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1.6k · Mar 2017
Dmt lsd perceptions change
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Dmt and lsd are cousins.

Lsd pure drip's to candy my perceptions change so vividly.

Every thang is ultra crisp and brilliant.

Noticing my life is full of great thangs.

Limits scatter as I push threw the curtains.

Going past the realm of occucerences.

Seeing from all points of reference and creating ideas with pure imagination.

It's said life's  like a dream we our experience all our extensive outer layers.

Habits are formed with great success.

Yet pull away from the rest and summit your own version and test.

Lsd and dmt mix with grade a ***.

Seeing perception of all life and forms.

Each instance, all life is equally the same.

God is creation, big bang is creation.

Holding your own reconstruction of belife.

So as feet patter on a wooden floor.

Your mind starts wondering what else there is.

Beyond are place in the vast expansion of the black space.

Do you love your life is it flawless.

Or are there blushes and bumps.
Life dmt lsd perception changes.
1.3k · Mar 2017
Hot sauce
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Your the hot sauce in my life.

Full of red and fiery sight.

Cool to the touch all most as ice.

Yet neat and calm always winning any fight.
Hot girl
873 · Mar 2017
A face pure
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Of all of the times I've seen your smile.

Not once was your beauty in shackles.

Or made of false paints.

You awake from slumber of knights of dreams.

Now voting on which team you will leave.

Your body is awesome, your hair un tangled your skin luxurious.

Gregarious, your style to life is going places of ancient times.

Loving life and meeting new out comes.
This is of a fare women.
816 · Mar 2017
Abstract substance
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Of heart breath, blood fills the pen.

Tore from mint the strain reels.

Letter of black huge style font.

To intense the effects of your mind.

Of art and grief wash out from plane.

Your our experience, held more than even change.

A limited mind has no options worth its place.

They seed our reality based on our coscience and apperal.

With grins and napkins on our laps.

Our politeness, is grace and suit and tie apprased.

For who, shall bring the golden loft of breed.
This is of reality, and our mind.
720 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
You portray, your stain so as to the page's of this book are turned to frost.

Seeing past your plot's I do not think in the way of plural many different stations.

As tracks move in a foggy, manner with oval tears and harder looks.

Rookies and bookies on shelves when did they lose there best.

Now, as you leave for Italy, your body turns to higher vibrational, feed needing only muse to retreat musical corectness.

Only you do not seek sensational, when your vibration's are keyed upon high quality success seek it no more.

All is love, all is great!
Love life peace. LLP
664 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
For you war forged it's on held truths.

A man of honor who is he.

Brilliant and smart in the same instances.

With aim there quality was mint to seek blood.

Thirty solders clicks out in a hot desert breeze.

With sand dunce full of prechers.

Man of sin, and man of hate, leave this Earth yet you linger your scars of faith.

As you approach the valley of bullets.

The Earth was opened and a scary sight was then seen.

Green, colored beings where at the station of a machine, with arms made of anti matter construction.

Flee from this place, our machine will eat your city's and fall your lady.

So the men all perk, up even more ready for there conduction.

One of the beings taller than the rest came to there level of height.

Who here is the leader of your squad.

Me a beared man says!

The being hold out your left arm.

Do not be alarmed, for we are each from a far.
Life beyond earth desert sand dunce sun hot warm bright constrast
647 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
You are as raisins you clean persons blood.

Life in full sprint high resolution and great details.

Once, grapes of green now a purplish black.

Your drees drapes the wooden floor white oak
Of food as poem.
617 · Mar 2017
Her way
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Is a experience the same in other views or same in ours and yours mine any ones.

You are eight teen, you love music and dance you have many friends yet you feel bitter towards some.

Why is your soul damp and pinched with salt.

Flew from common cloudys of gray with the hope to change your ways.

For family and friends pray for the day.
Hope friends love
585 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
Coordination, was prased at the state.

Each sentences and all structures all instances all messureaments.

And every solution found done.

Bring a Calculator, a problem and it will solution a idea.

So the farmers ask of the great computer of being.

Was it a person, or artificial, intelligent's who would know the answer but him of his self.

Each and every day prombles where found an then fix by his thoughts.

So go beyond, your self of being and conduct your own version of awareness.

For as your dream is made by you.

Days and night are of the same view.

So is time, real yes and no.

Time is the lid too all out comes.

For, what is time that of duration the skim of motion too become done.

Steps of a hill would sure bring more than just appeal.

For real if you burn a match it soon will ash.

So why else think of other points of position of its placement
Of creation time, moment.
577 · Mar 2017
Musical compostion
Timothy hill Mar 2017
A body of music chords and sturms not required.

The body here never will it retire.

Most will seek and listen to her for desire.

Multiplier, of logic into her music she will muse your health, and tickle your sprite.

Not simply drew into scene with graphite.

At camp sights she's the fire bringer circle form of souls.

To behold, her lessons and keys to Understand, life is music, and all shall remember there worth.

Adagio, listen and enjoy for you will discover your path of being.

Albino lips speak hush your rigid anger.

Let music cleanse your behavior and calm your conduction.

The man ask of seduction, your scale is fierce keep in my mind, your beauty is musical made into devine.

No body yet you, that is "who" the conducter

We are keys in your puzzle, made to seem the reason of all.

So the keys you are now surround me with your flaws.

Disburst and subtract resume as once was.

Go threw life scaling above basic moments.

Life made mysterious, with craters on soil.

Music made to be heard.

So why not grow some more herds.

For points not able yet to be reached.

She made a music melody, so advanced when you hear your mind, will unlock hiden potentials.

That are truly essential.

For a life as a magical condition.

It is a heart, that made life as art far away yet right at place .

So as pulse and rate are in harmony with soul.

You conclude, your self on a plane that your riding coach in luxury comforts.

Gas never needing refilled for your life force is all that it will appeal.

Music is our ears soother telling us to love more than hate.

For hate has only a slow un natural pace.

That we as keys should avoid at all times.

You my music, I commences to ease the world into your harmony and power.

And shake your favorite chrods at it so it may become untralved.
This a theory if music was life.
574 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
Club doors smell of lady's potions easy kind of hazey.

Daily news of power, and fruit and punch.

Dj Spun, music so courageously.

With laser touching all there eyes.

Yet no irritation, you see they where protected by a small musical meldoy.

It was epic heads all head baging.

Fast pace music, slowed too jam to it with no penut butter.

See how I twist the version, call your favorite pill brewer and we will trip.
Club focal point.
566 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
Coordination, was prased at the state.

Each sentences and all structures all instances all messureaments.

And every solution found done.

Bring a Calculator, a problem and it will solution a idea.

So the farmers ask of the great computer of being.

Was it a person, or artificial, intelligent's who would know the answer but him of his self.

Each and every day prombles where found an then fix by his thoughts.

So go beyond, your self of being and conduct your own version of awareness.

For as your dream is made by you.

Days and night are of the same view.

So is time, real yes and no.

Time is the lid too all out comes.

For, what is time that of duration the skim of motion too become done.

Steps of a hill would sure bring more than just appeal.

For real if you burn a match it soon will ash.

So why else think of other points of position of its placement
Of creation time, moment.
552 · Mar 2017
A method
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Space is black, so as too it why can't you win a race.

Face it winning, is my honor you are like gum sticky and silly only filled with envy for you will never become a winning.

Know, I was just kidding your "OK" at getting second place, when im looking back your head bagging to my style.

Slow down pal forward, only no slow motion because as is sacred gemetic shapes  see to it I'm the out line of gold.

So yes you now can behold, you are a silver me is of gold so be better next time and don't forget to become bold.

Cuz heating thang's up is my cup of gold low and bewilder of change and flow.

So, watch out as spring become's of snow and your feet get stuck in the soggy cold.

I will laugh, with glee as you become of fever you should have wore a coat you dreamer.

Im, a thinker slaying reason of flaws we shall talk of winning.

Winner winner points on board is the defender.

Loser loser you are sad and clueless.

The options where not fixes as to your believing them to be.

When we raced im a spotter of flaws.

Calcated your movements and pace.

Sure too glance, before the race to Duluth your out looks at 1st.

Now you seem, to think back nodding do you understand it was my plain at hand.

Not to say I cheated using methods unknow for my win.

I just Foget basic Principles of thought and see all points of reference.
Winning method cheating I think not.
547 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
We conduct are options of said varant.

We conclude it's conduction.

Reasons and actions are prize of a pure thought for inventions.

Ingenious the seem less degree of varantions.

Permutions and recovery of old systems with out dated ways.

For we rise to seed the galaxy's with hyper precession and achivemental development.

Hesitant as hands approaches clap being of a honorable mention.

Within a one of 3 star year.

The all which provides heaps of determation.

Too grasp a world filled of diasters and need of a drained sky.

All the chemicals processed to harm the clouds.

Changing there compostion and puffness.

Weather stages are more of strenght and winds changing as well.

Inductions and communicate and words wrote by the minds of realistic convextion of persons.
Scenes of a varant.
522 · Mar 2017
Iron days
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Give up or build up your strenghts.

Do planks and set ups also push ups.

Is it best too work out longer or shorter?

Shorter at intense, range will yeild epic results.

These are your planes work out 53 days.

Each day do 29 push ups 55 sets ups 300 pull ups.

Remix take protein supplements for ******* help.

Drink water only devotion is key in your resume.

Only thang's too focuse on are as follows.

Strenght and power calm and control your breaths.

Work out 3 to 4 mins use stop watch.

As your body, will change rapidly am a body developer skilled, at development and production of hulks.
Strenghts power will calmness.
520 · Mar 2017
Lord of draguns
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Dragun lord warrior of dark blooded soils.

You lead the men to there transcended.

Eager to disslove there reasons.

Despite the bridge was being rased.

Silver tail horses were sent from under volcanos defending.

Musk rats and rabbits stealing corn and wiskey from the moon shiners tavern.

Drink quick, as the door pushed open promptly, who is the of anger and none manners.

It's is me Leo, from cave highs near bentley town.

The grim reaper and his souls repeat there old habits creating Hellish disasters.

Let's prepare the spell of bindment.

Recite with me fellows and say grim reaper hells refuge you have no version here.

Be gone with souls you stealthed and stole for they only where not death and void.

Your promise to give them your powers and fighting abblites.

From whence, the trees where harvested for there hides to make a new script and spell book for ivory tablets and shelves.

Men dressed of red suits medal belts and center a infusion coil sparks of purple source energy where emitting power.
Lord draguns a novel I'll be working with.
505 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Shower of hell pours down into your being.

You cast others as dust to your kind of soul.

Shallow stains with only pity.

Ye hold no hate raft only take its place.

You do know you are of strange depitions.

So be kind, and not too overly stern for you shall seek love of beauty.

Death is a font in style with harsh structure.

Huge door, like sentences knock down your barriers let the pure light Pierce threw.

And you will become of some thang new.

Until this day, you are meaner, than a stage full of people with a mild cast of rage.

Sad tears flood, your place you need a life saver yet you shrug at that too.

I met you last summer and you where kind and polite.

Now you are meaner, and denser than effects can construct.

So I'll ask what made you this way?

Was it the death, of your friend that took his life by the "knife blood driping" down as a mother pulls it out.

The fog of that very moment hazed your light.

Now you persit to overwhelm your life with your own made strees.

Yes it was that I miss his friend ship.
Of a old lost friend.
497 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
Lady of the sea, please recite this from me.

I'm the area, am the vessels am the breeze that moves your waves for there speed.

So take responsibility, as too my objective for you.

You are too stop, the hurricanes in there pace.

How am, I to do this task.

You will surge, your waves and move water at different speeds changing the heat.

They would then have taken of you its rage.

Disruption of fury, the hurricane, saying stop, let me destroy the city's and builds.

Am the focal point, of my only Mission
too divinely place chaos into points am chooseful.

Only the objective, is plane to construct.

Going into shelters yet my strengths have been modified, so watch as bridges collapse as my previous attempts where point-less!

Now sea's are higher, in frequencys and boiling my power even "higher out pours of rage".

So scents of "humid rain" back yards you will soon be mine.

For am, making a new Region of Space, for All my Destroyed "Components shall become There".

Spinning winds and scrap and walls.

Cars horns bering north as lighting is in designated local.

So as men, run there tallest builds fail miserable.

My honor, winks "hi" then changes to good bye, the dust fills the lung's of person sadly they couldn't have stopped this.

Long duration, as Weather men ponder how the hurricane, stayed in land so long.

Span, of 4 hours the hurricane changes it's path going for a flame of green.

So tax of yellow, and suits and blue jeans filth of pavements.

Tornados spawned in too eat the gross area's.

Tennis courts ***** then engulf into the spin of raft.

There was only whom, that could reverb the hurricane, he created in pure power.

He had made preportion, to avoid all out comes if successful was achieved.

The device uses all matter, in the range of the path of a power source.

And recalculate it's pressure on the ground.

See when a hurricane, stays in land it messy with the gravity some what strange.

Planes fell out of a rigid now sky.

Super weaponry, where place in a hurry to shoot, in attempts to diulth it's stain.

Sorry the creator, then states there noting the can accomplish.

For my plains are flawless and tip toeing in silent progress.

Only there is no means of transportation, for its matter is right at scene.

Deconstructing and unfilling your subscriptions.

I'm a teacher of metric diameters and master at construction.

So with amps of vocals sted fast with your own deductions.

Should have avoided the blank white of spaces.

For my out lines came and conduct reality mods.

My weather shall, yield pure fury tornados change to EF8 and hurricanes winds reach 344 mph.
492 · Mar 2017
Spring's here
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Spring grows new life and colors.

Flower's crisp smells pour into the air it incubates.

Feet and body go out side the heat was so warm and hugging.

In the distants the marvelous sounds of lawn mowers turning on.

Birds sing and the sun fills the foliage with energy!
Of my favorite season.
473 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
You are white grace of holes.

Schools thank you for your texture.

Pen and pencil, of muse bring him to life what you right is his view.
Logic of word.
449 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
You lay at the hem of dirt.

Decaying rot and smells have begone for century's.

Vampire haven and alter high grade of appeal.

Worm's jump as bird''s approach.

He he, you will not succeed for we are specialy made and protect by our creator so hi.

The birds perch of the dead bark growing amber.

Whistling as his friend, path is full of head lights as night tilt's on-wards!

Last second, from those berry on the lawn of his favorite landing.

They were laced with dmt too seed his constuct.

Before words his movement where advancement of a plain
Dark with a twist.
439 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
The blanket of space, where never rased so "placees after hours" you listen the blank taste settles there hate.

Conflate, the reams of the varibles.

Disagree, with the hammer of dawn.

Dust mist the area.

Immunity, was parched the thrist it needed a pass to enter with grain on hands you go to your converters.

The build began, its safety features include "secrete safe" house concepts.

So don't be silly or nodding because the scale use there own grips.

The yard puzzles most as Un seen.

Cars pass by yet no one sees the area.

How was this able to occur none will know.

Many men and women, praise there skills made in full detail.

Don't look away as the sun will change its pace more than just metaphorically.

Day after day the music, was played to the person of high grade, sheilds.

As shadow's came we light his path or aura enegy.

Disburst there attempts with tricky special ops.

Codes were recited, to open the plasma coil and the power was as is.

Above* the words read Care Is To Be Used!

Misinformation, spell to Earth, as Kings and Knight, change there views and faces.

Here as rain starts pain grew and Plains redone.

Illicit, there plains where yet with grim details Un masked.

Poker hands faces look easy.

Oh, dear lord it is that of pity.

Black ships and twister of reality.

Shade there (Egos) and stain there display.

Decate, as we go to the other room he begins his home made craft.

Shoulder, heavy as made precession, was resized for the purpose of matter displacement.
This is of course a novel.
439 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Transduction, she was of power towers above a world with unlimited

Eltric mood either or kind of style.

You and me forward no back wards.

Center of a pulse are nozzle pours freely.

Warriors of time always on her side.

Molding reason, and never waves of good bye.

Failures only occurs when guilt gets its way.

Minds think minds blink so how or why do we age.

Age is not meant into death.

Think of death as a whole with bits missing.

Drinks are funny-ly spelled to mandela effect possibly.

Diet sodas for instances die t.

Die is nighters or resume of false death.

"Die is actually, dimensions is every thing.

When you think of a flower in full brilliance and color.

It glows green, and pink in certain growth stages.

Female the word is made in the same purpose.

Fe is iron on the periodic table.

Hence the word female strong male.
The metrics of life.
437 · Mar 2017
Sun space moon
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Beyond the moon your soul recites.

Cold space bright sun limitless from current place.

Zooming all ways forward.

Your beauty is so great.

Words can't describe the beauty you dictate
Sun space moon life galaxies stars plants
427 · Mar 2017
No God!
Timothy hill Mar 2017
You conduct, around a God, not too know if real!

So what in life, is too his appeal taking all your desires and reels.

Not me I live, with only one thang creating betterment of all.

So fade, from his shades and resume with fake sins.

Creators of God, begone from my reality I will decode your reasons.

So as too the seasons "rain storm, and "hail" making preposition of a once blue sky now pale.

I walk among other life and feel at one.

Autmum, colors and crisp green grass under a sky gray.

Yeilds of grand crops for a rich soil is prized at a hoes first touch.

Too a God, of matter he formed are they really creation, for a magical being where's the wand.

A cave left with out his placement "where did he go" as head's begin to scratches.

A holy, wind blew blowing dust in all directions who seek's me of none death.

The Cave, was dry now as they begin speak of whom the is of.

I creation of toy's will sport you in results.

Successful, my deduction is you all move, with flaws and commit pointless moves.

All the matter of spaces are mine.

So think of any format, or conduction even a program, for the consideration of all is all.
God is all, creation is his blanket.

None, should be afraid for he is Love, of beauty.
424 · Jul 2017
Pure Imagnation
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Color of the view, only seen by a few.

Music a shard, of though proclaim the clear color is not mask.

That you maybe drank from a flask.

And now, what is the new task.

Hand's play tango, on a white red line bingo.

I think, I've won the oval's turn in bravo's

I leave my head, high not touching the "tallest of trees" for birds have nasty old flea's.

All, the structures are extruding color that the "Sun is baking it a Cake" in black sea.
421 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
That too was flawed as your characterize traits.

Do river's move because of wind, or is it because your smile.

Optical illusions, as your beauty gets off at the next transit.

Crowds aline in order hight low short taller.

You choose, aimlessly and sit blank in experience.

So as too your mind you keep safe.

For moods are annoying and you need to pick your team
Of a girl of moods
411 · Mar 2017
Autumn color
Timothy hill Mar 2017
The warm weather, and flowers growing looking up to there giant kin.

Hidden the sight, of man from nature's un harvested beauty.

It's the queen of the forest, as you set next to the trunk.

You now cant, see as your sensations hear and feel smells of a nearing skunk.

Calm, you our with the queen changing the animals direction.
Of a forest scene.
408 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Sounds of your flaws disrupt tress with once gentle moves.

Now they shade other aspects of movements.

Hot summer, flowers green from the rains.

In bloom effect you should try this spot out.
Summer flowers bloom
406 · Apr 2017
Devils, sun
Timothy hill Apr 2017
He was the Devils son bringing rage war, and spores women Gouls and ******.

Set around telling ghostly tells as the fire bring"s you all warmth with a hint of hellish ambers.

The sky was casting new colors.

As, the Devils sun brought, the star of light so bright it would bring the strangist kinds of fright.

God, was vanished from space on a new creation Un know by the many.

Cars trucks smog filth bras pars Mars flares.

I'm the bringer of scars I eat steel and feed on will.

So as that's said take your most precious of pills.

For my might, and fright is sure to appeal to your depression and anxiety.

The whole family of light, where sent from the golden oak tree.

We bringith, are Powers to send you back to hell you man of diaster.

There's no Power, over mine you can ask my father.

Keep in mind, we are the women of light that disrupts your evil with hints of love.

Laughter, was echoed from his whole being is that your best joke.

Please leave, for my Power needs too warm up also a hint duck.

He extrude black orange, inky like substances and it fogged the entire area the women of light where blasted away.

As he began to laugh and say he he!

The women, pick there self from the great "Mountain" side an Push pure energy into his place.

Yummy was that meant for my tummy.

Because your Power's are a wink at sad fashion.

Not sorry, for here's mine the Mountain, then scatters across the vast land.
400 · Mar 2017
No god!
Timothy hill Mar 2017
You conduct, around a god not too know if real!

So what in life, is too his appeal taking all your desires and reels.

Not me I live, with only one thang creating betterment of all.

So fade, from his shades and resume with fake sins.

Creators of God, begone from my reality I will decode your reasons
No god fakeality, for line's to become place.
394 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Waves of you purge the dark oh how you infuse my spark.

Light house's line the sea yet I have your light it's all I need.
Light of her.
393 · Jul 2017
what's the title
Timothy hill Jul 2017
It is but words that shake our feet and tours that seep the fleet.
So as two it wonder, wild sheep in a texture of seasoned streets.
Our mind is our version of reality based conduction.
So too keep with the witty words and thought''s too production.
We should keep in mind our Instruction.
Do white hats come with there cool deductions.
Puzzle and moves from a flavor of cos play.
Her words cover the pixel with arrays of love.
393 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Writing poetry is like playing billards.

All points of "contact" have each diameter in seeking a pocket.

Poetry you are writing, of experience, and weaving it into a smart expression!

Too portray, your reality, with out need for a ticket.

Seats always full because, your the star only bright, and lovely with great behaviors and good commoditys.

Also some times a dense comedy.

Your always playing games with friends mostly monopoly.

Now you can play king because you met with geology.

As we where played, tunes praised by jesters and "overly psychology".
Focal point billards.
390 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Sands of you cast it's on ships.

Eyes and hair of a goddess where is your princes?

He rides threw a forest dense with huge frogs jumping from trees.

Amazed you will not leave the tower your step dad placed you at.

He arrives at bottom of height looking upwards saying wow.

He gets his bag from his horse with rope and in cage is a hawk he ties the rope too.

Sending the bird to the top.
A steamy girl.
388 · Jun 2017
Timothy hill Jun 2017
I'm a magical, magician and my fee you will pay my commission.
I shall make half the crowd float above the chandelier.

The speed of life, is half of a sphere.
You can take it up with the front desk autioneer.
He will give you all his sneer that he
found last year.

Me, and him, are now good friends.
Going to distant, citys to show are art.
In hopes to spark your thirst for more.

River's pour from my mind to take your life of a now boat.
Down, the street once blank only trees grow on the turf.

Citizens eye see the sky and below is a smurf.
Magic story poem please your thoughts.
385 · Mar 2017
Happy birtday
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Hay, you I seen you on the news are you turning a hundred and two.

Because if not I'm sorry for being rude.

Have a grand day as fire works color the sky for you.
Happy birthday
365 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Riding chandlers in your home who would have guessed thoe.

Keep up with the time wow.

Lights flee for the city.

Isn't it just a tez tree.

With a angel above looking near the ceiling.
351 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
You lay at the hem of dirt.

Decaying rot and smells have begone for century's.

Vampire haven and alter high grade of appeal.

Worm's jump as bird''s approach.

He he, you will not succeed for we are specialy made and protect by our creator so hi.

The birds perch of the dead bark growing amber.

Whistling as his friend, path is full of head lights as night tilt's on-wards!

Last second, from those berry on the lawn of his favorite landing.

They were laced with dmt too seed his constuct.

Before words his movement where advancement of a plain
Dark with a twist.
346 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
He was a brain and he was not insane.

Nor did he like to complain.

On and off, of a stage his talents are great and fame.

So let's go get ticket's to see his way.

Many came he was shy with pink sides and gray.

No reason, to be that just show us what's under that hat!

He took of his hat, and just like that there eyes feels with grain.

Oh dear, what's that of this stage.

He is a brain, how can he be here.

No body, no soul, no solidness to take hold.
Limmerick style.
346 · Jun 2017
Timothy hill Jun 2017
Night is your "Hair" with a silver there is no despair.
Arms are the branches your matter is a tree swaying in the ice cold breeze.
This fantasy is moving and jumping.
Held green light for the animals to walk threw to get a drink of water as the machines halt until the next day at noon.
Trees screaming for help a smell was contrasting all senses.
There alive as me and you are and with out them a planet turns to dirt and dust.
So hinder there strives is some what of a must busting there medal hulks are our diffusion sketches.
An artist only sets with a brush and his thoughts to examine a fair leaf fall his path of imagery ideas.
Off he goes to explore, its landing with an ideal he transits its area
Flairs filled the sky hammers slowed there strikes in boarders of agreement.
Bigger machines with solar panels came in with drones of saws for higher yields of wow.
A budget was none for there pockets were ships and canals.
The wolfs and deer cast a moon kind of spell with there egos on edge they'd beyond there hunger for flesh.
Men what's in our sky, I see its blue and crystal and mist in a breeze.
The men all ran fast he couldn't believe then the machines rusted every so instantly.
His plains were erased it was to be seemed and then on he could weep.
Nature is not like "Gold" it does bring money although it will slow breathing when gone.
So maybe this could become a song when paper planes are all that's left.
And medal doors and medals shelves.
Medal scathes your face when you open up your door.
And a melody is produced and nature smell like s'mores.
You hear it now at least for now.
The sounds of tents unfolding and being set up.
Because its summer again and smells of nature that are unbending.
Arousal your heart beat with astounding.
Your skin gets goose bumps the first sight of deer dropping's strange at fact no its just appraising.
Ants and stick also insects climb trees in fun surviving.
When a man in a beard came up hiking.
He seen this tree man was it becoming his exciting.
The insect move faster from this man of in freighting.
And hunker down and give off a sting of flight to give him something he would much not find he like.
345 · Apr 2017
Timothy hill Apr 2017
He, was a river his movement were very devine.

He would flood, the area of your home if conditions where just right.

Bring him more sand bags alright as the water begin too reach the fences height.

The land, was parting and sliding into mud as the river monster waves continue there plot of that day
River focal point
340 · Jun 2017
Dark pads
Timothy hill Jun 2017
Asylum, night crawlers mourn the heat that kills.
Juices spill from the nurses garment and the Doctor's chairs rusted.
Thundering unhealthy sins a waiter cell awaits his men.
Meditate sloppy jeans from cutting he bleeds and scars that hold greed.
Envelopes his trust from pictures and ids that when each tried to escape there remain lost weight.

Nods from the top of the ceiling backdrop made of bones.
Softened flights board blue, black, white, suits.
Tremors like quicksand they "seek and destroy" with there own set up plains.
339 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Devils wear blood as there suit and gold as soul.

Dream I bend dream I dream alive.

Bring dark to darker, once under covers now the sheet glowing bright orange.

Evil staff places it's self away from its holder.

Mind of its own, it shatters the sky liquid metals fall claps and grasp, for the sights of medal beetles.

The sky bleeding metal steel at this point.

A skinned meaty finger then seen coming threw into world.

A stern rigid voice heard the villagers talking amongst each other.

Worry as the hand reache's for the trees.

Pulling them up slowly.

And as the Earth rumbles from the pulling of the trees.

You could see faces drenched in tears from the fright and might of this rigid hand.
Devils monsters story epic dark blender
335 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Love is some thing all life supports.

With out it the world would fail.

The Earth would also become pale.

If we yell and scream, at the movies and watching diaster and actions go un punhised.

What's the point in which we construct these out comes.

Down and applued, we strive for less friction in a world meant to hate.

All out comes in life are choas theory.

It's said a point of refresh in a moment spells greatness in outer ways.

Anti Struggles in a frayed life, would be nice if like flawless with a twister of held mischief.

Fictitious, his ambitious where you couldn't have thought of your own inventions.

Ingenious, with his very own mission you call him god I call him devious.

Mysterious, her cousins is with the hammer of dawn he seeks.

Many miles where traveled his path still un finished.

Until the hands grasp the power they will never have problems in life any more.

No more falling of tears.

Many days smudge with ******* pain.

Oceans rase each year over laping the coasts and its piers.

What to do too stop what it will yield.

Egos gone completion needing a new depition.

Reason of a world held high captions.

Compassion of a few is a winners ball.

Fades of ego in a darkless room.

Colors are prized as found of new surround.
Life movies passion sight ego limitless
334 · Jul 2017
What is it
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Circle in facts can and do.

With a number spin a weave.
Break a tab split it's whole.

Replenished body too prime successful     self.
328 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Day of sheets you muse my memory, running threw my head.

180 naps and interesting facts left unknow.

Our pe class was fited with classical clothes.

Mythology, history math and English are your favorites.

Seriously, you are so nice many would find your style as hippy.

Picked at last for volley ball, as other's strick poses so deliciously.

Joking as planets are always figuring and plotting.

The graph is made of tiny boxes as a pyramid is a corner of it.

Retention, is irony of a elegant mirage, likely a dizzy superstition, of snow.

School of visions calculator of success
School days.
323 · Jun 2017
God's Minion
Timothy hill Jun 2017
He has scriptures in scribed all over his body.
Is he God's minion that's what you might think.
He walks to the beach, and fish jump to the land for his calmness to very.

He touches them, and they grow legs and feet.
Now, ill give you a letter to give to the worthiest its plains and sketches of the hoarding's.
365, is maybe the answer no that's diluting, what I have in mind is some what confusing.
It's to bribe the rays from the sunny place, and give wonder to the sky God.

His power's have no yield as he fixes all the yellowing leaves.
Doth we strive passed the space we are of here.
And see the season's of nebula some outer place.

Ask, and it shall be giveth to you my presences is here for your embrace.
God, power,
321 · Oct 2017
Timothy hill Oct 2017
Halloween time, oh how savvy it is to treat.

Eating candy for sport there no chance for a lose.

Tooth fairy's rumble threw cloud's of sugary fame.

And witches hold brooms and ritual there names.

Carvers came from mountain's a little thing in praise.

Now the moons dimed for a new start of a dawn day.
Halloween, food, candy fun,
304 · Mar 2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Hold your hair as doors shut you call for your friend.

You are a eloquent queen.

Not able to leave because you drank too much.

Spinning room as walls in-zoom into your reality.
Party life drinks
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