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Ellie Geneve Nov 2015
As I laid my head on your chest,
I felt your heart beat faster

I don't think I'd ever forget
that moment

when even your heart
was cheering for us
Ellie Geneve May 2017
"I hope you heal all the wounds you want to heal"
You might not want to heal all wounds
Ellie Geneve Jan 2015
I hide behind a wall,
the great wall of **sarcasm
jk! I'm not sarcastic at allll...
Or am I? ;)
Ellie Geneve May 2014
You are as bright as the sun, but my pupils will always dilate for you.
It is scientifically proved that pupils dilate with the sight of someone you love (or something that appeals to you). Also scientifically proven, pupils constrict with light reflex.
The poem metaphorically shows the sacrifices a person would make, for a loved one.
Ellie Geneve Jun 2014
"17 bullets in his body"

I'll never forget
those words
the doctor had said
while my man was on his death bed

17 bullets

And it was the 17th of March

On our 17th anniversary
And I heard those words
At 1:07 am

17 bullets
and we were both 17 when we first laid eyes on each other
that day when you came over to our house with my brother
and it was the 17th of March

I remember.
Ellie Geneve Dec 2014
This year was a really good one
and I have God to thank for that

I learned to focus on the process
and not on the result
to really be honest
and to never insult

I learned that people change
and feelings range
from full
to null

I learned to place my happiness
in the One and only who will never let me down
To take life's crappiness
with a smile rather than a frown

To work hard
and pray for the best
To take in regard,
with how much I'm blessed

To love myself
and my quirkiness,
To not place feelings on the shelf
for other's cleanliness

To be confident
about all of me
And to compliment
things I liked to see

To treat things
as I want them to be,
and so they shall be
within my conformity

To improve
with every minute
and to move
forward with no limit

To take each day
as it comes
rather than sway
on possibilities, tons

To love,
and to love,
and to be.
Ellie Geneve Jan 2015
The glow of your modesty
2. I don't want you to judge me
3. I can even feel the pain
4. Could be as strong as the start
5. Feelings are a funny thing
6. Doubt is a treacherous friend
7. One day you would hate me
8. Some fragments leave us insane
9. These aren't sympathy pains
10. We're like two lines that are skew
11. But I can't change something I grew into
12. You are my twin
13. Say you're sorry once in a while
14. Our friendship was obnoxious
15. I never said thank you for that
16. I am not your crisis
17. Do we have to act like strangers?
18. You are forgiven
19. You just left
20. It was both of our faults
Ellie Geneve Dec 2016
My eyes keep seaching for you
and my fingers keep longing for your touch

Do you know how many times
I think of you and hold my breath?

And when someone mentions you,
the clouds make space for the sunshine,
the ocean tide disappears
and the earth stops rotating

Forgive me please
for not telling you
that I'd rather be a molecule of oxygen
in your lungs for ten seconds
than a minute apart from you

They speak about addiction
with such disdain
but how do I explain
that my addiction to you
is the only reason I'm still sane?

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night
walk around the balcony
and pray to God
we'll find each other again
Ellie Geneve Jun 2014

                                                ­      is


Ellie Geneve Sep 2017
as life
Ellie Geneve May 2017
"the way I loved you was consuming"
Ellie Geneve Jun 2014
I admired things no one understood.
Ellie Geneve Aug 2017
You taught me how to love
Ellie Geneve Jul 2014






broken hearts.
Ellie Geneve Apr 2017
I'm still learning how to trust myself
Ellie Geneve Jun 2018
Either ends of a tunnel
Look like light
Ellie Geneve Jun 2017
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
I don't care
what you think of my poetry,
but I sure care
how it makes you
Ellie Geneve Nov 2016
You spent your life
swimming against the current
in blue and ghastly oceans

You stepped into this pool,
surprised by the lack of static

Making more effort
than you need to,
But much less,
much much less,
than you want to

Swimming against the current
is what you learned to live by
every other option
*doesn't feel like home
Ellie Geneve Mar 2015
We tend to get too fixated on where we wanna end up,
often forgetting that we're already there.
Ellie Geneve Aug 2014
My sister,
an annoying blister.
In the depth of my relaxation,
she bombards me with such nonsense and retardation.
Like she's designed to disrupt every source of silence,
while I'm diving in the ****** of my imagination.

My sister,
full of spirit and laughter.
Her jolly heart is something I feel obligated to look after.
My sister,
Although having her endless branches of imagination,
says that I'm her inspiration.
Ellie Geneve Jul 2014
As I lay here I realize
death is not something I should despise
it is simply a fragment of our lives
no matter how much we venture and strive
work things out and compromise.

It should never come as a surprise
that one day...
death will look us straight in the eyes
with no regard to our mothers' cries
no care for our last goodbyes.

We begin to think of...
All those ungrateful sighs
those unworthy lies
those wasted cries
as our soul flies
and our blood dries
then, the body dies.

Now look around.
You are not dead
still above the ground.
Feel you're heart pound
and realise
*the beauty of that sound.
Ellie Geneve May 2014
Deaf people are sparking a conversation
But how to deaf people communicate
They speak- without relation
To each-other's state.

So imagine how many "I love you's"
Where rather not unsaid
Because in a world it doesn't matter who
Followed, and who lead.

In a world where,
Ideas do not spread,
People take their time to move ahead,
No one has anything to dread...

I am very well aware that it is a place
Where everyone is mislead.
Thus nothing can replace,
The beauty of the said

But imagine how many "I love you's"
Where rather not unsaid
Because in a world it doesn't matter who
Followed, and who lead.
Regarding the pressure a conversation puts on a human being. Our replies are always well related to the question. Thus many things we tend to say are rather left unsaid.
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
Oh God,  
Cleanse our souls the same way you cleanse an entire nation
simply by the miraculous causes of evaporation.
Rain <3
Ellie Geneve Dec 2014
The day
you were born
was the day
I started **living
Ellie Geneve Jun 2014
A heart never breaks...

it simply bends.

and today, my heart is bent.
Ellie Geneve Dec 2016
Drop me like a beat
Stomp me underneath your feet
like you're happy and you know it.
Empty yourself from me
Throw me like I'm the rain to your cloud
weighing you down
And I will fall like the fast and heavy rain.
But I will not come down crashing
I will come down splashing.
I will be the soothing mist that covers windows
I will travel with rivers as the wind blows
In winter, like a snowflake, I'll freeze
Children will play with me
And I will take any form I please.
Ellie Geneve Mar 2017
And you ask me how I'm doing
but how can I describe being trapped in a maze
I know the exit of

How do I explain what
the lump in my throat feels like?

I've gotten so used to its flavor
I'm forgetting what it tastes like

What does dignity taste like when wrapped around in fake laughter and salted with tears?

How can I tell you this
without having you think I'm asking for attention?

Maybe I am asking for attention

Attention your wallet has not learned how to afford
tagged under: basic human need: attention
Ellie Geneve Jun 2016
Flowers die
and I try not to let myself
get attached
to beautiful things
that won't last

but once I hold
the flowers
you give me

I turn into
a walking question mark

asking myself
I ever resisted
the beautiful

disguised as
a dying
Ellie Geneve Mar 2017
They call them baby steps

I'd like to think its because
babies walk slowly and unsteadily
often fall, quit, and crawl instead
and on most days,
they walk one step forward
and two steps back
Ellie Geneve Jul 2015
Take yourself out on a date
(I like pizza too!)
Hold your own hand
(Smooth! is that scented lotion I smell?)
Complement yourself while looking in the mirror
(Where do I begin)
Pat your own back
(I've always believed in you)
And instead of waiting for someone to come along and sweep you off your feet, take pole dancing lessons.
(Woah! You're so  ....... Strong!)

No one can truly love you, if you can't learn to love yourself.
(I love you)
me and myself have so much in common!
Ellie Geneve Dec 2015
Yellow is what I am
happy is what I make you feel.

Use me, then throw me
and you'll trip by my peel.

I'm healthy, I'm sweet,
If in a hurry, I take seconds to eat.

All on my own, I'm a dish
but with peanut butter, I'm delic.

I'm good for your brain
I'm good for your heart

*There's a reason why monkeys are smart.
Ellie Geneve Jun 2017
Your lies shattered like crystal
Spread all around the living room

Many days
My bare feet teach me all about regret

As I,
Once again,
Get cut
By their pieces
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
They say: You should always say what you feel.
But we all know that some things are better off unsaid.
Ellie Geneve Feb 2016
Feeling constantly misunderstood
should awaken you to a high sense of understanding towards others.
Ellie Geneve Jul 2014
If I don't answer my phone,
Will you think I'm ignoring you?
Or will you judge only what is known,
and believe what I say to be true?

If I forget to send you an invite,
Will you sleep less at night?
Thinking: "I was right,
She is truly full of spite!"

If I say I need some space
Will you understand my pace?
I am not insensitive,
I am merely depressive.
Striving to be protective,
Without being oppressive.

My only hope is
That you give me the benefit of the doubt,
I am not your crisis,
nor am I your drought.
Ellie Geneve Nov 2015
Sometimes I just wanna be embraced
so deeply
that I forget all my mistakes.
Handle me with caution,
for I may break.
On the verge of collapse
my stability is at stake.
Be gentle, I am tender
In your arms, my body will flake.
Ellie Geneve May 2015
We are way more than our verses
and rhyme schemes

not everything is as artistic as it seems
Ellie Geneve Feb 2017
Humans are programmed
to find bitterness repulsive,
for most poisons are bitter

I wish I hadn't conditioned myself
to loving bitter flavors;
as I drank unsweetened black tea
and bit into dark chocolate

Maybe then, I wouldn't have
ignored the bitter aftertaste
your lips left on mine
Ellie Geneve Jun 2017
When I was little,
I only felt the pain
when I saw the blood

yet somehow,

when you melted
my dreams
and distracted me from

It hurt
more than blood
had prepared me to
Ellie Geneve Aug 2016
This box
that surrounds you
is painted blue
from the inside
and green
from the outside
Blue = sadness
Green = jealousy
I.e. the grass is greener on the other side (-sometimes)
Ellie Geneve Jan 2015
Hey everyone,

I'd like to propose a challenge.

Grab a book, any book, and open to page 49.
6th line.
5th word.
Make a poem, and use that word as its title.
Be sure to make sense, and relate the topic to title!

Tag your poems as bookpoemchallenge so I can check them out. I'll be sure to like, comment, add to collection, share the poems which I enjoyed reading.
Best of luck.
Please like and share this so it will trend and more and more people join on this lovely challenge!
Ellie Geneve Jan 2015
When you were interested in me,
I didn't know how to react
Was I gonna allow you to deeply see?
Or just pass through the facts?

I didn't know it then,
but both choices had their consequences.

I chose what I thought was the best for me,
but was it really?
Check the tag bookpoemchallenge for more info. The book I picked was 'The Woman in White' by Wilkie Collins.
Ellie Geneve Apr 2016
I should have known better.*
You only said "I love you"
when my parents weren't in town,
"I miss you" past 12 am,
and "Will you marry me?"
in my dreams.
Ellie Geneve Aug 2016
I'm sorry I left
I don't think it was good
for either of us

I miss you so much
Ellie Geneve May 2014
You've always loved bruises

and now I know why,

you loved them because they were just like you
purple and green
yellow and blue

they hurt,
just like you.
and they remind a person to feel
just like you always reminded me to.
Ellie Geneve Sep 2016
We are all a burden
to many around us
but we are the burden
most of them want to carry
to feel joy
to feel need
to feel purpose

Our cells may age
but the metaphors
never do

Babies need their mothers
and their mothers
need them too
Ellie Geneve Jun 2017
she smirked and said
is a misnomer
there is nothing good
about goodbyes"

but as I'm saying goodbye
it tugs at the strength
in my soul
testing my limits
once again

taught me more skills
than hellos
ever could
Ellie Geneve Dec 2014
Imagine how love fades
after it invades
the privacy of every thought

Imagine how words dissolve
after they evolve
into frustrating emotions

Imagine how people leave
after they receive
all what they want

The first questions is
why do you feel empty inside?

Didn't love (once) take your side?
Didn't words always abide?
Didn't people sweeten the ride?

Things that took a part of you,
gave another part back.

The second question is
weren't you the one who let them take parts of you?

Didn't you allow love's invasion?
Didn't you accept word's evolution?
Didn't you add people to your life's equation?

Things that take a part of you
only take it when you let them to.

The third question is
didn't they make you the person you are?

would you change it if you could?
Ellie Geneve Aug 2014
Children are dying...
I'm kicking back, with nothing to complain about, yet complaining.
While *children are dying

I'm dancing
to my favourite song with my pals and sisters.

While they bleed because of the blisters
caused by the wood of their broken homes.
Unheard screams and groans
Getting ***** by strange misters.
Bombs and grenades fall like raindrops from the sky

BOOM BOOM BOOM! The soundtrack of their lives
An endless lullaby
And they cry
and cry.
But I can't hear them,
for the music in my room is too loud.

Children are dying*.
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