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Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
A dark brown swirling expanse of ocean of unknown my eyes behold,

But to make certain the uncertainty I trap it in the prison of a cup...
I try to see beyond the shape of the watery brew...but with no success...

So when the sinister opaqueness tugged too much at my curious mind... I added sugar to make it seem sweet... But when the sugar melted and disappeared into the abyss... The tugging anxiety returned to me again...

Could a little lemon or some cardamom make it a bit assuring?
I knew not...

Thus, I sat transfixed at the mysterious vapours rising from the depths of the ocean... which I know for sure my heart can never reach!
So often we ponder the reasons behind the situations we fall into...Why did it happen to me? Why did I have to cry? Such are the questions we ask ourselves...But very often we never get the answers... So it is better to give it a rest because some situations have too many reasons that are beyond our ability to decipher! Inspired from a cup of tea! Thank you so much for reading...! ❤
Veritia Venandi Jan 2021
Sunrays peep in through imaginary windows...
The heart of the canopied forest
beats a deep throb of chlorophyllic pulse,
Invisible organisms wait in hiding,to smell my odour
The wet ground tries to take me in...dragging me deep into it.
This place always makes me blurry eyed,
Even today as tears run down my cheeks,
The sunlight refracts against them weaving for me a rainbow of psychedelic hues!
Amber memories hanging by the barks makes me weary of my thoughts...
But just then when I take a step to touch them, I hear footsteps coming behind me...
A quick run and a hide...I see him moving upto the exact spot where I had left behind my candid footmarks,
I feel a tingle when he touches them calling out to me with a cracking voice...
And yet I choose to remain in hiding, feigning oblivion much like the way the oceanic storms do in order to take down the will of the mighty ships.
If only I had sunk deep into the centre of the earth,
I would never had to be the mistress of this strangest potion of a feeling, one that just blends longing and feigning perfectly into one!
Some kind of pains are like the fires of hell
You never want to be burnt alive...
I strain my ears trying to hear him out, the farest sounds return to me amplifying a hundredfold, yet all that lingered in the air was a human silence.

Maybe he had understood my dilemma,
My resolve of not wanting to see his tender face again
The fear that once again my petrified heart would be cast away from the spell... That it would set me free...
All I wanted now was a locked space for myself and my heart.

Once out of my hiding place, I ran, stumbling, up to the place where his footsteps had frozen in a previous time.
Touching the place, I could not contain myself
It was my turn to call out to him, only but in a voiceless language!
A fictional write. Some feelings are so complex that it tries to tear apart our simple souls.
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
But even before I could express myself...
He left the city without trace!

But my heart found him out, and wrote letters...
Singing ancient songs of admiration...!

And he replied with black letters of condemnation aiming to break my heart...

But what the girl inside of me did?
She *bowdlerized his sour letters...
Into letters pouring love and honey and slept with them day and night...!

Was it a budding poet's heart that did so or a lover's heart I could not fathom till this day...!
Today for the first time I decided to take BLT's word of the day challenge... It was fun... Thinking of a way to engage the word into a poem... I just thank everyone who will be reading this! Gratitude ❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Her neck was adorned by a neckpiece of unique memories trapped in ancient amber...!

For aren't some moments too worthwhile to be forgotten by the mind....

Yet too heavy a price to lose from the heart?
Just something random!
Thank you for reading! ❣
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
Greatness lies latent in wisdom...
The wisdom which foretells that ambrosia is but a mirage which disappears upon the verge of discovery!
The trail for the invisible is like a mist that can be felt on the skin but never embraced by your heart...
For ambrosia is that which hides in every shadow of the grasslands... And which breaks open in rocks a world of tomorrow...!
Ambrosia is poured in droplets to which the peacock dances in thanksgiving...
The wind spills ambrosia into the ***** of nature... Spreading fragrance in eternal directions...
The sun of the morning and the moon of the night dances to the tunes of ambrosia...!
The shaky hands of the old man and in the sprinting hands of the young, does ambrosia weave fables of a forgotten history... and an uncertain mystery.
Why do you then seek for it?
The thing that you seek is your one thought away...
Unlock the wisdom that gurgles in forbidden caverns of the cave of your life...
Seek that wisdom...
For in the very act of seeking that...
You would have found Ambrosia!
If we had realised the real meaning and resting place of Ambrosia, the world would have been a much better place!
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
How easy it is to say:

"A mirror broke into a hundred pieces"

What if it was your 'heart'?

How simple it is to say:

"The hunter trapped the deer"

What if you were the 'victim'?
Putting yourself in others shoes is a hard task indeed.
Thanks for reading!❣
Veritia Venandi Feb 2021
We have never met, never touched,never tried to get close to each other...
Our love was symbolised only as intimate conversations made from across the two ends of the universe...

The world as well as my 'beloved matter' were always baffled by so mysterious a romance...
And so one day when I could no longer carry my secret...
I sobbed out only to be consoled with so much invisible affections in return:
"I am antimatter, honey, separated we hold the cosmos, united we annihilate each other in a blinding flash of light into nothingness... "

And so we remained so very in love,every passing moment continuing to intrigue the world until the end of time!
The universe is a cosmic drama of unconditional love! ❤Thank you for reading this! :)
Veritia Venandi Oct 2020
Once upon an asphalt road, under a starry sky and in the midst of a desert...

I was walking towards infinity...

And then as if from another dimension,
A stranger appeared on a familiar bicycle
With a face veiled like the darkness of the night...
And began to accompany my wandering soul...

We talked of all things that the heavens would permit,
And in a way that our sounds would forever leave behind their stains in the fabric of time...

He was neither a friend nor a foe, neither a kin nor a lover...

He was just  like what a page is for a poet, or a guitar for a musician...

A vessel for the unknown that I was to experience...

Once down the asphalt road under a starry sky...

On my journey towards the infinity...

I was glad atleast my heart was

That I had a stranger for company!
This poem is about a dream I saw...few months ago. And it was pretty weird. How our mind craves for somebody to understand us that sometimes even strangers seem to be enough!
Anyways, Thank you for reading this! :)❤
Veritia Venandi Dec 2020
Aesthetic winds gush towards me trying to feel my chaotic mind
Marooned in a bohemian garden, in a paradise of timely blossoms
Lit by the bright winter sun and sweeped by an aromatic strangeness
I ponder about the hundred memories of once upon a love...
Playing hide and seek amidst the crevices of my soul
The manifold petals seem to narrate stories of my own past,
The many likes of which had already detached themselves from the leafy branches
And have made the ground their home.

Looking back it seemed time never gave me a chance to get close to him
Like distant blossoms my love bloomed,spread it's fragrance and losing hope finally dissolved into the ever consuming soil...
How sad it is that my love remained nothing more than a series of fleeting memories!

Perhaps the blossoms and my heart, being of one origin took to the same path of transiency
With the seasons it rolled and changed colours...
With time it wrinkled and faded...

This lonely winter day
I hereby revisit the fragments of my yesterday...
Perched like a bird, high atop a lonely branch of a blossom watered by a thousand deep reaching roots of tugging memories!
It seems I am neck deep in a sea of memories! Gratitude for reading this❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
True love is like a boomerang...

No matter how far it goes away...

Eventually, at the end of the day:
"It will return to you! "
Reflections :)
Thanks for reading this ❣
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
On that day...
In that place...

Began the dramatic chain of events...

Which we later learnt to call "Life"...!
Sharing some random thoughts about the day we open our eyes to the light! Thank you for reading! ❤
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
You entered my life like a breeze...
Gentle and promising...!

But left like a gale...
Brutal and vain...!
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Since the day, the wispy clouds and the blooming flowers had taught me to love...

I had so much longed to cross the bridge that leads to your house...

But now, when I have crossed the bridge to reach you, only a haunted mansion did I behold...

That neither harbours you nor your faking heart!
Just a random thought on how a true heart is often cast down by a false love! Gratitude for reading this!
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
How often at night my soul lays awake in bed...
Reaching out to the hollow emptiness...

How my mind gets numb and the heart beats in horrible pace!

The three things broke me... Yet has kept me alive!
The ticking of the clock...
The childhood trauma...
And His return...!
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
The roses of my garden were a shade of burgundy...
And lo! the blood in my veins too...!

How the burgundy wind sweeps the burgundy curls of my hair...
Oh, it's ethereal!

I write my histories under a burgundy roof...
The same roof that hides me from the wrath of burgundy clouds...!

A burgundy river flows by... Painting a burgundy canvas...!

Is it not that when you are in love, you tend to see your lover everywhere...!
And in my case...

My lover is "Burgundy"...!
Who has laid the rule that your lover has to be a person?
You can indeed be so verily in love with a colour! ❤
Thank u for reading!
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Often times in my orchard...

I see her moving in graceful steps of bellet in a baby pink tulle skirt...

The wind carries her from the ground to the sky... Like a playful lover blowing kisses of affection...

Her essence is ether...and her heart a lovely gathering of bonded petals...

Her bee buddies always seem to cling to her... humming to her tales of colorful lands...

She baths in hiding of chilled dew and contours her cheeks in divine pink...

I wonder if the holy earth sprouted her or an angel from the sky... for her beauty seems  neither of heaven nor of the earth...

Whatever be her origins or her source of grace...the heart reaches out to her in dark times...

To lead me to the way of light...
Slowly and stealthily through the steps of pink!
Another of my flower poems!
In love with Camellia! ❤
Veritia Venandi Dec 2020
A part of me which was ether
Escaped into space to look down upon myself...
Draped in shawl and sweaters, it saw me bleeding on crumpled sheets of paper,
Staring vacantly to an invisible horizon, where words became waves and emotions -a deep swirling ocean
It saw me smile... It saw me cry...It saw me being another... It saw me being me...
As I carved letters with ink in the hope of calming a storm inside me that seemed otherworldly...
My ethereal self understood tis the time, the aesthetic moment that appears in the life of every poet,
That harbours the essence of their lives
A moment so fleeting to be captured on camera... A moment so tenderly fragile...
So my vapoury self remembered unto it's memory it's own writing self...
And slowly returned back to me
So, this is how I remember my state... This is what I finally wrote unto paper...
The description of my candid moment!
Just tried to photograph myself writing this!
Thank you dear all for reading this❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Life is a blend of carvings and cravings...

Memories carved in eternal rocks under the witness of a forever sky...

Playing in puddles,dancing in the rain, running after dragonflies, eating berries, stealing cookies, believing in the moon chasing you, reading fairytales and waiting for Santa Claus!

While wishes remained in wandering search of fulfilling lands...

To fly like a bird, view the world atop a tree, build a rooftop library, become king or queen for a day, watch meteor showers, laugh and cry without anybody looking, sleep under the stars and escape into the woods!

To measure life as cravings and carvings thus...
Is to understand it's true essence which is
"Endless...! "
Thank you for reading this! ❣:)
Veritia Venandi Jan 2021
My love for you attains freedom at the stroke of midnight...
Loneliness no longer bothers this naive heart of mine, swimming in hot springs of your love.
The mystery wind brings home to me the answers to the many letters that I never sent for you
And the eerie darkness, oh it gives me a chance to dance in hiding, with your shadow, that I had to create for the sake of my soul...
The million stars patterned in unknown constellations fuel in me my patience to wait for you...
That one day when we meet, live and die, we will make for the brightest objects in the sky
(O beloved, do you feel the beatings of my heart in that heart of yours?
Do you know that the warmth that you try to feed yourselves by the fireplace, is the ignition of the same fire,that my soul sparks in me?
Do you feel my feet when I walk over the earth, over which you too live in seclusion?)
Swarming with a hundred questions, my wild mind raises itself to gaze at the moon, shining a dreamy silver, brooding over a dreamy landscape
And in that little moment my lips adjusts itself to a smile so wide
For I knew that you were looking up and smiling at the moon too...
The heart fluttered with the wings of a butterfly at a love that does not exist, yet is unbelievably celestial!
A fictional write. Sometimes we are forced to imagine everything for the sake of our heart. Have an amazing year ahead, dear all. Love and blessings ❤✨
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
The haunting sky continued to produce the army of ghost clouds...
Lightning flashed anger...
And the curses of the gods broke the gates of heaven unannounced....!

The cries of hell were heard as a million souls fought to save my holy Land...
An oath seared into their skin to save the glory of their queen...

And I.... I stood watching with flaming eyes...
The threat to my would be orphaned land and sighed at the pieces of the remaining hours of my story...
Helpless I sat tearless... gazing into the dying horizon...

How I had lived as a lioness... How I had consolidated my existence into the minds of my beloved people... How I had taken Egypt to the zenith of wonders... How I had pierced into the souls of women the right to a dignity...

But now as I hold my head high to the grim awaiting in the courtyard... I swear to never let the filthy hands of invaders lay upon me. I call upon the Lord of serpents... To cradle me to the dreams of heaven by caressing it's bite into my skin..

This is a trail I leave to all my people... I am dying for you... O my beloved all...
May you live in peace!. ..

Ma..y Egy.... p... t live.... long..!

The end
It is just a little venture of mine for the Thomas Case and BLT's history challenge. It's a take on cleopatra, the last and one of the bravest female pharaohs of Egypt... Her life... her adventures... and her unfortunate endings! Thank you for reading this...!❤
Veritia Venandi Nov 2020
Whenever I look up to the night sky,
My eyes travel all the way to the dark space between two stars
Where black holes lay in hiding
To forever **** the light out of any free spirited celestial body passing by...

At such times, I am reminded of my own mind...
The dark spaces between the lobes of my brain
Where monsters lay in waiting to **** the light
Out of any happy memory that flies by...

Is it just a coincidence?
Random reflections!
Thank you for kindly taking the time to read ❤ ❤
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
The frozen glacier surrendered to the warmth of the day...
The mountain valley smoothed itself to pave the way for a happy journey...
The rocks set the momentum for the tryst to happen in time...
The playful flowers escaped in the carriages of the wind to act as witness...
The sunshine sang holy songs of reunion and the moon acted as a watcher by the night...

Thus the stage was set...
Only for but...
The river to meet the ocean!
Random thoughts on how the universe conspires to make people meet! My heartfelt gratitude for reading this... ❤
Veritia Venandi Sep 2020
She had the heart of a daisy...
White as milk, fluttering in the breeze, smelling of the scent of the earth...

And yet it was broken by the cruel heat of the one she called her sun...

Since then she had taken to wandering above the soil in search of her lost happiness...

How often she visited those wild flowers to pacify her blazing wilderness...!

Under a cobalt sky... Beyond ochre thoughts and grey memories... She lay one with them... As if sharing with them the moments and torments of her yesterday...

This kind of love healed her... Where even the fallen petals could be adorned on  rippling hairs...

No wonder she had got back her self...
From being a daisy... Drowning to death and being born anew as the same...

How beautiful was when the flowers had whispered that when life hurts love heals and when love hurts nature heals!
The healing hand of nature! 🌿🍃Thank you for reading this! ❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
When the window of the eyes gets tired in the monotony of everyday views...

The wild mind sleeps to wake in peacock dreams...

Of emerald foliage, mahogany woods, lavender fields and the mazarine sky...

To console the heart in promises of a future...

Full of rainbow colours!
Breaking the monotony!
Just something random! :)
Thanks for reading ❣
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Her wildness started changing colour with the seasons...

Sitting upon rugged branches, wearing the colour of leaves and singing evergreen songs...

Had long turned into spirits of once upon a time!

Now she dances in the wind, paints with the sun and the rain... Changes garments... And accepts her wrinkles...

As she slowly withers and falls to the ground tired... And to be born anew...

How her stubborn heart had melted like sweetness with the changing times!

That somehow she loved herself being called deciduous...!
Changing is hard... Yet to survive and evolve we have to change ourselves for the better!
Let us celebrate our changes not as a result of chance but by a conscious decision on our part!
Thanks a lot for reading this! :) ❣
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
The wise wind blows one part of the desert to meet the other...

Forming a family of sand dunes that ever live in peace...

For the wind knows...

That to live under the scorching heat of the sun and for the fear of loneliness of the vast desert to fade away...

The sands would need company!
An ode to all our friends and family that taught us the sweetness of company!
Veritia Venandi Oct 2020
Beyond the realm of reality and at the doorstep of dreams...

There's a place...

It is where you will find me...

Sleepily awake!
Life seems to be continuation of reality and dreams... Each generating each other in return... Forming a self sustaining endless drama!

N yes I dwell in between the two... Most of the times!

Thank you for reading this! ❤
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
Someone stirs and moves, inside of the four walls...
Someone young and fragile...!

The wind rustles against the window to peep, but with no avail...
The rain pours wild, knocking the door, but without an answer...!

Once or twice a voice laughs...
Once or twice a voice cries...
And then silence takes over again!

How the mortar radiates forbidden stories for unborn hours of time to carry...
How the shadows collect terrible secrets for the melody of the night to tary...

Something was amiss here... Something unknown...

And one stormy night finally...
The lightning discovered...

"SHE" was the Enigma...!
How well do we know each other? Very often we know... But fail to understand... We all in one way or the other is an enigma... Difficult to be fully comprehended.
Just wanted to leave you with this thought!
Thank u so much for reading... ❤
Veritia Venandi Sep 2020
On the wings of the wild bird... Beyond the sun and the moon...

On the carriage of fragrance... Beyond musk roses and juicy tulips...

On the decks of submerged ships... Beyond the greatest oceans...

On the back of the little speck of dust... Beyond the black holes and nebulas...

My mind longs to escape into the unknown!
Struggling to be really free...
Thank you for reading! :) ❤
Veritia Venandi Sep 2020
The sun still smiled sadly through the gloomy darkness...

And the message was clear to the world:
"The eternal sort of light shines even through the darkest eclipse...! "
Thanks for reading this! :)
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Fallen stars on parched land...

Brought with them a piece of heaven...

The child in me ran to collect... in fragile hands...

To hang them in tender threads from the window...

So as to light up my heart upon a dark day!
Sometimes a sweet memory of the past is all you need to brighten up your dark day!
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
Is the cloudless sky....
Stretching above my head...

Is the bare ground...
That runs beneath my feet...

The only "finite" thing here is...
I and my life!
Random thoughts on the finitude of life and the infinitude of the world around me! Thanks for reading!
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Aren't we the same as the ancient trilobite... That no longer exists but still found in fossil memories?

For we may perish upon the face of the earth...

But our essence remains in the soil in the form of tender shapes carved in the rocks of yesterday...

We will be found in the hearts of all who loved us and still love us...
Inspite of our surrender in the ever flowing river of time!
We will live even after death in the hearts of our beloved!
Just a small reflection!
Thank you for reading this! ❤
Veritia Venandi Dec 2020
Frost bites a heart of flesh
Sheets and sheets of ice
A fireplace and warm words to the rescue
From the wicked grip of a wintry vice!
A short one this time. Sending all of you lots and lots of warmth and heartfelt Christmas wishes ✨✨
Thank you for reading this ❤
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
Their eyes had met... Their lips had quivered... Their hearts had skipped their beats a thousand times...
Yet neither the other could move their one foot in the dangerous trail of the times...
He could never let his first love fall... And the heartbroken girl could not hurt herself more...

So they stood frozen in the two opposite shores of the sea of humanity, staring at each other...
Hoping for the other to disappear in some mist...
Like some beautiful memory in the dream of LIFE!
Love is the one universal language that we are never taught yet that which we understand without doubt...
Sometimes in life the right person comes in the wrong times... What can you do then but sigh at the hurtful irony?
Veritia Venandi Jan 2021
Marooned within a span of finitude
We claim we are lost forever!
Our hearts beat violently inside our rib cages,
Trying to tell us truths that we brush off as myths.
We paint our houses and bodies with brilliant colours and darkest inks,
Hoping that it would make up for the ugliness we harbour!
We spin fantasies locked up in self-made prison cells,
Sidelining the hideous realities as not part of 'our story'...
We carry our vulnerabilities as a taboo,
(I, sadly, would not blame each one separately for it)
We have woven this illusion together with our cloudy minds.
If a bird could judge high from the sky
It would have made out the fragmentary lives we live in...
Inside a single fortress surrounded by high walls, yet violence if we traverse the margin between two rooms!
If and only if, we would have understood that it doesn't require too much a sacrifice to unite
That we can leave our homes simply plastered and our minds simply open.
Urged by a force to change, if only we had exposed ourselves to paint graffiti on that common wall that surrounds us,
Splashing ingenious shades of love and brotherhood,
Of a fluttering feeling of oneness and entanglement.
We would have laughed together, danced with glee and holding our hands together we would have escaped unto a better reality...
If only it was true, I wonder
How spectacular a place the world would have been !
Will we leave our egos behind to paint the common wall around us?
Thank you for reading this! ❤✨
Veritia Venandi Sep 2020
Violin strings broken by a pacing mind...

Flower beds trampled by rugged feet...

Sky crashing over the head like a curse...

Sunsets but remnants of tears long rolled down the cheek...

Her world just turned to being colourless...

Trapped in that one single heartbeat  only which can sustain!
For that one moment in life when it seems just the end... Let us keep hope!
Thank you for reading this... ❣
Veritia Venandi Sep 2020
As the winter hibernates in  burrows beneath the warm summer soil...
And summer lurks behind the rugged bark of naked winter trees...
So does my longing for the one clads my soul...
Playing hide and seek in a castle of gold...
Hidden and found time and again...
Yet never completely lost!
Penning after a while!
Thank you for reading this ❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
In a place beyond heaven and hell...

Upon a pale blue face...

Dressed in a garment of green foliage...

Wearing neckpieces of wild flora and untouched fauna...

Adorned by a crown of diamond stars and ethereal clouds...

Having the mind of mountains...veins of waterfalls and rivers... And the heart of oceans...

Cells of gravels and skin of a holy soil...

Rain kissed body  releasing the divine petrichor and gemstones filled *****...

In such a place I exist...
Cradled in a Mother's lap...
What would I call it if not my eternal home!
Feeling deeply with the earth! Gratitude for reading this! ❤
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
The only candle flickered and extinguished...
Shrouding the room in a pitch black garment.

But then... But then...
A hundred fireflies showed up outside of the window giving light!

And the inhabitants of the lonely house learnt hope!
May your darkness be filled with the light of hope! Thank you for reading:) ❤
Veritia Venandi Oct 2020
At least once in a lifetime, arrives a quake beyond the measure of a seismograph...
The waves of which tremble your heart to terror...
Followed by cracks that rips apart your flesh...
The memories of old roses settles down as thorns piercing the delicacy of your heart...
Blood gushes out through arteries ruptured by the final blow...
And the agony and shattered hopes seem to burn the remaining pieces of your heart to ashes...

Doesn't it seem to be the end?

Yet still somehow anyhow with trembling hands if you are able to collect  the scattered ashes of your broken heart...
Hold to them day and night
Exposing it to the healing hands of time and your will
Your heart will be born anew and likely more resilient than the previous one...

And in doing so you, my friend would have done something amazing...

For the one who can mend his heart can mend almost anything else!
Thank you for reading! ❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
The beauty of nature lies in it's imperfections...

A crooked branch, a deformed leaf, an unformed bud or a wingless fly...

Why do we then strive to be perfect?
Celebrating imperfections!
Thanks for reading this! ❣
Veritia Venandi Jul 2020
Unaware, Unhindered...
My fallen flowers caught the great fire...!
So lovely were they when along with the butterflies they adorned my garden...
Smokey flames erupted from my castle...!
So beautiful it was when along with the starry sky... it adorned my habitat...
But one day  an eternal inferno summoned them all and they were reduced to ashes...!

Who was the mother of that inferno who gave birth to such a wrathful son?
And shockingly...I realised it was I ,who in order to keep my ego had created so...
How I long to return to the moment my mind had decided to keep itself in lieu of burning my heart!

Now even the flood of my tears could not stop the inferno from destroying every thing that I had so tenderly created with trembling hands!

Today as I stood amidst the ruins of my yesterday... I asked myself a question which I knew I had no answer...

Will I ever be able to start it all over again with a still greater trembling hand and at least in this lifetime?

Anger can destroy everything in the blink of an eye... Our relationships, our image, our hard works... It's so important that we are aware of the lasting damages that anger of a moment can cause for a lifetime! Just wanted to leave you with this thought! Thank u so much for reading! ❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
She was taught to look up at the sky...
To find love in the stars, moons and the galaxies that danced an unknown song...


She taught her heart to look into her own self...
And then did she found her love...
In the universe of her cells...that had been playing  a familiar tune since she had been born to live!
The universe inside and outside of us are the same! The meaning of our lives depends only on our perspectives we have towards life! For the one who has found himself... Never needs to find anything else! Just wanted to leave you with this thought! Gratitude for reading this! ❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Every morn,when the eyelids flutter with the wind...

And the first hints of divine sunlight enters the palace of my retina...

A messenger photon runs for the chamber of my soul to read me a scroll from the sun that reads:

Dear, you and I are the same in essence...
You are energy wrapped in flesh...
And I am flash wrapped in energy!

How I become overwhelmed with the news...
That flowers begin to bloom in the gardens of my cells...
And the bird of my mind takes flight to the sky... never intending to return!

Aren't some feelings too invincible to overcome?
Feeling one with everything!
Thanks for reading this! ❣
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
Turquoise waters cradled by an unknown guardian filled itself with the emerald rainwaters...

By the day, it appeared as an ever expanding expanse of a jewel encrusted crown that belonged to no queen...

But at night,the very same radiated conspiracy with its violet aura and indigo rocks that wove a sinister garment about it...

Reflecting the mysterious heavens in the mirror of its being...

But inspite of the heart often went drowning into the fathomless bottoms to glimpse the unseen glitters... by the day...

And at night, the heart often chased the dreams dancing an unheard melody in a boat...over the lagoon full of stars...!
This poem is about the way in which we  strive to pursue our dreams... Regardless of drowning or risking ourselves in the lurking dangers along the way...Because when light flickers at the end of the path... The darkness of the way is little thought of... Thank you so much for reading this! ❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
People only saw her tamed self...

The self which wears a discipline of the ages... Smile of the seasons... And dreams of the sky...!

How they heard her deny everything of anything pertaining to the wild and savage...

Yet her silence was what went unheard...unfelt and untouched by the world...

Cause when the world slept at night... She would wake up to her latent forces...

Causing her to go crazy in the thoughts of love and howl like the wolves to proclaim her hidden wilderness...

Her untamed self was an aqua regia that could melt even gold and her love was like the big bang that could create another universe...

But  her wild self was so beautiful that she can never afford to lose it in the opinion of others...

She had always known that
People ruin beautiful things...!
Thanks for reading this ❣
Veritia Venandi Sep 2020
A hundred fireflies trapped in a glass jar...

Beautifully vulnerable...

Begging some uncommon empathy from the watching world...

Soft light faded with perpetual sadness of being exiled...

In their minds they imagined a kindred spirit releasing them...

Dissolving into the earthly air they would have made sunsets look even more beautiful...

Yet they lay... Hindered... longing liberty... and a toy of some wild spirit in search of fun...

That banished their liveliness at the stake of one's happiness!
Thank you for reading this! 💖
Veritia Venandi Oct 2020
Sometimes,I feel,my mind, is my greatest enemy...

For in a place full of haunting trees and wild animals...
It imagines for me a garden of Eden where I can thrive in peace...!

How often my mind deceives me into thinking that I am loved in return...
Even when the pain and agony of unrequited feelings knocks at my door...
Like a good old friend...!

The remnants of lost friendships gather like thunder clouds in the sky...
Yet my mind consoles me with a lie that it will not rain...!

But then, I realise that I have survived the greatest tragedies of life by letting the mind cover the rusty tracks of reality...

I wonder if my mind hadn't lied I would have fallen into an abyss never to return...

My hopes would have never got time to build up if I had not taken the shoulders of a lie to lean for a while...

I often ask my mind about it... Only to get one answer back...
That to live with the truth forever... You will have to first cope with a lie!
Most realisations come at a time when you never expect it to... This was something that suddenly popped into my mind and I wrote it... Hope you all could relate...
Thank you so much, for reading this ❤
Veritia Venandi Aug 2020
When the sun disappeared behind the darkest veil of clouds...

The light within her still shone to give her way!
Thanks for reading this! :)
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