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As Rasputin rapture he'd fraudulently claim
that his thoughts were a divine mystery
as he sought finally that debachery was where he laid
but were cloudy rains only nigh round Nicholas II
a kremlin in red square that he liken to a Soljeniten
that must bear incredulous vapor due cultivation
aflame in aura of tobacconist ALA Walter Raleigh.
I but a school
in state of cool
and found in a love
scene only with her box
open wide that read there
let her cape down and yeast
foment a sound while I capture
the sun with Rogers and Hammerstein
song "it might as well be spring" again.
a converse box shoe
I once
was a
tad yet
a little
smaller than
I was  
then a
man in
the madness
of the
heat I'd
foresee them
this tweet
or subsistence
was spite
that onsite
demagoguery triumph
a bag
of skill
and time
is shrill
there to
bite the
beau with
antiseptic and
kiss the
blues away
the tear
to till
the tack
debonairly so
today is
solidarity my
honey bunch
a time to discuss
she's her
spoon hard
this journey
on parade
but she
witness the
wit now
that truth
in caper
hold this
longing with
a twist
that dapper
is her
yarn that
ties her
bow again
Prince Of A Girl
A season for dubious
let profane intrude indignity here
hasten propriety of learned stock *******
a recessive gene was inherited by told orient
where least were optimistic died
and transfer went cain  
those amassed would wane entirely till dawn
again ancestors sensors of hate not doubt of such interest.
a ******* is a fruit much like a cranbery yet wipe yourself
I hear her throttle roar
there is a speed demon that devoted her car
but flex her punch in the midnight air
round the town on her boulevard tonight
her Firebird streamed her heat like a cigar
and headers in a chassis smelting lore
Trump mobile
Artisan lay
concrete where
his craft
only bear
his strain
that seat
luxury subsequent
in his
leisure with
agent ring
that ready
abet culture
shock and
consort love
with ecstasy
ware peace
tomorrow bring
a token
ring of
Decatur still
makes pie
out of
Roberta's hind
quarter with
Illinoisan slew
by her
delicate pastry
and makeshift  
banana this
creme du jour
is a
burden of
the issue
of clericalism
She bought my time
And felt my spine
It made her say many things here
Like venture on a map
Let inundate her wrap
Under a Christmas tree
Then balsam came with roust
That ben in Jericho would summon theirs alight.
My upstairs spiraled to her looking glass
in those hand-me-down shoes alight
and would incline on the way down to the street
so this diadem could never faint
yet had swallowed ancient rouses
why he didn't die in a field of clover
with a herd of deer then
as they both arrive just to expose this simplex  
that may fold their wonder many times
but her entirely backless suit met consecutively
with spring base was tapestry in a town of such nomad
as fillies were finally exonerated by his demeanor.
a native Philadelphian could be in a park like Fairmont
I am
water and
wry here
that watch  
this motte
with Lucretia's
but her
riverbed yet
a glorious
day foretold
if her
buck didn't
sight this
and her
knot was
spangled in  
her earring.
A   Quaker Note.
a sorcerer
has his
gloat as
he's ridden
their ole
black magic
save there's
despair but
his fulcrum
in romance
still with
their glance
when there'd
be nobody
to make
him conk
time again
A lascivious flavor now in season of moon
together, dot the beach
with this underlying nonchalance
only has belief in destiny
that our harmony such enrapture
now endeavor then enamor
emancipated lure in a gaze redeeming light.
An imperial flat
round circle autocrat
where dipper yesterday
only quash their goad  
though doldrums there dock a yacht
for deeper waters afloat
let me take her far away
to the mellifluous island strand
with coral sand and coconut butter
as sea whips up in royal flush
to whisk her eventually from horse latitudes  
while temperate hold sway but
the moon air breeze with lavender
and stella star light again.
A dance
in the
flight ingenious
a team
snare at
yip afield
this fraught
license overland
altogether so
nil in
sides of
play but
torturous slide
as mortals
divisive incline
to march
afoot lawn
A coach's lament
Isabelle was
a pear
that her
flatulent wear
was superfluously
caught but
she was
easily fraught
here and
many set
video to
trigger love
with thoughts
she'd never
soley view
with her
dissonant trust
A love on notes
a strong
wind and
respire herd
whispers that
flout only
measures of
doom but
in those
entire days
still loom
with flatulence
in dire
skies loop
both highs
and lows
till pressure
rise strawberry
a dance in skies
a handstand here shake but enlighten her
that sink tanks with mats while driven leagues
under the sea dissolve a seance
with earthly her satellites only survey pride that behold riff
in scholar that best compose symphony
and virtueless connect the dots
Stay alive in Groton
an occidental
girl flap
was ****
as they'd
pass together
there and
she did
them fine
with nuance
now wet
but stark
or coy
with stalk
liaison so
curt  in
town tower's
A stone
wouldn't hand
hit her
***** to
panic her
mind and
brighten age
with gravity
that made
hustle raw
satisfaction that
fight here
grand with
all the
more that
she born
along edge.
Tribute to boxing
gallery of
the grievers
ween afar
in plane
to propel
the dance
yet triple
in wings
that triage
Mekong dry-cleaner
those drastic
maitres'd the
guns of
Queen Village
noise plays
guitar in
Market Square
Chris' Cafe in Philadelphia, PA
A girl  
with a
whim here
in front
of him
fit attire
with tass
and string
that pare
the Bordeaux
and made
this wing
fly together
with their
hoard of
rich dark
eaten fudge
a  suit with snide in tasting wine
as life here by one in all
there's also a fall hitherto
a straight jacket into woe
wherein mesh but wavers heed
a counter box of hip hop again
this occasion best suit ours
though an ungrateful quench now
a nastier punch than seasonal mix
till metaphysical feat on bay shore
a peace on summer breeze
let sunshine on the trees
and psychedelic days ablaze
with vivid colors in this haze

sky at dusk would lie in wait
and serene was the moon
nearing fate that water was sedate
and the pool flattered me

smiles were frozen upon themselves
with clover and chairs
clustered this grille; with shish kabob  
and flavor that savored the heat

where fire instilled tonight
fore the air was succumb
to this lazy hour of credit
in this town as love beamed

straight to the heart
where tears were heartfelt
and roses where red vinyl was hot
and spun well with the next track
infer lower
court a
wall with
DACA while
Mrs. Pelosi
shares liberal
concern i.e.,
morals with
crossovers like
her minority
leader while
McConnell gasps
with Ross
while Mathew
is ninth
circuit in
Hot 'Lanta
is Charlie Carlos dead?
As howling
twill sky
that flounder
darken with
clouds to
fester anything
upon the
hill with
a dicey
shrill moment
that this
comradery has
met with
only a
bootstrap by
lot in
a surfboard.
A black
rose was
court indifferent
therein Malibu
as hammerhead
led tigress
yet felt
antithetical and
melted doom
in the
air and
the water
crept upon
the shore
if north
beach surf
was shone
a caper has the flower trifocal
and ties from the skies now leaner than haze
that romance mash on sand
only jasper there's midst of surfboard
the recumbent fashion of hers
and solely in this decampment
will bring safari to encampment
though she suffered triumph litany
with mishmash and hullabaloo
yet she'll pound the pipe
in her organic fangs  
mays butter's a lot of bot
to ground those tears of Walloon
there a plunder from seaside saloon
ode to my friends on YouTube
She's surly shy with her lines
the curtains fell on her face
when adept only flash of evanescence
with a bite in capital and shoal disport her dress
in polls today hop with her as such a surprise wink at her frill that land upon shoes and ruefully construe her entirely with her malice fore bash in bistro extradite uproarious faith that fully entice her orthodoxy and succeed with premier.
A family resort

has summer deport

where this howl upon bear

must pray as song does appeal

that really trivializes this complacently

with noxious heat in highest mountains

as wonders elicit their ground again

though plause for such ovation

now garner law in woods.
As Susan Collins
a crater
in a
diamond ring
made her
a flower
if she
wilted below
her honor
with this
time she
reflects in
ardor if
she melts
the sunlight
with the
edge the
of  water
a Collins
there that
gravely enhance
her frosty
spittoon but
in her
deep freeze
still a
seasonal daze
ahem on
the hill
that she
fervently atop
issue in
the hall
of a
mountain king
a lion of a year here!
The river Apalachicola
with this strain of bacterium
while she ate crunchy granola
and while superfluous in delirium
she smack condescending

and mask such an ending
with her nurturing tendency
an idiocy with her advocacy
won't match till yet this love shine
with a motive so divine

If she's finally capricious
awhile that its facetious
declare a matchless deliberator
that roger with this suspense
a voracious appetite sunk fence.
a gasp
that favored
curves where
this wasp
hunchback would
assuage their
forbearance that
wailed beyond
purchases in
which this
game with
their entitlement
was flatulence
but the
herd where
proportions were
beyond gases
trump trade war
an angry artist wouldn't trade his inkling
for another tattoo but an ape has witnessed
a dire death formula in parlor of lies
that skins their teeth to wetness this endless summer  
as such demise in latitude will vaporize her longing
still surmised a fatherly club with a choke hold
I bridle
her beach
thus lariat
with her
token let
enough through
her spoken
word with
her splendid
wing to
persist in
her greatest
plan yet
that will
remain freedom
in years
to come!
A tear
as sparrows
rite of
song only
begotten in
flight mode
to clutch
here coins
in van
their duet
with mere
delight upon
their limb
in coverlet
twill alight  
centrum again
indeed tonight.
A mating ritual
tell moon
reverent planet
zebra dies
with lots
of often
lost clothes
there with
clean stripes
of vibrant
news and
laid by
scholarly rouge
well in
his shoes
that ramparts
were so
very mule
a love of law
A web of terror would know quaintness  
in their crêpe variety where a spider grew angrier
only silk woven blouse blest bats
why darts inside heads if their tough regimen were slime
and never really frittered away an hour at bay.
I'd walk
and rather
shoe my
**** now
so laid
her heart
and soul
with my
bacchus pride
and love
or deceit
when true
justice was
vantage there
with boot
to regain!
Ode to Lady
Mystic stages
in brown
and pink
so chocolate
and strawberry
still gossip
by Pacific
light and
climes are
cool for
mother to
surf if
Frau Klum
base here
the pink
sunflower in
her hair.
Frau is a German form of address for a. married woman.

measles that
are hypocrisy
when a
hypocrite as
such was
Hansen's Disease
so theoretically
die in
luxury with
tapeworm that
****** larvae
from Brexit
where tis
Patrick's arm
and harmful
as armpit
in squaller
a lonely spite
A river among a stream
forecast only myriad of dream
when early dew easily derived as mad
while peace here is now our dream
with thinking that imbed these orchid pastels
once weight did keep it from debt only seemingly then
but the river quay abscond many hats to wear again
while canoe does display this garden wall
with a dream of a lifetime so it's shone
when into darkness finding a rainbow
and each river there a quay did find a reeve
for contaminates as water must goldenly flow
as their sustenance can keep evermore alive.
Reeve is a Canadian magistrate.
if surf this morning is seldom slack
when a garter holds up its string

this chuff is fishing that spoonful glimmers
while bait require quinine indelibly
by the sea

where squalk among clouds patrol crowd
that hasten to crack the sound

newly afoot a dock seemingly hottie taut darken wheel has line aboard and always say peekaboo  
by the sea
a man has a boat near the sea that  a  dock hasten surf
a Norwegian
fjord did
cut their
axel's hairpin
in the
row of
tundra that
Lapland was
their arcane
balloon on
Aegean shore
if Barents
Sea burgeoned
dialect herd
yelp in
Mike Pence
with accord.
I admire you where sunny climes made my final leg more than before our place to wager with isosceles unwritten to really improve our vacation that never forbidden in pleasure and so much tantamount risen upon sands where you may philander though concentric in flight without any interruption to fornicate bliss but in our retirement went thoughtless in our fortunes to become these timeless tracks in ventures with uncontrollable polarity that dance in utmost knowledge evermore.
A vacation for two of us in nowhere.
When life is freehanded
and such thinking is grand
an instant of multitudes, here
so love is abreast sometimes in its vastness
and with every attitude-a traverse may prevaricate a rose
that shall absolutely whence a savior  
and his abundance past his mountain of joy
where a sky born adherence is her that connection now
in virtual heat fore another day of Solaris, even so perfunctory  
that their monarch enabled gladness to outlast publicity.
and pain is still only their dressage of relief
while scope is still inside her heart
today in an oak perchance an evil forsake her differ grace
in a burgeoning community span evermore!
In a moment define bread.
when clouds
are small
patches of
these quilted
cumuli only
high pressure
from the
seven seas
if this
summer breeze
wilts with
a shower
then their
dusky hours
till dawn
sequestered thus
in alabaster
a note on caution
She pipped
a gypper
when she
was arterial
motion that
favor law
not crap
in our
legislature while
her isolation
in craft
are the
same families
with Getty
on Thanksgiving
if Serengeti
whir machine
"Tippef the activist in Senate"
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