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Keen Jan 2016
I miss your smiles,
I miss how you curled up in my arms.
I miss how the sound of your laugh,
I miss how you are so tough.
I miss the way you comb your hair,
I miss the way your eyes stare.
I miss how you crack green jokes,
I miss how you scare those folks.
I miss your lips,
I miss your face,
I miss your touch,
I miss everything about you.
But I know, we both deserve better,
Those pain will heal,
And when that time arrives,
You and me are nothing but plain as nothing.

- 01082k16
2.4k · Apr 2022
Keen Apr 2022
I had to lie,
as you were asking
about these tears.
I had to hide the truth,
and swam in my own thoughts.
I had to breathe alone now,
as you left me in the darkness.
I had to lose you,
on the process of finding me.
I had to build my walls too,
because no one really gets under.
I am tired.
1.7k · Dec 2015
No more chasing . . . You.
Keen Dec 2015
I've had enough chasing you,
What else should I do?
Are we really into this?
The old you, that I missed.

I'm begging you to stay,
Even if it's just for a day.
I just want to spend more time,
Because, this will be the last time that you're mine.

Some things have changed,
Was it me or was it you?
Was it all about the things I can't undo?
Or was it me who stopped chasing you?

1.4k · Sep 2015
Keen Sep 2015
Your kiss,
That I always miss.
Your taste,
That I cannot waste.

A Place ...
To where we first kissed.
Oh love! How I missed,
Your sweet strawberry taste.
1.3k · Apr 2022
575 —
Keen Apr 2022
As I’ve looked at you,
Your eyes shimmer in the dark—
Blissful perfection.
1.3k · Oct 2017
Keen Oct 2017
If I could just hold -
Those hands of yours and squeeze it.
That would be lovely.

If I could just stare -
Deep in your hazelnut eyes,
And be mesmerized.

If I could just hug -
You so tight and sniff your neck.
I would be happy.

If you could just stay -
Stay for awhile and listen,
That I love you so.

It grows perfectly -
In every different way.
That I couldn't stop.

I just wanna see you -
Hug you, touch you, kiss you hard.
Promise. I'll wake up.

From this monstrous -
The nonsensical meaning -
A life without you.
Oct 04, 2017
1.2k · Apr 2022
Keen Apr 2022
I know love we're long gone, our story already ended. Please, take care of your heart for me.
1.1k · Sep 2015
No longer
Keen Sep 2015
I did love you darling,
you were once  my everything.
But a sudden twist of faith,
You were no longer my Babe.

- 08042k15
1.1k · Sep 2015
Rebel Stage
Keen Sep 2015
I'm shaving my hair,
undercut? Well, I don't care.
I'm on rebel stage.

- 08112k15
1.1k · Mar 2016
Keen Mar 2016
It has never been a good journey between us,
For those moment we shared never last.
To me you are the air that I breathe,
But to you, I was just a mere creep.

You were once my everything,
And just today, to you I felt nothing.
I felt in love with you,
With you, being so unique and true.

I want you to search for me,
Even if I get lost in the middle of the sea.
I want you to remind me,
Even if I forget about you and me.

I knew in time you'd forget me,
And in that time you'll set me free.
We need to end this story,
Because Love, we're not in a fairy tale.
Sad things happen,
You and I are just part of a forlorn ending.
- 03312k16
Keen Jun 2016
Nothing compares to you
You love me so true
Through ups and downs
You never fail me,
You never fail me to;
Make me smile
To dry up my soaking eyes
To care much
To love me.

To love me,
Beyond what I asked for.
You love me dearly
A never ending affection towards me
A thirst for my heart and soul.

You love me
Not just by my puffy cheeks
Not just by how I hold a pen
Not just by how I move.

You love me sincerely
Because I don't need to pretend to be someone else
Because I am being me
Because you just love me.
1.0k · Feb 2016
This Trees . . .
Keen Feb 2016
Trees are made of this,
Who I am to disappear,
- I'll stay over here.

- 02172k14
1.0k · Nov 2016
Your mawkish scent
Keen Nov 2016
​I had to kiss you,
One last time.
I had to hug you tight,
So tight that I could break you.
I had to sniff your neck,
You smelled so good
That I could doze off to bed.
I had to change me,
I had to;
Because the thought of you hurts me well.
So don't come back to me
Because, we won't never be happy.
We broke up our promises ―
I didn't chased you,
You did the same too.
I had to avoid you,
Seeing you breaks my walls
Into pieces ―
I built it from scratch
But I'm afraid of changing,
Because I've been around you.
978 · May 2016
Empty Morning
Keen May 2016
I woke up wondering,
How are you?
Have you eaten your morning meal?
Have you wonder too how am I?

Every morning I felt empty,
Wondering how am I suppose to fix this catastrophe.
You left me hanging,
Again and again.

The somersault feeling fades away,
This would drive me insane.
You left me with no words to say,
And I know this day would came.
962 · Oct 2015
Escape . . .
Keen Oct 2015
The day you run away,
I was convincing my self, that I would be okay.
No one knew about us,
Us, that did not last.

I want to chase you,
I want to beg you.
I wanted you to be mine,
Even if, having you is a crime.
904 · Apr 2022
Keen Apr 2022
were a
a monster
Eyes are swollen, everything is falling, to pieces, tiny ones.
Keen Nov 2016
- 10 word poetry
Keen Dec 2015
I just want a,
coffee nor a cigarette.
And a bed to where I could stay all day,
and let myself dive into your arms.

I could use my day offs,
Just to spend more time with you, and only you.
Whose body was to be thank with.
I could stare at you,
whose, eyes are mixed with green and blue.

And kiss you,
and hug you,
and sleep with you.

But, all of this will remain as my beautiful nightmare,
For you, I was no longer a meaning.
And you just treated me as a game on truth or dare,
I'm inlove with you and I hated this feeling.

- 12102k15
882 · Sep 2015
Voice ...
Keen Sep 2015
Your voice is unique,
I miss your high and low tones,
That hits through my bones.

- 09232k15
878 · Oct 2015
Sick . . .
Keen Oct 2015
I keep calling your name,
Oh, how I wish everything will be the same.
You've gone wild and mad,
It rips my heart and it makes me sad.

What happened to me and you?
I did everything for you to stay true.
I don't even have a clue,
You've done wrong and you just can't undo.
877 · Nov 2017
All I ask
Keen Nov 2017
All I ask was for you to hug me,
So warm and tight.
All I ask was for you to stay,
For awhile or until we die.
All I ask was for you to hold me,
Hand by hand.
All I ask was for you to kiss me,
One last time,
Before you leave me.
864 · Apr 20
824 · Apr 2022
Keen Apr 2022
It’s 3 am again,
You’re in my thoughts creepin’.
Whatever’s the cost;
I just needed to get lost.

I’ve been so scared—
of what I’ll become.
Moments are shared—
til’ my body feels numb.

Come back home to me,
and please don’t let this love set free.
How wonderful life can be—
For you and me till eternity.
L, wherever you are now in life. Please remember that I am forever grateful for the time we shared and spent together. I am wishing all the best and most of life can give to you. Till our paths may cross again.
Keen Mar 2022
in me,
poured upon

I lost you,
not just you,
All I want is
816 · Nov 2016
Birthday Present
Keen Nov 2016
You asked me;
"What do you want for your birthday?"
I gazed into your eyes and told you -
"I don't want anything, I only need you."
But you turned your back and walked away,
You left me with no words to say.
- 11142016
- Birthday Present
804 · Sep 2015
No words ...
Keen Sep 2015
No words can express,
      I need you, I yearn for you,
            I did all my best.

- 05152k15
787 · Nov 2015
What Went Wrong . . .
Keen Nov 2015
"What went wrong"

For me I did my very best,
But then i guessed that wasn't really my best.
I tried to blend myself in,
When I know I can't
but I'm still hoping.

It took alot of time,
The work i made is worth plenty of dime.
I kept on moving forward,
Thinking it'll be best and I will get some reward.
But I was **** wrong,
At some point.
I keep asking on what went wrong?

- 11/25/2k15
783 · Nov 2016
Keen Nov 2016
As I left the Town,
I did saw you chasing me ―
But you're not happy.
- 11032k16
782 · Oct 2016
Keen Oct 2016
This will be the last
and I promise you
That I'll stop writing about you,
Ever again.

This will be the last
That I'll remember you
That I'll remember us
Us, that did not last.

This will be the last
and I know we will be okay
It's not that much
But, *thank you and goodbye.
- 10102016
773 · Jun 2016
Lost with my own thoughts
Keen Jun 2016
I want to take off my body,
Like a used lingerie.
I don't want it anymore,
I feel too empty nor valuable.

I want to change who am I,
To begin anew.
For every damage that can't be undo,
For all those nights that I cried.

Too afraid to close my eyes,
Having angst that the memory of you will chase me.
I feel remorse for myself,
For letting you dig inside me,
For being too shabby for my self,
And for letting you ruin my life.

My life.
My life not yours.
From the time you had me,
You never once think of my life.
It was all about you, it was all about your desires.
It was all about your happiness, your thirst for mine.

Of what you did to me,
It will always haunt me.
The remains of you inside me,
Were a nightmare,
A nightmare that chases me,
A stranger who have no clue of who I am,
But still continue to plunge his desires on me.

I am writing this not just to seek for your sympathy,
I want you to understand.
How to be empty,
to be lost,
to be disgusted
and to be the topic of town,
and to be me.


shn 6:7-16
Help me with my title please, any one?
Keen Nov 2016
- 10 word poetry
738 · Jun 2016
I did my best
Keen Jun 2016
I gambled and laid my cards
I know it wasn't enough
I know I have my ups and downs
But all I want is you.

You, who'll never be mine
You, who'll never see me
You, who'll never care for me
Still, my heart beats for you.

Staring into the sky
Thinking, does God listens to me?
Wishing, I was perfectly made to be with you.
Hoping, Someday you'll like me too.
- shn 6:13-16
723 · Nov 2016
Too Fast ...
Keen Nov 2016
​Since I've met you
I feel so different
It was just days
But i knew from that moment
That I'm starting to feel something for you
It might sound crazy
But haven't you still got no clue?
That I always wanna talk to you
To be with you.
To be yours actually.
To be your lover.
717 · Apr 2022
Workin' on Empty
Keen Apr 2022
I miss you,
but I need to use
this space
to create
for myself.
686 · Dec 2015
Speak up . . .
Keen Dec 2015
Tell me where should I start?
Tell me how should I do my part?
Cuz' I wanna free my heart,
And undo this and restart.

All those things,
all the misunderstandings,
all the happy beginnings,
and even all the saddest endings.

I just want to be with you,
Just tell what should I do.
I want more of you,
And that's how I love you.

- 12102k15
683 · Apr 2022
Keen Apr 2022
I crumbled down
when I faced the mirror.
I can't even face me;
nor the reality,
of us.
681 · Apr 20
Keen Apr 20
Things are going
south between us
because you muttered
the worst about us.

“We’re just two sad people”
678 · Nov 2017
Hey . . .
Keen Nov 2017
677 · Nov 2016
Satirical Me.
Keen Nov 2016
​Best of luck
That's what you've said.
Pushing me away,
You just don't want me to stay.
Am I not good for you?
Or I just got no such luck.
Is it something?
Or someone's filling your nothingness.
Why push me away?
Is my love not enough?
Or you're having no fun at all.
Anyhow, best of luck.
May the odds be in your favor.
You may find your real happiness,
Never mind the pain it'll bring me.
You need to be happy.
So, I'm letting you go.
672 · Apr 2022
Keeping my distance
Keen Apr 2022
I’m still
In search of
Lightness despite
This time.
It feels right to forgive myself and accept the reality that I have no control of things that are happening to me now.
660 · Jan 2018
A dream
Keen Jan 2018
You were sleeping next to me -
The quietness that surrounds the room,
is the most perfect moment.
The only sound that I could hear,
are sound of you breathing.
As I've stared with your angelic face,
There's no doubt that I'm honestly falling.
Falling more deeply into you.
Not just by how your lips moves by the way you talk,
Not just by how your hips sways by the way you walk,
Not just by how your perfect eyes - stared deeply to me.
Or not just by how ***** you smell.
I never imagined I could meet you.
You were just a dream -
That I couldn't predict when will it'll come true.
Until then, please stay.
Hold me and wrap your arms around me.
- 01052k18
641 · Jul 2016
10 lines
Keen Jul 2016
I do
From the first time
I laid my eyes on you
I didn't just found you, but I
found love.
A love
From you were true
I know, through ups and downs
You just love me, and I thank you
- 07142016
636 · Nov 2016
Torment Prisoner
Keen Nov 2016
Again, someone left me hanging
When I'm on the verge of falling.
When I just wanted to be happy
When I just wanted to escape;
from reality.
That nobody could save me,
From my own sea.
I'm drowning,
To an endless pain.
I don't know where to go,
*I'm just lost without you.
- 11092016
635 · Aug 2018
Keen Aug 2018
In every moment I closed my eyes
I know
I'm drowning
Thinking I'm not good anymore
I'm silently hurting
Tears been flowing
How can I be the best me?
Planning to set myself free.
629 · Jun 2018
Keen Jun 2018
Drunk words
I don’t mind
Hug me
Kiss me hard
Push behind
I wanna die.
These wounds?
Doesn’t heal.
You left
I’m drunk again
Over and over.
Erasing you
Sober me up
Was everything
A nightmare?
Are you still here?
hold me,
627 · Sep 2015
Be with me Always
Keen Sep 2015
Another nice day,
It's you who makes, just please stay.
Be with me Always.

- 08072k15
Keen Nov 2016
Watching you fell asleep
Beside me,
Was a priceless moment.

I love how you shift positions
From left to right  ―
From right to left.
You drugged me with your scent.

An eon of time without you
By my side
Was a dreadful moment.

I'm really happy  ―
Just stay beside me.
That I knew you
And you got no clue;
That I'm falling in love with you.
- 11072016
606 · Jun 2018
Keen Jun 2018
You showed me your world —
You've got no clue, how happy
I'm with you always.
600 · Jul 2017
*wake up
Keen Jul 2017
I wish that,
realizing -
my worth.

590 · Nov 2017
10 word . . .
Keen Nov 2017
it really
love you?
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