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OpenWorldView Dec 2018
An alternate universe
I created in my mind
to see reality in reverse.

Where stupid tyranny
is just a laughing matter
and serious chatter
only carefree pink irony.

Oh, what would I do
without this corrosive
intoxicating glue.
OpenWorldView Mar 2019
I love to lose myself
in those rare moments
without words.

Where music and imagery
synchronize to stir
my deepest feelings.

I love to lose myself
in destruction and sadness
played in G-Major chords.

Where tears flow
from my heart
and fiction veils reality.

I love to lose myself
in hope for a better future
without words.
OpenWorldView May 2019
Not for shallow fame,
but love
from those you touch.
"Give and you shall receive."
OpenWorldView Sep 2019
her moist, ruby lips
yielded the sweetest kisses.  
the taste still lingers
OpenWorldView Jul 2019
two loving hearts sleep
below a green canopy
embraced innocence
just a dream
OpenWorldView Oct 2021
to love
the way you are
to feel
as one with you
OpenWorldView May 2019
soft power of love
civilizing the wild man
harlot of culture
Inspired by "The Epic of Gilgamesh"
OpenWorldView Sep 2019
colorless cocoon
envelops a silent pain
until we accept
inspired by
a short film by Julie Gautier
OpenWorldView Nov 2018
There she is, standing alone,
waiting, like every day,
with me as her silent shadow.

Silver rain falls in great drops
and a cold breeze gives her shivers
causing me equal agony.

Her raven hair makes the pale skin
shine white, clean like a statue.
A sight which stops everything around.

She looks my way, giving a sign
and her scarlet lips open like flowers
seducing me, making me blush.

But fool, now she’s gone
and I stand alone, waiting,
like every day, for her return.
OpenWorldView Nov 2019
across time and space
love plays with weightless longing
sadness covers all
Inspired by "Silk"
from "Alessandro Baricco"
OpenWorldView May 2019
sitting on the porch
birds chirping, the day closing
with you by my side
simple happiness
OpenWorldView Dec 2018
Blooming consciousness
transcending god’s creation.
Shedding feeble flesh.
OpenWorldView Apr 2019
Your sinful mouth is my tomb,
intoxicating its sweet bloom,
for all my virtues are put to sleep.
I drink uncontrollably from its well
and sink freely into its depths,
gazing blissfully into hell.

My hot flesh glows in his breath,
I tremble, like a spring rosebush
kissed by warm May rain.
- I follow you into the wild land of sin
and pick fire lilies by the roads,
- even if I can’t find home again…
From my favorite German poet:
Else Lasker-Schüler (1869 - 1945)


Dein sünd'ger Mund ist meine Totengruft,
betäubend ist sein süßer Atemduft,
Denn meine Tugenden entschliefen.
Ich trinke sinnberauscht aus seiner Quelle
und sinke willenlos in ihre Tiefen,
verklärten Blickes in die Hölle.

Mein heißer Leib erglüht in seinem Hauch,
er zittert, wie ein junger Rosenstrauch,
geküsst vom warmen Maienregen.
- Ich folge dir ins wilde Land der Sünde
und pflücke Feuerlilien auf den Wegen,
- wenn ich die Heimat auch nicht wiederfinde...

I found one translation, but wanted to try it myself. Work in progress.
OpenWorldView Oct 2019
shadows grow longer
crows lament coming winter
silence blankets land
hiking impressions
OpenWorldView Jan 2019
An innocent smile
disarms the romantic heart,
arouses those vile.
OpenWorldView Jun 2018
What a surprise
I fell in love again

But this love is cruel
only a promise of pain

Knowing that I can
never give
never gain
OpenWorldView Jun 2019
falling out of love
easiest thing in the world
focus on yourself
It works.
OpenWorldView Jan 2020
hush, my dear darkness
release me from your refuge
and give me some love
OpenWorldView Jul 2020
blue shreds broken glass
cut deep red to find lost love
boundless black void spills
OpenWorldView Jul 2019
body, mind and soul
slacking, fleeting, immortal
search one, embrace all
OpenWorldView Dec 2018
I’m alone.
In this dark room.
Gasping for air.
Eyes closed.
Tears bleeding.
Sadness screaming.
Soundless agony.
“The darker the night, the brighter the stars, the deeper the grief, the closer is God!” - Fyodor Dostoevsky
OpenWorldView Nov 2019
screening "Hannibal"
demonize animal meat
selling soylent green
Desensitization - turning off emotional responses
OpenWorldView Sep 2018
I was blinded, stunned,
by a thousand bright suns.

A star so young and charming
raised my spirit to never known highs.

But the sparkle only lasted moments
for my courage descended into night.
OpenWorldView Mar 2019
Shy rays of light
paint warm hues
on dreaming eyes.

And a robin chirps
his morning song
in silver key.

Life awakens
all around.
OpenWorldView Jun 2019
blazing moon rises
darkness chases frightened soul
fleeing own shadow
You are your own worst enemy.
OpenWorldView Aug 2019
i sink to the ground
in the dark river of time
unseen, unmoved, cold
OpenWorldView Aug 2019
eerie calm around
dark clouds on the horizon
perfect storm coming
OpenWorldView Oct 2021
dark marauding dreams
follow me into daylight
death can't come early
OpenWorldView Dec 2018
White clouds set on fire.
Ash blackening azure sky.
Infinite canvas.
Death gives way for new life.
OpenWorldView Nov 2021
hide from the monsters.
plan your next moves.
keep warm and rest.

for daylight will bring hope.
a new chance to find meaning
and experience happiness.
OpenWorldView Dec 2019
dreams ease the longing
painting love in soft red hues
sweet veil of closed eyes
OpenWorldView Dec 2018
Solemn promises.
Stern new year resolutions.
Lies sold to myself.
OpenWorldView Jun 2024
one that loves
one that believes
one that needs me
OpenWorldView Jul 2019
grows rank and free
on fertile ground
with words abound.
OpenWorldView Mar 2020
life sways through time
shedding tears of joy and pain
into an ocean
OpenWorldView Sep 2018
Like a withered leaf in a storm
I was pushed through life.
Powerless without a goal
my last will drowned in blood.
After years of suffering,
it finally was quiet.

Oh, beautiful nothing.
No more limitations.
Imagination becomes reality
death becomes life.

Now the dream can begin.
And I find myself in your arms
walking through rose gardens
swimming in a sea of passion.

You are my happiness and joy,
wisdom and meaning.
OpenWorldView Apr 2019
Life’s unchanging surf
lulled me into idle sleep.
Then she hit my shores.
OpenWorldView Nov 2018
I can’t see their anger.
I can’t taste their rottenness.
I can’t smell their stench.
I can’t hear their screams.
I can’t feel their stones.

I’ve grown cold of this world.
Shutting out all the lunacy
by looking into myself.

And I’m content, calm, ready.
They can’t scare me anymore.
I’ve sent my fears to the gallows.
Find the truth inside yourself.
OpenWorldView Aug 2019
I endure the pain
along this sad life journey
knowing you are there
OpenWorldView Oct 2018
Don’t believe the media,
they try to deceive you.

Don’t believe others,
they may lie to you.

Don’t believe your intuition,
it is biased.

If you want to know the truth
go and see for yourself
before making a judgement.
OpenWorldView May 2019
dark faceless features
stare from mirror to mirror
into endless void
OpenWorldView Apr 2019
It’s time to explore.
And leave footprints in the mud.
Don’t squander this life.
OpenWorldView Jan 2019
my life
divided by
OpenWorldView Jul 2019
blood, tears, agony
among the crumpled paper
lies the poet's soul
OpenWorldView Jun 2019
a plutocracy
rules best from the shadows of
OpenWorldView Apr 2019
A life
means nothing
from afar,
but everything
up close.
Think of all the wars we wage
and the faceless victims.
OpenWorldView Mar 2019
Dark wooded hills
float on grey clouds.

Their raindrops
whipping tiny scars
across tempered glass.

My jaded mind
melds into nothing.

The day is past
and I past the day.

Moving in circles
without goal.
OpenWorldView Sep 2018
staring at the clock
time stands still
heart beats in the head
blood rushes through the ear


a second passed
the air is stale
sweat on my temple


push the chair to the side
falling into Thanatos arms


time no longer matters
OpenWorldView Jun 2018
Look around you
not with your eyes
but your heart.

Look beyond beauty
in sad and shy faces.

And then imagine
how they could blossom
if truly loved.
OpenWorldView Jan 2019
not with bombs
nor with bullets.

War fed his soul
with torn up bodies,
and cut off limbs.

War drowned his senses
with the smell of blood
and rotting flesh.

War broke his will
with man's capacity
for boundless cruelty.
Georg Trakl (1887 - 1914)
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