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Aug 2023 · 441
Sandoval Aug 2023
But eyes that cannot see yours
and hands that cannot feel your warmth

my love, I would rather whither with the wind.

I would rather walk backwards to get closer
to you.

I would rather go back to the stars, come back
and start anew, just to return once more to you.

Jun 2023 · 820
Sandoval Jun 2023
There's a sad song in my eyes,
the melody of what could have been
the notes I'm eager to learn
just to hear you sing again

but the thing is you see
I'd rather feel you in these strings I caress
than stringing myself along believing
that somewhere out there there's
a song meant for us to play.

May 2022 · 228
Sandoval May 2022
He loved
me on his
worst days;

on his best
he couldnt even
my name.

To C. Always, R.
Dec 2021 · 3.1k
Sandoval Dec 2021
I was an infant soul.

He came to me in my dreams
as a lullaby only I could sing.

And he watched as I swiftly
rocked myself into a romance

only him and I could sway to.

To C.
Sep 2021 · 1.4k
Sandoval Sep 2021
But it was my fault
thinking we could build statues out of dust
we dissolved with the wind
and when autumn came
we became ruins inhabited by
the memories of May.

To C.
Jan 2021 · 2.0k
Broken Halo
Sandoval Jan 2021
I am not paradise.
I am a broken angel.

A featherless pair of wings
and a burnt out halo

this is what you'll get
with me.

I am not perfect but I am good and I promise I am worth it..
Jan 2021 · 2.6k
Sandoval Jan 2021
looked for
love in
closed lips;
being deaf
to all the
rest calling
her name.

Why do we always love what we can’t have?... #D
Jan 2021 · 1.6k
Sandoval Jan 2021
And if you
silence me,
let it be from
your eyes
into mine
like two

traveling through

Like two constellations traveling through time
Jan 2021 · 2.7k
Sandoval Jan 2021
I am not a princess
that needs to be saved.

I am a broken warrior,
a Valkyrie in distress.

An echo of a forgotten
strength that always comes

back in vigorous ways.

There is a war within myself and I intend on winning..
Jan 2021 · 713
Sandoval Jan 2021
There’s a
reason your
name is a
past tense;
destiny knew all
the broken
hearts you’d
leave behind.

A poem that came to me in one of my dreams tonight✨
Jan 2021 · 976
Paper Boats
Sandoval Jan 2021
Isn't it cruel?
How destiny
teases our future.
Having had
tall wooden ships,
we settled for

paper boats.

Dec 2020 · 1.1k
Sandoval Dec 2020
Daydreams are

they carry this false

that confuses our anxiety.
Then they leave us,

vulnerable to cope
with our reality.

An ode to daydreamers
Sincerely, a dreamy Pisces ✨
Dec 2020 · 1.2k
Sandoval Dec 2020
Love me in black or white.
I'm sorry sir,
but grey is not
compatible with my heart..

Its either or... no in betweens ..
Nov 2020 · 790
Sandoval Nov 2020
And if music were love, would my name
be the only letters you’d sing to the sky?

Nov 2020 · 419
Sandoval Nov 2020
There will never be
enough wine
to drown your

like there will never
be enough words

to write you
out of them..

Oct 2020 · 148
Sandoval Oct 2020
I was so focused on not
losing you,
that all along I never realized
it was you who was
losing me.

Oct 2020 · 204
Sandoval Oct 2020
Appreciate the
loneliness in me,

one day it won’t
beg for you no more.

Oct 2020 · 410
Sandoval Oct 2020
We were attached
by the same red string.
Except ours is wrapped around
our necks and each
time it gets harder and harder
to breathe; love wants
us together, but yet fate says
we simply cannot be.

Sep 2020 · 188
Sandoval Sep 2020
Our love was
a playground;
he played me
however he
wanted, and
my heart with
scrapped knees
would fall for
him every time.

Aug 2020 · 401
Sandoval Aug 2020
We locked eyes
and I knew then,
There was nothing
more beautiful
than the color of
tragedy. It’s like I
traveled In time
and submerged
my soul in an aura
of different emotions
love, heartbreak,
loneliness, hope,
all at once. An
adrenaline of hues.
Don’t we all live for
these feelings of
inspiration? The
of its vibration..

Aug 2020 · 121
Sandoval Aug 2020
Your ghost hands
still haunt my
wrists so I write
of phantoms
I’ll never kiss.
And I dream of
you at night
You promise
never to leave
But I wake up to
just an echo of a
dying memory.
We’re a cycle
you and I
you leave, I cry
You hurt,
and well I write.

Aug 2020 · 1.1k
Sandoval Aug 2020
Let only death
take your
lingering scent
away from me,
for there are no
without soul aching

Jul 2020 · 304
Sandoval Jul 2020
He’s lived within me
he’s been locked inside
the sporadic freckles
of my skin all along.
Please don’t
beg me to look at you;
for you have always
been the reassuring wind
that’s surrounded me;
but he, he is the eternal
night sky.
And could you not tell my love?
how the dimming
constellations in these
eyes of mine will always
mourn their home..

Could you not tell my love..
May 2020 · 297
Sandoval May 2020
He tells me
I belong to him.
He bathes me
in promises
and then dries me
with doubt while
I’m soaking
in his lies,
we promise each
other eternal love
night after night,
and yet
once the sun comes up,  
he always
says goodbye..

If it’s killing you, it’s not love..
Apr 2020 · 772
Sandoval Apr 2020
He had
Bogart eyes,
that sad,
tender look
when we last

Oct 2019 · 1.3k
Sandoval Oct 2019
Poor little
in love
with the all

We never stood a chance..
May 2019 · 933
Sandoval May 2019
But your soul
and my soul
are sown together;

maybe not in
this world,
but in the stars,
in the air,
in other galaxies,

these strings
we carry are

Dec 2018 · 2.5k
2 AM..
Sandoval Dec 2018
The devil

he's a pair of
green eyes,

and a 2 AM text

message in the

Nov 2018 · 9.2k
Sandoval Nov 2018
You said you

were made to

swim free;

but, my darling

I'm a harbor not

the sea..

Sep 2018 · 1.7k
Sandoval Sep 2018
I bleed

not blood;

so if you hurt me,

I'll scar

not wounds.

Repost from a while ago. ♥
Sep 2018 · 544
Sandoval Sep 2018
I wish I could
rewind time;
other times, I wish I could
fast forward it.

Its the middle
that drives me crazy,

the one where there's no
you nor no me.
Just a vague memory
of what we used
to be.

Aug 2018 · 576
Sandoval Aug 2018
If you're not the
why does your touch
the way it does?
And tell me,
if your eyes are not the
why do they shine
the same shade

Aug 2018 · 1.5k
Sandoval Aug 2018
He's the devil;
reincarnated in a teasing smile.
He's hell running around
with the taste of caution
on his lips.
His sinful eyes, and
coward touch  
overrule a thousand kingdoms
in paradise.
He's my only eternity,
the only pair of eyes I want
to remember when I'm stranded
in that sweltering darkness
everyone fears so much.
Hes a million sunsets giving life to an
eternal moonlight, though his
sunrises will never be mine to own,
his fickle moon sets will
always guide me back to


Aug 2018 · 941
Sandoval Aug 2018
I wanted to give you
you wanted to give me
but baby, how could all this
just fit in this

Jul 2018 · 747
Sandoval Jul 2018
Men don't look at me with passion and love.
They look at me with lust and doubtful eyes,
because of my round hips, and small shoulders,
that I inherited from my mother,
and her mother before that.
Fourteen years old, i'm no longer just a skinny girl.
And growing up all I've ever heard,
is I'm blessed to have this body, to have this face.
As if that's the only thing I've got to chase.
As if that's the only thing I've got going for me;
so I was taught that beauty is the only thing I've got.  
27 years old, my family wonders why
I've got no boyfriend,
no husband, no family of my own,
when all my sisters, when all my cousins are all married
and i'm still alone. 27 years old, i'm crying in my room.
Men always seek a pretty face but never a soul,
that's what I tell them, after being repeatedly
asked why i'm always alone.
And I refuse to give up my body,
to give up my touch, to anybody that's more attracted
to my face than my
whats inside my head.
I'm more than just an over sexualized body, I'm more
than just a pair of big eyes and a pretty face.
I'm a hard working woman, who's gained consciousness
through her soul. I'm a late night on a roof top looking at
the stars and writing about the moon.
I'm a long conversation about the universe,
sipping wine underneath a black sky.  I'm all my broken
hearts and all my wishful dreams.
I'm a woman with a heart and soul like no other. I'm
everything and I'm nothing at all, but please never just
lust and fire.

To my family,  I love you all but please LET.ME.BREATHE..
Feb 2018 · 865
Sandoval Feb 2018
I will not succumb
to the pieces
you left of me.
I am more
than the broken bones
you shattered inside
of my skin..
I am magic,
I am fire,
I am everything you
ever wished,
but never could be;
I am free..

Feb 2018 · 1.3k
Sandoval Feb 2018
Ill be my own
I need no other
that are not my
telling me of all
the greatness
inside my star

Feb 2018 · 598
Sandoval Feb 2018
When you finally
realize how heavy
a goodbye can feel;

only then, only just then,
will you understand
how no amount of hellos,

will ever once again
be real..

Feb 2018 · 510
Sandoval Feb 2018
You lit
a fire with the
of burning the
but ran away
when its
flames turned

Feb 2018 · 605
My echoing Soul
Sandoval Feb 2018
I really don't know what to tell you.
I try to be the best human I can be,  I
sometimes care too much, I care a lot
about many things;

and it makes me depressed..
I've been depressed ever
since I can remember,
and i'm just really sad most of the time..
and not being happy, is the most awful
thing I could do to myself..

So before I can love you,
I must first love the grey pieces of my
old, echoing soul.. and if you wait,
wait for the sun to replace the moon.

I will gift to you, the buried light inside
my dusted, shivering bones..

Nov 2017 · 867
Sandoval Nov 2017
This road was wide

enough to let you run away,
and help you find your way.

But never long enough to bring
you back home, and

make you stay..

Nov 2017 · 522
Sandoval Nov 2017
Without your voice,

calling my name. My

silent muse, I am

deaf to it all ..

Nov 2017 · 686
Sandoval Nov 2017
About my love life ?
I read the same
book, over and over..
Having a shelf full of
them at my every
reach.. That should
tell you everything
you need to know
about the way I love..

Nov 2017 · 651
Sandoval Nov 2017
Poor girl,

sometimes you love so
much, so fiercley,

and so madly, that
you forget

not everyone is half as
mental as you..

Oct 2017 · 785
Before you
Sandoval Oct 2017
Do you remember, what it was like,
before you were born?
Before you came to this earth..

I don't. I have no recollection of who or what I was.
A million earth years could have passed by.
And yet, I still wouldn't remember who I was.
And I don't think I ever could.

This is how it feels. When you ask me,
who I was before you. My answer is, I don't remember.

There was nothing before you, nothing.
I was nobody before you, nobody.

You should have been called earth. 
 It is because of you that I live. And it is because of you,
that I see the whole universe' worth..

Oct 2017 · 611
Sunset blues
Sandoval Oct 2017
Under the October

Is where the sunset

took my heartbreak

Oct 2017 · 538
Sandoval Oct 2017
She was stardust; with a touch of

She carried the moon in her eyes,
and the sun in her smile.

But to me, she was fire;
with a wanderlust touch of

Oct 2017 · 531
Sandoval Oct 2017
I loved him.
And I love this brokenness he left in me.

The freckles on my chest,
that carry his name.

The loneliness in my eyes,
that wonder where he sleeps at night.

I carry his pain,
and I sleep with it in the dark,
when the sun is still out.

It's better than feeling numb.
This hurt, tells me he's still alive inside of me.

He's the reason my dead heart,
still tries to beat for life.

Oct 2017 · 553
Sandoval Oct 2017
Kiss* me,
where I am broken the most.

Lust for me,
when I look in the mirror,
and I am no longer beautiful.

And baby, love me;
when the sun turns black, and these
bones no longer feel like

Oct 2017 · 901
Sandoval Oct 2017
She was the

type of girl

who breathed in stars, and

spit out


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