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my soughing mind                                                        
turn­s life toilsome
summer's charms                become an endurance
anti haiku
neth jones Jun 2021
full jaundiced moon
an icon out of focus
night heat of urban smog
cannot be blinked away
distant events appear smeared
neth jones May 29
clouds roiling   blood blue
a day of mouths feeding mouths
i feel subpoenaed

furrows   being turned in the earth
mouths feeding mouths
my thoughts   stimulated

birds and their young
mouths feed mouths
3 x haiku style poems
born of one and then splintered for mood
neth jones Mar 15
step to the threshold
love is pulled away with the door
       into the ice night
replaced with mewling horror
exposure   invites my death
..tanka style

Original Version -

     into the night
and love is pulled away with the door
       with a mewling wall of horror
step out and meet winter
  exposure    invites my death
                                with a snarl
neth jones Mar 3
scupper the dawn
   with curtains   redrawn
a self made mourning
anti haiku
neth jones Apr 2022
drown in the dark
            cleansed of all vital signs  ; great relief
cold fish dreamed a thrill
        drowning in the great salivation
           a deoxygenated chill of perish
vote free the sponge of your formation
give to the new life that can fend
                                           fed off of your spoil
a greater survivor in this stern habitat
                can carry on your energy and wealth
neth jones Oct 2021
mist forgives the city scene
                          of so much
it permits us a slower pace

over the hospital chimneys
a preditor *****
until it catches the heat exhaust and rises
in a tight spiral
15/10/21 lunch break in the fire escape on C7 South
neth jones Apr 2021
no doubt
             out of focus
better off would be
                   terminally unspecific
am labelled
neth jones Jan 2021
wandering life
      self plunders
     an exploration clap
the heavens wane from a fever
        thank heavens ;
           it is all a trap
neth jones Mar 2023
muddied skies muffle
clarity that was winter
season blots
winter - February - 2023
neth jones Jun 2022
knee high sea of grass
tussled like groomed fur
  spry winds lashing
distribution of lifted seeds
life in correspondence
Tanka style
early June 2022
neth jones Apr 6
daycare drop off
he sees me cross a sunbeam on the way out
rushes up to stop me
and gets me to crouch so he can give me a 'sunbeam hug’ (his words)
neth jones Apr 6
belly growling
go    c a n n i b a l i s t i c
on   victims     of   my   appetite
people flee me with their tidy routine
t r a u m a t i c a l l y    busted up
meat flowers    devoured
my glutton grows
rictameter style
evening summer   overlooking the lake
                                from behind the fly screens
a lit stove   has yet to widen its warmth

my father-in-law strums his guitar
my three-year-old snuggles
pinching the notes  into his mothers hair braid
observation from our time
in the cabin by Gull Lake
neth jones May 2022
out of its' tree
a squirrel in the rain
runs low                      
                  just like a rat
cuts across the concrete
manic for something
out of its tree
neth jones Aug 2021
upon urinating                
                          in a lampless alleyway
my body cools                
       and i note
                                             the night summer wind
a pleasure
i recall the senses                
              of summers previous
Rough date of event - end of July
neth jones Mar 2021
respiring corridors
   interior hospital night

                         ­         the winter
away facing
                       patient pacing

    in palliative care
for the age-ed out expiring
     iterations of ejecting death
       darkly dressed haggy wet breaths
        beds engaged
          berths of great ferment

corridor ; raked in
corridor ; ridden out squalling

a patient who has yet to reach
   the concluding condition of his fellows
   'Shut The **** Up'
mad for sleep
he's lost compassion

The corridor labours on
neth jones Jun 2022
Return to infancy;

Before true perception and intelligence
            Were explained away,
Before the mind joined the infantry,
Before we learned to be rationally afraid
                                           Of everything.
brevity homework 4
1.  Is there no way out of the mind? ~ Sylvia Plath
neth jones Sep 2021
the air is cooler      
      less kenetic and soupy              
           less aggressive with the mammal scent
safer (it seems) clean

        the skin retracts a little
                     less welcoming to dirt contact
                           my feet shift cooly in my sandals

the world awaits
             new temperament
neth jones Jun 2021
I enter a voiceless Forrest
           as after ******

it awaits a wind
                     to disturb
its brooks
          to run full babble
and the creatures
                 to muster bravery
and reveal themselves

Caught unawares
I feel I may have embarrassed it
I shall return later for my walk
neth jones Jun 2022
every cloud i've ever seen
has demonstrated God to me

                          there is no aspect of nature
                          that hasn't handed God over
                                        to my custody

[negative version / includes extra verse]

No cloud has ever
Demonstrated God to me.

                          No aspect of nature
                          Has handed God over
                                        To my Custody.

    (yet still I pray)

No father figured
In lord all recreation.
It seems but a rambling animation
Even under scrutiny

     (yet still I pray)
2.  I talk to God but the sky is empty. ~Sylvia Plath
neth jones Sep 2023
cold breeze
the ticking heat off a parked car
has summer resigned ?
summer 23
haiku style
neth jones Jan 18
winter warfare
torments our dwellings brickwork
night of casualties
aggressive plague on my dreams
wakes me  to be visited
tanka style
neth jones Dec 2021
a semi seasonal species
we are subject —
— but many play out the Winter
with long work hours
and pricy imported foods
neth jones Nov 2021
our species is long ploughed over
whittling wind and byproduct mass
war wounds on the landscape proved fertile
other parts
we made long term barren

high above our remains
a creature that calls the homing pigeon its ancestor
and an ancient self maintained drone
continue a long standing feud
neth jones Feb 22
stuffed with importance
my five year old is trailed home
                              by the full moon
haiku style version
neth jones Jan 21
rage of snow outside
against it   i finish sealing
    windows and doors
my self segregation
    from which    a depression forms
tanka style

notes :

 windows and doors
form a segregation
  depression builds
a rage of snow outside
i finished doing the weather stripping

dry heat headaches and orange peel scented caulking
neth jones Feb 27
a twisted stomach
chemical nervousness
this city heave     dawning
anti haiki
neth jones Feb 22
. clean giddy winter day
  my five year old ;
“The moon’s following me !”
  ally with the world surround
  when did i unlearn this bond ?
tanka style version

notes :

'the moon's following me'
my five year olds delight
a clear winter day
an only child  stalked by the moon
the importance he feels
neth jones Mar 3
weather breaks the clouds            
    a day of mouths  eating mouths
cold churning nature      
lording weight over my mood ;    
the role of a child   subdued
tanka style
neth jones Aug 2020
the summers tail end
construction dust by floodlight
in the nights costume
the urban influence crowds
my already harried brain
neth jones Mar 2019
I awake ; decanted
I inhabit an orphan creature now
did my parents just die ?
or is this just some feeling
brought over from
my brother world of slumber
I sit up
scratch itches
and tend to my waking head
neth jones Dec 2018
When I smile
free of influence
we are children together
When I am giddy and smiley
minded by
and under the cover of a drug
your discomfort
is apparent
I despise your eyes and your company

Life liquid
I part from you violently
and seek hastle in other venues
I smile now
with malice
which I illuminate
lighting up a cigarette
in the care of cupped hands
neth jones Nov 2018
I expand my view
through pinhole

Creature extends
and carries intension

Carrion makes contact
and speaks a creative

and Mut gives aid to another

Feind conducts its business and makes its bed
adults it's day and doings
toward the better

The Beast minds the gap

It notes its own breathing

Human operates into ease
neth jones Apr 2020
afford life

one out
        one in ;
                life has afforded you
neth jones Jul 2020
rude verbal attack

                 heaves from me

can't unmake the bout

become unmanageable

deconstruct our good union
neth jones Nov 2015
Soften the membrane
of Creative Thought
not the memory taught
Let the Seive of Osmosis
relax into action
not the pounding thought
but the Natural Draw and Release
Ease into Ideas
and construct a Tidy Bed
a Cleared Desk of Concentration
an Operation of My Dreams
as a Part Within
The Worlds Form
Rightful in place
and Marked Out
then Mailed Out
When Ready
Make me A Use
that I may
In Simple

© Jon Thenes 2015
neth jones Apr 2020
i reached an age
of accumulation
my peddle          dipping in the spill
flipping over mouthy fishes of notion

peals of slaughter
palter in my gullety mind
a wet draft
accumulation     not storage
a wounding
working toward a mend

appeals of laughter
               life ideals
and witty tongues
        of my lone made mortuary
it is a sorrow in here

if i don't ground this    amalgamation
                                     of thrift after thrift
i shall isolate

if i can manage simplicity
    toward wisdom
                         i could be staff
                         i could be use
                         i could even become to care
neth jones Nov 2015
... and there's a smile on my face
riddled with disgust
and smothered in mace
If I could I would grin
but my teeth are puzzle-chipped
and my lips won't cave in
and my eye stalks are being pulled at ;
I've bin' drinkin' Acid Gin

Now you ...

There's mocking in your voice
You're talking down at me
(I couldn't ignore you more)
I wish we had a choice
We continue
We're both in animal pain
I wish we'd shut up
I wish it would Rain

"Wanna hang 'round this old ruin
and hold hands
and pass blank looks to and fro
and lie on our backs
and think of such to say
and throw sticks at the stars
and blow our minds on cheap tricks and alcohol ?"

"There's nothing left to last
nothing left to lose
So let's burn down this house
and throw away your shoes
Let's climb all the trees
and live in their clutches
then tear down their branches
and cut off the bark
and destroy all their chances
Then we'll move from there
back to civilisation
to the Hotel Of Despair
where we'll stare down the walls
and work on repair. "

Previously published [Show Thieves 2010 : An Anthology Of Contemporary Montreal Poetry - 8TH HOUSE PUBLISHING]
neth jones Nov 2021
is it love
or the parasite ?

my pilot bulk                      
aims for relief
       it pursues this via                  
          your romantic correction

in public arena                  
a library stair                    
(i never prior encountered you)

one step as foreigner        
the approach
and upon a swift internal pendulum
i make witless incisions
hurried mended sentences
directed stuns
i demand the compromise
                  of your company
hastily push at boundaries and
you're not so accommodating

on a further occasion
same building
we exchange a battering of conversation
           into barter-like use of language

despite my harassments
  a civil cultivation is unearthed
tongue within this intelligence effort i lessen
loosen my demanding appearance
disregard my dignity
     a skin suit about the ankles

you're open in a vein of similarity
   you flesh out your own controls
we've progressed quickly
there's an aped conduct
                 and flashing attitudes
this time we share table space
a nearby café

we have become quite unmanned
    repeated meet ups
upon humours we adjust small habits
    and shake on perceptions where we overlap
it becomes
   more an overlay of rationalities
        than resented promises

fast time passes and

i move into your living space                                  
i pick a wildflower                                                    
               and put it in the tiny vase on your dining table
we agree on its colour                                              
we agree on a book to make our bible material
we agree on the pitch of the tinnitus we share
the clothes i am to wear
i switch to your diet
and you cease taking medications
we sleep on your lawn like children
and bring down the night sky for comfort

during the day we wear our sleep
              like a lubrication for our chores
and go about our productivity
              in genuine partnership
i feel we're just out of reach
            of some dark harm

we are an excellent sample pair
it is all vital
we grow stronger the more we quiz it
recycling our *******
refine our agreements
await further impulses
and come closer to plug

do we please love
      or simply indulge a parasite ?
neth jones Jul 2020
the heat
observation :

the hummingbirds in flight
are small
like darting beetles

the beetles in flight
are large
like slow whapping hummingbirds

i am pulled
by my mulling
and a dose
of applauded nature :

it wasn't that long ago that the dragonfly
had the wingspan of an Andean Condor
and the menace of a military drone

it wasn't that long ago that a common houseplant
could provide refuge
for The Swiss Family Robinson

in the future
when the blue whale
and other sea monstrosities
are extinguished
could a wolf or polar bear
happily adorn
a fashionable businessman's breast pocket ?

in slumber nonsense
summer eve
and the heat
i am a microbe and a behemoth

a comfort experience
neth jones Apr 6
all my past
      imposes on my breath today

i enter a grand mosaic public building
        and on goes my medical face mask
i join the back of the queue with my documents in one hand
            and my numbered butcher ticket
                          in the other
i admire the mosaics
               a jarring tide of art against the bureaucratic purpose
                     of these rooms
gauzed in with own product exhaust
       all my past  is attending    
  patted  into my breath
    baiting remembrance with unsubtle notes
for example :
   integrated spittings of 'drum' tobacco (i quit a decade ago)
horning catches of cologne every boy used as a teen
seasonal scents  unweaned from deep in my system
(some reigned in from the different countries
                                                    i lived in or visited)
then i am frisked back to infancy   with breast milk and rusks
it's all there    a basking flippancy
all there in musk about my face
  one fragrance after another

it's an honest relief
     to host an alternative to my 'old man' breath
           but odd and concerning
something of the brain ?
date of original version : 07/11/22
neth jones Jun 2022
Man enters the tavern                            
Claps down some cash and outbursts ;
                                                       'Thirsty Things Firstly !'
The barman evaluates his condition      
And provides a session brew

Man tilts toward potential company
(a ferrety bloke in the shadows)
"Pull up that stack of milk crates        
                 And halve a heart with me"
(he earns a quick friend                      
                         in a tolerant stranger)

Soon fellow gaspers fill out the gloom
And an eve of humour descends
Though soon upending
Gourds downed the gullet
Sunk ugly into the scene
The tippling wit drags the night
              to the Slurry Pit

things turn Psychologically Rugged
his Mates soon round on him
bulldozing at the Elbows
saying he's a Cheapskate
they Berate him with rigorous Rattleprat
he's been goated with the Cain's mark
they tousle his crown malicious
Thorough in his cups and eaves
he mumbles and leaves
heaving up bile words

outside is dark and harsh
Outside the whole wild world does wail and weary
he sings to match its melancholy
but sadness lifts with his altered view
he sees 'a flock of moons' weigh down the sky
and natures churn                                    
                     makes a phosphorescent stew of it all
... decay                        
                 to lifes' celebration
'to see a flock of moons' is an old saying meaning drunk


decay to life (first part)

the scentless winter over
snow melts            
evacuates into the ground                        
                   under Spings attention

Springs arrival elevates mood
alleviates the heart halved by Winter

our strained eyes are relieved
                                  with the dismissal
of reflective snows

'thirsty things firstly' ;
from the groundswell and sponge
the air is steeped with earth ;
decay to life
neth jones Jun 2019
new Mother
lies birth sore
and always close to a bathroom

Little Lamb
screams it’s new song raw
reading loss through its tender sacking

Faithless Lover is already next door
receiving well wishes
and plundering attention
neth jones Jun 2023
afterparty mingle in a single bedroom vault wincing ceiling slopes so low condemning matter dance to fumbles and more penetrating life forces gum-***** into stressed room couple and squirm over into the crawl space hazardous music and metallic humour is pushing risks and insult no being is out of place pouting the smoke and store brand alcohol routing and deafening and defeating too much the gagster comes thundering down the corridor like he was wrought for applause he addresses those outside the room and it's wagging dogs and a face of cartoony ballooning pep it's hard to handle the wash of wording an assault of enthusiasm jester baits laughter with an old polaroid camera slamming open the door all tension his way he presses the button and projects them all against the walls 'Flash ****** ! ' he squells throws aside the camera 'People Pile!' he thumps into the crowd bed begging a play fight baroque girl hugging her knees crammed under the small sink to the side of the door reaches out a nervy hand and takes the discarded camera watches the ******* photo paper fade in slow retch her own pose lone excluded soul separate and saved she leaves with souvenir

you come thundering in
like you were made for applause
when you speak it's just 'wagging dogs'
your face is a cartoon of ballooning pep
i can't handle the wash of this conversation
an assault of enthusiasm
neth jones Jan 2019
All this having spanned
since a borning
is the activity of Sleeper Agent

This Agent has grown Impy
of this lively drumming of clingings

It is recognised and marked as ;
an entertainment
an irreverent viewing

A clearer work must commence
an underlying detached being

Operations within the drama life
are now operations in a training ground

All these efforts are toward Project Awake
and projected life is now secondary
though useful.
neth jones Mar 2019
You're a floated Liver of sins, my friend
When you disrobe in-front of the mirror-unmarred
You find yourself bloated and ill hued
The excess soil in your cuss
has stoppered
What you’ve amassed in free wanting
has driven you into a clot
Your consumption has padded you to reach a total
and all you can do is amount upon the scale of mammal judgement
and feast upon your grave
Look to your pillow and it’s embroideries !
Can you make out the words ?
‘A pleasured out beast of glut and ego
Unwealthy and devoid’
Return to sender
neth jones Mar 2022
gods out of the night                                            
out of the nights unnavigable light
luding rosy from the underworld
how you push through my faces
           the posings
  hooking behind the dense furs
     poaching out the peppish reasoning   
            dissolving its obstructive code

you rap me faint between the eyes
     every failure drapes away
           in chronicle and uttered hurt
     all so familiar                                            
            ­        seeming foreignly a warm tutting family
         all volatile material is subdued

       i am voidable soldier                        
          but you hold me in keep
            you are truthfully inclusive
     i feel beloved in animal and otherly
          pandered into the pattern
      all beyond belonging
                      and yet traceable with my many uses

a healing visit and now to business                        
footage provided to make a mood-less operation
i'm kept swaddled throughout my information sift
silt is taken and exchange given                            
                                 for a heady ****** charge

   i've been amazed in the dreams
                                     you provided
       suspended in a solving liquor of theatre
i hope my report was a good one
i woke well rested                          
        with a light feeling of reassignment
neth jones Apr 2023
wake up pup
eager those linkers
blink your blinkers
unsink from sleep
and stretch
for a four year old human child
neth jones Mar 2016
sour disappointment
as the mechanics
of something i admire
are explained to me

a thorough dissection
leaving it dead to me
spread over leaf litter
wide on the ground for me
probed with a needy childish stick
and bold light
and many angles
and leaning inspection
tiring out time with expanded explanation
i learn out its life
and turn to approach a fresh beauty
with a new notebook in hand
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