focus is derailed by the paths you didn't take.

Because you cannot progress without true motivation to improve your daily situation.

For this you must act on evaluation and ignore the masses of any nation, which insists that you can do anything, within certain limitations.

Who are they to know you and why you even exist within creation?

Just do as you feel called to do and you might just find your inspiration.

Only then will you have a chance at redeeming and receiving the aforementioned words of affirmation.

Because you need to be true to you, to find your truest motivation.
Be true, be you, and make beautiful things that last
237 · Oct 2021
Bare Chest
Colm Oct 2021
Scars are always
Far more practical than
Found out never and nearly
As romantic or poignant
As initally portrayed
Most of mine are from unfortunate instances and silly decisions.
236 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
For granted takes me every day
Not by surprise
But by the hand in quiet lives

Too little do I appreciate
The sacrifice
Of those people in my common life
Call someone you care about today. They could be gone tomorrow.
Colm Feb 2021
My soul was not born
For you in the interest of
When you come to me
Colm Dec 2019
Kiss me like the moonlit stars, reflect and reach the Everglades, and embue with blue like the Sunday shade. Cool, crisp, refreshing, and new.

Don't cut my leaves and curb my bite, to melt me into pasty walls of glowing white. Which will only hold the captured light of the sun which shines to rise.

Don't let me fall without a trace. To meet my end in the shallowing streams of fading grey, where I could never dream of meeting thee, with such a wave.

But take my greeting in from rooftops as a simple sign of life to stay, and fall like stars of burning Orr if you must. Frozen until crashing down, only catch me along the way.
Unknown till heard. The best is when it flows.
236 · Nov 2018
For The Morning Cold
Colm Nov 2018
Coffee so cold that it cuts through the dark like the moonlit rays’ mere hours before
The feeling of fog which should not last and could not for long  
No song for this, bask in quietness
For awakenings upon do not belong
Upon awakening
236 · Jan 2018
Snows Song
Colm Jan 2018
The sound of snow is a beautiful thing
Catch every snowflake, you could not
But the earth can
Like the marching ants in the fruitful spring
Snowflakes need not tiptoe through the house of winter
Instead, they patter a song to sing on the frozen ground
And we, as humans are helpless to stop it from falling down
With tiny little pinprick sounds
The reign of winter falls all around*

End of storm
Beginning of season
This one... I really like
235 · Nov 2019
Wanting Vs. Waiting
Colm Nov 2019
I'm fighting against my heart
In secret
I know it to be true
That I could just show up
At your door
And kiss
But no
That wouldn't be fair to either of us
Especially you
Sometimes what you want takes some time to find. And that means you have to let go of some very nice prospects here in the immediate.

Not that there's anything wrong with nice. But nice isn't extraordinary. A volcano can be nice to look at, but it can also **** you if you're on the island.

This is me not looking back, at a very nice and quaint sight.
235 · Nov 2019
Colm Nov 2019
If I knew
I would've done
If I'd known
I wouldn't have never ran away from it
Run Vs. Ran
235 · Jun 2018
The Eyes of Today
Colm Jun 2018
When I wake tomorrow, there will be no waiver. No wall or water to crest over me. When my kneck pulls my head from the pillow of bed, I will stare into the eyes of a newborn day, and challenge it with anew consistency. stop me.
Its time.
Colm Oct 2022
As I walk

Through the mountains of elevated responses to be

I look bout and feel, breathe in and see

A new outward being

Almost proud of, in me

Anew breath, a new earth

As I find newness

Where there was no patience in me


As I walk
234 · Feb 2018
Be Like Water And Storm
Colm Feb 2018
Crosshatched in the sky

The stalling rain

Which cannot decide to be snow or not


In the eyes of me

Just as you'll always remember the last time

The moment before you smile and flee

Into the new storms eye

Good endings don't always metastasise

But water always begins again

And evaporates most every time

You don't have to be more than you've ever been

All you have to do is try
That moment when you see rain turn to snow. Almost mid air... Is ever so slightly magical.
234 · Aug 2017
Play The Game
Colm Aug 2017
You can't play a game of matters of the heart,
If your heart isn't available to be had.
Play The Game
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