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12.5k · Jun 2017
Moments In Time
Mary-Eliz Jun 2017
I see you there
suspended for a time
between the shadow
and the light.

You look pale
but peaceful,
in a dream state.

I rest awhile,
a shallow sleep,

then I awake


without words
my mind whispers

it’s time

I gently wipe your lips,
brush a stray hair
from your forehead.
It’s all I know to do.

Then I sing
a cherished lullaby
hoping you hear me
hoping it wraps you in love
as my arms wrapped
around you
as a child.

I hold your hand,
kiss your forehead.
In that instant I see
and feel all you’ve been
all that is you

tiny wrinkled infant
delightful, smiling six-month old
curious toddler
proud school age
struggling teen
loving adult

we're losing all of these,
all that you've been
all that is you


I feel your spirit leave…

for that brief moment
I’m overcome with a calm
I can’t describe.

A gift rare and precious –

as I was there
when you entered the world
I was with you
when you left.

"The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough."  
Rabinadrath Tagore
We lost our son to a brain tumor. He fought bravely and determinedly for seven years, enduring two surgeries, radiation, Gamma knife "surgery", chemotherapy and clinical trials. He never lost his sunny smile or determination. He only let go when he knew it was time, slipping into unconsciousness shortly after his two brothers (his best friends) arrived to say goodbye. He remained in that suspended state for two days. On the third day the four of us gathered for dinner and shared thoughts about him and our life with him. We cried, we laughed, we shared memories. Later that night he let go. I will always believe, being the caring and generous person he was, that he heard us talking and knew that, as hard as it would be, we would be okay.
Mary-Eliz May 2017
I know the heart is a heavy thing
and if today you managed to lift it
a few inches off the ground,
I am proud.
You need to understand that there are no turning points.
Your life is not a movie and your fears will not disappear
as soon as someone loves you back. There are only moments
when the glimmer of light you are chasing seems closer than the darkness that is always chasing you but in these moments
every single thing has been worth it.
And I know sometimes you only want it over, this never ending war
but the battle raging within ourselves is the only one worth fighting.
I do not believe in much, but of that-
of that I am sure.
In spite of it all be a force for good wherever you can. Every smile
to a stranger is a little victory. So smile now.
You are alive.
And please understand that victory
is not a sunrise to the zenith
victory is getting out of bed
and finding for the first time in weeks you are not so afraid.
Trust your gut, or whatever part of your life you believe in the most.
The only decisions I regret are the ones I didn’t really make myself.
Hope and wishful thinking are two different things, and only
one is going to hurt you. The other is something to cling to
with everything you have, and never lose sight of.
Sometimes love is tenderness. Sometimes love is flowers and sometimes
love is a small patch of soil and a packet of seeds.
Love is never someone telling you how hopelessly broken you are
and telling you it’s good.
Remember the tides rise and fall and never meet but the sea
goes on looking for itself on the other side of the world. Even the sea has hope
and it’s the biggest **** being on Earth.
Remember time is a concept that humans created and clocks may stop ticking but reality never runs out.
Your chances are endless.
Remember every step back is another step you know how to take forward.
Nothing’s ever wasted.
The last thing to remember is that however much they take
from you, your demons will never be satisfied. And I know this is a terrifying thought
but it also means they are always fighting a losing battle.
However long the war goes on, there is only one possible winner
and the winner is you.
4.8k · May 2017
Deep Listening
Mary-Eliz May 2017
Let us listen...

     Just for awhile
     let us silence our minds
     and open our hearts

     Just for awhile
     let us listen from within


     not to gain knowledge
     not to formulate questions

     rather to chance upon
     sacred bonds and
     profound wisdom

Just for awhile
let us not seek information
or answers

Let us not rouse the intellect
but embrace the spirit

If thoughts cloud the brain
let them pass

If replies tingle on the tongue
let us breathe them away silently

Return to them later
but here...

here in this precious time of sharing

Let us listen

     let the words wash over us
     and seep into a still quiet pool

Let us listen.
Inspired by a circle I belong to that practices "deep listening" which each person, in turn, speaks their heart (about a topic chosen by the facilitator) while the others just listen...deep topics, no dialogue, no conversation, just listening to one another. It's so different from regular conversations, chit-chat and small talk which is what people usually experience.

The world needs more real listening!
Mary-Eliz May 2018
In the drawer were folded fine
batiste slips embroidered with scrolls
and posies, edged with handmade
lace too good for her to wear.

Daily she put on shmattehs
fit only to wash the car
or the windows, rags
that had never been pretty

even when new: somewhere
such dresses are sold only
to women without money to waste
on themselves, on pleasure,

to women who hate their bodies,
to women whose lives close on them.
Such dresses come bleached by tears,
packed in salt like herring.

Yet she put the good things away
for the good day that must surely
come, when promises would open
like tulips their satin cups

for her to drink the sweet
sacramental wine of fulfillment.

The story shone in her as through
tinted glass, how the mother

gave up and did without
and was in the end crowned
with what? scallions? crowned
queen of the dead place

in the heart where old dreams
whistle on bone flutes
where run-over pets are forgotten,
where lost stockings go?

In the coffin she was beautiful
not because of the undertaker's
garish cosmetics but because
that face at eighty was still

her face at eighteen peering
over the drab long dress
of poverty, clutching a book.
Where did you read your dreams, Mother?

Because her expression softened
from the pucker of disappointment,
the grimace of swallowed rage,
she looked a white-haired girl.

The anger turned inward, the anger
turned inward, where
could it go except to make pain?
It flowed into me with her milk.

Her anger annealed me.
I was dipped into the cauldron
of boiling rage and rose
a warrior and a witch

but still vulnerable
there where she held me.
She could always wound me
for she knew the secret places.

She could always touch me
for she knew the pressure
points of pleasure and pain.
Our minds were woven together.

I gave her presents and she hid
them away, wrapped in plastic.
Too good, she said, too good.
I'm saving them. So after her death

I sort them, the ugly things
that were sufficient for every
day and the pretty things for which
no day of hers was ever good enough.
The beginning of a poem Liz Balise posted "Where I Left Them" reminded me of this Marge Piercy poem. Liz's went off in a totally different direction, but since I had been reminded of this, I thought I'd share it.
3.7k · May 2017
[Yet another by Finn Butler]
Mary-Eliz May 2017
Do I believe in reincarnation? No. not in the strictest sense.
But if matter can neither be created nor destroyed I think there
must be
a piece of everyone's heart still beating somewhere
in the past or future tense.
I know we all become dust, but that dust becomes someone new
and so it takes a thousand parts to make a life, not just two.
And that is why maybe you cry at the sight of daffodils blooming
because a part of you lost his mother in the spring.
And somehow you are sure that you have heard your lover's
voice before.
(I swear, they feel it, too
because a piece of them also once loved a piece of you.)
I like that idea, you know.
That we are bound to other people
by carrying the traces of these same old souls
from a thousand years ago.
When I first discovered this young poet, I thought it was a "he" since I had only heard the name "Finn" used as a boy's name. It turns out it is a "she." But I've not been able to find out much more even though part of my reason for ordering her book "From the Wreckage" was that I had hoped it would have some brief biography. All her poems speak to me on a very deep level, but when I read this one, I felt as if she had somehow plunged into my mind and pulled out my very thoughts.
2.6k · Jul 2018
Who Knew?
Mary-Eliz Jul 2018
I had fun creating a fairy garden
but now it drives me crazy
I have to pull every single ****
my fairies all are lazy
2.6k · Apr 2018
Sophie's Choice
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
artful creations

colors, charcoals


stone and clay

wood and paper

bringing life


can the artist choose?
garden creations

shades of green


fern, forest

mint, moss

tea, olive

a multitude
of blooming

can the gardener decide on one?
kitchen creations

sweets and treats

savories and piquants

cakes and pies

meats, stews

butter, garlic



onions caramelized
to sweet


tamarind, turmeric

combined in
joy and

can the chef say which is best?

and thus
I challenge any poet

can you choose your favorite "child"?
I made myself hungry in that one part!
2.4k · Aug 2018
Waltz of Time
Mary-Eliz Aug 2018
in synergy of sky and sea
shadowy clouds bestow the rain
the gracious sea accepts
then gives it back again

filtering through the clouds
sunshine warms the scene
dancing on the ripples
creating a resplendent sheen

endless sky and water deep
all but a seamless view
who gives color to the other
which one is more blue

allies in a great expanse
their grandeur is sublime
their waltz remains unchanged
as they measure out its time
Inspired by a landscape/seascape in which clouds over the sea in the distance appear to either rain down or draw up mist.
2.1k · May 2017
Bone Pile
Mary-Eliz May 2017
I spent months
setting them up

those emotional "dominoes"

black rectangles on end
balanced just so
white spots spelling out


just a sharp stroke
of a tongue
on one corner
they fall...
   and fall...
      and fall...

they lay

on their backs
          like beetles
unable to turn

their undersides exposed
                             and vulnerable

how many times
            can they be realigned

how many times
              before the spots erode

how many times
               before it's empty inside

like dead beetles'
                       dry, brittle shells?
An older poem I came across.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
See you at APriCoT's Produce Club

we'll produce peachy poetry.
Having fun!
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
We travel carrying our words.
We arrive at the ocean.
With our words we are able to speak
of the sounds of thunderous waves.
We speak of how majestic it is,
of the ocean power that gifts us songs.
We sing of our respect
and call it our relative.

Translated into English from O’odham by the poet.

’U’a g T-ñi’okı˘

T-ñi’okı˘ ’att ’an o ’u’akc o hihi
Am ka:ck wui dada.
S-ap ‘am o ’a: mo has ma:s g kiod.
mat ’am ’ed.a betank ’i-gei.
’Am o ’a: mo he’es ’i-ge’ej,
mo hascu wud.  i:da gewkdagaj
mac ’ab amjed.  behě g ñe’i.
Hemhoa s-ap ‘am o ’a: mac si has elid, mo d.  ’i:mig.
I was looking through some of my computer files and came across this. I have no idea where or how I originally found it and actually didn't even remember it. But I like it and thought I'd share it. :-)
1.8k · May 2018
Like a Whisper
Mary-Eliz May 2018
He was just thirteen,
still a child,
when he lost his leg.
A tent pole from
a church revival
the life out of it.
I remember hearing
doctors having to wait
too long...
something about my grandfather...
they couldn't find him
he wouldn't sign

I'm not sure.
The memories of the stories
are fuzzy.
I just know
my daddy had a wooden leg.

It was his right leg...
I think.

We took it for granted.
It seemed so normal,
his prosthesis.  We never
called it
It was his
wooden leg.

You might not expect it,
with a wooden leg and all,
but my daddy was
a great dancer.
Light as a whisper.
When he danced,
nobody knew...
about his leg.
And those who did know

I can see him gliding
around the dance floor
with my mom in his arms.
They were as one,
swaying and moving
with the music.


I got to dance with him.
I remember it so well.
I can close my eyes
feel the smooth
polished floor
under my feet
my daddy's strong
arms around me.

When I danced
with my daddy
I was secure
I felt graceful
He guided you,
smooth and easy,
so natural.
I can still feel the lilting rhythm.


I'm not a great dancer,
though I'd like to be,
when I danced
with my daddy
I could dance.
I was agile
             and fluid
                    and free.

I skimmed the air.

'Cause even with
a wooden leg,

my daddy,

he sure could dance.
This is a "rerun" but some things I've been reading and writing made me think of my daddy, feel nostalgic. He's been gone a good while as he died too young, but I hope he and my mom are still dancing somewhere!
1.6k · May 2017
Lonely Ol' Age
Mary-Eliz May 2017
I'd be a Prophet or Sage
if only my wisdom
(if I even have some)
was lined up with my age

a reflective Buddha I'd be
I'd be an enlightened one
shaded from the bright sun
meditating 'neath the Bodhi tree

might as well face it
I can't erase it

for me...

age came with no wisdom
that's why it's so lonesome
a Buddha I'll never be
even if I do sit under a tree!

I guess that's okay...
don't mean to be too silly
but  I don't want Buddha belly
it's bad enough anyway!
Gotta be silly sometimes!
1.6k · Jul 2018
Another Clerihew
Mary-Eliz Jul 2018
that crazy man Rodrigo Duterte
best watch out or he'll end up muerte
if he keeps on being a windbag
he might find himself sporting a toe tag
1.5k · Apr 2017
Winter Love Scene
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
The black lace tree,
like some seductive lover,
caresses the gray sky
running its fingers through the softness.

The sky first holds its breath
in surprise, then
heaves a passionate sigh
as the tree trembles with joy.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
Elliot, please add to the HP rules:

Caution: Don't drink and read!
Maybe this needs a bit in the way of notes. In comments I read "I got wine up my nose." I was already myself laughing at the poem and this comment made me thankful I wasn't drinking anything!
Mary-Eliz May 2018
oh pregnancy oh pregnancy
oh how you make the belly grow
oh pregnancy, oh pregnancy
a girl if high, a boy if low

you give us gas and stretch marks
an aching back and fallen arch
oh pregnancy, oh pregnancy
oh please, oh please won't you have a heart

oh pregnancy oh pregnancy
oh how you make the belly large
oh pregnancy oh pregnancy
you make us feel just like a barge

you make us in the morning sick
and noon and night
what a ***** trick
oh pregnancy oh pregnancy
oh how - ouch - ooh how they kick

they kick and squirm
won't let you sleep
jab foot in rib and dig in deep
oh pregnancy oh pregnancy
why don't you go and take a leap
At the moment I don't have a Mothers' Day poem...but this has to come first anyway! LOL (an old one)
1.5k · Apr 2018
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
and poet?

love letters in mail

and poet?

precision, detail

and poet?

sifting for feelings

and poet?

a jolt
leaving one reeling

and poet?

drafting with words

and poet?

singing of birds

Bus driver
and poet?

observing life's roadways

and poet?

perhaps how he prays

and poet?

though about win or lose
her poetry just might amuse

and poet?

Aren't we all that?
though we wear different hats
distilling things downwards
saving on words

whoever you are
whatever you choose
listen, observe
welcome your Muse!
A rewrite to add one. :-)
Mary-Eliz Jan 2019
There's a song...
a piece of music
I wish you could hear

when I hear it
a couple appears in my mind

they move lightly
step forward
two as one

the music
flavor of Latin
sultry guitar
dulcet violin
breathy flute
suffuses their bodies
tawny velvet skin
ignited in a warm glow

hands raised
palms touching
crossover steps
bodies syncopated
perfectly in time
perfectly in step
perfectly together


his hands on her
slender waist
move softly
in rhythm
with the easy swaying
of her hips

her silky dress
floats and ripples
a scarlet river
shining under fluorescent "stars"

their gaze steady
into each others' rich
mahogany eyes
until she is twirled
back to his chest

hands still on her waist
his lips tenderly brush her neck
he takes her hand
she turns
into him again

in that moment
no one
nothing else exists
only the music
and their fiery zeal
""Ak Verlang Na Ju" is a song in Africaans. It means "I'm longing for you." recorded by Wouter Kellerman. the CD "Love Language". The song is by Sonja Herholdt.
1.4k · May 2018
I Can't Keep Up
Mary-Eliz May 2018
long-legged brothers
daddy long legs, too

hurry, scurry

wait up,
I can't keep up with you

slow down
wait for me

I'm lagging
don't you see



always feeling in a hurry

so much
you write too fast

it's like walk-running
in the past

slow down...
I lag behind it's true

slow down, wait for me
I can't keep up!

I can't keep up with you!
I know I likely miss a lot of real gems but oh lordy! it is hard to keep up. I still have short legs and walk fast :-)
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
For our son we lost to brain cancer 2009:

a crowd
candles lit
songs sung
words read
memories shared
hugs and tears

Butterflies released

"Ah!" breathed
in unison

so rare
filling the air
for those few moments
with their delicate
flittering wave
wafting in a clear royal sky

one week
at home
family of four
intimate sharing
candles lit
words read
words spoken
memories shared
wineglass toast

eyes drift to the window

"Ah!" in unison
and amazement

rare and magnificent
out the window
on Butterfly Bush
posed at that very moment
for us to sense
his transformation
This was extremely hard to put into a poem and it needs work. It really happened. We rarely see Monarchs as they are becoming rare. Since our son was a hobbyist photographer who loved taking pictures of butterflies, bees, etc. on flowers in my garden, we thought it appropriate to find and order butterflies to release at his Memorial (which we held on his birthday). When we had our own private "memorial" the following week, we were astonished when this one appeared just as we were finishing. It was the only one we saw that year. The following summer I had an especially dark day...went out to the garden and there he was...again the only one I saw that year. The third year it happened again. The fourth year two appeared together and that was the last I've seen. (I may just not be out there at the right time, but the serendipity of these encounters was awesome and significant to me!) The title comes from the last line of "Advice From a Butterfly" with a picture of a Monarch.
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
Hide and Seek
Charles Simic, 1938
Haven’t found anyone
From the old gang.
They must be still in hiding,
Holding their breaths
And trying not to laugh.

Our street is down on its luck
With windows broken
Where on summer nights
One heard couples arguing,
Or saw them dancing to the radio.

The redhead we were
All in love with,
Who sat on the fire escape,
Smoking late into the night,
Must be in hiding too.

The skinny boy
On crutches
Who always carried a book,
May not have
Gotten very far.

Darkness comes early
This time of year
Making it hard
To recognize familiar faces
In those of strangers.
One of my favorite poems is by Charles Simic ("The Stone") so when this came up as poem-of-the-day I had to check it out - I sometimes skip over them. I liked it, especially the first stanza. Hide and Seek was a big part of my childhood. We lived out in the country so we seven siblings mostly played together - simple games like hide-and-seek, kick the can, etc. I wasn't nearly as taken with it as "The Stone". What I do really like is what he said about it. It makes me feel better about the fact that often I am the same way about "being in the dark" as to when and how a poem began. I rarely put a date when I write and often find the bare bones of poems I had begun but forgotten. But I don't mind joining Simic in his somewhat mysterious place :-)

About This Poem

“My poems are a mix of autobiography and pure invention and often take years of tinkering before they are ready, so I rarely remember when and how they began and do not keep old drafts to help me do so. I like being in the dark as to where I’m going and where I’ll end up. And I hope my readers feel the same.”
—Charles Simic
1.3k · May 2017
Mary-Eliz May 2017
She's younger than me
She's just eighty-three
but you'd think she's
a hundred and ten.
She talks of her aches.
She talks of her pains.
Then she tells them all over again.

She wins all the "prizes"..
She likes to advise us
on all the troubles she has
like sun-burning too easy
and how she gets queasy,
flat feet, sinus problems and gas!

She has all of these plus
she's weak in the knees.
Her heart sometimes beats out of time.
The bugs like her better.
She says they all get her.
Her bites swell the size of a dime.
(Actually, a quarter but it didn't rhyme.)

She has trouble sleeping.
She has trouble eating.
Some foods they give her the hives.
To hear when she tells it,
she isn't so well. It's a wonder
she's even alive.

Too healthy am I.
I can't even try
to keep up with the conversation.
The ante's too much.
Her ails I can't touch.
I've not even had operations.

She has, you know, from
her head to her toe.
They've taken out pieces and parts.
She keeps them in jars.
They're never too far
to be shown at a game of hearts.

When she whips out her stones
and pieces of bones,
we just smile and then nod our heads.
She knows she's the winner and
we're just beginners.
"Hey, can't we talk about
the weather instead?"
My two sisters and I used to spend a week together at a beach house. I had to leave a conversation with them one time because I couldn't stand to listen to their (hypochondriac) complaints and woes another minute. I went in the other room and wrote this...later when I read it to them, they laughed but they didn't really"get it"!! Of course, I exaggerated a bit...including the age :-) but still...(On the other hand, perhaps each of them thought it was about the other! LOL)
1.3k · May 2017
Passing Trains
Mary-Eliz May 2017
Be a child again
come along with me
to make-believe and magic
hopes and fanciful dreams

that's where you'll find it
the peace you're looking for
when you drop your defenses
your masks and your schemes

just believe in fairies
elves and leprechauns
watch for rainbows
pick some flowers
dance out in the rain
sing silly songs
laugh and play

wave madly to a passing train**

find a world of simple pleasure
be a child again
come along with me
**I had an aunt who lived at the end of a street on a slight hill...below the hill was the train track. We loved to visit her because we knew we'd have a chance to listen for a train coming and run out and wave to it. When the caboose passed, we waved the hardest And when the conductor was there and waved back we were thrilled and felt so special. A favorite memory that's why I let that line have its own space. :-)
1.2k · Apr 2017
Saffron Vision
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
I see you
                   the purple air
                       eyes bulging              
                          teeth showing
                              like a blind, hungry tiger
                                      without a sun to guide
                                             without a son to follow
                                                  without day or night
                                                       to know the alligators
                                                        on the black river
                                                       in the jungle
                                                   where the russet snakes
                                                  wrap themselves
                                                 around your mind
                                              squeezing seeds from it
I see you falling from
     the emerald tree, first
           clinging sanguinely
               then giving in to wind
                     and gravity, toppling
                      dropping like ripe fruit
                    splitting open spilling
                   your tawny seeds sharing
                your succulent flesh, flesh
               which feeds succeeding
             trees, trees where you can

sit to watch
             the tiger
                           struggle for
                              a place to be
                                     before they fall
                                             the purple air
                                                air that forces
                                                 out the seeds
                                           seeds spewed
                                       on the green
                                    granite mountain
                                under the sizzling
                              saffron sun.
1.2k · Apr 2018
Judas (a repost)
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
I've often heard that karma
is a witch
but with a different start
you with your blackened heart
won't see it coming,
but I tell you this
it surely will arrive...
along with a Judas kiss.

As you've stabbed others in the back
sharp tongue like a knife
karma will creep up on you
it will tangle up your life

It won't matter which face
you wear
karma knows your many
karma doesn't care

You'll wonder why
it happens
you'll coyly ask "why me?"
feigning innocence, ignorance
lacking remorse and empathy

you shouldn't fool
with karma, but
too late to think of that
it will strip you of your pride
you'll feel it deep inside

the exact reason for your pain
you may not recognize
karma can't be fooled
you'll be haunted by your lies

I likely won't be there to see it...
see justice come around
but in my heart I know...
I know you will be found

you'll get your just "reward"
as you hold the losing Karma Kard!
An older one dug out as I was reminded of it by Mica Kluge's "Karma is a Curious Revenge".......which gave me a different perspective!
1.2k · May 2017
Mary-Eliz May 2017
I've often heard that karma
is a witch
but with a different start
you with your blackened heart
won't see it coming,
but I tell you this
it surely will arrive...
along with a Judas kiss.

As you've stabbed others in the back
sharp tongue like a knife
karma will creep up on you
it will tangle up your life

It won't matter which face
you wear
karma knows your many
karma doesn't care

You'll wonder why
it happens
you'll coyly ask "why me?"
feigning innocence, ignorance
lacking remorse and empathy

you shouldn't fool
with karma, but
too late to think of that
it will strip you of your pride
you'll feel it deep inside

the exact reason for your pain
you may not recognize
karma can't be fooled
you'll be haunted by your lies

I likely won't be there to see it...
see justice come around
but in my heart I know...
I know you will be found

you'll get your just "reward"
as you hold the losing Karma Kard!
1.2k · Apr 2017
Bones of Creation
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
A poem is but a skeleton
for mind
to fill the open


between the ribs

to flesh it out

to make it whole

for one,
it may dance
in abundance

while another sees
the spaces

for another
more questions
are created
a deep
of wandering
of wondering

the meaning
the light


the spaces
the bones
1.1k · Apr 2018
HP = Hellacious [Word] Play
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
through the
Humbling Portal
of these
Hallowed Pages
you'll find

Hesitant Plunges
both by new
and "older"
Honored Poets

Harmonious Palettes
to create
Haunting Pictures
sometimes giving a
Heavenward Peek

Hypnotic Potpourri
Heady Perfume
Happy Poison

Hapless Pixies
Hopeful Prophets
Hunt Pearls
Hold Parades

that result in
Holy Pandemonium

within our reach are
Homegrown Peaches
Hanging Pome
for our
Hungry Prowling

as we read
tales of
Heartless Paramours
Hissing Pit-vipers
who gave
Half Promises

we decipher
Humorous Puzzles
Hardest Perplexities
based on
Hysterical Pretexts
until our eyes see only
Haphazard Pixels
on the screen

and in a
Helpless Panic
we quickly read
the notes
Hasty Postlude#
1.1k · May 2017
Fighting the Muse
Mary-Eliz May 2017
I sometimes think it could be ADD
this thing I really know is pestering poetry
it has me by the throat; it has me by the brain
now it has me in my gut, I'll never be the same

it comes when I least expect
it comes when I really don't want it
when I'm trying to do what I do for pay
it comes along brash and undaunted

I try not to do it, truly I do
but it just spills out like an overfilled gutter
"Stop" I tell her "leave me alone.
I don't want to do this" I sputter.

she's always there, that impudent muse
teasing and taunting my head
I can't get her out, I can't shut her up
even at night when I crawl into bed

she sits on the headboard and waits
for her chance to burst into a dream
then shaking me, waking me
in the wee hours she acts out her scheme

she won't take no for an answer
"I'm sleepy" just will not do
it doesn't matter if it's three AM
or if it's barely half past two

she refuses to let me just lie there
"Don't be lazy! Get up and write it;
you know how forgetful you are.
Wake up and don't try to fight it.

There she is, that cruel taskmaster
looking down at me with a smirk
"You'll do as I say. I won't tell you again,
Now stop whining and get to work."

she insists that I follow her orders
battering my mind till it's lame
"You may only write junk; you may only
write garbage, but you'll write it just the same!"

I clench my teeth; I ball my fists
I'll show who's the stubborn one
I'll show her who's boss
before this (oh, drat, a poem) is done!
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
A minute for a dollar, a second for a dime.
I execute it all for pay.
My daily trade is killing time.

I slice the day up like a lime
in sections green and silver-gray.
A minute for a dollar, a second for a dime.

I'm practiced in this pantomime,
proficient, quite au fait.
My daily trade is killing time.

Like a hit man in his prime
I knock off the hours of the day.
A minute for a dollar, a second for a dime.

Yet killing here is not a crime;
it's merely the established way.
My daily trade is killing time.

No. killing here is not a crime;
it's the toll road through this fray.
A minute for a dollar, a second for a dime.
My daily trade is killing time.
As a person who likes to stay busy, I hated it when, after 16 years as Audit Director at a university, I was transferred to Assistant Controller working for a person who truly earned her title as "Controller". Since the decision had not been hers, she resented it (as close as I can figure, anyway) so she held back on assigning me work or letting me do work, even when she talked about being swamped. Also it was a large office and I couldn't help but notice a lot of "goofing off". The situation was grist for the mill for this poem...and luckily didn't last long. I left and went in a whole new direction and have been my own boss ever since. :-)
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
been rhyming too much
I'm outta my rhythm
bearings are off
can't do a thing with 'em

been rhyming too much
I seem stuck in one gear
engine is straining
it's all that I hear

been rhyming too much
transmission won't shift
can't get it right
it's going adrift

been rhyming too much
think my tires are deflated
they're not turning well
must need rotated

been rhyming too much
starting to swerve
steering is out
threw me a curve

been rhyming too much
seems all I can do
come on everybody
where's my pit crew
Rhyming is somewhat unusual for me so it struck me that lately that seems to be the focus of my Muse.
For the title, trying to come up with a play on words with Rime of the Ancient Mariner as my husband suggests. We're not having much luck! I guess I really do need a "pit crew". :-)
Mary-Eliz May 2018
She saw a flower, sensitive plant of my garden
She saw a flower, sensitive plant of my garden
it was the warmest, sunniest morning
it was the warmest, sunniest morning
Warmest of garden, it saw a flower in the morning
sensitive, she was my sunniest plant

The wind is blowing from west over the river
The wind is blowing from west over the river
The sky turns dark above the mountains
The sky turns dark above the mountains
The west wind turns, is blowing over the mountains
From the river above the dark sky

The city far away, the buildings tall
The city far away, the buildings tall
Disguise the green fields beyond the crowds
Disguise the green fields beyond the crowds
The tall fields, the green buildings
Disguise the crowds beyond the far away city                                  

The tall mountains, the fields, the sky above                              
saw a disguise of crowds over city buildings                                                        ­                
my morning, it was the sunniest beyond the west                                                             ­             
The green river she turns dark                                                             ­                               
The warmest wind is blowing from far away                      
Plant the sensitive flower in the garden
Paradelle: a form that was first presented by Billy Collins as an Old French form. He fessed up later that he had created the form. It is complicated but a good challenge!

When Collins first published the paradelle, it was with the footnote "The paradelle is one of the more demanding French fixed forms, first appearing in the langue d'oc love poetry of the eleventh century. It is a poem of four six-line stanzas in which the first and second lines, as well as the third and fourth lines of the first three stanzas, must be identical. The fifth and sixth lines, which traditionally resolve these stanzas, must use all the words from the preceding lines and only those words. Similarly, the final stanza must use every word from all the preceding stanzas and only these words."
1.0k · Apr 2017
Slow Harmony
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
The slow autumn presses
at the window,
as geese give a melancholy voice
to leaving
their dark v-shape
splitting a cloudless sky

the sun spreads
a quiet space
of tangerine orange
and rosy pink
as it slips below the horizon

when darkness closes in,
stars shiver
in the distance
ghosts perhaps since
some have died

the moon’s shimmer follows
the river’s winding path
complacent river in lament
mingles with powerful sea

ending and beginning
combined in poignant
Just a bit out of season! :-)
1.0k · Apr 2018
Savory Septolet
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
seven pennies
fourteen dimes
two friends visit
candy shop

sweet smiles
candy bar
I don't know if $1.47 would buy a candy bar big enough to share, but wanted to try this form with 7 for number of lines, 14 for number of words, two for the break into two parts. Not sure it fits the part about creating pictures. (Thanks, Apricot, for introducing the form :-)
1.0k · Apr 2017
An Opal Is A Beautiful Gem
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
her name was
she should have been
but she was

she was bossed around
and tossed around
by our Aunt Marie

we were afraid of her
Opal, that is

though Marie was no
sweet cup of tea

afraid just because she
looked different

though later
long after she’d gone
remembering her smiling round face
and thin slanted eyes
I guess we realized

but back then, we were kids
we didn’t understand
we didn’t see her much

and they didn’t tell us a thing

not who she was
not why she was there
not even that she was kin to our dad
a sister, in fact

she didn’t seem really loved
didn’t seem cared for that much
yet she was so quiet

I’d love to go back
I’d love the chance
to smile and look up to her eyes
I’d take her hand
lead her gently around
call her my sweet
Aunt Opal!
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
My mother never forgave my father
for killing himself,
especially at such an awkward time
and in a public park,
that spring
when I was waiting to be born.
She locked his name
in her deepest cabinet
and would not let him out,
though I could hear him thumping.
When I came down from the attic
with the pastel portrait in my hand
of a long-lipped stranger
with a brave moustache
and deep brown level eyes,
she ripped it into shreds
without a single word
and slapped me hard.
In my sixty-fourth year
I can feel my cheek
still burning.
I was so taken by Terry Jordan's poem "My Father's Rickenbacker Guitar" - it reminded me of this one that I love by a very, very favorite poet.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
She remembers when she first got her wings
And how she opened up that day
she learned to sing
Then the colors came, erased the
black and white
And her whole world changed
when she realized

She's a butterfly, pretty as the crimson sky
Nothing's ever gonna bring her down
And everywhere she goes
Everybody knows she's so glad to be alive
She's a butterfly
Like the purest light in a darkened world
So much hope inside such a lovely girl
You should see her fly, it's almost magical
It makes you wanna cry, she's so beautiful

God bless the butterfly,
give her the strength to fly
Never let her wings touch the ground
God bless the butterfly,
give her strength to fly
Never let her wings touch the ground
Went for a brief moment to Facebook and found a "Memory" as they sometimes post on your page...from a year ago. It referenced my "addiction" at that time which was Karaoke...I posted this song that I had found that I had intended to sing. I never did, so I thought I'd post here (my current "addiction"). I had forgotten all about it.
986 · Apr 2018
Palindrome of Planets
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
follow patterns                                    
always dancing, singing eternally                            
dying stars arrange carefully                                                                  ­          
darkness finding swirling spaces        
beauty cancelled                                        
foundations disrupted like rocks crumbling              
regretfully finding                                                          ­            
distorted pictures                                                         ­           
pictures distorted                                                        ­                                  
finding regretfully
crumbling rocks like disrupted foundations
canceled beauty
spaces swirling finding darkness
carefully arrange stars dying
eternally singing, dancing always
patterns follow
968 · Apr 2018
Chips Should Be Chocolate
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
such a heavy load you have there
that chip sitting on your shoulder
why not just let it go
let it go before it's a boulder

thicken up your skin a bit
don't jump so quick to defense
nobody's out to get you
you don't have to be so intense

I hate walking on eggshells
I really don't want them to crack
so remove all those shells, brush off the chip
and cut everybody some slack!
This one is for me, too, at times! :-)
967 · May 2017
Withered Lilies
Mary-Eliz May 2017
You've cut ff your feet
to spite your head
Is there nothing left
in between?
is your whole life
and squandered
rotted and
by gangrene?

Join me, come in.
Cavort with the dead
Join me, come in.
I can't be alone in my head.

How can you sit
with blood on your face
and not feel
it dry to a crust?
How can you sit
with gore on your hands
knowing you shiver
from lust?

Join me, come in.
Cavort with the dead.
Join me, come in.
I can't be alone in my head.
You, too, must feel torment
and torture.
You, too, must be plagued
without cure.

Where are you going?
to hell and not back?
Did you buy your ticket
to ride?
will you walk
the bottomless pit
draped with your badges

flesh putrefied?

Heads on lapels like
an Easter corsage
dead lilies like
those on a grave,

a grave that you dug
stepped in to forage
to eat as a worm of the flesh.

Flesh young and tender
that flamed with desire
till your curse
the fire.

*Join me, come in.
Come into my fire.
Join me, come in.
We'll wade through
the mire
with blood
in our mouths
and our eyes.

Taste of the pain,
the glorious pain.
Like a gift
I give it to you,
offered again and again,
a philanthropist
swollen with bounty,
who bestows what
he has
like a prize.
After seeing "Silence of the Lambs"...and wishing I hadn't!
Mary-Eliz Mar 2017
In a dream a spider swallows a snake and
like  a
giant yellow sunflower being  kissed   by
                                                                ­ bees
                                                            ­     who
dance  wildly  with the  wind  as  it  turns
anticipation.   The  snake  charmer   plays
                                                           ­         his
                                                    ­              tune.
The  spider  dances,  rising up,  stretching,
Her  legs
disappear, drawing   into  her  body where
                                                           ­         they
                                                   ­                 turn
into a flickering tongue that protrudes from
She wriggles in her dance; her tongue waves
                                                           ­         in the
                                                             ­       air to
the melody, begins  to sing a  sultry,  hissing
the charmer's flute begins to move, undulating
                                                      ­                  to her
                                                             ­           song's
cadence.   And the charmer is himself charmed.
in a trance as his snake-flute wraps itself around
                                                          ­                    him
                                         ­                                     and
the  spider  looking  li­ke a  snake swallows them
949 · Apr 2017
The Muse
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
We don't write poetry.
It happens.
It hits you in the face and
demands to be.

Its pieces bombard like pebbles
thrown by zealous winds.
It wakes you at two a.m.
frantic to be free.

Like soul longing for body
it floats about
filled with anguish
and yearning.

The world is a poem.
Walking among its words,
often unaware,
we breathe the empty spaces.

We are all scribes,
sometimes setting down
a verse or two.


we don't write poetry.

It happens.
948 · Apr 2018
An Affair of the Soul
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
You have
without knowing
reached inside
touched my soul
awakening it
with urgent
like an electrical

I yearn to
with you
the circuit

My soul seeks
for a rendezvous

to mingle
in an ethereal

to share
a repast
in the soft candlelight
of awareness
the sweet scent
of the roses
of incorporeal

filling plates
the words

wine glasses
the music

of poetry

You speak
the language
of my soul

whose words are

              ­                             life

whose syntax
is poetry

more than most
have taught me
to heed
the language

to recognize
the melody


to dance

its rhythm
This was written some years ago upon discovering a wonderful poet, one of my favorites, Stanley Kunitz, who was also an avid gardener. I think he was in his 90's at the time. I heard him reading a poem on NPR and I was "smitten".  I bought several of his books of poetry. The one I love best has a lot of pictures of him in his late years still working in his garden.  He died in 2006, just two months short of his 101st birthday.  He's a beautiful soul. You can see it in his face, in his garden and in his poetry!
942 · May 2017
by Rumi
Mary-Eliz May 2017
“My heart is so small
it's almost invisible.
How can You place
such big sorrows in it?"
"Look," he answered,
"your eyes are even smaller,
yet they behold the world."

~ Rumi
941 · Apr 2017
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
Sometimes I see and feel
a whole poem
in my mind
all at one time

like a painting
a landscape of alluring
a star-filled ebony sky
a perfectly formed blossom

or a spectacular instant

a burst of lightning
vehement rumbling of thunder
the fleeting glimpse of a rainbow

a moment of inexpressible
joy and love...

a child's delighted laughter
a new mother's glow
white-haired lovers walking


I can't seem to take it apart
and name the pieces.

The fragments are dandelion seeds
blown to the wind
once scattered
not retrievable.

But the feeling they present
as they float freely about
is worth letting them go.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
Each of us wants to know,
however vast and impersonal
all life about us may seem,
however hard may be the stretch of road
on which we are journeying,
we are not alone
but the object of another's concern
and caring.
Came across this recently and thought about the fragile souls of poets,
so this is for all of us
both for when we are the fragile ones seeking
and when we find the strength
to offer the caring and concern needed by others.
931 · Aug 2018
Mary-Eliz Aug 2018
gently interrupted by velvet mountains
burnt sienna soil stretches through olive trees
that lift their limbs toward blue expanse
where pillowy clouds drift with ease

shadows lengthen as the sun spreads
a warmth perceptible to the view
energy and life pouring into ripening fruit
soon harvest gathering will be due

tracks of vehicles between the rows
show signs of tending that's been done
through summer's growing season
and years before when they were begun

saplings planted there with care
by tanned, robust yet gentle hands
have grown taller year by year
where now a stately orchard stands
A picture prompt - reminiscent of van Gogh's paintings of olive tree groves.
899 · Apr 2017
Careful What You Wish For
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
The truth is…
              the real truth…?
                             Do people do that?

How’s my new dress?
                                             It makes you look fat.

Like my new do?
I paid quite a lot
                                             You got ripped off, dear,
                                               You might even sue.

How are you today?
Just a quick answer please
I don’t have the time
To hear of your bad knees.
                                              I’m doing fine, knowing
                                               You don’t want to hear
                                               My problems and stresses
                                               I won’t bend your ear.

A “white lie” is easier
Makes conversation go fast
Then again, you just never know
When you might hear the real truth
It could be quite a blow.
So beware

the truth is…

If you don’t want the real truth?
Perhaps you shouldn’t ask.
I don't usually write silly poems, but at a poetry gathering the challenge was to write a poem beginning with "the truth is" and the truth is I could not come up with anything serious that didn't also sound sappy, so I went for silly!
862 · Apr 2018
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
the formation of the rain
on the window
recasts the landscape
into a kaleidoscope
a glossy eight by ten
viewed through a prism
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