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12.6k · Aug 2018
Joseph Miller Aug 2018
At the center
of my being
I am
a soul
wrapped in precious time
I am
to know
the gift of life
is spirit
that matters
in the dust of stars
We are
in the middle
of a miracle
that never stops
9.3k · Feb 2019
Joseph Miller Feb 2019
I see
the power of the universe
to change
remnants of chaos
into majestic beauty
I feel
the ripples of time and space
reflected in my being
a child of nature
searching for gold
I dig
into my soul
to find the truth
nearly buried in darkness
a beacon of light
I am
in the glow
of humanity awakening
to the oneness
of the universe
6.5k · Dec 2017
Joseph Miller Dec 2017
One glorious moment
God said to me
"I am here"

Tears of joy
washed away my fear
as God revealed
the essence of the universe
a cosmic Oneness
filled with love
beyond imagining
the mystic sees
the infinite connection
of the ultimate power

But I, a mortal being
consumed by form
it seems
God withdrew
left me standing there
in a world separate
where matter divides
and boundaries form
to close the mind
and hide the truth

Yet grateful I am
forever changed
to find myself
witness to God
4.8k · Nov 2018
Joseph Miller Nov 2018
Death is a reclaiming of wholeness
when life becomes absorbed
in the oneness of the universe
which is everywhere
and nowhere

in that moment
when our loved one goes
the reclaiming
takes part of us
as we become connected
to the fullness of their emptiness

it is more than the mind can understand
only the soul knows
the connection is real
4.8k · Oct 2017
Joseph Miller Oct 2017
dreams come true
when you get real
with a heart for any fate
find the answers
there is strength in knowing
everything is connected
see the universe
with eyes that see yourself
changing for good
in every moment
the power of spirit matters
4.7k · Mar 2019
Joseph Miller Mar 2019
The wolf came upon us all
to devour the wicked and the weak
he would stare into your eyes
if he sensed you were good and true
he would walk away
leave you and yours
to live another day
So when the wolf came near
I chose to stand
next to you
3.9k · Jun 2017
Joseph Miller Jun 2017
I feel
an infinite connection
lives and breathes
filling the forest with wind
and my heart with joy
in this timeless moment
beyond the mystery
the power of the universe
together in me
without a trace of doubt
the spark of truth burns bright
the warmth of the fire
will never die …
in the dust of stars
we are light that sees
a vision of love
glowing for eternity
3.6k · Nov 2017
Joseph Miller Nov 2017
I am cursed
by those around me
i did not choose
hands that put me down
with their selfish rage
i did not ask to be
a child cursed
again and again
year after year
who could blame me
for the mistakes i've made
before i was born
the pain began
3.0k · Jul 2017
The Gate
Joseph Miller Jul 2017
I see you struggling
at the Gate
with the roar of lions
behind you
You can barely hear
the Lord calling your name

I see the beasts
tearing at your flesh
as you stumble and fall
Down on your knees
I hear you beg and plead
Where is the strength
to be free!

I see a hint of knowing
in your eyes
a trace of believing
in your heart
I see you have the will
to stand and walk

In a new life
I see your reward
shining bright like a star
running through your soul
I see you believe
3.0k · Dec 2018
Joseph Miller Dec 2018
Meditation frees your mind
with practice
you will find
enlightenment is a glow
through the dusk
and the dawn
the soul of life
shines on
those who strive
for gentle worth
and merit won
will save the earth
by the good
they have done
2.9k · Jul 2017
Joseph Miller Jul 2017
On city streets
late at night
in the cold winter
I walk
and run
not too numb
to feel
not too blind
to see
my dream
like a summer day
long gone now
only cold to crystallize my fate
like frost on the window
icy patterns
trying to get in
I reach
and pound my fist
against the wall
of humanity
of denial
stretching across the horizon
as far as I can see
I am lost in a crowd
only the sun
beating down
reminding me
I am hot, so hot
I'm going to die
on city streets
It won't be easy
remember me
I walk
and run
like a summer day
long gone now
2.6k · Sep 2018
For you
Joseph Miller Sep 2018
The human heart
beats with life
so powerful
it pushes
and pulls
so precious
this life
you call your own
whether to  stay and fight
or turn and run
in a moment
you choose
everything changes
so clearly
so dearly
my love
for you
2.4k · Jun 2017
Teenage Ritual
Joseph Miller Jun 2017
Remember the night
you first saw
all the stars
reaching out to you
a circle of friends
dancing in the light
by a breezy fire
flames bend
and lick the bottom
of an iron ***
full of magic potion
spilling over your lips
down your wrists
and arms raised high
to feel, to show
life is here
down by the roots
of trees so tall
you must fly
to see the top
and fly we will
as we soar through the forest
laughing out loud
we leave behind
a place and time
where nothing is real
2.2k · Jan 2023
Joseph Miller Jan 2023
The path ahead is unknown,
but when the path is dark
may a light shine in you.
And when the path diverges
may love be your guide.
And whatever path you choose
may joy follow you!
2.0k · Sep 2017
Building a Life
Joseph Miller Sep 2017
Building a life
with courage and care
is a work of art
I'm not done
trying to be
better than I was
I keep going
for the joy of it
I keep going
for the love of it
I'm not done
for the soul of it
2.0k · Jul 2017
Joseph Miller Jul 2017
On misty fields
stained with blood
once fighting soldiers
now lie still

faces and hands, open to the sky
not seeing, not feeling
dark, red, gaping holes
through which life has dashed
leaving survivors to decide
how many more will die

even as we speak
war is waging
on fields not far
a sword is ran through
blood flows from both sides
everyone sees, everyone knows
the wound won't heal
it's always in the back of our minds

For we are the living matter
overflowing with love and hate
we are the ones who cut
the ones who bleed
we are the wound
everyone feels the pain
1.9k · Oct 2017
Joseph Miller Oct 2017
Tiny curls of ink
on page after page
covered in a notebook
locked in a drawer
the silent voice
offers release
for grand ideas
and beautiful dreams
swirling in my mind

words of pain and delight
of love and hate
never made it to my lips
trapped in muted darkness
they stick to the sheets
never to change
never to betray
feelings that went
screaming onto the page

no one  will ever know
what lay hidden inside
buried with me
the pages crumble
silent feelings
turn to dust
1.9k · Jun 2017
Joseph Miller Jun 2017
Sunlight plays
across the field of flowers
alluring colors
consume me
in timeless beauty
sorrow fades
while joy skips easy
to new heights
the rare light
seized in my mind
this moment
I won't let go
yes I am
touched by something
that blooms and grows
reason to live
so obvious now
1.8k · Jun 2017
Joseph Miller Jun 2017
Pushed through pain
We are born
In a world shattered by chaos
We choke on the acid
Of toxic society
burning through
our inner being dissolves
Too young
I grabbed the ears
Of the lion
and fought
to keep its jaws
Off my face
Dodging death
Next time
Won’t come
To us
The ego lies
While destiny hides
I wonder who
Where and why
Am I
Crawling in the dark
I beg the stars
Shine on me
With Infinite Compassion
I finally see
We are all
Boundless in spirit
Different currents
In the same river
We flow to the sea
All our joy
All our pain
One day
We leave it behind
This precious gift
Of life
Is love
To give
1.6k · Mar 2018
Joseph Miller Mar 2018
Take me
to the place
where you get lost
and I will find you
until the end of time
we will wander
through this world
with your heart
in mine
1.6k · Mar 2021
Mystic Light
Joseph Miller Mar 2021
You have found me
i am here
inside these glowing pixels
come with me
beyond the mystery
for just a moment now
move closer to the center
feel the power of life
transcending space and time
an infinite connection
lives forever
deep inside your mind
the essence of our being
does not fade or die
it knows the truth
and does not lie
all this i can tell
for i have seen the light
i want you to know
the spark of truth
is burning bright!
see more
1.5k · Apr 2019
Joseph Miller Apr 2019
On a sea of chaos
love floats
if you believe
then you know
love is seeing
goodness grow
1.5k · Apr 2022
Final Words
Joseph Miller Apr 2022
There she lay
No beautiful smile
No sparkling eyes
All life's energy spent
Now peace
In eternal sleep

She is gone
Only if we forget
The love she gave
Is ours to keep

We who knew her best
Are compelled by her noble way
To heed a greater love
Beyond flesh and blood

Let us sing her song again
Love is the key
Her spirit is ours
For all eternity
In memory of my mother who passed peacefully on 3:16 2021 into everlasting life
1.4k · Feb 2021
More Enlightened
Joseph Miller Feb 2021
The more enlightened
   you become
the more power
   you have

to create
a new mind
a new life
a new world!
1.4k · Jun 2018
Joseph Miller Jun 2018
From the top of the world
ribbons of ice
etch a path to the sea
Crumbling at the shore
icebergs drift
and melt
as sunlight lingers
whales sing and seals play
in blue depths unseen
the ocean floor splits apart
yielding the earths burning core
fountains of fire
hiss at the sea
in a cloud of steam
an island is born
with trees that bend
in relentless wind
the darkest storms
move on
leaving mist and light
dancing in the meadow
rainbows sparkle
on the lake's surface
while golden trout dart below
the sun slips behind the mountain
filling the valley
in cool shadows
the cabin looks warm
a crackling fire inside
someone smiling by the door
1.2k · Mar 2018
Joseph Miller Mar 2018
Whenever you're feeling down
just look up
the beauty in the sky
is always there
for you
and I
smiling bright
like the sun
above the clouds
and sky so blue
reflected in your eyes
every twinkle of the stars
I see how beautiful you are
always with me
and I
always with you
1.1k · Sep 2017
Joseph Miller Sep 2017
In the morning
I see them
coming over the edge
enlightened spirits
guide me
Through the day
I feel them
pulling me towards
all the answers
when I need them most
In the night
I hear them
whispering in my ear
Rest easy, they say
And I their humble servant
gladly obey
1.1k · Nov 2022
Beautiful Mind
Joseph Miller Nov 2022
The mind ...
a wild garden
where healthy
and unhealthy thoughts
pop up out of nowhere
Discard the weeds
Gather the fruit
and harvest the rewards
of a beautiful mind!
740 · Jan 2020
Global Warning
Joseph Miller Jan 2020
I'm sorry for us all
searching for shelter
in a hail storm of lies
lost our faith
in the future
thinking our time
will be the end of time
so sad
it makes me wanna cry
can't be right
or left
don't know
who to believe
what to say
for all humanity
the beauty of nature
burning away
in blackened trees
we're surrounded
by the ashes
so hard to see
but surely it's true
it's not too late
to rescue our fate
700 · Mar 2018
Joseph Miller Mar 2018
all alone
on the edge of the ocean
the moon pulls upon the sea
without a choice
the tide rises ...
but alas, the moon is a million miles away
I can't hold you in my arms
so I turn my face
from the pale blue light
so no one can see
the longing in my heart
that glistens on my cheek
like the spray of waves
reaching towards the night sky
only to fall
upon the silver sand
601 · Mar 2020
Miracles Unfolding
Joseph Miller Mar 2020
Against all odds
the power of creation
breaks through the void
radiating energy and spirit
that matters
at the center of your being
this spark of perfection
has never been touched
by fear or failure
Aligned with your soul
love becomes your guide
believe in the magic
living enlightened
blossoms for you
in miracles unfolding
the beauty of this world
I hope this serves as more than a distraction to current events
353 · Feb 2020
love finds love
Joseph Miller Feb 2020
Help me
find you
with an open mind

Let me
see you
proud of your design

Take me
with you
when you cross the line

Love me
for you
until the end of time

— The End —