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221 · Jul 2018
Genuine Others
Colm Jul 2018
A wonder for one
Is there someone?
Waiting to massage your shoulders
And to see you smile
When it's not for others
But for yourself?

Is there dinner waiting
And a willingness willed?
To serve when the service
Has all but ended?

What is the sound of when
There is no public ear?
Is your voice for real
Or just for retail?

Because the shoulders ache
In the service of others
As all smiles do tire
On the road to work

But hands, kind hands
Have the kindness to admire
How they wait to be held
How they want to hold
Genuine Others
Colm Oct 2019
Would it be rude of me?
At such a far proximity
To not breathe breath back into our being?

Cold and quiet as the morning
Laying still like the undisturbed sheets
Windowless without sense or feeling

Would you consider it mean?
If I chose to not let this proud chest beat?
And collapse in a time like the hills into a cavity

Just as riverous words cuts the valley sharp
And the tongue softens both pen and quill
How rude would it be if I didn’t care about our relationship lying still?
Sometimes it’s best just to let the patient go. And please know. That this piece is about no one who writes or has written like this. *nod nod* It's about no one in particular.
221 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
Grass browned and cut with a chawing cud
Fat and round with a sun burnt down

Unlike me

Not a one of them knows a breath of Frost
Or has ever weighed over an ounce of Cummings evenly


We are different makers, different means
With different paths to guided completely differently

And thank God for that
And this preferential me
Thank God for that

Fervent Series (3/10) - 06/23/19
220 · Dec 2019
When Home Isn't Home (Go)
Colm Dec 2019
Too much time
Not enough air
Stale paling walls and melted snow
Sometimes home is the one place to which you cannot go
The one thought of which you dare not revisit in there
When Home Isn't Home (Go)
Colm May 2020
One of these days the world will wake up
And I won't be in her bed anymore
Stroll through the earths kitchen commonly
To no blueberry sounds or pancake feelings flat
And then just like that
She'll know and know
That I'm nothing like her
And so this morning
I go
What can I say? I'm a good pretender and I'm nothing like you.
219 · Jul 2019
Little Things
Colm Jul 2019
When one man says
"All the little things"
He is looking into the eyes of her
In love and drunk on summers wine
Before the winters fall
As if the endless summers were yet alive on this earth

When in reality
"All of the little things"
We do, and say, and act to be
Are but seasons we have aligned with time
Are but dusty feelings
Stirring occasionally in a field full of tempered streams
Little things
219 · Feb 2018
A Vision
Colm Feb 2018
I've been having this dream
These visions of lovers in each others arms
One always looking down lovingly on the other

Wrapped up in a world known only to them
To escape the old days which are fading away
Looking outwardly in

Some of which, are located at the place where old memories begin
But only one side can see
The exact detail of such fond memories

For to sleep in the arms of another companion
Is to forget that they
May have been wide awake

And to hold with these
Be it both sets of arms
Two lovers it takes from each in part
If the memories are meant to last - they will - and if not - they fade and pass over the hill - of time
218 · Nov 2021
A Constant Dream
Colm Nov 2021
There is no human hope
Which a train, a plane, or breeze
Cannot whisk away at a steady pace

But the sunlight calls
In its glorious dawning truth revealed
With each day arriving still

No cloud can keep us from the sun
Forever less
From each other be it willed
Fifteen Feelings. A set of poetry crafted spontaneously on my day off.
218 · Aug 2017
The Inevitable
Colm Aug 2017
I admire those who aren't caught in traps
Who can commit themselves to something else
And not feel trapped by the weight

Because time doesn't matter if you're content
And nothing is ever wasted if never spent

I admire those who don't fear their own fate
But embrace the fact that they've embraced
It's bound to happen after all...
218 · Oct 2021
Concrete and Clay
Colm Oct 2021
You are not bound by your genetics, only inclined by them. You can change, your degrees, to a degree.

I find.

We are all inclined
We are all mutts and mixed bags.
218 · Feb 2019
Mind You
Colm Feb 2019
It’s not about romanticizing the failure
But realizing the redundancy
The struggle to be thankful and kind
In a world full of fleeting feelings blind

Mind you

Encouragement often flees from truth
And the staying therein of proof
Is what's easier said than done
Not to mention most often true
Originally titled Weary Wide Eyes...

Why I'm not sure.
218 · Jan 2019
Breathing You Out
Colm Jan 2019
I’ve let your echo
Ruminate and round
For far too long
And now
I breathe you out
Like smoke ingested
217 · Jan 2021
The Actor
Colm Jan 2021
How can you be someone else
If you don't know every side
And corner of your own self
217 · Aug 2017
Colm Aug 2017
It's not that I hate people

I don't

It's that I hate those expectations of myself

Which I place upon myself

When such people are near
217 · May 2019
How Intuitives Write
Colm May 2019
I do not worship nothing
Because it's the opposite of something
Instead I find only slight praise in those moments
When a quiet something new emerges
From what I perceive to be
But probably isn't
Nothing at all
Nothing is something. How Intuitives write.
217 · Apr 2018
Unscripted Fate
Colm Apr 2018
Create for yourself
The life you most want
And live it out now
Before it's too late

Admit what is true
About yourself
And embrace it now
So that you can escape

Into goodness of this
Your future at present
Would you breathe it in now?
Your unscripted fate
The longer I live, the more I'm blessed to discover different things about myself. Like how orderly I really am, and the reasoning behind the way I do things. What is preference vs. what is idea or wishful thinking. My point in sharing this with you, is to remind these eyes—my own included—that they can have what they desire, that is if you're willing to admit it and work for it. Nobody is really stopping you. GET TO IT!
216 · Jul 2020
Regarding Feelings Felt
Colm Jul 2020
When I think about it. Like the dawn forgotten. Such feelings begin before we're even aware of them. Grow before we can even control them. And usually break before we could begin to explain them. Steadily forward and with a vision of hope, we all flow and have feelings floating around in our heads. Well most.
216 · Dec 2020
Colm Dec 2020
If you loved me - then - it's not me
I've already come and gone and went
216 · Sep 2019
Holiday Coffee
Colm Sep 2019
All my favorite
Coffee shops
Closed at noon
The only problem
Is that I
Only open up
Soon after that

Holiday Coffee crew
Holiday Coffee
215 · Nov 2019
How Words Appear
Colm Nov 2019
I was walking
Down a path of premeditated evergreen
Kicking at pinecones with a well-known song
When you came along
And in looking down at this discovery
Not that you fell too far for me
But there you were
Most beautiful and suddenly
There and aware
You became known to me
Suddenly they appear... What a wonderful way to live life.
Colm Dec 2019
Closing eyes to remain alive
No breath remains intact
With open mind over Pacific ends
No Atlantic hope will last
215 · Feb 2019
Light Polution
Colm Feb 2019
Chances are
When there's not a star in the night sky
That it's you who cannot see past the light
And the pollution you choose to allow in your eyes

Just as the stars are always there
Never far from out of sight
So many people, myself included, say that God has abandon them, when he's never truly left. Just as the stars are always there. He is. Never far from out of sight.
215 · Jun 2018
Out Of This World
Colm Jun 2018
It doesn't hurt
To not be valued
By those who do not know your worth


What hurts is when the human heart
Desires the starlight
Beyond its own earth
But then again...who doesn't want extraordinary?
214 · Aug 2018
Colm Aug 2018
Telling yourself not to not
Is not enough
It's already a thought
214 · May 2018
The Blacklist Question
Colm May 2018
The most dangerous creative question, is asked not in part but entirely in sum.

Plain and simple, black listed.

"You inspire me..."

"But where do you get your ideas from?"
Distant original concept taken from a Neil Gaiman interview.
214 · Apr 2019
Colm Apr 2019
When you find it
Put your finger on it
And press it down on the table before you
All you want is it, over and over again
For that present moment of non-suffering
To continue on
And to never end
Wherever it is, in faith or not. Hold on to it for a little bit. And then let go of it once again. As is our nature.
214 · Feb 2019
Photo Shoots
Colm Feb 2019
Shooting spree
Fatal none
(that I know)
The camera man once me
Photo shoots
Colm Dec 2019
Speak and say whatever you want
Lending ears to hear as a skill indeed
Let the tongue-shaped mouth declare itself
But watch also for these, for their actions to see
As the truth is often as shaped by the thought
So also the action reveals the belief
Does he just say it, or does he act it out?

Do you proclaim it, but fail to live it?

Ask, please. Don't wait.
212 · Aug 2019
Adventurous Worry
Colm Aug 2019
Rarely do I understand
The beginning as it begins

Rarely do I comprehend and recognize
The middle of any consequence
As it leads to its inevitable, relatable, end

Rarely is how I would say
And without breadth
Is how all great adventures begin
Unplanned isn't always a bad thing, so much as it is an occasional necessity for some people.
Colm Feb 2021
The only windows
which appeal to me
Are the two of gleaming intrepid green
        which I see in you
211 · May 2018
Under Thinking
Colm May 2018
Time to be,
Not even yourself.
In the memories of another.
Doing so helps.
How to stop it. Sometimes.
211 · Jun 2022
Colm Jun 2022
Some mountains just refuse to be climbed
Don't dispair, or blame, or take it personally
No, the no trespassing signs are of their own design
1Sight . Do not despair, Fitzwilliam
211 · Jun 2018
A Gift
Colm Jun 2018
A little vial of the light that's behind my eyes, next to the wrinkles. Would you keep it on a chain around your bed post? And pull it out from beneath your pillow, occasionally, when you cannot sleep, to illuminate the night?
My soul for yours
211 · Jan 2019
Colm Jan 2019
Gentle trees
Harsh Winters
And the mulberry sunlit rays between

Fall down on me like splintering pines
Though the winter scolds
God save the gentle trees
God save them still. Forever the noise of these.
211 · Jul 2019
Life Will Never Wait
Colm Jul 2019
Real life is neither the work nor the time spent waiting inbetween. The sacrifice or the freedom perceived. No, there is more to it now than there has ever been. Due to the congruent moments and the minutes passing. Because the real exists, not at the initial signs of belief. But at the time at which you realize that, you began long ago almost instantly.
It's already happening
Colm May 2021
I don't know why...

The moon in its endearing way
Encircles us on breathless string along
Or why the tides cry ill each night
Only to be in court for the hearing at dawn

The rushing lawns of browning green
Or why they need a trim to fall
Or the crisping leaves of sweeping scenes
And why they whisper around me at all

The rock and stone the smoothing ore
Beneath waters rushing to and fro
No crackling snow left sparks alive
No mountain stream running by itself alone

But out of all of these things which I do not know
Of what and why and whethering seems
Like the lines of growing seeds to sow
Why it's your eyes behind that I wish to know

I don't.
She rejected me, but it makes me smile. Because if feels better this way. I remain unchanged.

whethering - | the act of repetitive self-doubt (whether you should or shouldn't) specifically when you should.
210 · Aug 2019
Clarion Sound
Colm Aug 2019
When the cloud drums sound
Piercing silence aloud
Booming minstrel singing in the collective song of time
Once again then I
Not in Eru Ilúvatar
But in the clarion voice of Christ
Be found

We are all one in song alike
We are all one
We are all one in song alike
We are all one
210 · Jan 2021
Dear Intuitive
Colm Jan 2021
Inbound thought.
Outbound prayer.
Are you well?
Are you versed?
Colm Sep 2018
I want to go beyond your clouded skies
Love deeper than the ocean bed
And lie peacefully beneath the trees of ease
My love and I
Quietly watching the leaves float by
Almost titled this "Shared Vision"
210 · Feb 2019
Self Help
Colm Feb 2019
The self says no
You cannot be
All that you once we're never me

Albeit truth past all within
There is also future time yet spent
To be more than all that has ever been

So move yourself
Til you you move again
Before the self can find it's voice and then

Would you tell yourself
You must
You can
209 · Jan 2021
Showering Together
Colm Jan 2021
I had a thought
the other day
(in the shower).

And we
(in our fooling around)
both slipped and fell
on a bar of soap
called reality.

Painfully fun it was.
Hue hue.

From my second notebook titled "Shower Thoughts."
207 · Sep 2021
Oddly Intimate
Colm Sep 2021
Having is not having
And nothing exists
When can be more than something

TOD set
207 · Nov 2017
Subconscious Stories
Colm Nov 2017
Is the mind within the pages of these
The books of forever
The eternal novels
Which line the wall of consciousness
But never open to eyes awake*

I could add more but you wouldn't believe me
Sleeping giant
A yarn about how a human both can and cannot in thought.
207 · Dec 2017
Like What Love
Colm Dec 2017
Deep like oceans
Flowing like rivers
Falling like leaves
And growing like trees
     Running like the animals atop the earth
     Sounding like horns on the holy night
     And burning like the sun in the summer sky
          True like the words the apostles did speak
          And round like the earth with its edges beneath
               Stained like ink
               And pressed like books
               And tested like an automobile which looks
               Like Christmas morning gifted to man
                    Like the clattering of pots and pans
                    And the soothing touch of a mothers hand
                         Like this, like that
                         Is what love is to me
                              But what love is for you
                              May still yet to be seen
So much more here could be said. But I prefer to save my breath.
207 · Apr 2022
More About Skiing
Colm Apr 2022
This mountain knows my every move
From memories pulled like frigid springs
It remembers how my childish feet
Once loved to steer, and weave, and groove
This mountain knows my through of through

And even when old days are spent
And my parents go into their own recluse
My children will find a youthful strength
And stammer with joy about
And why?
Because this mountain loves the way we move

I can feel it still
I can sense it through
206 · Feb 2021
death is mortal
Colm Feb 2021
We aren’t living and dying
   (in this world)
      The living and dying are     of   this world
206 · Dec 2018
Homeliness and Homelessness
Colm Dec 2018
You dust the cobwebs
Dawn the attic
Wear the house like a flared dress
So that I can see the not so bitter end
How our world would end

And I’ll pull the nails of our old lives out
One by one until all around  
Fall the remnants of these former towns

Building homes amidst adventures is not how
206 · Aug 2021
Creating for, a tanka
Colm Aug 2021
Give me amber warm
And woodgrain soft as sandstone
To meet with pressure
Over time and many miles
My hands will lead you homeward
Visions and lights (6)
Colm Jan 2020
Be it called by my own name
I must reply now
Not in haste or anger still
But in active truth most kind
A Tanka For How I Hope I'd Respond
205 · Apr 2022
Many Partings
Colm Apr 2022
Old friends fade like sun-filled days
And last no longer than the rain
Which turns to winters waste above

And yet
I grow like trees
Even when I don't want to

And see them go below
To death
Where these memories and away friends go

Into the un, "I do not know" them
This is me, saying goodbye to a friend who passed away. And also getting rid of some toxic memories.

RIP Alex.
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