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Aug 2022 · 3.0k
Adventure in a Person
When you find adventure in a person,
You feel weightless.
The mind consumes with wanderlust.
You get lost in the wave of them.
The heart races beyond its previous limits,
And the soul finally finds comfort in the great unknown.
Aug 2022 · 2.6k
the way he loved me
a piece of my heart will always belong to him, no matter what.
I am not bitter.
I am not upset.
He loved me the way he knew how to love,
and isnt that beautiful?
Jul 2022 · 2.5k
when i close my eyes
when i close my eyes-
i see him-
in the eternal darkness behind my rational thoughts and emotions-
he appears from nowhere and grasps my hand-
and it feels like forever again.
Jul 2022 · 1.6k
a spark in my heart
i was about to give up and stop
stop looking for someone and accept the fact
the fact that i would be alone for a while
a while without the warmth of another soul
another soul like yours igniting a spark
a spark in the deepest part of my heart
Jun 2022 · 195
i think of him
the constellations align in perfect concurrence with the precious moon,
and i sit in quietude with my eyes diverted towards the infinite dark wonders of the sky,
and i think of him.
Jun 2022 · 1.5k
why do you love so intensely?
you are simply setting yourself up for heartbreak.

because if you arent, youre doing it wrong
if your love doesnt come from the deepest part of your heart and soul, it simply isnt love.
Jun 2022 · 1.4k
i cant stand another tear upon my face
derived from the absence of you

the drops from my eyes
burn holes into my heart
until i am nothing but a numb soul
Dec 2021 · 1.6k
little glowing flakes
blissful and divine
snow glistens into my bright blue eyes
the beauty of simplicity
of a simple blank white canvas
means winter is upon us
Jun 2020 · 246
youre the missing lyrics
to the song that plays within my soul
i love you
May 2020 · 295
symptoms of love
symptoms of love include:

emotional lapses
racing heartbeat
uncontrollable smiling
butterflies in the stomach
intense bouts of joy
fire within the soul
pure joy and bliss

if you have been experiencing any of these symptoms, it is imperative that you express them or they may result in extreme heartbreak
Apr 2020 · 161
i didnt stay in the relationship because i was happy
i stayed because it was you
the ‘you’ who used to surprise me with flowers on a bad day
the ‘you’ who used to always find a way to make me smile
the ‘you’ who used to remind me of what it feels like to be alive
i didnt stay because i was happy
i stayed because it was
i kept remembering the good times and dismissing the bad. i shouldve let you go sooner
Mar 2020 · 238
a fool
a fool was the one who fell for him
everything about him seemed picture perfect
im the fool who thought he could love me
the way i needed to be loved
cant withstand any more pain from men who cannot love me correctly
Dec 2019 · 372
i still feel alive
before you
i felt alive

and after you
i still feel alive

as it turns out
i never needed you
to make me feel anything
Dec 2019 · 347
perfect storm
but nothing good came out
of our perfect storm
the hardest place to be
is right where you are
in the space between
the finish and the start
i shouldnt have burned our bridge in the end
because as it turns out
you are everything i have ever wanted
and everything i will ever need

i shouldnt have hurt you
i never meant to hurt you
i miss you
i miss you with all my heart
forgive me
forgive me
forgive me for the awful pain i have caused you
because i still love you
after all this time i still love you
and all i know is that i need you back
i need you back in my life
please come back
i miss you. im infinitely sorry for the pain i caused you. i never meant to hurt you. i never meant to hurt you. i want you back
Nov 2019 · 421
people ive never met
my heart aches for people ive never met
my heart recognizes what it wants although its never witnessed it before

not everything i crave is from memory
to my future soul mate, the future love of my life, i will never give up my search for you
Sep 2019 · 352
endless wonder
he told me i was his endless wonder
since when did endless become transient
Sep 2019 · 464
the very last time
if i had known it was going to be the very last time i was embracing you
i might have taken notice of the little things
like the way our lips locked together and moved in such a beautiful rhythmic motion
and the way our bodies fit together like a jigsaw puzzle
and the way your voice sang perfect harmonies along with mine
if i had known it was going to be the very last time i was embracing you
i might have taken notice of the little things
its only been a single day since our breakup, i miss every little thing about you like hell
he wrote poems inside of me
he carefully inscribed each letter
allowed my moans to fill the blank pages
and ended the story with one last rhythmic line
leaving me begging for more
Jun 2019 · 342
love is a battle
love is a battle
we should fight while we still can
Jun 2019 · 356
is this love
is it really love
if it hurts everyday i love him?
Jun 2019 · 312
nails and screws
throughout the years
my heart has been bashed and broken
shattered and torn
dismantled and crushed
but i kept it together with nails and screws

then he came along
and slowly tore them out
one by one
until he was the only thing holding me together

he mended my broken heart
and i no longer need nails and screws to hold me together
he saved my broken heart
Jun 2019 · 378
i like his chaos
the way he blew into my life
like a storm
tearing the walls from my soul
and freeing me into the world
your love freed me
Apr 2019 · 606
the oceans black
they say the oceans blue but its black right now
in the dark, on the sand, looking out at the clouds

depression and drowning screaming out their full parts
lightning reveals where the ocean stops and the sky starts

and a random strike of light reminds me of what is true
but right now the oceans black and the sky is too
Apr 2019 · 709
sea of sorrow
in this sea of sorrow
i refuse to drown
Mar 2019 · 272
i chased my dreams until i caught them
i chased my thoughts until no thoughts persisted
and i chased my heart until i found you
Mar 2019 · 1.0k
maybe im the puzzle
but youre still the pieces
Mar 2019 · 769
he looks into her eyes like an astronomer completely mesmorized by the constellations above
and mapping and plotting every crevice of her body
Mar 2019 · 274
first kiss
the way you feel when you kiss him for the first time-
like fire within your bones
like your souls colliding in seldom
like fountains of love diffusing from your aura
like every part of you that came from a dead star is alive again
Mar 2019 · 453
rewind, fast forward
is there ever a point in life that we are
not wanting to go back
and not wanting to go forward?
we forget to cherish the present
Mar 2019 · 453
protect your body
love your body
understand your body
care for your body
because there is no home quite like the one you embody
Mar 2019 · 295
love yourself first
nothing can replace the love that you have for yourself
so if you cannot find a part of yourself that you are truly in love with
build the love
with your own two hands
until you can truly say that you are in love with yourself
i believe in you
Mar 2019 · 367
genuine smiles
im glad ive finally found someone
whom i wont need to fake a smile around
pure genuine happiness radiates between us
Mar 2019 · 323
we watch the sun depart
down into the earth

we watch the moon rise
into the deep black sky
Mar 2019 · 899
each morning when she brushes her makeup on her face
she feels like picasso painting a masterpiece
she is a beautiful piece of artwork
Mar 2019 · 439
scars of the past
i wish i could be unaffected by the scars of my past
but time can heal no wound of mine
the marks will last a lifetime
Mar 2019 · 638
through your fingers
i kept pouring myself
into your palms
but you let me leak through your fingers
and drip onto the cold hard ground
i gave you everything i had
Mar 2019 · 439
i scrub and i scrub and i scrub
but nothing can erase the fingerprints you have left on me
because they are imprinted in my memories
and i can still picture where your fingers have been
Mar 2019 · 931
his fingers traced every angle of her body
like a mathmatician conjecturing a new formula
slowly yet profoundly
Mar 2019 · 559
oh the serenety of the snow
blanketing the earth
sparkling irradescently
a glowy facade of icy bliss
i could watch it fall for hours
flake by flake
appreciating the uniqueness of each one
until they dissapear into the ground
combining together to form a pile of glistening beauty
Mar 2019 · 302
if i had known it was goodbye
i wouldve kissed you harder
Mar 2019 · 220
plain reality
why is it hard to see
plain reality
when your heart is focused on another
Feb 2019 · 400
the wrong places
ive been looking for love in the wrong places
like an explorer on a voyage
through the deep dark ocean
searching for new lands
but never finding them
its a purposeless and meaningless search because i already know that, like the explorer, i will never find the love i need
Feb 2019 · 219
never felt right
loving you felt alright
but in the back of my mind it never felt right
Feb 2019 · 846
sealing my emotions
a pen
in my hand
touched the paper
and spilled out my emotions haphazardly

then i put the paper
in a glass bottle
sealed it with a cork
and pitched it into the deep ocean
sealing up my emotions and throwing them far away
Feb 2019 · 324
the fine line
the fine line between love and hate
happens to be you
at times you fill my heart with anguish
but your love still draws me towards you
and i hate everything you did to me
but somehow i am still wholeheartedly in love with every part of you
why do i still love you after you ripped my heart apart?
Feb 2019 · 339
another snowy day
another snowy day
reminds me of the night
you kissed me on the front porch of your house
it was freezing
but our passion and heat
seemed to block the cold and calm the blizzard surrounding us

you very carefully grazed my snow-filled hair
looked deep into my eyes
pulled me in towards you
and kissed me
intensely and passionately

and when we pulled away
you flashed me your brilliant smile
and walked back inside
leaving me desperately yearning for more
feeling abandoned in the arctic air

every snowy day brings me right back to that night
the night of my very first kiss
the night i still had your attention
the night you were still mine
this harsh winter brings endless snowy days spent thinking about you
Feb 2019 · 637
fire and gasoline
we went together like fire and dynamite
something was bound to explode
you and me together was like lighting a match and igniting explosives, nothing went well when i was with you
Feb 2019 · 242
thinking about someone else
i never knew how much the heart could break
until i was lying next to you
and you were thinking about someone else
i know you were imagining i was her when we were together. the difference between me and her is you actually loved her, but you just used me.
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