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28.8k · May 2014
Mr X May 2014
Remember how you tried to burn me and reduce me to ruins?


The fire still persists,
And feeds on your cursed life.
27.7k · May 2014
Mr X May 2014
I always wanted to be a superhero when I was a kid!
Always had a childish craving for it.

I am a superhero.
Saving and defending my ownself.
Coz' during the troubled times,
No one rescues...its just one being ...standing alone, against all odds.

I wish they had given me one chance,
Just one...

Not to be the hero...
16.5k · Mar 2015
Mr X Mar 2015
It'll either bring the world at your feet
Or take away everything you ever possessed.
15.9k · Jun 2015
Creation of Time
Mr X Jun 2015
Time does not wrinkle us,
As age is the mother of time.

Wrinkles are just the scars
One gets after the birth of time.
...and possibly none is going to understand this!
15.2k · May 2014
Mr X May 2014
When you did all the evil work,
And I tried raising my voice against it,
Why was it that everyone stood by your side
And deemed me evil?
13.1k · Jul 2014
Mr X Jul 2014
Its strange when we belong to someone
And yet are far....far away.
8.5k · Jun 2015
Mr X Jun 2015
God is like the image of
The back of our eyelids.

Its always there
In front of the eyes,

But we cannot see it,
Due to the absence of light.
Bring light into your life and see what happens.
8.3k · Dec 2014
Mr X Dec 2014
It so difficult to part from those
Who've given you so much...
But, at times, its the best thing
You can give them.
Its a law of life...separation.
And when we go our separate ways,
I hope you'll be able to console
Yourself by this law, this philosophy.
Just like I've been doing for years
With a stone on my heart.
7.4k · May 2014
A Sacred Path (10 w)
Mr X May 2014
All religions
Are the paths to the
One true God.
6.6k · May 2015
A Traveller's Smile
Mr X May 2015
He comes from the far away lands
Old and wrinkled,

His eyes,
The only sign of mirth.

Savage in looks,
A gentleman so good.
He still hears the oceans
The average man has never known.

They ask him about the golden deserts, the forests so lush and wild,
They scream with excitement, "Tell us about the deep seas and the winds so agile!"

He rarely listens but hears all of them,
Then what he does is, smile, smile and smile again.
5.4k · Mar 2015
Thank every kind.
Mr X Mar 2015
Thank darkness
Because it shows you light.

Thank sadness
Because it shows you mirth.

Thank sickness
Because it shows you health.

Thank death
Because it shows you life.
5.2k · Jul 2014
Mr X Jul 2014
Your feelings are a bundle of sweet unspoken words.
And that silence,
Is better than a thousand words.
4.7k · Jan 2015
Mr X Jan 2015
Being born of kings
Doesn't mean you've got to be a king as well.
You can be much better or much worse.
Whatever seems good to you.

Its your life.
Live by your own wishes
And live it king sized...
Even if not as THE king.


Not everyone wants to be the 'king' as the world defines it.
Sometimes they just want to be a king who can rule their own life.
4.6k · Sep 2014
The Phoenix in YOU
Mr X Sep 2014
Maybe there resides a phoenix in you...
Yes YOU,
You, who tried to cut the veins and paint your hands red,
You, who finally decided to just give up on your life.
Maybe inside you there rested a piece of hope,
A hope that tells that Death brings peace,
And giving up, solves all your humane problems....
Is it because of this hope or this phoenix,
That we ordinary humans often end up destroying ourselves...
Sometimes unknowingly,
And sometimes you did.

The truth has always been
From destruction comes life...
But you were never the phoenix you so much longed to be...
You were in fact, just another container for petting it's soul.
From your destruction, there'll never be a new life....
You've just ended up in planting the phoenix in our souls.
4.2k · May 2014
Cigarette Smoke.
Mr X May 2014
You call me amidst all the smoke.
You call me amidst all the dieing hope.
You call me when I become weak enough to hide my tears.
You call me when there is nothing left on earth to fear.
Everytime you call me I die a new death.
Everytime you do not call me I live like death itself.
When my loved ones stop me from listening your call,
I throw them away, push them aside but with tears in my eyes.
I know you are my death.
I know you are my fall.
I know you're not a friend,
Just a devil's call.
But how can I stop myself from comming to you.
You help me burn all those scars and unfulfilled desires.
You are the solution to all my regrets.
You are my companion during my messed up state.
So lets just burn together behind your smoke.
Lets die together behind your smoke.
3.7k · Jun 2014
Mr X Jun 2014
A winner is someone
Who makes several mistakes
And then builds a fort out of them.
3.2k · May 2015
10000 Words
Mr X May 2015
Loving someone is a confusing task.
Its that point of time when people don't really understand what they are upto.
Maybe its because, when we fall in love, we are not only driven by the modern world instincts,  but also by traits which we've inherited from our earliest ancestors.
Its an amalgam of varying emotions resulting from numerous hormones.
We get involved in the act of love either to enrich out lives or to generate lives...its all logic.
However, the simplest act of expressing or explaining this strange feeling, appears to be a mammoth task for most.
We call it 'love' just like we call God 'God', but its just a verbal pronunciation for things we don't understand, for things which are much greater than just the words...
We say 'I love you' but we mean so much more, even the most beautiful poems cannot possibly explain it properly.
Hundreds of letters written by a lover cannot compensate for the lover in person,
10000 words cannot compensate for a simple gesture or an act of love.
Words are just sounds which transmit thoughts from one mind to the other,
But in order to touch the deepest core of the brain, which is the heart, one must go way beyond the thoughts, way beyond those 10000 words.
And you've already guessed it perhaps...this is definitely not a poem. Just another string of thought.
3.2k · May 2014
All logic?!
Mr X May 2014
"A mind all logic is like a knife all blade.
It makes the hands bleed that uses it. "*

~Rabindranath Tagore
2.8k · Aug 2014
The Masks
Mr X Aug 2014
Millions of masks on this earth,
Each so vivid and so beautiful.
Behind each resides a silent soul
With the deepest stories untold.

The masks get carried away with time,
But the souls remain,
forever the same.

They search for other masks and with it other stories.
And the stories get buried forever,
Leaving behind the greatest of its glories.
2.5k · May 2014
Hate Love
Mr X May 2014
I have hated all those
I have silently loved...
2.4k · Jun 2014
Mr X Jun 2014
When you are gone,
Its not your smile that I'll miss the most.
Nor is it your laughter.
I will not miss your rythmic voice
Nor will I miss your amazing speeches.

When you are gone,
I'll have all those video clippings
And all those unnecessary voice recordings to be my aid in your absence.

But hundreds and hundreds of clips
Filled to the brim with your laughter and voice, will never be able to take your place.
And that's because they'll all be a repetition.
They'll show me what my eyes have already seen.
Priceless moments...
They'll never be able to create them,
Like you did all the time
With your amazing mind.

However hard I am on myself.
The truth will always be that I'll miss you.
I'll definitely miss your heart which was your aid until this last day.
But what I'll miss the most, is your mind and your everlasting soul.
I'll miss them beyond words.
2.3k · Jul 2014
The Seekers
Mr X Jul 2014
The ones who get lost midway,
Are ultimately the ones who find a
NEW way out.
2.3k · Jun 2015
Mr X Jun 2015
I fear the ones who
Possess the power
To bend minds.

I fear them.
2.0k · Jan 2015
Out of Place
Mr X Jan 2015
Sometimes you may feel out of place,
But that doesn't mean you
should stop exploring.
Become a nomad if your
surroundings don't suit you,
But **don't ever stop travelling.
2.0k · Jun 2014
Mr X Jun 2014
The world sings its own songs...

Only if you choose to hear.
2.0k · Mar 2015
A World Of Magic
Mr X Mar 2015
This is a world of pure magic.
Nothing more or less than Hogwarts I'd say.

It might sound abstract but
Even the most basic function of life
-Breathing, is a magic which is
Much beyond our understanding.

All of us are magicians
And that too, without a wand.

Or just maybe,
We're magic.
Created by
Another magician.
2.0k · Sep 2015
The Silent Storm
Mr X Sep 2015
The chaos of the storms,
Thunder and destruction,
Speak of a perfection so balanced,
That we often forget,
Perfection and imperfection
Were forever the same.
Mr X May 2014
My friend...
You were my shade during the noons.
You were my umbrella during the monsoons.
You were my warm coffee during the chilly winters.
You were the cool breeze during the harsh summers.
I'll always remember you.

My friend...
You were the moon, who never leaves.
You were the sun who guided the petty little creatures like me.
You were the stars whose glimmer always amazed me.
You were the earth beneath my feet.
I'll always remember you.

My friend...
You were vast and endless like the sea.
You taught me to open my mind to your vastness and be free.
Your horizon taught me there is an end to the endless.
And your waters gave me a life so blessed.
I'll always remember you.

My friend...
You were a devine gift, from the great Lord himself.
But alas! gifts don't last long...
And over the years, they change
But the memories remain etched forever, and days after that.
My friend...I'll always remember you.
To a very very good friend who stood by my side always...
Its hard to find such people. They are like those rarest diamonds. If you ever find one, never lose that diamond. They are worth more than all the gold on this earth.
1.9k · Sep 2014
Mr X Sep 2014
Most virtuous yet most painful.
Most strong yet so vulnerable.

We just fail to understand perhaps,
The most beautiful things on Earth,
Are often feared the most.
1.9k · Mar 2015
Virtual World
Mr X Mar 2015
We have forgotten how to tell virtual from real...


Makes us 'popular' in our solitude.
Makes us 'bold' in our shyness.
Makes us 'happy' in our sadness.
Makes us 'bond' in our loneliness.
1.8k · Apr 2015
Mr X Apr 2015
Life is the most beautiful form of the non-living...
I don't expect anyone to understand this but I'll always hope you do.
1.8k · Jul 2014
Mr X Jul 2014
Your voice is all I need
Your soul is all I need
1.8k · Jun 2014
Mr X Jun 2014
If you have sinned on Earth.
I'll make you pay for it on Earth itself.
Hell's way too far and too vague for the eyes.
1.7k · Jan 2015
Mr X Jan 2015
Most beautiful and ugliest.
Most sacred and polluted.
So similar and contrastive.
So creative and destructive.

Filling up lives and emptying it.
Filling up places and abandoning it.


They'll never really know how
beautiful they are.
1.7k · May 2014
Mr X May 2014
"Peaceful Kings are always destroyed.
Only discontent can lead to happiness."*

~Extract from the Mahabharata
1.6k · Jun 2014
Out of the Crowd
Mr X Jun 2014
Be different.
Pity their sameness.
1.5k · Nov 2014
Mr X Nov 2014
The only key to conquer the world
Is to discover one's own self....
1.5k · Apr 2015
I Fear
Mr X Apr 2015
Sometimes I fear that I'll forget how to hate only because I've forgotten how to love...
1.5k · Jun 2015
Mr X Jun 2015
Those who neither choose
To lead nor follow,
Lead themselves to a new path
And follow it eventually.
1.4k · Jul 2014
Mr X Jul 2014
Its not about Destiny making a
Its all about our choice making a Destination.
1.4k · Mar 2015
Mr X Mar 2015
There's a very fine line between
Weirdness and Greatness...

And often the transition
Is undetectable.
1.4k · Sep 2015
Reality....or maybe not.
Mr X Sep 2015
Cross over.
To the world of the minds...

And you'll find,
This universe was made
For you...
...and you alone.

YOU are the story.
YOU are the reason.
...and you alone
1.4k · May 2014
Souls belonging to Darkness
Mr X May 2014
They love wrath.
They love mystery.
They love shadows.
They love darkness.

They ignore innocence.
They ignore kindness.
They ignore friendship.
They ignore love.

Why do they run behind darkness,
Leaving the light behind?
Why their souls, one cannot find?
Is it the adventure of darkness and mystery?
Or is it simply, escape?
1.4k · Jun 2014
Mr X Jun 2014
The people we really love
Do not have to be 'someone special'
1.3k · Oct 2014
Mr X Oct 2014
It rains diamonds on Saturn...
And there's no need of it there.

Here, we run in short of diamonds
And the desire for it never stops.

Maybe rarity adds a value.

Even to a piece of glittering rock!

Perhaps that's why we crave love so much...
It's rarity makes it so precious...
1.3k · Oct 2014
Mr X Oct 2014
She was screaming so silently...
It made my heart ache.
1.3k · Oct 2014
Mr X Oct 2014
Pain is such a beautiful thing...

It makes me realise Joy.
It gives me the pleasure of Relief.
And it teaches me the lesson of Strength...
1.3k · Jul 2014
I Don't Want Nirvana
Mr X Jul 2014
Freedom from the cycle of life and death?!

This blessed life is as beautiful as a feather in the sky.
It might as well land on a thorny or muddy surface,
But what matters most is,
That one moment of flight...

I'd rather live a thousand lives.
Than give away this one life in efforts to end all the others.
1.3k · May 2014
Silent Pain.
Mr X May 2014
You've broken my insides
And strengthened my outsides...
1.3k · May 2014
The Wrath of Life
Mr X May 2014
They say trusting is a virtue
I say its a sin against myself.
They say loving is a good deed.
I say its heart breaking and greed.
They say its godlike to forget and to forgive.
I say I am human enough to cry with the painful memories...
They say I am a cold heart
I say its a survival skill...
Years back I trusted, loved and forgave.
Years later I doubt,  hate and punish.
I know, its God's work to punish.
But isn't it also God's work to forgive?
They say heaven is not for me.
I say my heaven is this...
They say my soul will travel to hell.
I say my hell is this...
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