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7.7k · Apr 2016
Haiku - Cherry Blossom
Danny Price Apr 2016
Last cherry blossom
Falling, dancing with my gaze
A distant echo
5.4k · Jun 2015
The Sky Sparkles (Haiku)
Danny Price Jun 2015
the sky sparkles through
lush, windswept leaves, leaving them
in negative space
3.2k · Mar 2015
Danny Price Mar 2015
Mirroring what's bright
With dead unassuming eyes,
Its life dwells only out of sight.
Swallowing  the blackness of the room
It appears to writhe, silently shifting,
A child's gaze on a rotting face
Waits patiently for something
It doesn't know, and absently scratches
Deep gashes into its cheek.
2.6k · Jun 2015
Chilling (Senryu)
Danny Price Jun 2015
chilling, careless smile,
your eyes perambulate the
caverns of my soul
2.0k · Feb 2016
Days Turn Tonight
Danny Price Feb 2016
He drowns himself in cities:
Grey walls and blue lights.
Maturity, they call it, when
Blood turns brittle and eyes
Lock the soul. Warmth
Comes in bottles now.
2.0k · Jun 2015
Danny Price Jun 2015
The devil carves his name into my skin
The blood reads: *disgusting
Danny Price Sep 2015
Every step I take
Brings you closer to the cliffside.
At home, their pictures crowd my pillow,
Whisper like nymphs.
A corroded coin
Apologizes, abandoned in our arid cup.
I turn to face the towering metropolis
And let my ninth staff illuminate the smog.
1.7k · Jul 2015
Danny Price Jul 2015
*******, words constricting
Woke up, wrong place to live in
Now I find myself hustling
But I can't keep from tossing in
My bed at night
Don't want to breathe and I've got to fight
With all my might crack the walls
And shed some light
On the wrong side of the long night persisting
Inspite of our Hollywood vinyls
And pop star idols
'cause at midnight they bite us
And drink our love.

Imagine work paid off  
And you're never laid off, rough appearance
Won't make them scoff
What if tough heights didn't last long
Or burn so strong, didn't scar your tongue,
And good fun wasn't modest
Like Bollywood's hottest
We'd live the lives loudest
That we could be proudest of.

We forget it all, they've set it small
Well we're all not tall, we just bend down
Let them move your limbs in any given position
Because life's only
A luxurious possession after all.
Thought I'd experiment a little.. This was lots of fun!
1.5k · Mar 2015
Hate Me
Danny Price Mar 2015
Yowling, thrashing, squeezing me whole,
She's slashing onyx crevices, my soul,
Begging out, pleading forgiveness
But I won't give in, I just press
Down, fight now, hate this,
This thing, this misfit,
Crippled defect, this won't sit
By me, won't defy me,
Rip my nails down crusty
Skin, she feels sick, I feel quick,
I dig deep and can't keep
From hissing, it's ******* me off!
She cries but it makes me scoff.
You pretty little folded bird,
I'll smear you like a ******* ****.
I hate you, I hate me,
So help me, I can't see,
I can't bleed,
I won't heed
Your cruel trick,
You foul ****!
Despise me!
I hate me!
I hate me!
I can't
This is supposed to depict an inner struggle, it is not aimed at anyone else but the inner self
1.3k · Dec 2015
X is for Minors
Danny Price Dec 2015
Hungry teeth razors
Slice to scar my hand.
Watching the black symbol redden
Quenches my thirst like a cold beer.
Shield me from their fear;
and with clear eyes,
among socialite imbued rags,
I shall face my pain
Or live a conscious death.
1.3k · Jan 2015
Unavoidable I Am
Danny Price Jan 2015
Face it,
I'm a follow up.
To use all this time and quickly cast aside?
Honey, I'm not so simple to avoid.
I'll make sure
to close up for you one day.
Ever wondered what the silent e in your life was thinking?
1.3k · Jan 2015
Danny Price Jan 2015
the faintest chords
will resonate
1.2k · Jan 2015
My Pieta
Danny Price Jan 2015
Eyes so serene as your body relaxed,
your passing never passed until
a gravestone was all I had.
An edged slab of marble
unwelcoming, cold,
won't compare to the lingering life
so close to behold.
I miss how I missed you
when I missed you the most,
as love's just crux howls
only when losing its host.
Thus through such virtue
I could lastly accept mine,
enough so to nurture,
and cry for my Pieta
one last time.
1.1k · Aug 2015
Last Confession
Danny Price Aug 2015
Atop our corroding
roof, the sage rasped:
I did not know
until the classic anatomy
of my blue jay's wish
had evolved to match
its sedentary lifestyle.
1.0k · Mar 2015
Blackout Poem #5
Danny Price Mar 2015
Instability exposed
The grief I'd suffered
To the shambling wrecks
Like whimsical china.
1.0k · Oct 2015
Danny Price Oct 2015
Tins dangle off bare branches,
Strike to drown the bitter howls.


The train pulls out.


I was not on it.
I should have been on it...
After the clang clang clang and
The click clack of the wheels,
Followed the patter of my friend's
Remains on the battleground.

Now they're after me:


With  the patter of the rain
Beating on my skull.
978 · Jan 2015
Moving In
Danny Price Jan 2015
When assuredness
won't slay its enemies,
and determination
forgets its ardor;
the wind the leaves lets fall,
the water its surfaces harden.
952 · Jun 2015
Danny Price Jun 2015
I hold my breath in darkness

Tick.  Tick.  Tick.

And let it go.
He must have come a long way

Tick. Tick. Tick.

He must have sensed
The only warmth laid out for him

Tick... Tick...

Acrid loss hangs low in the air
Damp claws ***** my toes


And he drinks
Come to redeem blood lost

Tick. Tick. Tick.

My foot runs over the aging scabs


I sink back into slumber
875 · Jul 2015
Danny Price Jul 2015
Enraptured by our sinful freedom,
we worshipped the moment.
The wolves of wisdom at the heels of
our frolicking hares.
They haven't caught up yet,
don't hesitate.
You admitted you love her
but your eyes were flooded with my own.
How could I speak
when my dreams were materializing.
You grabbed me when I had never kissed before.
819 · Feb 2017
Danny Price Feb 2017
Languid tendrils of smoke unwind
The ashes of your affliction.
There is comfort in the sun's underbelly.
When you play half-lidded pool drenched in
Artificial lights, the night seems endless.
Once dusk falls, the world outside scatters
And settles together in close quarters
Like bunkers under air raid.
812 · Jan 2015
Warrior Marks
Danny Price Jan 2015
Intangible facets of chaste delicacy
dance under the curtains in poised stability;
shattered, self-battered, strengthened it may,
those fine lines, those fissures, his cigarettes portray.
779 · Jan 2015
Follow Me
Danny Price Jan 2015
O woe this tragedy
Where hast thou brought me!

The environment is hostile,
The colors are so pale.

Take me somewhere special,
Some place to regale.

I'll follow thee
'til I fall weak in the knee,
In thine grace I trust.

O heavens behold!
The devil's own betrothed!

Thou burnest mine eyes,
On thine judgement my gayness relies,

So take me, oh trusted bird,
To a place nor burned, nor churned.

I'll follow thee
'til I lose ability to see,
In thine grace I trust.

In all my heart I dread,
Here is so wide spread

That many may see me.
A heinous curse! I can no longer flee.

Find me one more homely
So I might not feel so lowly.

I'll follow thee
'til I lose all sense in me,
In thine grace I trust.
719 · Mar 2015
In the Wake of my Spiral
Danny Price Mar 2015
The comfort of my own
barren pain
retches sights to the follies
that from onset
have raised me in chains.

I gouge in what might have
come out,
in fear of free-falling
into the core of
potential Without.

Propelled into depths
death has forgotten,
my blank eyes adjust
to riches
of numbness like satin.

Exhausted and pale
I release my last wish
to gaze up at darkness
where stars burn
like *******.
599 · Jul 2015
Danny Price Jul 2015
My eyes burn with anagrams
and anecdotes.
I am alone but my head
is hosting plenty
telling me to stop,
to go, to change,
to know.
I don't,
because outside the wind whispers
587 · Jan 2016
Feigning Health
Danny Price Jan 2016
An itch for slicing in my pulsing touch
painfully receded when I saw the red
stripes cower beneath your sleeve.

I can't breathe when my friends breathe
smoke then take shelter in my innocence, because

A thirst for anesthetic poison
sullenly diminished when I watched you lose
all shame over several brews and strip
your soul to merry strangers.

I can't breathe when my friends choke
on white dust then bask in my self-discipline, because

A wanderlust for places away from you
ruefully subsided when you anxiously inebriated
to save my waning faith in you.

I can't breathe when my friends labor
cheer then grip tightly to my tolerance, because

I do the same.
Playing with tenses and repetition!
577 · Jun 2015
Danny Price Jun 2015
We are alone here
in the company of life,
where the skies all fill with water,
drench our aching bones
to nourish greener pastures.

We are alone here
in the company of light,
where providers stroke our shaking hearts,
relaxing roots around our father's holy limbs.

We are alone here
in the company of song,
where pure breathing hum in chorus
to forget our concrete legacy.

We are not wanted here—
            the last of us
in the company of peace,
where avenging beauty dances
as the rightful heir regains her throne

and we remain alone.
526 · May 2015
Danny Price May 2015
You look my way

and call the poison from within me.

It's ugly, just like me. Forgive me,

I must dance. I can dance to

dazzle you with lies carved from introjection.

Let myself go and fall into perfection.

The art that wanted, hollowed out,

the crevice spirals like a hallowed pout.

I flood your eyes and pass you the flame.

I ask that you light my eyes

now that I am only porcelain.
473 · Mar 2015
Blackout Poem #4
Danny Price Mar 2015
Curtains drawn,
Smoking a cigarette
Through a veil of tears;
Younger years made him
Understand the thief's
Mellifluous stories.
469 · Jul 2015
Stolen Red
Danny Price Jul 2015
I'm supposed to run
When you harvest red roses
With scissors
But their blood was mine.
Only war paint conceals
The faded spots your lips
Have left on my smile.
You will comprehend your sickness
When I desperately  moisten
My flaking fingers with the spoils
Of your wounds.

— The End —