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430 · Apr 2017
And now she breaks.
Yusof Asnan Apr 2017
Over encumbered by burden,
She finally breaks down.
Screaming every pain and sorrows,
That had cling to her very soul.

Now she lay there helpless,
Feeling as vulnerable as she could ever be.
With questions of how it should be ...
Easier to just die.

Hang on mom, we're gonna help you get through this.
426 · May 2018
Yusof Asnan May 2018
Don't keep it in.
Open your wound.
Let it bleed.
Feel the pain.
Cry it out.
Feel all the hurt
So tomorrow; you

425 · May 2018
Yusof Asnan May 2018
After all these
He still have a
positive outlook
on this life.
Because no matter
how many times he
He would never
stop trying.
Because someday,
It's gonna be

423 · Oct 2017
Yusof Asnan Oct 2017
Our life is like a fly,
All gathered for some junk,
Buzzing around in a crowd,
Never staying on one focus.

A little shake;
Everyone is in uproar,
Angrily circling around,
Coming from thousands of directions.

They fly away when scared away,
Only to sneak back when unseen,
Until one day when least expected,

420 · May 2018
Yusof Asnan May 2018
She chose to help
others against
pursuing her
She take care of
the weak.
She's like the
guardian of the

402 · Aug 2018
Yusof Asnan Aug 2018
Even in my sleep,
My soul searches
for you

400 · Aug 2016
Beyond my reach.
Yusof Asnan Aug 2016
Your words pierced through us,

Like a clear glass splitting us worlds apart,

You are there right in front of me,

Yet you couldn't even hear me calling for you,

As tears shed your eyes,

You mouthed the three words I've been dying to hear,

Never had I smiled so widely yet felt sad at the same time.

395 · May 2018
Fallen angels.
Yusof Asnan May 2018
You wondered why
you keep finding
broken angels
All so scarred
and yet deserved
to be loved.
But they keep
putting walls so
high to prevent
people hurting
You forgot, they
weren't supposed
to be down here
in the first

394 · Dec 2017
Yusof Asnan Dec 2017
He would view back all her photos every night,
To remind himself how lucky he is.
Also, to make his dreams as good as his reality.

393 · May 2018
Yusof Asnan May 2018
She stayed,
Not because she's
Because she's
still scarred of
being left.

391 · Feb 2020
Flower in the other garden.
Yusof Asnan Feb 2020
There is always this flower,
Ever so beautiful, Ever so lovely.
A flower that grows just right for my soul;
But a flower in someone else's garden.

I'd water her,
Each time I passed her by.
She grows no thorns to my skin,
Delicate to her very core.

But as she is beautiful,
Often attract other passersby.
They too would try to nurture her;
And often too she would fall for them.

How could I even save a flower;
That was never mine in the first place?

I've been away from writing for so long just simply because I was avoiding most interactions with my soul. but this flower made me want to feel. made me want to write countless thoughts about her.
391 · Jun 2018
Yusof Asnan Jun 2018
Let's pretend
that I can be
Let's pretend
that we're not
Pretend that we
are not arguing.
Remember only the
good times.
The moments that
we felt complete
with just each
Because it only
matter what you
choose to see.

387 · May 2018
Yusof Asnan May 2018
Sometimes you
just gotta paint
it black and
start a new life.

Yusof Asnan May 2016
At times ,
I thought about how the glass will hold long,
Those cracks are not getting any smaller,
Those things you see beyond will be your killing,
Being able to see them everyday but could not even reach for them.

When those glass breaks,
I'm not sure which would hurt you first-
By the dangers you've been seeing from inside,
Or by the glass shards falling from above,
I do not know.

As for me,
I will keep taking care of you; even from the outside,
I will cut those thorns that might tangle you,
And i will keep fixing those cracks.
Even when you're no longer living

For the flower in the glass.
384 · Nov 2017
Yusof Asnan Nov 2017
With untold nights which her sleep was unaccounted for.
As her breathing is the only thing alive about her.
Where everything else about her is simply dead.
Lays under the moonlight on her bedroom.
Forced nocturnally to repeat.

None knows of her horror,
As she refused to succumb anybody else to it.
Till her fragile soul could take not another single thread of pain.
And she would then die.
Every night. Every single night.

Come dawn she would rise,
Back from the dead;
From the cold darkness of she would caved herself into.
And that is how she keep fighting.
Surviving day by day with no improvements.

A woman worth the respect;
The appreciation;
And the great length to be with her.
And one should never stop her from herself.
That is how one should help.

382 · Apr 2018
Yusof Asnan Apr 2018
For every time he gave up,
That was his cry for help.

381 · May 2018
Let go.
Yusof Asnan May 2018
It's a beautiful
world if only you
would let go


380 · Aug 2018
Yusof Asnan Aug 2018
You can't begin
to imagine
the feeling
of cultivating
the love
and trust
of the

371 · Oct 2017
Have a drink.
Yusof Asnan Oct 2017
A heart being broken,
A promise made abandoned,
Where did all the good times go?
They all just seem to fade away.

When it all came crashing down,
Have a drink,
It will bring all your sorrows away,
Or at least that's what they say.

Those self destructive thoughts;
And frustrations,
Gone for the night,
But made worse the next day.

371 · May 2018
Yusof Asnan May 2018
He may break you
but I'll save
you, Have faith.


369 · Dec 2017
Knight in shining armor.
Yusof Asnan Dec 2017
There shall come a time,
Where she no longer has to fight alone,
Where she does not even have to fight.
For he would be there with her,
For her.

366 · May 2016
Uncertain memories
Yusof Asnan May 2016
I lay here awake,
After so long.
It was different from before.
There was no rose garden to begin with,
but it was never this bad.

I've seen outside,
But I'm still glad that i woke up,
Something about now makes me feel more alive,
Because finally I'm not feeling sad.

It makes me wonder,
What did i actually left behind,
Was it a certain person or was it the season,
What did i actually had?

357 · Jul 2016
Yusof Asnan Jul 2016
Another day that passed,

Has been another day away from it,

The further I am,

The more painful it is.

I never expected it to be so soon,

For I am not ready yet,

I was never ready for it,

But now its just a memory.

One that is fading,

One that is becoming more distant,

One that I could never move on from,

I never wish to forget.

It's almost 40 days now since he left. You are forever in my prayers dad.
355 · May 2016
The ledge.
Yusof Asnan May 2016
She sits there on the ledge,
With her sanity on the edge,
For the hell that has been set upon her,
Only because she is like none other.

Her heart has been torn apart,
From her very soul,
Being tortured for so long that;
She forgot how to be whole.

The flames first came ever gently,
Only warming her heart,
But as fire's nature to burn,
It's only foolish to think that you won't get hurt.

The fire never stopped rising,
Burning everything that she knows about her past,
The ashes kept building around her
Changing herself to black to red to white ever so fast.

There is one spot that the fire doesn't burn,
And it is only at the ledge,
Others would see her as if she's suicidal,
When actually she's just saving herself.

353 · Jun 2016
The fire's lullaby
Yusof Asnan Jun 2016
Like a fire burning from your very soul,
Your mind trembles to what your skin may touch,
The fire have yet not stop burning,
As if the flames were always a part of you.

351 · Jun 2016
Here I am.
Yusof Asnan Jun 2016
Here I am,
Stuck between miseries,
Even when I found happiness,
I would eventually be blinded on the road ahead,
Or somehow lose balance to either miseries by my side.

I could not shake them off,
Nor that I want to,
Because they are a part of me,
Without it,
I will only be lost.

So here I am,
In between lines,
Still far from where I'm heading,
but I'm still moving.

346 · Aug 2018
Yusof Asnan Aug 2018
And in your eyes,
I see hope.
Not only the
acceptance of the
But the future of

346 · Aug 2016
Die in your arms
Yusof Asnan Aug 2016
You brought her across the world;
Without realising that;
You've dragged her all the way.
Barking her skin and breaking her bones
As you kept holding her hands.

Yusof Asnan Jun 2016
I may have all the wires and fuses to make you explode,

But he will forever hold the detonator and take you anytime he want to.

Yusof Asnan May 2016
Hey little flower,

How could you be so down?
Your petals are all wilted,
Your leaves are curling back to you.

Why did you let it be that way?
You know you can do better,
You deserved happiness even with yourself.

Thank you for showing me that it's possible to live again,
Without you, I wouldn't be here today,
So I'm returning the favor to you.

So hold on just a bit,
I'll help you get through with it,
I'll water you when you're down and take care of you myself.

334 · Oct 2017
Power animals
Yusof Asnan Oct 2017
They come in dreams,
Some in plain sight;
Some are never clear,
But they are never bluffing.

They show you who you are,
Even more than you know yourself.
Just less than what you've already seen.
But they are who you are.

Power animals are just what they means,
Your source of energy;
Your nature when all that you know;
Simply turned to nothing.

Be it deep in your scars,
Or visible for everyone to see.
Because you will know it from within;
That is what you really are.

331 · Jun 2018
Yusof Asnan Jun 2018
Would you accept the hands that hurt you before if it meant to save your life?

326 · Jul 2016
The current world
Yusof Asnan Jul 2016
Welcome to the show,

You have no right for a question,

All you can do is to follow.

Money is your priority,

You must not get yourself broke,

Medias are your examples,

Be whatever they have shown you to be.

You must follow your cycle,

To leave behind everything you gain,

For someone esle to own.

If you ever had a second thoughts,

Alcohol is your answer,

If that doesn't shut those thoughts,

Blast your ears with music till you can hear no more.

324 · Dec 2017
Yusof Asnan Dec 2017
The earth quakes with every footfall he walks out of her life.
- No wonder she was such a mess.

318 · Mar 2018
Balloon for a heart
Yusof Asnan Mar 2018
He tried to be the good.
He tried to make his heart bigger;
For more people to fit in.
Yet he knows not,
His heart only stretches.
Thinner by each passing moments.
Till it burst.
And then he have to rebuild.
316 · Aug 2016
The light in the dark.
Yusof Asnan Aug 2016
Time passing, days closing,
Its that easy to be lost in thoughts.
Guilt crushing, my walls are tumbling,
Left with a bridge I dare not cross.

For a wallflower;
Like you,
Like me,
We don't always fit in.
In the madding crowd,
You'll somehow feel lonely.
Even when you have fun,
You'll start to worry;
Of the lurking darkness,
Always ready to jump on you,
Only waiting to pin you down.

With those fear in your eyes,
You made me believe,
I'm not alone.
Someone out there is also screaming,
Begging to be freed from sadness,
Wishing that the worry would stop,
And here I'm telling you,
You are no longer alone.

312 · Jul 2016
A little time
Yusof Asnan Jul 2016
For every time you sleep,

She's still falling apart,

For every dream you had,

She's still haunted by the memories.

But she had never stopped fixing herself,

For all she needed was time.

She could still feel the hurt,

She held it all in,

Just so you won't see it,

That accepting is better than letting go,

For all she needed was time.

308 · Mar 2018
Try to look back
Yusof Asnan Mar 2018
This world doesn't need bigger guns.
Worry less of the enemies in front,
As they too have families at their back.
Drop your guns, drop your guard.

Set the table with some buns,
And forget about the hunt;
For vengeance, for payback.
Come on, it's not that hard.

299 · Aug 2016
There goes all hope.
Yusof Asnan Aug 2016
Of course I am afraid,
The thought of it trembles my already weakened knees,
I am not sure of which I am more afraid of,
The thought of me losing you,
Or the thought of him winning you.
Either way,
You'd never be mine.

291 · Mar 2016
Yusof Asnan Mar 2016
You are like the ocean waves that kisses the shore,
At times you are destructive;
Running down obstacles in your path even the good ones,
But mostly to yourself,
Breaking bits of yourself every time you encounter something new.

But like the waves also,
You pull away when you've given your all,
Only to come back to bring some more.
You are like the current that goes against so many will,
But those who knows you will learn to follow your flow;
In order to stay with you.

But you should never stop being who you are,
Some might not like the waves,
Some might even make barriers to break you..
Never stop,
Because there's always a surfer that is more than willing to ride you;
Till the very end.

291 · Dec 2017
At times.
Yusof Asnan Dec 2017
At times,
Most of the time,
The man's love are only words.
Only because him,
Unable to show his actions.
But the love is true,
It is real.

290 · Aug 2016
Just stay.
Yusof Asnan Aug 2016
There's no need of a love poem,
Or a great love song,
No sweet texts or midnight calls,
Just read my eyes,
And stay with me,
Hear my voice,
And listen to my tones.

See the difference when I'm talking with others,
And when I'm talking with you.
There's just no words that I can use to make you understand.

When I'm with you,
Life is just so breathtaking.
So excuse me when I ran out of air talking with you,
That's only because you're the only one that can make me feel that way.

So while I'm still here,
Let go of the things that doesn't matter,
And just stay with me.

285 · Mar 2018
Yusof Asnan Mar 2018
No, my mind is like a house.
Not just walls surrounding me,
But with roof and basement.
I kept throwing words into the basement.
Sorrows packed along with anger.
All down there.

The more i kept locked,
The less i worry and lived on.
Slowly the words crept through the floors.
But i didn't get rid of it,
Just moved myself to upstairs.

Those words formed itself.
Some being with all I'm scared of.
I locked myself in a room and try to be safe.
I got to admit, I'm just emotionally scared.
It kept knocking, banging on the doors ;
The walls and the floors.

It knows no stop nor do I know its weakness.
As I've never faced it before,
Never tried to learn about it.
And now it's claiming its territory.

The door slowly cracks,
Bit by bit I'm shaterred from within.
All i can hear is its voice.
Wanting to get out,
Wanting to be in control.
Until it got in.

279 · Apr 2018
Yusof Asnan Apr 2018
How is she supposed to feel the right to live;
When each beat of her heart felt so wrong.

263 · Feb 2018
Yusof Asnan Feb 2018
A goal once to be remembered,
To be told stories of;
To be immortalised.
Now slowly losing purpose and value.
And soon shall he slipped of from memories;
From their life.

249 · Apr 2017
Her skeletons.
Yusof Asnan Apr 2017
She covered her skin,
But she still feel naked.
Head wrapped with a shawl,
Everyone can see her hair.
She was an open book,
Every move she makes in every page.
They know her curves-
They know her lines.
From eyeliners-
To shoe size.
It was all noted down-
All recorded.

Do they really know her?

Do they know she cries herself to sleep?
How much time on the mirror for the right make up?
How many texts blowing her phone about objectifying her body?
How many insults on how how she portrays to be?
How many hours she spent thinking what's missing from her?
How many hurtful comments on how she would never understand just because she's beautiful?

She will always turns head,
But she only need to turn one heart.

The one that makes all those expensive care seems worth it,
One that could make look forward to the next day,
One that could make her feel good on her fashion efforts,
That accepts her regardless of what mood she is in.

249 · Aug 2016
A few steps more.
Yusof Asnan Aug 2016
Hold that pen a little longer,

Write about it some more,

It may seems like you're holding your own noose,

But its better than to let your neck do the holding.

248 · Mar 2018
Picking the pieces
Yusof Asnan Mar 2018
When he fell down,
He was left to pick himself up alone.

Despite of how many helps he gave.

233 · May 2018
Yusof Asnan May 2018
Showing us what
we want to see.
But it should
show us what we
needed to see.

220 · Mar 2018
Yusof Asnan Mar 2018
He was not angry.
For that he was angry;
But only to himself.

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