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23.2k · Aug 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2014
I'm afraid
to go to sleep
because of all the nightmares
in my head

By Chloe Elizabeth
13.2k · Dec 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Dec 2014
It just makes me sad, oh so incredibly sad, to see him with someone else who was able to hold on to him longer than my poor hands could bear.

By Chloe Elizabeth
12.8k · Apr 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Apr 2014
I threw out
The flowers you gave me
Not because
They were fake
But because
We were

By Chloe Elizabeth
Now, I wish I would have kept them.
12.0k · May 2014
Chloe Elizabeth May 2014
I look at you and longing overwhelms me. It's the only way I can describe it. When someone you had is so quickly ripped from your grip, it feels as if a hole were punched in the middle of your chest and what once filled that space now walks around outside of you. Seeing you feels like you're beside me but you haven't filled that emptiness in months. When I look at you it hurts because you don't look at me back.

By Chloe Elizabeth
To that boy again, the one whose name starts with an ***
11.2k · Apr 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Apr 2014
He listened
To her laugh
As if it was a symphony
And she hung
On his words
Like they were vines

By Chloe Elizabeth
Another little excerpt from a short story I wrote a couple months ago.
10.8k · Sep 2014
These Eyes Never Lie
Chloe Elizabeth Sep 2014
With my eyes,
I told him what my mouth couldn't pronounce

By Chloe Elizabeth
9.9k · Aug 2014
Worth Suffering For
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2014
After laying awake for endless nights,
with the shattered pieces of my heart
leaking into my veins
and carving away at the life
I used to share with you,
I realized that you are not one
worth suffering for

By Chloe Elizabeth
Find the ones who are.
9.8k · Jul 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Jul 2014
Sometimes, I cry
and I don't even know
what I'm sad about

I'm just crying
about being sad

By Chloe Elizabeth
Chloe Elizabeth May 2014
I'm suffocated
By all of the chances
I've given you
And I'm drowning
In all of their failures

By Chloe Elizabeth
8.4k · Dec 2014
These Moments
Chloe Elizabeth Dec 2014
These moments in my life
Have taught me about love, friendship
And giving everything you have to someone
For them to lose it all along the way

By Chloe Elizabeth
7.7k · Aug 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2014
You broke me once
and then shattered all the pieces
to break me even more

By Chloe Elizabeth
7.3k · May 2014
Shattered Lies
Chloe Elizabeth May 2014
If that was our closure,
then why are all
of your shattered lies
still cutting my feet?

By Chloe Elizabeth
My mind keeps spewing out poems about him like a waterfall. I wish it would stop.
6.6k · May 2014
Chloe Elizabeth May 2014
I could sit here all night and listen to the thunder, watch the lightning and run my fingers through the raindrops on my windowsill; trying to think of the perfect way to put into words how a thunderstorm makes my body tired and my mind feel safe but the truth is, I just love thunderstorms so ******* much. That is how I feel.

By Chloe Elizabeth
I just love thunderstorms so ******* much.
6.2k · Sep 2014
Painted Walls
Chloe Elizabeth Sep 2014
These painted walls
will always fill my lungs
and with every breath I take,
there is a small piece of the child
who grew up within them

By Chloe Elizabeth
My walls were painted blue.
5.6k · May 2014
Chloe Elizabeth May 2014
You were addicted to me like you were to the alcohol running through your veins.

By Chloe Elizabeth
5.4k · May 2014
Chloe Elizabeth May 2014
I was broken
I needed fixing
and I was wrong
to think you could
glue me back together

You accepted me
when I couldn't even look at myself
in the mirror
and that feeling rushed through my veins
like heroine

You were another one
of my many secrets,
I kept you behind my back

Eventually, I realized schemes
and lies wouldn't put out my bonfire
because it was only getting bigger

Three words...

Three words was all it took
and I was burning
But I didn't want to drag you down
with me so I ran

Then you walked away
You told me you walked away
because you didn't want me
to see you cry
but the look on your face
was painful enough

I can still see it
in the galaxies
beneath my eyelids

That's the only place you exist anymore

By Chloe Elizabeth
P.S. You're not a secret anymore.
5.3k · Apr 2015
Chloe Elizabeth Apr 2015
He told me he didn't want to fall in love with someone 423 miles away
"That's a whole lot of foot steps" he said
I can't say that I didn't feel the same way
But I couldn't help look up at the moon and pray he was looking up too
I wished for him on every shooting star I ever saw
And I watched all the sunsets thinking about his hopes and dreams
"But the truth is I really do love you a lot" he said
The truth is I really did love him with all my heart too
Not a day goes by that I don't think about being with him
I never believed in soul mates, I always believed a person could love many people
And I still think that's true
But never in the same way you love that one person, the person you're meant to be with
That person in the world that in some way, somehow, finds you
That person was him
And maybe some day we'll end up together; but that day is not today, and it's not tomorrow
But one thing I know for sure is that I'll always love him
Just like I did from the start
All those footsteps away

By Chloe Elizabeth
5.1k · Sep 2014
Plane Tickets
Chloe Elizabeth Sep 2014
I stand in the airport
and wait for you
to walk off an airplane
and into my life again

But you can't buy plane tickets
with all the stars in the universe
and you can't make someone come back
if they don't want to

By Chloe Elizabeth
4.9k · Jan 2015
Chloe Elizabeth Jan 2015
When I'm with him
He's so real
Then when I'm not
He seems like a dream

By Chloe Elizabeth
4.9k · Aug 2014
Drink Up
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2014
I drank away the thought of you
while you drank up your confidence
for the girl with the red nail polish
and dark brown hair

By Chloe Elizabeth
4.4k · May 2014
Chloe Elizabeth May 2014
I feel like I'm just
                   ­     g
In the insanity we call society
With the whole world
Touching my skin
But nowhere to go
And no where to sink in

By Chloe Elizabeth
11:55 p.m thoughts
4.0k · Aug 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2014
What do you even say
to someone who has destroyed your heart?

By Chloe Elizabeth
There's nothing you can say
3.9k · Aug 2015
My 5'5 Hockey Player
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2015
This isn't going to be much of a poem, just a thought; something that I was thinking about today.
I was asked if it was weird to have dated my ex, since he was 5'5, one inch shorter than I am. And you know what, I've dated professional go-kart racers, jujitsu gold medalists and kick boxers, yes, all much taller than I am, however, none of them made me feel as safe as my 5'5 hockey player did. So the answer to that question, which actually surprised me as well, is no. It was not weird. It was not anything but another relationship, with another boy, who proved to be much more than how tall he was. Height does not matter to me and I don't see it ever mattering because he made me feel just as loved as someone twice his size could have. And even though he turned out to be a complete *******, that was not because of his small size, that was because he was, and is, a ****** person. Case closed.

By Chloe Elizabeth
3.5k · Aug 2014
Comfort Place
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2014
I crawl into this place
where he is not real
and the things he did to me
never happened

I curl up
and enjoy the comfort
that I have found in this place
and I forget the truth
so that I can pretend
that the pain isn't there

By Chloe Elizabeth
3.2k · Jan 2015
Chloe Elizabeth Jan 2015
After all this time of chasing his tide, he comes back when I'm no longer by the water

By Chloe Elizabeth
too late
3.1k · Jul 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Jul 2014
He was dropping glass
in front of me
and I kept stepping
on the shattered fragments
but there was nothing I could do,
I had to keep following him

But my name is not Alice
and this is not how I pictured

I never woke up
from the nightmare
that kept crawling into my pillow

Wonderland was a dark hallway of *******
and I just stood there waiting
for the lights to turn on
while he was holding down the light switch

By Chloe Elizabeth
2.9k · Jul 2014
Call Me Crazy
Chloe Elizabeth Jul 2014
It's easy to call me crazy
instead of facing your faults

But there was reason to my madness,
it wasn't just insanity

Reasons that you don't care to hear
and that I am too exhausted to explain

So call me crazy
and take the easy way out

I don't care anymore

By Chloe Elizabeth
2.9k · Sep 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Sep 2014
The day you said I was yours forever,
my jaw dropped

The day you changed your mind,
it was my whole body

By Chloe Elizabeth
2.9k · Oct 2017
Chloe Elizabeth Oct 2017
often times

when I am laying alone at night

I feel his presence with me

and my love for him is overwhelming

it beats within my chest

so hard I worry it may break my heart
This poem may be unfinished, I don't know completely yet
2.8k · Apr 2015
Chloe Elizabeth Apr 2015
Just as I thought we were beginning to fall apart, he took my hands, looked me in the eyes, and said "No, we're fighters." I've never felt so strong in my life, standing there looking back at him.

By Chloe Elizabeth
2.8k · Sep 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Sep 2014
In the darkness of this night
and the loneliness of this hour,
please bring me amnesia
to escape from my weak heart
and fix my broken lungs;
failing to expand
under the weight of your lies
lies lies lies lies lies lies
could you do this?

By Chloe Elizabeth
sorry that this *****
2.7k · Jun 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Jun 2014
It's funny
When someone changes you
And all your poems
Don't make you feel the same way anymore

But it's a sigh of relief
Your body feels light
Your heart is pounding
But you are calm
While you read all the old words
And can't feel their emotions

Your bones are empty
And your eyes are heavy
With tears that are only coming from
The deep place inside your body
That you haven't heard from in months

Waiting was painful
Waiting so long for this to happen
But never imagined it would feel
Quite like this
You never dreamed
That you would be so happy

By Chloe Elizabeth
2.6k · Oct 2014
New York City
Chloe Elizabeth Oct 2014
I still loved you when the city lights burnt out
and you couldn't find your way home

By Chloe Elizabeth
2.5k · Aug 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2014
A part of me is hoping
that you don't show up tomorrow
so I can finally be done
and let go of you,
let go of us.
But I am also sincerely,
genuinely wishing that you do
because I don't want us to die
and I don't want to let you slip from my hands
that always held yours.

By Chloe Elizabeth
he didn't show up by the way
2.2k · Jul 2014
You changed
Chloe Elizabeth Jul 2014

By Chloe Elizabeth
You're angry at me but you changed and I don't know this person that I'm talking to right now. Well, not talking to anymore. I will never hear from you again.
2.0k · Sep 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Sep 2014
Set my silence free
I need you here with me

By Chloe Elizabeth
2.0k · Oct 2016
These Little Pieces
Chloe Elizabeth Oct 2016
When you're involved with someone, you slowly collect these little pieces of their life. The 40 minute break that they have between their classes on Tuesdays. The amount of sugar that they like in their coffee. The time that they wake up for work on Monday mornings. The side of the bed that they prefer to sleep on. And then this day comes when everything comes to an end. However, these little pieces stay with you. You feel so incredibly empty while you drown in the fragments of their day-to-day life. Suddenly, you find yourself wandering around aimlessly for 40 minutes on Tuesday afternoons. You don't put sugar in your coffee anymore. You sleep in on Monday mornings. You lay in the center of your Queen-sized bed. You float around in this uncomfortable space between the life you lived before and the life you shared with this person and their little pieces. You float here for a while as you try and get back to a life that is all yours again. A life that is familiar and forever different. And you know that this will happen time and time again, you will repeat this agonizing process of building up and tearing down and rebuilding until that one day, where nothing comes to an end.
1.8k · May 2014
A small rant by me
Chloe Elizabeth May 2014
Why do some people give such a huge **** about what other people believe in? There are no rules for what you should base your life around. Feel what you want to feel, believe what you want to believe and love who you want to love for **** sake. If someone wants to change their opinion of you as a person based on that then they should rethink the life they live not you.

By Chloe Elizabeth
Just a small rant by me
1.7k · Apr 2014
Reminders For A Teenage Girl
Chloe Elizabeth Apr 2014
Don't be afraid of love
Listen to your dreams
Breathe in your happiness
Don't add regret to your memories
But learn from them if you do
Don't run from lust
Love yourself
Sink into someone's arms
Don't be scared of the feeling of never wanting to let go
Open your window when it's warm outside
Go for walks by yourself
Enjoy the bare skies
Love yourself
Take baths
Paint something even if no one will ever see it
Write your heart down in a journal
Listen to a body of water in the middle of the night
Date the jerks
Then break their hearts when you realize you deserve better
Remember that you deserve better
And for god sakes just love yourself

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.7k · Oct 2014
Our Hearts and Our Minds
Chloe Elizabeth Oct 2014
I wish we spoke in words
of fluent honesty
with no breaks or stutters;
our hearts in our hands
and our minds intertwined

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.7k · Nov 2014
If I Lost Him
Chloe Elizabeth Nov 2014
If I lost him
My heart would miss him forever

And my soul would never stop trying
To find pieces of him in someone else

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.6k · Oct 2015
Chloe Elizabeth Oct 2015
The hardest thing I have done, and the thing that I am also the most proud of, was getting to a place in my life where I could say, with the deepest and most heart wrenching honesty, that I am truly happy. With every movement of my fingers, and blink of my eyelids, through even the hardest times and thickest tears, I am happy.

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.5k · Jul 2014
Losing You
Chloe Elizabeth Jul 2014
Losing you
is the most terrifying thought
that my mind can be afraid of

And the scariest nightmare
I could ever dream

And it will haunt my body
and my soul
and every corner of my beaten heart
hoping that it will never come true

And that I will be able to wake up

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.5k · Oct 2014
Chloe Elizabeth Oct 2014
I looked at him
and I did not see my life,
I felt it

As my ear pressed against his chest,
I could hear his heartbeat;
the symphony that plays just for him

So I put my lips against his
and I played along

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.5k · Apr 2014
Seasonal Sadness
Chloe Elizabeth Apr 2014
She blamed the winter winds
For her sadness
But summer sunlight
Couldn't dry her tears

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.5k · Sep 2014
Wake Up
Chloe Elizabeth Sep 2014
I can't keep dreaming about you
and pretending it's real

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.4k · Dec 2014
Beat of My Heart
Chloe Elizabeth Dec 2014
I think from all the craziness and hectic paces of my life of madness, I never had the time to sit down and study the beat of my heart. And the truth is, maybe I did love him a little more than I thought I did.

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.4k · Nov 2014
I Will Run
Chloe Elizabeth Nov 2014
One day
I'm going to get on a plane
or get in my car
or I swear to God I will run
to you

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.3k · Apr 2014
Missing Him
Chloe Elizabeth Apr 2014
Missing him is like looking out the window and realizing it's been raining for three days straight. Moments pass by so fast that you forget they even existed. The raindrops are so thick that the faces in front of you are blurred and you start to drown in the feeling that you get when you see him. The feeling that you get when she wears his sweater and when the air wreaks of the cologne on his neck. You try to avoid the wind that carries his voice around your ears but sometimes you hear it even when he isn't around. It isn't fair that he got to walk away dry and you're still drenched in the mess he made of you.

By Chloe Elizabeth
1.3k · Nov 2014
Bitter Happiness
Chloe Elizabeth Nov 2014
I think about you a lot;
when I'm sleeping
and our memories take over my dreams

When I'm walking
and I walk past our spot
where I fell deeper into your eyes
and started to drown
and I watch that moment happen all over again

When I'm trying to hide your sweater
under my bed,
in the depths of my closet,
in the burning fire,
but I can still feel your arms around my waste

I can erase your name
from my life
but the indent will still be there,
and it will remain there,

And I have started to realize
that you exist
not as a figment of my imagination,
as much as I try and pretend you do

I have walked
in the imprints of your feet in the ground
and you have sat
on the counter where I always stay

And I find a comfort in the struggle
to act like you were never there
because every time
that I can feel your empty space beside me,
it brings me back to the summer
and that smile
and those eyes
and the rainy days
and the lies I called love
and it's overwhelming;
the bitter happiness

By Chloe Elizabeth
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