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3.6k · Aug 2020
'I am a woman'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
I am a woman. I can be all by myself
I am equal to a ‘man’
I don’t need anybody to look after me
I need no man to hold my hand.
I am a woman. I am tender, not fragile
I can indulge in all life has to offer and intensely feel all the emotions
I have strength tenfold. I can fight for my freedoms and rights
Nothing can restrict me from fulfilling my dreams and aspirations.  
I am a woman. I bleed red
Grievous cramps drag me closer to death, and still, I put up a smile
It is pride, no shame. I bleed to create the world.
Even if I am tagged ‘impure’, I am not going to smother behind the veil
I am a woman. I deserve to be treated with respect
I will never settle for less, in equality I believe
I am neither born to satisfy a man’s hunger nor to be a victim of dominance
Instead, I am born to be a woman of my choice.
1.4k · Aug 2020
' A distant village'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
A distant village, far from here
Where people reside with love and care
Untouched by the worldly mayhem
Nothing there is illusory or sham
A corner of heaven it is. My heart lies in peace
It's the only place where loads of endorphins release
1.4k · Sep 2020
Falling leaves
Kashish Lahrani Sep 2020
We spent hours witnessing the fall of leaves in autumn
The way they swayed away with the breeze
A bonfire in the moonlight and you by my side
I wish I would've wished for the time to freeze.
I never wanted to wave the final goodbye, you had me captivated
Instead, all I urged was us to lay on the ground, love and tease
And do nothing but gaze at the falling leaves
Feel the air in my hair and together breathe out all the grief.
1.1k · Aug 2020
'Waves are calling me'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
The waves are calling me
I think it’s time I go now
The thoughts are crashing inside my head
Like the waves crash on the shore
Maybe if I listen to their calling
And get immersed into the depth of the ocean
They will decimate me once and for all
And finally, I will be in peace. With no hurt, no emotion
I certainly don’t mean anything to anyone
I think it’s time I go and untie the knot
I got caught in the mayhem. My mind is drained
From asking thyself, whether to quit or not?
1.1k · Jul 2020
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
I desire to soar high
In an iridescent sky
That coruscates variant gleams of light
When looked through different angles
Making me feel,
The same way you do.
961 · Jul 2020
'Making love'
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
I need your heat upon my lips
For you’ve set my soul on fire
 I can't wait, I am drowning in passion
And all I can think of is a night full of desire.
When I will look you in the eye and touch your naked soul
I promise you will get a shiver down your spine
I will then grab your waist and kiss you from the neck down,
Melting away all your desires whilst sipping red wine
Your body will be in the state of ecstasy
And you will fail to resist the aroused sensations
I will tickle and touch the most sacred corners of your body,
And you will realize, making love is too great a temptation.
Kashish Lahrani Sep 2020
Whenever the mist of pain and torment loomed;
And my already broken heart, dashed to pieces
You picked them all and glued them back together, mother
You helped me to resurge, with thousands of amorous kisses

When I was surrounded by deep blue silences and my heart cried in pain
You wept my ocean of tears but, you never shed one
The excruciating pain of my life, was hurting you too
But you always said, ‘My love, the struggles have just begun’

Beneath the tender look, your ardent black eyes beamed rebelliousness
I know that you wanted me to be the woman you never got to be
And so, as a present on your birthday, I make you a promise
That I will always be in the shelter of your arms; I will be the woman you want me to be and nothing will ever sunder you and me.
916 · Aug 2020
' Pretty in pink '
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
It was early sunday morning
The sun was shining blazingly in the sky
As I saw you passing by
You gave me butterflies, I won’t lie
Your impeccable innate beauty and your courteous smile made me shy
After a while, by chance
We swapped a glance
I could neither think nor blink
But just wonder, how pretty you glimpsed in pink!
Kashish Lahrani Sep 2020
Emptiness is devouring me alive
I feel alone, even when I have a company
Of the people I love of the people I don't
My mind is drowned in the thought of self-doubt of which from long I had no epiphany.

I am having a hard time expressing myself
There are loads of things I have to say
A sense of inferiority has settled into my bleak thoughts
Knowing there are many people to whom I can, silent I stay

Anxiety has me trapped. I feel suffocated
My ribs are strangled. I cannot breathe, I am in pain
I no longer know whom to speak to and whom to not
All my efforts towards all the people have always gone in vain

The people I once had a close touch with
Have now become mere memories. The ones tickling me bliss, the ones inciting grief
I am invisible to all though, I am always right there
I am tired of getting ignored. I feel like I am an ugly withered leaf
862 · Aug 2020
' When will I? '
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
Bleeding in pain from the inside
Scintillating in bliss from the outside
What weird way of living this is?
When will I come out of this abyss?
Come out and stare back into it
By being authentic and not a hypocrite.
When will I step out of delusions of deity?
Love thyself, and not abide by crippling anxiety.
752 · Aug 2020
' Basketful of hope'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
Everything had crumbled into ruins
When I lost everyone I once called mine
It seemed I almost had no grip over life
There was no drive, no hope to rise back and shine
Not until I bowed my head down;
In front of the almighty god, the divine
And he blessed me with a basket full of hope
Once shrouded in fog, my life is now full of alacrity and I cannot decline.
735 · Aug 2020
' Always, in all ways'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
Every time I felt insecure about us
Every time you stayed away for nights and days
Made me wonder if you still loved me
And you never failed to prove that you do and you always will, in all ways.
733 · Sep 2020
Dancing in the dark
Kashish Lahrani Sep 2020
I feel ecstatic when I dance in the dark
Not around anyone, just alone in the night
Forgetting all the sorrows, abandoning all the miseries
Under the stars and the bright moonlight
As I look up in the sky, my eyes glisten with tears
Though being ensnared, I feel I can be saved from my loneliness
For the stars are my best friends and the moon is my love
And I know that they’ll stay forever, knowing I am a complete mess
Even if we are miles away, I believe the moon loves me too
For in the shadow of darkness, he’s the one who lights up my life
When I close my eyes and spread my arms, I feel his body caressing mine
His warmth helps me fight my inner demons as I hold him tight. He helps me thrive.
729 · Jul 2020
Dark Chocolate
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
Our love is like dark chocolate
Partially bitter and partially sweet
Never was it easy and never will it ever be
And yet it is nothing less than a moreish treat

A treat so tempting,
That I'd love to savor day and night
From the curves of your lips, I'll lick it up
As it would fall off with a drop of romance and delight
722 · Aug 2020
'Layer by layer'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
There are certain emotions I am unable to process
They’ve left me suffocated. They cause me to stress
Stress over things that might be of no value in the near future
But it is now; they make me feel like I am a complete loser
These emotions go tough on my body but they flow with ease as I bleed on paper
And the feelings I once had for people I loved, are depleting layer by layer.
Kashish Lahrani Oct 2020
Our souls were intricately woven into intense love, our souls deep-rooted
Not for a moment I ever hesitated
I gave you all of me, you seemed to have given too
I still remember you saying, 'To be lovers, we are fated'

I am so tired of the gnawing pain that has been wavering around me
From the moment you left me jilted
The tears of happiness that once rolled out of my eyes
Now cry out in agony. I am no longer jovial, just wilted

I wonder if you ever loved me. The air of agony I am surrounded by won't take away the pain
You spilt your love in my life, I was spoiled with stains
But now that you are gone, the stains you caused will never faint
And I have come to realise, all that I am is an abyss of your remains.
705 · Aug 2020
'Will you?'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
If while unveiling my vulnerability,
I collapse into smithereens
Will you hug me tight enough,
To help my broken pieces stick back together?
If while wearing a fake smile,
And dissembling my true emotions
Will you try and understand what I feel?
Will you not compel me, to not be me?
If while being veracious to me,
I fall in love with you
Will you fall in love with me too?
Will you not leave me, like others eventually do?
663 · Aug 2020
' Happy endings'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
I never believed in happy endings
Because they never really seemed to exist
Not until I met you
Not until you made me believe, and I couldn’t resist
Resist you and me. We were so impossible
Never did I know, I’d love you with all my heart
And you’d love me too, for who I am
But now that we do, I can delightedly say that you are my life and not just a part.
632 · Sep 2020
'In my subconscious'
Kashish Lahrani Sep 2020
It was in my subconscious mind, that I met you
I stood in front of you with a bleeding heart, feeling all blue
My mind was drained, I was entangled in thousands of strangulated thoughts
And I felt as if you were someone I already knew

A river of serenity flowed through my eyes
When you held my hand and we wandered blithely
You whispered, 'I am here to breathe life into you'
To pull you out of the black hole of emptiness. I am here to make you feel lively

In the twilight of the dawn, as we sat on a beach
You wrapped your body around mine and our souls caressed
I could think of nothing else at that moment. I was so lost in you
Happiness glided through all my nerves and I felt blessed.  

You were a stranger to me but, you didn't seem one
While I was in a perplexed state seeking for an answer;
I heard you say, I am a part of your subconscious mind
But I make you feel conscious, more than you are in your conscious mind.
564 · Oct 2020
'Rain of emptiness'
Kashish Lahrani Oct 2020
Weeks passed, so did days and months
Half drowned in your love, I am now living a barren life
The shards of hope that once glued us together
Are now crushed to death, reflecting my shattered self

The echoes of deep silences no longer scare me
They are way better than your silence
Your last hit is etched in my mind like our first kiss
It haunts me so much that nothing at all makes even a tad bit of sense

I don't shy away from darkness. I now try to live with it
Even if I am free from your shackles, my mind is lost
It is trying to find enough strength to gather hatred plenty
So it could stitch the bruises you caused

No longer in your arms, in an empty hole, I feel trapped
Getting out of which seems completely unimaginable
So drenched in the rain of emptiness I am
That even in the heaviest downpour, though alone, I aim at being stable
544 · Jul 2020
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
Every time I sacrifice my happiness
And devote myself entirely
Just to bring a grin on your little face
I realise,
The sacrifices my mother made
Were prodigious as compared to all I do for you.
The realization of my ‘self-sacrifice’,
Took me back to the days when your sacrifices meant nothing to me
And I hold deep remorse, mother.
It’s now that I know,
Sacrifices are what you made
Adjustments are what I’ve ever managed to do.
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
I am wanting to be wanted
Not by all, at least by someone
But nobody ever keeps me first
The fears I carry, have often held me to shun
I try to feign, I pay no heed
But I espy all the tenuous changes
I try not to get distressed
But I end up getting hurt, knowing people have multiple faces.
Everybody loses interest, as time passes by
Nobody keeps a check on anybody, be it me or you
All are engrossed, I know. I wonder if they lie
I’ve come to realize, everyone becomes someone I once knew.
438 · Sep 2020
'Burnt embers'
Kashish Lahrani Sep 2020
When you and I were together
My soul was feisty and I was full of fire
When I looked you in the eye, my eyes gleamed an enraptured caressing look
My heart was full of passion and desire
But when you left
The fire in me though not finished;
was almost extinguished
I realised my soul was burnt to embers
The smouldering pieces of my body
that once ignited a fire
Were now ready to fade
Like our love eventually did.
426 · Sep 2020
Lingering in the shadows
Kashish Lahrani Sep 2020
I live with my skull crammed with too many thoughts
My body half drenched in the sorrow of your absence.
I live with my heart stitched with enormous strings of hope
While my soul lingers in the shadows, awaiting your presence.  

Camouflaging all the woes, I tried to love you with all my heart
I knew my body and not my soul was your greed
Every time I looked for a reason to love you;
You gave me another one as to why not, I perceived

Yet, all this time, I kept lingering in the shadows
Waiting for you to come find me
I kept hiding behind the veil
Hoping one day you'd see the world, the way I see
365 · Aug 2020
'Buring it all'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
I want to learn how to live again
Not for you, but for myself
I want to erase those memories,
I’ve kept buried in my heart for so long
I want to heal,
Every single aching wound
That you caused, in the name of love
I want to set my soul free,
Burning it all down.
362 · Jul 2020
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
Strolling down the bridge I was,
As I witnessed a day of dappled seaborne clouds
A sudden clash of wind caressed my cheeks
The sky turned into shale grey, and I knew the rain has come

I got the first splatter of rain
I looked for a tree to hide under
But I also couldn't resist dancing in the rain
Despite the mild lightning and thunder

I got drenched, I got soaked
I felt every splash that touched my skin
As the droplets fell onto the ground, the sound seemed melodious
That reminded me of a heartfelt croon.

Scintillating beams of light broke through the clouds
After a heavy yet, soothing downpour
The flowers got covered in dewdrops, the tiny droplets fell off the grass
And I cherished the musty petrichor
349 · Jul 2020
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
It's now that I know,
The light you used to radiate
Shrouded my life in darkness
The tenebrosity was split by seldom strands of light
That eventually faded away.
209 · Aug 2020
' Rhythm of love'
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
You filled my empty heart with love;
When I was fenced with intense detest
Oh how full of warmth I am now;
My life is brimming with zest
Unmatched is the tuning we have
I am overwhelmed by the vehemence of this emotion
Together we are nothing but a pair of swans
In fidelity, we believe. Our love is as deep as the ocean.
Hold my hand. Let’s walk on the lane smeared with passion
I know it won’t be cushy but please give me a chance
Forever we are meant to last, I promise
Come with me, to the rhythm of love let’s sway and dance.

— The End —