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Lissom kiss
that plunge
just makes
it more
a tea
leaf when
a cry
for a
thread where
together is
much better
than life
lone that
in vain
evil valiantly
succumb blue
riff today.
If she
did hollowly
aggress me
in distemper
she's but
a shoe
in these
oboes then
a girl
as somebody
that shan't
belay my
forethought in
ways that
shapely her
heart that
matters more
A girl I know today
I'd stink
in pink
till ****
is dart
only to
start a
fight nobody
would win
with the
heart of  
severity when
she may
see their
epitaph here
would din
and mire
little hen
a girl in my heart
oriental gaze
into haze
a superfluous
phrase for
the ribbon
in a
sushi bar
just a
sensation pent
with innovation
that truly
aspires to
the heavens
but nothing
more cosmopolitan
than her
dish today
a cosmopolitan in a strange land
I am
in Eden
a mother's
brother but
this chunnel
is surf
London would
scarf to
the sands
therein dawn
as their
bridge was
to cross
the air
with Tim
where in
Times Square
A town in London allied Thames
A delirium
of truth
was there
to such
word in
us that
tired most
in coming
months so
any guidance
there with
selection then
started bleeding
without cause
or May
Day heard
thunderous applause!
I'd aspire
rain hiss
after I've
gone if
she had
me raw
in her
hearth told
desire how
sweet her
nose did
jangle with
fire in
her pie
as she
slew me
there again
A girl I once knew
I was
**** happy
and doted
to her
my grave
that splinter
her trace
with two
me and
you an
ancient love
of fiesta
now in
Maya this
ram of
fire in
lorry's spin
an ancient time of love
a home
here with
coals 'bout
tarter there's
aflame that
mustn't rake
this world
again if
hypnotics lest
than ions
seed hygiene
while it's
really artificial
and much
pervasive in
matters of
the stars
A seed of hope
As she
was nigh
round neighborhood
that she
wrought of
her social
discourse to
flaunt her
reflection with
nowhere sacred
only would
entail generation
of clout
as her
vale would
finally clot
her kind,
a conscious
stake was
city of
justice where
grand duchy
staved it
from the
dark and
rubbed unions
particularly swank
then treaty
millennia till
Brexit left
their reckoning
with covert
aspects of
haute recovery
a dire time
a l_
trill her
mind if
presence there
a thrill
as she
dine with
zebra and
supplant n
in equation
with superfluous
value that
her love
is x
while sacroiliac
crease abandon
her doubt
a look for love
Thunder aground  
when its
sound would
dock and
fill a
truck with
sea ****
but coast
was free
here that
fought her
way through
fog felt
tonight it
rained only
gerrymandered her
legs bare.
In Connecticut.
A sizzle
bust draft
once enlivened
thread in
her craw
but love
now hardened
by her
synthetic implant
in her
pants too
that swivel
like the
duck in
the current
where she'll
lace *****
A crab
squat fair
why amour
thick but
slender will
toe himself
in close
but rather
than let
go of
ties with
enzymes in
his heart
can pouch
egg with
a pinch
of salt.
a wafer
on a
bee that
said enough
to her
workers how
this milky
flavor with
pone would
butterfly the
Queen as
Ester said
a ruleless
bunch there
was made
of gold
in mambo
a dance with a note
Ween will mend inertia
with a flair, only a care or attribute
in conglomeration can reticulate their spin
and thus their ardor abound
in meadow by a brook then
will allude a castle if white sand
will morph butter and
may implore horizon  
to only stake catalog
with green arbors there
yet magnitude of the nation
largely reactionary in latitude again.
Two shades of her brunette shall heighten senses
with a fortune in butte her tone will sheen so well
only rapture here does tell ascribable delight  
with fortnight of her insight in aberration affront
and like Venus her star in dream will fashion
a romance of prevailing wind that sky alight sunset.
Martha Quin is Martha Dear here.
Jet black
mercenary rap
still nothing
he disdain
with multitude
here assuage
lust of
growing law
that sin
convey martyr
today foretell
of Utopian
ideal to
span his
economy in
wealth not
woe again.
pure is water
        oh la la

set in soul
   sings in tome
oh la la

still pilgrim nigh
   prayer whereabouts

romantically in
   that stone hall
        oh la la

there tirelessly
   ensconced hers
      with life

she pensively
   peruse her asylum  
in ecesis

when bread broken
    with wax bean
       oh la la

          and this d'art
     a priori again
her curio
a woman I once knew
that came fly with me
why I've been there
she found 'twas me
in Rutland only she  
pitted & fell in love
yet believed in me
until such a lore
with her bikini  
by the shore
that admire  
A moonlit vacation in Vermont
Me in the rain now wry dusk nigh
and hail next awesome seed
even lightning is on the way
that plaza carry street too
where crumbs last an entire day
if rampart ring side their wing
with a pigeon in flight that dine here
then my rapport commence with dance
but a lesson left to chance
dawn in these throes of thunder
but wake incredible desire
and shake an incredulous mess
though my excess horizontal
with wind and sea ex aequo.
ex aequo in Italian means first
'Tis melancholy darken the day
so gunk on their teeth
by musturd seed and rind
yet most measure stale purée
but her only worry a harlot
inhibits men with sorrow  
as an ongoing chagrin
collapses his chin
while such amour profane
with Montezuma then
in spite of industry and vanity    
grinds lust so indifferently  
where gravity was unsightly
and brevity fell inane.
Me my
Nancy here
we boisterous
and lawyer
jive Me
my Nancy
strange in
suit but
host innuendo
that court
make a
case point
with rhetoric
and bolster
decision in
Me my
Nancy favor.
a steering
wheel in
the sky
cross between
the status
where sunrise
with its
beams of
light shine
that haze
will glide
round edge
and whether
rotation is
cause that
snow may
drift inside
a merchant
bell that
Internet law
made spice
shoes till
their fairness
went overboard
in the
swamp of
prices that
would only
meet their
eye with
wise when
their highlighted
image did
inspire rise
aka Storuy Danieals
Today love is arcanely stool
this rhetoric still pain abet
though she descry a Chairman Mao
only an insight of her macaw
that  her perpetual harmony's bound
and Alfred Tennyson barely there
but in cardigan to dress again.
my annal
spirit laid
her in
a bright
vain that
grew so
in her
whim that
attire her
Waz with
desire and
ran like
a deer
to her
frosty cone
on the
metro square
a time in the middle
When she's
a Mike
and loves
a prodigy
an omen
seed nigh
that doughtily
tonight on
her side
like a
soothsayer does
sire windfall
allure and
prophesy imbue
treasure theatre
with an
upshot vitamin.
A milk udder lure between her thigh
though her chanty where bin nigh
as day her ungulate would stack
their jugs full in this wooden shack
while shop worn gloves did amount
a shine must replete but always count
only first total inside their raw clement.
a rinse
that he
convince the
wiseness as
Victor Borge
now act
to stream
if verge
of coast
in the
sand lie
the sphere
of confluence
to evolve
but evoke
the cascade
she flows
a note on floods
A Chinese
lawyer he's
existent that
baldly wishes
his FoE
with big
kong will
only burgle
liars  to
sell their
goods at
market if
he'd wise
the climate
by dawn
or else
heed abroad
A Ming Dynasty
hoy her
gape is
illuminative with
me and
ripe there
and gibbet
those holes
and worms
yet swallow
the fruit
on the
vine the
passage complete
their fastidious
yard with
mirth entice
the looms
deck the streets this season
Miss Flairity
made her
rarity by
knocking whose
shoes were
Flannerys' as
it alleviated
muscle toes
in pajamas
that their
trilogy made
living in
Yokohama with
brass this
mistress to  
rebuild her
brand legal
A bonnie  
with lingerie
now ecstasy
but soul
envelop standing
while her
phone snoops
coals with
her man
there will
join in
best time
with aster
glow bare
only to
unwind alight
with score.
A night in Paris
a lie
letting go
the news
if statuesque
and bronzed
in shallow
field she
roust the
lights then
dressed down
her clothes
and was
the most
desired to
flaunt again
with her
model legs
A first
light there
seem shimiyana
with love
along this
Eastern shore
yet her
garden was
facing north
our wind
was her
rhyme while
this peak
atop Giant's
Castle with
rain in
South Africa
The eastern shore faces Madagascar in this Indian Ocean
we interpose a law
and untamed that entangle a flair
as earth is barren an air afield with hedgerow  
sing with apache but really encounter frost tonight
When she
is stone
and my
safari found
her happy
that dangle
her moosewood
with immense
joy the
woods have
ever seen
displayed in
toil by
clusters of
flowers born
in bloom
never seen.
A dire need of support
As fridge
disquiet Midge
with her
cross for
trouble she
sings inquire
her mezzo
soprano mustn't
bleed boz
with laughs
here that
Adam design
her shawl
so her
looks very
cool this
Mother's Day
On Sunday, May 13,  2018
my mother
is whether
trump this
newly schooled
design in
threadbare attire
was navel
today but
in her
suit there
was my
heart may
rule again
in bachelorhood
and aspire
proclivity in
flaxen hair
remember that it is trump affair
verily ripe
afield transcend
social avenues
where these
points distress
sobriety and
occur vile
political harmony
and forebode  
preeminence in
national affairs
when thier
influence now
crime in
humanity that
wields trust
in institutions
with parsimony
terrible behavior
when fair
swings with
Chevrolets so
children rush
there when
some peanuts
are fired
when nights
begun barbs
that Randall's
humor still
in stride
when a
plause would
take center
stage with
gossip y'all
well layers
are peeling
for Trump
as they
have come
to light
there in
New York
that still
flashes Hildebrand
deeply in
rhetoric while
Solzhenitsyn has
decried labor
camps and
Putin still
looks blank
a myriad
dice with
death that
she expose
gnaw to
friends and
catch flu
with symptoms
of abuse
then the
healing of
this inertia
in times
like these
that she
was nigh
I'm a ****** in a carnivore my martyr wants to craft in a hunt
where biting laughs make romance posit their knowledge or fact
if then skunk mull ground with graph only message hers affront

to slander this right and sleep in the courtyard
and chastise fortuity at baroness
when she'd attract communist lore till Angora
freeze her T & A all the way to Tennessee.
If she wants a share
here with me now in her race
a coulter forsake her in a cloud
still wager a bet that she's fair
while her attire endow couture
that taxi her runway bare with ESP
even in suburb scroll her flair
a doctrine extraordinar in between
these sheets with me in boudoir.
Free Speech
an orient
of tabulation
well ornament
was polar
as confabulation
sought variation
that once
made neighbors'
diversification and
now their
state proxy
of community
found in
direness and
guarded their
intoxicated draft  
in myalgia
communities in peril
My array once glowed in the sky that this horizon
cried for winds that she boor in the afternoon
if I absorbingly flew into her midst
and like a rabbit in my throat that fed till she ware in that middle

this certain bloom that tired at my linchpin
she found with much regard
that I saw her tomorrow a swirling zest in my caper.
I know
of her
ecstatic my
bride becomes
law a
reminder she's
won where
pleading of
her bliss
and founding
of rituals
when orbitals
nigh a
fascist that
always gain
such ploy
with register
note on highlife
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