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578 · Oct 2017
10 Begging Words
Keen Oct 2017
Come back,
hug me tight
not let
Keen Jan 2016
Stop . . .
I want my heart to stop  beating,
To stop screaming your name,
To stop craving,
To stop us, that was just a game.
Stop . . .
You're not even sorry,
An apology that I was waiting,
Hell, It won't be coming eh?
**** pride you got.
Stop . . .
Stop messing with me,
Making me fool and please set me free.
Stop making me believe that you love me,
Stop creating us, that was full of misery.
Stop . . .
Yeah, we should stop.
We deserve much more better than this,
We know, our love is not that strong,
We did everything, but what went wrong?
Stop . . .
Loving me,
I know you regret everything,
I know you were just lying,
From the very beginning,
Until we meet our ending.
Stop . . .
Saying goodbyes,
I don't even know why?
Are you doing it just to hurt me?
You did great because it pains me.

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571 · Oct 2015
Fears, and Tears . . .
Keen Oct 2015
Beers and Cigs,
This pain is so much big.
I'm lost now,
I don't know why and how.

I just want to forget,
I'll worry no regret.
I don't know anything better,
But, it doesn't matter.

I woke up in tears,
I felt all fears.
I could smoke the pain,
Because, it'll make me insane.
568 · Jun 2016
To the One that got away.
Keen Jun 2016
Years have passed
Still, you lingered on my mind.
I miss the thought of you
Yet, at the same time I’m hating you.

What would happen between us?
If we didn't end up like this.
Would we have a label and be lovers?
Or would I just end up calling you 'My Almost Lover'?

You we're once my life
But I had no more fun
You we're once my everything
But one day, we felt like nothing.

We never had the chance to say goodbye,
And I see no pain in your eyes.
Thank you for making me this person I am now.
I had been hurt,
But it made me write about you again,
One last time.
551 · Nov 2016
Keen Nov 2016
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550 · Mar 2016
It is you . . .
Keen Mar 2016
It is you who loved me,
Even at my darkest glee.
It is you who stayed at my side,
Even at my worst pride.
It is you who taught me,
To the things that I should set as free.
It is you whom I desired,
Even after we laughed and cried.
It is you after all,
That can mend this heart before I fall.
It is you whose arms that I longed,
Have you heard our favorite love song?
It is the sound of your laughter,
That I wanna hear forever.
It is you once more,
And keep these things we swore.
549 · Apr 2022
straight through
Keen Apr 2022
You only
look at me,
but never saw
what's inside of
I still care for us, but my love for you is slowly fading. Thank you for the memories
548 · Sep 2018
I . . .
Keen Sep 2018
Days have been pretty bad lately,
Waking up empty.
Thinking what could have been,
I know there is something.
Try'na forget what it is,
But the feeling is growing.
I just wanna end this up,
and everyone will still keep moving.
I don't know,
I don't care,
I don't mind,
I just don't wanna live.
546 · Jul 2017
Worn out
Keen Jul 2017
Hands tied,
dug deep.
So deep.
At the
worn out.
544 · Jun 2016
Can't Hide
Keen Jun 2016
You are going
to fall in love,
You think you're
Cold as ice
You weren't.
You knew it
But you chose to lie.
Chose to deny
Your feelings for
A person who
Performs a somersault,
In your heart.
543 · Jun 2018
Woeful Nostalgia
Keen Jun 2018
Remembering how beautiful that moment it was back then. While you seemed enthusiastic about your stories. Over and over, I’m falling for you. Staring at your eyes, while you kept on sharing your stories. Hearing your laugh while talking? God, I couldn’t ask for more. And then, the perfect moment and timing happened.

When I saw the lights reflecting in your hazelnut eyes — my heart skipped its beat. How lucky I am to see a perfect creation. You amazed me in every simple ways you do. You, doing nothing. And I know it's weird, super weird.

Then, I became anxious on how I should act like nothing happened. But, I failed on it. Running out of words to say. It was the perfect time for me to say how much you mean to me, scratch that, on how much I am falling in love with you. But I choked with the thought of me expressing myself, because I don’t wanna be rejected. Though I know for sure this feeling ain’t mutual.

I think it's better that I didn't say those words. Because I don't wanna trap you from this messy human I am. I didn't regret meeting you figuratively at the corner of the street. If I could just repeat it, over and over I would find ways for you to notice my nothingness. For I will fall in love, again.

And, here I am. I totally don't know what to say. Or maybe I just couldn't accept the fact that me, being so coward leads me to this ******* moment. Where I’m caught between, wanting you in my life or wanting to forget the memories you’ve shared with me though I couldn’t deny the fact that it hurts me and pains me to think of it. But I guess dear, I’ll always be looking from afar. Thinking every possible ways about the thought of us. Yes, a cliche indeed. But, I’m a human being and in love?

This memory of you may not lead to where it should be. But I want you someday, or in other parallel worlds we might have — you’ll be able to read some parts of this, and a smile coming from your lips would suffice all of this.

I guess, us wasn’t really a love story nor a happy ending. Until then, I’ll meet you somewhere over a coffee and a smoke, then will have a chitchat about how dramatic I was and was head over heels of you.

I will always love you, romantically. And you do love me platonically dear. Good byes are overrated so good night and I’ll sleep this pain off tight.
516 · Apr 20
Keen Apr 20
511 · Sep 2017
Untitled 575 (day 1)
Keen Sep 2017
It's just You and Me -
T'was a very good evening.
'til, you've unloved me.
Keen Apr 2022
What has become of us?
I did not wish this end.

Praying on a better ending,
just somethin',
so we'll stop pretending.
I've left alone reminiscing.

Pulling you more to me,
But now, you wanted to be free.
Time has come for us to fall,
And now you've built a wall.
494 · Oct 2015
Together . . .
Keen Oct 2015
I still want US,
But I can't be, and we can't be,
So I'm setting both of us free,
Free from this relationship that won't last.

It pains me,
To see you're free,
But that's how I love you,
And it's true.

I hope one day,
You can still laugh and be okay.
Let's bury together this agony,
Time heals and we'll be ready.
478 · Jul 2017
I'm "Nothing" . . .
Keen Jul 2017
466 · Sep 2015
Keen Sep 2015
What I saw was true,
I was bound to love you,
-- Until I die dear.

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463 · Oct 2017
10 Words for You
Keen Oct 2017
457 · Oct 2015
Free . . .
Keen Oct 2015
I can't be that person you want,
Those things that you want me to do, but I just can't.
You made me this person I am now,
I'm still into you, somehow
Again, you cast another spell,
And I have difficulty on how to dwell.

I hate to admit that I'm tired of being me,
I only write because you exist,
This feeling that I have, I can't resist,
For you my Love, will be free.

I know you will be free from me,
From the person I just can't be.
I'm not good enough for you,
I keep asking myself, what should I do?
455 · Jun 2018
Keen Jun 2018
Glad I was the one —
That caught your heart, soul and mind.
Love me until the end.
455 · Sep 2015
It is love I felt ...
Keen Sep 2015
It is whom we care,
It's the thoughts we always share.
It is love I felt.

448 · Apr 2022
Note #01
Keen Apr 2022
447 · Oct 2016
Keen Oct 2016
Dear You,
Yes you
the one who broke me;
into pieces,
Tiny pieces.

Expecting someone
like you
in front of my door.
Without you knocking
Without you asking
Without me knowing
that was the last time.
The very last time,
that I would see you,
that I would talk to you,
that I would laugh with you.

Everything was over
looking through the memories;
sad memories of you.

Till we met,
not as lovers
but as strangers.
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434 · Apr 2022
dying thought
Keen Apr 2022
I was living my years in a lie.
Was in search for what’s the meaning of life.
Not until one day,
I woke up in awe of what inside.
I’ve had it all along.
I’ve been so distant and distracted of the thought.
Dying to chase the ‘high’,
Not realising anything.
I lost everything.
I lost,
I’m back to square 1. Things will be okay,
397 · Apr 20
Keen Apr 20
all I could remember
is that,
I should’ve
not known you.
First in 2024
386 · Sep 2015
Keen Sep 2015
Hey! You took something,
It's my heart that keeps beating,
Handle it with care.
379 · Sep 2015
Keen Sep 2015
Me, Myself and I,
I am far beyond perfect,
But I tried my best.

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366 · Sep 2015
Spin the Bottle
Keen Sep 2015
We were playing,
the Bottle is spinning.
It pointed on me, and you asked me something,
"How can I be so insensitive about everything?"

Again, you asked me,
"Do you love me?"
I replied quickly,
But you walked away from me.
How can you turn back on me?
When I was on my bended knee.

You walked away,
and didn't left anything to say.
I hope you're okay,
Let's call it a day.
#Love #Quickie #Poem #Turn #bottle
343 · Sep 2015
Keen Sep 2015
As simple as you,
You painted color rainbows -
and now I'm confused.
Keen Mar 2022
I am contented with my life now,
I don't need anyone anymore.
I only need us, you & me. Until the end.
308 · Sep 2015
Keen Sep 2015
From the beginning,
We were just like cats and dogs,
But now we're lovers.
274 · Sep 2015
Keen Sep 2015
I did all my best,
But it was only a test,
I guess, you don't care!
265 · Apr 2022
Keen Apr 2022
Skin & soul,
You've built a wall.
Can't carry it all —
feeling small.

Waves are crashing,
Heart is crumbling.
We were once each other's everything,
Now, we're already sinking.

Seek us love —
Together above.
Don't go,
Let's start slow.
Listening to indie folk music can be relaxing while slowly killing me with reality.
233 · Mar 2022
5 Letter Word
Keen Mar 2022
#notes #selflove #love #falling
217 · May 2021
Forlorn Ending: Day 14
Keen May 2021
Today I felt different...
While I was decluttering my room and sorting my stuff (preparing my things to finally leave this apartment). Tears were flowing, again. It still pains me knowing you aren't there everyday. Knowing I can't talk to you about the random things that happened today. Knowing that you'll always support me when I told you that, " I don't feel well, I need to clean my room to clear my mind". Knowing that I  don't have you, period.
I found photographs of me, you, and us. We were happy in those tiny polariods we have. I found a lot of stuff that reminds me of you, yet I still can't let go even in those things we shared. I still want you near, hoping we'll still share this rainbow color we had. I still have those vivid memories of you, of our plans as a family together. I still want us to work, I still crave for your affirmation and attention. I still think of you a thousand times a day, I am missing you everyday. I still want you. Because I'll never found love like ours.
But, each day I have to face a difficult ending. I have to accept that we need to grow apart. I need to accept that you aren't going home to me anymore. I gotta holdback asking how are you today. I have to hold myself from coming to your place, hoping I'd see a glimpse of you even I'm outside looking like a total creep. I have to keep this random talks to myself. I have to be taster, every time I found a new recipe. I have to be me, without you anymore.

I pray someday you'll find what you need in this lifetime and if this letter crosses your path, let me know. Because I, we'll be waiting for you.

Until then, please do take care of yourself.
177 · Apr 2022
Don't forget
Keen Apr 2022
don't get lost in someone else.
Ask yourself once in a while,
"How are you doing?"
168 · Apr 2022
One last time.
Keen Apr 2022
This pain
made me write
about you again,
163 · Apr 2022
All you did
Keen Apr 2022
yet I took
it away from
132 · Apr 2022
You didn't want to stay.
Keen Apr 2022
I know you
didn't want to stay,
and I understand
I'm letting
you go
Keen Apr 2022
Shook the best
when your love
was home.
And now you're
Keen Apr 2022
A second with you;
Dying to make it last a lifetime.
Come home,
and please stay.
I cannot watch you go away again,
Honey take it slow.

— The End —