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Anastasia Jun 2019
**** makes you happy
**** makes everything okay
It solves all your problems
i was like ten when i wrote this. dunno how or why
Jun 2019 · 2.4k
behind her bangs
Anastasia Jun 2019
behind her bangs
she saw
in the field where she sat
was dusted
with violets and bright, ruby poppies
the sky was painted with gold and violet
hues of blue and pink.
behind the darkness of her eyes
she thought.
she opened them,
and saw that
ink had bled into the sky
deep purples
blacks and blues.
inspired from a short story i'm writing <3
Jun 2019 · 82
no one else
Anastasia Jun 2019
no one else gets to love you
no one else gets to touch you
darling, i'll do that to you

i'll wanna taste you so ******* bad
don't ask me what for
i just wanna love you
remember more and more

when we used to be bad
used to be brave
but honey don't worry that's okay

baby you're mine
darling i'm yours
i love you so ******* much
don't ask what for

no one else gets to have a taste of you
Jun 2019 · 209
loss for words
Anastasia Jun 2019
i'm at a loss for words
when i think of you

you fill my flesh
with warmth
Jun 2019 · 636
Anastasia Jun 2019
roses in my ribs
lilies on my lips
pearls in my pockets
tulips on my tongue
honeysuckles on my heart
tiger flowers on my thighs
marigolds on my mirror
you make me bloom ♥
Jun 2019 · 580
Anastasia Jun 2019
i think
your neck
is a delicacy
and sweet.
Jun 2019 · 2.0k
Starlight Lake
Anastasia Jun 2019
Dew drops
Whispering to starlight
Never told
A  small girl
With hair like fire
By a lake
With water like the night sky
Emerald frogs
Ruby roses
Crystal violets
And a pearl moon
All of this
Could be hers
But she just wants
To make friends with the fireflies
Enjoy <3
Jun 2019 · 586
what you do to me
Anastasia Jun 2019
smile = speechless

touch = almost unconscious

laugh = warmth

voice = melting
c.b. ♥
Jun 2019 · 1.3k
Anastasia Jun 2019
beans in my shoes
beans in my pockets
she put beans
even inside my locket
i don't know why
she likes beans so much
she says they're good to eat
and nice to touch
she's kinda strange

beans in my bed
beans on my head
she really likes beans
i guess i'll have to deal with it
but only coz i love her
u will have to deal with it
Jun 2019 · 547
Anastasia Jun 2019
my blood

my cheeks

and their thorns
when i grasp them
with a closed fist.

my eyes
after i've cried

my heart
even when it's broken

my lips
when i bite them

my cherry

your tongue
when you take it from me
and smile
c.b. ♥
Jun 2019 · 166
pangolins are pretty cute
Anastasia Jun 2019
i love pangolins

my favorite animal

but their almost extinct

the most heavily trafficked animal

they're pretty cute

you can find out how to help at
please help in any way you can <3
Jun 2019 · 174
Anastasia Jun 2019
it's morning and i'm awake
count up all my pills to take
eyes are bleary
bones still weary
but it's morning and I'm awake.
no breakfast for me
no coffee or tea
i'm still tired
wish i was wired
i'm running late
for a not-very-important date
my morning "routine" on weekdays.
Jun 2019 · 535
Anastasia Jun 2019
i miss you
when you were next to me
and you were warm.
i'm still cold
even with
a deep blue
fluffy blanket
and cheddar-broccoli soup
i'm freezing.
i miss you,
with your grey hoodie
and your smile
that warmed up my insides.
Jun 2019 · 61
Anastasia Jun 2019
i try really hard
for nothing
Jun 2019 · 484
anarchy soul
Anastasia Jun 2019
her soul was the flavor of anarchy
and he knew he wanted a taste
silver roses and bloodred flame
to win her heart was a lovely game
he kissed her in the rain
and she touched him without shame
he wanted her heart
but only got pain
she played around
with the strings of his heart
but she sometimes feared
she would tear them apart
a flicker
or flame
a bite
and a taste
of her
i've had the words "anarchy soul" in my head for a while, so i decided to make a poem. have a lovely day <3
Jun 2019 · 257
Anastasia Jun 2019
in waking nightmare
she screams while awake

the color
of her eyes
bleeds out
with her tears
short poem for an assignment in school
Jun 2019 · 632
Anastasia Jun 2019
i am night-locked
this sudden darkness makes me wonder
if the sun is blocked
or is it some sort of punishment
whatever it is
i don't mind
some people forget
the sun blinds
i prefer
the cool night
and to hang out
with the fireflies
mountains whisper
to me a secret bliss
and my cheeks
the moonlight likes to kiss
and dusky roses
is awfully lovely
when you have
firefly friends
and flowers
in your hair
and perfume
on the wind.
i love the night <3
Jun 2019 · 620
he was
Anastasia Jun 2019
his cheeks were rose petals
soft and pink

his eyes were the sky
velvety blue

his smile was a disease
contagious and heart-stopping

his laugh was song
i want to hear over and over again

his touch was fire
warm and colorful

his lips were candy
sweet and soft
c.b. ♥
Jun 2019 · 441
corpses in the cradles
Anastasia Jun 2019
in an old
old house
there are corpses in the cradles
and an old
delusional woman.
it's reeks of flesh
and baby powder
piled with blood-stained clothes
a "husband" lies
cold in bed
with parts
from "almost-perfect" men
the floor sags
and the stairs creek
the walls echo
with the cooing
of an old
Jun 2019 · 390
rainbow / / / doorkeeper
Anastasia Jun 2019
There were rainbow colors in the skies
She had clouds in her eyes
She saw things with colors no ones ever seen before
She had keys to every door.
All of them except for his heart
And it slowly tore her apart
It tore her to pieces
And now she is dreamless
And all of her colors are gone
old poem. it's... not very personal. but i liked it enough to post it. hope you do too. <3
Jun 2019 · 768
Anastasia Jun 2019
i feel like
is pinching my flesh.
pinching my elbows
my ears
on my neck
my ankles
my stomach
my nose
my toes
won't leave me alone.
Jun 2019 · 69
Anastasia Jun 2019
and quaking
with love
so close
to too much
too close
to not enough
arms around me
only in my dreams
lips on mine
love bursting from the seams
Jun 2019 · 88
Anastasia Jun 2019
and red
and snow
and her

and weary
never learned.

of cold
freezing her soul
frost covering her skin.
she doesn't want
to let the shadows in

darkness threatens
red pouring
from her calves
staining her red converse
with red
redder than
frostbitten face
Jun 2019 · 74
going nowhere with you
Anastasia Jun 2019
She looked at me, and gave me that stupid, yet adorable, look she gave someone when she was confused.
Eyes sparkling, her head slightly cocked to the side.
I sighed and answered her question.

“You have galaxies in your eyes.
Sometimes, I have no control, I feel like I’m drowning, but then, you’re here.
And then I’m drowning in those eyes, floating in that ocean of stars.
You can walk in the rain if you want, and you can think no one can see you cry, but I can.
I can tell, when your eyes are red and puffy, how you put on extra makeup and nice clothes when you want attention, you can burn everyone that comes close to you, but it won’t help.
I know that feeling when you’re trapped in your mind, no way out. When you know the sun is there, shining, but there are blackout curtains, over your eyes, and it’s been so dark, for so long, that you can’t even tell if the sun even still burns.
When you feel like you’re going nowhere.
Well, I don’t care if you burn me. I can stand the heat, because love, I’ve been cold all my life.
And if you’re going nowhere, then buy me a ticket, because I’m going with you.”
Jun 2019 · 83
L'amour toujours
Anastasia Jun 2019
Je t'aime.
Je t'aime mille fois.
Je t'aime mille ans.
Je t'aime de mille manières.
Est-ce que tu m'aimes?
Jun 2019 · 443
purple poison
Anastasia Jun 2019
She was standing in front of me.
I could reach out and touch her.
She refused to look at me.
“Please… Just tell me.”
I asked her.
She still didn’t turn, but I heard her sigh.
She said.
“Because you, are beautiful. You hold the stars in your hands, lightning in your head, the moon in your eyes, and all I want to do is to touch you. To hold you. But I always have to stand behind a fence, a wall of glass. You hold the stars in your hands.”
Her voice started to falter.
“And me?”
She asked, as she slowly turned around.
“I am poison.”
She said as I saw her violet eyes,  brimming with tears.
And she jumped.
a short story i wrote a while ago. someone liked the one i posted so i dug up some of my other similar ones for them. hope u enjoy <3
Jun 2019 · 407
is this love?
Anastasia Jun 2019
is it love
if you pull me aside
to a room
to be alone
and play your song
on your phone
and ask me to help you
write a poem
and you show me
all the stupid
you can do
with your
is this love or am i just lying to myself
Jun 2019 · 116
blisters + boils
Anastasia Jun 2019
down my arm
like a pus-filled snake

stick to my flesh
like barnacles
on a moldy

and squirt
is illogical
when dinner
is ready.
Jun 2019 · 120
Anastasia Jun 2019
cant breath
burning burning
my wrists are burning
my eyes are burning
my chest is burning
my brain is burning
i cant breath
stop stop stop
get out of my head
panic attack
Jun 2019 · 118
♥ love ♥
Anastasia Jun 2019
♥ love is not a sin ♥
for my friends
Anastasia Jun 2019
she said she love you
and you gave her your heart
then she left and you fell apart
all you wanted was to have something real
but you left your smile on your face for her to steal
she not here to kiss the cuts on your skin
you should have known that you would never win.

you let his poison under your skin
because you were so desperate to let him in
so desperate for the taste of his lips
that you let him tear you till he covered you in rips
you miss the stories that he would spin
no one ever told you that love was a sin
watching your tears fall to the ground
hoping there soon will be enough to drown
Jun 2019 · 69
Anastasia Jun 2019
this math is so hard
why do i have to do this
i h8 summer school
save me m8
Jun 2019 · 467
Anastasia Jun 2019
i think
im kinda sad.
they called it
i think
its kinda complicated.
the simplicity.
it's just sadness.
but it's not.
Jun 2019 · 983
Anastasia Jun 2019
she wore hightops
and a tattered
old book bag.
and she liked
to tie
her red converse
to it's straps.
and walk
the fire escape.

the metal
her socked feet
was cool
and x-ed
and black.

she ran,
and she laughed
or she ran
and she cried
but she ran
and she ran
for it was all
she could do.
Jun 2019 · 80
Anastasia Jun 2019
i work hard,
but nothing ever happens
Jun 2019 · 1.4k
Anastasia Jun 2019
fire in her lungs
dust in her mouth
keep going,
keep going
to the south

and tan
in the sand
her red

an imperfect daughter
looking for water
each step.

sand in clothes
in her hair
twixt her toes
she runs
with her red converse.

will she ever come across
an oasis, lost
or will her bones
stay hidden,
in the sand.
Jun 2019 · 117
her red converse
Anastasia Jun 2019
Run girl

Through the woods
he follows her
Up and down
Goes the path
In and out
Goes her breath

He follows her
And she is
Goes the branch
Goes the leaves

The only wise decision
Made that day
Was the dark clothes she wore
But her converse
An attractive

She didnt want
To leave them behind.
So she tucked them
Into her shirt.

The twigs scream.
She doesnt hear
The sounds of footsteps
Drumming into his skull

The glint
Of a knife
From the moon
Her attention
And she hits him
With her precious

She runs
To the street
And the steetlights
Fill her eyes
Of fear
And yellow light.

She runs
And he leaves
Her alone
For a while.

The next day
She comes back
To find
The stench of rotting flesh
And red converse
redder blood.
Jun 2019 · 49
Anastasia Jun 2019
am i
really different
from everyone else?
Jun 2019 · 680
Morbid Curiosity
Anastasia Jun 2019
she ran
from non-existent footsteps
kicking in
from a lack of meds.

a white
with the stench
of bodies.

a stuffy nose
at the worst time
promised her demise.

a peek
in the window
her curiosity.
with only a splash of red.

another window
left open
to air out the stench
led to
no-longer-****** bodies

and she screamed
but not for very long
because the knife
peirced her neck
and the scream
turned into silence.
Jun 2019 · 42
Anastasia Jun 2019
what i have i done
Jun 2019 · 90
does he think of me
Anastasia Jun 2019
there's something different
about that girl
that makes me smile.
the crazy way
she talks
and looks around.
the way she draws
her silly imaginings
on my hands
and my fingers
and my ankles.
and the way she laughs
always make me smile
in a way
that nothing else can.
Jun 2019 · 2.3k
watermelon vapor
Anastasia Jun 2019
in the air
as he breathed out
and i breathed in
the taste of watermelon
lingering on my tongue
Jun 2019 · 829
Anastasia Jun 2019
she was thinking again
about the seams in her legs
the stitches
and weeping.
it terrified her
the blood gushing out
torn skin
the flavor of pain
her eyes were locked open
and she stared at the seams
tears pouring from her sewed-open eyes
she sits on her pile of ashes
her blood mixing
making a muddy paste
that crusts on her eyelashes
her bruised cuts growing on her flesh
and reopening
maggots gnawing on her body
eating the remnants of flesh
and she stares.
don't follow them
Jun 2019 · 144
Anastasia Jun 2019
"You're mental!"
They say.
"Completely suicidal!"
i just wanted to go home.
i dont sleep in my bed
i tell all these people that there's nothing in my head.
but they don't listen
so my tears glisten
as i look in a mirror
made of metal.
from my time in a mental institution. i'm out now, but this is a draft from then.
Jun 2019 · 260
Anastasia Jun 2019
We sat on the railing, high above the building, like we were on the edge of the world.
The moon breathed our names, and they soaked into the purple sea.
Raindrops land on my hands, softly pattering against my palms.
The candles, fizzle out, bathing the world in darkness.
But the raindrops on my hands turn into stars, and suddenly, I realized that you were the brightest thing I could ever see.
I wanted to show you, but you were gone. I looked down, to see you fall.
I close my eyes when you hit the ground, but that doesn’t stop me from crying.
I get to the ground as soon as I can.
The neon violet light shines against your skin, making you shine more than I had ever seen you.
You’re right there, blinding me, yet no one sees you.
They’re so sharp, the shards of your broken heart.
They surround you, glinting and sparkling as the starlight rain falls on your face.
I pick up a piece and draw one last picture for you.
a short story i wrote a long time ago. i thought it was soft of poetic, so i decided to post it. hope you like it <3
Jun 2019 · 71
taste me
Anastasia Jun 2019
******* blood
tell me if it's sweet

are you the person
i've been waiting to meet

would you like to see my blade
darling, it's okay if you're insane

i love the way you play the game
i know you're not afraid of shame

******* flesh
tell me if it's warm

they're afraid of just one
they should see the swarm

i love the taste of chaos.
the smell of gasoline.

it's pathetic that they're scared of me.
darling, i'm not mean.

there's something in the air.
i can feel it in my lungs.

i don't mind if you scream,
i always do it in tongues.

******* blood
tell me if it's sweet.

you're the flavor of the person
i've been waiting to meet
Jun 2019 · 91
Anastasia Jun 2019
everyone says they need me.
but they always leave me.
please don’t go
im so alone.
i need someone to hold onto.
i need someone to sing my song to.
you’re all I want.
you’re all I need.
you’re all I beg.
you’re all I plead.
please don’t leave.
an old poem when i was obsessive af. not that much has changed.
Jun 2019 · 187
Anastasia Jun 2019
she remains silent.
she is silent when the world is screaming.
she is silent while her soul is dying.
she is silent while she burns.
she is silent while the people pass by.
she is silent as he watches.
she is silent as he does nothing.
she is silent while she loves him.
she is silent while he loves someone else
Anastasia Jun 2019
i would die for you
i would lie for you
i would **** for you
i would take the pill for you
i would start a war for you  
i would never take more than you
i would spill my blood for you
i would mop it up for you
i would breath in the smoke for you
i would make someone choke for you
i would burn for you  
i would make heads turn for you  
i would commit a crime for you  
i would end time for you
i would give my light to you
i would start a fight for you
i would **** the sky for you
i would always try for you
i would break the earth for you
i would prove my worth to you  
i would steal a bird’s song for you  
i would prove they’re all wrong for you
i would make a storm for you
i would make your dreams take form for you
i would make mountains fall for you
i would give it all for you
i would give my soul for you
i would walk on burning coal for you
i would give myself scars for you
i would catch the stars for you
i would empty the ocean for you
i would admit I’m alone for you
Jun 2019 · 89
Anastasia Jun 2019
He’s coming for you
And he’s coming for me.
He’s coming by air, by land or by sea.
Hide if  you must, he’ll find you too.
You can hold your breath until your face turns blue.
But he will still be coming.
You can run and run as fast as you can.
You can move to a very distant land.
You could make yourself an army, an army of man.
But he’s still coming.
You could try to go back to a different time,
You could try to go crazy, or lose your mind.
No matter what you do, no matter where you hide.
He’s still coming.
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