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Jun 2016 · 256
D Jun 2016
I keep wondering to myself,
Was there something I could have done?
Could I have avoided this all?

Maybe if I worked harder to be pretty
Maybe if I wasn't afraid to sing out loud, no matter the sound
Maybe if I could just push down the anxiety and throw myself into the world
Maybe... but it doesn't matter now

The past is written, the ink is dry.
All there's to do is live and die.
Jun 2016 · 594
Love is a Weakness
D Jun 2016
It's true you've never gone this far before
But this isn't exactly new
I want to trust you again but
That's easy to say and harder to do
For nearly three years I put up with petty flirting
An uphill battle, a tiring journey
I got lulled into a false security
Believing you to never really hurt me

But you did.

Where do we go from here?
I'm trying to figure it out but through all these years,
I've never had to forgive you for something this huge
Something I'm not even done hurting over -
I don't know what to do.
I'm scared, so scared this wont be the last,
And if I'm to go on the past,
Then it'll be no time before you're back.

You said the easy thing to do is to forgive you,
that love makes us weak.
Then why is this so ******* hard?
Why is love the only thing keeping me on my feet?
I think, your love is weak and you don't know who I am.
No more putting up with your stupid fans.
No more flirting or hugging or studio dates.
One more and we're done
I'm not accepting any more mistakes.

I'm so tired.
Jumble of thoughts.
How do I begin to truly trust him?
How long will it take to truly forgive him?
How far will he go to change his ways?
Will he change at all?
D Jun 2016
The kind you have to fight to heal from everyday,
while faced with the one who brought the pain..
Jun 2016 · 431
Compare Me
D Jun 2016
My mind is reeling
I can't help but feeling
Like I don't quite measure up

As time continues
I continue to feel used
Like I'm nothing to you after all
Jun 2016 · 448
D Jun 2016
I felt it in my heart,
With every touch and every kiss.
I knew it in my gut -
A twisting sickness.
Now here we are,
The edge of forgiveness.
Trying to heal,
Despite the fear you'll repeat this.
The worst kind of heartbreak -
The kind you have to fight to heal from everyday
while faced with the one who brought the pain.
Jun 2016 · 678
D Jun 2016
That little voice inside of me-
Hope is what I'll call her.

She wants to see the best in things-
I'd wish she'd never bother.
Why bother hoping things turn out fine,
When deep down you know it's all a lie?

I'm sick of seeing the brighter side.
Jun 2016 · 666
Locked Up
D Jun 2016
If I decided to change my password tonight,
You may take that as a challenge;
A beginning to a fight.

If I told you to give up your password right now,
You may take that as a joke
And laugh out loud.
You do what you want to and nothing more
Jun 2016 · 231
The Edge
D Jun 2016
I don't know what to feel.
I'm sad and hurt and wondering if all I can do
Is what I've done today.
Will it happen again next week? Next month?
You've been dancing on the edge of a blade,
Bound to fall over one day,
But which side will you take?
Jun 2016 · 965
Idiot Fish
D Jun 2016
You never fail to fall for the bait--
An idiot fish I long to hate.
I told you before,
Stay away from their shores;
Your stupidity is too great.

I never fail to forgive the fish--
An idiot fish I always miss.
While you're away,
I dream that someday;
Stupidity will be cured with a kiss.
Who is the Idiot Fish? You, or me?
Jun 2016 · 301
D Jun 2016
So I did what I thought I had to do--
Now the rest is up to you.
Jun 2016 · 653
D Jun 2016
I dwell in my past so often,
I forget I'm in the now
I wish and long for people
Who, for a while, haven't been around
I put aside those who want me
To remember those who don't,
It's time I said I'm sorry
And let go of the rope
I have people who want to be there for me
I just have to let them
Jun 2016 · 605
On The Surface
D Jun 2016
I want the people close to me,
to read my poetry,
and tell me honestly,
what they think.

I want the people close to me,
to read my poetry,
and truly,
understand how I think.

I want the people who I want to know me,
to read my poetry,
or else they'll only,
be as close as they think.
I was going to make this a facebook post
But then it got poetic and I couldn't do it anymore

You see my point now, right?
Jun 2016 · 361
Don't Tell Me
D Jun 2016
Don't tell me that you can't see it
I was never there and I can feel it
Her fingers in your hair --
Ten daggers piercing my heart
I feel it still and I'm trying to breathe
But it's tearing me apart
My lungs are filled with the poison
That she left lingering on your skin
You say it's all harmless; you're only friends
Then why do I feel so afraid?
Like any minute you'll be walking away?
Don't tell me I'm only jealous
I hear it in your voice
You're guilty and in denial
But you still have a choice

Jun 2016 · 231
D Jun 2016
Lets go back down stairs
Lay in each others arms
And love without a care
Jun 2016 · 477
D Jun 2016
I have these ideas but they wont come out
I stop myself
before I get too loud
better left unspoken
acted upon would leave me broken
like glass under pressure
it drives me to be better

but better than who?

I need to be better than them
for fear their achievements
would be more attractive to you
than me
May 2016 · 508
D May 2016
I feel so*  *******  torn
*What am I even doing anymore?
May 2016 · 292
Still Mad
D May 2016
I'm still mad at you
for getting on with your life
unlike mine
stuck in time

I'm still mad at you
for all of your success
unlike me
a total mess

And all I want is to be your friend
once again
but I cant

And I know I'm not alone
just gotta pick up the phone
call a few people and
they'll be there

But its not them who understand
no one knows me like you can
I cant explain it
And I really hate it
*sing song voice*
May 2016 · 876
D May 2016
If I don't
Take charge
Of my life

I'm afraid of
What I'll lose


But most

May 2016 · 258
Depression Cycle
D May 2016
I should get up and do something
Shower or at least comb my hair
I shouldn't lay in my bed all day waiting
But I just can't seem to care

Every day that I do nothing
Is another day lost to despair
I feel so sluggish and tired
Maybe there's nothing for me out there
May 2016 · 579
D May 2016
I want to spend my days
writing about you

how you make me feel
like no other could
how angry you make me
and how safe I feel with you

all the little things and big things
that make you who you are

I could write about you for years
and still have more to say

but I wont do it today
D May 2016
I made so many mistakes these past few years,
and I'll probably make a lot more
before my time is up,
but the biggest regret I'll have is not trying to
undo what I've done to certain people...
I miss you so much, I really do,
and I'm so so sorry for how I treated you.
Kills me to see you in so much pain,
everyday and knowing I contributed to that,
oh my god I hate me for it.
I'm such a *****,
I cant even bring myself to reconnect,
so I leave a like instead,
cowardice at it's best.
May 2016 · 566
D May 2016
I miss you.
Why do I feel guilty to say that?
Why does it feel wrong?
What's going on?

I miss you.
You, who I've made the center of my life.
I miss you
You, who will grow to hate me in time.

Afraid to live.
Afraid to die.
All I'm sure of is I miss you.
I'm sorry.

I miss you.
"Being lazy is disrespectful to those who believe in you"
I'm sorry.
I miss you.
May 2016 · 501
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!
D May 2016

I haven't written in a poem in WEEKS
Because I haven't had access to my account in MONTHS
Because asked me to confirm something with my old email address that I haven't known the password to in YEARS

But I FINALLY realized that I could CHANGE the email address I used for the site and OMFG!!!!!
And I'm so ******* HAPPY I'M CRYING

Because I put so much time and effort into my poetry on here, and when I couldn't access it anymore I lost all my will to write and it was so ******* hard to deal with life without the release I was use to...

I feel like such an IDIOT for not realizing sooner because it was literally so easy to do, but now I'm back and I feel SO GOOD

I doubt any of you noticed I was gone, but I'd like to say that I missed all of you, missed reading you poetry and seeing glimpses into your lives, and I'm so happy I get to be back with you all :) :) :)
SO ******* HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Here's to too many months away *cheers*
Jan 2016 · 866
Completely Whole
D Jan 2016
I'm only half a person without you
And that's okay
It's alright to need you the way I need to
And that's every day
I was born solely to find my soul mate
And never let go
You're my other half, my true love, and together
We're whole
I love you a lot, I need you even more
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Happy New Year Everyone :)
D Jan 2016
20 16 is finally here,
Spread only love and cheer,
And have a Happy New Year!!
Dec 2015 · 644
D Dec 2015
I always wear a mask, but I tend to forget it with you
Masks are used when I'm scared of others spying the truth
The only truth I know is that with you, I am purely me
A me that likes to sing and spit and laugh and smoke some ****
Dec 2015 · 333
Fuck titles read the poem
D Dec 2015
You soothe the chaotic confusion that is my soul
I'm like a crazed chameleon, colors out of control
On my own I can't recall if I was truly black or white
But by your light I am calm, content with no fright

I see myself as I should be, beautiful, if I could be
You're the only one to trust to tell me the truth
And with your hand in mine, I strip all color from my skin
No need of pretenses when you know me from out and within
Fuckkkkkk **** **** wish I could be normal but you know everyone is ****** up in some sort of way, this is mine, fuuuuuuuckkkk
Dec 2015 · 506
D Dec 2015
eyes closed
body swaying
mind open
music playing

Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Inspired by a Friend
D Dec 2015
You're the kindest person I know
Selfless and strong

Even when things look low
You'll know right from wrong

Don't give up hope
Don't try to belong

Be exactly who you are
Be you or  *die young
she really is a great person, but its like she cant believe it.
Nov 2015 · 254
Life's a bust
D Nov 2015
Nothing is safe,
no one you can trust,
everyone's got their own problems,
life's a bust..
don't come calling on me for comfort,
I cant even comfort myself.
don't come asking me for guidance,
when I'm in no position to help..
Nov 2015 · 321
D Nov 2015
of all the words I've written
of all the words I've said
you continue not to listen
*I wish I was dead
I'm a coward though so this is basically like me saying "I wish I was a millionaire" i.e it wont happen, not by my hands
Nov 2015 · 815
Poetry saved my life
D Nov 2015
Before I took up poetry,
I had no way to express myself
I didn't talk to other people,
They wouldn't care about how I felt
I've always found this difficult,
Uncomfortable to speak my mind
Ever scared to make a fool of myself
Of being judged and pushed aside
That I never spoke of my worries,
Not my doubts, or my fears
I kept them buried deep inside,
And ignored them all these years..

I don't remember when I started writing,
Only when I did, I wasn't scared
My thoughts no longer caged inside,
And my poetry I shared
Before I took up poetry
I was lonely, confused, and afraid
Poetry helped me find myself,
Brush aside old habits and forget mistakes
And slowly through my writing,
I'm healing every day
Poetry can save lives
Don't believe me but I'm proof of it all the same
Poetry can save lives
Poetry saved mine
Oct 2015 · 358
Stuck in a rut
D Oct 2015
I want quiet
With no one around

But I'm stuck in this
over populated world
wishing someone would
**** me now

and it ***** because
I'm somewhere between
not giving a ****
and crying
i need help
Oct 2015 · 286
Battle Ground
D Oct 2015
Each day I tell myself I'm not pretty
I'm not smart, not special,
Maybe I shouldn't go on living
Each day is a battle and
I'm losing my footing
My defenses are weak and
My strength is ebbing
Oct 2015 · 600
D Oct 2015
The more I learn,
the more I see religion as a man-made idea
to make us feel that we are some how special
compared to all the other life on earth.
I think I'm scared to accept this
because without my fear of the afterlife,
what else is really keeping my spirit
tethered to this world?
My need to not present myself
as a burden to others?
i d k . . .
Oct 2015 · 541
A Collection of Shorts
D Oct 2015
I never asked to be born this way
Maybe if I was consulted I's be okay
But I wasn't - I don't know what to say
My times running short, my choices limited each day

* * *

You said you think I'm brave
because I can speak my mind
I don't think I'm brave
'cause if I were I would've taken my life

* * *

I'm a coward of the worst kind
One that uses a mask to hide behind

* * *

It's so easy to forget when I'm with you
You make me happy just being alive
But the moment you leave
and I'm left on my own,
My thoughts scream at me
and there's no where to hide

* * *

*Practice make better but I've
     been practicing for years.
Nothings gotten any better, in
      fact all my fears
Are only getting stronger, and
     I'm fighting back tears
'Cause they say practice makes
      better, but I don't think I could take another year.
Just my thoughts from today.
Oct 2015 · 544
Going Unnoticed
D Oct 2015
You say I'm rude because I don't say hi
I don't remind you that I tried
I waved and smiled and called your name
Each time you ignored me all the same
It's all right though, I don't really mind
At least I know that I tried
I think I'm going to stop trying so hard
Oct 2015 · 246
I'm a Coward
D Oct 2015
I don't think I'm going to do it
But something isn't right
I was able to ignore it before
When there was no hope I might

I don't think I'm going to do it,
A part of me wants to let it out
I'm scared of what will happen next
But I'm just so full of doubt

I don't think I'm going to do it
But something just isn't right
Before I met you, I thought about it
Tried it out once or twice

I don't believe I have to courage to do it
This is something you will never know
I just hope my mask doesn't slip up,
Putting my true self on show
This is the most dominating thought of recent and I'm hoping if I write about it enough it'll go away.. I just want to be normal.
Oct 2015 · 394
D Oct 2015
I don't want to
with you
you're just another phase
I'm going
I tell myself,
it'll pass
just wait a day
but two have gone by
and it's still
the same
I'm freaking out,
I don't know what
to say
Ever notice how most anything could be poetry, you only need to call it so?
Oct 2015 · 601
Take back the night
D Oct 2015
Stand tall and unafraid
As we take back the night
Do not fear the darkness
For it's only lacking light
Let your light shine through you
And guide you through the terror
These men do not rule the world
Just because they see us as fairer
We are mighty and as one
We will overcome
Together, we'll set a blaze so bright
Together, we'll take back the night
for all the women who don't feel safe walking the streets on their own. WE SHOULD'NT HAVE TO BE AFRAID! STAND TOGETHER AND TAKE BACK THE NIGHT!
Oct 2015 · 688
D Oct 2015
My mind is a-buzzing
So many thoughts flitting about
Of friendships, love, and life
Each one begging to be let out

But my mind is a prison
And my fear the warden
My thoughts are the prisoners
But I'm the only victim

My thoughts scream,
Set me free to follow my dreams
My fears reply,
**What dreams? You belong to me
prompt from class.
Oct 2015 · 361
D Oct 2015
I don't want to be myself
she has too many secrets
I'm drowning in them and
there's no shore in sight
I keep too many things to myself
and it's poisoning me from the
inside out, I need help but
I don't want it...
someone drug me or fill
my bloodstream with alcohol
anything to erase my sense
of self, it wont help but it'll
let me forget for a night
Why was I born to this life?
Sep 2015 · 5.6k
Bad Guy
D Sep 2015
I see you walking around
With your head held high
Like you're above everyone else
Because you're such a bad guy
That's why you got a tattoo, right
To remind us all you're dangerous
Well here's a news flash amigo  
You're as dangerous as my ****
laughing because I rhymed dangerous with ****

high school: thugs
Sep 2015 · 613
New world order
D Sep 2015
With the red moon rising
People are dying
The birth of a new world
take it your way
Sep 2015 · 218
D Sep 2015
Interesting -
My experiment
Was a failure
Sep 2015 · 341
What happened?
D Sep 2015
What happened that night,
I don't know what to say
Did I give my consent?
Was my silence my okay?
I wish I could take it back,
Or forget and move on
But it stays in the back of my mind,
Waiting to taunt and haunt
I feel like it was my fault
That I didn't fight it enough,
I could've said no one more time
But instead I gave up
I remember the words he said
Right before I blacked out
My girlfriend.... Don't worry
I use to hate him but now,
Now I think I hate only myself
And all I lost that night
And I hate how I can't seem to remember
How everything I was back then, died
four years later, I still feel *****.
Sep 2015 · 742
Death Cafe
D Sep 2015
What happens when your time runs out?
It's your time to go, so you scream and shout
But all that comes out is a choked off sound
You're weak, fall to your knees, palms on the ground

Then you wake up drenched in your own sweat
It was only a dream, you repeat in your head
Though it felt so real, it had to mean something true
Tonight, at Death Cafe, I'll bring my thoughts to you
Went to this thing called Death Cafe last night, where they talk about death with acceptance and positivity. Good times.
Sep 2015 · 609
Each other
D Sep 2015
Is it so wrong to want to kiss you
While other people may be watching?
Lets not care for the stares
And just get lost in each other

Nothing complicated
Simplicity is key
Know, I love you
Known, you love me
2 years <3
Sep 2015 · 747
no matter what
D Sep 2015
I don't like it when you're not smiling
It reminds me that you're not immune to sadness
That sometimes there isn't anything to smile about
And that maybe only sadness has a place in this world
I don't want to believe people like you are unhappy
People who live a life led by their hearts
People who put others before themselves because it wouldn't feel right any other way
People who have already gone through so much hardship and always seem to come out stronger for it
When you're not smiling, it reminds me that people like you usually only smile because people like me rely on it
I rely on seeing you smile, the while knowing all you've had to endure
Just knowing you can still smile and laugh and live brightens my world
You make me see a hope, that no matter how dark it gets I can hope that there will always be a day where I too can smile and laugh and live a life lead by my heart
No matter what
WORD *****
Sep 2015 · 577
Always A Tragedy
D Sep 2015
I can never write poetry when I'm happy
what does that say about my personality?
why do words evade me when I long to share
my feelings of positivity?
I don't want to only be known for my works
on tragedy
I am not always sad and lonely
I smile and laugh
and enjoy what life gives me
and yet I can never convert that joy into poetry
here I am, destined it seems, to always be a tragedy
tragically, this is also another poem about unhappiness
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