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Jan 2019 · 416
i wanna talk about me
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
We talk about your work,
how your boss is a big ****.

We talk about your hair
and your head when is hurts.

We talk about you brother
and your mother and your father.

We talk about your friends
and the places that you've been.

We talk about your dreams
and that new moisturizer creme.

And of course we're gonna
talk about you clothes.

Yes, talking about you makes me smile,
but every once in awhile...
I wanna talk about me!
What i like,
what i want,
what i think,
what i see!
I like talking about you usually,
but occasionally...
i wanna talk about me!
I got inspired from a song I heard
Jan 2019 · 91
Short and Sweet
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
Try to keep
you words
just in case
you have to
eat them.
Jan 2019 · 1.8k
Greasers and Socs
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
Those greasers
made bad things
look cool.
Those socs
were so mean and cruel.
The rumbles, the fuzz, and the anger
teaches us
to stick together.
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Jan 2019 · 74
Never Again
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
will never
come again,
so make it
a good one.
Jan 2019 · 273
It's here!
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
It's here!
the new year!
Let's make this year
be full of good things.
And to everybody,
happy new year
and many blessings.
Happy New Year!
Jan 2019 · 385
Last few seconds
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
And here I am,
greeting this new year.
Counting down
these last few seconds
of 2018.
Welcome, New Year!
Dec 2018 · 75
Good Things
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Good things
don't happen to those
who sit and cry.

Good things
happen to those
who get up
and try.
Dec 2018 · 112
The Last Day
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
The day
of this year
is coming to an end.
and patients
I hope God will send.
May this new year
be peaceful,
and well-used.
And may you use
your time wisely,
and always try
to do better
Happy New Year to all! I wish everyone happiness, peace, and love. May 2019 be a great year!
Dec 2018 · 175
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Hold on tight
a little longer,

what don't ****
you makes you stronger.
Dec 2018 · 193
Happy until...
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
We are
always happy
we find out that
has something
Dec 2018 · 448
Why do we always want more?
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Why do we always want more?
Do we not have enough?

Why do we need

a bigger house,

a newer car,

more money,

more beauty,

more fame,

more control,

more perfection,

more confort?

Do we not have enough of it already?
Why do we always want more? Do we not have enough of it already? Because in this world, there are people who don't have any.
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018

You can pretend,
but don't go too far.

Always remember who

you really are.

Dec 2018 · 147
Deadly Dreaming
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I don't think I should dream anymore;
it hurts me,
more and more.
My dreams bring me up so high,
and then something goes wrong
and my dreams die.
Dreaming is deadly;
it could **** you.
But you shouldn't give up on your dreams,
because each one has its own value.
Keep on dreaming...
Dec 2018 · 528
As a family
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
As a family we stand,
together we fall.

We lose one,
we lose them all.
Dec 2018 · 1.3k
A certain smell
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018

a certain smell
reminds me of something.

I cannot remember
where that smell is from,
only that it brings back memories.

And those memories aren't always good, but they are still memories.
Dec 2018 · 289
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
As I pull the covers
over myself,
I know the day
has come to an end.
I think of you
as I close my eyes,
and remember our last goodbyes.
You may not be here
with me anymore,
but you will be in my heart forever.
Dec 2018 · 163
Before bed...
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I keep on waiting
until I will be with you.
When you will come into
my room before bed,
tell me good-night,
kiss me lightly on the cheek,
and make things feel right.
Dec 2018 · 153
Why? Just why?
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I may only be fourteen,
but I ponder about many things.
Like why do you have to keep on
paying for your car after you buy it?
It's your's, isn't it? It's not like in five years
your car damages the road more.
Why do you have to keep paying for your house?
Its just standing there;
do you have to pay for it to get older?
Why do you have to pay for your drivers' license?
It's your's once you get it, right? You've worked for it.
Maybe some things I just don't get yet.
Maybe some things I will never get.
I just don't get it. I think and think and think about it, but I still don't get it. Just a few out of the many questions that keep me up at night. Maybe it's just me.
Dec 2018 · 256
Strangest Things
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I treasure the strangest things.
Like the socks you gave me.
To me,
they mean more than any diamond rings.
Their smell reminds me
of your skin.
Their softness reminds me
of your touch.
Their look reminds me
of your beauty.
I treasure those socks.
I got socks from one of my best friends on Christmas. I sleep with her socks, touch those socks, eat with those socks... I love those socks.
I swear, I will put those socks under inch thick glass to protect them.
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
When life
gives you lemons,
you can't just give them back
and say you want chocolate.

Because life
throws things at you
and you just need
to learn to take them in.
Dec 2018 · 785
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I'm a tomboy,
but a girl, too.
And just because
I don't show my feelings
don't mean I don't have them,
cuz I do.
I have those feelings,
just like you.
Only I'm better at hiding
them than you.
I enjoy working on cars,
lifting tires,
playing guitars.
I can't stand doing my hair,
painting my nails,
drives me crazy, I swear.
But I'm not much different than you;
I have feelings and problems I go through.
I may be tough and have some muscles,
some knowledge in cars,
but I also have troubles.
So please don't treat me too rough,
because I like the feeling of love.
Yep, I'm a tomboy.
Dec 2018 · 1.2k
Eat dessert first
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I always
save best for last.

Until I got older
and found out that life
is fast.

Now I eat my dessert first,
my cake, my candy, and my starbursts.
My parents don't really approve...
well, to bad!
Life is way too short to eat your vegetables first. I'll save those for when I have some extra time.
Dec 2018 · 144
I want to forgive you
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I want to forgive you,
for all that you've done.
For all those words
you used like a weapon.
For all those moments
that you made the opposite of heaven.
For everything
that you've put me through;
for everything you got me into.
For everything
you said about me and made me think that it was true...

You know what?

I don't think I can forgive you
Dec 2018 · 284
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I really think
that there's a God above,
who teaches us
about love.

How we should always
forgive others
for the scars,
the chaos,
and the pains
they cause.
Dec 2018 · 409
New Year
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I don't want this
new year to come.
It's gone by just to fast.
But sadly,
these few days are its last.

We'll all be one year older;
some growing taller,
others shorter.

And 2018 will never come back.

This year has gone
by way to
I don't know; maybe its just me. But I feel as if it were just yesterday that I was welcoming 2018, but now its gone. Now its 2019. I think that's kinda crazy.
Dec 2018 · 135
Stars without Darkness
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Stars without darkness
are no use.

there is no light
that they produce.
Dec 2018 · 105
People + Music
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
People are like
some speak the truth
while others are
just noise.
Dec 2018 · 250
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
The word


overwhelms me.

It has no end

It has not start.
Just thinking about it floods me.
Dec 2018 · 232
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
is better
Dec 2018 · 281
A big enough word
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Sometimes 'love'

is not a big
enough word

to describe the way
I feel for you.
Is there are word that can mean more than love?
Dec 2018 · 717
Dying Dreams
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I think
that my dreams
are dying.

Even worse,
I think that they

are taking me down

with them.
Dec 2018 · 390
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
live behind
a mask for much
longer. I think I'm gonna
blow. All this anger and fear,
It'll come out of me like a volcano.
Dec 2018 · 196
Never Forget
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
There is a moment
in my life,
that I will never forget.
It was the moment,
that you
I met.
Dec 2018 · 85
In person
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I'd like to tell you in person,
not with so many people around.
That everyday,
you're the reason that makes
my heart pound.
Dec 2018 · 483
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I often think about escaping
from this world that makes me cry.
I often think about escaping
from this world that is filled with crime.
I often think about escaping
from this world that cuts my wings
and doesn't let me fly.
I often think about escaping,
and how it would feel to say
Dec 2018 · 415
Kind to Kindness
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
What is the point
being kind to those who are kind to us?
What is the point
being mean to those who are mean to us?
What is the point
hating those who hate us?
What is the point
loving those who love us?
For those who hurt us are those
who need our kindness the most.
Questions that really make me think about the answers...
and yet I still do them.
Dec 2018 · 154
Happy Holidays
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
People celebrate in many different ways.
Some with trees and displays,
others with candles and lights.
But in whatever way you will celebrate,
may your holidays be happy and great.
Happy Holidays!!!
Dec 2018 · 219
Merry Christmas
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
May everyone's days be merry and bright.
May you be that star that lights up the night.
May you be happy in your life,
with your children, husband, and wife.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Dec 2018 · 1.2k
Please don't...
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Please don't fight;
it turns the beautiful day
into an ugly night.
Please don't argue;
it has no value.
Please don't shout;
it's a verbal shootout.
Please don't yell;
I hate it,
can't you tell!?
Dec 2018 · 199
Seasons of Love
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Love knows no seasons.
Love knows no time.
Love can blossom at anytime.
Dec 2018 · 125
He saw her laugh
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
He saw her laugh
and instantly knew she
is something he must have.
How fast love can happen...
Dec 2018 · 208
Poor by Giving
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
No one has become
poor by giving.
If only we gave more to those in need...
Dec 2018 · 180
Christmas Spirit
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
always on
Christmas do you
need snow. Not always on
Christmas do you need lights.
Not always on Christmas do you
need a tree. Always on Christmas do you
need a Christmas Spirit.
I guess that for some in warmer places snow is not always a need for it to feel like Christmas. And others might celebrate Christmas in other ways, not necessarily with trees and lights. But in whatever ways you celebrate, may your Christmas be a merry one.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Dec 2018 · 308
Same Sunset
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Maybe the two different worlds
we lived in weren't so different.
We saw the same sunset.
From one of my absolute favorite books, The Outsiders. I strongly suggest it to anyone and everyone. It is one of those books you must read in your lifetime.
Dec 2018 · 170
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
line the streets,
covering the frozen earth
underneath. Trees, like veins
stand still to greet the rain.
The wind whispers quietly,
making the weather feel more
ugly. But I don't mind this
dreary weather because
sometimes it just
makes me feel
It's almost Christmas, and there's only rain. Rain that keep on washing away whatever is left of that precious snow. But I guess you really don't need snow to make it feel like Christmas, you just need the spirit.
Dec 2018 · 106
Dec 2018 · 180
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
If there ever comes a day
when we can't be together,
keep me in your heart
and I'll stay there forever.
Dec 2018 · 834
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Sunsets are proof
that endings
can be beautiful, too.
Dec 2018 · 531
Mirror, Mirror...
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
Mirror, mirror
on the wall.
I always get up after I fall.
And whether I have to run,
walk, or crawl,
I always make goals
and achieve them all.
Dec 2018 · 749
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
I think our hair
tells a lot about who we are.
Like my hair,
which is curly, crazy, and wild.
Or my mom's hair,
which is short and puffy.
Or my friends' hair,
which is straight and thin.
Or my teachers' hair,
which is perfect and in order.
Or my brothers' hair,
which is just all over the place.
Something that just came to me. I thought that it is mostly true, that our hair can sometimes tell other people about who we are, though some might not agree.
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