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4.5k · Nov 2015
How Sad True Sadness
Carl Halling Nov 2015
There was a sadness I revered
But never possessed,
Because there was youth
And hope to spare,

But as youth ebbs,
And hope recedes,
I know that sadness for real,
And how sad true sadness feels.
"How Sad True Sadness" is a short piece torn from me during a recent period of intense sorrow that lasted for a bout a week, but which has since passed, so that I no longer identify with the sentiments expressed.
3.3k · Aug 2015
Some Sad Dark Secret
Carl Halling Aug 2015
"Temper your enthusiasm,"
She said,
"The extremes of your reactions;
You should have
A more conventional frame
On which to hang
Your unconventionality."
"Don't push people,"
She said,
"You make yourself vulnerable."

She told me not to rhapsodise,
That it would be difficult,
Impossible, perhaps,
For me to harness my dynamism.
The tone of my work,
She said,
Is often a little dubious.
She said
She thought
That there was something wrong.

That I'm hiding
Some sad
Dark secret from the world.
"Temper your enthusiasm,"
She said,
"The extremes of your reactions;
You should have
A more conventional frame
On which to hang
Your unconventionality."
Some Sad Dark Secret was inspired by words once spoken to me by a former tutor and mentor of mine at university in London in around 1982 or '83, as well as my own reflections on them from the same era.
2.9k · Aug 2015
Strange Coldness Perplexing
Carl Halling Aug 2015
the catholic nurse
all sensitive
caring noticing
what can she think
of my hot/cold torment

always near blowing it
living in the fast lane
so friendly kind
the girls
dewy eyed
wanda abandoned me
bolton is in my hands

and yet my coldness
the more emotional
they stay
trying to find a reason
for my ice-like suspicion
fish eyes
coldly indifferent eyes
suspect everything that moves

socialising just to be loud
compensate for cold
lack of essential trust
i love them
despite myself
my desire to love
is unconscious and gigantesque

i never know
when i'm going to miss someone
strange coldness perplexing
i've got to work to get devotion
but once i get it
i really get people on my side
there are my people
who can survive
my shark-like coldness
and there are those
who want something
more personal
i can be very devoted to those
who can stay the course

my soul is aching
for an impartial love of people
i'm at war with myself.
"Strange Coldness Perplexing" was forged using notes scrawled onto seven sides of an ancient now coverless notebook, possibly late at night following an evening's carousal, and in a state of serene intoxication. The original notes were based on experiences I underwent while serving as a teacher in a highly successful central London school of English, which I did between what I believe to have been the spring, or summer, of '88 and the summer of 1990.
2.2k · Jul 2015
My Travels
Carl Halling Jul 2015
My travels start
Right here
Deep in my mind
My travels take me just where
I please I don't have
To leave my warm room

My travels start
Sixteen sun
Beating down
Sinatra's crooning Jobim
And I'm just dreaming of my
Great romance to come

I don't need a little ticket
Tells me I can take the train
I don't even to risk it
There's no blistering sun
Or driving rain
And it's here that I remain

My travels end
With a sweet
And peaceful time
I've found such sense deep within
No more will I feel
The need to go travelling again.
Written in 2003 as a song lyric, as part of a series of songs.
2.2k · Jul 2015
From the Labyrinthine Metro
Carl Halling Jul 2015
my paris begins with
those early days
as a conscious flaneur
i recall the couple
seated opposite me
on the metro
when i was still innocent
of its labyrinthine complexity
slim pretty white girl
clad head to toe in denim
smiling wistfully
while her muscular black beau
stared through me
with fathomless orbs
and one of them spoke
almost in a whisper
qu'est-ce-que t'en pense
and it dawned on me
yes the young parisienne
with the distant desirous eyes
was no less male than me

dismal movies
in the forum des halles
being screamed at in pigalle
and then howled at again
by some kind of madman
or vagrant who told me
to go to the bois de boulogne
to meet what he saw
as my destiny
by a sinister skinhead
for trying on tessa's
wide-brimmed hat
getting ****** in les halles
with sara
who'd just seen
dillon as rusty james
and was walking in a daze
sara again with jade
at the caveau
de la huchette jazz cellar

cash squandered
on a gold tootbrush
two tone shoes
from close by
to the place d'italie
portrait sketched
at the place du tertre
paperback books
by symbolist poets
but second hand volumes
by trakl and deleve
and a leather jacket
from the marche aux puces
porte de clignancourt
losing gary's address
scrawled on a page
of musset's confession
walking the length
and breadth of the rue st denis,
what an artist's paradise
(as juliette once wrote me).
Carl Halling Jul 2015
In Hamburg I loved
A strange girl,
She put my whole being
In a whirl,

She spurned everybody
But me,
I made her happy,
In Hamburg.

But if she had
Spurned me,
I'd have looked her in the eye,
And run away,

And in my room,
I would have cried,
I might even have died,
In Hamburg.
In Hamburg I Loved a Strange Girl was recently quite faithfully adapted from a song written when I was ca. 18 years old.
Carl Halling Jul 2020
Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,
Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,

In disguise as a young man in the city,
But the bright young life
No longer belongs to me,
I ain’t no London dude,
I'm just a carbon copy,
Doing some travelling,

Time travel, baby
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,
Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,

Seeing places that I knew in ’77,
When I was young
And in love with London town,
Please don’t ask me
Where those fleeting years have flown to,
They’ve just gone travelling,

Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,
Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,

In disguise as a young man in the city,
But the bright young life
No longer belongs to me,
I’m a visitor
From a distant generation
Doing some travelling,

Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me,
Time travel, baby,
Set me free,
Time travel got a hook in me.
Completed 21 July 2020, with minor edits (22-24 July), but based on a song written ca. 1999.
1.8k · Jul 2015
Ethanol Thief of Youth
Carl Halling Jul 2015
Auto-annihilation is stupid,
It breaks hearts.
And ruins lives,
I hate that I was ever self-destructive,
I rue the day I became entranced
By its shadowy charisma,

While alcohol spoiled my life:
Poor Jo-Jo was right
To warn her cherished daughter
Of its insidious malignancy.
I was one of the felicitous ones
In that it didn’t entirely destroy me,

But despite its lack of glamour,
In comparison to
other more romanticised intoxicants,
It’s among the most lethiferous of drugs
That stole from me
What remained of my gorgeous youth.
Taken from diary notes from 22 to 23 August, 2014.
1.8k · Aug 2015
In Puerto Rican Skies
Carl Halling Aug 2015
Kind faces smiling,
Nodding politely at words
They don’t seem to understand.
Show me pictures
Showing the richness of
A faraway distant land.
Multicoloured motor cars,
Brown apartments rising high
In Puerto Rican skies.
"In Puerto Rican Skies" was based on a song I wrote at 18 years old, and hasn't changed a whole lot since.
1.7k · Jun 2015
A Multitude of Woes
Carl Halling Jun 2015
As a young man,
I was always obsessed
By melancholy.
I saw deep sadness,
The quality
That so tormented my heroes,
Such as Arthur Rimbaud,

And Montgomery Clift,
As glamorous and romantic,
But it’s not…
It’s not remotely romantic,
When you yourself are adrift,
And weighed down,
By a multitude of woes.
Based on diary notes from 19/3/14.
1.7k · Aug 2015
All the Rivers of Tears
Carl Halling Aug 2015
I feel at one with sweethearts
Through the years,
With the wartime lovers
Who went overseas,
All the shattered hearts,
All the rivers of tears,
I feel them all.

Verses of love,
Lovers who must part,
Portraits of love
Worn so very close to the heart,
All the lovers lost,
Loves that never even start,
I feel them all.
"All the Rivers of Tears" was originally part of the coda of a song written in ca. 1999.
1.5k · Jul 2015
Lone Birthday Boy Dancing
Carl Halling Jul 2015
Yesterday for my birthday,
I started off
with a bottle of wine...
I took the train
into town...
I had half a bitter
at the Cafe de Piaf
in Waterloo...
I went to work
for a couple of hours or so;
I had a pint after work;
I went for an audition;
after the audition,
I had another pint
and a half;
I had another half,
before meeting my mates,
for my b'day celebrations;
we had a pint together;
we went into
the night club,
where we had champagne
(I had three glasses);
I had a further
glass of vino,
by which time,
I was so gone
that I drew an audience
of about thirty
by performing a solo
dancing spot
in the middle
of the disco floor...
We all piled off to the pub
after that,
where I had another drink
(I can't remember
what it was)...
I then made my way home,
took the bus from Surbiton,
but ended up
in the wilds of Surrey;
I took another bus home,
and watched some telly,
and had something to eat
before crashing out...
I really, really enjoyed
the eve, but today,
I've been walking around
like a zomb;
I've had only one drink today,
an early morning
restorative effort;
I spent the day working,
then I went to a bookshop,
where, like a monk,
I go for a day's
drying out session...
Drying out is really awful;
you jump at every shadow;
you feel dizzy,
you notice everything;
very often,
I don't follow through.
“Lone Birthday Boy Dancing”, which was almost certainly drafted on 8 October 1992, or perhaps a year earlier - serves to evoke a twilight mood, with the birthday boy performing his Dionysian solo dance in defiance of the wholesale ruin of mind, body and soul he's so obviously invoking.
1.4k · Aug 2015
Some Perverse Will
Carl Halling Aug 2015
I'm a restless man
I am never
I'm always spurred on
By some perverse
The grass is never
No peace here
To find
Some demon
Of motion's
At work within my
No bed is too soft
That I won't
Its sweet calm
And comfort
For a softer
I'm a restless man
I am never
I'm always spurred on
By some perverse will.
"Some Perverse Will" dates from about 1980, and how much of it is reflective of my mind in that year, I can't say, as I no longer identify with its sentiments to any degree; but I may have been at least partially straining for effect.
1.3k · Aug 2015
Lovelorn in London Town
Carl Halling Aug 2015
From morn to friendless night,
He tramps the streets,
Just in case he might
Come across her, he's a tragic sight,
But he doesn’t care,
Love gives him might,
He haunts the cafes and the discos
And the bars, so lovelorn.
He knows that he won't find her,
But he's got to keep on trying,
It gives some meaning
To his life,
It gives some substance
To his time,
It is his motive, and his project,
And his plan, so lovelorn.
He only met her once,
But it changed his life,
And it changed his type,
And it changed his mind,
And he threw it all up,
As if he'd gone insane,
And he took to the streets,
And another man was born.
They say love comes but once
For some, but when it does,
It's like a mighty
Atom bomb inside,
A disease that seizes
A gentle soul,
And if it comes for you,
You'd better try to hide.
From morn to friendless night,
He tramps the streets
Just in case he might
Come across her, he's a tragic sight,
But he doesn't care,
Love gives him might,
He haunts the cafes and the discos
And the bars, so lovelorn.
"Lovelorn in London Town" existed initially as part of a series of songs written in 2003, although the music had already been written for a different set of lyrics.
Carl Halling Aug 2015
I seldom indulge in letter writing
Because I consider it
To be a cold and illusory
Means of communication.
I will only send someone a letter
If I'm certain it's going to serve
A definite functional purpose,
Such as that which I'm
Scrupulously concocting at present
Indisputably does.
It's not that I incline
Towards excessive premeditation;
Its rather that I have to subject
My thoughts and emotions
To quasi-military discipline,
As pandemonium is the sole alternative.
I'm the compensatory man par excellence.
Deliberation, in my case,
Is a means to an end,
But scarcely by any means,
An end in itself.
This letter possesses not one,
But two, designs.
On one hand, its aim is edification.
Besides that, I plan to include it
In the literary project upon which
I'm presently engaged,
With your permission of course.
Contrary to what you have suspected
In the past,
I never intend to trivialise intimacy
By distilling it into art.
On the contrary, I seek
To apotheosise the same.
You see...I lack the necessary
Emotional vitality to do justice
To people and events
That are precious to me;
I am forced, therefore,
To at a later date call
On emotive reserves
Contained within my unconscious
In order to transform
The aforesaid into literary monuments.
You once said that my feelings
Had been interred under six feet
Of lifeless abstractions;
As true as this might be,
The abstractions in question
Come from without
Rather than within me:
My youthful spontaneity
Many mistrustfully identified
With self-satisfied inconsiderateness
(A standard case of fallacious reasoning),
And I was consequently
The frequent victim
Of somewhat draconic cerebrations.
I tremble now
In the face of hyperconsciousness.
I've manufactured a mentality,
Riddled with deliberation,
Cankerous with irony;
Still, in its fragility,
Not to say, artificiality,
It can, with supreme facility,
Be wrenched aside to expose
The touch-paper tenderness within.
With characteristic extremism,
I've taken ratiocination
To its very limits,
But I've acquainted myself with,
Nay, embraced my antagonist
Only in order to more effectively throttle him.
Being a survivor of the protracted passage
Through the morass of nihilism,
Found deep within
"the hell of my inner being,"
I am more than qualified to say this:
There is no way out
Of the prison of ceaseless sophistry.
There are many things I have left to say,
But I shall only have begun to exist in earnest
When these are far behind me,
In fact, so far as to be all but imperceptible.
I long for the time
When I shall have compensated to my satisfaction.
I never desired intellectuality; it was ****** upon me.
Everything I ever dreaded being, I've become
Everything I ever desired to be, I've become.
I'm the sum total of a lifetime's
Fears and fantasies,
Both wish-fulfillment
And dread-consummation incarnate.
I long for the time
When I shall have compensated to my satisfaction.
I never desired intellectuality; it was ****** upon me.  
I'm the sum total of a lifetime's
Fears and fantasies,
Both wish-fulfillment
And dread-consummation incarnate.
I'm the compensatory man par excellence.
"The Compensatory Man Par Excellence" possessed some kind of autobiographical novel written around 1987, and whose ultimate fate was, so I recall, to be destroyed with only a handful of scraps remaining, as its starting point.
1.3k · Jul 2015
Tales of a Paris Flaneur
Carl Halling Jul 2015
Early days as a flaneur;
I recall the couple
On the Metro
When I was still innocent
Of its labyrinthine complexities;
Slim pretty white girl,
Clad head to toe
In new blue denim,
Wistfully smiling
While her muscular black beau
Stared straight through me
With fathomless, fulgorous orbs;
And one of them spoke
(Almost in a whisper):
"Qu'est-ce que t'en pense?"
Then it dawned on me...
The slender young Parisienne
With the distant desirous eyes
Was no less male than I.

Being screamed at in Pigalle,
And then howled at again
By some kind of wild-eyed
Drifter who told me to go
To the Bois de Boulogne to seek
What he clearly saw as my destiny;
Getting ****** in Les Halles
With Sara
Who'd just seen Dillon as
Rusty James,
And was walking around in a daze;
Sara again with Jade
At the Caveau de la Huchette.
Cash squandered
On a cheap gold-plated toothbrush,
Portrait sketched at the Place du Tertre,
Paperback books
By Symbolist poets,
Second hand volumes
By Trakl and Deleve,
And a leather jacket from
The flea market
At the Porte de Clignancourt.
Metro taken to Montparnasse,
Where I slowly sipped
A demi blonde
In one of those brasseries
Immortalised by Brassai;
Bewhiskered old man
In a naval officer's cap,
His table bestrewn
With empty wine bottles
And cigarette butts,
Repeatedly screeched the name
"Phillippe!" until a bartender
With patent leather hair,
Filled his wineglass to the brim,
With a mock-obsequious:
"Voila, mon Captaine!"
I cut into the Rue du Bac,
Traversed the Pont Royal,
Briefly beheld
With its gothic tower,
Constructed only latterly,
In order that
The 6th Century church
Might complement
The style of the remainder
Of the 1er Arrondissement,
Before steering for the
Place du Chatelet,
And onwards...Les Halles!
"Tales of a Paris Flaneur" is a relatively new work in its present form, having been based partly on a story written in about 1987 (and subsequently destroyed), and partly on material written specifically for what became the autobiographical novel, "Rescue of a Rock and Roll Child".
1.2k · Aug 2015
Toilers of the Sea
Carl Halling Aug 2015
Come away with me
To toil upon the sea,
Come away and see
How sweet sea life can be,
I'll sing Bonnie Dundee
Off the coast of
Old Guernsey, you and me
As toilers of the sea, as toilers of the sea.
Help me put that wrecked
Romance away from me,
Help me understand
How it was lost at sea,
It wasn't destined to be,
She belonged to another not me,
What’ll be will be,
For toilers of the sea, for toilers of the sea.
I can stand it if you're
There with me,
For the solitary life at sea
Is enough to make you
Sea crazy,
With the whales
And gulls for company,
For toilers of the sea, for toilers of the sea.
We can ponder on
The ocean's mysteries,
I'll unveil a few of
My old sea stories,
You'll see how kind a tar can be,
I promise you'll be safe with me,
When we're out at sea
As toilers of the sea, as toilers of the sea.
"Toilers of the Sea" initially existed as a song, written in 2003, and has changed little since having done so, although the third verse was originally a - shorter - middle 8.
1.1k · Apr 2018
I Have Let Love Pass Me By
Carl Halling Apr 2018
You told me that your name was Maria,
And that you came
From the Netherlands,
But you looked more like a Latina,
With flowing dark hair,
Perhaps a natural tan,

I was in love,
So much in love,
But I let love pass me by,
All through my life,
So much of my life,
I have let love pass me by.

You left me with a casual ‘I’ll see you’,
But I looked for you
All over London town,
It’s like that I was paralysed with fear,
I could have sworn
I saw you on the underground,

I was in love,
So much in love,
But I let love pass me by,
All through my life,
So much of my life,
I have let love pass me by.
'I Have Let Love Pass Me By' began life as a song, based on a melody I sketched out when I was 18, and with sketchy lyrics related to a lost love, while new lyrics were recently written as of April 2018, but still referring to the same incident of lost love that took place when I was 18.
1.1k · Aug 2015
My Life Story
Carl Halling Aug 2015
my life story
is littered
with the ghosts
of golden
opportunities gone.
"My Life Story" was adapted - as I recall - from an email sent to a friend possibly around 2010.
1.1k · Aug 2015
See That the Summer's Come
Carl Halling Aug 2015
Babe, where's your smile,
Don't be a melancholy child,
Can't you see
That the summer's come?
Stuck in your room
With your winter curtains drawn,
While the suburbs
Are all bathed in sun.
No more winter time lows,
Only joy now because
We can shake off the blues,
Love, there's no time to lose.
We can go for a cruise
Down the Thames
Or down the Ouse,
Or just snooze under summer's sun,
Find a village green,
Watch some cricket,
Take some tea, as you please,
Summer's made for fun.
Get some sweet summer air,
Feel the breeze in your hair,
Forget that sad old affair,
He's not worth all the tears.
Babe, where's your smile,
Don't be a melancholy child,
Can't you see
That the summer's come?
See That the Summer’s Come was adapted from a song, part of a series of songs, some new, some reworkings of ancient tunes, recorded in 2003.
1.1k · Aug 2015
Like All the Moonstruck Do
Carl Halling Aug 2015
If I fell in love with you,
I would like to
Make my dreams come true,
You could fulfill all yours too,
So come on, honey,
Just one look will do,
I'll lose my heart to you,
Like all the moonstruck do.
We could go all round the world,
Just like other
Moonstruck boys and girls,
So come on, honey, don't be scared,
We are only young once,
Say the word,
I'll lose my heart to you,
Like all the moonstruck do.
Bali, Frisco, Rio, or wherever
You may choose,
The world's our oyster, honey,
There'll be no more bad news,
We could leave tomorrow,
I tell you we can't lose,
We will soon be
Saying bye bye to those blues.
If I fell in love with you,
I would like to
Make my dreams come true,
You could fulfill all yours too,
So come on, honey,
Just one look will do,
I'll lose my heart to you,
Like all the moonstruck do.
"Like All the Moonstruck Do", also known as "I’ll Lose My Heart To You", was written as part of a series of songs, in 2003.
Carl Halling Sep 2015
One day I'd like to go
In search of my past,
Of all the memories
Of my youth.
I cry for all my souvenirs,
And I dream of a future,

Where I can atone
For all the follies
Of my existence,
And where I might
Contemplate my past
In peace at long last.
"My Past in Peace at Long Last" has been based on the portion, originally in French,  recently added to a song written in 2003, and which I translated not so long ago.
Carl Halling Sep 2015
There was a long vanished England
Of well-spoken presenters
Of the BBC Home Service,
Light Service, and Children’s Favourites,
Of coppers and tanners, and ten bob notes;
And jolly shopkeepers, and window cleaners.

I remember my cherished Wolf Cub pack,
How I loved those Wednesday evenings,
The games, the pomp and seriousness of the camps,
The different coloured scarves, sweaters and hair
During the mass meetings,
The solemnity of my enrolment,

Being helped up a tree by an older boy,
Baloo, or Kim, or someone,
To win my Athletics badge,
Winning my first star, my two year badge,
And my swimming badge
With its frog symbol, the kindness of the older boys.
"There Was a Long Vanished England" was created out of two previously versified pieces, the first verse being based on the beginnings of some kind of short story almost certainly drafted in the early 2000s, the second from another unfinished story, this one sketched out - or so I remember - when I was in my early 20s.
Carl Halling Jul 2015
South Pacific, Jiminy Cricket,
This world
I tried to gain access,
I tried to write
A book
That would capture
All my happiness,

Full of romance,
Life that was enhanced
By beauty and love,
Carousel and Disneyland,
Babycham deers
And romantic lands,
These patterns I wove.
Babycham Deers and Romantic Lands was recently versified, having been reproduced verbatim from a song written when I was ca. 19 years old.
979 · Jul 2015
West London in the Sun
Carl Halling Jul 2015
West London in the sun
Last summer of the millennium,
We were in love
And having fun,
But fun wouldn’t last too long,
Love didn’t have too long to run.

You, a Dance kid
Of sweet nineteen,
Your record collection’s
Rock and Roll free,
Me, a relic
From a bygone scene,

We had nothing we could talk about,
All you ever did was shout,
About the DJs you’d seen,
In Ibiza and Berlin,
In the Babylons of Dance,
I didn’t stand a chance…

West London in the sun
Last summer of the millennium,
We were in love
And having fun,
But fun wouldn’t Last too long,
Love didn’t have too long to run.
Written as song lyrics in 1999.
925 · Jul 2015
London as the Lieu
Carl Halling Jul 2015
Until recently, I had the impression
Of decaying
Along with the moral standards
Of contemporary Europe,
With London as the lieu
To which all Autoroutes lead.
In my room, I was surrounded
By debris
Of my existence,
Lacking the will even to clear
The carpet, whose colour,
Incidentally I came to forget.
I ceaselessly tampered with my hair,
Growing it long,
Having it cropped, hennaing it red,
Dyeing it blue-black, bleaching it near-white;
It fell out in bunches,
Desiccated and exhausted.
My face grew sallow and haggard,
With bloodshot, inflamed,
Glazed, blue-ringed orbs,
And bitten, bloated, ravaged lips.
My body lost its athletic aspect,
And became shapeless and emaciated.
"London as the Lieu" first existed in prose form in the 1980s as part of an absurd - which is to say entirely fictional - unfinished story.
Carl Halling Aug 2015
And so the party...Zoë
Called me...I listened
To her problems;
To my innocent face.
Linda said:
"Sally seems elusive
But is in fact,
You're the opposite -
You give to everyone
But are incapable
Of giving in particular."

Madeleine was comparing me
To June Miller;
Descriptions by Nin:
"She does not dare
To be herself..."
Everything I'd always
Wanted to be, I now am.
"...She lives
On the reflections
Of herself in the eyes
Of others...
There is no June
To grasp and know."

I kept getting up to dance
Sally said: "I'm afraid;
You're inscrutable;
You're not just
Are you?"
I spoke
Of the spells of calm,
And the hysterical
Psychic exhaustion,
Then anxious elation.
"I Spoke of the Spells of Calm", also known as "Gallant Festivities" was based on a series of informal diary notes dating from 1981 to '83.
900 · Aug 2015
I Think the World of She
Carl Halling Aug 2015
She's precious as can be,
She means so much to me,
So much to me.
She spells generosity,
And she's always been
A friend in need.
Been so many years
Since that we
First met in our heyday,
So young and so free,
Sun-soaked days,
No tears, no cares,
Back in our heady heyday,
What I'm trying to say,
Is I think the world of she.

She's tender as can be,
Her kindness is for real,
So real for me,
She sends her warmth to me,
Like gentle poetry
That I can feel.
Been so many years
Since that we
First met in our heyday,
So young and so free,
Sun-soaked days,
No tears, no cares,
Back in our heady heyday,
What I'm trying to say,
Is I think the world of she.
"I Think the World of She" first saw the light of day in the shape of a song composed for a close friend in what I believe to have been 2002; perhaps '01.
888 · Apr 2017
To Ease My Saudade
Carl Halling Apr 2017
How I try to count my blessings,
They do little to ease my saudade,
Look to the past
For some consolation,
But the past remains resistant,
O woe, where is hope?
I feel so old, and so alone…

Twenty years to destroy an existence,
Is all it took,
To steal my contentment,
Look to the past for a glimmer of peace,
To the past for a little release.
O woe, where is hope?
I feel so old, and so alone…

On one level, I feel so blessed,
Cleave to life with all my strength,
There’s so much to be thankful about,
‘Til I sink back into deepest night,
O woe, where is hope?
I feel so old, and so alone…
'To Ease My Saudade' was written a few days ago as a song lyric, and at the time it reflected how I felt; but as of today, 9 April 2017, I don't identify with it so strongly.
801 · Aug 2015
Your Beautiful Lethal Life
Carl Halling Aug 2015
Shooting star
With a quicksilver mind,
You deserve to go so far,
Can't someone stop you
Before you ruin your soul
With irreversible harm?
Drinking all day,  
Every single day,
Out of your head on *****,
Is this the life,  
Is this the way,
A gifted child should choose?
Your beautiful lethal life
My friend,
Has sent you around the bend,
Your foolish defiant
Decadent dance
Could soon be at an end.
But you don't care
Do you, shooting star?
As you drift in your blissful dream.
"Your Beautiful Lethal Life" was partly inspired by lyrics freshly written for the song a friend, who’d already written his own, around 1992.
798 · Sep 2015
I Let You Go
Carl Halling Sep 2015
What was I thinking,
I let you go,
I wasn't drinking, still
I let you go,
Where was my head at to
Let you go,
I can't accept that I just
Let you go.
I wish I could make
So we could at least
Be friends,
I have no real
Reason why,
I let you
Say goodbye.
Did I confuse you when
I let you go,
Such a fool to have
Let you go,
You were so precious, still
I let you go,
Worth more than jewels, still
I let you go.
I wish we could
Start again,
I'd be quite
A different man,
I've learned quite a lot
Since then,
I know how
To keep a friend.
We could meet up in the
Centre of town,
And I'd explain my motivations,
About how I came
To let you down,
And all those other
And crazy complications.
I'm not asking for
Just give me half
A chance,
I’ve come to have
A good, kind heart,
So how about
A brand new start.
What was I thinking,
I let you go,
I wasn't drinking, still
I let you go,
Where was my head at to
Let you go,
I can't accept that I just
Let you go.
"I Let You Go" was adapted from  a series of songs, some new, some reworkings of ancient tunes, recorded in 2003.
797 · Jul 2017
Yes, I Regret
Carl Halling Jul 2017
Yes, I regret
The scornful dissipation
Of my salad days
When I was strong,

Believe me,
They didn’t last too long,
Believe me,
They didn’t last too long.

Yes, I regret
All that I squandered
O’er the course
Of about fifteen years,

Believe me,
I’ve cried quite a sea of tears,
Believe me,
I’ve cried quite a sea of tears,

Yes, I regret
If I e’er acted cavalierly
Towards any who sought to love me
With a trusting heart,

Believe me,
I’m not so proud of my past,
Believe me,
I’m not so proud of my past.
'Yes, I Regret' was written - and recorded as a song - in 2017, with new, autobiographical lyrics tacked onto a melody sketched out on piano when I was about 24.
788 · Jun 2017
But A Love Now Long Gone
Carl Halling Jun 2017
One summer’s eve in Spain,
I fled through an open window,
Butterflies aflight
In the very pit of me,
And I tramped the streets,
My heart abrim
With such a love,
But a love now long gone.

With my final matches,
I forged a heart
At that maiden’s doorstep;
I was like a thief,
On that torrid night,
My heart abrim
With so much love,
But a love now long gone.

And what of the maiden in azure?
O! What an inferno raged
Within my soul for her,
But that love
Never bloomed beyond a dream,
My heart abrim
With such a love,
But a love now long gone.
'But a Love Now Long Gone' was written in late June 2017 as a translation of a song, originally penned in French around 2013, itself based on an earlier - autobiographical - song dating from when I was about 19.
Carl Halling Jul 2016
In every case, there is a sorrow
Attached to advancing age,
And the decline attendant upon it,
Decline physical, mental, emotional,
In every case, there is a sorrow.

But somehow, there is a special sorrow,
In the pathetic tears
Of an ageing man,
Looking back at the thousand plus follies
Of a stupidly misspent youth,

But somehow there is a special sorrow,
Attached to those who look back
With eyes filled with the tears
Of fathomless and torturous regret,
And of promise unfulfilled.
'In Every Case There Is a Sorrow' is a recent piece, patently inspired by one of those periodic bouts of, well, sorrow, to which I'm subject, but with which I am at present unable to identify.
779 · Jul 2017
Soon, I'll Sleep Again
Carl Halling Jul 2017
Soon, I’ll sleep again,
I will feel no pain,

For a little time,
Peace will be all mine.

My mind will seek
Freedom from the past,

I’ll be carefree,
Although it will not last.

Soon, I’ll sleep again,
I will feel no pain.
'Soon, I’ll Sleep Again' dates from 2017, beginning life as a song which evolved by degrees into the versified piece featured below, and which accurately reflected my state of mind, even while my mood ultimately lifted.
768 · Aug 2015
Left Me Once Again
Carl Halling Aug 2015
Love, you've left me once again,
Gone to catch an early plane,
Where you gonna fly this time,
In search of the perfect clime?

I am the one you leave behind,
Worried out of my tiny mind,
I was the one who saw you through,
I need your care and loving too.

Love, you've left the happy home,
You've pledged your solemn word you'll phone,
But I would rather you were here,
You've no conception of my fear.

Halfway across a crazy world,
Is no place for such an unknowing child,
If only you could see me cry,
Then maybe you'd stop to wonder why.
"Left Me Once Again" was written as a song in 2003, but never recorded, having been inspired by the true life adventures of a beautiful young English backpacker of the mid 2000s.
Carl Halling Jul 2015
Soon after I'd paid
My sixty
Or seventy pence,
I found myself
In what I thought
Was a miniature London.
I saw girls
In chandelier earrings,
In stiletto heels,
Wearing evening
Which contrasted with
The bizarre
Hair colours
They favoured:
Jet black
Or bleach blonde,
With flashes of
Red, Purple
Or green.
Some wore large
Bow ties,
Others unceremoniously
Their school ties
Round their
Eye make-up
Was exaggerated.
The boys all had
Short hair,
Wore mohair sweaters,
Thin ties,
Peg-top trousers
And winklepicker shoes.
A band playing
Raw street rock
At a frantic speed
Came to a sudden,
Violent ******...
Melodic, rhythmic,
Highly dancable
Soul music
Was now beginning
To fill the hall,
With another group
Of short-haired youths...
Smoother, more elegant,
Less menacing
Than the previous ones.
These well-dressed
Street boys
Wore well-pressed pegs
Of red or blue...
They pirouetted
And posed...
Pirouetted and posed.
751 · Oct 2015
Sense of Me in the Past
Carl Halling Oct 2015
I was sad today;
Because you begged me
To think of your good points,
And I never told you any.

Rest assured there are many,
Very many, I would have liked
To have told you them
There and then.

I tell you so much about my past,
Quite a lot of which is conflictive,
As if several mes
Were struggling for supremacy.

Much of the time,
There was a pretty normal me;
Oh don't get me wrong,
I was always an attention-seeker,

But I really do genuinely struggle
To make sense,
I really do genuinely struggle
To make sense of me in the past.
"Sense of Me in the Past" originally emerged from what I think was an email sent to a friend, being ultimately turned into a piece of writing, which only emerged in definitive form today, which is to say, the 3rd of October 2015.
740 · Jul 2015
For Something I'd Done
Carl Halling Jul 2015
I was in a ****** bar,
Or public house,
Being threatened,
For something I’d done.
Darting furiously…
Through city streets,
Running, running,
For something I’d done.
My companion hailed,
And stopped a bus,
Its metal doors flew open,
For something I’d done.
Had to get to them,
Had to get through them,
Under furious pursuance,
For something I’d done.
Taken from diary notes from 15/9/14, but inspired by a dream.
738 · Jun 2015
A Cambridge Lamentation
Carl Halling Jun 2015
This place is always a little lonely
At the noise and life;
I like solitude,
But not in places
Where's there's recently been
A lot of people.
Reclusiveness protects you
From nostalgia,
And you can be as nostalgic
In relation to what happened
Half an hour ago
As half a century ago, in fact more so.
I went to the Xmas party.
I danced,
And generally lived it up.
I went to bed sad though.
Discos exacerbate
My sense of solitude.
My capacity for social warmth,
Excessive social dependence,
And romantic zeal,
Can be practically deranging;
It's no wonder I feel the need
To escape...
Escape from my own
Drastic social emotivity,
And devastating capacity
For loneliness.
I feel trapped here;
There's no
Outlet for my talents.
In such a state as this,
I could fall in love with anyone.
The night before last,
I went to the ball,
Couples filing out,  
I wanted to be half of every one,  
But I didn't want to lose * * *.  
I'll get over how I feel now,
And very soon.
Gradually I'll freeze again,
Even assuming an extra layer of snow.  
I have to get out of here.
A Cambridge Lamentation centres on my brief stay at a teacher training college contained within the University of Cambridge, with its campus at Hills Road just outside the city centre. A fusion of previously published pieces, it was primarily adapted from an unfinished and unsent letter, penned just before Christmas 1986, but never sent.
Carl Halling Nov 2016
He had no insight into the mysteries
Of the gilded sports
Of the British social elite,
By the time he arrived at his beloved college,
Long, long ago in a long-forgotten England,

And in later years, when he looked back at his beloved college,
He'd insist if he possessed a single quality
That might be termed noble
He owed it to his education,
And not least the four years he spent there,

And there’d be times when certain pieces
Of quintessentially English pastoral music
Still had the power to evoke his strange and sudden flight,
While seeming to him to bespeak a passion
For the Arcadian soul of England that verged on the ecstatic,

And others when he’d dream of a day
He might return to the scene of his flight as if in atonement,
And commune with the soul of his beloved England,
With a passion verging on the ecstatic,
And then put the memory to rest for all time,

For he absconded once...just the once it was...
To avoid being chastised for something foolish he did,
And he finished up wandering, forlornly wandering,
His boots freshly caked with the purest English soil,
Long, long ago in a forgotten field in England.
'In a Forgotten Field in England' was distilled in late 2016 from an autobiographical piece entitled 'Leitmotifs from an English Pastorale', dating from several years earlier, and which will ultimately undergo a process of systematic marginalization, as I no longer identify with it to any degree.
Carl Halling Aug 2015
To see you in the morning,
Be with you in the evening,
To see you here
At every time of day,
Such a simple prayer,
To see you at every time of day.
To hold you when you're laughing,
Console you when you're crying,
Take care of you
At every time of day,
Such a simple prayer
To see you at every time of day.
So tell me why you push me away,
When I've sworn to be
Forever true,
When I've pledged
My pure and simple heart to you?
How can you be so cruel?
To see you in the morning,
Be with you in the evening,
To see you here
At every time of day,
Such a simple prayer,
To see you at every time of day.
"To See You at Every Time of Day" existed initially as a song lyric, penned in 2003.
701 · Oct 2015
And If My Soul Is Crying
Carl Halling Oct 2015
It’s happening again,
Such unbearable pain,
And if my soul is crying
As my heart is breaking, then that’s fine…

I’ve let so many people down,
Lost so many beautiful opportunities
I feel so failed and forlorn,
But is that really such a tragedy?

Perhaps, rather,
It’s a positive thing,
Shouldn’t a true artist be suffering?
At least I’m feeling something…

It’s happening again,
Such unbearable pain,
And if my soul is crying
As my heart is breaking, then that’s fine…
For some time now I've been prone to spells of abyssal sorrow that come, remain for a week or less, and then pass; and I wrote this piece straight from the heart during one such recent spell, although I no longer identify with it.
690 · Jul 2015
Wicked Cahoots
Carl Halling Jul 2015
When he made
his first personal appearance
in the ***** alley
on someone else's rusty bike,
screaming along
in a cloud of dust,
it rendered us all
speechless and motionless.
But I was amazed
that despite his grey-faced surliness,
he was very affable with us...
the bully with a naive
and sentimental heart.
He was so happy
to hear that I liked his dad,
or that my mum liked him,
and he was welcome
to come to tea
with us at five twenty five...
Our adventures were spectacular:
chasing after other bikesters,
screaming at the top
of our lungs
into blocks of flats,
and then running
as our echoed waves of terror
blended with incoherent threats...
"I'll call the Police, I'll..."
Wicked cahoots.
Wicked Cahoots stems a from a story written when I was in my early20s; first seeing the light of day in versified form in 2006.
Carl Halling Jan 2017
I feel a deep, deep sorrow,
As life nears its final page,
The hardship that comes with age,
I simply can’t help but rage,

But somehow, there’s a special sorrow,
In tears cried for love long gone,
In remembrance, suffuséd with pain
Of my lost angel.

I feel a deep, deep sorrow,
In promise that’s unfulfilled,
In youth that has been misspent,
In a life with so much regret,

But somehow, there’s a special sorrow,
In tears cried for love long gone,
In remembrance, suffuséd with pain
Of my lost angel.

Angel, I remember you,
I’ve missed you for so long,
Angel, you belong
To memories,

Angel, when I think of you,
I hear sad romantic songs,
Songs that make me long
For yesterday.

I feel a deep, deep sorrow,
As life nears its final page,
The hardship that comes with age,
I simply can’t help but rage,

But somehow, there’s a special sorrow,
In tears cried for love long gone,
In remembrance, suffuséd with pain
Of my lost angel.
'In Remembrance of My Lost Angel' was written ca. 2016 as a lyric to a song, originally featuring different lyrics, and dating from towards the end of the millennium.
672 · Sep 2015
Such a Short Space of Time
Carl Halling Sep 2015
I love, not just those
I knew back then,
But those
Who were young
Back then,
But who've since
Come to grief, who,
Having soared so high,
Found the
Consequent descent
Too dreadful to bear,
With my youth itself,
Which was only
No, even less time,
A mere moment ago,
How could
Such a short space
Of time
Cause such devastation?
Such a Short Space of Time was based on a few pages of some kind of story or kindred piece of writing I briefly worked on sometime in the 1990s, perhaps 1995, or later, I can’t be sure.
Carl Halling Aug 2015
Dear, I haven't been in touch
For a long time.
The last time I saw you
Was in St. Christopher's Place.
It was a lovely evening...
When I knocked that chair over.
I am sorry.
Since then,
I've had not a few accidents
Of that kind.
Just three days ago,
I slipped out in a garden
At a friend's house...
And keeled over, not once,
Not twice, but three times,
Like a log...clonking my nut
So violently that people heard me
In the sitting room.
What's more,
I can't remember a single sentence
Spoken all evening. The problem is...
"Incident in St. Christopher’s Place" is also known as "A Letter Unsent", because it was based precisely on that, a letter, written to a close friend, almost certainly in the early 1990s, but never sent.
Carl Halling Jun 2015
I remember the grey slithers of rain,
The jocular driver
As I boarded the bus
At Temple Meads,
And the friendly lady who told me
When we had arrived at the city centre.
I remember the little pub on King Street,
With its quiet maritime atmosphere.
I remember tramping
Along Park Street,
Whiteladies Road and Blackboy Hill,
My arms and hands aching from my bags,
To the little cottage where I had decided to stay
And relax between rehearsals,
Reading, writing, listening to music.
I remember my landlady, tall, timid and beautiful.
The origins of "An Actor Arrives" lie in the barest elements of a story started but never finished in early 1980, while I was working at the Bristol Old Vic playing the minute part of Mustardseed in a much praised production of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream. It was originally rescued in 2006 from a battered notebook in which I habitually scribbled during spare moments offstage while clad in my costume and covered in blue body make-up and silvery glitter. And while doing so, some of the glitter was transferred from the pages with which they were stained more than a quarter of a century previously onto my eerie experience indeed.
Carl Halling Sep 2015
Perhaps she lives
In our dreams alone,
She whose face is
By the rays
Of the sun,
While the dansette plays
Some romantic melody,
O how I love
The one
Who lives in my perfect love.

It's so strange,
The morning comes,
And there are tears in my eyes;
My dream has disappeared,
Lost in the wind of time;
She who looked at me
With such tenderness,
While the dansette played
Some romantic melody
O how I love the one
Who lives in my perfect love.

Memories leave me in peace,
O my past,
Where did you flee,
My golden youth,
All squandered,
All gone,
My thoughts torment me,
Precious faith, please
Comfort me,
For what is my life
Without you.

Perhaps she lives
In our dreams alone,
She whose face is
By the rays
Of the sun,
While the dansette plays
Some romantic melody,
O how I love
The one
Who lives in my perfect love.
"Who Lives in My Perfect Love" is a pretty accurate translation of a song I wrote - in French - when I was about 19, although verse three is a recent addition.
Carl Halling Jul 2015
i'm not seeking an end to this sorrow,
because i feel that feeling as sad,
broken, remorseful as i am
might propel me
to doing something
about changing my existence
for the better, not temporarily,

but permanently.
i want this summer
to be the summer
whereby i effectuate this change,
effectively return to the world
from the shadowlands
in which i've existed for so long.
Adapted from diary notes from 16th-17th March 2014.
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