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William Clifton Mar 2018
[Shake Your *****, by KC and the Sunshine Band]

Oklahomans, get out doors, last chance
Scott Pruitt's leaving, no backward glance

Shake shake shake, shake shake shake
Frac your *****, frac your *****
Oh, shake shake shake, shake shake shake
Frac your *****, frac your *****

Oh, you have frac-ed for oil quite ah spell
You have messed up your world.  What the hell

Oh, now you shake, shake shake shake
Fractured *****, fractured *****
Oh, shake shake shake, shake shake shake
Water's sooty, smells pah-tooty, oh yeah

Oh, shake shake, shake shake
Oh, shake shake, shake shake

Oh, Daily shake, Big mistake
Frac your *****, frac your *****
Oh, across your state, Big earthquakes
Frac your *****, All's Kaput-ee!
eco was
a friend
of pow!  
now in
this crazy
world of
laws that
shimmer heard
there made
devo and
the recalcitrant
publics future
dank with
superfluousness why
so very
green in
remote time.
The Trumpoet Feb 2017
Trump's targeted the EPA,
an agency that's in the way
of rich polluters everywhere
who foul the water, land and air.

Employees there may no more tweet.
With journalists, they may not meet.
No external communication.
No Facebook use across the nation.

For issues such as climate change
don't fit the script that Trump's arranged.
Oil wells and pipelines he has planned,
to snake across the hinterland.

He wants to dig and burn the coal.
He doesn't care. He has no soul.
He showers his troupe of alt-right *******
with platitudes and promised riches.

Oh what a sad and tragic day
when Trump destroyed the EPA.
You can also see this and my other Trump poems at:
Link to video of this poem:
Written January 26, 2017

— The End —