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Jun 2019 · 320
Anastasia Jun 2019
forever waiting I shall be.
for my love to come to me.
there is a pain in my soul.
the time collects in a crystal bowl.
waiting forever, shall I be.
i shall wait until the end of the sea.
till the sky fades away.
till the flowers turn to gray.
for my love, forever, I shall wait.
Jun 2019 · 326
Anastasia Jun 2019
I open my eyes.
I’m drowning.
Dark water surrounds me,
I can feel them.
I see nothing but water but I can feel them watching me.
Laughing at me.
I can’t breathe.
My lungs burn.
I can feel their gaze on my skin.
I can’t do it.
I have to breathe.
It goes dark as the water fills my lungs.
Anastasia Jun 2019
There was a little boy who lived in the clouds.
He would come to me and say “Please don’t be so loud.”
But at night he would come to me,
And tell me a story or two.
About his adventures in the sky.
And about the clouds when he flew.
About when he dipped his hands in the ocean blue.
And about when he got into trouble, too.
He would tell them to me, until I would sleep.
And in my heart, forever I will keep.
One day the little boy said farewell to me.
And waiting forever, I shall be.
my old poems remind me how lonely i was. and am.
Jun 2019 · 244
The Wind
Anastasia Jun 2019
The wind is lonely.
Every day he searches for someone to love, or to just talk to.
He searches high and low, with no progress.
He writes poems to the sky, but she is too beautiful and vain, while he is invisible and nothing,
He sings to the ground, but she is too harsh and cold.
The wind is lonely, In a way that no one understands.
But I do.
And when I die, my soul will go to be with the wind.
I will comfort the wind until neither of us is alone.
And I will help him bring warm breezes to the earth, so no one is lonely.
im pretty sure i wrote this when i was twelve or thirteen. i still like it tho. maybe one of my favorites <3
Jun 2019 · 297
i think too much
Anastasia Jun 2019
i think i kinda love you
i think it's kind of real
i think i can't accept it
i think i don't know what i feel
i think i don't think enough
i think i think too much
i think i've forgotten how live
i think i need to feel your touch
Jun 2019 · 305
Anastasia Jun 2019
i suppose
that supposing
is assuming
to presume
an estimation.
Jun 2019 · 368
my hands
Anastasia Jun 2019
my hands
for something truly real.
i hate waiting
with doubt
and hopefulness
mixing in my head
making a deadly poison
i want
to feel something
soft like a feather
or course like sand
through the cracks in my hands.
i want
to feel
something real.
im so tired
May 2019 · 264
Anastasia May 2019
im tired
from a lack of sleep
im tired
from a lack of love
im tired
from missing you
im tired
from not eating
im tired
from being so tired
im just so ******* tired
May 2019 · 330
seeing you
Anastasia May 2019
i saw you
and i felt
so very happy
and smiles
and almost-but-not-quite tears
i saw you
and my dreams
got so much prettier.
May 2019 · 1.1k
Anastasia May 2019

Soft like petals


Likes cloudy stones

Covered in soft soil

I like to watch you

Dreams like clouds

And roses

And rain

I think

You are pretty

And I like to watch

Your hands move

Your pencil,


Your eyes, moving

I like to watch
days by the water, covered in dandelions
May 2019 · 306
Anastasia May 2019
even wilted roses have thorns
i've had this phrase in my head for a while now. i used it as a caption for one of my drawings, as i often do.
May 2019 · 391
Anastasia May 2019
i said
to man underneath my bed
i said
to the voices in my head
i said
to the body in the shower
i said
at the witching hour
i said
to the maggots in rotting flesh
i said
to cuts still fresh
i said
to a mind, almost dead
im not actually that bad, u kno
May 2019 · 285
Anastasia May 2019
i think i kinda miss you
and you're missing from my life.
you're not missing from my mind
but you're missing from my nights.
i wish i could tell
the things i need to say
but i don't think i will
because i'm locked away.
i think you kinda miss me
i'm sad cause you're missing
i hope i get see you
and get to breath you
i really miss him. i'm in a mental institution at the moment. i won't get to see him for a while. but i will.
May 2019 · 273
Anastasia May 2019
A whirlpool of thoughts spins around my head.
Thinking of words that have never been said.
Playing with children that never been fed.
With the food of wonder, the food of dreams.
While I myself, have it bursting at the seams.
These poor children, they suffer.
And every single day, their lives get tougher.
They starve, every single child.
Their imaginations so mild.
I weep for them, the children.
In their eyes, I see something grim.
A light is there, but it’s growing dim.
Then it fades away, away into the night .
And the children, oh the children the don’t even fight.
whenever i asked my friends to read they stopped at "children that have never been fed." people get confused sometimes, so if u finished, good job! you're not afriad of realistic and dark topics.
May 2019 · 1.8k
burning dystopia
Anastasia May 2019
ashes, ashes we all fall down.
i’ve come to take back my crown.
ashes, ashes, you shall fall down.
i will destroy this town.
ashes fall with us.
can’t you feel the rush?
the ashes fall.
it’s time for your call.
ashes, ashes we will fall down.
ashes, ashes, no more ground.
falling into ashes.
we all have our gashes.
now I breath in.
the sky grows dim.
ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
a sort of dystopian poem i found in my old poems from a year ago. i only put my favorites on here, an d this made the list.
May 2019 · 300
Anastasia May 2019
Water rushes down from the fall, cool and clear.
I drink my fill, hoping to forget.
Hoping to forget you.
I don’t want to, but I have to.
If I want to make it.
If I want to survive.
I sit down under the water, letting it rush over my skin.
The water pools down and flows across the stream.
My memories of you are already fading,
Your smile. Your laugh. Your eyes.
They simply fade.
I calm down as my mind get clearer and clearer.
I have to do this.
The water pounds against my skull, but the sound is soothing.
It fades more quickly.
From when I first met you, when you spoke to me for the first time.
When I left for a long time, and when I found you there, waiting for me.
“I have to do this.” I told myself.
But the tears running down my face told my brain otherwise.
They blended with the water and surrounded me.
Then, you were gone.
Just like that.
You were gone.
like a fountain of youth, but itstead of extending your mortality, it simply soothes it.
May 2019 · 457
clouds and beasts
Anastasia May 2019

a night colored ocean
white clouds, floating above.
casting shadows along the jagged, watery surface.
or perhaps
they are the silhouettes
of beasts
leviathans beneath the surface
with water filtering through their jagged teeth,
scales as sharp as needles.
or maybe
there are just clouds.
soft tufts of water
above a jagged
Inspired by a passage of a book I read.
May 2019 · 464
Anastasia May 2019
I look up at the sky and see the moon,
Shining bright, like a lonely balloon.
The stars try to convince the moon to be happy.
But the moon’s salty tears slowly fill up the sea.
May 2019 · 382
Girl Of Glass
Anastasia May 2019
A girl, made of glass.
A boy, made of brass.
Hearts of paper.
Tears turn to vapor.
Not enough time.
They say it’s fine.
Hearts turn to ashes.
Skin burning, from the lashes.
Liars sell their secrets and lies.
While every rose slowly dies.
May 2019 · 1.8k
My other life
Anastasia May 2019
Memories I never made flashing in my mind.
All of the pain, from a past life.
A life I never lived.
A life in which I sinned.
But at least I wasn’t alone.
May 2019 · 342
Anastasia May 2019
A little boy of shadow
Sitting in carnations
Of God’s creations.
A little boy,
Lost and to never be found
Never knew
The voices could be so loud.
The voices that say
“If you stood, the world could be ours.”
But he prefers wishing on stars.
Because his legs are beaten and bruised
And he cannot walk.
But he wishes for someone to help him stand.
And doesn’t make him talk
About the things he wants to say
The things he wants to keep away
For someone who will always stay.
an old poem from last year, that i really love.
May 2019 · 1.6k
Hearts of Stone
Anastasia May 2019
Hearts tend to break
when they're left all alone.
Although, you can prevent this
if your heart is made of stone.
Your heart won't hurt,
and it will never ache.
Your heart will be yours,
for no one else to take.
Pretty blue eyes,
won't make you cold.
Or make you shiver,
with a love so bold.
Hands won't run,
through soft brown hair.
Laughter won't echo,
through the watermelon air.
Your heart is yours,
and yours alone.
Your heart is yours,
for no one else to hold.
a boy i love
May 2019 · 62
Anastasia May 2019
I like to make wishes.
when the time is right.
are also
an excellent source of wishes.
fallen eyelashes
flutter down,
and I blow them from my fingertips.
The clasp
or a necklace
touches the charm.
do you make wishes?
I've wasted a lot of wishes on one person.
May 2019 · 81
my boyfriend was a tree
Anastasia May 2019
my boyfriend
was a tree.
you may wonder why.
i remember
i hugged a tree.
i suppose that
it is because i am odd.
it was warm.
oddly warm,
for a tree.
but warm, nonetheless.
i like to sit by him.
even though we broke up,
weŕe still friends.
trees are oddly warm in the winter. or maybe its just mine.
May 2019 · 75
Anastasia May 2019
i have
a sort of darkness
not in me, of course.
i feel like, it follows me.
when i am walking
i have to turn around.
when i am
and water rushes down my flesh
i want to open my eyes
despite the promise of burning.
follows me.
an invisible shadow.
when you are here,
or you fill my thoughts
you are like
a sort of sun
that chases away the shadow.
you make me smile,
when i walk alone
in anticipation
of seeing you.
and when
water runs on my flesh.
you make me feel safe.
May 2019 · 127
what are colors
Anastasia May 2019
i think there are too many colors.
what if
love was a color.
love would be such a pretty color.

but then
would love be a "girl color"
and anger, a "boy color"

would little girls
fall in love with little boys
who are filled to the brim
with toxicity.
or little girls shunned,
for wanting love

or would love
be love.
without limits.
and anger
is temporary.

i think
that if you looked up from the sky
you would see so many colors
because every person
is so colorful
with love
and anger
and sad.
and lonely.
May 2019 · 99
Anastasia May 2019
i often dream of

Running away with you,
Under the stars.
Next to you.
All we would need is the both of us.
Wind in my hair, your hands, too.
And dandelions fly like velvet fireflies.
You would braid my hair as I fall asleep.

would you run away with me?
May 2019 · 125
Anastasia May 2019
i think you are pretty
when you ask
if your face is crooked.
i like your freckles
and your dandelion-soft hair.
i think you are quite pretty,
for a boy.
"Am I ugly?"
You ask me.
"I think you are cute,"
I say.
"Tell me the truth,"
you tell me,
although I have never lied to you.
draft from last night that i finished in bed, and typed in the morning.
May 2019 · 67
Anastasia May 2019
your skin is warm, beneath your shirt.
i like making you laugh.
your laugh fills me with joy
leaving me craving for more when you stop
i like walking beside you,
our hands touching sometimes
telling stories
of a better life
in my hair
collecting in my brush
and floating away
when i shake my head
walking to your house
to eat strawberries
and still taste them on my lips
after i leave.
May 2019 · 86
Anastasia May 2019
i like the quiet.
the kind of quiet
with the bubbling of the water
and the song of birds
and the sound of your pencil
as you draw your dreams.
May 2019 · 90
Wide Eyed Dreaming
Anastasia May 2019
I want to walk with you

Until everything’s gone

The scent of lavender

After my heart was drawn.

Covered in your name

And misty clouds.

The touch of your hands,

Lips on my skin.

It takes me a while

To sink it all in.

My blood is blue

My love is red

Thoughts of you float

In circles in my head.

Butterflies are restless,

No words left to say.

Nothing but thoughts of you,

left in my brain.

If I die,

Then darling stay awake.

Don’t forget me,

I wanted to give you all the love you could take.
you make me restless, and fill me with dreams
May 2019 · 218
The Sun
Anastasia May 2019
As crystal clear tears rolled down her cheeks,
The stars glimmered and shined in her presence.
The flowers bloomed for she was their sunlight.
She lay silent, waiting for the sun to rise, so the warmth would dry her tears.
But it never came.
For she was the sun of the wilderness around her.
So it was forever nightfall.
The girl continued to cry.
Her tears made more stars.
Her quiet sobs were the essence of the flowers and trees.
The animals tried to comfort her, but she wouldn’t let them, for when she did, the animals would burn, for she was the sun.
The girl was a girl, but she was also a caretaker, a mother, and a sun to the woods.
And she cried and cried.
For she was the sun.
An old poem I'm fond of.
May 2019 · 120
Anastasia May 2019
i dream when i'm awake
of things i would like to see.
to see in front of me,
and not behind the darkness of my eyes.

though my dreams could never compare
to the effervescence of his smile.
the feeling he gives me
when he looks me in the eyes.
or the feeling i get
when he says her name.

simple seconds of sweetness,
before he leaves without a goodbye.
so much effort, to be beautiful,
and he doesn't utter a word.
someone i used to love

— The End —