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Dec 2014 · 449
A Little Too Much Trust
Iris Nyx Dec 2014
For a silly moment
I felt like it was truly
I was happy

In this doltish second
everything had stopped
I was afraid

For the next moments too
my mouth was a fountain
of truth
and nobody

Not an eye in the stage
could hear
the golden candor
or see the hands of open scars

They shied away from
my literal thoughts
and my honest heart
because they really don't understand

That's alright
It's okay
I could never in a billion eons expect
for anyone

With a PhD in love
or friendship
or psychology
or the human mind

to understand in even the slightest
So I am sorry for spurting
Sincerity that you were not

prepared for
I'm truly sorry that I let you love
a person who will forever be
all alone
Dec 2014 · 907
I'm Not Sorry
Iris Nyx Dec 2014
I didn't understand
because I thought it didn't apply

The disapproval that comes
subtly but surely
from the woman
who raised you

And in so many ways
Because of the person
I have grown to

Because I didnt become a replica
Because I didnt fall a slave
to every
silly idea or claim that bled

From her fangs.
I'm not sorry
for setting my own morals

For finding a part of myself
That I could not
I am not sorry

For growing to be the Hercules
to your
I am not


For being the one to find and point out
the wrong
the wrong
In ever claim of your

Nov 2014 · 2.0k
Why Question?
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I hardly have any time
its so scarce that now
I've cut corners

Like over-thinking
and just like that
I love myself
so much more
Nov 2014 · 260
The Change
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I can no longer sit
and write
with ease

The stories of fear
were so alluring
I could read them
for eternity

But now they're nothing but
a tedious

Reading in general

The words lull me to sleep
and the story makes no
at all

My dreams
have melted away
into a corner of my mind
that I don't dare

                                                           ­                                             touch

Nothing is exciting
Nothing brings me

I can feel the part of myself
that I was so sure of
through my fingers

Being torn away
by the cruel grasp

                                                   ­                                                  of what?

I don't know
but I desperately hold
whats left
with an iron grip

And I fear if I look
at what I have saved
Ill find a handful of

                                                            ­                                          Nothing
Nov 2014 · 353
Is That Love?
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
Gorgeous faces
and beautiful minds
pass me by

Things I look for
in a person
in their appearance
and in their hearts

I find them
and I smile
and daydream
about a potential life
with them.

But when I think of you
all those perfect figures
melt away

I actually
don't know why

But I would choose
your stupid jokes,
your sour attitude
your whole very flawed self

over any
pretty thing
in this world


You tell me;
Is that love?
Nov 2014 · 536
The Angels Sing
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I'm not sure
if I love you
If I ever did
If it was ever real

Because you see
our days were so short
so long ago

sweet yes
and when I lost you
I wanted you more
so much that

I dived into a world of
and only

and for years
years of my short life

I loved

or did I?
Did I love you?
or just the thought of you?

Despite what it means to admit
that there was real passion
and real want
for you

I want it to be true
because then my life
would be

Maybe even

Nov 2014 · 382
Fear greater than I
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I used to think back
to get my fix
of giggly

But now the memories
are faded and worn
pieces of my mind
that are slowly

I love you

I loved you

But now remembering your voice it too hard
on my mind
and too consuming
for my tight schedule.

You hurt me
but with me being who I am
I love it
because that was the small price to pay
to feel the wonders
of love

And with the fading pain
the fading passion
I am petrified
that I will never

ever love again
I love(d) you
Nov 2014 · 400
Faded colors
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I -
I can't remember his laugh.
Nov 2014 · 771
I Was Ready
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I was ready
Two years
countless single-person

Countless late nights
Dozens of dreams
and thousands of thought threads

I was ready
And then you waltzed
out of my life
without even knowing

That you had crushed the chances
and pushed away
a long overdue apology

I'm sorry
I was ready
**I'm sorry
Nov 2014 · 550
Lonely Accompaniment
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I fell asleep for the first time last night
His words
They were the phantom arms
that held me as I slept

That held me together
as I tore at the seams
Unintentionally he healed
a small part

Very small
oh so very little
but there
Nov 2014 · 534
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
You think I laugh at everything
but I'm laughing at myself
For loving you so blindingly
and so much

Your smile becomes mine
Your hugs are gifts from the Gods
that heal me
just for a moment

A moment that I crave every second I breathe
Nov 2014 · 290
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
When I see you
I want to walk the other way
When I hear your voice
I panic

When I feel your hands
anywhere near me
I freeze
Just go away

Stop smiling
like its all good

Stop laughing
like I'm a comedian
stop liking me
as though you love me

Because you don't
and knowing that kills me

Nov 2014 · 2.0k
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
And the tear meets the floor
the sob escapes my lips
My body shudders
my knees give out

I am clueless on whether I should feel
or relieved

I can feel
It is a million times different than before
but its there

My heart is not stone
It beats
not rapidly
not specifically

but its alive
I'm alive
and I love you

Oh dear god I love you
I pray to any god who will help me
help me shed the feeling
I bear for those

That I
Nov 2014 · 451
Numb Hands
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
When life has you on your toes
snapping her fingers
and clicking her tongue
in disapproval

Too much on you plate?
no such thing
and so the pile grows
until you've stretched so thin

That your physical being
is actually

Melted within the small skull cavity;
blending with the bone;
You mind is long gone
and so is your sanity

But you keep performing
because life
is cruel
and unforgiving

to any
with faults
that break the surface
Nov 2014 · 431
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
Don't you ever get tired?                                             Don't
Don't you ever get tired?                                             You
Don't you ever get tired?                                             Ever
Don't you ever get tired?                                             Get
Don't you ever get tired?                                            Tired

Of being

A *Human?
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
Oh how i love her so


I drown in the beauty
of delusion
the colors
That I bath in

The smiles
That I cause

The image
That I

But its all in my head
because in the real world
sleep is sleep and dreams . . .

Dreams are dead
Nov 2014 · 236
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I was happy
I was happy
I was happy

was I not?

I was happy
I was happy

Or so I thought?

I was happy

perhaps I'm just caught


No,  I wasn't happy
I wasn't
Hello there
Come in
you left and I thought that was that
I suppose not

Glad to have you back
oh so glad
Nov 2014 · 233
I could
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
I could tell you my problems
I could sing you a song
To tell the tales of woe
all night long

I could cut out my chest
and give you my heart
I could wipe away the blood
so you could tell them apart

I could show you the scars
of my own words
or my flaws
I could show you my dead birds

I could disgorge all my thoughts
I could draw you a table
and explain to you my sky
I could do all these things, but you'd never be able

To see
Nov 2014 · 537
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
There's something
Something wrong

The vocals of our winged friends
The beams
The warmth

Its all there
Everything is there
So why?

Why do I want to cry?
Is it back?
Nov 2014 · 290
It's True (?)
Iris Nyx Nov 2014
"I just love you so much"
I said as I read your messages
Those words escaped my lips
without much thought

I am afraid

I am very afraid
I cant have you
Oct 2014 · 593
Iris Nyx Oct 2014
My pretty flower
wont you smile a little more?
Wont you sit with me another hour?
speak to me until your throat is sore?

And with the sweeter of a kiss
I may heal
That burning throat I caused a miss
And the gaping wounds to forever seal

Oh how I wish to hear you tell me
About the bottom of the bottle
or perhaps just the size of a flee
To hear your voice that some many have throttled

The curves of your lips
not those of your hips
make my heart dance inside
the beats that often run, screech and hide

The sound of your giddy laugh
the sweet giggle
something only I could graph
Only I could make your nose wiggle

Hear my voice
and consider my words
Those I haven't spoken yet
Listen to the wishful singing of the birds

My birds
Oct 2014 · 2.0k
A Curious Beauty
Iris Nyx Oct 2014
Your Face is the color of painful secrets
Or perhaps just pain
Your friendliness kills the vicious realm of

Myself that I rule
Your averting eyes scream
And your false smile weeps

Speak to me,
Ms. Agony
Tell me your pain

Let me wash it away
show me the real smile
that hides behind your torment
Iris Nyx Oct 2014
One person

The words spilled out like a guilty confession


It seems that it's just an obsession

Three persons

I feel the inability of my discretion


It seems that non have full comprehension

But not five

Because the fifth pair of ears will be just the same
so here I am
With no air; A dying flame
Stop saying oh
Stop asking whats wrong
If you're not going to help me
fix it
Oct 2014 · 5.7k
Comfort of the Closet
Iris Nyx Oct 2014
The hate the kept me in
The self love that drew me out
The day I built the empire
The day I burnt it down

And all with one phrase:

"As an Ally"

Without hesitation
it slid out of my mouth
the familiar words of similar context

So many people know
And so many people hate
None of them say
That to be like this is okay

Even those who claim to love
Even those who claim to care
Will never help me through this

Not ever would they dare

the door is shut again
but this time its translucent
I'm not hidden
behind the sky so laminate
With hate

Side A hates side B
Side B hates side A
What happens if you
Are part of side
Oct 2014 · 604
Iris Nyx Oct 2014
The words spill out of my mouth
in streams of neat, gold sentences
and heartfelt emotion
And I wait; relieved

The response
is usually silence
from any failed sentiment
to my despair

the most common
the sharpest knife
of them all

Or a nod
which stings even more
so intensely
that my eyes begin to sweat

And so I retreat
into the comforting silence of pretend
pretend that I am alone
which would be a million times better

Yet they wish to know the whisper-worthy
they want to know the reason
and either I give or I don't
but either way
Its futile
At least they're careful
but they don't understand
that special kind of feeling
In vacant land
Oct 2014 · 918
Iris Nyx Oct 2014
A sailboat in the moonlight?
and you?
Would that be heaven?
A heaven just for two?

Not if as you lean
your lips melt into dust
Your eyes no longer gleam
and your hands are quick a must

The sweet breath to stiff command
The gentle touch a rough restraint
A place where sea is the only land
And from my lips a hushed complaint

But the worst is not below the belt
Farther up it lays
Where things are thought and thoughts are felt
I realize in frozen dismay

Cruel hands work their way into my brain
With a whisper and fright
Leaving a black ***** stain
that lurks, mocks and snickers at night

The tears; my only shout
And even then I cringe
Nobody can find out
My cleanliness has singed
Oct 2014 · 325
Iris Nyx Oct 2014
I don't get butterflies when I see you
My heart doesn't skip a beat
I don't smile and fumble for words
I don't get red or flushed with heat

But your nasally laugh is a sweet choir
That brings comforting smiles
I would love to say I'm just a silly girl
When I confess that for you; I would walk a million miles

The way your arms feel
around my waist
I can't describe it; the words don't exist
But in those few seconds I am happy

I don't know if I love you
I don't think I do
I don't want to love you
but I need you to breathe

You love me
I know you do
But that love is for brothers and sisters
sad, yes
but true
Sep 2014 · 414
Aliah And Casimir
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
There are two persons
who grew inside of me
Both of who I'm certain
Will never ever agree

One could grant me guarantee
One could chase away the anger
I wish they could sit and have tea
Find some way they could both keep me anchor

Oh how I love the passion, the fire and the hate
The relief of being who I was meant
The feeling of superiority that's simply great
I just adore being sound and kept but bad and bent

But a human portion knows I am distracted
And strains to help
This person who can pull me out of reaction
call out in screams and yelps

I love both
But their voices overlap
They stunt me from growth
but all the same fill an empty gap

Could it be possible to save each one?
Could I function with two?
I know neither and I know none.
but from the cardinal I love you

And hate you too.
Sep 2014 · 389
Passion or Morale
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
Here there are the beaming smiles
Here there are the ***** jokes
Here, so far away at only two miles
Here the canvas hides the opposing strokes

All shes memorized, and nothing she knows
But to teach her is to chase them away
To drop those who are already foes
I Might as well dig my own grave

And so I carry a heavy question
To chose a side of me
and abandon another
Half of me to no longer be

But stubbornness has an iron grip
And I fear I will never choose
Two voices to one lip
But neither I want to lose
Sep 2014 · 350
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
The words that once held me together
An adhesive of the strongest kind
Now as delicate as a single feather
has left me crumbling, all heart and mind

Their once soft voice has mutated to a raspy scream
Their lovely home is nothing but a painful prison cell
My thin fabric is now a popping seam
From my mountain-top journey; I fell

Always a physical deformity to blame
"It's your glasses, It's the stress, It's the weight"
But the dizzy spells and the migraines are not from where they claim
And some of this anguish is arriving a bit late

I can feel the water filling my lungs
I can feel the iron fingers closing around my throat
I can hear my friends, only they speak in tongues
I can smell the smoke of the burning words I wrote

Nothing is familiar and everything is vague
I can feel my head slipping
into this virus that's worse than the plague
The reason that I have spilled is slowly dripping

I have ceased
She has died and yet I cry for another
Sep 2014 · 423
A Walking Paradox
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
Too prideful to hate
Too heavy to love
Too gifted to hope
This curse form above

The voices they shout
One from in one from out
"Too strong to cry, stand up, don't pout!"
but somewhere inside there's a creeping doubt

Prideful, unapologetic, invincible and high
Isn't this what I want in life?
But there are other things, I cannot lie
Sensitivity, humanity, sympathy, to be rid of strife

Water and oil
They wont mix
but choosing one may spoil
The rest of my life, beyond fix.
Sep 2014 · 582
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
When all the music is only noise
When the words on a page mean nothing
When the content of my own thoughts are pointless
When the voices of loved ones are just bothersome

That's when I know
That's how I see
A low that's lower than low
Is the one place where there is no such thing as "we"
The poems just never come out right anymore.
But its the only way I feel sane
Sep 2014 · 247
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
And then in a moment I can see
She toys with me
But its not an eye opening moment of dramatic realization

because I've always known

Oh that silly Life, she
Making people want to die for no reason
I just love her humor
Sep 2014 · 278
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
It is difficult now
To feel the empty woe in my chest
It is hard to imagine
My tumbling world of insignificant success

The distractions have grown
Covering and Overlapping
But theres is a faint noise in the back of my mind
Its the subtle tapping

"Here I am" It mocks
"Here I am to stay" But I continue to ignore
Hoping maybe one day it'll starve of deprivation
After all: Its food is attention

But I know It isn't gone
I know It won't just disappear
I wish It would leave me be
Things are good now, you see

Except for the little voice that whispers late at night
The one that taps
The one that mocks
I hope he knows, that I wont give in without a fight

But my fight is limited
and smaller it shrinks
I might have a chance
Or so I think
Outside the Stars align
Inside the world is anytihng but fine
Sep 2014 · 198
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
I can't say that I won't stand it
Because I will
I won't say that I can't do it
because I can

I won't say that I am done
Because this ride is never over
I will never say that I will leave
Because I won't

But I will never stop thinking it
oh no
Sep 2014 · 183
Iris Nyx Sep 2014
They whimper
They are scared
They swear to any deity
That they are missing

And perhaps they are
Deep in the crevices of the mind
The darkness has closed in
And no separation can they find

But it spreads
Along the walls, covering the hidden
and finding the departed
And soon it finds the brim

With a giggle and skip
Around and down they all dip
From the glass of amusement they sip
and with a squeeze, it has your entirety in its grip

Now you are truly astray
When you reverse, but you don't
When you try to return,
but it all looks the same now

That's when you know
Not when you're sad
Not when you're angry
But when feeling don't exist anymore

You are lost when you become immune
Aug 2014 · 403
Iris Nyx Aug 2014
They speak of the moment where he whispers
Most of happening fright
In the second where the rein of his sister
Takes you by the dismal night

But through the frequent connections
No one does find the sinister
Even in broad day inspection
The idea is nothing if not frivolous

But for the hopeless victims of the daughter of Nyx
Oh how I do feel pity
Those tortured beyond the ability to be fixed
but to the world, their troubles are so bitty

To find yourself filled with the words in the light of day
Walking with the heavy burden of unseen baggage
To know there is nothing anyone can do or say
Now that is her goal
I usually loathe it when the poets are so mysterious and confusing in their works, but right now I understand why.
Aug 2014 · 403
Never Enough
Iris Nyx Aug 2014
The confidence that I clawed to reach
The ideas so sure, so secure
All the concepts they dared to preach
I honestly believed it was the one and only cure

But where am I now?
In the exact same position as before
And there isn't any other way I know how
I am standing at the last door

Behind it is yet another brick wall
I have no other way to go
I've been beaten to a crawl
and forever I will dwell in such a powerful woe
I honestly have no idea what to do next
Aug 2014 · 367
Only I
Iris Nyx Aug 2014
Genuinely they smile and speak
I know and understand this
but everything inside me is weak
so all their admiration I always miss

And even when I don't
I cannot see
Their kindness simply won't
reach and enlighten me

But still I crave the sweet taste
Of love and affection
Though there is plenty for me to enjoy
I still only feel like a burden, a bother, an infection

The words with no meaning
tumble out of my mouth
I smile and nod, beaming
but not a word I believe

This poem stopped rhyming
I'm tired of finding the words
I'm tired of living my life
I't Tired of the lies I tell myself every day

"You're fine
You look great
You're beautiful
You'll make it out alive
Life is amazing
This isn't forever
You're still yourself"

I'm a flightless bird
A toothless lion
a doe with a broken leg
A plant with no sunlight
A human with no spirit

**And I'm done
Aug 2014 · 507
Know No Lies
Iris Nyx Aug 2014
The thought that flickered
The second that passed
The moment I considered
It could have been my last

It wasn't a hideous joke
Not a wicked, humorous pass
Tears escaped my eyes in an awkward stroke
Maybe that was the answer at last

I would die an exact age
Not a day too young or too old
But that would be my last page?
This be my life for all to behold?

No, not here
Not now
I will not just disappear
Nor to her I will ever bow

Freedom I will taste
Away with fear I will kiss
Under no haste
*I will subsist
Aug 2014 · 956
Iris Nyx Aug 2014
You're free
Aug 2014 · 466
Iris Nyx Aug 2014
Some last longer than others
These silly hobbies of mine
But not one seems to live on
All only there to keep from whine

A ball of yarn
A book of sign
Art supplies and more
but none really seem to shine

Art projects
learning new languages
all these material objects
distracts me from the anguish

The dipping
The dying
The writing
The creating

It takes away the harshest of fears
and makes it easy to be with those I love so dear
It makes every thing a bit clear
and makes my problems seem so mere

But none of it sticks
and none of it stays
my interest in all
is not just delayed

All is temporary
These silly interests of mine
Melting crayons, or knitting beanies
*or thinking it will all be fine
Jul 2014 · 252
Beyond Reach
Iris Nyx Jul 2014
Your baffling dance was my sweet giggle
Your smile was mine
In the light, or in the dark
You were here

I want to dance in the light
knowing that you're right beside me
I want to feel the warmth of your hands
I want to reach out and touch you
Just to make sure you're real

And I do
And you're not

You disappear with the slightest touch
falling into fragments of my strongest dream
Your voice only echos in my mind
And I am alone

I am broken
beyond repair

And Here I Lay
Forced to the ground
Your absence will be the end of me
If I cannot rise
Jul 2014 · 284
White Flag
Iris Nyx Jul 2014
Books are not an adventure
A pen is no longer a bridge for my thoughts
The rain is not a smile on my face
My mind is currently tangled in knots

The world is not my oyster
and I am no pearl
My goals are boring
I don't want my thoughts to unfurl

The shadows are my home
Their arms are my bed
Their whispers I do love
But all the same I do dread

There's nothing about it
but an exasperated sigh
I've tried every door
I really have, no lie
Jul 2014 · 202
Tired of the Same
Iris Nyx Jul 2014
These words, they echo
They've already been thought before
I decide to feel instead of think
but emptying my mind is such a chore

These tears, they burn
They've already been shed
I cry instead of speak
it's all the emotion I have bled

These feeling, they hurt
They've already been felt
But I don't feel instead of do
Under the fire I just melt
Jul 2014 · 429
Failed Attempt
Iris Nyx Jul 2014
My own decision
my own creation
my own displacement
my own deflation

I thought and
I asked
I was granted and
It passed

It only worsened
I drowned in delusion
I tried and failed
Now I sit in confusion

The thoughts are thicker
for longer
they grow darker
And stronger

My sanity is slipping
My ration is shrinking
My thoughts are repeating
And I never stop thinking

Jul 2014 · 460
Iris Nyx Jul 2014
Just outside my reach, it lingers
giggling promises and showing me its sun
If I could only stretch out my fingers
I would swipe it and run

Just its simple existence
Knowing it can truly be real
And at such a short distance
Its warmth I can already feel

It brings me a smile
Pushing away the inconveniences
even if its only for a while
Even if for only small instances

I beg for this to be what is seems
Please  no more lies
I plea to let me have just one of my dreams
I have been stricken down once more, but please oh please
**Let Me Rise
Jul 2014 · 9.2k
Iris Nyx Jul 2014
Your acknowledgement, your praise
The words I've wanted to hear for years
The daydreams that put me in a daze
All the hate settled upon my mirrors

I understand that this is all owed to desperation
I understand you have never felt what I once did
And this very strange fixation
Is because; my insecurity you do rid

They may all be lies
Fibs to which I would never succumb
But, from the despair and fear, you've shielded my eyes
and I no longer feel numb

You have not healed me
I am far from this
But I feel free
From All the painful reminisce
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Old Trust
Iris Nyx Jul 2014
I thought to see your name on my screen
I thought to hear your voice
I thought seeing you would mean
My feelings would rejoice

But seeing your name only made me cringe
Hearing your voice made me grind my teeth
Seeing your face made me want to singe
And I got to see whats really underneath

But I thank you, I do
Mr. "I still love you"
For the assurance you granted for me to know
That without your approval, I can still be **whole
Jul 2014 · 252
Iris Nyx Jul 2014
The only thing worse than bottling up the sadness
the anger
the frustration
and the pain

Is having many people be aware
but knowing in your heart that
not one of them really care
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