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My dearest
twin how
democratic might
hour depart
and orient
adrift with
pan verdin
nigh that
sing melody
so true
only peace
alight that
we still
sleep together
amiss here
in sunken
valley again.
Peace with cause
A week
with her
sought a
triumph that
would move
a clot
with hands
that were
a clock
when hour
set time
with yore
in fashion
then I
would adore
her more
than fore.
eco was
a friend
of pow!  
now in
this crazy
world of
laws that
shimmer heard
there made
devo and
the recalcitrant
publics future
dank with
superfluousness why
so very
green in
remote time.
when gravitas
takes a 
scrounge with
a pound
to entice
that one
of a
kind sound
with this
rock your
world and
waves with
incisive views
in the
Moirai now
shine with
capital ties
a note on caution
Heart now
wonder still
grew only
to impart
my dignity
that would
meet the
train there
together then
wandered home
with her
equity too
how she
kept virtue
and trust
yet embedded
in frills.
a heartstring with séance
My pitch through sow
and debt trouble superfluous
with wealth in Coe
where thrift a hoax now
but tread yuan nigh
there my dear and die in relief
that join forces by tomorrow's spring.
Sebastian Coe-Parliamentarian noted for Paralympics
near a season of color begun
when somber clearing of a tree
with this allure has made it stand tall
that hail a northerly wind
as green the lawn has shone tonight

a lugged turn lasts till October
there a month of festivities nigh
this fair here with midway of spring
and let's in a drop of rain again
Bloomsburg Fair has this notorious cloudy and cool  weather
I once knew his hoofs
and replete must till his day
he ate fast and spate a master
in his lure where whip plays hot 'twas a twist
he'd take a pie in a ******* harvest
by whim did flatter his tongue again!
A mission in law
let a Quaker inside this forrest trough's gold
where bold exhale made milk with insight

while our community shone but austerity captured the bones
that this lust was on the beat with fame

and dilatorily wept till obverse set the tone
even a sortie in the rain that kept this stony pillage
with her tide close to home:
still brimming in the wind
and Goan was spattered and stave our fold
though sudden a burst of incredulous
sin made her beckon in the wings.
an art
stand in
Miami deco
by January
dry she'd
be very
warm with
canary yellow
sneakers ran
the heart
of the
sun yet
poolside in
orange jubilee
that orkÿ
would retire
at noon
a girl in the middle
as she's
been ****
yet shy
still desirous
in love
with a
ring round
her heart
she made
cute to
grip her
fudge a
darling guy
she'd met
the wonk
of matters
Nellie Bly
Nellie Bly a journalist died in 1922
a wise
of glaze
made the
haze these
reels the
weather that
douse the
sphere still
reek the
notion of
lemonade with
the whir
of midnight
which a
breath was
here about
their demise
where melody
juice harp
in Neshaminy
boom cyclone
was brewed
Rotation Nation
in winter
of fun
when hops
were bitter
but their
sweet ***
in creek
run their
back yard
gain outside
the mall.
Eagles & Skins
I once
knew a
girl who
entirely reared
their lip
she adjoined
me whether
green till
dement was
more a
hand in
artisan with
the moon
once more
aghast than
wrought for
encore there
a beef
Wellington is
a serenade
on your
birthday night
with candle
light on
your plate
where Aphrodite
beget Zeus
as she
did want
the dish
with pastry
and frothy
post with
her wine
A ritual instrument will play music
her divine poem has written
a shrink composition, if law wth a focal point
where sharp trend nigh,
a story blended well
her blues invade boogie tonight

a mint superlative indie ballad
has shaken dessert from front line  
only in her name of Jane
with vocal will forsaken.

When expectations are met, mildly
a fool in the rain quickly dies in her fear of raider
that would ****** her whim, gladly
and ran with exception, with a gem, to her immediate glory
that declared such a paradisal virtue
and direly jet superfluous with forecast amazing there
I am
limitless and
time in
a whale
that made
dale there
my cactus
so thistly
was my
home now
as I
roam my
intrigue to
New Hope
my senator
pardons me
a lamb
a community in southeastern  Pennsylvania
a navel
blither focal
point today
as her
curves slither
but will
win her
bare when
I've sent
****** unto
her wings
these phases
that she'll
reconsider me
a thrashing
wave in
this song
inspired by American democracy
thursday in the moon and stars  
while their ghetto guitars
were heating and loud cars were yearning
and brimming again she'd cry instead of weep so shockingly
and plaster the walls with paper knobs

this rocket her in boots had awoken in harmony
where yesterday's obsession was stale perfume

in a season of these jolly giants they'd strangely gangrene
a station with Rapunzel and her raps and pictures
that in zesty cornflower she'd let her hair down
till a rain shower grew over her eye in the sky
then her pilot saw such a cloudburst and jettison her
deeper in the ground where she laid the beast
when skunk
mull mandalay
with graph
only message
there affront
but companion
right to
convene in
this courtyard
with their
music blue
as sheltered
cry which
the world
must hear
on an
october night
a midnight
let fly
a lubricious
crow that
Vesuvius threw
off her
mind and
made out
this harmony
and a
throng we
once said
was so
wild where
we met
in night
of ash
a state of mind
I feel
great and
a smithery
of late
belie my
accolades and
short those
lures I
treasure here
with you
and still
await the
hone that
makes the
days work
out new
with interpose
A Flemish
girl here
this season
with the
sun still
got her
tan with
alabaster lotion
and coconuts
while her
gratis was
her navel
shone lustrous
that subhuman
portrayed their
South Beach
fine indeed
as she's
an honor
caped in
gold and
he knows
such wonder
in profusion
where his
coat has
style of
notoriety with
a sharpness
in virtuosity
their class
and zeal
always found
them here
a rite of sports teams
a feisty
upstart made
midday there
only would
staff his
well being
and hit
allure in
me and
tally no
longer retribution
of Planet
George to
capture the
moment by
Nunes again
this year
when north
weird hep
exactly danced
grassy knoll
she'd wake
in bed
there then
flee Bondi
thereafter that
dramatize her
skin tan
with splash
of coconut
thus vacation
only hinder
her stay
here again
A vacation downunder
an amentum
sphere is
large but
amount to
this idiosyncrasy
that sequesters
echelon these
aims with  
their transfusion
of equinox
if clement
this whirlwind
Vesper yet
a fawn
through the
dale in
organic Misericordia
a night at Misericordia
I once
hath a
skin and
with my
tote now
an overcoat
upon my
thigh gosh
how a
man can
pettifog and
try this
judge affirm
that compound
his majority
with the
entire discourse
to judge John roberts
Sure in nowhere today
and upon their curtains again to charge quickly with another cycle
that binds in toes and ties in the heart on days nearly gone
let bottoms up in their registers
with throngs in daunting area now succumb with gifts
that Congress passes bills again.  Alas
an oar
that her
canoe bade
by spoon
when park
saw the
river boat
upstream and
she was
saddle the
bridge then
transfer ride
near edge
with my
pickup nudge
her but
seasons end
A broken diadem witness to those where dire traffic
with a southerly flux that pretend to track the vapor there
though this substance again duly addressed as *** holes now
contrast with this ever growing population while they gather
in their restaurant with Navistar global position.
Navitar in GPS
a twinkle in my mezzo
is a wrinkle in this forte
where flatulent is an eggplant
but virulent is my phone

that screamed from my soul

as she'd walk in a box of rings
that made me sing her too
With sheet of tears did blanket
Around her bed of posies alas

if heart truss sung to their content  
tonight the hour grew dark in Jodrell Bank
as this virtue of love did radio a Lovell
and sealed my fate in spite of her again
Bernard Lovell a radio astronomer died in England 2012.
he tackle
the law
that wrestle
the modernity
with pain
like Lysander
when politics
wrangle the
Star-Spangled Banner
when it
drew the
hep of
carols there's
an honest
girl to
sing granola
there a man of Ohio,retired
In Ohio
Valley if
Tecumseh once
treated dear
certainty with
their disgust
and two
by lust
but when
leaders they
ready kissed
her said
why Britton
went there
for one
in Battle
Ground too
Re" Tippecanoe and Presidents
Ole Etta
in muse
when her
days within
lays while
she stay
there's in
her throes
if her
predisposition is
when lace
fades lore
she wont
the time
before her
tirade pays
the bar
I narrowly a butch
and really this turn with my inhibitions
always ascertain it will seldom anguish too
as I rely on my hip
if my times there are a pie with a loaf

though many times a vehicle
as it may succumb to a butch
that still has cheer in Belfast
while I take a public cab home.
as there's
a potato
in her
frock that
she cried
shank a
pleasantry that
persisted when
she'd only
garner a
twist that
hers now
exist in
this open
context albeit
that seeds
her trust
When her attire was grand
and she bade a purr if she'd kneel
that she was grave and joined in communion
with anesthesia she grouped a gown
though brilliant in blue here today.
Only whir less until she utter best
that her oath is for him more and more
and like friut prospers inherently in wine.
as she's
taken a
death toll
in Trenton
and 'bout
a banshee
that cries
how Lycia's
federation unique
as Greek
cities crumbled
so far
that a
trip to
Gibraltar once
frugal now
ideologcal fashion
onion rings
quiet dietary
expedience when
a malt
seed there
quench a
skeleton of
hire in
their superfluous
attire that
bench let
a saucer
dream with
a production
scheme track
that this
orient desire
a poster
here showed
her captive
still knows
her radiant
looks replace
her opportunity
where looks
were here
only to
browse and
dispel our
fear of
brazen and
trim her
eyes there
with antiquity
a Miduri
ring that
squat for
him and
tell members
it'll save
their souls
while attacks
on democracy
increase in
the land
as this
prosperity gospel
spreads without
central control
yet Operation
Canaan probe.
If ther was a Paradise Farm in Brazil
Her ultimate
orange turf
apprized forte
that tide
swiftly bode
as sun
gleamed brilliantly
where in
vernacular with
her love
then might
rain today
when awash
with her
orchard grove
insignia embossed
with repartee
An oval
lude in
the hair
of platitude
with just
an air
to ginger
his tea
O madly
in the
sands of
a stump
sure meme
that gladly
fornicate him
but a
sound view
A law in brief
a day
there in
gravel that
yearn with
pit then
a year
to graft
their fixing
and chart
digression in
the swamp
where a
farce in
legion of
Sky to
pay the
overlord cries
On first glance as her position got free
this instant she was open
and she knew the well that hot from on her arc
so soon to release her shot
and ball really rolled through net like swish
while hers would spin yet another score from there
on key court she could hit all the more tonight
just when it was needed most she'd hit another three
and lift game spirit with her resolve that sunk like before
her tenacious opponent there on the floor.
Shooter in tight game
my love is like a river where nights are like an owl
that glorify my lore if a riverbed only measure the toll
for our next day never is desire
but is evolving a latter reason
that we fight geese and flew below the weather

where a night ours melted together  
though we'd treasure dawn again
and hither stave hunt here

whether it's a moonlight parade
as darkness edge the water again  
my dire wicked life midst a fog in rain
it's weather
a shot
with my
wit round
her waist
where night
fire and
brimstone sought
not his
tweets here
but there
dawn but
the smoke
in his
city the
early paper
must glide
a wrench
Where a
house laid
a cross
this witness
to ***
thereupon a
bridge of
mightiness came
mile in
her darkness
hitherto marriage
wouldn't garble
her smiling
bravado if
ensconced in
laity or
laisssez faire
An Austrailin
Her geometry
does court
her doctor  
***** those
exactly with
feeling then
her lore  
was to
true that
made it
an underwrite
that her
partisan inured
by which
those suits
desire herd
in droves.
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