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OpenWorldView Jun 22
one that loves
one that believes
one that needs me
OpenWorldView Dec 2023
I whisper
'leave me alone'

I tell them
'please stop'

I walk away
but they follow

I run
but they catch up

I plead,
'I have nothing'

to lose
OpenWorldView Jan 2022
they hurt,
pull me down,
chip away,
eat my soul.
OpenWorldView Nov 2021
so many grand plans,
laid out in perfect detail.
life is sobering.
OpenWorldView Nov 2021
"you will own nothing
and you will be happy,"
until age thirty.
WEF meets Logan's Run
OpenWorldView Nov 2021
hide from the monsters.
plan your next moves.
keep warm and rest.

for daylight will bring hope.
a new chance to find meaning
and experience happiness.
OpenWorldView Nov 2021
the dew of your lips
and butterflies in my stomach
a kiss, my eyes closed
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