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my bunny
is my
tale so
they sweep
through cities
and farms
with toeholds
their throngs
yet cling
again to
their base
yet yet
baste harmony
in their
drive to
wrap the
vote strong
pirate politic
Trapezoid upright her rank again
today aflame that a pod acute
with destiny very luminous and
abashed administration die in transit
with Mar-a-Logo and backtrack abreast nepotism.
a man
has shoot
and sell
his desire
where tires
embark to
Ilium but
a nobleman
farm his
wit with
hell and
back truck
in a
parade of
fire yet
amble in
Market Square
A Trudeau Chant

a man
was blue
when his
mother was
butter just
a vapor
in awe
that got
their day
to mesmerize
them  under
the sun
there that
might not
recess the
River with
a wall
a tepid hear
as desolate winds could charm their cymbals
and to enchant this summers' gleaming
but hot those afternoons did return steaming;

this hot dirt in palm sands there
and carpetbaggers still wondering aground
but in their lewdness they called a woman
so made this lazy day ashore and quite gooseflesh
as any who'd visited in this bungalow at port
where their dream was so alive and together
that really made bounty in her clutches
Patrick longed
for Deo
and shared
a wafer
and where
we'd detail
a hamlet
to spite
a hornet's
nest with
a sparrow
on the
hedgy ledge
on the
south shore
and trump
New Yorker
a day in new york
'twas where
over her
lover and
this mother
if she'd
made love
to this
bother and
kicked her
spoon only
to dither
soon to
wither in
hope of
recovery that
her soul
kept jade
ox brome
laze his
trim and
tire infibulate
below and
water sink
his quinine
if she
arise pain
that spirit
heed the
noxious mud
where gastric
in her
bone only
a Bon
there seed
A tract can be coined a cake
and love of her biosphere but me
in Doeville shall rupture her mandrake
those herds of desert shores
with a torch will believe in me azores
when shy of antrorse
gypsies rebel there
as Jugendstil has accomplished Sezession
well eat lark in Catalonia
As assylum seeker Puigdemont
A shiitake dreamer in séance here trust her hands of clouds
for she is one ready as Columbia whole
only she inhibit feelings, fear or wrath
with her kind of inclination found now might supplely bind hers
or daily bread shall dissolve her breath,
a ****** in sun dried tomatoes
fore dually her thought of heart leaving
mellow her wish with pleasure once again
that her kingdom bound where a prayer now her staple
with much to share allow her providence, today.
an ostentatious wipe
this referendum is treed
while rather bolting a humanity
so Barcelona is superfluous and has encased
but once in Granda they'll enjoin a last bit circle
and to embroil grout in their tires
as a run within this emanation
on the plain to graze again
save Girona still crankiest in bluff
Deposed  Catalonian leader is in jail fighting extradition for crime s and funding need help from this community.
In Seville

My lock is like a wheel
that treasures the land
with strands of sand now an inroad to soul
in times of grain this platitude of health ahead of tides

the salt on shore implores unfinished deeds
as art deplores any nurturing of needs
with stars out this race beyond the chariot again

and proves that this orient has rightly won a gathering if seed roaring in a stream of catchment nigh
where these overtones are songs
and round about the fields along the Guadalquivir.
an argent
moon will
soon betray
an anxious
picayune till
the sergeant
has captured
such incident
but their
noxious foment
as rife'll
stoke desire
with hoofs
and guffaws
swaggeringly wade
their passes
in sanctity
A note on ******
eye roll pita-patter
that went to flatter
the doily with a queen in absentia
but her placenta wear halter in zebra
to fabricate ***** but a summer thrill up yonder
in a bat cave wonder
with blond tenderness so blind
yet her sunken ***** there
her patriarch kind butter
this ice grab yellow
where I
direly met
favor and
tact wholly
this exact
but there
to triumph
in law
yet we've
attracted and
sufferably much
has still
proffered that
tract inviolate
with message
that rhetoric
obtuse organic
when it's a crime to draw thier lines
A module once refrain
a verse that peers rehearse
if a sequence in cruise
when caucus fling feet
in a promontory abode
so precipice filters gold
where amass rhetoric
in an ounce of verbosity
as most food entail now
their resplendent attire too
then win it back tonight
and strep face no more
when weather is nice
with unspoken grace.
He pit
work with
celebrity as
flat crest
hone its
barter where
in fold
of space
and time
with directive
in marketing
score that
with the
code that
holds famous
till another
day break.
a house
of heat
and a
man with
silver tounge
went south
to spread
the news
with divergence
but never
a clamor
in his
throat would
obstruct his
jet in
the would
of Parr
a man of note
she in
jade pink
how smooth
her face
that let
her wink
and about
face a
seldom act
of depravity
is being
a triad  
but in
the mix
has her
wed to
vows untouched
a  little girl in a number
He made
shop mine
whoa the
bit on
his cob
have laggard
him as
their blitz
was hers
and their
juvenile must
throb wherein
nothing matters
these skewers
in prodigal
part of
our tell
a meaning forever
new morning
wasn't a
second flat
that would
pray only
to will
of God
then make
enterprise these
thoughtful moments
in peace
yet to
carry on
in missions
or territories
of the
most dire
A song about peace
A veracious man was due
though a lunacy bade his sneer
as he'd shoot to ****
that shocked his world too
only tights like a bully made him a ballet
with a sandwich tonight
though she could make him woe there
his thought of a foul corruption pranced
until the strike of midnight harrowed a chicken
with his luxury of their soul kitchen.
Chief. Of Police in Troy, N.Y. Died Jan. 17, 2017.
when she
was wise
that underlay
spies with
greater machines
whether grants
alight her
home yet
align a
sentence with
parallel verve
of song
but with
melodious flight
in throes
would spirit
those nights
my raspy
voice is
euphoria but
revere sole
of she
that rejoice
with spontaneity
and invariably
my unrehearsed
vocal is
flutelike always
depict its
comp as
discretion with
a valet
in Wodehouse
novels indirect
A song with soul
tips on
tables let
mornings hence
bleak and
sunny with
her disposition
there to
lift spirits
on Great
Plains as
her gander
is pleasant
when there's
nigh to
fulfill any
dereliction with
her pride
as Potiphar
meets despair
with his
dire wife
but highlight
in this
lustful affair
when her
dream died
and not
well in
court while
her accusations
finish rife
and Joseph's
crown wins
the right
Joseph inhales Egypt
as those felt layers around my legs when I saw what looked like fries in her chest and we ate these flames with mirth and she shook those looks with her brow and borrowed more time each thrill now her gleam in her eyes is wondering there but it died with her bedroom eyes she wink paranormally and such panache that bring her a kiss and the night subside in just a raptuhere or a superfluous tail again
a  story about Judy not a song
as she's
so felt this
way too
but her
slits between
thighs array
with shirts
that she
skirt her  
beliefs that
really miss
tan lines
round her
gluteus maximus
a birthday party with kj
She dares
wee hour
but tree
in Berkeley
yet dawn
only wager
their firm
with rose
in our
court another
year that
Romulus take
these places
and spaces
in term
with harm
he retires
A Baltic atoll nigh
I am but a giant
of enlightenment
as I've been both years
here yet develop
strep in tears despair
days that might
stay when I came to
love our being still
mystery now season
in newly gotten wiles
only there to impress
a red rover machine
and target afresh
dreamscape by canal.
aloe vera
of kingdom
lay within
her burn
the deep
south that
enhance freedom
with catholic
favor now
Big Sur
of my
roundabout squire
heretofore impeccable
that fourth-order
shall measure  
this assurance
of pardon
A note on sin
a sire
of Oliver
is spring
in Baganda
with carafe
here might
muse the
daughter in
craft and
slaughter now
leader for
features incumbent
in the
sprawl of
louche theatrics
to vanish
in mire
rain in LA
A ludicrous
man who
box and
angle with
whim wholly
heat dangle
his bantam
let towel
round his
ear with
such rumor
proclaim his
crown and
still fight
his trilogy
with Mexico
La Bourrera
Barrera is a surname in Romance languages including Spanich, Italian and Portuguese and the meaning is border, thank-you
I'd bring
with my
spoon a
cherry whether
a shubunkin
in the
lagoon but
with a
knife would
bait my
hook if
fished such
lure with
the moon
till darkness
fell on
entry there
a fish and a bait hook
as yesteryears
wake up
on  track
though a
pamphlet of
Commonsense is
here someday
in Hollywood
and dire
amnesty wanes
on highway
stripes along
the east
coast of
Maine the
superior judge
of delphinium
I carry wind with addendum as though a seed has thought
only such food she'll shine again with a shore repository

as a companion in foot massage deeper inside
if mistaken identity may press her soul
that spice up this time does visit one bellwether chore of making love

yet still time those players melt their ardor and repose their splatter
in a kingdom yet found in traces of love those denizens wild cat demands so taboo again that heat with detraction of Liberty.
a ring
of chestnuts
aflame and
much hotter
here than
Clive is  
to toast
eh blue
as shearling
laid Cumberland
newt with
proclivity as
his legacy
for hire
is too
tired for
the Pennines
Clive is  British author
as she
was dire
with heath
inside her
desire where
flattened scape
or aberrance
anywhere heathen
to her
debt and
foremost in
liability but
Lakshmi sheer
while glamour
laid deepest
cacophony in  
world today
in materialism
In basin
sprinkle lawns
sparingly though
pets are
favored too
in pending
season of
drought must
foretell quake
and herd
those ready
that rule
yet won't
squander a
role by
the river
an aqueduct.
A poem about Angelena
they would
poach breakfast
so sound
in their
living room
that had
eaten this
croissant with
an ear
in place
till this
rap was
down then
after their
own plates
with this
illustrious swag
breakfast for champions
A college in Mexico with axioms lust
those lines on faces did entrust
a river at the horizon
when there was tea ground from leaf
there on vacation why she enhanced parlay
my sojourn would last today
and glory was in this backseat
she ready did *** her mind with me.  
While her lowrider really ran so grand
there a nest of hill myna together
a divine incline cropped her china
and while I toasted her varietal grape.
La Paz is city in Baja California Sur.
I searched
through the
rubble when
dusk has
the water
and wave
tusk ashore
the last
break fore
surfer now
to close
kettle only
this quake
on dry
surf near
alcove and
her sky
last break is a last breaker
as eva smokes cigars

      ^.      ^
as Eva & Joseph
in their ware of blue
have the dills seed
and their clouds brought reign
but she'd vex their hearts in church again
why all is for one
A tough
guy still
his place
relives Spanish
Inquisition and
gossamer upwind
only prorogue
yesterday with
those Oxfords
on shoes,
shirt and
Otis for
trusty returns
easily now
a ghost
ware of
his Aberdeen.
James Otis an Amercan Statesmen known for revenue impose in Massachusetes.
King is
perpetual as
fox in
law and
he will
tender there
as well
his squad
that shall
stoke alarm
to capitalize
streets with
guns as
no one
is dead
and soon
they'll care.
Tallahassee Street
A rushing blade there to public transport
still only fog compartment
rains upon their chests though letters as you are now glory
with gesture or unspoken allure

ye more intriguing with grass in their haystacks
and we're bridge burning with lure that fish underground
with swelter of climate to beat the heat through hale
note green
my way
is this
boundless spirit
of sound
splashing and
wise that
keen to
law this
Prodigy and
express thier
existence here
in count
with drama
and material
is facto
and witness    
of nation
ritual of law
if I'm
a law
there that
nightlife may
call their
case firm
tonight and
bewilder a
natural oven
with face
now melt
lawyers narrow
breadth while
done again
this time
in vain
a lawyer's breadth
A crush
that a
sparrow thrush
their derricks
while her
pipit engross
mere interlude
that multiped
flinch there
underground that
oil rich
with plasma
there made
this puppy
ready masquerade
shelter for
abject promulgation
A legal notice
A phenom pursue movement
by midnight if entrained encampment
flush by her heels while quatrain will absorb
when she only a heaping there in life with
hers round circumference as deeply met
for a week if her sorcery became a tempest rife
in horsepower with such antigen that an earthquake
with even more liquefaction than mere mention
on cruises her regression must also play into her automobile
and forebode her ritual in speeding in class action.
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