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Sep 2016 · 279
uzzi obinna Sep 2016
Aint no reason to write again,
Not with this much pain,
I wish there was more time to stay,
But the inspiration is gone away,

I search for the words the wind did bring,
And the songs which i once heard the birds sing,
I looked for the letters which were carved in trees,
They all seem to be nothing but a tease,

I am grateful for the memories of the past,
And our yesterday that seems to fade fast,
The ink i spilled on every paper,
And heart poured out in every single letter

So when you do not hear from me,
This is what has become of me,
I have lost my joy and strength,
And my peaceful heart is now rent.
Sep 2016 · 878
uzzi obinna Sep 2016
Too many secrets from my lover,
Too many actions that makes me cold,
Something new we always discover,
Baby this lifestyle is just too old,

We've crossed the beyond,
To be treated this way,
Was there ever a bond?
Why treat me this way?

We are both moving on,
After all we've done,
To be together as one,
You let another one- get us torn,

Now we say one last goodbye,
No need to try anymore,
And time's passing-by,
Can't bear the pain anymore,

I will be fine,
Was never meant to be,
For you to be mine,
Now clearly i see.
The first time i am writting something about me.
But then as you read focus on the poem
Sep 2016 · 362
Here to stay
uzzi obinna Sep 2016
When the flowers of the world all fade away,
And the viable pollens have been blown away,
When the torrential rains of the mangroove stop,
and the lakes of the amazon suddenly dries up,
When the sun of the summer stops to shine,
And the appearance of the stars becomes impossible to define,
When the hope of the expectants seize to exist,
And the mansions of kings becomes short of feasts,
Whe the oil for our future have gone dry,
Then and only then will i say good-bye.
Wrote this while traveling today. Was inspired by the sound of the wind as it blew against the wind-shield.
Dedicated to Adaobi Okafor
Aug 2016 · 1.4k
The Government
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
The sky is heavy,
It seems the rain will fall,
My heart is sticky,
And my spirit is dull;

Bring me into the places,
Where the ancients have trodden,
I might find all traces,
Of treasures which were stolen;

I cannot see the future,
Nor the dreams which i had,
When around me is torture,
And pregnant mothers unclad;

Return the hopes of the lost,
And speak no lies from your lips,
Wipe our feet of this dust,
And refrain from using your whips;

Bring me to the wedding,
And lit candles on bridges rails,
Let roses be my bedding,
To hide my blood if this fails;

Seize from calling my name,
Your voice only hurts me more,
Take back your shame,
And give me healing to my sore;

So put a ring on my finger,
And lets be lost in the mist,
Quench my soul of this fever,
And take me to the grand feast.
Aug 2016 · 549
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
I am an angel in disguise,
The reason for the vice,
I am the fear at the hallway,
I am the accidents at midday,
I am the terror in kids dreams,
I am the reason why they scream,
I am the uncertainty in your choices,
I am the million lying voices,
I am the woes of the people,
I am the persistent evil,
I am the hate in your heart,
I am the one who tears apart,
I am the lust in your mind,
I am the fortune you cant find,
I am the angel of the night,
I am the serpent that must bite,
I am the hypocricy in your actions,
I am the encourager of mixed reactions,
I am the one who takes your peace,
I am the one who gives you disease,
I am the blood sacrifice,
I am your lover's sudden demise,
I am the enemy of the the saint,
I am the reason why you faint,
I am your slumber and your sleep,
I am the reason why nations weep,
I am the killer of your friends,
I am the reason why the zealous bends,
I am the giver of deadly missions,
I am your refusal to righteous submissions,
I am the ****** in the cities,
I am the unsolved conspiracies,
I am the injustice your government,
I am their wicked covenant,
I am the father of liars,
I am your reckless desires,
I am but not the I AM,
i am here to cause you harm.
But i shall not succeed,
Because my end is guarantteed.
Refuse me therefore,
And be free evermore.
Aug 2016 · 740
Broken thread
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
I thought you'll be found,
So I searched unend,
Your voice from a distance,
My soul it did bend,
Our growing hatred for eachother
I could not comprehend,
Was it our principles
We refused to bend,
Or to please eachother,
We did pretend?
My love for you was real,
this no one would contend,
The certainty of it,
That i can defend,
I needed not just a lover,
But a best friend,
I wanted us to be us,
Not like things that trend,
I do not say that i am a saint,
I guess we didnt blend,
Now we act like enemies,
how low we condescend,
we're willing to put to waste,
The time we did spend,
My unhealthy feelings for you,
I must suspend,
Cause although i hurt now,
You were a godsend,
Although your attitude right now,
do not portend,
I believe that when this is over,
You'll be my friend.
Aug 2016 · 803
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
Take me to the place called tomorrow,
Show me what will become of me;
Will it be a place without sorrow
A place where i'll be free from misery;

Take me to the bank of the river,
Let me throw away the pebbles of my pain,
Hold me close more than ever,
Let only pleasure and passion fill my brain;

Take me to the park where the air is cold and serene,
And whisper sweet words to me;
Let your warm palm take hold of my chin,
And kiss my lips to extreme ecstacy;

Take me for a walk on the streets of berlin,
Where the reflection of peace shall be on me;
A place where a true lover for me might be seen,
Let my tears seize and my spirit be happy;

Take me to the exotic paterres of France,
Where i shall inhale honor from the fragrance there;
Bring to me the nightingales of romance,
That beautiful songs be sang to take away my fear;

Take me to the victoria falls of Zimbabwe,
Where i will watch my past sink to the abyss;
Let my regrets be forever washed away,
That i may return home with a heart of peace;

Take me to a place called tomorrow,
A place where my past mistakes will not repeat;
A place where i will look forward to another tomorrow,
where my loving heart will no longer suffer deciet.
Aug 2016 · 366
Quantum leap
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
On my way to mars,
Live among the stars,
Driving fancy cars,
Own a luxury house;

Wiped away my shame,
I'm in the hall of fame,
The world will know my name,
I'll never be the same;

The devil's ran away,
See who i am today,
A painful price to pay,
Wealth has come my way;

Things i had to slay,
Were enemies anyway,
Lack is rolled away,
Plenty is here to stay;

Light has shone on me,
Changed me mentally,
I have a family,
My life is heavenly;

Subdued my enemies,
Live above disease,
Now i have the keys,
To everlasting peace.
Stick to positive thinking.
Aug 2016 · 970
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
When you want to learn something,
Learn it all the way;
And if something is worth doing,
Do it in the best way;
It isn't enough for wishful thinking,
And not just enough to pray;
Believing should always come first,
faith and work is also the way;
If success is what you admire,
There is a huge price to pay;
There might be difficulties as you go on,
Be resilient come what may;
Practice always makes perfect,
Keep practicing everyday;
But remember not to start a thing,
And eventually end up halfway;
Do not feel too comfortable on top,
Learn something new each day;
The end of growth as we know it,
Is the beginning of decay;
Do not despise others as you grow,
You might need them someday;
if a relationship intends to pull you down,
Do not hesitate to breakaway;
Remember also the contributions of others,
And be willing to repay;
Also do not rely solely on others,
Try making your own headway;
There are many who have so done,
But were led astray;
As you spend your time working hard,
Reserve a little time to play;
So that you don't loose loved ones,
And leaving your mind in disarray;
So get on with what you ought to do,
There is no time to delay;
Because ideas left under utilized,
Can quietly slip away.
These words just kept flowing through me this evening and i couldn't keep it in but share it.
It turned out to be facts.
Aug 2016 · 425
Beauty of life
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
Come on let us explore this life,
Let us take a tour to her cities,
Let us watch her still waters,
And unveil her hidden mystries;

Let us ride on her wings,
And drown in her magnificence,
Lets be hypnotised by her grandeur,
And be mindful of her essence;

Do not close your ears to her voice,
Nor turn a blind eye to her tears,
Be willing to learn of her wisdom,
Abuse not the length of her years;

Come let us beautify her with colours,
Adorn her with aromatic flowers,
Let us preserve her oasis, lakes,
And explore her infinite powers;

Let us go with her to lands of plenty,
And make her beautiful for our children,
Lets embrace her always with a warm heart,
You never know how much good that'll be building;

She seeks for our appreciation of her,
And the protection of her children,
In Europe, africa, the americas, and middle east,
Please enough of their executioning;

So lets take hold of her passionately,
And value those in whom she dwells,
walk through her boulevard of fulfiled dreams,
And always drink from her fresh wells.
Life is sacred
Aug 2016 · 564
For you
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
I want you,
Superman got you,
Will hold you,
Never leave you,
And that's true,
Will uphold you,
Never hurt you,
Will protect you,
A great view,
I adore you,
Never loose you,
Always find you,
You're my breakthrough,
So no issue,
We'll scale through,
We'll push through,
We'll have two,
Sarah and andrew,
That will do,
I love you.
Just thoughts rushing through me.
Aug 2016 · 309
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
Listen to these words as you read it,
Words for the living and not the dead,
Many powerful men have been brouht low,
Just by lying in Delilah's bed;
Satan seems to be giving a better offer,
But i must admit that i'm scared;
Zombies creeping into your children's dream,
An outcome of what the media has fed;
"I think i should fornicate a little",
"I am afraid that i might not be wed";
"Lord please forgive me if i hurt you",
"I'll do anything to earn my bread",
You call your children prodigals,
They've chosen a way to tread;
People lying from the altars,
Claiming to be led;
Preachers dishonoring the poor,
The same people Jesus would have fed;
People fighting for the cause of religion,
A group of reprobates misled;
Many retaliating by burning national flags,
As if to say their god is dead;
Lands which patriots fought for,
Now a place where innocent blood is shed;
Do not make hanging from a noose the option,
When all your friends have fled;
You simply might have been lagging behind,
While the world is many years ahead;
Daughters cursing their mothers,
But for their sakes these mamas bled;
LGBTs now forming unions,
Situation of the world is code red;
Hatred, disunity and supremacy over others,
Is all religions common thread;
People afraid to stand for the truth,
Nothing but cowards scared;
But be yourself, save others and hurt no one,
Peace is all our soul needs to be fed.
I try to put myself in the thought of people in this write up so none of all thats mentioned here directly describes me but points out what almost evryone must have thought of in their lifetime.
So while you read this, you might find something you once have thought of.
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
I have cried the tears of the distress,
Borne  the pain of the hurt,
Felt the loneliness of the bereaved,
And the agony of the distraught;

I have bled the blood of the pierced,
Borne the pain of the broken-hearted,
Endured the shame of the abused,
And the confusion of the disappointed;

A black cross inprinted on my back,
Wailings of little children haunt me,
Ashes of loved ones in my sack,
And many skulls and bones to bury;

Crows dominate my chapel at day,
And owls are my visitors at night,
Dragons parade the burning altar,
Bats above blur the moonlight;

Eyes that see in darkness- answer me,
My past unchanged but my future- re-design,
Illuminate the path way that lies ahead,
Give me a third eye and make me divine;

Find me before my throat is slit
The murderers of my loved ones visits,
They call out from the enchanted woods,
Prepared to tear me to innumerable pieces;

Take me to the lake and hang me,
Before the horrors of the dark prevail,
And the termites in my grave rejoice,
Let me drown in the sacred grail;

Let the witches wail in surprise,
When their cauldron becomes empty,
And their synagogues come to ruin,
While i rise to everlasting suprimacy.
Jul 2016 · 1.3k
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
Because you love me,
They do not love you;
Because of your choice,
They despise you;
our love is an abomination,
Its a claim that they say is true;
They've got their beliefs,
We've got ours too;
forget not what the world needs,
Which is loving me and loving you;
And if the god they serve is true,
He will also love me and you.
Jul 2016 · 332
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
See the best in me,
And always pray for me:
Within, is a battle for my soul,
Without, is me trying to break free;

I have hurt too many,
And might hurt many more:
My guilt is too heavy,
I can't stand it anymore;

I hung out all night
With the dudes in my crew:
Been involved in deadly fights,
And killed not a few;

Too scared to sleep at night,
And too scared to see new days:
I only hope to see the light,
And not repeat of my old ways;

Dislike me all you want,
It's what i probably deserve:
I'm just a prey that demons hunt,
And bound to a purpose to serve;

I know you hate me,
And thats why i probably hate you:
You focus on the evil in me,
But not the evil that you also do;

Please do not see the pride in my words,
I am but a troubled man:
With a heart pierced by satan's swords,
And eyes too blind to discern;

Imagine how great i could be,
But see where i am now:
I was so sound mentally,
But see what i've become now;

So please do pray alot for me,
that my deliverance may come:
And when i shall become free,
I will do well to save some.
This is to all of us who express sanity to some extent.
I wrote yesterday about a troubled girl. Today is about a troubled boy.
We owe these people our prayers.
Jul 2016 · 281
Monologue V
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
I got a message from the sky,
telling me that its time to fly;
at first i thought it was all a lie,
Cause it wasn't time for me to die;
someone tell my DAD that he shouldn't worry,
and all i can say is that i am truely sorry;
i love the life that i have chosen,
Although it isn't rosey nor golden;
i'm actually steping into something,
To becoming the next true king.
Jul 2016 · 644
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
Greet the girl in the street,
Give her a hug:
Please give her something to eat,
A tea in a mug;

She's got a lot of trouble,
That's why she's on drugs:
Probably been ***** in the struggle,
By some viscious thugs;

She looks into your eyes
To see what you've got:
She's heard too many lies,
Her dignity she has lost;

The society despises her,
But if only they knew
Her aches and fear,
They'd change their point of view;

She probably ran from her family
Or an abusive father:
Or couldn't stand a certain tragedy,
Therefore she runs far;

If her being out there
Is caused by her folly,
Life can be unfair,
And how many are holy?

Imagine what kind words would do,
When spoken from a compassionate heart:
It could bring nourishment to you,
And healing to a broken heart;

So do not judge the girl in the street,
Please do not hurt her:
Do not see her as prey or meat,
If you can't help,then stay afar.
You know there many homeless drug addicts in the street who feel helpless. These people need love affection and rehabilitation not further abuse.
Jul 2016 · 413
Monologue IV (moving on)
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
I miss a lot of people in my life,
lost so many due to strife;
i woke up having them on my mind,
although most of them were never kind;
The old times are what i might never get,
but right now i have no regret;
i believe dat tomorrow is gone for good,
i need to live in today the way that i should;
right now i pray for a  better tomorrow,
a period without pain nor sorrow.
Jul 2016 · 928
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
Where can i get a exotic garden for you?
Where the dew of the heavens rest on you?
Where there will be good compost beneath you.
Where all that'll be seen is the beauty of you?

A place where the sun will not scorch you,
A place where clouds stand occasionally above you,
A place where i can preserve thine beauty for eternity,
And the nourishment within you will circulate continually.

Where can i find a exquisite bed for you.
Where i will proudly lie next to you,
And inhale the sweet fragrance of you,
A place where the new moon gaze on you

A place where colorful birds will sing for you,
A place where fire flies will light up for me and you,
where i'll be aroused when your petals touch my skin,
A place where only our love will win.
Just wanted to write something peaceful. Just peaceful
Jul 2016 · 728
Monologue III... DIVINE ART
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
If there was someone/something more beautiful than you, i would ask the most talented artist to paint a picture with an elegant brush on choice canvas under the reflection from the evening sunset by a beach and finish with an exotic vanishing so that such a work would glow with radiance as I look at d grandeur of your personality and the exquisite appearance of you- you are definitely a masterpiece of one who is all knowing and ever perfect.
Jun 2016 · 1.4k
uzzi obinna Jun 2016
A thousand years across the sea,
With you is where i want to be;
A thousand voices from outer space,
But only your words matter to me;

A million things i've earned in life,
Only your love i can't repay;
A million wrongs i've done to you,
I wonder why i'm loved this way;

A billion choices that i have made,
None of them's right like choosing you;
A billion friends i still can make,
None of them's worth more than you;

A trillion tears can roll down my face,
From hurting you to my disgrace;
A trillion pieces has my heart been split,
A trillion more you stayed to put it in place;

A zillion things i'll do for you,
Now its time to start anew;
A zillion worth of purest gold,
Nothing ever compares to you.
I love this poem. As i composed it, it droped like honey from my soul.
May 2016 · 821
uzzi obinna May 2016
Do not cry when am gone,
You werent there when i was torn,
Do not stand around my bed,
You never cared when i bled.

Do not act like you're in despair,
You turned away when i needed your care,
Do not lavish money on a bouquet,
A little less is all i needed to survive each day.

Do not speak about your love for me,
Your eloquent speech should have been kind words to me,
Do not show up in mass and numbers,
One or two earlier visits would have been enough to remember.

Do not be extravagant over the box in which i'll be laid
If i had the figures, my demise could have been delayed,
Do not preach about where i have gone,
You the living still has battles to be won.
This represents the hypocricy at wake keeps
May 2016 · 647
Best friend ever
uzzi obinna May 2016
I know a cursed tall wooden tree,
A tree only i deserve
I know someone who took my place,
upon that wretched dreary tree.

I know a man driven to despair,
A man frightened and abused.
I also know a man bold and in peace,
A man who all my sorrows bear.

I know a man arrogant and brute,
A man guilty of many crimes.
I know a man loving and nice,
Who adopted my sentence though acute

I know a man cleansed and pure,
A man whose many sins are forgiven.
I know a man very gentle and kind,
A man whose forgiveness is sure.
Inspired by Ashley's "tears"
May 2016 · 770
True Love
uzzi obinna May 2016
Roses fade away,
Beauty wont always stay,
Your beauty in my heart,
Will never ever depart.
Love sees beyond
May 2016 · 1.1k
World's best person
uzzi obinna May 2016
It took a little time to think this,
And a little more time to pen this,
It was hard finding the right words for you,
I still can recall what my brain went through,

Tough it was- so i thought,
Because it felt like a must,
That i have to take note of a day like this,
To express my love to you when my pen and paper kiss

So i imagined what you have borne for me,
Not just for a few hours but almost eternity,
Not just a note or a strain on your brain,
But the entirety of yourself in lose or gain,

A chill of shyness engulfs me,
Nothing too big released from me,
To a woman so fine so dear,
Who for me unconditionally cares,

If i sail across seas for you, that you will do even more,
If i walk on fire for you, greater pains for me you bore,
If i choose to bleed for you, that you have done,
If sacrifice was then a contest, you've already won,

Where would i have been if not for you,
You share a love so priceless and true,
You held me up when no one else could,
You have stood by me more than anyone would,

For all that i am today,
Your love for me this way,
And many more that i can not pay,
Mother, i love you now and everyday.
I love you mom
Mar 2016 · 530
uzzi obinna Mar 2016
Could be from the one you love or the friend you trust.
Or from that stranger who is driven by lust.
You could wear a bikini or some so called modest attire,
None of this will ever matter in his quest to satisfy desire.

I am so sorry if you out there is a victim of this,
I hope it helps to say,"do not allow the past steal your peace"
But to the one out there who is on a lustful prowl,
I hope you meet your doom while you try to play foul.
Just thinking
Mar 2016 · 412
uzzi obinna Mar 2016
I know my father will be back home crying because of me,
And even though with him is where i need to be,
There is another out there calling out for me,
The one they said will give me pleasure and ecstacy.

They say there are chains and shackles there,
But those are the words of those who fear,
My heart is dark and it doesn't care,
A new adventure is worth the dare.
Just thinking.
Mar 2016 · 913
Hurtful wage
uzzi obinna Mar 2016
Rain drops landing on my head,
Quietness behind making me scared,
Empty streets with just the moon above,
When will i ever see the woman i love.

Sorrows battering me within,
Depression is trying hard to win,
My hope is washing down the drain,
My memories are driving me insane,

Whistling wind reminds me of my folly,
My shivers a sign of deep melancholy,
If only the lightning would reveal where u are,
I would stop feeling that you are far.

The thounder just roared out my name,
Telling me that i am to blame,
What a disgrace,oh, what a shame,
You gave your heart while i played a game.
Mar 2016 · 343
uzzi obinna Mar 2016
There are always times in life when our hearts get broken,
The days feel longer,
And joy seems really had to find,
But i found myself,
I loved myself,
I appreciated myself,
Knowing that the value of my life is not the value the society places on me but what i make of myself,
If everyone turns there back on me and years later i haven't grown,
Then i have lost woefully,
But if years later i am rich,established, academically successful,... then i have won.
So people disappointing me is my greatest motivation to becoming great.
Because i know i must prove to them that i can always succeed with or without them.
Just something i wrote to console a friend who was jilted by her lover.
I thought i should share.
Mar 2016 · 965
uzzi obinna Mar 2016
I do not know when i will leave this world,
Whether that i'm young or when i'm old,
I only hope that i meet  the God i believed in
Not as a timid man but one who is bold.
Jst lots of tinkin
Mar 2016 · 529
uzzi obinna Mar 2016
It is very painful but also true,
The sea is not always clear and the sky not always blue,
The ones you love might not love you too,
The truth you hear are not always true;

The life you adore, you'll one day loose,
The freedom legends fought for, others will misuse,
Daughters properly raised, men will want to abuse,
the innocent and peace makers, courts will accuse;

A path might seem right but leads to destruction,
Many great men unborn expelled by abortion,
Poor and middle class molested by extortion,
possibility of earning little, though working oneself to exhaustion;

But i'll not be sad cause i believe in me,
i'll do what i can but what will be will be,
no matter the challenge, opportunity is an endless sea,
Except i die young, i will be what i want to be.
Many thoughts
Mar 2016 · 701
uzzi obinna Mar 2016
I am addicted to the street life,
The street girls that wont make a wife,
The head lights flashing in my eyes,
The tall ****** having glossy waxed thighs;

I am accustomed to the police chase,
The constant fear of sitting in one place,
The drugs and smell of cigar-**** in the air,
And the disgust in the eyes of passers-by as they stare;

I am acquainted to the quick cash for fancy cars,
The possible bullet wounds and permanent scars,
The big booties in the clubs across the street,
And the VIP seats that usually comes with it;

I crave for the knife fights and gang wars,
The fake ideas that i will die for a just course,
The hijacked lamborgini i wil bring to grandma,
The idea that "******" in my neighbourhood will call me master;

Indeed i am fooled by what i see in music videos,
The gangsters turned musicians acting in these videos,
Who end up broke,shattered and in dismay,
Naa, i will stick to the deligence that brings the good pay.
Feb 2016 · 1.5k
i conquered
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Uzzi, did you fade away
or did you go somewhere to pray?
Some thought that your heart is a playground for fools
until you shut its door and wiped it clean of stulls.
Demons tortured you from within
because of thine hidden sin;
angels carried you on their wings
so that you can eat with kings.
Even in the darkness you shine as light,
although, it is difficult overcoming the fight.
No glory for the shadowman
except he accepts a better clan.
The future isn't far,
it isn't a journey of a car.
Your life became new
when you got rid of the former crew.
The past is past, ahead is ahead,
make merry and enjoy thine daily bread.
This i wrote about myself 6 years ago when i was getting out of chronic depression.
Feb 2016 · 730
magic moment
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Have you ever imagined making love in the sky?
The cool breeze blows on your face as you stare in your lovers eyes.

Have you ever imagined that pleasure could steal your breath?
The touch and carresses from your lovers hands causing you to melt.

Have you ever cuddled all night and you wake up feeling like you would explode.
The feeling so intense that you decide to make your lovers home your abode.

Have you had a kiss underneath a water fall?
The tiny drops of water  giving you chills as you respond to your lovers call.

Have you ever wished your bed could be set on fire?
As you give yourself away while fulfilling your intense desires.

Have your body ever ****** by the brush of your lovers skin?
Or the warm presence of your lover deep within.

Maybe you should find this lover you dance the night away with.
Without you feeling reserved nor shy even for a little bit.
Feb 2016 · 329
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
I wrote a song for you,
It sounds lovely in my head.
Oh! How beautiful it is-
Something you should hear in bed.

I wrote a song just for you,
It spoke of my love for you,
Your smile and pretty face,
And my heart for only you.

I wrote this song for you,
A lovely song for lovely you,
A song that is more than words,
But beautiful cos its for you.

Oh! This song i wrote for you,
I imagined we danced to it,
With my eyes fixed on you,
And body close to feel your heat.
The happiness one feels when the believ that they are in love with the right person
Feb 2016 · 285
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Do i have to cry,
To make you know that i have tried?
Or do i have to lie,
To make you see that i have done right?

If i go away,
Would you miss me like i did?
If i choose to stay,
Would you be humble and yield?

I saw this once before,
Never thought i'd see it again.
What is behind this door?
Will it be the same old pain?

But we will never know,
If we do not try.
And we will never grow,
If we sit back and cry.

Do you recall that i said-
"Things might end up the same way",
And although i prayed,
Yet see where we are today.
That moment when you are made to feel that you love and care more than your lover due to how cold he/she may act. Probably insensitive.
Feb 2016 · 348
love bridges gaps
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
I see the moon tonight
And the stars twinkling,
So imagined in my heart,
That you could see the same thing.

I sat by my window
And whistled a sound,
Then thought i heard you chuckle,
So i turned to see if you came around.

And though tonight is cold,
It's warmer with you in my heart.
So i smile to the moon and stars,
Happy we're still holding on tight.
Written three years ago. Just thought i should share.
Feb 2016 · 683
Days after yesterday
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
These are the days of love with a price tag:
These are the days of affections that won't last;
These are the days when more marraiges collapse:
These are the days when passions fade fast;

These are the days when daugthers curse their mothers:
These are the days when youths despise humble beginnings;
These are the days of "it doesn't matter as long as it trends":
These are the days when immorality is more appealing;

These are the days when open-hearted words might be lies:
These are the days when love for money supersedes all;
These are the days when virginity is no longer a thing of pride:
These are the days when your lover will seek your fall;

These are the days when armunitions are made to invade another's land:
These are the days when those who should protect us becomes our enemies;
These are the days when men in suits are more corrupt than those in prison clothes:
These are the days when the so-called civilised are the ones behind animosities;

These are the days when ******* thrives in the media:
These are the days when the respect of religious leaders is earned by the size of gifts;
These are the days when you must not trust religious and civil laws spoken from the mouth of men:
These are the days when those who claim to pursue peace are actually vicious beasts;

These are the days when using the rod is termed an act of abuse not a means of correction:
These are the days when skin colour and beliefs are a strong deterrent to relating with one another;
These are the days when parents emphatically teach hating others to their children:
These are the days when a dead terrorists is celebrated as a martyr;

These are the days when diseases are created to fund the accounts of a few:
These are the days when men step in as heroes after having created the pain in the first place;
These are the days when leaders sell their people to gain acceptance among powerful cruel men:
These are the days when you should never trust the countenance of your master's face;

But dear reader, no matter how bad these days seems to be,
You and i can choose that to evil, we will not condescend;
Bear in mind that the evils of this world will be on the increase,
As long as there are people who strongly believe that this world will come to an end.
This is no way negativity nor pessimism
But truths and facts spilling from the hands of a writer(me).
Feb 2016 · 1.9k
The place of Grace
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
If there be a place where peace is found,
Whether above the mountains or underground,
There will my spirit, soul and body abound;

If there be a place where i will find rest,
Where my spirit, soul and body won't be oppressed,
Then such a place will be my best;

As trials and troubles leaves me in dismay,
I searched and searched but found no other way,
Except for your grace that leads me each day;

Thank you Lord for all that you've done,
Although i avoided you since when i was born,
You ignored it all and made me your son.
I drew my inspiration from Asley to write this.
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
así de la vida
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Tell the Queen, there is a King who will always care
Tell the Princess, there is a Prince who with another she will never share.
Tell the Servant Girl, there is Boy who will her burdens bear,
Tell that Damsel, that to see her cry will not be fair,
Tell the Countess, that for her beauty a Count will not seize to stare,
Tell that Woman, that You will love her from year to year,
And that if ever she feels lonely, there will be no need to fear,
For there will always be a Hero, who for her will shade a tear,
And a Knight who will ride through heat and cold for a creature priceless and rare.
Women are the wells from which life is drawn.
Feb 2016 · 3.7k
Princely affection
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
As you sleep tonight,
Dream of me as your prince,
Recall the lovely day we had,
And you will find real peace;

As you breath softly,
Let every breath say smoothly,
Every single letter of my name,
Then your sleep will flow nicely;

As you turn around,
Imagine the  feel of my skin on yours,
Move to touch me even more,
You will see that this isnt a loss;

As you blink and smile,
Let it be because of me,
My gentleness and love for you,
One dedicated to you eternally.
Feb 2016 · 570
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
I wanted my pink folds ravished,
Unprepared was he for what i had dished:
A lifetime of fantacy all in one day,
At devotions for is what i would pray;

Hard were my nips at every bite,
My soul leaped at his giant sight,
It is now or never again,
I'm ready to be driven insane.

Another was called daddy tonight,
At the feel of his lenhth and might,
Though his lips tasted as honey,
I still didn't make him my hubby;

Things change when emotions are attached,
Therefore after tonight i will stay detached,
incase i do not meet another to match this strength,
I would return to feel what i have felt.

Oh, how my **** is rock hard,
Lord, am i a sinner, am i really bad?
i'm just a damsel with besetting desires,
just doing all that my flesh requires.

"Come to me baby, fill me up,
My legs wide in the air, do not let them drop,
i will take you on a horse ride, long and hard,
Sure you would faint but will be glad.

I return home to my unsuspecting father,
Although tired but feel so much better,
Home to be daddy's good little girl again,
Until this insanity returns to my brain.
Daily struggles unheard of.
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Ocean water wash up my feet,
Chilly rough sand underneath,
Behind me a torturous pit,
Within me a burning seat;

Onwards i'll be with the stars,
At will visiting venus and mars,
Away from the hurts and scars,
From his cruelty and lies;

I have finally closed the door,
To hurting me anymore,
From now i'll forever soar,
But not dragged on the floor;

I gave my heart, he took it all,
I was rend apart, he made me fall,
But now i run, i will not crawl,
my past i burn, i regain it all;

I have made a solemn choice,
No more silence to my voice,
If i will, i'll make a noice,
And stand in confidence and poice;

I will win and never loose,
Although i suffered hatred and abuse,
I'll put myself to reasonable use,
And watch my achievements reproduce.
This is dedicated to every woman who have suffered one form of abuse or the other and have lost her self esteem as a result.
You can still do great things if you can see the value in you.
Jan 2016 · 2.5k
uzzi obinna Jan 2016
With only a few regrets in life,
I count ever letting you go a major loss.
I'd like to undo a lot,
But with you i crave a make over instead.
Should we ever get to a place where i can't do without you,
Then and only then would we have just began.
This is jst one of those inbetweens that we write which reflects our true feelings. But not particular referring to anyone, rather a representation of and to whoever goes through such a phase.
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
uzzi obinna Jan 2016
My heart got tied by his cord,
When i saw the devil in his eyes.
Didn't mind serving him as god-
His filthy hands on my thighs,
Made me scream lord.

I have broken my vow,
I sincerely seek restitution.
But no one will listen to a "how",
They'll only see the abomination,
For i only thought of now.

It'as i who seduced him,
I was the Delilah in his bed.
Although this is such a grim,
My appetite is what i fed,
And in pleasures, i did swim.

It'as somewhat worth it,
His electric stole my soul.
Fire burned in my hells pit-
When he drove in his pole,
Though my skin he slit.

Now addicted to this master,
I want him again.
This time harder and faster,
I'd love the pleasure and pain,
And the wishing that it'll be forever.
I truely apologise if some people might see this derogatory but i know  that there are people who go through stuff like this. No judgement at all.
Jan 2016 · 684
beautiful reunion
uzzi obinna Jan 2016
Summer days are here again,
Or is it my mind going insane?
The beautiful petals blossom in the sun,
The radiance of a beautiful one.

I can hear a voice whistle through the trees,
A voice of serene and a voice of peace,
That can quiet this troubled soul of mine,
A miracle only of God's design.

I see her smile in the cloud,
A sign that shows today isn't bad;
From you, a gentle touch,
To me, it wont be much.

The moon and stars watch from the sky,
I hope they send you to spy,
I will catch and squeeze u tight,
But i promise not to bite.
That moment when you reconcile with your love and he/she returns home
Nov 2015 · 511
uzzi obinna Nov 2015
I know the difference between right and wrong,
Been in this game since when i was born,
Watched these movies and listened to these songs,
Even when am happy and when i am torn.

The woodland is getting empty each day,
Its today and tomorrow will not remain the same,
If they could speak, what would they say?
whatever it is, we are not to blame.

No matter the condition, we will produce a line,
It is in our blood, it is what we do;
the product of the woodland aids our design,
To some, this is sad but what can we do?
Just thought of how privileged we are to have access to the greatest source of our writing materials as writers.
Nov 2015 · 607
uzzi obinna Nov 2015
As i jumped from the plane intending to take my life,
All i could think of was my darling wife;
how she'd left me a few days ago,
And how her departure has made me low;
She took my kids with little to say,
But a few lines indicating that she'll be far away.

i remember the good old days, how it used to be,
And how i thought that we will be for enternity;
I was very wrong- it is clear to see,
I resort to a song to drown my misery;
There was a time when she was all i had,
And the thought of it then made me glad;
I would ride on my cycle with a smiling face,
Today all of it have become utter disgrace;
she gladly told her friends about me,
Our tender kisses and how i tickled her fantancy;
in eachother's arms, we'd talk of the kids we'd have,
Not knowing what exactly that life would serve;
and many more but little time to say,
For all my folly, this is how i repay.

"My dearest" is what she said,
"For all these years i felt i was dead;
you break my heart with the love that you give,
When tremendous bashing is what i thought to recieve;
i spent the nights thinking you were insane,
You never felt hurt nor did you feel pain;
these kids are mine but none are yours,
I despised our *** but desired the other *******;
i have gone with the kids foerever from you,
And will tell them that you being their daddy, was never true;
you have loved me so much all these years,
My heart wanted adventure, no wonder the tears;
now i take this big leap out to be with this man,
Whether he loves me or not, he is my ideal man;
and incase you wonder who he really is,
i am glad to tell you-he is the one who gives me peace;
goodbye my darling, do what you have to do,
Incase you live or die, i will never come for you."

As i plung through the sky rehearsing these words,
I hoped to meet my makers- my waiting gods;
but here i lay with my eyes wide open,
Still on earth and not in heaven;
all i can feel is excrutiating pain,
From a broken body and self disdain;
i have lost every limb of my body,
No love, nor hope nor family;
what kind of life is this that i have lived,
That even when i wanted, i am not deceased?
I laughed after writing this. Why its funny is still unclear to me but i just enjoyed it.
Oct 2015 · 409
Saving Mara
uzzi obinna Oct 2015
I just want to tell you that i love you,
I just want to tell you that i care,
i only want to hold you not to break you,
So baby there is no need to fear.

The world must have treated you badly,
And many havent really being nice,
But i promise to make you feel happy,
And this i'll do no matter the price.

Time and time again,
I'll pledge my love for you,
I might be going insane,
But its all bcos of you.

Children calling me their daddy,
Babies calling you their mummy,
You and i will certainly be,
And our dreams will become reality.

Oh cold heart -melt away today,
By the warmt of my electric love,
Right or wrong-i am here to stay,
to keep you charged by my electric love.

I will be your boat just ride me,
There will be no oath just believe me,
but i will prove that this is no fantacy,
But my unwavering desire to honor quality,

I dont want to kiss you only for today,
so i will wait to always have you for a lifetime,
I will treat you right without expecting repay,
Because i know that you will always be mine.
Oct 2015 · 1.8k
did u know
uzzi obinna Oct 2015
Stars can only be seen in darkness,
A wealthy foundation has nothing to do with greatness,
Love is not completely selfless,
The journey to heaven is not painless.

Nothing is is actually valueless,
the boldest isn't completely fearless,
death doesn't always mean one is breathless,
And Judges are often truthless.

Denial might be an act of pureness,
Rejection a show of kindness,
Speaking up attimes can be senseless,
And a hug does not always represent oneness.

A soldiers retreat doesn't always mean weakness,
An enemy's surrender might be smartness,
A woman's smile may not be happiness,
A child's determination might be born out of emptiness.

Marraige vows are usually baseless,
We are alive because our hearts are restless,
Scientists are mostly clueless,
Psycologists usually feel helpless.

Caring for the poor might be termed madness,
But many wealthy are now homeless,
And even if we're not treated with fairness,
You and i are definitely priceless.
Wrote this ds evening as i took a stroll in a neighbourhood nd watched people who didnt knw dat a stranger came around and was watching their evry move jst to put smtn down on paper.
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