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Nov 2019 · 243
Desire To Unravel
Jay M Nov 2019
Reprimanded by blood
Such words stung like a blade
Embedded in my mind
Tearing me to pieces
Falling away
To a great depths

Desiring so badly
To take a sip
Of the escaping nectar
Having vowed to never do so again
Not doing so in reality
But in my mind
To be drunk in my mind
Sharing such desires to a trusted one
Speech of this thing
Terrible for doing so

What a way to live
Allowing myself to imagine such
Become so monstrous
To a point
Where I am able to sink so low
To return to zero
No longer behind a mask
Yet still in part

Crying out rivers
Seas of emotion so strong
The power of a tempest
Rocking me
Tossing me
Between the waves

Aching in my chest
Somewhere in my center
A placed called the heart
I presume

Consuming me
Is this pain
Threatening to control
Here I am
Ordering myself
Fighting against this
This demon and the rest of them
In my head
Barely able to survive

- Jay M
November 10th, 2019
In my 5th month sober, but it's a hell of a lot harder than I thought...
I'm so tempted...but I resist. Life makes me tempted. **** family...
All I have is my friends and my love...and only some of my friends at that.
Someone betrayed me...not sure who. Doesn't matter. Just have to keep sober. Keep sober.
Nov 2019 · 1.5k
Jay M Nov 2019
Racing about
Scattered here and there
Learning all it can
Then, somehow
Reading a work
So inspiring
A true keeper of knowledge
Hidden among them

Seeking improvement
Of works and self
But so occupied
Barely time for such
In a hurricane of stress
Pressure and emotion
Far beyond itself
The student tried
A deed so selfish
Then reflected
A work resembling the moment
Easing themselves in part
That it was released
But horrified
Of what could have been

Looking up
To their mentor
A keeper of knowledge
Held in high respects
But when seen
At the weakest
Cast away
As one of millions
But the student
To be more than one of millions
Pleading to be taught
To be made an apprentice
No more
No more

- Jay M
November 6th, 2019
Nov 2019 · 325
Jay M Nov 2019
The hardest thing of all
Is being enough
For yourself

When all you wish to do
Is perish


There are things to live for
Some family

But in the moment
The only thing is love
But that is even hazed over
In that moment of weakness
Taking too many
Seated on the cold wooden floor
Clutching a stuffed animal
In a closet
Tears streaming down
Nothing seems real

Next dawn
Dizzy, lightheaded, weak
Finally kicking in
Overwhelming regret and guilt

Trembling as I lay
Wrapped in the blankets
Soft like a kittens fur
Invisible tears streamed down
Cascading to the pool of emotions
I was drowning in

After time
Gaining the courage to talk
To a friend
Swearing never to repeat that cursed day

I must tell my love
What to say?
What to do?
Oh the ache
The sorrow
Never do I wish to hurt him
This shall...
I must be honest

Coping is a challenge
One I have yet to master
But one day
I shall tame the demons within
Look up to the sky
Breathe and say;
"I'm alive."

- Jay M
November 6th, 2019
I'm alright. Recovering.
Nov 2019 · 345
All Saints Day
Jay M Nov 2019
Shining brightly in the night
In the corners of our minds
Dancing with the dead
Wherever that may be
If there at all
But still you do
Smiling down from the heavens
Passing on your good wisdom
Then walking back among the living
Just for two days
One just for you
The other for the rest
But still you do roam
Lingering to say
Your greetings and farewells
Then ascending
Back to that magical place

- Jay M
November 1st, 2019
Today is the first day of the dead; All Saints Day.
Oct 2019 · 85
Jay M Oct 2019
In a classroom full of children
The numbness shall win

My mind a haze
My hands with a will of their own
Lost someplace
Far away
Return to the realm of the body
Concern as to what has happened
Peers question
Yet I have no answer
For I am still searching for one

Run, run, run
Over and over upon the parchment
Run, run, run
Scrawled across my math paper
Overlapping letters
A scribble

Tell me
What has become of me?
Going on for 2 years
Rising when I least expect
Taking control
Throwing me out
Now feeling as though 'twere not my own
Save me from the void of sensation in my fingertips
Bring me back so I may feel
Anything but empty and pain

- Jay M
I was brought out of zoning by my friend, and my table-mates were all concerned.
Oct 2019 · 421
Love Lyric
Jay M Oct 2019
Sitting alone
To my own thoughts
One topic
Becomes thousands
Fluxing about
At the speed of sound
Memories flashing
An aching in my chest
A gripped, compressed heart

A light
Scarcely able to survive
Running out of oxygen
Flickering in and out
I walked on a tightrope
I saw another
A creature of beauty and grace
Running across their own
Then tripping
Swinging to fall,
But their feet remaining on the rope

Awestruck, I attempted to speak
Finding myself unable to utter a word
A bird unable to use its beak
Discovering a voice existed
I used it
Reached out
Made a friend
In time
A partner

Soon, I realized I was able to run across
Just as they had
Able to soar
Fall for a moment
But come back
Somehow still upon my weary feet
But given new strength and determination
A motivation
Thanks to my love

Heart beating at the speed of a jackrabbit
Cheeks the pigment of roses
Soul tied to the other end of a red thread
Feeling something so familiar
Possibly meant to be

His hair is
November tree bark
The tree I sit under
My mask thrown asunder
My true colors show brighter
As he takes me in his arms
Branches of a strong oak
Leaves softer than a kittens fur
Voice like that of a divine
Spilling symphonies into my ear
Still I sit here
With all I hold dear
Awaiting for time to pass
And for him to be near

Before my eyes
My memories dance
Take me into a trance
A vision of rapture
O what ecstasy
Moments of roses
Moonbeams pirouetting
Orchestra playing
Just for two
Under the full moon
Stars glistening in their wonder

A butterfly fluttering in my heart
The zoo escaped in my stomach
Flowers upon my face
Over them is lace
As I am in your sweet embrace

- Jay M
October 31st, 2019
I was told to write a lyric poem in my creative writing class, so I wrote one about you love. <3
Oct 2019 · 417
Staying Afloat
Jay M Oct 2019
To stay afloat
In the rapids
Waves crashing down upon the skull
A second above
The next below
Then plunged farther from the surface
Unable to breathe
But there is no pain
Just void
Then an aching
Internal dying
Yearning for the pain
Then, there it is
Water-filled lungs
Brain on fire
Tainted soul

Seeing others above
Emotions fester
Then, a confession
Double confession
Relief, shock, and overwhelming joy
Then a clasp of hands
Being pulled up
Head breaking the surface
Above the rapids
To calmer waters
Where one can breathe
Where we can breathe
Aid each other
Build a raft
To stay afloat
Sometimes it flips
Sometimes there are moments
When water enters the lungs
Darkness fills the mind
But then
A hand
Takes one up
To the sun

Revived by the one who loves you
The one you love
Clasp of hands
The one who saved you
From falling away
With the shadows
Patching the bullet holes
Bandaging the battle wounds
Healing for both

- Jay M
October 29th, 2019
Love, whenever you read this, I want you to know;

You are my hero. You helped me to keep going, keep fighting, and gave me someone to talk to. Someone to trust. Then, as time went, I fell for you. You took me into your arms, and I actually thought past next week. I began to think about having a life. Darling, you never cease to surprise me. You told me you would never leave me. That makes my heart flutter, my mind a beach with a shining sun, and my soul dancing on a pavilion in the moonlight.

What I'm trying to say is; thank you, and I love you.
Oct 2019 · 208
Jay M Oct 2019
So small, so pure
Tender and mature,
Yet somehow

A child at heart
From others, so far apart
Unaware of the placement of words
Giving an entirely separate meaning

So small, so pure
Mind secure
Despite attempts to tamper
With the delicate camper
In a woods of magic

A child at heart
Ready to play the part
Yet, is it true
Through this hazy view?

So scarce in these times
Foolish with these rhymes
Interpreted and tainted
But unaware of such
Picture painted
A gentle touch
On the shoulder
Whisper of explaining
Drop of a boulder…

- Jay M
October 28th, 2019
I was telling my friend about a kiss, and they thought I meant something else entirely. The minds of people these days are in the gutter.
Oct 2019 · 569
Moment of Roses
Jay M Oct 2019
For the right moment
Just you and I
Looking left & right

Words so simple,
Just to be certain
That our minds were in sync;
"Would it be okay with you..?"

Crescent moons upon the horizons
Then embrace
A kiss
Flowers bloom
Softest petals
For only a moment
Then it's over
Roses upon our faces.

- Jay M
October 24th, 2019
We kissed when nobody was looking, was magical. Never have I been so in love, so happy, and so understood.

*I did a bit of editing. It seemed like it needed it.
Oct 2019 · 579
Jay M Oct 2019
Pour down upon me
Fill my nose with your scent
My eyes with your cascading droplets
My ears with your pitter-patter
My hands filling to become small pools
My mouth with your refreshing and cool take-over

Calm me
Then release me
Make me wild
Laughter erupting from deep within

O, what a wonder!
O, what a blissful time!

Bring me life
Make me anew

- Jay M
October 22nd, 2019
Oct 2019 · 809
Family Of Soul
Jay M Oct 2019
Take me away
Far away
To a land of wonder

Soon, I beg,
Soon, I plea,
Lift me up
Dear family...

Hated by the blood,
I know,
But family of soul
Please don't let me go...

- Jay M
October 21st, 2019
Oct 2019 · 73
My Lucky Star
Jay M Oct 2019
That's what you are
So beautiful.
A bright, shining star
I see you in the night sky
What I say is no lie

Ocean blue
Greater than the vastness
Enveloping me

Take me, O night,
Star shining bright
Be my light
In the darkness

- Jay M
September 23rd, 2019
Oct 2019 · 109
The Last Time
Jay M Oct 2019
Rising in the morning
Curtain swaying
By & by
Then he's saying,

"Yeah, I know today's gonna
Be a little hard,
But you can make it through.
You can make it through."

Sitting 'round noon now
And he sees her goin'
By & by
Then he's saying,

"Yeah, I know today's gonna
Be a little hard,
But you can make it through.
You can make it through."

- Jay M
September 17th, 2019
Oct 2019 · 259
Just A Moment
Jay M Oct 2019
Tempted so
Just a drop
A little hint
A moment to flee these things
Colliding in my mind
Leaving nothing untouched

Just a second
Just a time
For one such as I
To unwind
To come clean
Then all that hear
To forget
And just love
Despite ones failure
Despite ones mistakes
Despite ones awful thoughts
To understand
To empathize
With open-mindedness
And acceptance
Beyond what can be placed into words

One slip up
One mistake
But there are one too many
Overtaking the brain
Spewing rage from each
Onto the cause
Making all worse
Slowly killing one
Until it is no more.

- Jay M
October 8th, 2019
Oct 2019 · 487
Fireflies In A Jar
Jay M Oct 2019
Fireflies in a jar
Covered in mountains of scarves
Darkened, but not out
Still it shines
Despite not being seen
Deep within the cocoon of fabrics
Soft as a kittens fur
To rough as canvas sacks
All contain the light
Hiding it
Sheltering it from the outside world.

- Jay M
October 8th, 2019
Oct 2019 · 362
Things I Cannot Believe
Jay M Oct 2019
Things I cannot believe
My idiocy
Things I shall never achieve
O, my idiocy
Things I shall never know
O, my idiocy…

Hatred and anger
Burning flames
Things I wish not to remember
Yet never
Never will I forget…

Who am I?
I am no one
An idiot of course
A fool, so naive
A child indeed
Unorganized, I am doomed
This curse, I assumed
Would leave me, but never…

Shall I ever be released?
O never, o never,
Shall I ever be set free?
O no, o never,
Shall I see the light of day…

Do you see me?
Do you hear me?
The sorrow and woe
The sorrow and woe…

If they ever saw me
For me
Would they leave me?
Or would they feel me?
Would they lift me up,
Above the clouds,
Where they flux so freely
As a bird in flight
Across the vastness
That is my mind

Do you hear me?
Do you see me?
No, o never,
Never it goes…

O, if you could see it
O, if you could hear it
The broken melody,
The bleeding heart,
The depths it reaches to…

O never, o never,
Shall I forgive myself
O never, o never
Shall I forgive myself…

- Jay M
October 8th, 2019
Oct 2019 · 164
Wonderful Trip
Jay M Oct 2019
Trip into a new world
Trip yourself
Into a new world
A wonderful place
When your days are dark.
Just a wonderful place!
Trip yourself
Into a wonderful
Wonderful escape!

Running in the rain
Just trip into the portal
Appear where you are loved
Oh, yeah, just don't leave it open...
Don't leave it open...

It might leak...

But hey!
Just trip into a new world!
Into a new world
Where you are loved
Where you are held
Where you can love
And nobody hates you...
Just trip!
Just wonder...
Just wonder...
But don't leave it open...
Or reality will spill...

- Jay M
October 3rd, 2019
I tripped over my own foot, and a friend caught me. Sometimes, when you trip you don't necessarily fall.
Sep 2019 · 890
Wake The Hell Up
Jay M Sep 2019
Dawn breaks
Eyelids struggle
Coffee smell
Awful but awakening
Decisions made in seconds

You have to go through a little hell
To wake the hell up

Shake off the dream
Dance into the waking world
Twirl me around
Like a ribbon in the hands of a dancer
Spiraling towards nothing
Yet going somewhere of significance

Make me laugh
Make me smile
Make me move for a while
Just please keep me awake

You have to go through a little hell
To wake the hell up

Wake the hell up!
Jump out of your skin!
Let the dreams go!
Wake the hell up!

Shake off the dream
Dance into the waking world
Twirl me around
Like a ribbon in the hands of a dancer
Spiraling towards nothing
Yet going somewhere of significance

You have to go through a little hell
To wake the hell up

Wake the hell up!
Jump out of your skin!
Let the dreams go!
Wake the hell up!

I’m outta control!
Just let it roll!
Oh, wake me up now!

Spiraling somewhere
Falling around
Dancing like never before
Keep me awake
Make me laugh
But just don’t let me sleep!

Wake the hell up!
Jump out of your skin!
Let the dreams go!
Wake the hell up!

Wake the hell up!

- Jay M
September 26th, 2019
I'm tired as hell, so this is to wake me the hell up.
It's about me pumping my leg to keep myself awake, then my friends making me laugh which wakes me up. Then I decided to just make myself laugh to stay awake. As some say, laughter is the best medicine.
Sep 2019 · 164
Jay M Sep 2019
A shrew among the mice
A salamander among the lizards
Something so small
Yet so different
Hiding among them

People walk past
Not noticing the little creature
Walking among them
Almost trampled
Dodging the pillars of flesh and bone
Covering itself in strange fabrics
Silk, cotton, polyester,
Stripes, polkadots, plad,
Tassels, ribbons,
Until only they are visible
And at long last,
It is seen.
But, not for what it truly is

A coqui among the bullfrogs
A turtle among the tortoises
Almost unnoticed…

But then
A thread is pulled
The fabric unwinds
A small, unusual creature is revealed
Far, far beneath the textiles;
A misfit

- Jay M
September 23rd, 2019
Sep 2019 · 401
Ghost Child
Jay M Sep 2019
Living like a ghost
Walking by all I know
Hiding from everyone
Denying I need anyone
To walk alongside

Night falls
Darkness reins
Emotions overcome
Control the individual
Curled into a corner
Embracing a comfort
An object from childhood
Absorbing rivers

Still, child cries
Still, child hides
And still
The heart dies.

- Jay M
September 25th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 59
Ghost Cats
Jay M Sep 2019
On this day
My minds drifts
Like the cold snow
Beneath my feet
The earth below
Stricken by the elements
A test of body and soul
To the extremes

Days come and go
But moments
Stay within the mind
Forever in the soul
To rest and burn
Like the warmth given
By all surrounding
In eternal rest and relaxation

- Jay M
September 24th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 293
Jay M Sep 2019
Heaviest armor
Made of steel
I was a farmer
Of what I thought was real
The war wounds don’t heal the same…

Upon a steed
Swift and strong
I swear
I won’t be long
Riding in
Shield and sword
My armor isn’t thin
And I hear the silver chord…

Clashing blades
Screaming wildly
The charade is up
It’s all going up
In fire and smoke
And they’ll croak
For mercy, mild
Oh no, not from this child
No more!

This is war!

Upon a steed
Swift and strong
I swear
I won’t be long
Riding in
Shield and sword
My armor isn’t thin
And I hear the silver chord…

Plowing through
The days gone by
Hiding out
I dream of you
In the minutes I try

Up again
They’re battle torn
Slain by my sword
Horror is born

This is war!

Clashing blades
Screaming wildly
The charade is up
It’s all going up
In fire and smoke
And they’ll croak
For mercy, mild
Oh no, not from this child
No more!

This is war!

Calling out
Friend gone down
Filled with doubt
I go around
I hold them close…
I hold them close…

They look to me
Tears in their eyes
Gripping my hand
I hold it tight
I scream,
“Don’t go to the light!”
I hold them close…

Pounding heart
Sinks in
Lose their grip…
They’ve gone…
Tears in my eyes
I stand tall
Cradle them in my arms
And I scream;

Lay them down
I bow my head
Close their eyes
Shelter them…
Then I run

This is war!

Clashing blades
Screaming wildly
The charade is up
It’s all going up
In fire and smoke
And they’ll croak
For mercy, mild
Oh no, not from this child
No more!
No more!

Rage coursing through my veins
It takes control
I mount again, take the reins
Flames in my soul
There’s no way
I’m going down!

This is war…
This is war!

Upon a steed
Swift and strong
I swear
I won’t be long
Riding in
Shield and sword
My armor isn’t thin
And I hear the silver chord…
They fell around me
I thought I won
But then, it was he
Who struck me down
Drove it through
My armor…
It wasn’t strong at all…

And I fell
And I fell
And I fell…

On the field
There I lay
Sword and shield
Thrown astray
And I…
Was so naive…
As the light faded from view…
All I thought of…
Was you.

- Jay M
September 19th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 391
Jay M Sep 2019
He's got the sweetest eyes
Chocolate brown hair
Sweetest little smile
That lasts a while

I've got sad eyes
Brown hair
Weird little smile
That easily slips away...

Is it too much to ask
To just be thought of?
To feel the fondness
In return?
I guess the problem is;
I'm not the girl
Anyone would dream of.

- Jay M
September 18th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 305
Beautiful Burning
Jay M Sep 2019
A wonderful person
Walking along the boulevard
Their hair flowing in the breeze
Gentle and silken
Burning brightly
A wonderful light


Along the way
They see a figure
A child
In the street corner
In the dark
They burn themselves
To give their light
To the one in the dark
So that they may have a light
And carry on

- Jay M
September 13, 2019
Inspired by the following quote:
"Good people are like candles; They burn themselves up to give others light."
I'm not sure who the quote is from, but I love the quote. It is so true, on so many levels.
Sep 2019 · 587
Dance of Discord
Jay M Sep 2019
All are dancing slowly
This masquerade
A gala
All is in great discord
Among the orchestra
One is out of tune
None seem to care
To hear the broken melody
See the chip in the stone

Cover it up
With a little paint
None shall tell
Besides the meek little pup
Soon it shall faint
One shall yell
While the rest
Ring, ring, ring the bell
Dancing in discord
To the broken melody

Pulling out a flask
‘Neath the rows
Folk chatter and ask,
“Isn’t something off?”
While the other throws,
“Neigh!” then one does quaff

Shine a light
Alone the floor
Hold one tight
For one shall sing no more
Grasp it
So one may not fall
That she would not permit
Not a’tall

Sing, sober dream
Whisper your whims
Through a beam
On a limb
The lullaby
Child doth cry
Sing, sober dream
Sing, sing,
For ‘tall must end
One day.

- Jay M
September 12th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 317
After The Heartbreak
Jay M Sep 2019
The sun
Used to shine so
But now
All is dim.

Have you ever seen
The sun
After the heartbreak?
Or after the word

Darkness surrounding
Stealing all color
O, after the heartbreak
The world goes cold...

- Jay M
September 12th, 2019
I was just thinking about things.
Sep 2019 · 125
Wanderers Lament
Jay M Sep 2019
Whispering through a window
A specter in the cemetery
Basking in the pale moon lit dreary
Wisping silken clothes
The blood yet flows
The air of dimly dew
Single crow then flew
O'er the rosemary bush
The wraith say shush
Not to disturb
For which you may perturb

That ghastly ghoul
O what a fool!
To disturb that
Which you may perturb!
Casting it out
Like water from a spout
Gone away
No longer shall it stay.

- Jay M
September 10th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 263
Camisado (Truth)
Jay M Sep 2019
Wind whistling
Storm raging
Running through the night

Prowling through the dense grasses
Guns loaded
Cocked and ready to fire
In position
Awaiting the command to fire

A camisado
Bursting into the night
Bullets a cascade
Shells raining down
Crying out into vastness

When all is over and lost
Daylight ends
All turns back
To the time of chaos

Running and screaming
One is numb
Walking when all else havoc
Lost in the madness
Crawling across the ground
Into hiding
Pounding of a skull
Over and over
There is no marks
Only pain

After the battle
After the war
The private battle scars
Salty rivers flow
Carving canyons
Which soon fade
Back to plains
Found and coaxed out
Wrapped in warmth
Fed comfort
It is rejected

Flowing in
A holding of the hand
A little fragile
O the one
Trying to go down
Found and halted
Captured and taken
Gone away

Time later
Still haunting
Festering and consuming
Until nothing is left
But the vastness.

- Jay M
September 10th, 2019
This is my personal battle. This is what once was..

*Occasional Verse
Sep 2019 · 128
Jay M Sep 2019
With hopes risen
So high
They'll find a way
Your heart will bleed

Though not much
To him
For me it was
My chance to prove
My intentions to
The one I care for.

- Jay M
September 10th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 226
Mí Amor
Jay M Sep 2019
Mí amor
Es guapo
Y artistico
Un chico
Muy inteligente
Mí amor
Tiene ojos verde
Cómo hojas de arboles
Te amo
Mí amor...

- Jay M
September 4th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 359
Jay M Sep 2019
For a moment
A simple second
You make me giddy
Make me forget my promise
But then
I have to bite my tongue

So close
Yet so far away

A longing
Yet it shall never be relived.

- Jay M
August 29th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 316
Jay M Sep 2019
How could I
Ever be close to good enough
For you?

You're kind,
Funny, thoughtful, sweet,
Adorable, caring,
Overall wonderful.

What am I
Compared to you?

- Jay M
September 6th, 2019
Sep 2019 · 94
Jay M Sep 2019
Birds chirping overhead
Songs echoing in beauty
A different type of speech
Nonspecific, yet still so
An impossible possibility

A black and white photograph
Stirring memories
The dust inhaled
Coughing fit
Just like
That day
Years ago

Every little sight
Brings it about
And back into the light

Relive the good ol' days
The magic
When you were young
Didn't know much
Or knew too much

That summer
Way back when
Under the tree
On top of the hill
When we were kids
But that was then
But please
Take me back to when
We were kids
Just some good ol' nostalgia

- Jay M
September 3rd, 2019
Aug 2019 · 230
Jay M Aug 2019
"Time stands still"
Never true
But still
When I am with you
Gazing your way
Time seems to slow
Then, suddenly
You turn
I catch you looking
Gazing at me...
Even so
It's probably not the way
That I do
But still
I hope...

- Jay M
August 29th, 2019
Aug 2019 · 94
Jay M Aug 2019
Seated together
Compact room
Flowers in bloom
A dream takes flight
A bird in the clouds
Flying solo
Searching and hoping
Not to perish alone.

- Jay M
August 28th, 2019
Aug 2019 · 172
Into The Void
Jay M Aug 2019
Tired eyes
Blank face
Staring into the void
An emptiness
Absence of mind
Simply a shell
Left to wander
Without knowing
Brought back to reality
What did I miss?

- Jay M
August 26th, 2019
Aug 2019 · 140
Jay M Aug 2019
Every day
Consumed by the wonders
The rabbit-hole
Never to surface again
For I am curious
And forever that shall be.

- Jay M
August 26th, 2019
Aug 2019 · 206
Jay M Aug 2019
Anticipation for the inevitable
A rush of adrenaline
Coursing through my veins
Telling myself I'm okay
Lying to steady my heartbeat
"Relax, it'll be okay."
Yet, such is false
For my mind is a minefield
A pile of rubble
Left to settle the dust
Determine the damage
Before it's too late
And I'm too far gone.

- Jay M
August 26th, 2019
Aug 2019 · 304
My Oath
Jay M Aug 2019
It is hard
Keeping it internalized
For such things
Keep me paralyzed
From time to time

Seated there
Talking to you
One wonders
How such a marvelous creature
Could be in a life such as mine

So close
Yet so far
Out of reach
Yet just a touch away


I swore an oath
Never to be broken
Alas, if such happens
I am to punish myself
For I am to never
Be in romance again
Or to hold you in my arms...

Because I'm scared of hurting anyone
Ever again

So from now and forevermore
As long as I can
I shall never love again
Or at least never reveal it...


I find myself yearning for you
Wishing to hold you in my arms
Alas, such shall never be
For the likes of me

So here I stand
To bare the ancient tide
Strike after strike
Wave upon wave
Until I grow old
And fade from this mortal realm

- Jay M
August 30th, 2019
This is about those kinds of feelings, but if I don't find a way to place them into words then I fear they shall overwhelm me...
Aug 2019 · 264
Through Pain
Jay M Aug 2019
A story retold
Memories brought back
Flashbacks and pain
A deep guilt resurfaced

Long festering beneath the skin
At last coming to the surface
To take control
Puppeting me around
To its will

Through pain
An aching from guilt and shame
Comes eventual strength
Or so I'm told...

- Jay M
August 28th, 2019
Aug 2019 · 85
Jay M Aug 2019
Trying so hard
Keeping quiet for so long
To take a stand

Once branded so dully
So boring
So common and bland

I stand with pride
For I have made a change
My title

A new name
A new calling card
What a wonder it is!
What joy it brings!
For now, I have chosen!

A name of curious origin
Simple, so not to be forgotten
Similar to a bird
The Blue Jay
A beautiful creature

Like the bird
I will no longer think of myself as dull
I will be wonderful!

Of course
Self-doubt shall always be at hand
I shall have a name to have pride for
A name I have chosen

- Jay M
August 28th, 2019
This is a poem I've made in honor of my decision. I hope nobody is going to hate me for the name change...
Aug 2019 · 166
Upon The Queen Mary
Jay M Aug 2019
The day is long
But the night is longer
For reasons unknown
When the stars shine brightly
I tread lightly
Basking in the moonlight
Dancing in the starlight.

- Jay M
July 14th, 2019
Hope you enjoy this older poem of mine!
Aug 2019 · 226
Open Skies
Jay M Aug 2019
Gazing at the sunset
Waiting for the moment to arrive
When I can bask in the moonlight
Laugh in the starlight
And nobody will tell me anything

Free to be who I'm meant to be
A bird in flight
Soaring beyond the clouds
Into the heights
Of beauty and wonder

Standing my ground
Proving my point
Living while I'm alive
My heart like a journal
Showing people
Letting them in
Trusting them not to tear it
And to accept what is within.

- Jay M
August 26th, 2019
Aug 2019 · 159
Jay M Aug 2019


                                 ­      Thump

                                                        Go­es the heartbeat

             ­            Drip

 ­                                                              Drop
                                                            ­                 Goes the rain

All the while
                          I'm sitting
                                               I'm waiting
                                                         ­            For the right moment
                                                          ­                                                    To say
I         i    s          o
      m   s         y     u

- J      y
      a         M

August 24th, 2019
Aug 2019 · 125
Eyes Of Murky Times
Jay M Aug 2019
For what?
Who shall know?
For it is a great mystery;
Unknown to any
Unless you can see through those eyes
The eyes of murky times

Can you hear it?
The laughter
The screams
The footsteps
The heartbeats
The repetition
The chaos?

I can...
I see a child
So small and fragile
Sitting alone
Tucked away in a corner
Out of reach of the light
Kept in such solitude
It's surprising she knows what she does
She is still so dumb
And needing of someone to show her the way

Asks the child,
"Did I become so naive?"

Over and over
Bashing a skull
It hurts
But it doesn't bleed
Doesn't bruise

Words overflowing
Like the waves of an ocean
In the midst of a tempest
Skies swirling
Thunder echoing
Lightning crashing down
The gusts of wind

None can see this

None of it exists
Besides in the confines of her mind

Time and time again
Memories race about
Filling every available space
It's nothing more than the usual tussle
The same as the day before
And all the previous

Asks the child,
"Will this end?"

Never, it seems

Freak, tool, ******,
Idiot, r----d, monster,
Dumby, demon, mental,
Twig, weakling, wanna-be,
Try-hard, kiss-a--, f-ck-up,
Lazy, scatterbrain, broken,
Wrong, ugly, shortie,
Hideous, fragile, cutter,
Liar, cold, empty,
Failure, loser, creep,
Fool, b-tch, little sh-t,
Nobody, depressed, anxious,
Nervous, suicidal, painfully shy,
Lonely, miserable, void,
*****, undesirable, timid,
Unfix-able, mistake, loveless,
Worthless, clumsy, underweight,
Tiny, strange, always tired,
Emotionally drained, blank,
Dead inside, third wheel, out of place,
Annoying, pointless, purposeless,
Hated, thing, useless...

It all repeats...
Over and over
Continuously for years...

Is there a cure to this madness?
Such is unknown.

Medication after medication
No significant change
No stopping it

Maybe for a moment
But soon it disappears
Fading away
From whence it came
To return soon

- Jay M
August 22nd, 2019
Aug 2019 · 335
Jay M Aug 2019
In the night
A yell
A cry from the elderly
A wailing
Piercing the calm
Alerting all

"No! Demon!"
She cried
"Deja me!"
She screams

Getting up, she is touched on her shoulder
Her granddaughters
Hope to sooth her
Then go back to bed
At last she is quiet
But only for a minute..

"Deja me demon!"
She cries
It's 4am still
Mom walks in
"Mamma, Mamma, Mamma..."
She soothes
Wakes the poor woman
Sighs of relief
Then peaceful rest...

- Jay M
August 20th, 2019
My grandma is staying for the week, and had a nightmare last night. She woke everybody, and scared my siblings and I. She's okay now.
Aug 2019 · 131
Jay M Aug 2019
Where can I go?
Where can I run?
Where the darkness can't find me?
It's closing in
It never hurt like this before
Drowning all else out
Drowning me out
I am under the surface
Locked away
Shackles holding me down...

I look up,
A glimpse of starlight,
Then the moon fills my eyes,
Encompassing my gaze,
And from these depths,
I am in awe,
For still,
I can still see beauty.

- Jay M
August 16th, 2019
Once more, I follow my train of thought.
Aug 2019 · 166
Jay M Aug 2019
Weary with sleep
No longer yours to keep
In that night,
It takes flight
Moving undetected
An itching to be dissected.

A butterfly;
What more is there to it?
It goes through a grand
From caterpillar to a chrysalis
Chrysalis to butterfly
Then it mates
Lays eggs
And dies.

A human, on the other hand;
A spiders web of complexity.
It is born
It grows for years
Quickly learning
Speaking, crawling, walking,
Eventually going off to learn more
A few hours a day
Carefree, naive,
So blind to reality
That one day
It will mature
It might mate
It will have stopped growing and learning
Stuck as it is
Then slowly deteriorating
Withering away
Until one day
It dies.

Like millions before it.
It is insignificant
Soon forgotten.

Because that is reality
You live, you die, & everything goes on.
In 100 years, it is but a skeleton
Just bones; mass
No brain, therefore no consciousness
Only black.

Unless it made a difference.
A change to the world.
Then it is still remembered.
But still,
All is black.

- Jay M
August 15th, 2019
I just kinda....followed my train of thought.
Aug 2019 · 362
Jay M Aug 2019
As I sit here,
Alone in my own thoughts,
I cannot help but wonder;
Am I ever truly alone?
No, I dare not say,
Alas, if I do not,
I fear my heart may explode,
Shattering me into a million pieces,
As my soul cries out in bewailment.

- Jay M
September 6th, 2018
A little older, but here it is.
Aug 2019 · 84
Old Bit Poems
Jay M Aug 2019

Thoughts, dreams;
All seem so real
Yet reality
Seems false

- Jay M
May 6th, 2019



Forced down
So deep
Far beneath the surface
Writhing in agony

Days dragged out
Made eternities
Stretching my torture
Far beyond the breaking point.

- Jay M
May 6th, 2019



We don't deserve happiness
Not a drop
Not an atomic second

What you love most
What you raised
Will go
If you don't stop fighting.

-  Jay M
May 6th, 2019
I just found these in a journal of mine from last school year, and thought I'd type them out.
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