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234 · Aug 2017
Play The Game
Colm Aug 2017
You can't play a game of matters of the heart,
If your heart isn't available to be had.
Play The Game
234 · Sep 2019
Sensing Vs. Stirring
Colm Sep 2019
There is the immediate air out of which you breathe
And those who live for it
And those who see the effects of the breeze
And attempted to speak for it
This is the politest way I've found to put it. Though neither is wrong, they're just different.
233 · Dec 2017
The Bird And The Fish
Colm Dec 2017
I’ll be on the mountain top* with the stars around my ears. My God to lift my life filled bones, higher than every tree and stone atop the slowly turning earth.  The embodiment of bird and sky, with word filled wings to bend the wind and to cut the currents of this life.  Like the westerlies, the blueish skies and the seas my father painted in my eyes.  

And you will be in the valley below* with the same... foolish... guy.

Pity this,

But not you Miss Fish.

Pity me for the try.
For the truth he shows, I praise his name. And beg his grace for my arrogance.

Also this - My publish poems option is erroring - So I'm working out of my drafts - Tell Elliot please. (:
233 · May 2018
Colm May 2018
The greatest trick that the devil ever played.

Was not in death or in speech to exist.

But in convincing manking that it was God who'd been made.
Chicken before zee egg lie. How great are we the most boastrous people... Lol
232 · Dec 2022
It is here
Colm Dec 2022
It's not the walls
Or the people same
Or the trains which make this place my own
Not the beaches which I joke about
Or the hilly slanted towny homes
It's the clouded skies and windmills wave
It's my own my spoken out in voice
In all that there is this homely place
And the power of my own my choice

It is here
232 · Nov 2018
A Sword Named Order
Colm Nov 2018
Dear chaos heart
Die on the edge of my orderly blade
And bleed out your malevolence
Forever depart
Dear chaos heart
Die on the edge of my orderly blade
And bleed out your malevolence
Forever depart
232 · Feb 2019
Ode To London Below
Colm Feb 2019
Did you know?

That those shimmering shining reflective lines
Are from the deepest puddles man has yet to know?

And yet we call them ghosts
Out of limelight fear
Not of London made
But no less below

For beneath every living thing there is this
A shadow
A shadow
232 · Jun 2021
Vibrance, A Tanka
Colm Jun 2021
When I think back now
To a time when time was not
Of such vibrant thought
And I feel the weight of be
In this world of being now

(Where I Am More Aware, Now)
232 · Feb 2019
Like The Palm
Colm Feb 2019
Have you met the creases in my hands
Shocked you must be to know
That I've known them all along
Like the palm
232 · Aug 2019
Poetry A River
Colm Aug 2019
Someday someone
In passing or in present
Will strike this stone with such a force
That the stream beneath will be revealed

And finally flowing
Slowing in a southern fashion growing
My river will be born

But not anew
In no rush to run, though am I
232 · Feb 2019
What It Feels Like
Colm Feb 2019
I am an outstretched arm with a fibrous grain.

I am a whooshing, waving, slashing glaive.

Waiting to cut the wind with a bending sway.

And with a gleam of blue the ball darts away.
What it feels like, what I am
Colm Aug 2019
My childhood
Born and died on a hook called quietness
In the stillness growing with contemplative reverence
Until meadow flowers and cattails calm
Burst forth with artistic being again
And now, having been adopted and reborn on the same mountain breeze
My perspective has changed me entirely
To adopt the sun as quite my own
And in moonlight see, to forgive the Father
For as dirt is dead and dies eternally
So the seed breaths quietly, living on in life and death
To reflect the stillwaters on the aspiring breeze
It ends as it began
Indefinitely, Me
231 · Apr 2019
Melting Sands
Colm Apr 2019
I am the fire beneath the sands of time
Worn and torn into a thousand pixels
Burning bright in the last hour of daylight
Beneath the surface
I am the last step of the marathon
The breaking of the tickertape
And the blackness of the screen beneath
And at the same time
I am fire
I am all of these
How his heart feels sometimes
231 · Feb 2018
At The End Of The Night
Colm Feb 2018
Like an alarm clock from the old oak cabin
I wind and wait for you to find

Like a night of rest in which myself
Is nowhere to be found

Like a wishful sigh which dies out slow
As the noise is consumed by the town

So no words are like this, ever enough for me
To express my wingding down

Like a burst of grape in the eager mouth
So a sound it last is out

For the Like in me has not gone away
So much as just been pushed around, haha.
The self... so laughable in it's typical ways. (:
231 · May 2019
Abuse Of Sleep
Colm May 2019
There is no peace

When you find yourself
Persuing sleep
As if it were non-exsistance

There is no rest
In such restlessness of spirit
For a friend. Along with prayers.
230 · Jan 2019
And yet...
Colm Jan 2019
The day of my life is not eternal
Neither without the warmth of the sunlit hands
Nor the chilling stare of the moons bright eye
And yet…
As the days amidst the months pass by, like the tides
So I stop and start my heart from beating
Autonomic is this loving way of mine
230 · Mar 2019
Pass Me By Gentle Time
Colm Mar 2019
I can feel the light on my own skin, soaking into the eyes and bouncing off the cream-colored walls of old. The light, evaporating into the hours as if planned to pass gently by. And then within them accordingly. So also am I.
That certain light in that certain hall
230 · Apr 2019
Time After Time
Colm Apr 2019
Tell myself
To reinvent myself
To create a location to do it in
Only to leave it free and standing be
Again and again

Too slowly I find myself abound
To go out into this rainy world
To hear the sky and the people aloud
With clouded eyes
While that place remains empty and then

It's always away from the aimless creation of space
In which I begin
And begin again
Where and when, it comes into being
230 · Aug 2018
Tree Leaves
Colm Aug 2018
The leaves are dying
Drifting down like falling snow
To see the veins which grow thin and pale
To hear their weathered limbs of grey cold
And when his bark and bite is no longer feared
And when her comfortable canvas is stripped away
No branch to catch a falling hand
No root to stretch nor wrap and rest
Too many names already carved
With no new branches left to trim
The colors once which changed with age
Now stay the same till clearer days
Perhaps the spring will no more grow
Perhaps this ends a present-day
But the leaves are dying ever still
And what's more concerning is
How they know, it is their way
And they'll be gone, and I'll be here until I'm gone as well.
229 · Jan 2020
Crystal Spray
Colm Jan 2020
You are sunlight alive for an instant
A clear reflection found
In the crystal spray off the gulf of Mexico

Your eyes cutting waves deep
Like rudder and hull

Your hair in the breeze
Like the rigging and sails alive

And you all a smile on starboard edge
Perched atop this blue world
You live and atop the cresting waves, fly

She was a sailor
She was a sailor
229 · Aug 2021
Experiential Self
Colm Aug 2021
can-not will-not would-not,

When an older you,
knew should but,
228 · Apr 2018
Something In The Eyes (FLY)
Colm Apr 2018
Every time she looks on him
Every time she reads what was his
Every time though he tries and tries
It’s every time she makes him fly
Something In The Eyes (FLY)
228 · Oct 2018
Saltwater, Freshwater
Colm Oct 2018
When given a choice
   Between Beauty and lust
Let Beauty win out
   Lust is never enough
Saltwater, freshwater
228 · Jun 2018
Mere Want
Colm Jun 2018
You know,
You want,
You sure?
What I want is no mere simple thing.
What I want,
Is her.
Desire is more than a streetcar
Colm Nov 2019
The crush of shells beneath warm feet
The whirr of petals above the September streets
The cooling feeling of evenings alive
The Moon over Atlantic eye
The hint of lingering sand everywhere
The smell of wicker seats in the morning air
And the scent of steaming shrimp to eat
Mouthwatering dreams and memories
And everything bread mixed by the sea
How these fragrances linger here in my everywhere
And make me want to be we again
With you in this place, still there
Easily one of my favorite places on URF.

From the Midnight Wood Series
228 · Feb 2021
When left is alone
Colm Feb 2021
Which is louder

   The silence
   You create
   For yourself

   Or the silence
   When someone else
   Doesn't want
   To create
   With you
Taken from an old (shower thoughts) notebook.
227 · May 2019
Caverns And Ripples
Colm May 2019
Like a ripple...
Spreads the inner arrogant statements of self
Which you'd never tell someone else
Because even sounding them out sounds loud
But you believe in them still
In the quiet subconsciousness of self
Like the echoings of an inner cavern
There is something there
Because something that once cast shadows fell
The sun it rises slowly as you walk...
226 · Dec 2018
Listening To The Rain
Colm Dec 2018
If you need me
I’ll be floating
Awash in a puddle of memory
Unaware in a sea of opportunity
226 · Aug 2021
Shift your feet
Colm Aug 2021
The dream of being
One day more
(than you already are)
Is **** of sleep
And of walking nowhere
You stagnant water.
226 · Jan 2020
Impressive Savior
Colm Jan 2020
I pray my pen
Flows not with think
But with spirit embodied
As there is more to impress
In the ink of Christ
Than there ever was or will be
In this expression of me
My life is mere reflection in a silver coin. Here one hour. Gone the next. See ya round.
225 · Dec 2019
Walk And Walk Again
Colm Dec 2019
Marriage is a newfound island
A purchased continent
Walk all your life and you will not find
Or know every single inch of land

Walk and walk again
Just observing  stuff
225 · Jul 2017
Lonesome Words
Colm Jul 2017
With no words written on the wall
Lonely is a man's heart
At least when trying to balance out
The respect, and the desire to call
For this true
That lonely is a man's heart in all
When there are no words left for him at all
Words mean so much to me...kinda wish they didn't sometimes. (:
225 · Sep 2017
How She Arrived
Colm Sep 2017
The daughter of the moon and I
Fell from the stars
And crashed into a lonely lake
Where she would spend all of her days
Forsaking all others
Except for this
The wielder of the sword to be
To rule the world
By his own outstretched hand
225 · Jan 2019
Rumbling Songs
Colm Jan 2019
The songs which shake me moreso
Than the rumble strips on the freeway
Break down my all my hope and change
And strip me of the passing you
And also of my memory outside the window
Old songs - The modern day version of the officer censored letter
224 · May 2022
Looking up is a need
Colm May 2022
Yes, self
Reading is romantic still
If it's done by a supermodel

Noone is coming to turn your eyes like pages
224 · May 2019
How I Tend To Write
Colm May 2019
Declarative me, saying what I was
With a question inbetween

Feeling better as if I'd breathed again
In the quiet stillness of unthinking

In such words I lose myself for a min
Until hours catch up and overtake me

As if questioning what I was and then
Sets me free to begin and be

This is how I tend to write and then
This is why, it's is not, and for me
How I Tend To Write
224 · Sep 2019
Shooting Stars, A Tanka
Colm Sep 2019
The stars know no cold
Like the lonely walking minds
Who know, what it means
To be more than just burning
Atmospheric dust yearning
Shooting Stars, A Tanka
224 · Aug 2018
Colm Aug 2018
The greatest feat
An idealist can conceive

Is to create existence out of nothing
To create someone out of no one

And make it up so real
That everyone accepts that it is

And desires themselves to believe
That it always was
Character Creation
224 · Nov 2018
The Sound of Lineage
Colm Nov 2018
Listen to the verbiage
The quietness of a different nature
The winds, the woods, the wildness
I am not my father
Though I am his son
I am me
And the past, the pretense
That's who he is
The Sound of Lineage
224 · May 2021
Your smile, about me?
Colm May 2021
I see your smile
so subtle and fine
And I am selfishly founded
on this belief of you, in us
And I
I want it so badly to be only for me
223 · Dec 2022
Colm Dec 2022
Expressions cannot run like ink
    They can only hold fast
To the paper of memory
    And at our feelings . Grasp
For just a moment to pass
   And think though they will not last
223 · Jul 2019
Stirring Mind
Colm Jul 2019
I am not a stream
Nor a babbling brook
I am a pond with a passing ripple
A sinking stone, thrown, once shook
With a shake often and aware of it
I am never content
With the soft waters unbroken
As a stream I am not known
Stirring Mind
223 · Jun 2018
Colm Jun 2018
Licking the cider off my ice cubes
I'm in love with words
And the sights of you which I've yet to see
223 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
No matter how many doors or windows or walls or structures may stand to fall, on the growing wasteland of this Earth.

It's refreshing to know that it all will end, and that with that end, there is no real difference between the unearthed and earthed.

There is only the idea of time beneath it all.
Just taking a breath - Time doesn't really concur
223 · Aug 2018
Bartender Mike
Colm Aug 2018
The world's OK, it's the people that spoil it.
Just UGHHH...
223 · Nov 2021
The Oceans Fate
Colm Nov 2021
Even rocks receive
Like crashing waves with a hope
Such sounds, you and me
K8 Haikus
223 · Feb 2019
Iris Stars
Colm Feb 2019
A heart can beat
Without oxygen
For a minute
Starlight gleam
For an eternity seem
A gander can fly
Across the open sky
Till it's out of sight
And yet noone can reach you
Noone even tries
Because even fools recognize
The unobtainable
Untouchable height
That is your virtuous value
In my eyes
She sounds like the cosmos
Colm Jun 2018
Don't make me risk,
The bitter end.

Don't make me try,
Though I will again.
When you must. But you don't want to.
222 · Jul 2019
Smooth Jazz
Colm Jul 2019
When I listen to jazz
Hot like seeping tea
As it cools like coffee directly in front of me

All I see is the ocean
All I hear is the swishing sound of the sand being turned to glass
Beneath the feet of an unwalking rhythm

Unwaking and amiss
Good jazz doesn’t walk a straight line as this
It’s a drunken rhythm and a deep sip
In love with the indescribable, naturural, eternal bliss
Smooth Jazz
222 · Feb 2019
True In Truth
Colm Feb 2019
The greatest sign
Of a most conscious might

Is not to devour and to destroy
All of the falsehoods of life


But a true clue is
To let them exist
So that the true sees truth

And yes
In this
True In Truth
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