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Aug 2016 · 610
Iris Nyx Aug 2016
Against her breath
Ashore the rocky mountain sides
You appear in scattered variants

In the sticky four confines
And well sufficient speaker of lectures
You appear as a whole

But so in a fit of desperation
And sad clenches of my own chest
That call my name and tug at my hair

Up here
You are away

Tucked quietly in between
My few free seconds and downtimes

Even when you show amidst my days
I do not claim a desire

Even in the hours
That you have my every fiber captive

Even in the sunken pillows at Midnight
That sag from weeping

And in the sickness that surfaces by day

In the quiet seconds and the louder ones
I know that you and I lay to rest

Below the bustle and quiet
Of our city noise

And rest there
Peacefully so
Mar 2016 · 527
March 5
Iris Nyx Mar 2016
And so dawns
An age of pain
And uncertainties
And tears

But never will the great land forget
Those aches that rattle in her core
They are scars that will remain
For the grand sunrise of tomorrow
Feb 2016 · 505
Happy Parallels
Iris Nyx Feb 2016
It is eagerly that I prepare
Turning out lights and *******
Setting aside the following days necessities
And brushing my hair

My heart dances when I see
The black sheets and tossled comforter
Against the matte sky peaking through my window
I sit and sink
Into the noisy springs
And flattened pillows

And almost immediately I descend into
Another bed of another life
In my desperate mind

And it is then that I forget
I'm between the sweet haze of otherworldly dreams
And among the vibrant feelings and happy ventures
The dull muted droll of my own life

And in the blue mornings
As I wake to chronic angers and patient responsibility
Inevitably the cloak of heavy unsatisfaction and disappointment
Settle onto my shoulders

And as before I carry on with my day
Counting the seconds
And blissfully dreaming
Of the bed that waits for me at home
I've started dreaming again, and just like that I never want to wake up
Feb 2016 · 1.9k
Iris Nyx Feb 2016
It is eagerly that I prepare
Turning out lights and *******
Setting aside the following days necessities
And brushing my hair

My heart dances when I see
The black sheets and tossled comforter
Against the matte sky peaking through my window
I sit and sink
Into the noisy springs
And flattened pillows

And almost immediately I descend into
Another bed of another life
In my desperate mind

And it is then that I forget
I'm between the sweet haze of otherworldly dreams
And among the vibrant feelings and happy ventures
The dull muted droll of my own life

And in the blue mornings
As I wake to chronic angers and patient responsibility
Inevitably the cloak of heavy unsatisfaction and disappointment
Settle onto my shoulders

And as before I carry on with my day
Counting the seconds
And blissfully dreaming
Of the bed that waits for me at home
I've started dreaming again, and just like that I never want to wake up
Feb 2016 · 2.2k
I'm not gay
Iris Nyx Feb 2016
When I open my mouth
And words stumble out
the wrong ones
bring my pride down south

"I'm gay"
I say
every time, every day
every way

And then I speak up
and clarify
"Well, actually
I'm bi"

I hope my shame is as discreet
I hope one day I can say it clear
"I'm bisexual, isn't that neat?"
And I hope it is so this year
I've always has a problem saying Bi instead of gay
I've internalized this sense of biphobia
because I'm ashamed of the stigma attached to the word Bisexual
and I work every day to get rid of that timidity
Feb 2016 · 533
Iris Nyx Feb 2016
I strolled down Teeter Avenue
A sway in my step
A tug at my cheek
On the way to the bridge

The green fought through prison stone
And the clouds filled in my umbrellas shift
The waters below were singin'
Such a beautiful song

I took off my jacket
And set it aside
On a gay, tattered bench
An omen no one could hide

I took up a step
Into levels so free
And flung to my death
All while you watched me
Feb 2016 · 529
The Only Relief
Iris Nyx Feb 2016
It is when I lie defensless
That I reach the top - the peak
Of the only pleasant feeling.
It is that of my beautiful nightly affairs
That I do so crave each second I breathe

But as I stir
Waking to a morning
Quite the same as the rest
I chase the faint flicker
Of my sweet midnight endeavors

I struggle to cling
To the faint fading feeling
Of such wanderlust
Such joy
Red hair that I was enamored with

When I have opened my eyes in full
And let the sorrows of today
And yesterday sink in
The memories skitter away forever

And I'm left to haul another day
Scraping the rugged mountainside
Overlooking the pain of collected rubble
Shoving its way under my fingernails
To reach the sweet escape

On the very top once again
Feb 2016 · 988
Ask Before You Fall in Love
Iris Nyx Feb 2016
He came to me
A shining man
Metallic swords
And endless chance

Paddling white horse
A silhouette in the beating sun
Golden rays brushing his shining sleeves
A dream unable to he undone

He offered his hand,
And off we danced
Twirling in the setting sunlight
Dipping and leading into the nights ascent

Under the sweet navy sky
Freckled with quivering white stars
In between the dark shadow trees
I fell in love, so hard and so high

Follows a morning sun
A valley of color and life
Noise, and time and sense resume
The perfect lovers day

But looking over
On the sweet sweet grass
He is not lying at the end of my love
He is walking to his mule

Wearing tattered clothing
His sword a gnarled rotting stick
Anything but shine
Anything but charm

"You are not my Prince"
I say to him
"I never said I was"
Feb 2016 · 600
Oh, Mommy
Iris Nyx Feb 2016
Squeeze my hands and pinch my cheeks
Walk me to the bus stop and take me to the park
Lets watch some movies and visit the creek
Lets talk until the sky is dark

Oh, Mommy, please don't raise your voice
Please don't say those words
Do you really think my character is ugly?
Do you really think my mind is absurd?

Oh, Mommy, please don't say I'm useless
Please give me a hug
Please don't send me to that stranger
and please don't throw our mugs

Hey, Mom, come
Listen to my teachers
the way they sing my song
listen to them brag about me
on and on and on

I'm so sorry, Mother
Do these A's need be higher?
Do I need to cower harder
Convince the world that you are not a liar?

Tell them I'm a bad girl
that I don't deserve your love?
Convince them I'm a hellchild
Or need it be more than that above?

Will then you take my hand and squeeze my cheeks?
Can we go to the park and visit the creek?
Can you walk me to the bus stop and talk all night long
Can we watch movies and pretend you didn't do anything wrong?
Jan 2016 · 322
Waiting to Leap
Iris Nyx Jan 2016
How strange it is
To bear witness
To see inside
Someone's mind

But how stranger it becomes
When the mind
Has stagnated
In one single place

For so long
Sep 2015 · 605
Tired tired
Iris Nyx Sep 2015
After a battle
I lie
And fearful

That this is only the beginning
Of the long war to proceed
That I will have to fight
So much more

For my sanity
For my right
For my happiness
For everything

But at that moment I cannot move a muscle
I can barely bat an eye
My heart is numb
My throat dry

My drive - absent
And my will
To keep fighting
So small
I'm so tired
Of fighting
Sep 2015 · 648
All at Once
Iris Nyx Sep 2015
It's scary when you find
These thoughts
These emotions
So extreme

And you've seen them represented
You'd think you would recognize them
But you don't
You don't

And then you start to think
Thoughts that aren't rational
Things that aren't real
But you think them anyway

And you start to wonder what blood
And death
And true peace
Tastes like

You wonder
They wouldn't miss me
They would move on
But that doesn't make me sad
I'm going
Sep 2015 · 562
Iris Nyx Sep 2015
A phantom throb
Through a pumping vessel
And I wait


Wait for the surge
But it doesn't come
It's only the ghost of what was

And the unborn fetus of what is to be
But in this moment
There is nothing

No throb
No surge
No twitch
No sob

Just an *****
That sits still
Moving naturally
In gentle ease

A dangerous feeling that lures
To the metallic shine
Of otherworldly deeds
That I would never consider otherwise

But when the stillness passes I am reborn again
Through with waiting for the moment of truth
Until we meet again
the feeling is like waiting for a hiccup that doesn't come
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Iris Nyx Sep 2015
I can't stop moving
I'm restless but weak
I can't stop

I can't feel my legs
Or my fingers
I can't breathe

I can't see straight
My head is whirling
My stomach is empty

But I can't eat
I can't move
And I cant stop moving

I'm screaming
But also I can't speak
I'm gasping

Because again; I can't breathe
And I can't think
And I can't function
And I can't be good

And also I can't
This way
I can't

They've been coming more often.  I hate it.  So much.
Sep 2015 · 333
Iris Nyx Sep 2015
Don't tell me to breathe
Don't tell me its okay
Don't stay but dont leave
Don't say there's a way

Don't act like I'm fine
But don't hover and brood
Don't tell me I'm the star shine
But don't tell me I'm ugly or rude

Don't tell me anything at all

There's nothing you can do
Nothing you can say
To slow or brighten or stop
This ******* day

Unless you can fix me
Don't say I'll be okay
Aug 2015 · 281
Iris Nyx Aug 2015
I died that day
And have been dead since
Dead and alive
Rotting inside
Crying every second
With dry eyes

And no one cares
It's ok no one can fix it anyway
And even if they could I wouldn't let them
But I wish they wanted to
I wish

I want the sweet kiss that ends it all
I want cold fingers to take a tight grasp
And snap my life
In two

So that I can crumple to the ground
With a smile and resting eyes
Because I'm finally at peace
Finally I am at peace

If only I'd die
Finally I'd be
Aug 2015 · 801
Iris Nyx Aug 2015


Aug 2015 · 934
Thin Veil
Iris Nyx Aug 2015
A thin white sheet
Flimsy and irrelevant
To everyone but me

Because behind its elegance
I sit trapped
And every joy beyond the flowing curtain
I am never to meet

It's silly to think
Such fragility could be
What conquers and captures
The every feeling and fiber of me

But so it does and so I try
Every brooding day and ghastly night
To thrash and stop and fight
Though I do believe it'd be fairly easy
To just quit

And die
Jul 2015 · 264
I really
Iris Nyx Jul 2015
Am tired of trying
To explain
Iris Nyx Jul 2015
The sentences never flow the way I want them to
Much like my life never goes as planned
Just as my feelings never yeild to mind
Just as I never bow to pain

Don't stop fighting
Jul 2015 · 531
Lingering Dreams
Iris Nyx Jul 2015
The moment the conscious mind wakes
but the haze is still thick
clouding your morning thoughts
where all the tumbling feelings tremble and shake

just before reality takes its hold
and the whole body rises
right before all your fiber realizes
fibs are what youve been told

That is the moment
That is the blissful second
Where I can see your face
adnd hear your voice

And feel your skin under my fingers
and faintly taste you on my lips
that is the second where your smell still exists
That is the time where together we are alive

And then it slips through my fingers
like loose sand
like running water
like old memories

and away you fade
back into my head
back into my soul
back into a place where

you exist

and though I go on about the day
although i still eat and work and play
and talk and laugh and smile
You are still there

Under my searching fingers
on the horizon of my sight
oh so faintly in the air
oh so subtly on my tongue

You are everywhere
Ive always had this dream, this continuing dream
where i live a different life.
and i cant remember what the dreams are about
but i wake up with the same feeling of emptiness
and nostalgia
I wake up after every one of those dreams
missing her
whoever she is
because although i don't know her
i know that in my dreams
i love her
Jul 2015 · 360
Something to Lose
Iris Nyx Jul 2015
I walked alone
but i'd known
so it wasn't that bad

My pockets were empty
and so was my head
Everything was meaningless
every measly word I'd thought or said

But here there was comfort
For no one could steal
no one could make me suffer
Fear wasn't something I could feel

But along the solitary march
I come across a sudden light
vague and distant: a hopeful arch
and suddenly there was reason to fight

And so I named it moon
And I hung it up in the sky
a wondrous glowing balloon
my single solemn ally

And now I sleep in terror
Now I live with dread
Hoping I will never
see the day that it will fade, and fall, and be
May 2015 · 4.1k
Iris Nyx May 2015
Sadness is not just tears
And sobs
And mourning and

Sadness is the bags under your eyes
Because you can't sleep at night
Sadness is the indifferent silence where laughter used to ring

Sadness is empty chore where
Passion used to flow
Sadness is an occupied bed
With no sleeping scheduled

Sadness is the empty glint in your eyes
Where a twinkle used to shine
Sadness is a heavy sigh at
Two in the morning

And two in the afternoon
Sadness is losing interest
In people you used to adore
Sadness is slipping

From life everyday
But still breathing
Sadness is
Not sadness

This Sadness is Depression.
And Depression is dying
While you're still alive
May 2015 · 386
Iris Nyx May 2015
Heavy eyes
Reluctant compromise
Ordinary routine lies
That tear and vaporize

I want to know the why's
May 2015 · 416
Can I no longer feel?
Iris Nyx May 2015
I can feel
Every popping seam
And every tearing stitch
in the fabric of
our intersewn lives

I can feel the dividing powers
Not quite separating evenly
But taking and leaving
pieces of each other

As we go our own ways
Perhaps not in the physical world
Maybe not mentally either
but the implications are as clear as our once pronounced coexistence

Soon we will part
Turn and walk away from
a piece of our dying heart(s)
not feeling much but numb

And the apathy will even out
our gains and loses
so that we dont feel anything
as we break what once was

And despite the strange estrange
Given the warm memories
That leave me now frost with tears
or sadness that it should insinuate

That is not what squeezes me
Thats not what troubles me
It isnt whats left me puzzled
But what is

Is the fact that I am not as
or heavy-hearted
as I'd presumed to be

And oh how much
How much that worries me
I loved you with a fiery passion
In a way im not sure of yet
And now its gone
Someone poured something
over me and now
I cant feel
Apr 2015 · 631
Realizing Value
Iris Nyx Apr 2015
If you wish
You can wait.

Patience I ask
And understanding I plead
I know how enormous the task
So I won't blame you if you leave

I'm sorry I'm confusing
I'm sorry that I love(d?) You
I'm sorry for choosing
Your ears to bear me too

I know that you care
But subelty is not enough
I need someone to declare
Not hearing those words is tough

Im invasive
I need to know the how and why
I may seem abrasive
And I apologize for when I persistently try

But that is who I am
And if you cannot see through
If you cant seem to accept it, well ****
I'll sure miss you
Apr 2015 · 413
Chaos in Question
Iris Nyx Apr 2015
Painting in different directions
Striving towards a painted goal
The chaos works as a nasty infection
In the pure health of the knitted souls

And all because half cannot
Make up her mind
Its seems all her training she's forgot
And her logic nowhere to find

And with each hesitant word
Comes a falling painted chip
To think of its demise would be absurd
How so much damage come from one lip?

Nothing but sky and earth clashing
Winds of desperation thrashing
Calming waters come out lashing
And everything I've ever known seems to be
Apr 2015 · 344
Better Life
Iris Nyx Apr 2015
She dreams in color.
She dreams in red?
The only dreams I seem to have
are ones where I have cried and bled

But those dreams are not dreams at all
It seems
They are the very air I breathe
The very life I live
in the messy words I scrawl

My dreams are the fulfilled
I dream in red
I dream in blue

I dream in new

And those dreams where warmth is internal
Where the sun shines in every crevice
Where smiles exist and
Where I am no loner nocturnal

Those are the dreams
Ah yes
those are the ones
Apr 2015 · 465
Fake light
Iris Nyx Apr 2015
Fabricated Moon
If only I'd seen it soon
Fibbing.  Dance.  I swoon.
Apr 2015 · 858
Alone Again It Seems
Iris Nyx Apr 2015
What marvelous beauty
To that I was so unaware
Came to front and newly
presented an Utopian swear

In the time that my moon allowed
In the time that my mind allowed
my moon to exist
I was incandescently warm

And for months I marveled
Well aware of the fabricated luminosity
That this dear moon shone
But still - I basked in the light

That was granted
And how simple it was
So adjust a pair of gloves
to shield integument from brilliant cadence that was ever so enchanted

And now that the short lived inspiration
At the sound of a syllable has vanished
All my hopeful admiration
has seemingly been banished

And to my honest surprise
A breath of relief
Instead of one of demise
Has looked to proceed
I really thought this was real
I really thought I wasn't alone
But the feeling is all too familiar and I'm okay
I'm not okay but ill continue to breathe
because that's what humans are made of right?
Sterner Stuff.
Mar 2015 · 394
Give Up
Iris Nyx Mar 2015
Stop I tell you
Leave me to the ebony that is my home
Give me to the hungry
Curling fingers that bekon I say
Only a smaller ways, Iris
Only a little more

Just give us your whole
Give us the hope and we will give you peace
Give in to the thoughts that thrash
For attention
Give in the the shadows that are aching
Aching to hold you

Nobody cares
And that's okay
Give in
Stop fighting
Stop trying

Because you cannot win
Mar 2015 · 368
Iris Nyx Mar 2015
Everything that has come to light
And spirals
******* up the game pieces
Blocking the Sun

A paradox that waltzes
only to stop and reveal broken kneecaps
Harmony that pours from lips of crimson truth
only to turn and divulge a fork against ***** ceramic plates
Beauty that discloses:

Beauty does not exist

And everything that I
That you
have once known crashes
To expose something that I cannot interpret
I can only make sense of the canvas of pretty painted lies
I can clutch to their comfort and close my eyes

But tapping together my glittery slippers
will not bring me home
because home was never home
Home doesn't exist and I
I don't know

What is true


Feb 2015 · 578
I wish this wasn't goodbye
Iris Nyx Feb 2015
I can feel the end
Ripping a new hole in the line of tragedy's
That have made my heart their home
I can heart its steps

As it stomps closer
Threatening my moon
Threatening the ease
And I can do nothing

But sit by
In hot tears
And watch it Pierce my life
With another absence

But it doesn't stop there
It binds together
My stolen treasures
And gives them my joy

Time for the pain
To eat me alive
One again

I just hope this time
I do come back
Feb 2015 · 338
Iris Nyx Feb 2015
I can feel the groans rattle through my hollow stomach
I can hear the even breaths being expelled through my nose
I can feel the heaviness of my eyelids
I can feel my tongue run over my cracked lips
And I can hear my thought sighing in the distance
But my mind cannot
Find my heart
And I don't know if it's
Feb 2015 · 474
Iris Nyx Feb 2015
I lied
In all of my time
In every painful moment
I cried wolf inside my mind

I swore that the pain was
I was sure that I had felt it all
and me being me

So utterly selfish
So undeniably vain
So wrapped up in myself
I was positive

That I had felt it all

I never thought I would feel
What I felt
On that hazy night
When you told me that

My pain
was shared
and oh god
Oh god

If I spent various nights
With hot tears and nauseating guilt
If I spent days wondering if my mother
would still love me

If I wasting years of my life
over something that I had every right to mourn about
oh dear

That means
That you did too
And how on this forsaken planet

how could any god let you
******* YOU

feel the pain
That only terrible people like
Should feel?

If that's the God
That eveyone worships
I want
no part
Feb 2015 · 413
Iris Nyx Feb 2015
I don't understand
How a pair
so Utopian
so astounding
so overwhelmingly faultless
could be such a

distant miss
Feb 2015 · 3.1k
Iris Nyx Feb 2015
everything is wrong
I should be happy
I should be strong

But nothing is right
Even though nothing is wrong
Everything Is Wrong
Oh Everything Is Wrong
Feb 2015 · 972
Iris Nyx Feb 2015
The words are there
The zeal is building
The hunger is crawling to

But when my hands fall to the squares
That will compose my work
My mind falls completely

I need invigoration
From those who I love
But never will I inquire
Never will i pester for the help

But Oh! How the demand grows
And how the hours fly without
Me being one word
One thought

Closer to
The dreams I held when
Could smile sincerity

Oh How Badly
Oh How Severely
Oh How Passionately
I want
Feb 2015 · 518
Painful Rhythm
Iris Nyx Feb 2015
I see the stars
They shine so brilliantly
Against the somber ebony
that is the night sky

In this scene I do find comfort
The mournful abyss calls to me
Whispering promises of felicity
Perhaps that is the reason why

The moons always fade
and the tide always washes in
so strongly that I cannot help it, but
into the unforgiving waves, I fall

I do beseech that I can live
Without the ache
Without the pain
Without the feelings at all
And the wave hits once again
Jan 2015 · 307
Departed Joy
Iris Nyx Jan 2015
You know how you know
you're gone?

When the art you once indulged in
The beauty you once created
The things you once loved

are now things you can't stand
Jan 2015 · 420
Trembles That Corrupt
Iris Nyx Jan 2015
With fear
that stems from the anxious shivers
That drives cold chills
though my skin

And into my head

Water and Oil
Science and Faith
Tradition and Contemporary
Pride and Anxiety

My mind
A selfish melting ***
of nothing and everything
Trying to scream at the same time

I want to devote
but I know it'll bring nothing but
that I don't care to feel again

But how do I live my life
without the affection
that I spend everyday

Tell me
Tell me
Oh, any deity that will come with open ears
Tell me

Jan 2015 · 1.9k
I Try
Iris Nyx Jan 2015
It takes so much to convince myself
that it is okay
That I am not sick
That this is not wrong

But all that hard work
is wiped clean with the hand
that shall remain unnamed

because who am I to say
That being what I am isn't wrong?
They put us down
and down I go

Because there's a part of myself
that believes with every fiber
that to be what I have grown to be

is *wrong
Jan 2015 · 566
Off Colour
Iris Nyx Jan 2015
I woke up shivering violently
and perhaps its for the cold
or maybe from the illness
or possibly I was still tired

But I also woke up on the brink of tears
With a pain in my chest
I cannot be certain
but I suspect its because

I know I will be hurt badly soon
Jan 2015 · 354
Iris Nyx Jan 2015
A moon to me, was brought
A glowing persistence that illuminated
the blithe of my world

And oh did I cherish that moon so
Oh how I cared for it
Oh how I

Loved it
with all that was left of

But the brilliance
that poured from its surface

to nothing
to become only a dark
cold rock

I am sorry, Moon
I am sorry you were not enough
I am sorry I do not love you so
Dec 2014 · 488
Empty Magic
Iris Nyx Dec 2014
It doesn't feel like Christmas
It feels like


it feels like

Dec 2014 · 456
Familiarity Is My Warm
Iris Nyx Dec 2014
I've stepped closer
Into a world unknown
a world I didn't know

And still I don't know if I'm in love
still I can't tell
but what I do know
is that I love you

I care deeply
and your hugs
are . .
your touch
is . .



Dec 2014 · 638
Iris Nyx Dec 2014
I can feel
I can feel
I've felt the sun
I know it's real

I know how to care
how much I do
all for you my dear
all for you

Oh how intense this pain will be
oh how long this hours dread
Please spare me, unknown deity
Forgive all that I've said

Let me slip
into the bottomless void
Let me fall
Please let me avoid

Save me
Don't let me relearn
What I know
Don't let the fire burn

Put it out
with the coldest of waters
replace it with even
the evilest of inner monsters

Just please
I pray
Don't let
Me float too far in stray

Please don't
let me sway

I'm aware my gift lives really
as a hopeless bane from above
so please oh please don't leave me to

Dec 2014 · 738
Iris Nyx Dec 2014
Was Strange

but mostly strange

very very

Dec 2014 · 2.2k
Bittersweet Divinity
Iris Nyx Dec 2014
Wrong in every subject
Right in one

Melt the moon
but freeze the sun

Use 12 muscles
to start the gun

If minds were selfless
We'd use 12 muscles
to falter

Dec 2014 · 432
Forbidden Moments Begin Now
Iris Nyx Dec 2014
I dont want to use the same words
that every love struck poet in this world does
The words are not nearly as extraordinary
as the passion that is starting in me

For you

then all at once
is right
oh so true

And that all at once was today
At 1:45
Those glances
That smile

The comment you made
and the giggle I heard
Oh my
That giggle is my weakness

You are my weakness
and my poison
Because it seems that I
Do have the worst luck

In  the end

Because you can never feel
What I feel for you
It can just
never be

So I will sit the same
restraining my need to feel you under my skin
To feel your lips
To hear those three words that will never

Ever escape your mouth
in the same way
they spill from mine

"I love you"

Because, really.

I do
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