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May 2020 · 1.0k
In bloom
Sara May 2020
When a flower begins to grow,
do you hear it cry?
Does it fret about the water supply,
or the illogical odds of snow?
In spring does it wish for the summer,
or that rather it grew by the lake?
No- it blooms without worry, with grace,
and this is Man’s biggest mistake.
when we slow down, and reconnect with ourselves, we realise our inner capability and potential. Stress negates abundance, don’t sleep on your true self x
Apr 2020 · 700
1 Corinthians 13
Sara Apr 2020
Love is patient, love is kind
love is pain, just in disguise.
Apr 2020 · 381
smoke and mirrors
Sara Apr 2020
It’s all smoke and mirrors
one-liner head spinners
it’s a good job I’m a thinker
so I could think better
than to waste my days
on a half-baked, head-**** love.
It could never be quite the same
as what I had in mind; just trust
that if you won’t pick me,
then I won't pick us
Don’t want to settle for less
Apr 2020 · 257
Rainy afternoons
Sara Apr 2020
She was staring out the window
On a rainy afternoon
She liked jazz
but he always played blues

Tune after tune

So it was blues she listened to
With mock appreciation
for the records in the room

A lazy lovers weekend
with books and plants and puff

She smiles every so often
But she knows she’s had enough
Mar 2020 · 371
lost and found
Sara Mar 2020
I’ve been on this earth
at least once before;
so I just spend my time searching
for the keys to my own soul.
Sara Mar 2020
Energy is so unique
it speaks
straight to the soul and
wraps like ribbons round the bones.

Soft like smoke to touch,
but hot like smoke in the lungs.
You don't need to say too much,
unspoken words say enough.

It's not simply mystical
Einstein said it's empirical
since everything's vibrational;
why do we seal our lips and
claim love is unascertainable?

imagine how much love we let pass us by because we don't speak out
Mar 2020 · 367
Sara Mar 2020
since lies are sweet
and the truth is bitter
i'm not surprised
i liked you better
Feb 2020 · 188
Stay busy
Sara Feb 2020
Thoughts wash over the mind
like torrential, self-inflicted rain.
But I'm hooked on stormy seas
and allergic to plain sailing,
- drunk on self-stimulated danger.
Like a **** show on the TV
you can turn it off when you please,
but the white noise occupies your mind,
so you turn it up and press repeat.
solving the problem that never was
Dec 2019 · 285
Let every day be new
Sara Dec 2019
She makes mountains out of molehills,
being soft like mud yet hard as nails.

A crumb sits on the table top,
whilst coffee drips just like rain drops-
forget me not, guess I forgot -
He really made me laugh a lot
and cry and sing and shake and scream
it could have been the death of me.

From eye to page, from page to pen
with love stretched out from end to end
I wave goodbye to life back then
like needle breaking free from thread
Realising: As long as you make sense to you, you're good
Nov 2019 · 470
let light live
Sara Nov 2019
She wanted to know who you were
but hid who she was.
There was
no sense
to be made of it
or why there was any shame in it;
ships that pass and turn off their lights
will travel in darkness, alone at night.
be open, be you
Nov 2019 · 10.9k
step into yourself
Sara Nov 2019
there's a world inside your mind
and it wants you to find
a place for others,
without changing
the bookshelves
the music
or the way that you walk through the door.
It might be the means of replacing
the fear which stops you from living
and giving
and laughing
as yourself.
don't be afraid to open up
Oct 2019 · 573
Sara Oct 2019
a volatile, drunken live wire
exhaling smoke, and spitting out fire
they tell her softer, sweetly be;
reminders only ignite grief
a mind of its own
a mind of her own
a room with a view
but it's nothing like home

reactive, electric
she burns as she breaks,
she hits without thinking
but makes no mistake;
she begs for forgiveness
it's all just the same.
for, she holds on too tightly
to the bars on her cage
make sure you're not standing in your own way
May 2019 · 357
Sara May 2019
You can try to water dying flowers,
and they’ll keep upright, alive for a week.
Convince yourself the fresh scent will come back.
Has rotten ever smelled so sweet?
move on and refreshh
Apr 2019 · 1.4k
Let it bleed
Sara Apr 2019
My heart broke and it bled over a few people,
but I couldn't stay to clean up the mess I'd made.
So, we bathed
in blood
in porcelain tubs
and laughed and lied,
and it was enough.

My heart broke and it bled over a few people,
but I couldn't stay to clean up the mess I'd made.
So, we bathed
in blood
in porcelain tubs
and laughed and lied,
and for a while it was love.
Everyone is messy sometimes and it's kind of alright
Apr 2019 · 1.1k
Guilty echoes
Sara Apr 2019
My footsteps are too loud,
they shout.
Maybe I should keep my voice down;
head, down.
Yet, frown
kept up
the right way round.

No wonder I feel upside-down.
we all learning.

P.s. didn’t realise that some people I know actually read this so shout out if that’s you x
Mar 2019 · 802
Sara Mar 2019
My tongue moves
as metaphors
washing up against sandy shores
to gently break and build
the beach
to how it stood
just years before.
Jan 2019 · 2.7k
bit of a u-turn
Sara Jan 2019
I'm writing less
but posting more,
confusing what's
sure and unsure.
I'm missing windows
and shutting doors;
in vain, for all that's been before.
f o r w a r d
Jan 2019 · 2.5k
love polygon
Sara Jan 2019
I don't write about your friend.
I think he makes me think too much,
and with less room for feeling
my heart and his can never touch.

The distance grows between us,
although our minds collide;
he always makes me laugh
but he can never make me rhyme.
why is the dictionary def for polygon a def of my luv life:
Polygon: plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.

I’m just laughing to mask the chaos x
Jan 2019 · 676
Sara Jan 2019
loving me was eating glass
and living for the aftertaste

your favourite track played twice as fast
as if there was no time to waste

you got there first
i got there late

so now it's twice as complicat-ed .
feel like its unfinished but i guess that's unfinished business for you

why am i so dramatic lol help
Sara Dec 2018
I’ve never heard this song before
as flowers come out of the floorboards;
I forget what my heart had ever been sore for.
life is as light as you let it be- a difficult pill to swallow sometimes
Dec 2018 · 7.5k
God save the Queen
Sara Dec 2018
I think the world is ending
and I really wish I didn’t.
There’s a rat under the floorboards
and a knife inside the kitchen,
and in the alley by the bins
a man there ******.

The streets all smell of *****,
and ******* indecision
has us riddled
in the middle
of our end and our beginning.

In the town a politician
with a jet black tongue
licks the seal on our decisions
without every truly listening
to anyone.
well done, Britain x
Dec 2018 · 1.5k
baby steps
Sara Dec 2018
you don’t owe anybody
            other than
Dec 2018 · 2.4k
stand up
Sara Dec 2018
keep me wrong to make me right,
hold me down and make me strong,
pull me in just to stand me up,
I've been your canvas all along
Do I look like a doormat?

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