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5.0k · May 2015
Literal Chemistry
Hannah May 2015
You were an acid
Destroying others
Making them nothing
And hungry for more

I was a base
An innocent mind
Eager for adventure
Reactive to a select few

We were neutralised
With me, you were tamed and docile
With you, I was someone new
Our beaker fell off the counter top

                                                        ­  s ha  t  t   e   r  e      *d
4.5k · May 2015
Knight in Rusty Armour
Hannah May 2015
One might think
I am waiting for my knight
In shining armour, to come on his
Glorious white horse

No, I wait for my knight
With spots of rust on his armour
With weakened metal
With a war horse that limps

I'll ride on his horse
And love him not for his shiny armour
Not for his immaculate horse
Not for his perfection

We each have dark pasts
Riddled with unspeakable mistakes
Mistakes which we wish to eradicate
And we will

I'll love him for his flaws
I'll know every inch of his skin
I'll know his past, his present
And we'll create a future
4.1k · May 2015
Hannah May 2015
I used to think
The only way to not be
Scared of monsters was to become one

So I *did
4.1k · Sep 2015
Hannah Sep 2015
Please be different
            I'm begging you
           Down on my knees
Please be different

Please don't use me
            Just for other girls
           To practice talking to your ex
Please don't use me

Please don't ask me
           What girls like or want
           What to give your friends
Please, just don't

Please talk to me
            For who I am
            For being better friends with me
Please talk to me

Please don't ignore me
           Be the one who
           Starts our conversations
Please don't ignore me

Please be my friend
           One of my guy friends
           One of my best friends
Please be my friend

Please love me
           Not asking for a relationship
           Love me as a friend
Please love me

That's all I ask for
i have this friend who i used to talk to a lot but we stopped for a while and every time he started a convo, he would ask me about other girls, or what they would want or like, he hardly ever asked how i was, or talked to me. and a few months ago, my best friend broke up with her boyfriend, and they're trying to be friends again, and i was always in talking terms with him. now, when he's being such a nice and friendly guy, he says ily and texts me first and all that, and he's saying ily to my best friend and i'm really happy that they're friends again, really happy for them. but i'm afraid that he's only using me to practice talking to my best friend. i'm afraid he'll be like the previous one who i thought was my best friend. i'm afraid he won't be different.
2.3k · Feb 2016
late night conversations
Hannah Feb 2016
it's the little things that get you

when he answers your sarcasm with more sarcasm
when he continues your senseless banter
when he actually tries to continue your conversation
when you go to sleep with a smile on your face

that's when you know he's got you
in his orbit
under his spell
completely and utterly taken with him
and you know you're *******
2.1k · Apr 2016
fallen idiot
Hannah Apr 2016
i can't believe
i actually thought that

you liked talking to me
you liked having me around
you liked me being your friend

i fell for it
i fell for your tricks
i fell for your charm
i fell for you

and i'm an idiot.
2.0k · Apr 2016
fallen idiot
Hannah Apr 2016
I can't believe
I actually thought that

You liked talking to me
You liked having me around
You liked me being your friend

I fell for it
I fell for your tricks
I fell for your charm
I fell for you

And I'm an idiot.
1.9k · Apr 2015
Hannah Apr 2015
Will you decompose me?
Take me apart piece by piece
Bring me back to my roots
Until I am

Your branches, they reach out
Scratchy and rough, but warm
In your embrace, I am vulnerable
But at the same time strong

Now flourish, the flowers
And fruits of our labour
Don't leave, I'll be powerless
I know you will, sooner or later

That's when I truly decompose
Not with you, not even close
I decompose to nothing
Exactly what I am to you
1.8k · Mar 2015
Hannah Mar 2015
Just ten minutes was enough
To build up the longing
That would last, and definitely hurt
While I wait for you to return

It was so innocent, so gentle, so pure
Just a simple lean and I knew for sure
I needed, wanted, yearned for more
I wanted to see what life had in store

You asked me a question, just a mischievous thing
But it came out and I started thinking
Turning and looking at your face (I nearly wanted to run)
Elbowed you gently, smiled and said 'this one'

Perhaps one day I would look back
And see that was when it had just begun
Maybe one day I will turn to you and say
You are the one
An exaggeration but nonetheless what was in my mind about 2 days ago.
1.8k · Apr 2016
a girl and a car
Hannah Apr 2016
first she's 8
and all her brother plays with
are toy cars
so she gladly joins in the fun

then she's 11
and she's watching in awe
as race cars **** around the track
and she can't wait till she has her license

then she's 14
and there's a car crash
right in front of her innocent eyes
and now she's terrified of them

suddenly she's 17
and the thought of
getting hit by a car
doesn't scare her anymore
1.7k · Mar 2022
shiny things
Hannah Mar 2022
the glint of an eye
a cheeky smile
the sunshine after a storm
a hug after a bad day

the reflection of metal
a handle of black
the sharpness of pain
a drop of blood falling from a wrist
take me back to the first moment because i don't want the second
1.6k · May 2022
get the pain out
Hannah May 2022
out of my body
into my legs
my arms
the tips of my fingers

somewhere i won't feel it
1.5k · Jul 2015
Hannah Jul 2015
You placed her within your jaws
You salivated and chewed
With each bite, you ground her
Smaller smaller smaller
Into fine pieces, into the very elements
She was composed of, then
You devoured her
One swift move, she was
Washed away down your
Long winding throat
But she fed on the acid
You used to burn her
She devoured that and grew
Grew grew, until she climbed
Out of your mouth, broke
Your teeth and she came back
Fighting, for failure is no match
For her.
1.5k · May 2015
life vs school [10w]
Hannah May 2015
life is one big exam
what are we studying for?
1.5k · Mar 2015
Not A Toy
Hannah Mar 2015
Picked up when wanted
Dropped when bored
Just for your pleasure
And then
1.5k · Jul 2018
Hannah Jul 2018
just two kids
riddled with anxiety and depression
finding comfort in each other
loving each other
stumbling through life
hoping to make it out
1.4k · May 2015
A 20w journal
Hannah May 2015
My heart flips every time
You start with 'hey baby'

I know it's just friendly
But I can't help it
my friend is the kind who will call you baby in a friendly way and i cant help but feel like that oops hahaa
1.4k · May 2015
Lock-On [10w]
Hannah May 2015
When I think I'm done,
a new target is found
i think it's just me being in love with the idea of being in love. *sighs*
1.3k · May 2015
Hannah May 2015
My knees creak when I stand
And it leaves me wondering
Is my sad body too heavy?
Or is it that my knees
Are tired of carrying
The weight of the world
Tired of carrying
Everything so much
That a rest
Is all it

i made my premature knee problems into something deep
1.3k · Apr 2015
Hannah Apr 2015
Oh the irony
When we're young and innocent
Find someone we like and filled with joy
Next, everything falls and crashes

Years later, we meet others
But this time we question
Not them, not others, but
We question ourselves

Can never trust our own minds
Is it nothing more than an infatuation?
We will never know
Oh, the irony
1.2k · Jun 2015
Hannah Jun 2015
For what we use as distractions
Are nothing more than just that
They won't stop a heart's contractions
Or aches when memories of past
Are resurfaced
Instead, they merely graze
The mental wound
Like a pack of hounds
Tearing you to pieces
And your temporary happiness *ceases
1.0k · May 2015
Innocent Love
Hannah May 2015
I just want the innocence
When people find our laughs have resemblance
When I grasp your hand so tight
When one single hug, might
Just cause us to look into each other's eyes
Even in daytime, we see the night skies
With the stars dotting the universe
All we can see, is us
1.0k · Mar 2015
Hannah Mar 2015
Alone on a balcony
The stars are out tonight
Both in the sky, and in our eyes
Do you see them too?

Finally the words come out
'It looks really nice'
Subtle, but appreciated
My heart pounds, but I respond

We could stand there forever
Get lost in each other's souls
Truth hits me, I am a fool

'We should go back now'
Barely a minute, and it's over
That was the end of it, our moment?

No, no, no
All I did was amplify, exaggerate
Feelings for me are naught
Nothing, just as I thought

so the other night I was on a balcony with my ex-crush (we went to get something and were going to walk back) and it was such a beautiful cliche romantic moment that I almost fell back into it ha ha ha halp but nah, I'm sure we all amplify these small moments into big ones right?
1.0k · May 2015
Home is to Heart?
Hannah May 2015
Home is where the heart is
At least, that's what they say

But what if
Your heart has been
c  h  o  p  p  e  d
splintered     k
b                 o                             n
   r                            e
Into a million pieces

Each part belonging
To a different
Person, place, time
976 · Jun 2015
The Best Days
Hannah Jun 2015
Not always when things exactly how you'd like
Sometimes just a time
When the most embarrassing things happen
But if you could plan,

You wouldn't have it any other way
so today some coaches came back and it was really a blast from the past. although all secrets i was keeping were revealed to them and it was quite embarrassing, i really wouldn't have it any othe rway
953 · Jun 2015
Attention Sought [15w]
Hannah Jun 2015
The only thing
that comforts me
is knowing that you
actually still want
my attention.
952 · Jun 2015
Hannah Jun 2015
Maybe if I tell myself
I don't need you
Enough times
You will disappear
From my trapped mind

And that will be my down

934 · May 2015
Sands and Pearls
Hannah May 2015
I am a pearl
In the warm embrace of a mollusk
Something beautiful, glorious
But with its own secrets

I am guarded, walls up high
The mollusk moulds me
Thinks it knows every part of me
But alas, that is not the case

I was placed in the mollusk, a grain of sand
But the ones that know me better
Are my fellow sand grains
Hard, but smooth as one

They know everything about me
They know my past
They know my present
They will know my future

As I emerge from the mollusk
So do they, from theirs
We come together, to form something
Gloriously beautiful

While we journey with
Pearls who know our true face
We must never forget the mollusks
Who shaped us from sand
our parents are the mollusks, yes we have everything to thank them for, for raising us, for making us the good people we are today. but they do not know all our secrets. friends will always know each other the best, and will grow up (and old) together. but of course, we must never forget our mollusks.
843 · Oct 2017
dear me
Hannah Oct 2017
dear younger me,

congratulations! you made it to the end of formal schooling
you probably have tons of questions for me,
but i have a few for you
dear me, what's it like to play everyday
what's it like to play computer games
what's it like to go to the playground
dear me, what's it like to be able to handle school
to be able to actually be ahead of work
and spend most of the time not studying
dear me, what's it like to be happy everyday
to be able to smile at the smallest thing
to always love your life
dear me, what's it like
to not care about what others think
of how you look, what you say
dear me, what's it like
to not have the expectations of everyone
burden your shoulders
dear me, what's it like
to not have (almost) daily thoughts
of not wanting to be alive
dear me, what's it like
to run away from an approaching car
instead of wanting to walk in front of it
dear me, what's it like
to always sleep happily
and not have to hide your tears
when everyone's asleep
dear me, what's it like to live?
to want to live, to love being alive
dear me, please be strong
there will be days when
you don't want to live (yes, appalling)
you don't want to smile (how)
you don't want anything
please hang in there
there will be days when
there's only one thing
stopping you from ending it all
please, please be strong

825 · Mar 2016
Hannah Mar 2016
she's slipping
she knows it
and she doesn't know if anyone else does
if anyone else can see it in her eyes

it's not that she's going to
do anything to herself
she has a more passive approach
and that scares her more

what if, one day,
she's on the verge of death
but she doesn't take that one step
that one safe step to safety

what if she lets herself go
not because she took the step of death
but because she didn't save herself
would anyone care?

she tries, she's trying
to pull herself back together
but it's difficult when no one cares
when no one sees, in the very first place
808 · Mar 2016
dreams and fears
Hannah Mar 2016
when you tell people your biggest fear
does that make them easier to conquer
or all the more realistic and impossible

when you tell people your biggest dreams
does that make them more real
or does it only jinx your future
757 · May 2015
Over and done [10w]
749 · Jul 2015
screw you
Hannah Jul 2015
you know what
if you have the nerve
to reply me with
after 2 weeks of
not texting then
i've got a message:
you'll never see this but argh so done with you cant you understand that i dont like you anymore im really just trying to be a friend so stop acting like you're rejecting me when you're just pushing a friend away what's your problem
745 · Aug 2016
plot twist
Hannah Aug 2016
plot twist:
they like you back
they do enjoy texting you
your mind is wrong
739 · Aug 2016
Hannah Aug 2016
It's tragic how people
Only pay attention
When  you're
A last resort
730 · Jul 2016
Hannah Jul 2016
i always thought drowning
had to do with bodies of water
water filling your lungs
until you can't breathe

i would've never thought drowning
meant being so empty
that nothing thrives there
and you feel dead inside
730 · Jun 2015
Music... Drowns?
Hannah Jun 2015
Sure*, at first it's easy
Suppress the feelings
Drown the world out with
Music, but soon
It gets harder and harder
And harder and you need
To voice it out, to tell someone
That's alright, tolerable
But what worries me is
In the end, how will I cope?
When not even music can
Drown my own thoughts out?
What will I resort to?
727 · Jun 2015
Love In Denial
Hannah Jun 2015
I don't want to say it
I don't want to think it
I don't want to show it

But I do
I love you
725 · May 2015
Love Again 4x[10w]
Hannah May 2015
Who will teach me how
To love again, when? Now?

Hunger fills me, the worst kind
It doesn't go away.

Difficult to be filled, but impossible?
I sure hope not

Come to me, embrace me
Love me, like never before
712 · Feb 2017
Hannah Feb 2017
you're haunting me
filling my thoughts
everything i read
everything i imagine
it all goes back to you
and why?
when all you do
is haunt me in my dreams
but never in reality
701 · May 2022
maybe i dont want respect
Hannah May 2022
respect: earned through suffering
no food no sleep no rest
worth: deemed by usefulness
idleness is useless is worthless

a cart of ideologies
hurtling down an infinite hill
pushing on to the next poor fools
who receive and continue

maybe I need to slow it down
throw myself in front and
did that work

is one made a martyr
or just a conman, the easy way out
refusing to play the game
opt out of self sacrifice with self sacrifice
696 · Apr 2015
Late Nights [10w]
Hannah Apr 2015
Oh ******, when everything I see
Reminds me of
694 · Apr 2015
Hannah Apr 2015
Every single conversation
Late night or morning
Middle of the day or not
I treasure it

Every single self-doubt,
We make each other
Stronger, believing in ourselves
I treasure it

We were an almost
But also an ex
But also a still together
I treasure it

You're my best friend
Mutual lover
The one I confide in, but most of all
My brother.
dedicated to my best friend who i talk to about each other's crushes, which im sure at one point was each other, who i may not be seeing for some time, but i know we will continue talking. i hope i do not forget the sound of your voice and your laughter. may we meet again soon.
690 · Jul 2015
Studious Peace
Hannah Jul 2015
When the music is blasting
When your voice reaches
Notes you know it can't
And you don't care

When your book is open
And for once, just once
In your whole life
You enjoy what you're doing
Enjoy the way the pen flows
Across the paper, creating
Words and shapes that the mind
Can truly comprehend, and the
Best part of it all is knowing
That in a matter of weeks
Not milleniums, not decades
Not years, you'll be done, and that's
Scary, but also peaceful
2 months till end of years are over, less than 3 till national exams are over
690 · May 2015
Existential Evidence?
Hannah May 2015
is she alive?
or is she just surviving
pulling through day by day
unaware as life goes on

does she exist?
or is she merely a concept
of space
669 · Apr 2015
Deep Fear [10w] + [10w]
Hannah Apr 2015
Just when you think life is happy and swell,
Well, what if nobody  ever falls in love with me?
669 · May 2017
what she doesn't know
Hannah May 2017
she wonders why
she goes for the type of guy
who is too far from her
too far out of her reach
she: actually loves the thrill

she thinks that
it's just bad luck that all the guys
she likes rarely reply
take way too long
she: loves the suspense

she waits patiently
for the day that some guy, anyone
will want her as much
as she wants them
she: scares them

she's passionate
she dives in deep
and she needs someone
a thrill-seeker just like her
661 · Jul 2015
Hannah Jul 2015
Maybe friends aren't the ones
Who we spend 200 days with in school

Maybe friends are the ones
Who we still talk to
Despite not seeing each other
For months

And that frightens me
648 · May 2015
Hannah May 2015
i know you care
deep inside
you redirect the topic
but you do
i know it
in my bones
in my veins
in my blood
each cell of me knows
you pretend not to
but you do
i know you do
my friend always redirects the topic when it could go deeper into our friendship but i know he does care about me and that's all i need to know to comfort myself
638 · Jul 2015
Hannah Jul 2015
The moment dreams
Become nightmares
Is when you wake up
And you can't remember
If it really happened
Or if it will ever happen
And you pray and pray
And pray that oh please,
If anything bad were to happen
Let it not be that dream
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