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739 · Jun 2024
Humour In Jungle Politics
Àŧùl Jun 2024
Enter 2014, the jungle became a democracy,
And elections were held.
The lion won and became the king,
And the opposition were decimated.
A similar thing happened 5 years later,
And the hyenas all united beyond factions.

2024, the elections were held yet again,
The earlier king got lesser votes.
But the lion was chosen the king anyway,
Still, the hyenas behaved as if they won.
The prince of hyenas, 53 years of age,
Claimed a moral victory and they celebrated.

It's like the silver medalist celebrating,
And their minions are to blame.
We voted without thinking,
And they capitalised the game.
Everything they did to build the jungle,
Into a paradise went down the drain.
My HP Poem #1971
©Atul Kaushal
739 · Nov 2020
My Doll
Àŧùl Nov 2020
I was born a boy,
My deeds are straight,
And manly too.

However, I love a doll,
Her name is Mïŧālī,
And she is so chubby.

A daughter before marriage,
She is so cute and sweet,
Just like a forgotten childhood dream.

Pull her cheeks,
Cuddle her chin,
And kiss her lips.

I want to do it all,
Day in & day out,
Each & every day.
My HP Poem #1896
©Atul Kaushal
738 · Jan 2015
A Hope & A Promise
Àŧùl Jan 2015
Come out of the torment you are going through,
I will be waiting dear,
At the other invisible end of this dark tunnel only for you.

Come slap me with your results when they're out,
I am very confident that they will be fine
And I promise that I will only hug you in return.

Just please don't go so far away right now,
Take some time and don't come to conclusions.
In you, I saw my yesterday, in you I see my today, and only in you I will see my tomorrow.

Tomorrow will surely come,
You and me both know it,
It won't be too late and no damage done.

Just be calm,
Be generous,
Only shower your love on me.
For Kripi,
She's upset with me.

But actually,
She has just panicked in the shadow of exams like 2 years ago.

I understand it now even though she doesn't,
I got really upset when she said those words and abused her verbally for ditching me when I was in B'lore trying to sell our home there as I wanted to get settled here in the North and not in the South as B'lore is a difficult city and foremost reason, 'Kripi would be so far away from any society that she can easily communicate with as the language prominently spoken there is Kannada. Also, I didn't want her to feel too far away from her own home in Amritsar. While Karnal is only about 7 hours away from Amritsar via road/rail, Bengaluru is much more far away from Amritsar even by air.'

I am sorry Kripi, but now I understand your situation.

And have faith in yourself,
You will succeed in the worldly gauge of success for sure. But you have already succeeded in my eyes.

I won't hurry, you just patiently and dedicatedly appear for your exams.

Even then it's your wish whether you see a future with me or not.

My HP Poem #753
©Atul Kaushal
738 · Mar 2017
A Sinful Mistake
Àŧùl Mar 2017
I try to kindle a sweet pupa
As I bring it here to my room
And I keep it there on the floor.
Then I start to observe it regularly.
Soon one day it starts to stir up
So I try to help the moth inside
And I cut its pupa with a knife.

What came out was a beautiful butterfly!

But the butterfly would not fly,
Instead it started squirming there,
And it looked quite pitiful grounded.
The natural struggle had been absent.
It was a sinful mistake at that time,
My helping it break open its pupa,
It had not learned to struggle.

I watched it staying so grounded there!

I could not make it learn anything,
My helping it metamorphose was bad,
And it was actually criminally awful,
Now it will spend its life thinking,
And only thinking that it is normal,
Lying & squirming was its capability,
I hate myself for ruining the pupa.
I am so sorry for The Mystery.
I have realized what mistake I made.
It was totally wrong trying to manipulate.
I'll admit that I should've stayed away.
Now the girl might never realize it.

But she had a lot of scope to toil hard.
Toil hard to reach the pinnacle of success.
I'm sorry to have ever come close to you.

Please don't be like the disturbed pupa.
You can do a lot of hard work yourself.
Please don't hesitate to work hard in India.

Away from India you have to work harder.
And I have known more stories of people who broke down.
Please don't think that you must do the opposite of whatever I say.

I rest my case in hopes that you will not do your own damage in a bid to show me that I have always been wrong.

I wish that I could revert the time back to December 31st 2012 wee hours when the actual damage happened behind the veil of love.

It was untimely love for you and me.

I don't say anything like you were immature for love at that time but I just wanted to recount the things as they came out.

My HP Poem #1469
©Atul Kaushal
738 · Feb 2016
When You Turn Twenty Five
Àŧùl Feb 2016
And the old ways are not satisfactory enough,
You feel like wanting to marry a petite girl.
A beautiful girl she should be who gives you a feeling pleasurable,
You start dreaming of her imparting satisfaction immeasurable,
Imagine her digging nails into your back as deeper you seep.
Not away from marriage you keep your desires ever,
And the imagination takes the better of your youth,
The volcano accumulates lava & erupts blissfully.
My HP Poem #1022
©Atul Kaushal
737 · Jun 2017
What My Studies Taught Me
Àŧùl Jun 2017
My studies have shown me the value
Of the perseverance & dedication
Nice in life is really very high

Although you are upset with me now
My love is not so weak as you think
Our future I dreamed & planned
Under a beautiful sky we will live
Rob me of love even yourself can not

Kindly open the doors for me
Ring your door bell when I do
Indeed I'm a mad egoistic man
Past has that old night of love
I** miss your kiss on my lips...
I am that stubborn, hard-willed and persistent lover.

My HP Poem #1593
©Atul Kaushal
735 · Apr 2017
Àŧùl Apr 2017
If love is successful,
It can translate as life.
If love is unsuccessful,
It can be deadly too.

If love is successful,
One may play the leisurely fife.
If love is unsuccessful,
One may start their countdown.

If love is successful,
It can bless a person.
If love is unsuccessful,
It will **** the person.
My HP Poem #1511
©Atul Kaushal
735 · Mar 2014
It Is Love
Àŧùl Mar 2014
How intensely I love you,
You wouldn't ever know,
But you know it is true...

How truly I love you,
You'll always know it,
Just till we meet at all..

How actually I love you,
You can only then know,
When we will really meet.
My HP Poem #588
©Atul Kaushal
733 · Jul 2017
Àŧùl Jul 2017
I speak of a sore loner,
A loner who had a *****,
And only his hands for help.

He's so scared of teenage pregnancy,
He spent his years juicing his sausage,
As he often got bored of 'his monotony'.
My HP Poem #1640
©Atul Kaushal
732 · Jan 6
Àŧùl Jan 6
The hospitals,
They sold our disorder
To the pharmaceutical companies.

Places that ought to look after us,
They look at our purse,
For the drugs.
My HP Poem #2038
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2014
My heart beats calmly
-It just calls her name-
With each strong beat

My life just revolves
-She does not know it-
Only around herself

My concentration has
-Quite interestingly ya-
Improved drastically
My HP Poem #518
©Atul Kaushal
731 · Mar 2015
She Said
Àŧùl Mar 2015
"It's not for sale,
You can't buy my love."

Then I replied,
"But I can trade it for love."*

Gladly enough,
She agreed & gave in to my touch.
My HP Poem #795
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2015
From the first sunbeam of the morning,
To the last moment we are awake of the night,
I wanna love you.

From my back to my sides,
I want you to scratch me red,
And scratch me hard, harder.

I want you to pull me down the hardest,
Let's both drown in love together,
Someday in future if I do it, it'll be with you.

I wanna sunbathe with you in private,
With no inhibitions at all obstructing us,
And we let each other be the massage therapists.
My HP Poem #924
©Atul Kaushal
730 · Apr 2015
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Because here aboard Hello Poetry,
Most of us are in the same fleet.
This post is a tribute to all of you,
Because I'm genuinely pleased.
We are one family & many people care,
So understanding poets you all are best.
I am so grateful to my compoetriots...

I am so lucky to be here with you all,
There are no borders here & no divide,
Really close to Utopia if we want it to.
Because if it becomes perfect,
The place will never be unique.
Most of you are very genuine,
Because it stays so interesting...
My HP Poem #830
©Atul Kaushal
729 · Jul 2016
The Webster
Àŧùl Jul 2016
The one who knows all definitions,
Is the one Webster who wove it all,
But the Webster spun it so wicked.

Knew the Webster about negatives,
Allowed them to seep everywhere,
Provided not a one stop solution.

That is why people die of bullets,
They perish of many grievances,
Unable to bear the load they are.

No matter which the district,
Whatever may be the town,
Whichever be the parish.

Disciples and toppers,
Students and scholars,
They all come to perish.
My HP Poem #1094
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013
They have a wide choice
To pick any sharp-pointed
Tool to slice my neck with
Or to stick in my stomach.
But no!
I know that they won't be
Satisfied hurting me ******
And so they took to words
Or simple boycott they've.
...Their weapons...

Unluckily they were once my friends
And I had set afire the newest trends
Improvising & exploiting my ways,
Which they follow until these days.
And lo!
They forget me - they forgot me
They have forgotten my words
For I wasn't their teacher ever
Nor would they ever become
...Atul Kaushal Sharma...
My HP Poem #151
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2013
Oh my Creepy little fellow,
My bestest friend Creepy.

I remain alone here composing these poems,
In your dreams with closed eyes and the open eyes.

How could I not tell you that I've lost much in the time you're away,
You went away and so did the lucky charm you had brought my lonely way.

What else should I tell you about Creepy my friend, thinking so I frown,
In your absence much has been lost in my world that has turned upside down.

It's been long since I've read a poem of yours posted on Hello Poetry,
Everyone waits for you and I miss you the most my lovely young friend!

So tell me soon that you're free after your exams at least for some time,
I am done enough waiting and your absence is made felt even by the chime.
All is inspired by you in the end, in one way or another my Creepy Angel ;)
Your Expectant,
© Atul Kaushal
728 · Jun 2013
No Bluffing - Seriously!
Àŧùl Jun 2013
I am confident,
As you are my confidant.
Take this cue,
As you want to avoid the queue.
I am your dear,
As you seem like a sweet deer to me.
Take this beer,
As you will find me a wild bear jumping.
I am an imminent success,
As you will see my poems are all immanent.
I would be an eminent person for sure,
As you will see my persona develop and shine.
Written for you-know-who because it's you! ;-)
My HP Poem #273
©Atul Kaushal
727 · Jun 2017
Àŧùl Jun 2017
I* remember the ultimate terror,
Bunch of killer bees attacking me,
Assailed I was by a shifting pack,
Not a single cadet left behind,
Each of them stinging me royally,
Z**apping through to make death metal!
I am planning to get one Ibanez electric guitar.
My HP Poem #1571
©Atul Kaushal
726 · Nov 2013
My Letter To My Loved One
Àŧùl Nov 2013
There are many such poems composed by you which I admire and love.

I respect you as a gifted human being in my life.

You have a great identity for me and you really rock my life.

Thanks for being the way you've been around for all these days in my mind buddy and for all the quality time spent with each other.

I have found you on the phone and over the Internet anytime I was feeling really lonely.

I can only keep wondering what auspicious moment was it that you were written in my destiny and merely smile to answer it.

I know that you are wondering what makes me blabber such cute stuff about us, but you know that you should also try harder to get what you want from your career.

In the end, I reassure you that I am and I will be around for you forever and ever.
Not a poem actually, but it seems really worthwhile sharing this.

My HP Poem #463
©Atul Kaushal
725 · Oct 2016
A New Outlook
Àŧùl Oct 2016
Shouldn't we make all the politicians,
Famous or not first bear as prerequisite,
Bear the mandatory minimum sentences?

It'll be really revolutionary for the civility,
For it could be revolutionized - the polity,
Won't it narrow down the differences?
HP Poem #1176
©Atul Kaushal
725 · Jul 2013
How She Charms
Àŧùl Jul 2013
She praises me with all her pretty smiles;
The ones she passes & winks to me daily;
And even the ones she keeps to herself...

She criticizes me so genuinely & sweetly;
The harsher ones are sweet in her voice;
And she doesn't even have to try for it...

She breathes just soo-sweetly during calls;
The warmth of her exhalation can be felt;
And so I imagine it on a winter Sunday...

She talks so softly that even roses'll blush;
The words escape her lips so effortlessly;
And the way she tells the three words...

She complains so childishly which confuses;
The tone of her voice tells me she's the one;
And I plan who'll be cuter - her or the kids!
And I complement her feelings wholeheartedly.
My HP Poem #344
©Atul Kaushal
724 · Jan 2016
Childhood Memories
Àŧùl Jan 2016
I was a difficult kid,
One who wished till every bit,
Not going to the school.

I still am like that,
But just not that bit I called difficult,
Now I go to the college.
My HP Poem #981
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Feb 2016
For me,
You truly,
Care Sir,
My future,
You wished,
Only bright.

But alas,
It's not,
Thoroughly dark,
Sitting here.

And endeavours,
Not sufficient,
Doomed failure.

Priceless moments,
Indeed wasted,
Eastwards staring,
Caring not,
Efforts wasted,
So sorry.

Because I feel so cheated,
Unforgettable are the marks,
Truly loving makes you prone.

But yes Sire,
I'm only debilitated,
Totally not devastated,
Such pains I'm accustomed to.

Wishing an easier life,
Is not for me at all,
Losing myself,
Long I have been.

So hear in night's ears,
I will rise once again.
This one is for Professor GitacharYa VedaLa
I am so sorry, Sirji.

But I promise,
My potential is only debilitated,
I am not defeated.

I'll rise again.

With love and power of life immortal.

I am in bits and pieces,
But bits will shine.

My HP Poem #1035
©Atul Kaushal
722 · Dec 2016
What I Invested In Life
Àŧùl Dec 2016
I invested in love.
Then I kindled it,
With faithfulness.

I sowed the seed,
Then I watered it,
With so much care.

I am so well-versed with life,
Then I know a thing about it,
With patience, it only ripens.

I want it to grow,
Then I must care,
With high patience.

I planted the tree,
Then I must wait,
With selflessness.
HP Poem #1326
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Is that because you have not experienced it,
Or due to the reason that you hear only bad about it,
Rotting & offensive stench of death discourages you, yes it does.

You would call me a mad man if I said that I've tried dying once,
But yes, definitely I've tried it once by getting my bike,
My helmet-protected head collided onto road.

It was because of the mishap I passed into a long sleep from it,
Or you may prefer to use the more appropriate word for it- coma,
Testing my limits & my loved ones for their love that I turned poetic.

Personality changes occur after a great emotional or physical upheaval,
So did to me, definitely was less bent towards this art form,
My people think I'm not me but someone primeval.

You & anyone who claims the otherwise to be true can confuse it to be bad,
With extremest pain for the self & the family of the one who dies,
But it's not their only confusion & not their only fear.

What we fear isn't just death,
It's the addictions controlling you & me,
Addiction of family, vices & oxygen made me win!
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2013
Just feel free as you,
Ride me,
Let all inhibitions leave you tonight.

As you go to sleep,
With me,
Hope that you rest peacefully.

I'll make sure as you,
Join me,
*That you will rest in peace.
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
May 7 is but here
I've nothing to fear.
I won't fall again in the
Deadly clutches of death.
People have left me in pain
To make way for better ones.
My heart's wish to be with ones
Who love me is getting here now.
To completion in contentment it gets
Now and just few more years it will take.
In the year 2017 I will complete 7 full years
Of this life so complete and I'll talk to her dad.
Hopefully by then I'll make my career too decent
Making it easy enough for him to decide about us.
May 7, 2010 was the eventful day in my life which I can't ever forget.
I met with a deadly accident that day which changed my life.
No, I don't mourn that day, but I celebrate the victory of life.
Victory of my parents in saving me and the victory of my well wishers' wishes over my ill-wishers' wishes.
So I am just happy in completing 3 years of my second life.
And that's not all, those who know why they know why. ;)
My HP Poem #218
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2017
I had her as a dear friend.
I wanted her to be my life,
Wanted her to be my wife.
It did not work in the end,
I want to play a happy fife.
It failed no matter what I send,
I had my love, now not even a friend.
My HP Poem #1459
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2013
I woke up
In the Morning,
By the Mourning.

I quickly got outta mah bed,
Wore my slippers & darted,
Only to witness the dread,
My neighbor was going to be dead.

He had suffered an attack,
In the lawn while he was mowing,
He sat there on the mower at first moaning,
Little later nothing but lifeless he appeared taken aback.

Then I opened my eyes with a start,
Only to stare at the ceiling,
I went out & made sure,
It was my nightmare with closed eyes.

Nobody was dead in reality,
I looked into my eyes while brushing,
First I grinned at myself through the froth,
And I lightly hit my own head from the forth.

Then I was made to think about,
My own Dad as he has gotten old too,
He was bad only during time he had lost it,
He's my Dad & was my Nurse along with Mom.

I went to my parents' room & found them gone,
Morning had started and they had tasks for their own,
My dad was mowing our lawn winked and smiled at me,
This was just one of the nightmares I saw with my open eyes,
Nursing was when I was at my worst health condition, 42% disabled I still continue to recover.
© Atul Kaushal
717 · Jun 2013
The Cool Summer Evening
Àŧùl Jun 2013
I'm sitting outside my home in NDRI campus.
It is a place full of trees & plants and insects.
It is full of life and the natural ambience.
I sit on the bridge I hear many sounds.
The crickets are droning continually.
Are they celebrating the victory too?
The Indian national cricket team won.
They defeated the Englishmen in finals.
This tournament victory reminds of '83.
Kapil Dev led the men to victory that time.
It was really inspiring for the present team.
Interestingly, that event was also in England!
But this piece of poetry is just for entertainment and does in no way endorse the game of cricket.
It also doesn't fail to convey my pleasure over this win over once the occupiers of my nation.
My HP Poem #329
©Atul Kaushal
716 · Feb 2014
Catty & Doggy
Àŧùl Feb 2014
She mews oftentimes & I call her Catty,
At these times she is in a romantic mood,
I respond by a howl so she calls me Doggy.

Cats & dogs are enemies more than often,
But we gel well together loving each other,
Just straining bitterness away with our love..

I got her gifts and I never want to lose her,
Neither to confusions or misunderstandings,
Nor to the biggest power there exists of time...
My HP Poem #555
©Atul Kaushal
715 · Nov 2015
Hope (2º Acrostic)
Àŧùl Nov 2015
In a rejuvenated hope I remind.

A** wise collection of words,
My memory shares with you.

Some days are really bad,
Others are even worse,
Reign they who have the reins,
Reins to their own life,
Yet in synch with love.

Kindness may soar high,
Routing away is no solution,
If you let patience prevail,
Problems will be solved,
In fact, you lose nothing.
I am your Drona forever.
All I ask is patience, dear.
Our perseverance will pay us brightly.
My HP Poem #920
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
She comes to my active memory.

She smiles looking at me.

She hugs me.
My HP Poem #416
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013
Never ever You would know,
This sapling that we grow,
Becomes much bigger,
Even more clearer,
It would carry our dreams.

Up with itself,
Into the sky,
With one,
Or two more creepers.

I could never ever,
Tell You how,
You make,
My own,
Heart skip beats.
My HP Poem #179
© Atul Kaushal
713 · Mar 2021
The 7-Star Crown
Àŧùl Mar 2021
[March 9 2021, 23:04] Atul Kaushal:
[March 9 2021, 23:50] Chrystel Venema: I just read the whole saga and it left me speechless.. Just wow, really deep and well-written🙏

Thanks to readers like Chrystel Venema, I have found a reason to respect myself.
I really respect myself for writing
“The ‘Angel?’ Saga”
Àŧùl Mar 2013
I could buy you a Phantom,
I could buy you a Kohinoor,
I could buy you a Penthouse,
But I could never truly buy your heart,
To your pleasure & my **satisfaction...
© Atul Kaushal
712 · May 2015
Àŧùl May 2015
These are not just poems that I write for you,
But I lay down pieces of my heart in a jigsaw that you will complete.
These are not just words that I say daily to you,
But these are peacock feathers out of my wings of love complete.
These are not just feelings that I possess about you,
But these are delicate flowers of true love needing care complete.
My HP Poem #864
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Feb 2017
When Trumpet can be all powerful President of the United States,
Then Viola can be the future Queen of the United Kingdom, and,
Surely a Drums Master can better be the Prime Minister of India.
My HP Poem #1404
©Atul Kaushal
712 · Nov 2015
My Daddy (2º Acrostic)
Àŧùl Nov 2015
All fallen angels did transform,
Newly formed was that fetus,
It is known as My Father finally,
Rude He is not the slightest bit,
Uplifting my spirits he often is,
Dabbed my rugged body he did,
Doing I now am the least I can,
He to His Son has been Godly,
A**nd I want Him to guide my kids too.
My father's name is Aniruddha Kumar Sharma and he's the best!

My HP Poem #914
©Atul Kaushal
711 · Nov 2017
I Shall Still Love You
Àŧùl Nov 2017
I shall always love you.

Even after our marriage,
Equally I shall still love you.

Let only me be your incubus,
Control your dreams,
And I shall still love you.

Even after our childbirth,
Equally I shall still love you.

I shall still love you.

I am not a fictional God,
I shall still always love you.

Let only yourself be my succubus,
Whatever the face be,
I shall still only love you.

Even I should know it,
That you will always love me.

You will always love me.
My HP Poem #1681
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
This is a thought for all the days,
Ponder upon it as the sun stays,
Even if a group of clouds plays...

Darker even than the darkest night,
Thin is the strand holding us tight,
Lighter even than the air so light..

Think of me when you're bothered,
Guess what I must've suggested,
Even as you struggle & get tired.

Think about these golden words,
Those we share & those we don't,
Saying all is something we won't..

Staying happy now in our misery,
When it is to love we're no miserly,
The love potion flows ceaselessly...
My HP Poem #421
©Atul Kaushal
710 · Sep 2016
Do Not
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Do not be too much trusting,
For loyalty comes from within,
A woman cheated her father,
But her father was not at fault,
And now she apes, not her father,
She learnt nothing from him,
But from the woman instead.
My HP Poem #1121
©Atul Kaushal
709 · May 2017
Not Written In My Destiny
Àŧùl May 2017
An old hag, I tell ya,
She read my palm,
And revealed it.

That only momentary pleasures,
Were written in my destiny,
Of varying measures.

I agree to some extent,
Only torment is permanent,
As pleasures are just temporary.

Lost within myself they often get,
Like a delightful chocolate bar,
Akin to one from a beer bar.

Dissatisfied with every happiness,
Half filled with unspilled tears,
The other half of lost years.
My HP Poem #1545
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2021
Midriff burning sensation,
Exactly as if it will explode,
Nocturnal timings help,
Stark daylight is undesirable,
Troublesome five days,
Ripe burning inside the temple of life,
Under the wicked sky,
Awry is the cup for collection,
Lopsided is its construction.

Cusping the proof of life,
Unfailing burning sensation,
Pouting by the end of a month.
Phlegethon is a stream of fire or fiery light.
My HP Poem #1940
©Atul Kaushal
706 · Apr 2016
What Good Is The Fame?
Àŧùl Apr 2016
Epitomized fame, didn't she,
Atomized the blame, didn't she,
On herself, she put all the blame.
Did not knot it loose, she didn't,
Did never feel satisfied, she didn't,
Fed up with life, she ended her game.
Such was a lover who ended her life.
An Indian TV actress named Pratyusha Banerjee ended her life after hanging herself in her house from the ceiling.
She acted in the blockbuster Indian television series called Balika Vadhu  for which she also invited many accolades.

The actress's boyfriend is now being blamed because he & his ex-GF instigated the actress to a suicide.

This poem is a tribute to the departed soul.

My HP Poem #1047
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
As I'm brought up by a working couple,
I have seen their mutual disagreement,
Not just in few but in many facets of life.

As I'm only facing loneliness since birth,
I have hated my lonely life as the only kid,
Not just in loneliness but also in a crowd.

As I'm treading on the path of life alone,
I have sought your constant company,
Not just in my dark but also in brightness.

As I'm experiencing your distant friendship,
I have this rare privilege of being inspired,
Not just in my poetry but also in my smiles.

As I'm going along you on this rugged path,
I have already started to realize your worth,
Not just make me feel blessed but also lucky.

As I'm looking out on the path of my life,
I have few reasons to be bothered about,
Not just about my health but also feelings.

As I'm receiving all the goods of happiness,
I have learnt a new lesson of love from you,
Not just about romance but also about care.
My HP Poem #426
©Atul Kaushal
706 · Aug 2016
'Coz I Know
Àŧùl Aug 2016
You will end up with someone disappointed in you,
Your moments of happiness will end up in blue.

Ditching me you are not going to be happy ever,
If I weep off my nights alone then you won't be happy either.
My HP Poem #1107
©Atul Kaushal
706 · Jan 2015
Àŧùl Jan 2015
I am 24 years old,
Call myself experienced,
But so novice at loving.

And now I hold no wish at loving.
My HP Poem #742
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2019
My original Hindi song from the summer of 2008.
My ancient memory is flawless, however, my short-term memory is such a waste after the life-threatening road accident that happened on May 7, 2010...

GIRTA HOON, [Lest I fall,]
SAMBHALO MUJHE. [Take care of me (now).]
ROTA HOON, [If I cry,]
HANSADO MUJHE. [Make me laugh (now).]
(TUMHAARA HOON, [I'm yours,]
TUMHAARA HI TO HOON MAIN… [Only yours I am...]) x 2

(PAAGAL HOON... [I'm mad...]
GIRTA HOON BAAR-BAAR. [I fall again & again.]
DEEWAANA HOON... [I'm crazy...]
MACHALTA HOON BAAR-BAAR… [I get naughty again & again.]) x 2
TUMHINE TO MUJHKO SAMBHAALA HAR BAAR! [Only you have handled me every time!]
(TUMHAARA HOON, [I'm yours,]
TUMHAARA HI TO HOON MAIN… [Only yours I am...]) x 2

(YE ZINDAGI... [This life...]
BOJH THI MUJHPE YAAR… [It was a burden on me...]
TUM AAYI **... [You have come...]
NA JAANA MERE YAAR… [Now don't go (away) ever...]) x 2
JO TUM NA RAHI TO RAHUNGA KYA MAIN? [If you won't be here then how shall I survive?]
(TUMHAARA HOON, [I'm yours,]
TUMHAARA HI TO HOON MAIN… [Only yours I am...) x 2

GIRTA HOON, [Lest I fall,]
SAMBHALO MUJHE. [Take care  of me (now).]
ROTA HOON, [If I cry,]
HANSADO MUJHE. [Make me laugh (now).]
(TUMHAARA HOON, [I'm yours,]
TUMHAARA HI TO HOON MAIN… [Only yours I am...]) x 2
My HP Poem #1817
©Atul Kaushal
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