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Jan 2019 · 343
Kellin Jan 2019
I am a hurricane
of mismatched
Jan 2019 · 384
Mirrored demons
Kellin Jan 2019
I've faced my demons
   and for some reason they
           all looked like me
Kellin Jan 2019
I have lost a lot of good things in my life, most was from my own ignorance.
However, I like to believe that everything happens for a reason and better days are ahead.
Jan 2019 · 320
Kellin Jan 2019
My heart's an endless
winter filled with
Dec 2018 · 401
Staring into the mirror
Kellin Dec 2018
Red lines slowly
stretch and reach for the end of the shattered mirror
A strangers face stares blindly through the cracks
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
Self conclusion
Kellin Dec 2018
There are many
versions of myself that
need funerals
Dec 2018 · 542
My timed vice
Kellin Dec 2018
I am impatient because
I know how cruel time can be,
and what it can take
Oct 2018 · 370
Resolving the sadness
Kellin Oct 2018
She spoke with such
did she not know
I could resolve the
Oct 2018 · 360
Kellin Oct 2018
So drop your towel and I will caress your shoulder and let your hair down, ash waiting the phoenix to rise, and I will run my trembling hands along the silhouette of your shadow as we dance among moonlit hallways,
Silence among sighs, and as you unthrone me I will fall to one knee to toss my crown aside for a place at your side
Oct 2018 · 454
Just enough
Kellin Oct 2018
If I am not enough
let me know,
It hurts to be half loved
Sep 2018 · 189
The cleansing
Kellin Sep 2018
I wish that I could erase you from my memory so I don't have to be reminded of you

I wish I could tear my own skin off so I won't remember the way your skin felt on mine

I wish I could burn the places where we used to go so that I don't have to look at them

I wish I could stop this guilt that boils inside me so I can move on

I just wish you were gone...
******* ******* ******* ****...
Sep 2018 · 587
Love that blinds
Kellin Sep 2018
Eyes are blind,
You look with
the heart, the soul, the mind
Sep 2018 · 359
Binding illusions
Kellin Sep 2018
What will bind me
to my fate is the
illusion of another
Sep 2018 · 2.0k
The Graffti Soul
Kellin Sep 2018
Some memories are just graffiti to the soul
Father time's hands can try to scrub the artwork away but some
images will forever  be tattooed a woeful masterpiece
Sep 2018 · 482
Worthless apologies
Kellin Sep 2018
I am sorry to all my pass lovers, I am sorry I did not know how to love you. I am sorry that I could not find worth in your smile, that I could not find anything but lust in your body. I am sorry for all the lost, careless secrets you shared with me. I am sorry that your memories had to be wasted on me. I am sorry I could be so blind, so negligent with your love.
To my unknown lovers. It's been hell trying to get pass you....
Aug 2018 · 223
Dead pieces
Kellin Aug 2018
Do not get me wrong,
there is not a fiber in me
misses you.
What I miss are the parts of me that followed you out
Never been the same since you and it is both sad and unfair to know that side of me has died
Aug 2018 · 2.5k
Unsubsidize intimacy
Kellin Aug 2018
Growing up my parents were always selfish. They'd rather subsidize tasteful cars than their own child's education so they could prove worthy of societal thinking.
They'd rather finance love through glamorous things instead of investing in actual intimacy.

Maybe if loneliness wasn't my parental figure then this existential adult life wouldn't be spent in monotonous cognitive states
I am 22 and shouldn't have this much hate in my heart
Aug 2018 · 419
Chase the pain
Kellin Aug 2018
Chase the girl
who doesn't
care at all,
and hurt
the one
who does
Aug 2018 · 1.8k
Truth in hidden places?
Kellin Aug 2018
I've been chasing freedom
   like I'm running out of youth
Asking myself what makes me happy?
    I can't seem to find the truth
Is it crazy to put faith in make believe?
  I just want to drive far far away from
                   these places
Aug 2018 · 409
Unknown divine
Aug 2018 · 297
Careless lovers
Kellin Aug 2018
I was a fool
to give
my heart
to someone
Jul 2018 · 247
Envision future
Kellin Jul 2018
Jul 2018 · 856
My melancholy soul
Kellin Jul 2018
seeps in like a
phantom limb

desolation blinds and destroys

Wildfire inside
Jul 2018 · 446
The restored photo
Kellin Jul 2018
I'll be the one from
your past in the photograph that you ripped in half
Don't you worry though
because you'll be popular with all the girls when you tell them about me, they'll fall at your feet with half hearted sympathy, but you'll still be empty
And that platonic embarce will only leave you in tangled sheets because you're codependent and demanding and it'll cost her

And the worst part is history will repeat itself and someone will get me back and then I'll know what it's like for someone to leave me like that

But it has been good to hear you're doing fine, stable and over me
Funny how tables turns
And much as I want to hate you I only end up hating myself
And all that's left of us is the reason you're good to someone else
Jun 2018 · 5.9k
Earning wings in Fall
Kellin Jun 2018
You needed wings to make you fill whole
but leaves still fell from autumn trees
And your breath with death
still leaves scars and
as for me I lost everything
Jun 2018 · 16.6k
Unsatisfied desire
Kellin Jun 2018
I need something to fill this
So I will beg for your
And I will take to try and fill this empty
But still I am still greeted with empty hands
Jun 2018 · 440
Kellin Jun 2018
Become a
in my own skin
Jun 2018 · 1.9k
Parallel love
Kellin Jun 2018
I like to believe I've married all of my past lovers in some
parallel universe
I like to believe that somewhere somehow
our love isn't
May 2018 · 883
Memorizing moans
Kellin May 2018
I want to memorize every part of
The shape of your thighs
The nook of your back
The velvet of your lips
And the siliken moans you make when I put my lips there
May 2018 · 1.4k
Kellin May 2018
It takes 64 days to get over you
I stop counting on a cold inebriated night,
the dark forest hanging over my heart
and my footsteps echoing in the shirl silence of a wet hill.

It takes 64 nights to get over you,
64 blue evenings, 64 indigo skies without stars, 64 colorless dreams uneven sleeps, disjointed sleeps, and 64 dreams of forgetting.

I count 64 nights, three encounters with cold metal, two brisk walks in the pelting rain, and one soul standing two steps beside my own body, not yelling your name.
May 2018 · 357
Engraved touches
Kellin May 2018
When you kiss her
And realize passion does not
live inside her
You will roll over with a sigh and
remember me
You will trace your fingers over my favorite spots and
feel that my prints
Are engaved into you skin
Right there,
To remind you
No one
May 2018 · 326
Kellin May 2018
Circumstance will never understand What
May 2018 · 553
Old habits die hard
Kellin May 2018
I see myself falling back into
old ways,
But I no longer care
May 2018 · 541
Metal bedframe
Kellin May 2018
So I'll let you bruise your knees on her bedframe
The way I did last Friday night
And after subtle thoughts and unpublished words
Will I still reach for her hand,
But with apathetic eyes and ebony hair,
She grows distant
I recede
May 2018 · 360
The missing part
Kellin May 2018
I must admit I am more damaged
after you left, less whole.

There is a piece of me
you stole.
I look at pictures of me now and compare them before you hurt me and they just dont feel right. There is something missing in me now.
May 2018 · 337
Footprints of the soul
Kellin May 2018
I have let you make footprints
in this town,
And it's haunting when
you're gone
May 2018 · 388
Kellin May 2018
Soft fuzzy outlines of what used to be
May 2018 · 305
Lions prey
Kellin May 2018
Like a lion getting ready to  devour its last meal your eyes graze my skin like sand paper. Like we were some sick science experiment. Palms twitching, hungry eyes, sadist smile. A priviledge you said. Love did always make me stupid and alas, she still was under the delusion she loved you more. So with your yellow eyes and teeth just as so you raught your way into yielding flesh because no wasn't in your vocabulary. So how dare you think that you can fall asleep with that smirk as you extrude me from her so you can take and take what's wasn't yours. And now  it's not fair, I shouldn't have to beg for a love that wouldn't come for your sick benefit I shouldn't have begged at all but we all knew it was just lust. And ******* both for how I feel now, inferno under my skin when real love wants me, for this intense incertitude chaos that fills my brain when real love says no. But little does she know how much damage both of you caused. But it was my own fault right? I did to myself. At least that's what you had me believe.
May 2018 · 346
Crushed love
Kellin May 2018
I held this love in my
But never in my
And with one motion
I destroyed
Apr 2018 · 262
Potential ticks
Kellin Apr 2018
When forever wears a watch,
Even time can grow impatient,
With the ticks and tocks of what hope could potentially
Apr 2018 · 216
Task of living
Apr 2018 · 398
Homes in bones
Kellin Apr 2018
I make my
flesh and bones.
Apr 2018 · 567
Kellin Apr 2018
Loving you is easy,
And that makes
Apr 2018 · 417
Old scars
Kellin Apr 2018
I've always loved to test the limits,
 to push a bit to far.
Such as when I stare at old scars
pondering just how deep I could pry  them open, to see how far I can go before I slip into that abyss, to see how much it would take to fill this
Apr 2018 · 348
Forbidden pages
Kellin Apr 2018
These pages are the only
place where I am allowed
to love you,
Thus I write.
Apr 2018 · 277
Kellin Apr 2018
My eyes have become a resting place for all the memories I've watched us make, there is such irony in the constant replays
Though you are no longer here, I still see you
Mar 2018 · 316
Loved once
Kellin Mar 2018
I will no longer mourn the inches of me
that loved
Mar 2018 · 216
Ghost of our love
Kellin Mar 2018
I looked into that old antique shop that we once spent countless hours with trinkets and what nots
on that fall day, my heart sank in my chest for it was now just another place I could never go to again
because the ghost of our love haunts
Mar 2018 · 444
The Rotting Love
Kellin Mar 2018
Swollen eyes in 6am light
6 wine bottles sing an empty song
Thoughts I never confide

Yet, still you'll kiss the tips of my fingers
as I reach for the keys
because you know somewhere buried deep
You'll water this love at the roots
And I will rot the leaves
Mar 2018 · 299
What followed you
Kellin Mar 2018
It's not you that I miss
It's the lost memories,
Forgotten time,
Pieces of my heart,
That followed you
When I was left behind
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