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Dec 2020 · 552
Verbal love letter
Mickey Dec 2020
For once we were a whole.
Two little fractals of this great grand universe.
We found recognition into each other’s eyes.
And we laughed.
Just laughed.
For hours.
You stopped laughing for a moment
and looked at me seriously.
“So...” you started softly.
“In years I haven't felt as comfortable as this moment in my life.
And this moment... is like every other time
I am with you”.
Dec 2020 · 290
Mickey Dec 2020
It’s the bitter cold that does the trick.
Feeling alone, afraid and mentally sick.
And it’s the bitter cold that does the trick.
Oh sun,
Bring me your warmth,
please come quick.
Dec 2020 · 645
Is it even possible?
Mickey Dec 2020
To have too many emotions.
To be too transparent.
To feel too much.
To be too open.
To be,
too much.
And will it ever be possible?
To get them to understand.
That they’re too less.
That they’re terribly afraid of us showing them something they cannot ever reach.
That they have a lack.
That we don’t have anything
in abundance.
And that we are not,
too much.
Mickey Dec 2020
Oh darling.
My mind.
My mind is killing me.

It is in fact the one and only place in this god forsaken world where I can be safe.
Where I don’t have to belong.
Where everything is possible.
Where I have a place to hide.

It is killing me.
Dec 2020 · 353
Mickey Dec 2020
And there will be nights like this.
Nights that you rather not remember.
Where you beg for mercy.
Asking if you please don’t have to look into the  interstice pieces of the moon.
Because you can’t take another battle.
Another realization.

Another night.
Sep 2020 · 785
Mickey Sep 2020
Oh honey,
We are fireflies.
Dancing in the heat of a wild campfire flame.
Nothing can defeat us.
Jul 2020 · 593
We should.
Mickey Jul 2020
We should dance as wild as we speak.
We should sing as loud as we scream.
We should be happy as much as we are sad.
And we should love each other as extreme, as we hate.
We should.
May 2020 · 118
Set yourself free
Mickey May 2020
The truth is.
Love will not set you free.
And I know we want to believe in this so badly because it is scary.
If love does not set us free, what does?


You set yourself free.
With every step you take, every goal you reach and every obstacle you overcome.
Little by little it is freeing you into yourself and into the one person you really are and want to become.
And then when love crosses your path.
Grab it with both hands and append it to your self created freedom.
Cause this love.
That is something extra, a gift, an addition.
Will not set you free.

But you.
You will.
Jan 2020 · 119
A beautiful lie
Mickey Jan 2020
And even if.

Even if love is a big fat disgusting lie.
A forced brain trick.

I’m willing to forever live it, breathe it and feel it.

Even if love was proven to be wrong and not making any sense.
Even if I cut in my own fingers with it and
**** myself with a sugarcoated deception.

I’m willing to forever defend its name as if it is the truth.

Cause even if love isnt love and love may not be what we told ourselves what love is.

Love is mine.
Love is yours.
Love is ours.

And Love,
Dec 2019 · 241
Let me love you
Mickey Dec 2019
I can feel the patterns,
the pieces you try to put together.
Trying to accept what you feel.
Oh baby, the world has poisoned you.
You drank it all and it made you delusional.
It has shown you that love is a rip-off, a hoax, something worthless.
That love is nothing more than a four letter word.
You kept on drinking and drinking their toxic substance because they promised you it wouldn’t mind anyway.
You even started to like the taste of it.
But the way you gaze into my eyes.
I know you know better.
Their poison did not **** you yet.
We still have time so let me.
Let me be your cure, your antidote, your remedy.
It’s not too late.
Just let me,
love you.
Dec 2019 · 335
Mickey Dec 2019
You have to let me go.
Set me free.
Let me go and I will come back.
I will tell you all the incredible things that they have told me.
I will let you watch the beautiful sights through my eyes as if you were there.
And I will let you taste the culture and richness of my travels by kissing you.
Aug 2019 · 170
What if?
Mickey Aug 2019
What if I don’t want it.
The love,
the happiness,
the good times.
What if I want to give up on it all.
I am constantly searching for it,
longing for it,
needing it.
What if I just don’t want it.
Let me get used to not having it.
So when time passes.
There wouldn’t be anything to miss.
Aug 2019 · 138
The monster inside
Mickey Aug 2019
“Are you afraid?”
It took one look at me and I think he knew.
Here I am fearless.
In this dark sea of trees,
I am the captain.
Running with the wind through my hair.
Laying in the fallen leaves.
Dancing in the misty moonlight beams.
For this is my territory.
My home.
Everything and anything in the shadowy forest is my friend.
Here I am fearless.
Cause what in this place,
What could possibly scare me off more than my own presence.
#self #life #love #nature #forest #magic #moon #captain #dark
Jul 2019 · 498
Behind that smile
Mickey Jul 2019
And I look at you and I just smile.
I grin from ear to ear.
But my heart.
My heart is crying rivers.
I trained my eyes.
So that they won't shed a tear.
This way you can't notice my pain, my sorrow and my doubts.
This way I can keep it to myself.
Keep it all close in my chest.
So that you.
You will see me,
And you will look at me and I will just smile.
I will grin from ear to ear.
Hello my dreamers. Thank you for reading! I just wanted to say that this is a heavy weight one. I feel this one through my entire body. In all my poetry I try to put in all my emotions and feelings. But this one kinda feels heavier for me than the rest. I think because I am the "smile away all your problems" kind of person. And this one hits that spot. Remember and also a note to self : smiling away your problems is not the solution. Talk it out. - Mickey
Jul 2019 · 321
What are we
Mickey Jul 2019
I don't have the strength to ask you.
Everytime I think I have the power to bring it up I fall back.
I am so afraid of all the what if's. Terrified of the answers you could give.
And I just don't have the strength to ask you.  
They have broken me with this before.
Turned me down or made me feel worthless.
So really, I am afraid I will never have the strength to ask you.
"What do you think of me?"
Jul 2019 · 567
With you
Mickey Jul 2019
I want to live,
I want to love.

I want to live,
I want to love.

I want to live,
I want to love.
To the fullest,
To the milky way and back.

I want to live,
I want to love,
With you.
Jul 2019 · 295
The one thing I have left
Mickey Jul 2019
Turn my heart into a ******* stone.
Make my eyes turn into the deep dark depths of the ocean.
Break my bones and turn me into a fallen rose with no strength to get up.
Take my smile and tie my lips together with your strongest thread.
Leave me behind, broken, shattered and defeated.
Please never, touch my soul.
My oh so beautiful and unbeaten soul.
It is all I have.
All that is still pure.
No scratches nor judgement.
No pain nor sadness.
It is the one thing.
that keeps me,
Jun 2019 · 438
When you wish upon a star
Mickey Jun 2019
kneeling down to the night sky.
As the galaxy is my religion and the northern star is my god.
My heart is screaming to the glittery sparkly and calming site above me.
Oh dear god.
I won’t ask for much.
Just give me a tiny little bit of this magical thing everyone is talking about.
A thing, I want to discover.
A thing, I am curious about.
A thing they call,
Jun 2019 · 796
When a fire starts to burn
Mickey Jun 2019
You started a bonfire.
Oh baby, all I see is red.
And as I dance sensually with the flames.
I can feel it.
My soul.
It’s in danger.
May 2019 · 310
Inhaling you
Mickey May 2019
How many doses can I take of this toxic substance.
How many can my body hold.
I can feel it burning.
With every puff I take.
How many?
Before I turn into ashes.
May 2019 · 487
I dare you
Mickey May 2019
Do it.
Rip my heart out.
Crush it into tiny little pieces.
Feel the warm blood dripping off your hands.
See it losing its power and making its last beat.
Look into my eyes.
Look deep, Look closely.
Try to say the word.
Try to push it out of your mouth.
Feel it on the tip of your tongue.
You can’t, can you?
For you will see in my drained and salty pupils that it is too late.
There is no way back.
I dare you.
Do it.
May 2019 · 295
Pure evil
Mickey May 2019
I’d like to think that you are evil, pure evil.
Cause people who are pure evil, they don’t know better.
They hurt people on a daily.
If you are pure evil, hurting me would be something you can’t help.
It would be something written in your veins.
Something doomed to happen.
And most importantly,
it wouldn’t  be by choice.
May 2019 · 640
Mickey May 2019
Cause in the end. words are just words. The devil could read the bible out loud and the saints would cover their ears.  God could preach about heIl and the sinners will make fun of him. Words are just words. Some letters in order.
The speaker and the listener.
They determine the meaning.
May 2019 · 429
The lie we live in
Mickey May 2019
Broken hearts, crushed souls,
damaged minds, bruised bodies.
Yet, Beautifully spoken words and perfectly  shaped smiles.
May 2019 · 559
Mickey May 2019
Sitting underneath a palmtree.
Its shadows creating a piece of art on the gloomy obscure grey street tiles in front of me.
As the wind flows the portrait of leaves is flowing with it in harmony.
It is dancing to its favorite tune.
A tune especially made for this moment. A tune of mother nature at its purest. A tune I can listen to forever.
May 2019 · 976
Mickey May 2019
Oh what a goddess she was.
Feeling one with nature deeply.
Howling like a wolf to the moon at night.
Creating  flower crowns in the early morning dew.
Sending a message to everyone she passed.
Making sure that everybody knew.
May 2019 · 340
We are moving
Mickey May 2019
Look at me I said.
You don’t have to feel lost.
We are still standing on both of our feet. Still walking towards what we think is best. Still searching for a path that fits our needs. Still having the strength to move on.
And where there is movement, there is no such thing as being truly lost.
We are moving.
We are not lost.
May 2019 · 224
When the party’s over
Mickey May 2019
It is suicide what we are doing.
Abusing magic like this.
Entering another world, another place, leaving everything that is real behind. Thinking it will last forever.
Being who we want to be and not being who we are told to be feels just too good.
But everything that feels too good can be dangerous.
And magic, magic always comes with a price.
May 2019 · 281
Hidden unity
Mickey May 2019
I became the type of person I once feared. I began to notice that I saw the same type dripping off of faces everywhere around me.
I wasn’t scared anymore.
I felt the recognition as I became familiar with it and there was some kind of comfort in this familiarity.
Cause we are all becoming this type.
Aren’t we?
But we will stand together.
Our hidden unity of a shattered youth.

— The End —