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Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
Little lost girl
Wanders far down
Away from negativity
And wretched howls of town

Little lost girl
Stumbles on stones
Not resisting failure
Or the find of old bones

Little lost girl
Shielded from the lights
Hears the engine approaching
And discards her known rights

Little lost girl
Is nowhere to be seen
She's surely not stamped to the ground
By a superior of all means
Mar 2016 · 403
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
Oh darling don't be scared to say exactly how you feel
At least we know your heart and mind and broken soul are real
Oh darling don't be scared to show your insecurities
Maybe then someone will know they don't do as they please
Oh darling sing as soft you want, reach only who you will
It's just fine to stand aback and stare the windowsill
Oh darling don't be scared to cry in front of those who care
Maybe then they'll realize hurt and always will be there
Oh darling I just ask of you to be kind to your own
I would've held you further from the blade if I had known
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
Tip toe quietly on yout feet
Don't you dare you miss a beat
Make around the floor-set traps
Wide awake as the rest of the world naps
Creak the door open just a slight
Enough to sneak away into the night
Ignore the clatter of bottles and breaths
Soon enough they'll be just deaths
Climb the barrier that separates care
For that courage resides somewhere
Tip toe quietly on your feet
Don't you dare you skip a beat
Mar 2016 · 2.4k
Raining Outside
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
It's raining and it's that time of year again
Kissing in the rain
Crying in the rain
Dancing in the rain
Driving in the rain
Picture in the rain
It's raining and I'm glad of that
It's raining outside
And for once,
It's not raining in.
It's raining outside
And we can now sit peacefully
And gaze out the window
As drops splash against it
Its raining outside
And we can both appreciate the beauty
Knowing that
It's not raining inside anymore.
Its raining outside
And you are happy
And so am I.
Its raining outside
But that's alright.
Mar 2016 · 427
driving while crying
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
goodbye kiss - don't call it that
i know it's true, but don't call it that
you hugged me for an extended amount of time
like it was the last
it might be true, but don't think like that
walking away, i forced myself not to look back
like it was the last time i would be seeing you
it just might be, but we don't know that

i sat and cried on the steering wheel
until i realized people were giving me funny looks
and looks of concern
i screamed to myself, don't cry like that
so i drove and my eyes teared up
and i didn't exactly care if i got in a wreck
as long as it could take away the pain
on the inside
but he still needs you, don't drive like that

then i drove and i drove
and i played the same two songs on repeat
and people still gave me funny looks
i know i'm crying, don't stare like that
and then i finally stopped crying
at least on the outside
and i went outside and smiled at strangers
but it wasn't real, don't live like that
Mar 2016 · 664
words slur in my head
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
I don't know what to feel
I don't know how to act
This is all too real
I thought we had a pact
Confused, empty, hopeful, needy, tearful, overwhelmed, exhausted, hopeless
Mar 2016 · 278
but i don't blame you
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
Pretty poems are all just dreams
watch me write realities
Mar 2016 · 227
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
One day you're crying about life
The next day you've escaped it
Mar 2016 · 422
everything is okay
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
There isnt much to say
My mind refuses to think at this time of day
My hand refuse to move in that form or way
My lungs refuse to breathe, held up with clay
My heart it will not beat, it simply lay
I dont have words to say
Until you cross my mind at break of day
Until you caress my hand in that certain way
Until your lungs clear mine, free of their clay
My heart can not not beat how you and I lay
Mar 2016 · 381
he sold me as his drug
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
I was hospitalized
due to beatings and bruises and ****** black eyes
I told my mom that I fell
and I told my sister, my father, and the doctor as well
I don't think they believed me
but the last thing they would guess is that it all came from him, see
so when I finally came home
they threw me a recovery, surprise party show
and they invited him, oblivious
did they not see him as michevious?
I spent the whole night being forced to hug, kiss, and love
my abuser who called me his drug
and the next morning I landed myself back in the hospital
and I told my mother, my sister, my father, and the doctor I fell -
not to be a downer, but I think I'd rather this hell
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
break in*
fingertips imprinted onto the glass of the cold window
legs shake as I balance on the bricks
inside I catch a glimpse of my own shadow
but I can't stop now, my watch still ticks

the dead of night is wide awake
staring at my unrecognizable clone on the wall
is this really where I belong?
I step inside before I fall

maybe I should just go back from where I came
it's quiet in here
and this has always been a risky game
I come in peace to invade the premises
before I get caught, I get one last good luck kiss

from the raindrops that now patter against the desk
leaking through the open gap in the wall
if not for the circumstance, would appear quite picturesque
my shadow still wavers, slim and tall

now this is it
I lay down on the stranger's bed
pealing the sickly drenched clothes from my skin
as the wind gushes past my head
where do I belong?
where do I go?
what am I doing here, for how long?
when can I come home?
Some things in life seem too real to just be a coincidence.
Feb 2016 · 2.1k
meaning finder
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I stole myself a keepsake for remembrance of my father,
a bracelet made by he that lasted 3 years, no longer
I picked me out a souvenir in summertime Muskogee
but now they sit so rusted and do of nothing to me
I hang old captured memories, tacked into my right wall
but they still just stand, a memory, that's all their worth in all

I will need no souvenir to remember you
I will need no keepsake hung up with a sticky glue
I will have your hand to hold, forever and again
If I need reminder, I just gaze up past your chin

Even all the words I wrote, someday will be just that
They may still hold a meaning, but I can never bring it back
The pearls pierced through my ears handed down from generation,
even they are getting old throughout this newer nation
Stories ended with their what if's and could have's
are too far passed now, just sit for some good laughs

I will need no souvenir to remember you
I will need no keepsake hung up with a sticky glue
I will have your hand to hold, forever and again
If I need reminder, I just gaze up past your chin

Why do we need bibles and these holy books to say
something once was, and I think again one day
I only can remember that one time I landed hospitalized
because the get well notes be still on my shelf advised
I used to keep a diary when I was just young,
to write down all I saw until it wasn't all fun

I will need no souvenir to remember you
I will need no keepsake hung up with a sticky glue
I will have your hand to hold, forever and again
If I need reminder, I just gaze up past your chin

For you are my souvenir
living life with both so near
Your hand is just a reminder
of the time that we have spent, in you, the *meaning finder
My life consists of making, saving, and capturing memories. But for once I like the thought that it doesn't all have to be a memory, in the past, some things last. I hope you are one of those.
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
someday no one will remember
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
every day you're getting closer
to the day it doesn't matter
Feb 2016 · 695
we only get one chance
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
What's a piece of paper gonna
Do when you're dead?
Has it been worth the meds?
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
Girls don't want guys who abuse them
Girls don't want guys that just use them
Guys don't want girls who act ******
Guys don't want girls that get glitchy
Girls sometimes get stuck with destruction
Guys sometimes can't handle construction
We get put here because we come to think that is all we amount to
Someday it will be too late - no way to run from you
before you start thinking this is about you, it's not, you are great

- xoxo
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
Does a meaningless ******* on drunken tongues
Really fill the void between your heart and your lungs?
Would a few airy kisses and touches
And sloppy positions
Ever satisfy for more than a little while?
Do you ever get sick, being with so many men
That your throat collects bile?
You go out everytime with adventure seeping through your eyes
And always return with bruised hips
And "I had fun" lies.
Does it honestly help to strip away clothes
Just so the guys loath
And your feelings don't impose?
Stop with the disrespect of your own self
You don't want to end up in your own **** jail cell.
Don't you know there's a difference
Between love and *** ?
One or the other can't always lead to bliss
If you keep it going, you could be next.
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
You say goodnight
And I say goodbye
And you don't even notice
The difference
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
And now I understand why my mother stopped having fun,
Why my math teacher works double jobs,
Why the girl I met in eighth grade dropped out after a week of high school,
Why my aunts and uncles pleaded me to enjoy what I had while I had it,
Why my mother and father always fought over bills and credit cards,
Why my father eventually just decided to ***** it,
***** the girl at work,
***** over his children,
And ***** over his chances.
I understand why the people on the street corner
Are always on the street corner.
It's not about dreams, about want, about passion.
Nobody cares if you don't want to be a doctor, or a scientist, or a manager, or a lawyer, or a ****** fry cook for the majority of your life.
Nobody cares if you like music, or drawing, or taking pictures, or posing pictures, or doing what you love.
Today is about money
And surviving
And buying things
And raising your kids on enough money
So that they can raise their kids on enough money
To raise your great great grandkids on enough money
Because today
That is all that really matters.
***** your dreams
(just like my father ******* over his children)
Because unless you catch luck
Your dreams will lead you nowhere.
It's all about money
It's all about ******* money
So don't count on that road trip after high school,
Don't count on making it out of college without debt,
In fact, don't even count on making it into college.
That dream can die, too.
It's hard to have dreams and to stand out and to live life in general. It seems as if all that really matters anymore is money, and if that is the case, we are *******.
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I once did bear the flags and symbols
And pride
Of the star spangled banner and gun toters
And the red white and blue
And the discrimination of those "unluckily" not born into such a country as ours.
I once did support the presidential idiocracies and the government corruption,
That is until I ripped away the blinding shield
And recognized the joke that this state has become,
The troubles it has caused,
And the morons who actually believe they can better it again.
I used to be one of those oblivious cheerers
Hanging onto just a dream and a hope
That hides the dust and the bones
Of America.
I do not believe that my children deserve to spend their life
Growing up in such a messed up universe.
The first chance I recieve,
I am running,
Away from this cold morbid land
Unless they have killed us already.
Feb 2016 · 451
we all have one
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
Addiction comes in all shapes and sizes
Forms and figures
Good and bad
Costly or breakable
Addictions can either **** you,
**** those around you,
Or **** the dark.
Addictions are sometimes all that we have.
Addictions can save,
Or addictions can be bad.
I write a lot about this topic, but that is just simply because this is what I know.
Feb 2016 · 6.9k
"All monsters are human"
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
There is no monster under my bed
There is no monster in my head
The only monster that I know
Is the one that, in me, found its home
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
you're my girl, you know that?*

I know, but I still love it when you reassure me
I love it when you kiss me at school and risk teacher's scoldings
I love it when you pull me closer and rest your palms on my hip
I love it when you let me toy aimlessly with your fingers or locks of hair
I love those passionate moments that are only yours and mine to hold
I love you
and I'll love you when we're old
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
don't you dare laugh
because she attempted to inject hot glue into her skin
don't you dare laugh
about the chemicals she swallowed to get away from you
don't you dare laugh
about the bruises left around her throat
don't you dare laugh
at the scars dug deep into her veins
you can laugh
all you want at my past, my mistakes, and my pain
but don't you dare laugh
at her
even if I don't know her name.
Kids in class today laughing at the scars left from an attempted suicide that just made me sick
Feb 2016 · 637
Suicide Stance
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
Pocket pills of purple pinks in pity pants
Talking to the things that cause this total trance
Choking coughs from cold degrees or circumstance
Glazing eyes gliding through a gruesome glance
Ripping ribs and retched rings due rough romance
Dagger diamonds digging deep throughout a dance
So no **** she's so good at suicide stance
There was a tecnique in dance that I personally called "the suicide stance" because it looked as if you were hanging. My teacher always told me I completed that one very well, and I believe I know why...
Feb 2016 · 445
Mirror Games
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
That one is either rolling a cigarette between her teeth
or picking out this morning's rushed breakfast keish.
That man is either yelling lyrics to an upbeat rap melody
or scolding his young child, with his back to me.
That mom is either arguing with a voice on her earpiece
or the little girl, defeated, with her head in her knees.

I would tell that lady that her teeth look fine,
or that cigarettes ****, but she might respond with I don't mind
I would tell that man that he's good at what he does,
or he shouldn't yell at his kid, we all know that's not love
I would ask of the mother to pay more attention to her girl,
or maybe a bit less if that's what's making her hurl.

I wonder if anyone plays this game with me
when all you can do is wonder when all you can do is see.
I wonder what they think and if to them I seem okay
I don't mean to intrude, I just fasten my seatbelt and play.
When you can't help but observe the life outside of your sideview mirrors, and sometimes it leaves you wondering.
Feb 2016 · 292
i let her
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I let her
open a bottle that was so clearly supposed to be closed
I let her
crawl inside and lick up what I left behind
I let her
experience the pain and the sting of a mistake I was lucky enough to postpone
I let her
find her way back out as tears brimmed her stolen eyes
I let her
risk the chance of shedding blood and ripping clothes
I let her
do the who and what I knew was wrong inside
Feb 2016 · 3.0k
if feet could talk
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
no, no, no
don't go down that road
you know that's not where happiness is found!

no, no, no
don't try to fit her shoes
you weren't made to walk her ground!

no, no, no
don't let them tell you where to go
you weren't meant for the background!

no, no, no, no, no
don't stop kicking now
everyone else has drowned. . .

don't die on me yet
only water does surround!
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I don't write down things just so you can relate
I know I have a ****** up head
That's just one of the things I hate
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
Twisted together, chest to chest, skin to skin
strong arms shielding my tiresome eyes from the wicked of the night
Why would anyone take such safety from me?

Tossing my body delicately on the patterned carpet,
fingers playing with my sides lightheartedly, giggles erupting from within our souls
Why would anyone take such joy from me?

Whisper of voice blending so sweetly with the strings of music,
smiles cascade down our chins
Why would anyone take such peace from me?

Understanding glances without so much as an expression or an afterthought,
the sublime caress of vowels and consonants rolling swiftly through our tongues' exchange
Why would anyone take such love from me?
and I am not one to give up.
Feb 2016 · 427
power and weaponry
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I think I enjoy driving
because I know that I am in control
over hurting or
sparing a life

and so far, I have chose spare
even after the rest chose *hurt
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
It started with a gun
that started with a bottle
that started with the scars
that started with the lies
that started with the insecurities
that started with the heartbreak
that started with the grievance
that started with a corpse
that started with the quarrels
that started with the cheating
that started with the drugs
that started with a state of being overwhelmed
that started with a child
that started with a toxic love
that started with a gun
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I woke up with no voice to scream for help when I was seven
I had my right arm trampled on when I was eleven
I began the reoccuring battle of self harm when I was twelve
I experinced the death of my father when I was thirteen
I got sexually assaulted, gave away the start of my innocence, and experienced my first heartbreak when I was fourteen
I officially could call myself not a ****** at fifteen
I found out that my dad was a liar, cheater, and an awful soul and that if I don't watch out, I could end up like him (at sixteen)

And my mind cannot figure out which pained me most.
Feb 2016 · 646
if only one could listen
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
Just if you so listen, I would do anything
As soon as I stop crying, I'll crouch down on my knees
So caught up in the pleasure, you couldn't hear me plea
But that's okay, I had my time, this part is not about me
I'll come over after midnight only seeking out a shoulder
But you force me to repay you, unapologetically
I wipe my tears and strip my clothes, leaving all for him to see
Sometimes he locks me to the bed and threatens to throw the key
And all I am is a lost cause, caught up in the debris
Every night, it never stops - monotonously
And some night I may just not show up
Because I gave up on talking and letting him ***** me
Someday I will disappear,
I'll be his absentee
Feb 2016 · 310
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
the truth is that I am not ready to hear it.
stop telling me these things. I wants to stop being reminded of how messed up my dad was.
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I used to think I would meet you again
Somewhere below the ever-rising stars
Clothed in your embrace, what I call a win
The moment my father takes out my scars

All that I long for is one last goodbye
So that Intsead I could beg you "please stay"
I thought you would hold me, say It's alright
And I wait every moment for that day

Oh, please come again; I know that you will
That's what I said when I thought of your death
Just the mere thought of you sends me to chills
I'll slowly await the feel of your breath

Yet now that I've grown, I know it's a lie
All you are is gone, why'd you have to die?
Wrote this a while ago for my English class - a Shakespearean Sonnet
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
she's gone, too
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
she writes
she writes with her newly applied nail polish
her new nail polish is black
her new nail polish is her favorite color
her favorite color is black because
ever since she caught glimpse of reality
that is all that she knows in her mind -
her new nail polish
is forever.
Feb 2016 · 246
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
It's not nothing
if it's enough to end your life
I have a list.
Feb 2016 · 893
slipping away
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
The more your clothes come undone
the more your heart does the same
Feb 2016 · 815
the messed up part is
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
my wrists have been oozing blood
  for the past 30 minutes
and it still hasn't stung
Feb 2016 · 600
love is blind but so is he
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
He fell alseep to the sound of my voice
he claims that it soothes him
Even when I trail off about simple things like the sky
or the library or the color of my blouse
I recognize that it wooes him
The places we visit, I describe in great detail
he sits quietly and smiles to his feet
An unfamiliar scent that he reaches to inhale
He asks what's that and is it lovely like me
He insisted on taking me to see a movie on our fifth date
but I didn't miss the tears as he sat there and listened
Sometimes he gets shaky when I come home too late
he doesn't know my looks, but he knows my voice glistens
He hasn't met my eye
but he knows they're my mother's
He doesn't recognize all the pity stares
or the muscle that follows my big brothers

Maybe love is blind
and maybe he is love.
Feb 2016 · 328
you made me into who I am
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
They say high school is the time for finding yourself.

I only found you,
but I think that's enough.
Feb 2016 · 288
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
You deserve to be worshipped
No, you should be slain
Your memory will live on
Your memory shall be the root of all evil
I wish I could call you my hero
*But I could barely call you my dad
Life is confusing.
Feb 2016 · 653
I Understand Haggard
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I fell in love with a drug addict
I even bore his child
He sobered enough to kiss her cheek
and then left me, once again, in the wild

I fell in love with him for who he be
and this love left me feeling e'er so lone
when the drug wore off and he loved just me
I fell in love with his troubled own

I fell in love with the wrong sort of lad
One minute he's here yet the next is a blur
I feel so ashamed as my child cries "where's dad"
I don't know baby, he's probably with her

This man whom I love
he should not be a father, he should be kicked
the man whom I love is a disgrace of all others
I fell in love with a drug addict
This is for my parents . . .
Feb 2016 · 703
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
When all has been personally ripped from your grasp
only then do you have the right to say,
What is there left to lose?

**Unless that right is taken from you, too
Feb 2016 · 505
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
In Sunday school they taught me
that each and every hair
represents God's creation.

In Elementary school they taught me
that each and every hair
could be trimmed unevenly by rusty pink scissors.

In Middle school they taught me
that each and every hair
need be pulled back properly during gym class if seen as a disturbance.

In High school they taught me
that each and every hair
should be blue or green or purple, just anything but ordinary.

In Beauty school they taught me
that each and every hair
make all the difference, and what you become of them is a masterpiece.

At Graduates school they taught me
that each and every hair
represents the stress that you carry day by day.

After school they taught me
that each and every hair
Is useless as it adds to the problems you already carry.
Feb 2016 · 374
Houses and Homes
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
A house is where my bed lays with a pillow
and fresh linen
A house is where I spend my nights
and although it may have kin in
A house is just a space in which
to hang the pretty lights
A house is not a home
unless I have you in my sight
Feb 2016 · 10.4k
Not Quite Strong Enough
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
You told me to hold onto a feeling
and I couldn't even do that,
What makes you think I can hold onto
the railing ?
Feb 2016 · 544
Loyal Pain
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I will be back tomorrow night
I will come bearing more gifts*

the next night, insomnia visited once again, as promised
and brought the gifts of
freshened tears and quickened heartbeat,
racing mind,
cold blood,
shattered heart pieces.
because sometimes the hurt and the pain are more constant and trustworthy than the humans.
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
- Endless supply
- Free of cost
- Condition: Used
- Need room for other feelings
- Please reply ASAP

My mother always taught me that if I don't want something, to just donate. Someone could always use it for good. So, please, take it away from me... I don't want it anymore.
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